HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-03-22, Page 5" "�•I�S�A�', H 2�, 195ii +��TQN '1�TAVVS-Rr>�C10RU e fJLA $mrm RATES C1.cl,81I.1tAT14 (i# India by the Wedneeday followirig Pupliaa- tion) ^^- Two Cents; minb . HiQ eRnts. po i1.1/� Gents n. J i wQrd for -wh foliorying insor" tion, minimum 35 cents, OX e7trA, BIRTHS, X4LA 1AQ101 S and I)EATHS--no vbaxge. EN'OAGEMENTS, .CARDS OF IXL" lis,# W ME04RIA1i S IWIMti ,ACCOMMODATION fair RENT BUILDINGS FOR SALE LIVESTOCK WA WE *l E1rJ It O O M rUPyNI$H=, 0. N E, 3 STQMy POULTRY WANTED. OLD HORS A" 'dleated apartment, Available early house, suttable, for' either brollers dead cattle. GilbQxt Brod. Idink in April, Flione Clinotn 1625W , 12-p .A %RTMl11NT TO RENT, THREE grooms, furnished. Private bath. ,tCentral location. Phone Clinton .-.99W, 12-9 UNFURNISHFJD FOUR ROOM apartralent with bath, available 3rruriedi'ately. W. N. Counter, .l'he Clinton 230. 12-p "TWO ROOM 'AP;ART=NT, fur- lxaished arid 'heAled. 'Suitable -for •,vouple, Phone Clinton 47.2+7. 9.19-11.12-b .sEiLF GONTAiNED, FOUR, room 'house apartment in. brick house .on King .Street, Available immediately. Phone Clinton 4911. -12-b 'THREE ROOM FURNISHED .apartment, share bath,, central is catiAn, Apply Merman's Men's Vear,;.phone Clinton 517. 8tfb "TWO ROOM FURNISHED, heat- -ed apartment in owner's home. 'Availabl'e immediately. Reeason� •:able rent. ' No extras. Comfortable, , room. Gentleman preferred, Phone Clinton; 73J. 12-P. :FURNISHED A P A R T M E NT, ,share bath, heated. Also a farm `house with hydro and, telephone. Mile west of Clinton and. half anile )north. Phone Clinton 727J3 at 6.30 p,m. 12-tfb "THREE BEDROOM, WARTI112E 'rouse, built in cupboards; Ile floorin kitchen ' 'tthen and bath. Avail- -able April 1. For' further partic ,ulars apply to George L. Falconer, phone Clinton 91071. 12-b LARGE WLY DECORATED, "1+TE three room apartment, in Londes- ftro. Private front entrance, &➢path, electric stove, frig„ washing ,machine, dishes. For particulars yhohe Blyth 1170. 10-tfb Accommodation Wanted - -SMALL HOUSE WANTED, TO rent, by permanent civilian citiz- ens. No children. Apply to Box No. 101, Clinton News -Record, 12-b ARTICLES -FOR SALE 'PIANO, STANLEY, IN GOOD condition. Phone Clinton 780-W. 12-b GOOD QUALITY SPY APPLES. `$1,1D0 a bushel. Phone Clinton 613J1, John Ostrom, Varna. 12-b FQR SALE - FIVE CHURCH seats ranging in size from seven to 12 feet. Apply to Lloyd Makins, Bayfield, phone 15. 12-b BRAND NEW FIRESTONE 9% •cu. ft. refrigerator on sale at $199. "T. A. Dutton, Firestone Store, Brucefield. Phone Clinton 902W1 10-tfb 1956 MODEL REIE'RIGERATOR, '5 year guarantee. Unused. Won ,on draw. Reason for selling, one now in home. Priced reasonable. 'O'untact Mrs. William Riehl. Phone 'Clinton 685R. 12-b TV FIT FOR A "KING" -- We Rent Move — Install. Complete service on all makes pf rotators and antenna." All work fully guar- anteed. Huron Tower Installation, phone Goderich 1344M. RE 'XELVINATOR MACH -IN lte- frigerator, two door, I8 cu. ft, .Regular price' $625. Best offer accepted. Phone Clinton 398 or '744, or apply at Finger's Restaur- ant. 12-3�b ARTICLES WANTED _.K. & G. SALVAGE, CO., Clintonr 'We buy scrap iron, rags, We buy anything, Ladies, clean up your -attire. Convert your junk into cash. For pickup phone Clinton 722JC 10.12-3-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE '1947 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, new rebuilt motor, excellent body, rad- io, heater and sunvisor. Has two new snow tires on back, and ex- ce)lent tires on front. Will accept .any reasonable offer. Phone Clin- ton 701 daytime; 538W evenings. 12-p BABY CHICKS STARTED Pt7LLETS FOR SALE, All kinds of pullets 21/a to 3 -months, all birds raised on the floor and delivered, Phone Char- les Scott, at Auburn, or Tavistock W60M. r10 -1.-2-3-4-5b XI7.i )HENER B I G - 4 GHiCI S. Mixed. Pullets, Cockerels. 13roll- ers, dayold, started. Standard, var- ieties and, crosses with such spec- ials as Ames In,Cross, etc. Let us •quote prices, take your order, be- cause the season is advancing and you want to Catch the good mar- - Consult I • agent: phone' Blyth 43P23, 1215 -GET YOUR 014 CX buying settled —you take no chances with Hill. side Chicks, You 106W—if you.'re an old cilstotner. This, year besides `ttil standard breeds and Crosses, ore are speeial strains like Arbor ,Acre, Ames In -Cross Pilch. What- ever you buy, you twice Ito Chances ,with quality ,from this old estab- lisped "Canadian Approved hateli- • ery. Ask Its for full information ter layers' or broilel•s., Williarii A. 1.1, Jenkins, North Street, Clinton. or laying hens; also one, storey and one half house, For further particuwis, apply Clarence P46tter, phone Clinton 226R, 12-p CLOTHING FOR SALE . HAT SET H foaTr� COAT Iittle girl, size 6. Mauve oat and matching coat. .Like 'new, Phone Clinton,622J& 12-b CUSTOM WORK ELECTRIC MOTORS, Rewound and repaired. Home and Auto rad- los and appliances repaired, Art, Levett, Isaac Street, at Dunlop, Phone Clinton 138W. 41-tfb CEMENT WORK: All, types of 'concrete walls and floors, water - tanks, concrete stables, walks, curbs, steps. Leaky basements re- paired; resurfacing rough floors, walks, curbs, steps. Phone Clin- ton 187W. Murray Miiler. 12-3-b SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL SEPTIC TANKS, CESS POOLS, etc„ pumped and' cleaned' with Sanitary modern equipment. All work guaranteed, Estimates given without obligation. Louis Blake, RR 2, Brussels, Phone 42 r 6 Brua- sels, 11to181) FARMS FOR SALE NICE L LIST OF FARMS FOR sale. L. G. Winter. Real Estate, 448 on Lo down Clinton w . Phone 1 t payments. 33-tfb MANY GOOD FARMS, LARGE and small; in Huron County. Real estate is our business. Buying or selling, Contact John Bosveld, Real ZEstate Broker, 40 Wellesley Street, Goderich, Phone Goderich 110& 8-tfb 100 ACRES, CLOSE TO NO. 4 Highway (Brucefield), good brick house and barn, hydro throughout; soil 'is fertile clay loam, suitable for grain or cash crops; 8 acres fall wheat, 70 acres ploughed, balance newly seeded; good water supply'; price $12,500.00; immed- iate possession• terms. C. V. Pickard, Realtor, Exeter. • 11-12-b FARC! EQUIPMENT For Sale UNIVERSAL SINGLE UNIT milking machine, like new; De - Laval cream separator, used one year. Beaver oats, clean and pure. Montcalm Barley, from first gen- eration registered seed. John Arm- strong and Sons, RR 1, Zurich, phone Hensall 697 r 14. • 11-12-p FARM PRODUCE FOR SALE CHOICE BEAVER, OATS FOR sale.. Suitable for seed. $1.00 a bushel cleaned at barn. Please order early. Milton Vollocic, IGA No. 1, . Varna, Phone Hensall 687r31. 12-3-b Furniture ,:Re -Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet, refinishing and re- painng; apply W, G. Pickett, phone Clinton 761M 4p-tfb HELP WANTED—FEMALE HOUSEKEEPER, TO LIVE IN, Phone Clinton 5fi2, 12-b ASSISTANT SECRETARY TREASURER for COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION Appligant must have pleasing per- sonality, be able• to meet the public well, have good knowledge of book- keeping and accounting practices, Shorthand and typing preferred but not essential. Applicant mast be able to assume responsibility, be -thoroughly reliable and dead - able. Good working conditions and full-time permanent . position• for right party. Opportunity for rapid advancement. References required. Apply To : e W. V. ROY, Box 310, Clinton, in writing giving full particulars and starting salary expected. Private Secretaries wanted by W. A, SHEAFFER, CANADA, Ltd. . TWO POSITIONS OPEN FOR SZMETARIl•1S TO PRE SID11 NT AND PLANT SUl'1 ATNTENDENT Apply fly Phoning Personnel Manager, 1470, Goderich HELP WANTED ----MALE WANTED, EXPERIENCED marr* ledman for general farm Work. Separate, .house, fuel, !hills, pro - contact S1 3, Clinton, TWO P10R'p,BRb,`D SHORTHORN bul18, and goad team of work horses, Phone Clinton 613J3, Jgnn Ostrom, Varna, 12-b Tj:M] Sows of Ranch, Goderich, Phone collect, 1483J1, or 1483J•4 9ptfb ST ND LOST — -$MALL BROWN DOG, a e f Pa answers to the n m . o tsy. Strayed from hom e Thurs ay alight. Anyone Knowing her where- abouts, please notify .Albert Craig, Ali 3, Clinton, or phone 645J3. I2.. -3-b. LOTS FORS SALE IDEAL BUILDING LOT, ON Wel- lington Street, formerly second bowling green, L Reuben Brubac- er. Phone Clinton 72.1• 12-b MISCELLANEOUS A QUANTITY OF BALED HAY; also one Quaker oil heater. Phone Clinton 759W3.. 12b $5 DOWN, UP TO 24 MONTHS to pay for a .genuine Surge Milker Uhit. Contact Lovell McGuire, Phone W'ingham 593. We guaran- tee uarantee better milking satisfaction.. 940-11-1243-p WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association. "Where Better Bulls Are Used," Artificial Insemination service for .all breeds of cattle. For service or information phone Clinton 515 collect, between 7.30 II and 10.00 aan. on week days- and 7.30 and 9.30 a,m. on Sunday6s. -tfb PROPERTY FOR SALE ROUSES FOR §ALE, AS LOW . as $750 down payment, easy terms on mortgage, L,: G. Winter, real. estate High Street, Clinton. Phone `Clinton 448. 11-12-b SALESMAN .WANTED SELL YEAR AROUND necessities. Become our dealer inyour sur- roundings. Men and women qualify for. this position. Write for de- tails to: FAMILEX, Dept. B., Box F — Station C, Montreal., 12-b WANTED—MAN for steady travel among consumers in Hurons County.' , Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable, hust- ler' considered. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. C-169-131, Montreal, P.Q. 12-b TEACHERS -WANTED TEACHER REQUIRED FOR rural school near •Seaforth. Good salary according to qualifications and ex- perience. W. P. Roberts, secre- tary, Tuckersmith School Area, RR 3, Seaforth. 12-3-b PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR Harlock School S.S. No. 6, H'ullett, 15 pupils, duties to commence on Sept. 4, 1956. Apply to Sec.-Treas. John H. McEwing, RR. 1, Blyth, applications to be in by April 1, 1956, 10-1-2-0I NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of L A W D A Y YOUNG, late of the Village of Londesboro in the County of Hu- ron, Spinster, Deceased, All persons having claims, against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 10th clay of April, A.D. 1956, after which date the assets will be dist- Abuted amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 14th day of March, A.D. 1956. E. BEECHER MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario - Solicitor for the said ,Estate. 12-3.4-b RCA VICTOR RADIOS AND TELEVISION Your Old Radio Accepted As Trade -In. T. A. DUTTON RCA VICTOR DEALER 8 R U C E F I E L D Telephone Clinton 68484 ,00 o cants. per word, mh�umG CU conte, VIIA.Ii•GOD+- .15 cents extra, DEADnoon# i3'ecluosda�+, In a typical Ontario city, Kitch- ener, a public opinion Survey found that W per cent of the people fav- or retail shwping In evening hours. REVISED GR.B A A _ Oh COLLECTION SCHEDULE Effective Tunis Week Friday Morning"s Route chang- ed to Thursday Afternoon. Friday Afternoon's Route chang- ed to Friday Morning. S a t u r d ay Morning's Route changed to Friday After- noon. Saturday Afternoon's R o u t e changed to Saturday Morn, ing. HELP ME TO KEEP YOUR .., TOWN CLEAN. - ART FULFOR Phone Clinton 73W 12.3-4-p Grocery Store Hours Re: EASTER. WEEKEND All Grocery Stores Will remain open on Thursday Evening, March 29, mail 9.90 p.m. Closing Satur- day -at -6bOO p.lrlcl. (Sponsored by RETAIL MERCHANTS COMMIT- TEE of the Clinton and District Chamber of Corn- merce.) • 12-b IlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlI11111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllillitlllllllllllllllllilllllilllllll FOR SALE 1% STOREY, 6 ROOM DWELL- ing, modern convenience, good location, small barn on proper- ty, fruit trees. Early possession. Price, $6,500. _o_. 11/y storey, 7 -room dwelling, flush toilet, running water. Situated in village of Londesboro. Immed- late possession. —o— T-$TOREY, 5 ROOM DWELLING, three bedrooms, modern conven- iences, oil heating, full base- ment, low taxes... Situated on Highway '4, south of Clinton. Early possession. 1 STOREY, 5 ROOM DWELLING, two bedrooms, modern conven- ience. Sunoorch. Early posses- sion. Price, 4,000. 1 STOREY, 7 ROOM DWELLING, 3 bedrooms, 3 -piece fatly fur - ell located two 1 e nice W o b o ks from post office. Early posses - Sion. Price, $5.500: o--- 1 STOREY, 2 BEDROOM Central Mortgsigo dwelling. Down pay- ment, $1,$00. Monthly payments, ,$28, Early possession, a • Apply to . C. LAWSON Complete Insurance Service Real Estate — investments Bank of Montreal Building Phones: Office 251W; Res. 2513 CLINTON, ONTARIO NEW, .MODERN WHITE ROSE SERVICE STATION Located on Victoria Street, Clinton Will be open April 1, 1956 APPLY TO: SAM WDONALD " h, tine C1xnit0 n 329, 12tfb GENERAL AL MAJ.V A E,Gl4 .Applitotions for the Position of Ge»era! Manager will ba reoa ycid 6y Mri J, I}, Oaks, President, Mid* Western Ontario Regioodl Oevelopment. Ati6clatiatt, Box 213, Guelph, Ontario, fd April !full, 1055, Tho Ai) 711tairt tar 'ivtlr C under to I. board 6f, l'iireotars iia irssociAtIon with Katal orgiwizatlons carni Ivith MOM61par and Provliiethl tlovbrnwaits 'vot the pionicttoft bf Reglowlal Indust - AM De'vblopihtalit, i.`rtcebtiotial trdtfortriltitty far ii flV6 ntXg'1"esStVh iitlf►ifti t6 01006i, riospitai; on we(Lnesaay, waren 21, 1956, to Cpl. and Mrs. Paul Newhouse, Clinton, a daughter, PORTER—In, Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, March 17, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. John Por- ter, Clinton, a son. SHEPPARD—.Try Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, March. 14, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. John Sheppard, RR 1, Londesboro, a daughter. SUTHERN •-•.- In Clinton) Public Hospital, on Sunday, March '1$, 1956, to Cpl. and Gerald Suth' ern, Clinton, 4 son, DEATHS DAVISON In Bayfield, on Sat- urday, March 17, 1956, Cather- ine Ahrens, widow of John Dav- ison- in her 87th year. Funeral. from her late residence in .Gay field, by Rev. D.. MacDonald, Hensall, on Monday afternoon, .March 19, to Bayfield Cemetery. GP4k1-IAM In Victoria B.C., on Thursday,arch 8 1956 Mrs. M Carrie Graham, 'in her 88th. ree r Born , Clinton d a a . n in an sident a Victoria, for the past 10 years, formerly of Saskatoon. Funeral service was held in the Santis Mortuary Limited "Mem- orial: Chapel of Chimes," Victor- ia, B.C., on Monday, March 12, 1956, Rev., William Allan offic- iated. Interment in the Col - woos Burial Park. • • HIGGIN'S—In Clinton, on Sunday, March 18, '1956; Janet Lindsay, beloved wife of William Higgins, Bayfield Funeral from i:he Beattie funeral home, Ratten- bury Street East, Clinton, to Bayfield Cemetery, on Tuesday afternoon, March 20, by Rev. P. Renner, Bayfield. SINCLAIR, — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, March 19, 1956, Williarh Chapman Sinclair, beloved, husband of Jean Foth- •eringham, RR 5, Clinton, in his 64th year. Funeral from Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clinton, to Baird's Cem- etery, by Rev. H. C. Wilson, Clinton, on Wednesday atter- noon, March 21. Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Machinery and Household Effects at Lot 28, Con- cession 3, East Wawanosh Town- ship, 2 miles north of Auburn, on Thursday, April 5 at 1 P.M. Cattle: White cow, due In June; roan heifer, due April; Hereford cow, due March 24, roan cow, with calf at foot; farrow cow, with, calf at foot; steer, rising 2 yrs, old; 3 heifers, rising 1 yr. old. Machinery: Ford Ferguson trac- tor, in good condition; Fergus6n plow; 7 ft. cut Mdssey . Harris binder; McCormick siderake and tedder; Massey Harris manure spreader; McCormick fertilizer drill; Buehler rubber 'tired wagon (new); car trailer,, hay loader; dump rake; McCormick mower; disc plow; harrows; slelghs�; fan- ning mill; 2,000 lb. scales; breech- ing harness; horse collars; ladders; grain bags; sacks; 'tarpaulin; scuf- fler; wagon box; hay rack; wheel barrow; pig crate; horse blanket; forks; chains) other articles; Grain: 500 bus. mixed grain; 100 bus, malting barley; 10 ton' choice baled hay. Household Effects: Sideboard; dining room table; 6 chairs; steel cot; rug; drop-leaf table; Princess Pat range; Harrison heater; single ; bed, springs and mattress; double bed, springs and mattress; ward- ; robe -trunk; screen door (new); kitchen •utebsils. Terms—Cash Ernest Hickingbottom, Proprietor I_Iarold Jackson, Auctioneer 12-9-11 C%ET+i.� VINO AUCTION SALE of Earn Stock and hnplemients At Lot 18, North, -east lloundary, Vsborno Township, 6 'miles east s and 2 miles! north of ExtAor, G 3 milos south east of Hensall, 2% ? miles south and 1/t mile `west from Cromarty, 0 miles north :and west t of Wrkton, oft f Tuesday, Mareh 21 i at 1 o'clock sharp. Registered Ilerefords 7 cows, rebred 7 calves ranging in age d from kay to Jan. (2 good bull i propects, 2 excellent 4-H Guinea ,# orosoects4 2..helfer calves, 1 bull istofin Cows: 1 cow freshened 2, due time of sale, 1 dine 1 due iri Jul;, 1 due Aug„ fifer due July, 2 open heifers, ;ves 600 t(x 700 lbs,, 1 month Ft halt old Calf. ;s: AA. ni ffiber of 'weiner .pigs. re16ery, . ete-: Ca;,e manure :der, hearly liew; rilbber tired Alan Ladd - ,roam T tze# • � F'.AGE 1?'I'Vl BIRTHS' Coming: CoNn ng; "DE$TRY" $ ie Mur h p y Mari Blanchard IQWI X.Mk --In Ciiliton Public Hos- BOXY THEA.M AT i p(( T044PHON_O pital, on Friday)Larch 16, 19;?6, D L 1 H T 4 N For Mr, William A. Edward from, lis residence on No. 8 Highway, Mrs Carl Pecker, ._.. Glr Zwich, a daughter. NCWz THUliS., FRIT SAT, -Ooderi ARlpi- In Clinton Public uospi- day, March til, on M. 16 1956, - - Double Rill , LAG .and Mrs. Ray Hardy, T ` Oakes' while I was in the hospital. Thanks to my friends' and neigh - 'bourn for the, flowers, cards, and �9 In Stork .Iaare Wyanan -- {7#rarltonu 14%stoa ETtrevor Cl Clinton, a daughter, Feed and Grain Uble At, east half lot No. 11, Ashfield and aiaire A grand dramatic romance with a MAUAULAY Zak Clinton Public13ritai'n's funniest funny man tu urns story as great as the cast that 9, 'Pital, on Saturday, Mare# 17, a departmetat store upside slowp in lives it, with a theme as lusty aS 1956, to Mrs, Maxie Macaulay, a riot of ,laugh -provoking the oil gushers .of Texas'? and the. late Robert Macaulay, Clinton, a son', situations. Norm Wisdom GG? c �a1111 11 AT MITCHELL—In Clinton P011c .- Mar, garret Rutherford ments• J - Hospital, on Wednesday March 14, 1956; to Mr, and Nhirs. Ern- -- and -,- 10,LUIE CANADIAN ROCKIES' In Visicivislon - Color rnerson Mitchell, RR, 3, Brussels, a son, The bigger they are the harder they fail, 'leaving' Gene top maxi in H!ONr� TUES. and WED. MARKS At 100 Mile House ' alae tall. timber coun6'tr ., :"%"Irm (Adult Entertainment) Bruch Columbia, on Tuesday, (lone Autaw* Pat -,—,_..�.. Ginger Rogers -- Van: Renin Gene Tierney and Peggy Amt i March 6, 1.956, to Mr, and, Mrs, Ross Marks, (nee,'1Vlarsha Har- MON., TUES. and WED. Garner With vey) a son (Kenneth Dougiaa) a grandson for 1virS, `G Ifell Below �� Zero George Raft and ltte a1, 'Gardiner in a suspenseful. murder great Gegrg ll e Conne , MT m stery centred around' the bright a ' MOFFATT -- In Clinton Public Technicolor Terrific adventure in the trackless .h s g di o t an frustrations: m f Broadway. HostpItal; on Thursday, March 15, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs. Floyd Antarctic. Authentic glirrapses of f a whaling 1 � �fi The. "I�C11 n � Q� Moffatt, Clinton, a son, g e e t at work cprrzbined with fast- a d• d . riospitai; on we(Lnesaay, waren 21, 1956, to Cpl. and Mrs. Paul Newhouse, Clinton, a daughter, PORTER—In, Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, March 17, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. John Por- ter, Clinton, a son. SHEPPARD—.Try Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, March. 14, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. John Sheppard, RR 1, Londesboro, a daughter. SUTHERN •-•.- In Clinton) Public Hospital, on Sunday, March '1$, 1956, to Cpl. and Gerald Suth' ern, Clinton, 4 son, DEATHS DAVISON In Bayfield, on Sat- urday, March 17, 1956, Cather- ine Ahrens, widow of John Dav- ison- in her 87th year. Funeral. from her late residence in .Gay field, by Rev. D.. MacDonald, Hensall, on Monday afternoon, .March 19, to Bayfield Cemetery. GP4k1-IAM In Victoria B.C., on Thursday,arch 8 1956 Mrs. M Carrie Graham, 'in her 88th. ree r Born , Clinton d a a . n in an sident a Victoria, for the past 10 years, formerly of Saskatoon. Funeral service was held in the Santis Mortuary Limited "Mem- orial: Chapel of Chimes," Victor- ia, B.C., on Monday, March 12, 1956, Rev., William Allan offic- iated. Interment in the Col - woos Burial Park. • • HIGGIN'S—In Clinton, on Sunday, March 18, '1956; Janet Lindsay, beloved wife of William Higgins, Bayfield Funeral from i:he Beattie funeral home, Ratten- bury Street East, Clinton, to Bayfield Cemetery, on Tuesday afternoon, March 20, by Rev. P. Renner, Bayfield. SINCLAIR, — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, March 19, 1956, Williarh Chapman Sinclair, beloved, husband of Jean Foth- •eringham, RR 5, Clinton, in his 64th year. Funeral from Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clinton, to Baird's Cem- etery, by Rev. H. C. Wilson, Clinton, on Wednesday atter- noon, March 21. Clearing AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Machinery and Household Effects at Lot 28, Con- cession 3, East Wawanosh Town- ship, 2 miles north of Auburn, on Thursday, April 5 at 1 P.M. Cattle: White cow, due In June; roan heifer, due April; Hereford cow, due March 24, roan cow, with calf at foot; farrow cow, with, calf at foot; steer, rising 2 yrs, old; 3 heifers, rising 1 yr. old. Machinery: Ford Ferguson trac- tor, in good condition; Fergus6n plow; 7 ft. cut Mdssey . Harris binder; McCormick siderake and tedder; Massey Harris manure spreader; McCormick fertilizer drill; Buehler rubber 'tired wagon (new); car trailer,, hay loader; dump rake; McCormick mower; disc plow; harrows; slelghs�; fan- ning mill; 2,000 lb. scales; breech- ing harness; horse collars; ladders; grain bags; sacks; 'tarpaulin; scuf- fler; wagon box; hay rack; wheel barrow; pig crate; horse blanket; forks; chains) other articles; Grain: 500 bus. mixed grain; 100 bus, malting barley; 10 ton' choice baled hay. Household Effects: Sideboard; dining room table; 6 chairs; steel cot; rug; drop-leaf table; Princess Pat range; Harrison heater; single ; bed, springs and mattress; double bed, springs and mattress; ward- ; robe -trunk; screen door (new); kitchen •utebsils. Terms—Cash Ernest Hickingbottom, Proprietor I_Iarold Jackson, Auctioneer 12-9-11 C%ET+i.� VINO AUCTION SALE of Earn Stock and hnplemients At Lot 18, North, -east lloundary, Vsborno Township, 6 'miles east s and 2 miles! north of ExtAor, G 3 milos south east of Hensall, 2% ? miles south and 1/t mile `west from Cromarty, 0 miles north :and west t of Wrkton, oft f Tuesday, Mareh 21 i at 1 o'clock sharp. Registered Ilerefords 7 cows, rebred 7 calves ranging in age d from kay to Jan. (2 good bull i propects, 2 excellent 4-H Guinea ,# orosoects4 2..helfer calves, 1 bull istofin Cows: 1 cow freshened 2, due time of sale, 1 dine 1 due iri Jul;, 1 due Aug„ fifer due July, 2 open heifers, ;ves 600 t(x 700 lbs,, 1 month Ft halt old Calf. ;s: AA. ni ffiber of 'weiner .pigs. re16ery, . ete-: Ca;,e manure :der, hearly liew; rilbber tired Alan Ladd - ,roam T tze# 'Scope,. and Color Niall Ma Ginnls------- Coming: "'WICHITA" Coming: CoNn ng; "DE$TRY" $ ie Mur h p y Mari Blanchard . In Scope sand Color with .foe! McCrea Of EARING AUCTION SALE' CajdS off' Thames Household Effects, Mayor's Equipment, Carpenter's Tools 2 .Cents per word, Minimum 500 For Mr, William A. Edward from, lis residence on No. 8 Highway, I would like to thank all my friends- and neighbours who re- y membered one-quarfer of a anile east of Goderich, on me with cards, flowers, treats, etc., also special thanks to Saturday, March 31 Dr, Newland and all th'e nurses who were so kind to me while a At 1.30 P.M, Terms Cash patient in Clinton! Hospital.—MRS WILFRED FREEMAN. 12-b William A. Edward, Proprietor Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer R. C, Hays, Solicitor for the Estate Special. thanks to the Nurses and Doctors Newland; Addison and 12-3-b Oakes' while I was in the hospital. Thanks to my friends' and neigh - 'bourn for the, flowers, cards, and CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Implements; treats I receive at home.—,Z- Feed and Grain BERT HABIQRK. 12-b At, east half lot No. 11, Ashfield Township, one-quarter of a mile AUCTION SALE I west of Nile; on Thursday, April S Of Household Effeefs From the. St. Paul's Rectory, on CATTLE — 12 Holstein cows, Wednesday, April 4 registered and grade; 7 yearling Poll of Angus to steers and heifers; fifers; reg- at 13 . 0 .m, consisting P of: , g istered-bull (Aberdeen Angus). PIGS -30 pigs from six to nine Nine -piece oak dining room suite of table, chairs, buffet -and china weeks. old; 3 Yorkshire sows. csabiriet; Tri -light; 2 floor lamps; IMP EDITS a' el e —i1VL d S Cas tractor tractor and a full line of imple- tea wagon on usi m c cabinet; b net• g Cogs - , g well chair; end table; hassock; ments• studio couch; rug and scatter rugs; FEED --Quantity - of hay and Pictures; kitchen table and chairs; oats, ironing board; Thor washing mach - TERMS: $10.00 and under cash, over this amount 6 months credit fine; laundry tubs; 4,burner De Luxe' 'Clare Jewel stove, with auto; on approved bank notes at 5 per- cent, matic controls; 3 section bookcase; set of twin beds; mattresses; No reserve as the farm is sold G. H. Pentland, Proprietor double bed; inner spring mattress; dresser; 2. high boys; pine chest; Edward °W. Elliott, Auctioneer, 12 -3-b lawn chair; study desk; upholster - ed chair; hall tree; table \lamp; wicker table and 2 chairs; amok - Extensive AUCTION SALE Of High Quality Shorthorns,. Horses, .Hogs, Tractor, 'T'ruck, Thresher, Farm Machinery, Hay, Grain and miscellaneous items. On the premises, Lot 6, Con. 2, Stan- ley Township, 33/ miles north of llonsall, or 1% miles west of Hip - pen and 11/ miles north. on Friday,* !March 23 Commencing at 12,30 p.m. sharp. High Quality Shorthorns: Roan cow, carrying fourth calf, due in April; red cow, carrying second Cali, due in April; red cow, carry- i)vg third calf, due in May; roan cow, carrying second calf, Clue in May; roan; cow, carrying fourth calf, due in April; red cow, carry- ing fourth calf, due in: May; red cow, carrying. second calf, due in May; red caw, carrying fifth calf, Clue, in April; 5 Durham, steers, ready for market, averaging 1,250 lbs each; 2 Baby Beefs, averaging 500 lbs. each, 3 steers, rising 2 yrs. old; 2 heifers, rising 2 yrs. old; 5 Durham yearlings; purebred Shorthorn bull, rising 3 yrs. old. This is a very choice herd of rattle, all in market condition. Horses: General Purpose team, Prue and reliable; Clyde mare, 8'. yrs. old. Hogs: 10 York pigs, averaging 185 lbs, each. Farm Machinery: 1950 Chev. calf -tan pick-up truck, very low nileage, in all around new can- lition; tractor, McD. Super "W" 6, `ally equipped, used one :,eason, ike new; Waterloo 28x45 thresher, `ully equipped with cutter, grain )lower, etc., in A-1 condition; two 140 ft. Klingtite 7 -;rich drive belt, ike new; 200 ft, heavy cable with )locks and tackle; Me. -Deering )finder, 7 ft. cut, like nein; Me:- )eering mower, 6 ft, Cut, like new; Via. -Deering hay loader; Oliver 3- urrow plow, like new; Cockshutt [-section spring, tooth harrow; 12c. -Deering drop -head hayloader; VIC.-Deering horse drawn manure spreader, on rubber; !Vic. -Deering ;pring tooth cultivator, 8 ft. out, :quipped with extensions; Fleury 32plate tractor disc; 3 -drum steel roller; 10 ft. dump rape; 4 -section hamond harrows; all steel wag - z; rubber tire wagon; 16 ft. hay pack, brand new; 2 gravel boxes; International team seuffler and puller; 100 cap. Spraymotor, eom- rlotely equipped, like new; M -I -I ,3 -run grain drill, with f,3rtiliser lttachment; single scuffles; sling ,apes and chains; Renfrew electric ream separator; root_p 41)er; Ren - of bri wood; drill, smith S, Z,uuu ib. Cap.; ; fanning mill; ,less; backhand 40 -gal. copper 'titter; qua'- y of stove r; anvil forge; penter a, black - hydraulic jack; articles too witnerotta to n, and OrWw 200 bale's Hk6d tons loose hay; 156 bushels Ing stand; drop leaf table; inval- id's table; Singer drop head sew- ing machine; set of golf clubs; Bab -a -Lawn mower; fernery stand; garden tools; dishes; cook- ing utensils; dishes and numerous other 'articles. Terms Cash If weather is unfavourable the sale will be held in the parsonage hail. Rev. R. M. P. Bulteel, Proprietor Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 12-3-b Clinton Community Fanners AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY commencing at 1.30 p.m. TERM CASK J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTTr� Auctioneer X. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk Al in iii'. c/n���► n ` � . �Q 'C Get There Safely! CALL 110 ASHTON'S TAXI ,tvuau,.ett'„ etc. - of baled hay, N'o reserve, tis the firth 3s Sold, of Cob corn. file may o . Due to extra large' sale, "lling Cor et acct. Wil start sharp+ ons time. Radio told TV li Proprietor litietlonee AtNIN 11�Cd1C31Etlft 1$kbP l6t6r pl bh& 481 Clir►iNttiit.