HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-04-05, Page 4Boy Soloists Top 'Their Class Richard Shaildick, left, took first prize for boys' solo in the 14-and-under age group, and Arthur McMichael was first among the seven-and-unders, at the Hullett Township Music Festival last week. Both are pupils at S'S 11 where the teacher is Miss Flora Turnbull. NALS David G. Pitt, son of Rev, and Mrs. T. J. Pitt, Varna, has been awarded a fellowship valued at $1,500 by the Humanities Research Council, Ottawa, He is an assoc- iate professor in the English de- partment in the Newfoundland Memorial University, St. John, Newfoundland. ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Frei/11in, Organist Mrs. J. M. Elliott, Choir Leader 11.00 a,m,-Morning Prayer and Sunday School-- "Farewell". Monday, April 9-8.00 p.m.-Board of Management and Congrega- tional meeting. Huron Street BAPTIST CHURCH Minister-REV. J. E. OSTROM 11:00 a.m.-Morning Service 12.15 p.m-Sunday School 7,00 p.m.-Evening Service ALL WELCOME tiniteb Chttrd) REV; HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M, R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE. Choir Director 10.45 aan.-The Session will meet. 11,00 a.m. -Morning Worship, Re-Dedication. of Members; Reception of New Members; The Holy •Cornmunion. 11,20 a.m.-Priniary Meal 12,15 ,p.m.-Church School. Union Evening Service in Ontario Street United Church. HOLIVIESVILLE 1,30 p.m.-Church Service. Sunday School Come to the House of Prayer Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday School N 0.45 a.m. Breaking of Bread ..,... 11,,00 a.m. Gospel Service 8.00 p.M. TUESDAY, 8 p.m. -- Prayer and Bible Study, "A hearty Welcome, Awaits You" Sunday, April 8, 1956 oil r ay Specials Effective April 5.6-7 NATURE'S BEST CHOICE PEAS SWIFT'S GOLDEN DEW MARGARINE 10 15 oz. tins $1.00 4 1 lb. pkgs. $1.00 APEX FRUIT COCKTAIL 4 15 EMBRO SOLID LIGHT TUNA MEAT 5 7 CAMPBELL'S SOUPS- All Chicken Varieties 6 10 STOKELY'S FANCY APPLE JUICE 10 20 CAMPBELL'S SOUPS- Vegetable or Tomato 8 10 LENNOX FANCY APPLE SAUCE 7 20 oz. tins $1.00 oz. tins $1.00 oz. tins $1.00 oz. tins $1.00 oz. tins i$1.00 oz. tins $1.00 Herb's Food Market Herb. Bridle, Prop. STOKELY'S FANCY CREAM CORN 7 15 oz: tins $1.00 BORDEN'S EVAPORATED MILK. 8 large tins $1.00 PETER PAN SWEET POTATOES 10 20 oz. tins $1.00 E. D. SMITH'S CHERRY PIE FILL 3 20 q. tins $1.00 PLUS MANY OTHER SPECIALS--SEE OUR DISPLAYS Two Check-Outs to Serve You Better! • Tote-Carts for Easier Shopping-Plus what we feel to be the Most Complete Grocery Stock in Town - COME SEE FOR YOURSELF. NOW! PHONE 40 FREE DELIVERY do it yourself... save money! Why hose dull, woro.looking toots? Just us* our Clark. routal Root ibquifintient I. Oyu your ftdors ,law brilliencel We provide everything yoer meet and full, easy Instructions, pflomi for your Clailai teliftil equipment today) BALL & MUTCH FURNITURE and HARDWARE Phonic '105 Alm 044 Clinton REVISED GARBAGE COLLECTION SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE APRIL 'I Friday Morning's Route chang- ed to Thursday Afternoon. Friday Afternoon's Route chang- ed to Friday Morning. S at ur day Morning's Route changed to Friday After- noon. Saturday Afternoon's Route changed to Saturday Morn- ing. HELP ME TO KEEP YOUR TOWN CLEAN. ART u RD Phone Clinton '73W 12-3-4-p CLE-RE-VU Auto Wreckers Dunlop Tire Auto Lite Battery Sales and Service PAG3 F. 3 CLINTON NEWS-.330QAP MUMMY, APRIL 6r 1956 Easter In. 'Bayfield Church Has Thirty. Taking Part In.Pageant Goderich•Twp. Finalizes Local Telephone System The regular meeting of the God- erich Township council was held in Holmesville on Monday evening, April. 2 with all members present. C. K. Wise, and. John Watson were present to explain the: method used in refunding certain telephone monies to subscribers. Ben Holcomb, of the Sandy Con- tracting Co. was present to explain his contract re' gravel for the township, Council decided• to ac- cept his. offer of 60 cents per yard, for 12,000 yards, subject* to ap- proval of the district engineer. It was decided to charge 15 cents per head, per spray, for cattle out- side the municipality, that must be treated for warbles. The rate for residents of the township who wish to spray is 12 cents per head, per spray.. Council adjourned till May 7 at 8,30 p.m. WMS THANKOFFERING IN WESLEY-WILLIS CHURCH The Wesley-Willis Woman's Mis- sionary Society Thankoffering will be held in the lecture room of the church on, Thursday afternoon, April 12, at three o'clock, with Rev. H. C. Wilson as guest speak- er. All members and associate members are invited to attend. (1$y our Rayfield, correspondent) The Easter pageant, "Fairest Lord Jesus" was. presented in the 1303.11eld, United Church On Easter Sunday evening with over 30 tak- ing' part. The setting was very beautiful• with palms and fiewers and the light of candles and in the centre, .standing high, the "co Rugged Cress", Miss Clara Clark was the Mr; rater, telling the story of Jesus, while the actors came on, each giving his tribute, First, a group of children (Barbara Turner, Margaret and. Marion Porter, Rose., marie. and Ramona Telford, Ruth- ann Scotchmer, Margaret Smith, and Linda Scotchmer) singing praises And carrying flewers, which they deposited at the foot of the cross; then another group (Ray -.Leonard; George Lindsay, Michael Greer, Douglas Telford, Douglas. Kingsbury) led by Mrs. George - Simons and speaking of Jesus' kindness to little children, In this scene, Ray Leonard sang very beautifully, "I think when; I read that sweet story of old". Rev. P. Renner and Elgin Porter, two pilgrims, came in and talked of Jesus miracles, 7pecially of "how He had, fed' the multitudes with five loaves and two fishes", Mrs, Robert Welsh, as' Claudia, • wife of Pilate, told of her meeting with Jesus and how it had affected her; She was .aceOMpanied by a friend, .Catherine Welsh, who sang very sweetly, filn . the ,Cross of • Christ I Glory", 'Matthew represented by John Campbell; Mary Magdalene, by Mrs. Harvey Kellner; Peter, by Den MacKenzie, .each paid his own tribute to Christ, .standing and kneeling at .the foot of the, cross. Three women of Jerusalem, Mary, 'Joanna and Salome {Mrs. Jack Scotchrner, Mrs, Walter Tur- ner and Mrs, H. Hohner) announc- ed that they had been at the tomb' And that Jesus was not there; but risen from the dead. Mary Mag- dalene also hurried' in to add her testimony. . , The choir in ' the background sang hymns illustrating the storyi. "Fairest Lord Jesus", the theme song; "Break Thou the Bread of Life"; "When I Surv‘y the 'Wond- rous cross"; "Jesus the Lord is Risen Today"; "The Strife is (Yee. Anna Porter and Pat Scotchmer sang as a duet, "I Came to the Garden Alone", In the closing. scene, all the eharaciters• were on the stage while the choir sang, "Fairest Lord Jesus", after 'which all retired carrying with them their lighted candles and the minister pronounc- ed the benediction, Raymond Scotchmer directed the colored lights, adding much to the beauty of the scene. And Mrs: Don Kingsbury presided at the organ throughout. GOOD WILL CLUB TO MEET TUESDAY The Good Will Club of Wesley- Willis United Church. will meet in the Sunday School room on April 10 at 8 p.m. Mrs. Reg. Ball will be the guest speaker. 0 MISS EVELYN HALL TO SPEAK TO ONTARIO ST. GIRLS CLUB The, regular monthly meeting of the Ontario Street Girls' Club will be 'held in the church parlour on Thursday, evening, April 12 at 8.00 p.m. Guest speaker will be Miss Evelyn Hall, Clinton librarian. Group one, will be in charge of proceedings. Friendship- Club Honours. Two Departing Ladies :St, Paul's Friendship Club met in the Parish Nall on Wednesday, March n with president Mrs. J, W, Canister in. charge. The meeting Was a social to bid . farewell to two faithful members; Mrs, R, M. P. Bulteel who is leav- ing for the West Coach and Mrs, Ervin Andrews who leaves in the near future for France,. Court Whist was enjoyed by 38 members after which Mrs, A, Croz- ier and Mrs, W. Burton presented Mrs. Baliteel with a gold pen and . Mrs. Andrew with a rhinestone broach. The gifts were enclosed in 'two large chocolate Easter eggs, adding to the Easter decor. carried out by 'an attractively decorated tea table. Mrs, Bulteel will always be re- membered by the Friendship Club members for her faithful co•-opera- tion particularly for the Friend- ship club opening prayer which she coMposed some years' ago. A dainty lunch was served by the hostesses of the evening, Mrs. W. L. Morlok, Mrs. T. Pwyford and Mrs. E. Switzer. o Ontario Street WA Hears Talk. On Evangelism The Ontario Street Church. Wo- man's Association met on Tuesday, April 3 in the church parlor with the president, Mrs. B. Lavis, in charge. \ Mrs. S, Schoenhals gave a little' insight into the evangelistic, mis- sion and every member was asked to fill in a questionaire to get the feeling of how this was to be handled' by the WA. A duet was sung by Mrs. J. Mc- Knight and Mrs. Pratt, Mrs, M. Wiltse gave a splendid talk on a religious play she had seen while at Haines City, Fla.; it was most fascinating, the_ way she explained it. Stephen Brown played two piano solos. Lunch was served by ladies of St. John's Ward. Local. Young Bride Feted Prior To Marriage On Tuesday evening, March 20, a surprise party was held by 12 friends for Miss Edith Jones, at the home of Miss Doreen Stroud, 234 Central Ave., London. The evening was spent in playing cards, Edith was presented with a groc- ery shower, an unusual but very useful idea. Much fun was created by recording Edith's comments as she opened the many parcels, then playing it back to her when she had finished. The hostess served a lovely lunch. On Wednesday afternoon, March 28 at closing time, all members of Edith's typing team at London Life, gathered around her desk and presented her with a bathroom set. The "girls she ate with" in the cafeteria at noon presented her with two chenille bedroom rugs. On Thursday morning the com- plete, department at London Life presented her with an electric clock, 0 $10 Fine Levied; Damage High Freeman Tunney, managef of the Teeswater District Co-opera- tive, was fined $10 and costs in court here, when he plead guilty to careless driving in connection with an accident which occurred on Victoria Street on March 16. His car was involved in a two car crash in which $1,400 estimated damagez was incurred. He carried insurance. PERS Miss Mary Jamieson, Toronto, is spending the Easter vacation' with her sisters, Misses E. and F, Jam- ie,son, Harris and David Oakes, Univer- sity of Toronto, spent Easter with 'their parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Oakes; Mrs, Dohier and Miss' Catherine and Phyllis, Hamilton, spent the Easter weekend with Mr. and Mrs, W. W. Cook, Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth M. Break- ey and son Richard, Zurich, spent Good Friday with Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Carless. Rev. and Mrs. Roy Cook, Chat- ham, spent Easter Monday with , their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam W. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Evans, St. Thomas, Were Easter visitors with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter. Miss Bertha Webster, Toronto, is spending the Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Webster; Mr. and Mrs. William Andrews, Toronto, spent Eastertide with the farmer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank AndreWs, Mr. and. Mrs. W. B. I3iggart, and their daughter Barbara, Exe- ter, spent Easter weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. 1Big- .gart. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Miller and family, Windsor, were Easter visit- ors with their parents, Mayor W. J. Miller :and Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Connell. Mr. and Mrs. George Hepburn and family, Toronto, visited here last weekend. with the Tatter's. par- ents, and attended the Coiquhoun- Jones wedding on Saturday. Mrs. Hepburn and children remained for the Easter holiday week. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS. MORGAN AGNEW, Choir Leader and Organist Sunday, April 8 10.00 a,m.--Church School. 11.00 a.m.-Morning Service-- The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed. New members will be received, The Kirk Session. will meet at 10.30 sharp. Everyone Welcome to Worship at St. Andrew's BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH BODENHAM, Pastor 10.00 a.m.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship Services. 7.30 parr,--Gospel Service You are cordially invited to these services. Joseph street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Order of Meetings for the Lord's Day 11.00 aan,-Breaking of Bread 3.00 p.m.-Children's Meeting 7.00 p.m.-Gospel Meeting ALL WELCOME PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.0,C. Victoria Street, Clinton K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor irildftY, April 6- 8.00 p,m-Christ's Ambassadors Sunday, April 8- 10.00 aan.-Sunday School 11.00 a.m.-Morning Worship 7.30 p,m,-Gospel Service, Tuesday, April 1.0- 8.00 p.m.-Regular Prayer and . Bible Stud., Service. All Weloonie Cartoon Capers. Feature Prize Winner Named Mrs, Eldon, Yeoi RR .3; Clinton, has won the $30 in merchandise certificates that is the feature prize of 'the Cartoon Capers ten,. test. Her title "In the :Cough Drop Business?" was judged as the best suggested title from among the 26 weekly prize winners who were eligible for the gand prize, Mrs, Yee's winning title was' for the 20th week of the contest, Final Card Party; Presentation To Lodge Members The last card party of the season was held by the Clinton LOL and LOBA in their lodge rooms on Tuesday evening, at which time a presentation was held for Mr. and Mrs. Erwin "Red" Andrews, who expect to be leaving for France in the near future. Asa Deeves read the address and presentations to, each of the Andrews were made by the Worthy Master Mervyn Fal- coner and Worthy Matron, Mrs, Wilfred Glazier. Prizes were awarded to: high, Mrs. T. Glazier and Master Har- rison; low, Mrs. John Henderson and Henry Sloman. Mr. Sloman also was winner of the "lucky chair" prize. A donated basket of groceries was won by Charles Nelson, 0 Holstein Night For Ladies On Thursday, April 5 The annual ladies' night program held by the Huron County Holstein Club is planned for tonight, Thurs- day evening, April 5 in the agri- cultural office board room, Clinton. Guest speaker will be Jim Need- ham, Ripley, immediate past presi- dent of the Bruce County Junior Farmers Association, who will show slides on his trip to Eng- land, Scotland and Ireland as a member of the Junior Farmers overseas delegation last year. Gordon F. Bell, St. Marys, field- man of the Ontario association will also be present. Musical entertain- ment and refreshments will help make this a real social function of the club, 0 Adjourn Case Against Varna Man Indefinitely Randall Douglas Jones Private funeral service was, con- ducted at the home .of Mr, and Mrs. Norman Baird, Brucefield (Concession 2, Stanley Township)' on Monday afternoon, April Rev, Sidney Davison, Brucefield United .Qhnrch, for Randall las Jones; eight month old son of Mr. and Mrs, Douglas Jones (nee Thelma Baird), Clinton, Pall-bearers Were Orrin Baird, Gerald. Baird, Bruce 'Biggins, and Alvin Jones, Flower-bearers were Elaine Taylor, Irene Taylor, Shan, on Baird, Darlene Laughlin, Mar, Ilya Potter, Alvin Potter and. Bev- erley Biggins, Interment was in Baird's Cemetery, Attending the funeral were per- sons from. Detroit, London, Gode- rich; Seaforth, Hensall and Clinton. Little "Randy" passed away in London Hospital', on Saturday, March 31, where he had been a, patient for two days, - 0 . . ST. ANDREW'S GIRLS WILL MEET TUESDAY The regular meeting of the Girls' Club of St. Andrew's Presbyterian' Church will 'be held in the Sunday School room of the church on Tuesday evening, April 10 at 8.15. ORGANIZATION MEETING of the PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE WOMEN IN CLINTON COUNCIL CHAMBER Town Hall, Clinton y Frida , pril 6 8.00 p.m. GUEST SPEAKER: ELMER BELL, Q.C., Exeter, Ontario New Canadian Women Welcome Come and Bring a Friend I NOW WRECKING: 1949 Monarch 1948 Ford 1949 Ford 1946 Dodge 1948 Monarch 1946 Olds 1948 Mercury 1948 Hudson 1947 Mercury 1947 International 1 Ton 1946 Fargo Parts for Older Makes of Cars. 15" Wheels-Ford & Chev. Used 16" Tires Phone CLINTON 601J2 12-3-4-5-b ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "TM PItItIsTIAilt C/IURCII" PASTOlt.,,-,RBV: A, GLEN BAGLID, /t,Aq ORGANIST -,MRS. E. WENDOltr SUNDAY, APRIL 8- 0.15 A.M.-S=16y School 11,00 Aart,--Morning Worship 7,30 par)., Song Service 8,00 p.m.-Evening Worship - 111oWs Council Huron Presbytery conducting, Ttitnees 2.00 p,n Divine Worship :06 today School. YOU DON'T PLAN 'TO GET' ANYWHERE... . . BUT the surest and fastest way to build, a nest- egg against future emerg- encies is with INSURANCE. I have an insurance plan to fit YOUR varied needs. Call me today for details. H. E. HARTLEY Canada Life Assurance Company Phone 454W - Clinton 1 TENDERS FOR. COAL and COKE FEDERAL BUILDINGS PROVINCE OF ONTARIO SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed as above, will be received until 3,00 p.m. (EST), THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1956, for the supply of coal and cake for the Federal Buildings throughout the Province of Ont, Forms of tender with .spccifica- tions arid conditions attached can be obtained from the Chief of Pur- chasing and Stores, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, and the District Architect, 385 Yonge St., To ronto, Ont, Tenders will not be considered unless made on or according to the printed forms supplied by the De- partment and in 'accordance with condilions set forth therein. The Department reserves' the right to demand from any succesSful tenderer, before awarding the or- der, a seeuritydeposit in the form of a CER,TIrIE,D cheque drawn on a bank incorporated tinder the Bank Act or the Quebec Savings Bank Act payable to the order of the Receiver General of Canada, equal to ton per cent of the amount of the tender, in accordance with the Government Contracts RegUla- lions now hi force-, or Bearer Bonds, with utunatured coupons attached, of the Government of Canada .or of the Canadian Nation' al Railway Company and its con' stituent companies, unconditionally guaranteed as to prineillal and int.+ erect by the ••Governinent of Can', ads. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. . • MU= ronettm Chief of Administrative Services and Secretary, Department of Public Works, Ottawa, With 16, MO, 13,4-1). The case against Gordon Hill, Varna, in which he was charged with failing to make his cattle available for vaccination under the Brucellosis. Control Act, was ad- journed sine die, in magistrate's court here on Tuesday afternoon. Crown Attorney Glen Hays re- ported that since the previous ad- journment on March 20, Mr. Hill had made his cattle available, and three had been vaccinated. How- ever, most of the cattle which had been considered eligible for the vaccine by Dr. Worton, provincial veterinarian and Dr. Coxon, Zur- ich, had been 'sold. (Of interest in this matter, is the fact that a new Act govern- ing brucellosis control has been passed by the Ontario Government, and effective some time this fall, the Department of Agriculture will assume costs for the vaccination.) HURON PRESBYTERIAL WMS MEET IN EXETER TUESDAY ' The Huron Presbyterial of the Woman's Missionary Society of the United Church of Canada, will meet in James Street Church, Exe- ter, next Tuesday, April 10. Any ladies wishing to attend, are asked to contact Mrs. Charles Nelson. Is Your Subscription Paid Up? Check the Label Now to be Sure 4t4-4444-4+444-4444-.4044-10-44444444-4--.4444 BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONIE‘ MOM =MIN' Reg. 500 for . 43c PASTRIES, CAKES, COOKIES and ROLLS Our Saturday Special Front heir Store : BOSTON GefitAM CAKE Serve Bartliff 's Enriched Bread CHOOSE FROM OUR ASSORTMENT OF