HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-03-29, Page 74 i 10 XAACH d'9,. "56 A Y^^I".'!^t1^T'T. 1!.'\^R..l1$-nC AD IILAS,SIFIED ,ifi•A.Ir 4I?�,A #n�.}' ... .. .. _.. .. ..,. ...• . ... .... .., . CASH RATE (lap P410 by the Bk1DAltI —rn .st, e 's HQSR %!� SC Wednesday Iollgwing P1Fb1113 Tosp1� Marcia , til, London, o?a 11`xiday, ti ..-. on) rr WO cents pr,r WOMP mi??i><riom .00 cents 1i/z cents lz 23, 1956,. to lvfr, and Mrs Gl y �► /'`� y' Iledard, 4 4aughter (Diane � r / wo#'(� ia�` 8uc�l OF+ow1tg insor- r n,,;ct� roc:1•nn S.yr. U4n,rnrl. "COMMODATIoN .fa =:8'i,J,RNISHED APARTMENT ,for `rent, suitable for couple. Phone �'lir►ton 62, FURNIt%= ROOM IN DIET private comfortable hone.hone ,4.1 :11 nton 530. 13-p �'fiC)4M, PRIV,p�TE ElN7�tANCE:. 3xt private home, For one alone, mr tnvo sharing. Fhone Clinton ; $'URNLSHED, STEAM HEATED, Well located apartment .available -T , quiet couple, Phone Clinton tfb iPOUR ROOM APAR7,iMENT and private bath, heated" Central .•3omtion. Furnished. Phone Clip- "tpn 327. 13p 'T'HIME ROOM APARnT4NT, "Private, bathroom. Furnished. Lo- • cation- central, ?hone Entort :199W. 13-p. -4vo Room A' "T=NT, fur- �atished and heated. Suitable for ,couple. Phone Clinton 472J, 13p TWO ROOM APARTMENT, suit- rable for couple. Furnished and :'heated. Close to RCAF Station kC31nton. Phone.Clinton 619J2. 13-p ROOM APARTMENT With °baltuny. 'Unfurnished, Share ' b`atii, private entrance. Central 'location. Phone Clinton 78W, 13-b THREE ROOM FURNISHED apartment, share bath, central lo- pation, Apply Herman's Men's iWear, phone Clinton 517. 8tfb Il'OUR ROOMS AND SUNPOR.CH, `downstalrs. Furnished, heated; .•modern, eouveniences.- Immediate possession. Phone Clinton, 370J1�b ;SIX froom BRICK HOUSE in •Bayfield, for rent or sale. All con- •vaniencea. Furnished. J. E. How- !ard, phone Bayfield 53r2. 13tfb 'NEWLY DECORATED, LARGE, 'three room apartment, in Londes- 'lboro. ' Private front entrance, `'bath, electric stove, frig., washing ,machine, dishes. For particulars -:phone` Blyth 37r6. 10-tfb Accommodation Wanted '.HOUSE TO RENT IN CLINTON. Adults. Reply by letter to Box :1.32, Clinton News -Record. 13-4-p ARTICLES FOR SALE 'RANGETTE FOR SALE. Phone Clinton 754W12 13b . EQARD .AND RQO..M .NSLPrWAN7`_FD-T-•1iAA�.R ROA11I AND BOAR for gentle - MAN, F,�,mnpa WITH cunt - man,. Phone Clinton X$31�i to .drive panel truck,' (stupplled), 13b for deliveries in. •towWn, .Box 134., BUSINESS OPRORTUNiTiES Clinton Ne4vs-Record, 13-p 11 11 1 OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS, - HELP 'WANTED Contact. I,. C. Winter, Real Estate, PROTESTANT TEAG1It1f;. wanted High Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- for SS 9 GNerich Township, I)ut- ton 448. 13th► ies to commenceSeptember 1, Ap RAWLEIKxH BUSZNEISS NOW on- ply,'stating qualifications and sal- and x956,' to !'CHANIi,BS 'IN' MEMQRIAIIIS" Ti4'o ,Cents per wo}rtl, minimum 54 cents, CHAil GED --x4 cones .extra, DE WLINA--x-19 !i 190k noon, Wedoosday. 1 N .MEMORIAM ELeI.IO'1"1'---ln laving merrlory of Ada Dagman Elliott, whq .passed away A4pril 1, 1955. Sadly missed' by hushaiul and family. 13p who died en. in Huron County. Trade well ary expected to R, E, Rowden, RR "The depths of sorrow we cava established. Excellent opportun- 3, 0iOWA. 3-4+b tell, ity Full time, Write at once. Of the loss of one we loved % Rawleigh's Dept, C-169-189, Molt LIVESTOCK .FOR $ALE well, treat, P.Q. i3 -b Find while he sleeps a; peacefu 13 READ OF DURHAM Cattle, sleep, EARN $50 TO $7�a WEEKLY. We stockers, 500 to $50 lbs'. Rayanond. His frrPM ry, we shall alWay. will start you in business where- Cantelon, phone 907W2. 13-b keep" ever: you may live. No special ex —Wife, family, Mr, and Mrs, M, perience necessary, Free cata- REIGI,STERM HOLSTEIN Coj�yv% E. McFadden. 13k logue and details supplied. FAMIL- fresh and springers; accredited a"nd EX, Dept, C, Box F Station C. vaccinated, Wes, McBride, RR 1, Montreal. 13-b Varna, phone Hensall 6878,21. Cards of hanks BUILDINGS FOR SALE ' 13-p 2 Cents per word, N1lnlmum 50i PUREBRED Y O THREE EB R I,;�• wish to than the Doctors I � k h ct s and , 0 ;BARN 'R SALE;, to be removed. shire boars of serviceable age„ Nurses, at Sick ChildxerL s Hospit- Best offer. Apply Mrs, R. H, without papers, $40 each, Murray al, London, also all arty friends who F. Gairdner, Bayfield phone 41r3. Forbes. Phone Clinton 75111, sent cards, treats, etc, while I was 13-4-b .13-x in hospital. — BARD MILLER, O N E,, 3 'STO,RE&Y 'POULTRY LIVESTOCK WANTED R.R 3, Clinton, 13-b house, suitable for_ either broilers We wish to express our deep ap- or laying hens, also one, storey WANTED. OLD HORSES .AND predation• and sincere thanks for and one half house. For further dead cattle, Gilbert Bros. Mink the sympathy, flowers and kind particulars, apply Clarence Potter, Ranch; Goderich. Phone collect, messages sent from Clinton, Bay - phone Clinton 226R. 13tfb 1483J1, or 1483J4 9ptfb field and Seaforth during our re- cent bereavement. —MRS. BERT CLOTHING FOR SALE . LOST AND FOUND LANGFORD, LARENE and HAR- CLOTH COAT AND HAT SET for little "girl, size 6. Mauve hat -and matching coat. Like new. Phone Clinton 622J3. 12.3b CUSTOM WORK ELECTRIC MOTORS, Rewound and repaired. Home and Auto rad- ios ad ios and appliances repaired. Art Levett, Isaac Street, at Dunlop. Phone Clinton 138W. 41-tfb CEMENT WORK: All types of concrete walls and floors, water - tanks, concrete stables; walks, curbs, steps, Leaky basements re- paired; resurfacing rough floors, walks, curbs, steps, Phone Clin- ton 187W, Murray Miller. 12-3-b SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL SEPTIC TANKS, CESS POOLS, etc.: pumped and cleaned with Sanitary modern equipment. All Work guaranteed. Estimates . given without obligation. Louis Make, RR 2, Brussels, Pitone 42 r 6 Brus- sels. 11to1$p EMPLOYMENT WANTED DUTCH WOMAN WOULD LIKE housecleaning work in or near Clinton. By the hour, Phone Clinton 800r11. - 13p. FARMS FOR SALE OLD. 13p LOST—$ STRAND STRING OF pearls, downtown,. Clinton on Sat I would like to thank all my urday afternoon, March 24. Re- friends, neighbours and, many ward affered. Phone Clinton 469W others who remembered me with ,1$-b i cards, .flowers, treats and gifts. Thanks to nurses of the hospital FOND—Rhinestone, choker found and: my special. nurses: Mrs. on Rattenbury Street East, in Haddie -and Mrs. Campbell, Dr. snow, Owner may haves by iden- Oakes and his assistants who were tifying it and paying for this ad- so kind tome, and Rev. Ostrom l vertisement. Phone Clinton 381M. for his many calls while I was in 13p Clinton, Public Hospital. -4WRS. THOS. LEPPINGTON; Clinton. LOGS WANTED. 13-p WANTED TO BUY, STANDING The family of the late Janet trees of soft maple, elm, hard Higgins wish, to express their sin - maple, oak, pine etc. Kindly send cere appreciation to friends, neigh - your name with lot, concession. and bours and relatives for all the township to Box 130, Clinton kindness, cards of sympathy and News -Record, Clinton Ontario, floral tribute received during their 13-¢b recent gad bereavement. Special thanks to the Rev. Peter Renner LOTS FOR SALE and Rev. W. S. Outerbridge; Dr. Newland and the staff of Clinton IDEAL BUILDING LOT, ON Wel- Hospital; nurse, Mrs. R. Jenkins, lington Street, formerly second Bayfield and all who helped in bowling green. Reuben Brubac- any way. 13b er. Phone Clinton 721, lap We wish to express our heart.. MISCELLANEOUS felt thanks and appreciation for the many acts of kindness; fness- $5 DOWN, UP TO 24 MONTI-IS ages of sympathy, and beautiful to pay for a genuine Surge Milker floral offerings received from rel - Unit. Contact Lovell McGuire, atives, friends, and -neighbours,, Phone Wingham 593. We guaran- during our recent bereavement in tee better milking satisfaction. the loss of a beloved husband and 9-10-11-12-13-p brother. Special thanks to Dr. Oakes and the nurses of the Clin- WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding tan Public Hasiptal for their long DUO -'THERM SPACE HE, BICE, LIST OI' FARMS FOR Association. "Where Better Bulls and faithful care --MRS. WILLIAM Are Used. Artificial Insemination C. SINCLAIR and his sisters. In good condition. Marie Elliott, sale. L. G. Winter, Real Estate, service for all breeds of cattle. 13-p Brucefield. 13b Phone Clinton 448. Low down For. service or information phone :BRAND NEW FIRESTONE 9%; payments. 33-tfb Clinton 515 collect, between 7.30 •cu. ft. refrigerator on sale at $199. MANY GOOD FARMS, LARGE and Ind 30 on week days and "T. A. Dutton, Firestone Store, and small, in Huron County. Real 7.30 and y.30 a.m. on Sundays. 1Srucefield: Phone Clintdn 902W1 estate is our business. Buying or 10-tfb selling. Contact John Bosveld, Real MONEY WANTED TV FIT -FOR A "KING" — We state Broker, 40 Wellesley' 1Rent—Move Install. Complete Street, Goderich, Phone Goderich D I p 1108, 8-tfb WOULD LIKE TO BORROW RCA VICTOR RADIOS service on all makes of rotators - - - $2,000 to $3,000. Can pay it off in AND TELEVISION and antenna. All work fully guar- 100 ACRES, CLOSE TO NO. 4 equal payments over 3 years time anteed. Huron Tower Installation. Highway (BrucefWd), good- bricic at 7%. Box 131, Clinton Ne'A,vs- Your Old lia.dio Accepted phone Goderich 13441V 6tfb house and barn, hydro throughout;. Record. , 13-b As Trade-In. EILVINATOR REACH -IN I{e- soil is fertile clay loam, suitable Irl eVINA two door, - cu, ft, for grain or cash crops; 8 acres PROPERTY FOR SALE T. A. DUTTON g + fall wheat, 70 acres ploughed, .bal- Regular price $625. Best• offer ance newly seeded; "good water 7 -ROOM INSUL BRICK HOUSE RCA, VICTOR. DEALER accepted. Phone Clinton 398 or supply; price $12,500.00; (tined= on Ontario Street, Clinton. Also S R U C E F 1 E L D -"'744, or apply at Pinger's Restaur- iate possession; terms.i C. V. an apartment to rent. Phone Clin- Telephone Clinton 694.84 ant. 12-3-b Pickard, Realtor, Exeter, 11-3�b ton 593. 13-4-p M E PMC T F S i ARTICLES WANTED .All FAR 14 ! or a e SEED FOR SALE Glenn x+ord -- Donna Reed , WK Bober Burton TWO CHICKEN SHELTERS, also set of Stock racks 6'8" x 3'8". 20 BUSHEL, TIMOTHY SEED. Arnold Dale, Clinton. Phone 811W1 rOUR LEGGED WINDMILL tow- er, any Height. Gearing not nec- essary, Watson Webster, R.R. No. Xavmond Cantelon, phone Clinton 13-p 1, Varna. lg-b 907W2. 13-b RO•DNEY OATS, TIMOTHY Seed H. & G.'SALVAGE CO., Clinton— We buy scrap iron, rags. We buy ALLIS CHALMERS TRACTOR, completely rebuilt with good tires. and Red Clover, quantity of Rod - ney oats grown from registered anything. Ladies, clean up your With bean puller and. scuffler at- seed *l. 1955 and cleaned olid treat - attic. Convert your junk into cash. -For pickup phone Clinton 722J4, tachments. W. I3. Dalrymple and Son, Brucefield, Phone Clinton ed, also •several bus. of timothy seed and Red Clover. For part - 10 -1-2-3-p 612J1. 13-b iculars apply to J, W. Crich, phone VIKING SEPARATOR. SALES and 617823, Clinton. • 13-4-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Service. Authorized dealer for the district of Clinton, Seaforth, Hen - 'TEACHERS WANTED 1955 METEOR COACH, BRAND Sall and Zurich. Allowance made for used separators. Repairs for TEACHER REQUIRED FOR Mural new car condition, 6 months old, less than 5,b00 miles, Light green, Otaco and Fleury-Bisgell imple- school .near Seaforth. Good salary according to qualifications and cx- Directional signals, etc. Price: meats. Basil O'Rourke, Brucefield, phone Clinton34R21. p perienee. W. P. aoberts, secre- Area, Kation �Regir a Road, RCAF Stat bn b •" 13-4-b -- -- tary, Tuckersmith School RR 3, Seaforth, 12 3-b on, 13 . -. FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE S.S. NO. 5, STANLEY WILL re - 1940 FORD, FOUR-WHEEL drive wrecker, equipped with winch and CI BEAVER OATS E'OIt quire the services of a Protestant Teacher, beginning September 4, 500 feet of cable. Rebuilt Inter. Phone Clinton 626W3. -Harvey sale: Suitable for seed. $1.00 a bushel cleaned at barn, Please 1956. This School is situated five miles north of Zurich, Ontario, and Boyce, Varna. 13-p order early. Milton, Pollock, Rif No. 1, Varna. Phone Hensal is equipped with hydro., automatic G67r31. 12.3-b ail furnace and flush toilets. Please apply stating qualifications and BABY" CHICKS –- - Furniture Re-Finishirt g salary expected to Milton; Pollbrk, STARTED PULLETS FOR SALE, Secretary -Treasurer, R.R. No. 1, kinds of pullets 214 to 3 Varna, Ontario, Phone Hensall months, all birds raised on the COR FURNITURE, PIANO AND floor and delivered, Phone Char- padonro cabinet, refinishing and ro- les Scott, at Auburn, or Tavistock phing, apply 1 G. Pickett, 'ZbM, 10 -1 -3 -X3.4 -5b phone Clinton 76tH 4p-tfh CHICX BUYERS FOR 1956—we FURNITURE FOR SALE can quote on Hillside Chicks, FURNITUP.E, 18 MONTHS OLD, standard: breeds, also special 21" Admiral TV; Chesterfield and strains like . Arbor Acre White chair; 3 -piece bedroom suite, stud, Rocks, Ames Iii -Cross, Pilch White • . lounge; 5 -piece dinette; ;flcu. ocks, There are layer` strains ft nisshine and egg strains, and the. reliable he RCA refrigerator; Su breeds and crosses good for 'both heavy duty range; crib and mat- markets. Whether you want to tress; highchair. AIso 14.7 cu, ft. Mick to these, or experiment with; deep freeze with supply of food, the special strains, let us quote anyone interested can, obtain same Pay - prices, give full information. Agent: for taking over . going overseas. monthly pay William A. 14. Jenkins, North St„ merits. Owners g 18b phone Clinton 572, Clanton, SEASON 19 GE,,MNG ON. YOUR •chicks should be in your poultry house growing towards g o o d (Grade A Large) egg m'a'rkets and grttlting, . on, firm weight for the Mable, Big=4 Hatchery has" just the birds, A::vide Choice, with spde- lala like 'Pitch White, Rocks, etc. 13.45-6-b HELP WANTI6—FEMAI,E HOUSl+ KEEFm -- Vxpericnc(sd, and plain cook, Apply Box 133, Clinton, 1V ewe -R ccax d. 13b GIRL 'W'AN'TED FOR GENERAL work, bight hour day, six days per week. Apply to Ilotel C11nto11 or tyhotie 703. 13b 01 TENDERS AREI CALLED POR' 15 Cords of Hard Maple and BewYa body wood for Kippen. Church. Tenders to be in by April 10, tb Archie R, Parsons, RR 2, Elensall, 13-4-1s NOTICE TO CREDITORS lin the. Estato of L A W D A Y VOTING, Into of the, Village of Londesboro in the County of 110- ron, Spinstbr, beceased. All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file- the, same With the undersigned Solicitor for the ;said Estate, on or before the, 10th day of April, AX), 1956, after which date the assets will be, dist- ributed amongst the parties en- titled: thereto, having regard only to the ciaims of Which notice sltdll Have been given, DA'iM, at Clinton, Ontario, this 14th day of March, A.D. 1059. 01 UAW FOR SALE 1 eyz STOREY, 6 ROOM DWELL- tttg, modern convenience,, good location, small barn on proper- ty, fruit trees. Early possession. Price, $6,500. a--- e 1 /Z storoy, 7 -room dwelling, flush toilet, running water. Situated in village of Londesboro. Immed- iato possession. - 0— 1 STOREY, 5 ROOM DWELLING, three bedrooms, modern conven- iences, oil Treating, full base- ment, low luxes... Situated on Highway 4, south of Clinton, Early possession, —0— STOREY, 5 ROOM DWELLING, two bedrooms, modern conven- ieuee. Sunuorch, Early posses - Sion. Price, 1,000. o ---- I STOUPW, � ROOM DWELLING, 3 bedrooms, 3-plece ?lath, fur - n -ate. Well located, two blocks from post office. Early posses - Sion, Price, $5,500. a- 1 STOREY, 2 13EDROOA1 Central Mortgage dwelling. DOW11 pay- ment, $1,800. x6ntltly payments, $28. Early possession. Apply to H. C. LAWSON Complete Insurance Service Real Estate Investmont5 Dank of Montreal 13uilding 1phonesz Offled 251W; rtes, 2511 CLINTON, ONTARIO on wuesoy, 1Vtarcri 27, to Mr, and Mrs,. Gordon an, Clinton, A Son. dY Tn Clinton Piublie Ho-, on Saturday, March 24, to Mr, and Mrs. Alphonse y, Zurich„ .a daughter, 9—In Clinton Public Hos. on Sunday, March 25, 1956, And Mrs, .Albert Martin, ?, a San. K .In Clinton Pablic Has- ton Monday March 26, o LAC and Mrs. Thomas k, Cllgton, a dattgh,tor, _ i�unton•, a sole, WHEELER --- In Clinton :Public Hospital, on Tuesday, March 27, 1956, to Mr.. and Xirg. Roy Wheeler, Clinton, a son, WISE- -In Clinton Pubic Hospital, on Saturday, March 24, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs. Alvin; Wise, RA 31 Clinton, a daughter, MARRIAGES ROSS-S01t lMIDT In Knox. Pres- byterian Chapel, Goderich, gn Saturday, March, 24 9 Y,1 56 by Rev. R. G. MacMillan,, Leona May, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Thomas Schmidt, Goderich, to William James Ross, Kippen, son of Mr, and Mrs. Wilfred Ross, Kippen, STRONG-PEHLKE-,In Sit, And- rew'sPresbyterian C h u r c h manse, on Saturday, March 24, 1956, by Rev, D. J. Lane, Helen Louise, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward W. Pehlke, Stratford, to John George Strong, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert. J. Strong, COOX-BUCHANAN--In the Unit- ed Church parsonage, Lond'es- boro, on Saturday, March 17, 1956, by Rev. J. T. White, Joyce Catherine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred. Buchanan, RR 1, Clinton and Jerry Richard Cook, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lock Cook, Goderich. DEATHS JOHNS ---In York County Hospi- tal, Newmarket, on Wednesday, March 28, 1956, Addison Fred- erick Johns, beloved husband of Elizabeth Pearen and dear fath- er of Mrs. Harry (Doris) Boag, Newmarket; George, Aurora; Kenneth, Weston. Resting at the- chapel of Roadhouse and Rose, Newmarket. Funeral ser- vice on Friday, March 30 at 2 p.m. Interment will be in New- market Cemetery. LANGFORD In Victoria Hospi- tal, London, on Thursday morn- ing, March 22, 1956, John Wil- bert "Bert" Langford, beloved husband of Rose A. Vodden, in his 86th year. Funeral franc the Beattie funeral home, Ratten- bury Street East, to Clinton Cemetery, by Rev. D. J. Lane, on Saturday afternoon,• March 24. MUNRO — In Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on Thursday, March 22, 1956, Mary Denstedt, beloved wife -of Ralph Munro, Auburn, in her 62nd year. Funeral from Knox United Church, Auburn, to Mait- land Cemetery, Goderich, on Saturday afternoon, March 24. WATTS -- In Stratford General Hospital, on Thursday, March 22, 1956, Thomas R. Watts, beloved .husband of Mildred Fremlin, for- merly of Clinton, in his 70th year. Funeral from the Hein - buck funeral home, .Stratford by Rev, R. A. E. Ruch, on Saturday afternoon, March 24, to Avon- dale Chapel for temporary en- tombment, with burial in Clinton Cemetery at a future date. TENDERS FOR COAL and COBE FEDE' RAL BUILDINGS PROVINCE OF ONTARIO S,PALED TENDERS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed as abovG� *will be received until 3.00 p.m. (EST), THURSDAY, APRIL 26, 1956, for the supply of coal and coke for the .Federal Buildings throughout the Province of Ont. Forms of tender with specifica- tions and conditions attached can be obtained from the Chief of Pur- chasing and, Stores, Department gf Public Works, Ottawa, and the District Architect, 385 Yonge St., Toronto, Ont, Tenders will not be considc#ed unless made on or according to the printed forms supplied by the De- partment and in accordance with conditions set forth therein, The Department reserves the right to demand from any successful tenderer, before awarding the or- der, a security deposit in the form of a CERTIFIED cheque drawnon a bank 'Incorporated under the Bank Act or the Quebec Savings Bank Act payable to the order of the Receiver General of Canada, equal to ton, per cent of the amotin t of the tender, in accordance wit.n the Government Contracts Regula- tions now in force, or Bearer Bonds, with unmatured coupons attached, of the. Government of Canada or of the Canadian Nation - n1 i2.:ailwnv C.omnanv and its con - The lowest or any tender not necessarily -accepted, ROBERT FORTIER, Chief of Administrative Services and Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, March 16, 1956, 1.3.4-11 FOR LEASE - , NEW, MODERN WRITE ROSE SERVICE STATION' Loodtod on Victoria Street, Cliht6ft - W Will fie- open April 1, 195 ArPL'l'• Tor SAM WDONALD Phone Clinton 329 NOW.: THURS., PRI, .4, SAT;. ESTRr From Max 'Brand's, great novel comes Destm who was born with a name he�had to live up to, -'anti a reputation, he :;tad tp fight clown, Audio Murphy •, Maxi Olancltard Lyle Batt MON., TUES. and WED. AT TELEPHONE` Cwododch NOW: THURS., fAl, A SAT, Joel MCCrao -^ Vera M;IQs Lloyd Bridges St Wallace iE'ortl A thrilling episode its the life .of Wyatt : 'asp, the famous law euu� forcer, who was so strict with law* breakers he alienated his support WI�HXTA --- 'Scope+ and. Color "Above 'Us The MON., TUES, and WED. Waves"' Glenn x+ord -- Donna Reed , WK Bober Burton A story of submarine warfare •khat The dr aanati. story :of a -kidnap, ping ail of a father's desperate will grip your attention from start to thrilling finish, :John Mills -- Donald Siuulen gamble to save his son•, �* G4 RANSOM Bohn Gregson ., Coming,• "LUCY GALLANT" CorninE; Jane Wyman - Charlton Heston: Jerry Lewis & Peon Martin in, Thelma, hitter "You're Heyer Too Young"' YOU DON'T DEED INSURANCE 1 1 ' But if you face your responsibilities, you already know that INSURANCE caul be your any and your protec- tion against ANY emergency. - Let we review your coverage to -day. H. E. HARTLEY Canada Life Assurance Company Phone 454W -- Clinton CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects, Mover"s Equipment, Carpenter's Tools For Mr. William A. Edward from his residence on, No, 8 Highway, one-quarter of a mile east of Goderich, on ' Saturday, March 31 At 1.30 P.M. Terms Cash William A. Edward, Proprietor Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer R. C. Hays, Solicitor for the Estate 12-3-b Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Property and Household Ef- fects of the Estate of the late O. Ellsworth Errott from Main Street Auburn (adjoining the United Church) on Wednesday, April 11 at 1.30 pan. Household Effects etc.- Electric refrigerator, kitchen cabinet; glass cupboard; 3-3 piece, bedroom suites; mattresses; 3 floor rugs; day bed; couch; book shelves; 2 small desks; library table; hall rack and seat; hat rack; antique settee and platform rocker; aria chair and platform rocker; antique sofa; antique rocker odd tables and chairs; drapes; bedding; pil- lows; cook stove; coal heater; kit- chen table; two sets of scales; dishes and cooking utensils ,tools; binder twine; approximately 20 cord of hardwood; 1931 Model A Ford coach; 1929 Model A Ford coupe; and numerous other articles Property: One quarter acre of land more or less, on which is situated a 1% storey, 8 room, Brame house with hydro throughout. On this property is also a good garden and fruit trees. Further particul- ars: rrs given oil property the day of ale Terms— On household effects cash. Terms—On property 1096 down on date of sale and balance in 30 days, The property will be offer- ed for sale subject to a reserve bid. NOTE --If weather is unfavour- able the. sale will be in the church shed. EDWARD J. JENIfINS, Executor of the Estate E))WARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 13-4-b Clewing AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Machinery and 1I Household Effects at Lot 28, Con- cession 8, )East Wawanosh Town- ship, 2 miles north of Auburn, on Thursday) April 5 at 1 p,m. Caitle: White cow, due in June; roan heifer, due April, Hereford cow, dtie March 24; roan cow, with calf at foot; farrow cow, with calf at foot; steer, rising 2 yrs• old; 3 heifers, rising 1 yr. old, macluncrye r'orct Irerguson tac- tor, in good, condition; Ferguson Plow; 7 ft. cut Massey Barris binder; McCormick siderake and tedder; Massey Harris. manure spreader; McCormick fertilizer drill; Buehler rubber tired wagon (now); car trailer, hay loader; dump rake; McCormick mower; disc plow; Barrows; sleighs; fan- ring mill; 2,000 lb, zc"ales; breech= ing harness; horse collars; ladders; grain bags; sacks, tarpaulin; scut- fler; wagon ,bolt; shay rack; wheel barrow; pig crate; horse blanket; forks,chains, other articles; Grain: 500 bus, mixed grain,, 100, ..b aw .,,,, A -.... ,,.,.., lay,. eitold Effects,. Sideboard °' froom table, 6 chair'; steel' g; drop-lcai table; Princess zge; Harrison Beater; single rings and mattress; doubt(- Arings and Mattress; wtird- tunk; screen door (new); AUCTION SALF, At McLelland Sale Barn,�Bervie, SATURDAY, MARCH 3l. At 2 o'clock, usual; selection of good dairy springing cows and heifers umber of a Durhmspr4 8 i e n ?•s including .two real good roan four year olds A number of calves. In refer- ence to sale John Ribbink, 'river - ton has bought 14 cows here in last 2 years, had milk tested and weighed and is keeping all cows another year. Buyer and door prizes I Ladies Welcome. DONALD BLUE', Auctioneer DORNE and DORIS McLELLAND I 13.,4 w CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Form Stock, implements, Feed and Grain At east half lot No. 1L Ashfield Township, one-quarter of a mile west of Nile, on. Thursday, April 5 CATTLE — 12 Holstein cows, registered and grade; 7 yearling Poll Angus steers and heifers; reg- istered bull (,Aberdeen Angus). PIGS -30 pigs from six to nine weeks old; 3 Yorkshire sows. IMPLW4ENTS--Mode1- S Case tractor and, a full line of imple- ments. FEED—Quantity of hay and oats. - TEItMS: $10.00 and under cash, over this amount 6 months credit on approved bank notes at 5 per- cent. No reserve as the farm is sold G. IL Pentland, Proprietor Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 12-3-b AUCTION- SALE Of Farre Stock and Machinery At Lot 14; Concession 3, Stan- ley, To vnsldp, 1% miles west Brucefield, on, Monday, April 2 at 1 p.m. Machinery: Ford tractor (1952) ; W.C. Allis-Chalmers tractor, fully equipped; 7 ft. Massey Harris trac- tor mower; McCormick Dearing 15 -run double disc fertilizer drill (like new) ; 3 -furrow rubber -tired plow; 2 -furrow rubber tired'. plow; Cockshutt side. rake, Co.ckshutt tractor spreader; garden tractor, fully equipped; Massey Harris weed sprayer, 20 ft, boom; air pump with paint sprayer; 2 rubber tired wagons; M.M. combine, with motor, fully equipped. Cattle: 2 Holstein heifers, due in May; 1 Ayrshire heifer, due in May; 2 black caws, fresh; 5 Hol- stein heifers, fresh and due in April; Holstein cow, due in April; Holstein cow, fresh 2 months; 2 Jerseys, springing, 5 Holstein cows; due time of sale; 5 year-old calves; black steer; 3 yearlings; 4 spring calves. Terms ---Cash RAY PEPPEIL, Proprietor Harold Jackson, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk 13-b AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects From the St, )Paul's Rectory, on Wednesday, April 4 at 1.30• p.m., consisting of; Nine -piece oak dining room suite of table chairs, buffet and china cabinet; Tri -light; 2 floor lamps; tea wagon music cabinet, Cogs- well chair; 'end table; hassock; studio couch; rung aad scatter rugs; pictures; kitchen table and chairs; ironing board, Thor washing mach- ine; laundry tubs; 4 -burner De Luxe Clare Jewel stove, with auto- matic controls; 3 section bookcase; set of twin beds; mattresses; double bed; inner spring mattress; dresser; 2 high boys; pine chest; lawn chair; study desk; upholster- ed chair; hall tree; table lamp; wicker table and 2 chairs; smolt in stand; drop Leaf table; inval- ic1's table; Singer drop head sew- ing machine; set of -961f clubs; Bob - a -Lawn m -o w e r, fernery stand; garden tools; dishes; cook-' ing utensils; dishes and.numerous other articles. Terms Cash If weather is unfavourable the sale will be held in; the parsonage hall. Rev. R. M. P. gulteel, Proprietor Lrdwaril W. Elliott, Auctioneer 12-3-b ofinton Community Farmers AVC TION SAL19S coumnehting At 1,90 pah, !i:"ftf CAM>T d, CC1Ttb S es Manager E, 'i�P. ELLYi�TT' ,Atict oneor rr tial. r`rnt _nr rtrt",r,