HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-03-29, Page 6REVISED GA SAGE COLLECTION SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE- APRIL 1 Friday Morning's Route chang- ed to Thursday Afternoon, Friday Afternoon's Route chang- ed to Friday Morning. Saturday Morning's Route changed to Friday After- noon. Saturday Ana-noon's Route changed to Saturday Morn- ing. HELP ME TO KEEP YOUR TOWN CLEAN. ART FULFORD Phone Clinton 73W 12-3-4-p Huron Street BAPTIST CHURCH Minister—REV, J. E. OSTROM 11.00 a.m.—Morning Service 12.15 p.m.—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Evening Service ALL WELCOME Eledep.alift aurtb REV, HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R, RENNIE. Choir. Director 8,00 a.m.—Young People's Hilltop Service—Breakfast meeting. 10.30 atra—C hurch Membership Class. 11.00 a.m. Morning Worship, "The Truth About Easter" 11.20 a,ln.—Primary School 12.15 p.m.—Church School. Union Evening Service in Ontario Street United Church, HOLMESVILLE 1.30 pan.--Churth Service, Sunday School Come to the House Of Prayer Maple Street GOSPEL HALL (MINTON Sunday School 9.45 a.m. Breaking of Bread 11,00 a.m. Gospel Service ....... 8.00 p.m, TUESDAY, 8 p,m. .— Prayer and Bible Study. "A Warty Welcome Awaits You', IT'S EASUR I I How well stocked is -your wardrobe? WE ARE SELLING: COATS SUITS SHORTIES DRESSES BLOUSES and SKIRTS Come in today and see this fast-selling range of Spring Merchandise at LADIES' WEAR CLINTON HENSALL Specials Effective Mar. 28 to Apr. 4 TRINIDAD GRAPEFRUIT JUICE-20 oz. tins-2 for 19c GOLD MEDAL PEANUT BUTTER-16 oz. jar 29c TALISMAN STRAWBERRY JAM-24 oz. jar 39c FLOWERDALE TEA-1/2 lb. pkg. 65c ELMAR MARGARINE-29c lb.; 3 lbs 85c .PETER PAN SWEET POTATOES-20 oz. tin 10c GIANT FAB—with Guest Towel or Palmolive Soap 79c n— Spoon (Souvenir Collector's Special) '75c 35c GIANT SUPER SUDS with Coronatio CHRISTIE'S CARLETON CRACKERS—box 37c CLUB HOUSE SPANISH , SALTED PEANUTS-1 oz. pkg. While They Last! CHATEAU CHEESE-1/2 lb. pkg. 29c PAT-A-PAN PASTRY FLOUR-24 lb. bag 1.29 FROZEN FRENCH kitIES—pkg - 19c ORANGEYc JUICE—Frozen • 2 tins 3'7c KRAFT MINIATURE MALLOWS—bag 29c Herb's Food Market PHONE 40 Herb. Bridle, Prop, FREE DELIVERY 11-4-04( $1-4,4-••• FOR EASTER Choose from Our 'Variety of Cakes and Cup Cakes Gaily Decorated for Your Easter Table Our Saturday Special: Eigiae irAINBOW CAKE REG. 60c for CHOCOLATE NOVELTIES for the Children \ GIFT CHOCOLATES BARTLIFF BROS. BICKERS and CONFECTIONEUS PlIONt . 1 MINTON All Clinton Boys and Girls are WELCOME to the CHILDREN'S HOUR Maple Street Gospel Hall MONDAY to FRIDAY APRIL 2 to APRIL 6 at 7.00 P.in. each evening. PRIZES - COLORED SLIDES TREATS Bring Your Friends 13-b I Let flowers express—better than words — your good wishes to your friends and Al family, LILIES * HYDRANGEAS GLOXINIAS * VIOLETS MUM PLANTS ROSES * CARNATIONS MUMS * DAFFODILS TULIPS * Etc. =MN IBS CAD .THURSDAY., MAACK Two TV Plays By Huron Authors On Easter Theme For those who like' their TV, plays, ..a pair of religious dramas are being presented by, CFPL-TV this week in co-operation with , London Little Theatre, Last night "The 'Rork Mystery" by Orlo anci'Maridon Miller was presented. It is based upon the story of Pontius' Pilate and the betrayal and condemnation of Christ. This one was presented by the Diocese of Kuron, and had 'the co-authors taking part,. Mr. and Mrs, Miller have a summer cottage at Rayfield. To-morrow night, Good, Friday,. another play "Upon This Rock" will be on the screen. The author is James Scott, Seaforth, better known as "Teaching Jimmy" or "Prof. Scott", and he bases the. story on two verses from the crucifixion story, Peter's denial and his refinding of Christ. Tom Ashweli, son of Mary Ashvvell will be director and James Plant will .produce. Main roles will be taken by John Graham Kenneth Le Moire and ,.Martin O'Meara, ac- complished actors from the London Little Theatre. o IOOF Notes The regular meeting of Clinton Lodge IOOF No. 83 was held on Tuesday evening, with the Noble Grand, Alvin Sharp, in charge. Visitors from Hensall, Goderich and 'Brucefield lodges- were pres- ent. During the evening the host lodge conferred the Initiatory de- gree on Roy Pepper,. Hensall, and James Cox, Clinton. Lunch was served at the conclusion by the committee, Norman Shepherd and John Sangster. * * It is anticipated that several members will be in attendance at the Good Friday Rally in St. Thomas when the First Degree will be conferred by a tai-n. from Windsor and Detroit. Arrangements have been made to hold the postponed Friendship Night on Saturday, April 7, at eight o'clock. A number of lodges in the area as well as several Grand Lodge officers have been invited, The Third Degree will be conferred by Germania Lodge, Waterloo. This meeting will be held in the Ontario Street United Church hail. o ONTARIO STREET WA WILL MEET TUESDAY The Ontario' Street Woman's Association will meet on Tuesday, April 3, at 2,30. Program in charge of Mrs. B. J. Gibbings and Mrs, W. Plumsteel, The ladies of St. John's ward will serve lunch with Mrs. N, Tyndall and Mrs. Habkirk in charge, but dashed right down to South End Cities Service, where his problems Were solved in to jiffy. CITIES SERVICE "WerVedland•?Por Pulled 'e GAS•SERviCE•TIRE.S WORK:'HOTS A FULL RANGE NOW IN STOCK WITH ° CORK © LEATHER ° CORD ° PANCO SOLES — SOME BROKEN LINES IN QUALITY BOOTS —.BUDGET PRICED for QUICK SALE. I Work Clothing — Luggage Phone 2 CLINTON F do it yourself.. save money! Why boa doik yoaroaookiha floors/ JuJ 00 Ook -CtOttto torttal flOOr ttpttProi4int 'gtv. libOt 06614 Iikt. *.w britiloOtot WV4ii Facailde tiwarything vet :nod 0114 full, easy instrottiOnt, phone for your Ciatiro route tquIpMent today! BALL & MUTCH PURNITURE and HARDWARE Phone 195 ;kW *vigi Clinton Livermore, London, werenner di S. Livermore, Q.C., and Mrs.cr mtonomen s Institute .Names guests with their parents, Mr. and - - Mrs. James 'Livermore, on Wed- nesday evening last. New Officers* Mrs Bation President Mr. and Mrs. Charles •C. Lavis, The monthly meeting of the Wo- men's Institute was held 04 March: n in. the council .chamber in. Olin-. ton, The meeting was'opened with the opening ode and the roll call which was given. by the paying of the membership fees, Four girls from the 4-11 Club, Beverley Beattie; Ruth Batkin, Christine Bridle and 'Ann Trott, showed blouses which they bad made .under the ,Supervision of Mrs: - Tyndall and Mrs. 'Balch). Mrs. McDonald, Sarnia, gave a. .4E GOT INTO 'AN AWFUL l 'PICKLE 4 4.4 ir'do e0,0014603,W. Good Friday- 10.30 a.m.—Meditations Easter Day- 8.30 a.m.—Itoly Communion 11.00 a.m.—Holy Communion 7.00 p.m—Holy Communion There will be a Communion Ser- vice for 'the semi-shut-ins on Saturday, March 31 at 4 p.m, Tuesday, April 3-4.45 p.m,—Lad- ies' Guild will meet at the borne of Mrs. Ray Gibbon. a 0", Sunday, April 1, 1956. ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIZNI:Ve CHUttCH" rASTOZ—RtiV. A. inIzt ura. A,E, ORGANISt mtg. wmnons GOOO VItIOAV SERVI014.1--, 11,00 ana—Saerattient Of the Lord's Supper, , SUNDAY, APRIL 9.45 a.m.—Sunday „School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.—Presentation of Easter play "Role Ittriiert Ohurth 2,00 prn......blvine Worship 5.00 'p.m.—Sunday School ''.AG SIX Personals Mr. and Mrs. Louis- Forest, spent last weekend in Detroit, Mr, and Mrs. Percy C. Town have returned home after a men- th's vacation in Florida. Mr. and Mrs, Wes Agar, Point Edward, spent Friday night with Mrs. May McElroy, Mary Street. Stanley C, McDonald was in Liatowel yesterday attending the of his .grandmother, the late Mrs, A, K. Hewitt, - Sunday visitors at the home of .Mr. and Mrs. John A, Sutter in- eluded Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth. Wela eh and SPA David, Wallacetowm and Gordon Edwards, London. Mr, and Mrs.''. B. Fotheringhana were home last week attending the funeral of% W, C, (brother-in-law of Mr. •Fothering- barn). Who have spent the past two. ,Trion- ills in. Florida are this week visit- ing their slaters, Mrs. J, Huller and Mrs. Fred Thompson, before returning to their home in Van- couver, B.C.3 -CONSERVATION 01411$ HAS MOIRE' The Ladies'. Conservation Club. held a very successful euchre party on March 29/ High lady was Mrs. J. Wilsona'consolation, Mrs. .Clean Reynolds; men's high, Theo Flynn; consolation', Clarence Freeman. Winners. of the raffle were Mrs. Joseph Steep and Harold Glew, A delicious lamb was served by the reading, The women decided to hold a banquet on the evening cif April 27 at the Commcrelal, Hotel. The meeting continued. With the election of officers, resulting as follows; President, Mrs, M. Batkin; past president, Mrs. C, Sturdy; first vice-president, Mrs. E. -Radford; second vice-president, Mrs. W. Colclettgb; third vice-president, - Mrs. T. Peeves; recording secre-, Vary, Mrs. C. Nelson; press were,' tary, ,Mrs, H, Snell!; treasurer, Mrs, Ada Adams Pistriet director, Mrs. W, S. R. Ifolmes; 'directors, Mrs, 0, Ross, Mrs, F. Layton, Mrs, W. Sheik. brook, Mrs, E. Epps and Mrs. J. Batkin. •;.! Finance, Mra, C. Sturdy; social, Mrs. D. Freeman; flower, Mrs. M. Crick and Mrs. N. Shepherd; re- ception, Mrs, Kyle and Mrs. J. Batkin; auditors, Mrs. G. Gregg and Mrs. A. 'Ilkley; home econom- ics and health, mrs.• W. Forbes; community activities and public relations, Mrs. M. Wiltse; citizen- ship and education, N. W. Trewartha; agriculture and Can- adian industries, Mrs, Forest; historical . research and current events, Mrs. R. Fear; song leaders and pianists, Mrs. Radford, Mrs. Fear and Mrs. Shepherd, 0 London Road Club Hold March. Irish Meeting The March meeting of the Lon- don Road Club was held at' the home of Mrs. Guetter. The meet- ing was presided over by the presi- dent, Mrs. Watkins and was open- ed by singing "I'll take you home again, Kathleen", followed by the repeating of the creed. The minutes were read and ap- proved. The roll Call was answer- ed by an Irish joke or song. There were 13 members present. It was moved that $10 be sent to the Easter Seal campaign: The treas- urer gave her report. Mrs. VanNinhuis had charge of the mystery box which was won by Mrs. Rooth. A letter of thank from Mrs. Clegg was read; also Mrs. Monaghan thanked the club for flowers sent to the late Mrs. Managhan. Mrs. Anderson had charge of the program consisting of a reading "Be Beautiful and Busy"; a poem; a contest won by Mrs. Collins and a song, "Rose of Tralce". The meeting was closed by sing- ing "God Save the Queen", follow- ed by a delicious lunch served by Mrs. Guetter and Mrs. Collins. • The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. H. Plumsteel with Mrs. Bennett in charge of the pro- gram and hostesses Mrs. H. Plum- steel and Mrs. Frederick Anderson. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS. MORGAN AGNEW, Choir Leader and Organist -Sunday, April 1, 1956 EASTER SERVICE Sermon subject — "The test of Christian Faith" The great Easter hymns and Easter Music Everyone Welcome to Worship at St. Andrew's . BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH I, BODENHAM, Pastor 10.00 axn---Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship Services. 7.30 p.m.—Gospel Service You are cordially invited to these services. Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Order of Meetings for the Lord's Day 11.00 a.m.—Breaking of Bread 3.00 p.m.-..Children's Meeting 7,00 pan.—Gospel Meeting ,ALL WELCOME PENTECOSTAL CHURCH' P.A.O.C, Victoria Street, Clinton K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Friday, March 80- 8.00 pan.—Christ's Ambassadors Sunday, April I- 10.00 aan,—Sunday School 11.00 atra—IVtorning Worship Rev. John VanLoo, 22 years a Baptist minister in. Holland, will be speaking, Subject: "The Reality of the Resurrec- tion Today". 7,30 para—Pastor's subject: "I am the Resarreetion. and the Life". Spealal musical numbers will be rendered et both services, Tuesday, April 3-- 8,00 in Prayer and Bible Study Service, All Welcome et,V 0 TLTCXVItSM.Illf LAMES' VLIV.4 1111! 11"X.Vla WV4111ESOAV The monthly meeting of the TUOkersmith Ladies' Club will be held at Mrs, Bert Garrett's, in the evening of Wednesday, April 4 at eight o'clock, ANPAV.W'S WA WILL KW"' TfJESDAV The Women's Association of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church wilt meet at the home of Mrs, E. son on Tuesday afternoon, .,April 3, At three o'clock, 1413A NV0140 AT SPAVORMT WilINARS A number of folk attended the final euchre held in Seaforth by the '140,13A, there, and among prizes WOO were consolation, Mr. Mc-. Michael, .Clinton; a motor rug raf,, fled by the LOL won by Asa Peeves, Clinton.. CONSERVATION CLI31 TO MEET TUESDAY The LadieS' Conservation CIO Will meet in the club room on, Tuesday, April $ at eight o'clock. ORGANIZATION MEETING of the PROGRESSIVE CONSERVATIVE WOMEN IN CLINTON COUNCIL Mumma, Town Hall, Clinton Friday, April 6 8.00 p.m. GUEST SPEAKER: ELMER BELL, QC., Exeter, Ontario Come and Bring a Friend New Canadian Women Welcome 13-b imerromemicammonermicommastegoonsieut So (TogSay ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH REV. R. M. P. 13ULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. M. Elliott, Choir Leader Bride-Elect Is Feted By Friends On Saturday evening, March 10, Mrs, Don (Shirley) Kay entertain- ed at a shower in honour of her sister, Edith Jones, a bride-elect of this month. About 20 friends and relatrves of the bride enjoyed an evening of contests, after which the bride was seated in a prettily decorated chair and presented with a large basket of gifts She was assisted in opening her gifts by her mother, Mrs. Frank Jones and Mrs. E. W. Colquhoun. She received many lovely and use- ful gifts for which she thanked her many friends. Shirley, asssiated by her sister-4n-law, Mrs. Douglas {Thelma) Jones, served a lovely lunch. The same evening about 30 friends arPter fiance, Murray Col- quhoun (members of Clinton Colts hockey team) and others gathered at the home of K. W. "Danny" Colquhoun to spend an evening. During• the evening Murray was presented with a chair. 0 Clinton Couple Mark 42nd Anniversary Da .y A Clinton couple, Mr. ,and Mrs. A. T, Hebden celebrated their 42nd wedding anniversary on March 25, Mrs. Hebden has been in London since July, undergoing treatment, Mrs. Hebden•spent the day at his bed-side, Several relatives and families, also friends called on them there. The Home presented them with a lovely anniversary cake which all including Mr. Heb- den's room-mates enjoyed.