HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-03-29, Page 12(Continued from page pee) Jet 26 .or more; by Percy Gibbinge, past president of the , township federation, to $$ 11 for best two- part chorus (25 or less); and, by 'Lloyd lefedd, to $5 1e for best double trio (26 or more). The 'Township Council ebield was presented by Reeve W, Jewitt, to $$ 1„--the school with the highest number of points. Top mark in the festival was won by SS 1 for its entry 5n the two-part chores ()pen to schools with 26 or more pupils, winning the 'Women's Institute shield. Mrs. lda Livingetone is the teacher. Thies school also placed. first for unison chorus and for the best double trio, for which they receiv- ed shields presented by the Hullett Township Federation of Agricul- ture. Second in points was;. SS 5 (Miss D. Urbshott) and twra SS 11 (Miss' Flora Turnbull). 4o a word, minimum 75c ••••••••••••1, Goderich Pavilion dancing. Sat- urday nights,Don Downs and his orchestra. ednesday night s, Clarence Petrie's Night Hawks. 6-tfb Tuesday, April 3—Euchre and dance, Varna Township Hall. Music by Hank Norris and his Ranch Boys. Sponsor: Varna L01., No. 1035. 13b Wednesday, April 4 8.30 p.m., Three-act Comedy, "The Cracked Nutts" by a Parkhill group. Spon- sors: Brucefield WA. 13-1) Thursday, April 5 — Bingo, Le- gion Memorial Hall, Kirk Street, Clinton, commencing at 8.30 p.m,; 15 regular games for $5.00; three special share-the-wealth gamel; $56.00 jackpot on 56 numbers, in- cluded hi all the share-the-wealth games; one special game for $25.00. Admission: 15 regular games for 50c; special games 15e, 2 for 25c, 5 for 50e. An evening of fun for all bingo players. 13-4-b Friday, April 6 — Euchre and dance by. Bayfield Agricultural Society. Hank Norris' orchestra. Cards start at 8.30 p.m. 13-4-b ' • Saturday, April 21—St. Paul's Go-Getters Annual Spring Cloth- ing Sale. 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Parish Hall. e, 13 and 16-b eillIM1MMINFAI=MINOWNINO•i!IIMINIIMIMM•M•10•141.1•11.1111 O J. S. Scruton CITIES SERVICE DISTRIBUTOR For Service cell 377W After 6 p.m. — 377.1 "BUSINESS DIRECTORY" 'INSURANCE Insure the "Ca-op" Way W. V. ROY District Representative Box 310 Clinton, Ontario ' Phone Collect Office 557 Res. 324..T H. C. LAWSON Bank of Montreal Building Clinton PHONES: Office 251W; Res. 251J Insurance — Real Estate Agent: Mutual Life Assurance Co. Be Sure : : Be Insured K. W. COLQUHOUN GENERAL INSURANCE Representative Sun life Assurance Co. of Canada Office: Royal Bank Building Office 50 - PHONES - Res. 703w2 J. E. HOWARD, Bayfield Phone Bayfield 53r2 Car - Fire - Life - Accident Wind Insurance If you need Insurance, I have a Policy Get The Facts Call VIC DINNIN Phone 168 — Zurich Investors Mutual Managed and Distributed by Investors Syndicate of Canada, Ltd. OPTOMETRY G. B. CLANCY Optometrist — Optician .(successor to the late A, L. Cole, optometrist) For` appointment phone 33, Goderich J. E. LONGSTAFF Hours: Seaforth: Daily except Monday & Wednesday-9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Clinton: MacLaren's.Studio—Mon- days only-9 a.m. to 5,30 p.m. PHONE 791 SEAFORTH PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT ROY N. BENTLEY Public Accountant 4 Britannia Rd. (eprner South St.) Telephone 1011 GODERICII ONT. RONALD G. McCANN Public Accountant Royal Bank Bldg., Phone 561 Res: liattenbury St., Phone 455 CLINTON, ONTARIO 4-tfb ININNINI~1041,04141,41WPJA"P#4144M4/41.44,044041, REAL ESTATE LEONARD 0. WINTER Real Estate and Business Broker High Street -- Clinton Phone 448 TENDERS, WANTED on the FORESTERS HALL and PROPERTY in LONDESBORO llnhlciing 46';e25' apptox'. Poeseesion could be had in at least 81) dayS. Tenders to be in the hands of the under- signed by April 30, 1956. LOW- est or any other tender not necessarily accepted, (Signed) FRED JOHNSTON, • Londesboro, 1 4 PVC Discusses Increase In Service To RC (Continued. from page one) each additional horse, These same rates applied for cows, c .I'ghr,,ovisiort was for water by the load — two horse 'tanks full of water cost 2,5 cents cash,- and one tank cost 13. cents These costs. were in addition to basic rates on mast' husieeese$ of $6 to $12 a year, and for each dwelling "with one cold tap and one 'hot water tap" $5,50 with an additional $1, per year for each additional tap, These rates, of course, have not been in effect for some years. A, mendrnents. to the by-law have been made at various times.. The recommendations of the Commissioners for changes 'to the by-law will be put, before the council, They will be considered there, and then in time be accept- ed, with any necessary revisions, and come heti? effect in due time. . Farmers Wealthy 11.41 It's a fact that you get top performance with Cities Service Gasoline DON'T' DELAY; Try a tankful today. It's a fact' . . . that there arc three top grade motor oils from which to choose at our station-- Koolm.otor 5D Koolmotor Cities Service . . . they are all good. It's a fact . . . that your car comes out cleaner if you get it washed at our station — See our Automatic Car Wash-, you'll be convinced. IT'S A FAC/Te-that you will get 'the bestservite in town, at our,station. 'Drive in and gee. RAY'S Cities Service Cities Service Product, itay Ifnggartit — Cad Cantelon "The "place where you never have to blow your horn" Clinton Ontario CHICK CHICK—pure Easter, egg colour— , SERVIETTES-30 Easter Napkins 25c PARTY TABLE COVERS--(40x40) 25c (Plus 4 Napkins) TABLE COVER (54x96) 39c BUNNY BASKETS 5c, 10c, 15c, 19c, 29c, 35c, 65c EASTER GREETING CARDS—by Coutts-Hallmark and Rustcraft SPECIAL Ong Revised Standard Version of the Bible This popular edition is excellent for family use and for Bible students et well. Ehey to read and text has complete footeotee. Cover is maroon buckram over boards-; sturdite spine; attractive two-color jacket. Easter Regular $6.00 aster $4.50 Special ..... ,, . McEwan's Gift and Stationery 'Store 2 pkgs. 25c Riley's Grocery TO OUR CUSTOMERS AND MANY FRIENDS: We will be open Thursday and Saturday Nights this week. Then we will be open Friday and Saturday nights of each week. Specials for Thursday. Saturday FRESH VVEINERS lb. 29c `• FRESH BOLOGNA (in piece or sliced) lb. 23c BREAKFAST BACON ,(in Piece) lb. 45c BREAKFAST BACON (sliced) lb. 49c FRESH GROUND STEAK lb. 39c 6. lb. 49c k I FRESH ROAST BEEF FRESH SMALL SAUSAGE lb. 45c FREE DELIVERY 1 HOW LONG WOULD IT TAKE YOU TO SAVE $200 .. . . ? Here's How To Save $200.00 In 30 Minutes Due to the fact we need room for our 1956 Chevrolet stock arriving daily, we're pricing these USED CARS and TRUCKS AT COST PRICE. Come in and see them! '51 DODGE CORONET SEDAN. Truly a beauty!,‘Free radio $1050.00 '51 METEOR COACH. New paint. Mechanically perfect $ 950.00 In PLYMOUTH DELUXE SEDAN, Has everything but a high price tag $1050.00 '49 FORD SEDAN, A steal at this price $ 495.00 '41 / MONARCH SEDAN, You'd expect to pay more $ 250.00 '55 CHEVROLET Ve TON PICKUP. (Our demonstrator). Very low mileage 0750.00 '51 CHEVROLET % TON PICKUP, A good one at this price $ 750.00 '50 CHEVROLET 1,4 TON PICKUP $600.00 At these lulus we expect these to move fast. Come in early and make yourself some Money. Phone us, And we'll bring the ear of your choice for your demonstration ride. LORNE BROWN MOTORS LID. CHEVROLET OLDSMOBKE PHONE 36/ — •- CLINTON PHONE 39 F1171,-, PAM; TwvLiv C;TANTON .NEWS-KreCQRIe TRI,JAS, DAY, KAACg. 3,9$0; 260 Entries Ian Filth Music Festival THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office: Seaforth Officers 1956: President, W. S. Alexander, Walton; vice-president, Robert Archibald, Seaforth; sec- retary-treasurer and manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors: John H. McEwing; Robert Archibald; Chris. Leon- hardt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Wm. S, Alexander, Wal- ton; J, L, Malone, Seaforth; Har- vey Fuller, Goderich; J. E. Pepper, Brucefield; Alister Broadfoot, Sea- forth., Agents: Wm. Leiper Jr., Londes- boro; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen e Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Eric Munroe, Seaforth. - INVESTMENTS Hallett Encourages Compared To . European Ones (Continued from page one) Head table guests included the reeves of the four townships adjac- ent to Clinton, Harvey Coleman, Stanley; W. R. Jewitt, Hullett; John Deeves, Goderich and James Doig, Tuckersmith. Also present and speaking briefly were John Fischer, Warden of Huron County; Lion EstOn, Cardiff, Brussels, MP for Huron County; Lions W. J. Miller, Mayor of Clinton; and Orville. Taylor, reeve of East Wawanosh, In welcoming,, the farmers and guests, President McRae spoke of the greatness of Lionism as a, world-wide service club. He spoke briefly on what the Clinton Lions Club are doing the Clinton Lions Arena being the biggest project. The president reminded everyone of the importance of sup- porting the Easter Seal fund. rais- ing drive which is now being car- ried on by the 'club's health' and welfare committee. It is hoped to send three Clinton area handicap- ped children to this summer. Last year, the president said, the Clinton. Lions paid out over $160 in medical bills for children outside the town -of Clinton. George Beattie, one of the Lion recruiters for the TB Mass. Chest X-ray survey in May and• June, explainedethe organization requir- ed and the importance of the x-ray. Mr. Beattie asked for and received 25 volunteer canvassers from the club to work on the survey in Clinton. John S. Parker and G. W. Mont- gomery conducted a Chinese auc- tion on two special prizes, from which the club realized 0;28.75. Prize winners were Simon Hal- lahan, Blyth, a farmer, and Eugene McAdam, ,,Clinton businessman. The regular draw prize for the evening was won by Roy Scotch- mer, Bayfield. A trio from Exeter — Mr. and Mrs, Sterling Ince and Bob Russell —provided singing and comedy skits throughout the evening. Mr. Ice paid a tribute to Clinton, after being introduced. He said: "We are glad to have been invited to the huh of Huron County, as you know, everything revolves around the hub." The guest speaker also provided entertainment in leading sing- songs, as 'he used to when he was- a member of the Lions Club here. Vocalists The pupils of USS 12- Hullett and Coderieh, took home two shield's last night, for their .efforts the day before, when they placed first in the unison chorus, and the double trio classes for schools with 25 or less pupils, They Won the Huliett. Music Festival Shield and the Sturenerhill Ladies' Club shield. • .Schools. with 26 or more pupils, which had entries in the Festival conipletitions, included SS 3, H. Nesbitt, teacher; SS 5, Miss Doro- thy Urbshott; USS 5, P. A. Mac- Kay; SS 1, Mrs. Ida Livingstene; SS 8, William Cowan. Schools with 25 pupils or less included USS 2, Miss Christine Cunningham; SSS 2, Mise thy Dillon; SS 6, Mrs. Mabel Nes- hitt; SS 7, Miss Nancy Webster; USS 10, Miss Betty Campbell; SS 11, Miss Flora Turnbull; USS le, Miss Shirley Hamilton, Deanna Dale, SS 3, attained the highest solo mark of the (ley's events, with 87 won in the com- petition for girls nine and under. Other winners were as 'fellows: Unison Chorus (26 or more), "Canada Forever", .SS 1 (Mrs. Ida Livingstone); SS 5 (Miss Dorothy Urbshott); SS 8 (William Cowan). Boy's Solo (seven years and un- der) "The Little Cobbler", Arthur McMichael, SS 11 Jimmy Thomp-. son, SS 3; Larry Snell, USS 10. Girl's Solo (seven years and un- der) "The Rainbow Fairies", Bon- nie Snell, USS 10; Mary 1VicIlwain, SS 3; Linda Nott, SS 1. Two part chorus (26 or more) "Spring Song", SS 1, SS 8, USS 5 (D. A. MacKay). Girl's solo (nine. years and un- der) "Spring", Deanna Dale, SS 3; Janice Jewitt, SS 3; Judy Thomp- son, SS. 3, Boy's solo (14 years and linder) "The Coast of High Barberry", Harvey Carter, SS 5; Clarence Dale, SS 1; Billie Blacker (USS 12) tied with Evert Hessels (SS 1) and Egbert Bakker (SS 8). Boy'S solo (nine years and un- der) "Circus Parade", Richard Shaddick (SS 11); Arthur Hunk- ing (SS 8); Gordon Tait (SS 8). Unison Oh or us (25 or lees) "Come Let us to the Bagpipes Sound", USS 12 (Miss Shirley Hamilton); SS 11 (Miss Flora Turnbull); USS 10 (Miss Betty Campbell). Girl's solo (11 years and under) "Cradle 'Song", Barbara Snell NOTICE SERVICE STATIONS FOR RENT by Major Oil Company. Excellent Opportunity Apply Hs Os Free SEAFORTH Phone Seaforth 366 12-tfb Winner Named In, Cartoon Capers Final Contest Mrs:, Wilfred Colciough, RB, 0, Clinton, has Wen the fourteen dollar prize, in the News-Record's Cartoon Caws: contest, This cone test has been running in the NOM- E/40rd' for the past 26 weeks and ended with last week's puzzle, ars. Co 1 01 o h .successfully found the hidden title "1-le'gi always barking up the wrong tree" and used as her suggested title 'Bash- ful Joe doesn't cat*to sit with Ps, girIs". . This week's winner enclosed a Sales slip from one of the partici- pating merchants and is' therefore eligible for the grand prize. Big Witmer Next, -Week The $30 grand prize winner will be announced in next week's issue. The winner will -be selected from Among the answers. that were pick- ed as winners of the 26 contests. However, a previous prize win- ner did not enclose a sales slip that particular answer will not be considered. Watch next week's issue for the prize winner. Ca". AND T. GROUP HAS EUCHRE PARTY The Cancer, Polio and Tubercul- osis Committee (usually called the C. )? and T.) held a successful euchre party in the township hall in Varna last Friday night. Win- ners were: high, Mrs. W. Chuter, Varna and Fred Trevena, Clinton; low, Mrs. Fred Trevena, Clinton and E. Chuter, Varna. Bert Row- den won a draw for a chair, and William Freeman took home the tea kettle, (USS 10); Wieppie Greidanus (SS 5); Margaret MacGregor (SS1). Two-part chorus (25 or less) "Salerno Fishermen", SS 11; SS 7 (Miss Nancy Webster); USS 12. Winners' took home a shield pre- sented by the Hullett Township Federation. Boy's solo (11 years and under) "The Roving Sailor", Melvin Knox (SS 6); Jack Powell (SS 8); Glen Nott tied with John Hessels, both of SS le" Double trio (26 or more) "Spring Flowers", SS 1, SS 5, SS 8. Rhythm band, "Andante", USS 5 (D. A. MacKay tied with SS 4 (Miss DorOthy Urbshott); SS 1 (Mrs. Ida Livingstone); SS 3 (H. Nesbitt) tied with SS 11 (Miss Flora Turnbull). First prize win- ners took home a shield in recog- nition of their excellence. Double trio (25 or less) "Some- where a Child is Singing", USS 12; SS 11, USS 14 (Miss Betty Camp- bell). Boy's solo (open) "The Owl", Bob Watt (SS 6); Paul McCool (SS 5); John DeRuyter (USS 10). Deet, "Rain in May"; Bill Shad- dick and Elaine Alexander (SS 11); Beverley Wright and Donald Gerrits (USS 12); Gloria Allele and Harvey Carter (SS 5). Girl's solo (open) "April Rain", Margo Grange (USS 5); Virginia Gardner (SS 1); Dianne Gardner (SS 1), Girl's solo (14 years and under) "To Italy", Margaret Merrill (USS 12); Djoke, Greidanus (SS 5); Gloria Allen. (SS 5). picket e portables NEW ROTO-TENNA "The handle is a rotating antenna! Turn handle (not radio) for better reception! The cabinet is steel! Lightweight, book-site, covered with miracle- fabric, the price is just 449 95• this week at Galbiaith Radio and 111 Photie 482 — Clihtoti J. Is County Engineer James Orintnell, P„ Brig., Lon- don, has been appointed engineer for the County of Huron by the County Good 13,0404 Committee, The appointment becomes effective on April Mr, Brintxtell has been with the Imperial Oil Company,: He is! Mar- ried and has one cbild. He will move to Goderich in April, Peter Patterson will remain on as engineer until 1*, 13.rintnell arrives,. 4,11 Club Leaders Training School The Leaders of the County 4-H Clubs will attend a leadership training school in the agricultural office board rooms., here, commenc- ing 9.30, a.m. on Wednesday, April 4. In the morning, film projectors and other visual aids will be demonstrated and discussions on classes for judging, etc., will be discussed, as well as all phases of the 1956 program. After dinner, separate discussion groups for each type of club will be formed. Speakers in charge of these groups will, include Ed Starr, Livestock Branch, Department of Agriculture, Toronto; Ross Mar- shall; Gordon Bell, fieldnian, Hol- stein-Friesian Association; Merlin Mode, Exeter, poultry inspector, Canada Department of Agricul- ture; James M. Scott, Seaforth; Donald McKinnon, Production Ser- vice, Stratford and William Turn- bull, Brussels; George Jones, field husbandry department, OAC, Guelph. 0 MEN'S CLUB DINNER AT HOLMESVILLE The monthly dinner meeting of the Men's Club of the Wesley- Willis--Hohnesville charge will be held in the Holmesville church on Thursday, April 5, at seven o'clock. Albert Livermore will show pic- tures he has taken on trips acres's the country, and Beecher Menzies will speak regarding the TB chest x-ray which is slated for May. All men of the charge welcome. XXOSOLICAL AITML.TAIW POSPOI`tIpP. T.O. APRIL 9 Owing to the fact: that ,Bastes Monday falls on the regular meet.. ing date, the Clintbn Hospital Auxiliary meeting .has 'been post- poned until Monday, April 9, in the new Nurses' Residence, at three .o'clock in the afternoon, We have a Fresh Stock of BEARING AID BATTERIES for all makes of Hearing Aids, For Dependable Repairs TO ILL MAKES. OF TV, RADIO and APPLIANCES CALL sail ., MERRILL !nom ,A,A0 a ELECTRIC _ -.-... cSafai, mixt c.Sztvice.. PHONE 313 CLINTON CLERENU Auto Wreckers Dunlop Tire Auto Lite Battery Sales and Service NOW WRECKING; 1949 Monarch 1948 Ford 1949 Ford 1946 Dodge 1948 MonareA 1946 Olds 1948 Mercury 1948 Hudson 1947 Mercury 1947 International 1 Ton 1946 Fargo Parts far Older Makes of Cam. 15" Wheels—Ford & Chev. Used 16" Tires Phone CLINTON 601,12. 12-3-4-5-h COCI Reffmen Bow To Riverside .WOSSA Meet .Cif Redmen fought desperate- )y to stay in the WOSSA compet- ition last Saturday but they could not overcome a bad first quarter and they were defeated by :River,. side 40-25, The game was a sucl--. den-death affair played in Theinee, Hall, Lendory . and was part of a big 'WOSS,A, tournament played in London last Saturday. Riverside went on to win the championehip with a win over St„ Thomas in the final game, The Clinten-Riversidel- game can be summed in the first quarter. The teant from the south grabbed eight points in the first few min, utes and increased their lead to 15-4 at the end of the first quarter. That was the ball game as far as the Redinert were concerned, They never did recover sufficiently to even threaten the lead. Take. away the first quarter and it would have been a terrific game, Riverside outscored Clinton in the final three periods' 25-21. Ken, Porter was top man for Clinton accounting for 12 points, Howes 6, McKay 4, Sharkey 2,eand Read 1. Thayer the it foot seven inch centre scored nine points for Riverside and was a, big - threat through the entire game. CDCI: McKay (4), Howes (6), Porter (12), 'Weymouth, Snell, Read (1), Sharkey (2), Farquhar, McDonald, Bruce, Groves, Finley. terA PR EVI EW , - PLUSH BUNNIES— , 25c, 1.49, 1.95, 4.95 `EASTER BUNNY CART 69c