HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-03-29, Page 9Scene o the Fifth Annual }Innen Music Festival Held in Londesboro Cburch lege „et:IV:. The singers may have been slightly different this year, but the scene in the United Church at Londesboro has been the same now for five consecutive years. For one day, starting early in the morning, and lasting until the littlest youngsters are practically asleep in the pews, the songsters of nine different public schools in Hullett Township, Nee with one another for top honours, While each contestaer is uoing his best, the others remain in remarkably hushed attention—for it may be their turn next. THE VILLAGE BLACKSMITH Specials March 29 30 31 SALMON—Premium Sockeye-7 3/4 oz, 43c SHREDDED WHEAT 2 pkgs. 31c PEANUT BUTTER—Club House, Mason Jar, 1 6 oz, 35c VEL—Large 2 pkgs. 59c SODAS—McCormick's 1 lb. 31c MILK—Carnation „ 16 oz.-2 for 25c WAX—Johnson's Paste 1 lb. tin 39c MATCHES—Red 'Bird 3 pkgs. 25c TEA TOWELLING—Pure Linen 39c yd. Reg. 55e yard DRAW for EASTER HAM FREE Ticket with Every Purchase of 50c or Over. LAST WEEK'S WINN E R MRS. GEORGE ,REID, Varna — Coffee Percolator VARNA. Ph one 912J2 Last Week At Queen's Par' (By DAMES .$40T11. The tlime Legislative eoneMit. mitten's report ev‘e the opposition of one of the Conservative -mem- bers of the committee, Mr, Rae Myers from South Waterloo who gave an -outline expose of the du. fieelltiee involved in the .establish- ing .of a Central Registry, Speak- ing after Mr. Myers, the Liberal member for North Waterloo, Mr, Wintermeyer felt a statute setting -up" a Central Registry would have, a beneficial effect although he. admitted that there does not seem any great clamour for legis- lation. The feelibe among the members is, that the government will be hesitant in implementing the recommendations of the Ina, jority of thie, -committee. The estimates for the Depart- ment -of Agriculture were ,passed after considerable ediscuseiron and served to bring out the highlights of the department's work and also to emphasize the shortcomings of the department, in relation ta cer- tain agricultural problems. An- -other department to have its, esti- mates passed was the Labour De- pertinent. Considerable discussion was invoked with respect to these estimates. Mr. Reaume, the Lib- eral member for North Essex cal- led upon the government to re, cegnize the resolution on the order ,pdper in the name of Mr. Reatene to call the committee of labour so that all aspects of this particular problem might be aired before this committee and amendments made that would strengthen and clarify the Labour Relations Act. The, government have been adamant in their refusal to call this import- ant committee of the Legislature. Probably the bitterest row of tees appointed 'ley the NNW to eteetiire into certain specific mate tiers all reported to the Assembly last week, The one which had the .greatest public interest was probably that - on toll rea,4. After heeling rep- resentation from interested eerties arid making examination of exist- ing road authorities in other j:trieclietions the committee report' ed to the Legislature that they favoured the principle of toll roads as one method of meeting the challenging problems inherent in An ever expanding need for more highways, Some of the difficulties • attached to toll roads were ex, Pleined to the members of the House, The Main objection was that .Ontario being such a large province and that toll roads would serve in the main 'the densely ;populated areas there was a con- sequent unfairness to people in distant parts who would, in a very real sense, have to back the finan- cial aspects of toll road construe, tion. Apparently, where toll roads have been built the-State authority has been required to guarantee the bonds of the corporation, respon- sible for toll road construction, . This, in a very real sense, means that whether the province builds the road or not it would be respon- sible for the finneing in the sense outlined. The committee on air pollution. set out the prableme and made recommendations aimed at cor- recting the existing conditions, The committee on central reg- istry of -motor vehicles also re- ported. The highlight of this corn- "The smith a mighty man is he, with large and sinewy hands . ." That's how Longfellow saw him, and how 'he was regarded/by his community. Today, he doesn't have to be a physical giant, for the smith has a new kind of muscle. We can't describe it, for it's invisible. A unit we know as a "kilowatts- hour", muscle-power without an equal, Today, the roar of the bellows and vibrant ring of the anvil are replaced by the hum of motors and the dull thud of the' forging ham- mer. Electricity, accomplishing tasks thought impoSsible 50 years ago. And who can say what future applications will be developed? Would you venture to estimate how much electricity will be used to power machinery in, say, 1975? Ontario Hydro endeavours to dc that every day . . look into the future . . anticipate electric requirements. Tomorrow's living as well as today's will more and more be measured in kilowatt-hours. It is the aim of Hydro to provide an adequate supply of electricity . so vital to Ontario's farms, homes and industries. THE HYDRO FAMILY ASSURES YOUR tLECTRICAL FUTUR8 .4 50 'YEARS OF PROGRESS" M.ARati .29i 1956 ti News of Londesboro Corm pendent — MRS. H. DURNIN the Session took' place when Mr. MacDonald the CCF leader charg- ed the Minister of Labour had his son-in-law, working far the depart- ment. Mr. Daley, his voice coked with emotion,, argrily replied to the charges, saying that it was asking too much thal a man vletth ability should be penalized just because he happened to marry his, the minister's, daughter. The estimates of the Depart- ment of Highways were also ap- proved. The minister outline.d an ambitious programme of highway construction, the only dampening factor being that the members were aware that a similar pro- gramme was outlined a year ago only to find that at the end of the season, millions of dollars approm: riated in highway 'construction re- mained unspent. The estimates ,of three depart- ments, namely Municipal Affairs, Health and Lands and Foreses. re- main to be approved by the House. When these have been adopted and other odds and ends of the order paper cleared up the session of the Legislature will then have been completed. The closing date will likely be Wednesday or Thursday. Mrs: Thomas Miller is spending a few days with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Potter. Rev. and Mrs. J. T. White spent Monday .with their daughter and son-,in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charlton, Springfield. Miss' Ola Fangrad, has returned to Sunnybroake, Hospital, Toronto, after spending the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Fangrad. Easter Services The church service will. start at 10.30 next Sunday as usual, Rev. J. T, White will give the Easter message. There will not be any Sunday School after church. Rev. and Mrs. White will spend Saturday in Ingersoll, attending the wedding of their son Edward to Nora McMillan, Ingersoll. Mr. White wil 'assist at the ceremony. WI Meeting The Londesbora Women's Insti- tute will hold their regular meet- ing in the hall on Tuesday, April• 3, at 2 o'clock. Roll call will be 'the paying of fees. Program, Mrs. C. Ball, Mrs. A. Riley, Mrs. W. Bromley, Mrs. Leitch; hostesses, Mrs. W. Manning, Mrs. C. Vincent, Mrs. L. Hunking, Mrs. McDougall, Mrs. P. Carter. Please bring the aprons for the apron and bake sale to be held in Clinton on April 7, and please not- ice change of date of regular Meet- ing. r OVMNIIMRIMFMMPMNIMEFIMI...MINMMI.MOOIOMII•EIM..MA Cost of administration and op- eration of the federal Department of National Revenue, the tax-col- lecting department, is estimated at $59,206,000 in the coming year. In 1939 the total cost of this depart- ment was $10,166,000. New Canadians' are welcomed by the Canadian Red Cross at Port Nurseries in Saint John and Hali- fax. eles-e-ftewee-e-•••-e4eleeeeeele•-eeeleiele BAYFIELD (Intended Or 140 week) Mr, And Mrs. j3, W. 044e:son, London, spent the —"weekend at their home in the village, Mr .and Mrs. 11, W. /Tamen,- and Miss Ruth .Eleanor 1-Taytuani London, were in the village on Saturday. 'Miss Ethel glair was home over the weekend, Gerald Sturgeon, Preston, ited his parents over the weekend, Mr..aad Mrs. E. J. Sturgeon, who had spent two 'weeke in London, returned home with their son Mr. And, Mrs; S. Bryant, Byron, were at their cottage from Thurs- day until Monday. Mrs, F. P. Arleen, was Able to leave Clinton Public Rosiptal on Saturday, While toneined to bed at home, she is malting good pro- ,gmes toward recovery, Ken Are ken, Waterloo, spent the weekend with his parents. P/C Lloyd Westlake, Kitchener, was home from Friday until Tues- day, Mrs, T, C, Bailey was sufficient- ly improved in health to' be releas- ed from Clinton Public Hospital on Monday and is convalescing at the Bee/field Rest Home. eVIrs, D. Dewar returned rime on Saturday after spending a fort- night with her daughter in Grosse Pointe Farms, Mich. Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Rehre 'motored to the vil- lage with her, Mrs. J. H, Cobb returned home the first of the week after having visited in Oakville. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Reach re- turned to Toronto on Tuesday ev- ening and Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Smith went to London after hav- ing been home owing to the death of the ladies' mother, Mrs: W. W. Higgins." W. W. Higgins' accom- panied Mr. and Mrs. Smith to vis- it with them. 0 Page Marie Antoinette ** Cake or bread: Last year Canadians spent $156,000,000 on bread and $107,000,000 on cakes, doughnuts, etc. Phone Myth 37 r 19 Why Pay More? '*46 MAICIF. GOOD .IMPRESSION With fine quality' distinctively printed Letterheads. Clinton New-Record Phone 4 Beautiful 1956 Firestone 9.78 Cu. Ft. REFRIGERATOR 199 ($19 down delivers) To A. f utton BRUCEFIELD Phone Clinton 902W1 Farmers 0 • SEE US FOR: Clover Seeds Plant the Best - Grass Seeds No. 1 Quality and PuritST Seed Oats - p2xuextleynt ti We offer you a minimum of delay when unloading your trucks at harvest-4 unloading pits. Seed Oat Contracts Contract Barley Fertilizer - CIL BRAND. Very Competitive Cash Prices. Seed Corn PF IS KS TER. U N and New Seed Cleaning Plant Modern Machinery To Clean. anti Treat Your Seed. W. G. Thompson and Sons Limited IIENSALL PHONE 32. 13-b