HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-03-22, Page 4Farewell. To Two Members On the occasion of a last meeting of the Woman's Auxiliary of St. Paul's Anglican Church on Tuesday, for two members going away from 'the congregation soon, Mrs. Ceriel VanDamme (left) was the guest speaker, telling of her recent trip to Eng- land and Europe; Mrs. Horace Elvidge (centre) was presented with a life membership from the church congregation and a gold pin'; on the right is Mrs. R. M, P. Bulteel, who'with her husband the rector, will leave early next month to make their home in British Columbia. In front pouring tea, is Mrs. L. M. McKinnon, another life member of the WA. (News-Record Photo) Mrs. H. Elvidge Honoured; Guest MIRACLE WHIP SALAD DRESSING-32 oz. CLUB HOUSE QUEEN OLIVES-9 oz. jar LYONS TEA BAGS- 110 Bag Economy Pack EATMORE CRANBERRY SAUCE Whole or Jellied; 9 15 Oz. 27 gl Off-Season Special " tins 2 l READY-CUT MACARONI, bulk bs. 25c Grocery Specials March 22 to 28 75c 23c 98c Sun-day, March 25, 1956 Spring Is Here!! CHECK YOUR WARDROBE TODAY TO MAKE SURE OF YOUR SPRING NEEDS . . . Coats 11111111 Shorties Suits Blouses -- Skirts Come In NOW to be sure of a Large Selection from which to choose your needs. Have You Seen Our Yard Goods Department? WOOLS — COTTONS — NYLONS and GINGHAMS — all are being shown. FABRICS are different . . . COLORS are different . . . _Before You Buy Anything See The Selection At LADIES' WEAR CLINTON HENSALL 33c REG. 40c DOZ. for COME IN AND CHOOSE FROM OUR WIDE SELECTIONS OF Boxed Chocolates and - Easter Novelties Our Saturday Special: From Our Store Only- Honey-Dip Do nuts BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS PHONE . 1 CLINTON SHOE SALE BROKEN LINES OF SCOTTMciIALE OXFORDS — Continues 16 PAIRS BROWN — ASSORTED PATTERNS Not All Sizes 8 PAIRS BLACK BALMORAL. RCAF Officer's Dress Pattern REG. 14.50 to 16.50 CLINTON NEWg-R.F4CORD TralMSPAY, MARCH 22, 1.9$6 PAGE. rotat Brucefield. WMS Lay Plans For A Thankoffering Personals Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Town- send and Mrs. Gladys Wallace, at- tended the 'funeral of the late Rob ,Andrews, Goderich, on Wednes- day, Mrs, A. J. Dawson and little son, John, Beau Repaire, Quebec, are spending a few weeks with Mrs. Dawson's, mother, Mrs. W. S. It Holmes. Misses Beverly Lewis, Iva Clark, Dianne Mitchell and Gail Shearing, student nurses at St. Thomas Elgin General Hospital, spent the Weekend' with Mr. and. Mrs. Mit- ehell Shearing. Mrs. G. Cuninghame, Mrs. Har- riett Blanchard, Mrs. W. G, Pic- kett, Miss Rena and Mr. Harold Pickett attended the funeral of their cousin, Mrs.' (Dr.) Moffat in London on Saturday, Conservation Club At Alma Grove. Play Bingo Set The regular' monthly meeting of the Ladies' Conservation club was held "in the club rooms at Alma Grove on March 13, with a good attendance, The president, Mrs. Robert Car- ter; was in charge. The minutes of the last meeting were read by Mrs,- C. J. Livermore, and a re- port on the .membership committee was given by Mrs. George Falcon- er. The financial report was giv- en by Miss Dorothy Mutch, It was decided to give ten dol., Lars to the Crippled Children's Fund. At the close. oaf the meeting, bingo was played and refreshments served. The door prize was won by Mrs. Robert Carter, The next meeting will be held on April 3. with the Ontario Street The Ontario Street Men's Club met on Monday evening. The meeting opened with prayer by Harvey 'Johnston. Reports were read by John Levis and Harold Swan. Plans for 'a work program were discussed. After the business per- iod shuffle-board was played with two teams under captains George Levis and Roy Tyndall competing. e Happy Workers Hold Quilting The Happy Workers Club met at the home .of Mrs. James McBride for their March meeting and quilt- ing. Eleven members answered the roll call by wearing something green. Lucky draw was made by Marilyn Holland and won by Mrs. Warren Gibbings. Next meeting will be at . Mrs. Warren Gibbings' home with group six,in charge of lunch. Roll call: a house-cleaning hint". Meeting adjourned with "God Save the Queen". A lovely lunch was serv- ed by the hostess, Mrs. McBride, assisted by Mrs. Hugh Ball and Mrs. William Holland, -- 0 Rebekahs Confer Degree On Two At the regular meeting of the Huronic Rebekah Ledge No, 306 held on Monday night, March 16, Mrs. Ethel McPherson as degree captain and , her staff conferred the degree on two candidates: Mrs. Margaret Wilson and Mrs. Marion Sangster. On April 11, the, team has been invited to put on the degree at the Legion Hall in Exeter. Members 'are reminded of the card party and dance to be held in the Varna township hall, on Friday night, March 23, IOOF Notes 'Clinton Lodge No. 83 will be host 'to Hensel]. on Tuesday even- ing next, at which• time the local lodge will confer the Initiatory Degree on candidates from both lodges. Plans are being worked out whereby the storm-delayed Friend- ship Night which was to have tak- en place a month 'ago, will be held early in April. Details will be an- nounced as soon as 'things have definitely been cleared with both Waterlod and Clinton. ONLY 3 DAYS LEFT Special Oil Prices in effect on case or bulk lots of OTOR attending the meeting of Woman's Auxiliary (missionary) at St. Paul's Anglican Church for the last time prior to moving to Pal- merston, was presented Tuesday afternoon .withra life membership in the W,A., a gift of the congre- gation, of the' church. In speaking words of presentat- ion, Mrs. Fred Hudie told of the good work of Mrs. Elvidge' during her stay in Clinton, and wished her well in the future: Mr. El- vidge is to be Station Agent in Palmerston ,and the family will be moving soon. Mrs. L. M. McKinnon, herself a life member, presented the certif- icate and Mrs. R, M. P. Bulteel, wife of the rector, pinned on the gold pin. The program included SCripture read by Mrs. Elvidge; prayers' lead by the president, Mrs. Hudie; a solo by Mrs. Bulteel, • "Dear Lord, Kind Lord," with Mrs, Theo Frern- lin at the piano. Mrs. VanDamme will continue the work of the Girls' Auxiliary in the footsteps of Mrs, Bulteel, who will leave soon with her husband for the West Coast. Mrs. Durham was named treasurer to replace Mrs. Elvidge. Mrs. A. Kirby offered to arrange for sandwiches and cookies for the Girls' Auxiliary tea planned. for Easter ' week, and Mrs. Bulteel spoke of the encouraging co-oper- ation with which the girls were giving Mrs. Cudmore ,in the work, Announcement was made of the Diocesan 'annual in London on April 24, 25 and 26, and that on April 27 ladies from the churches in the district would gather at St. MOTHERS' GROUP TO MEET NExre TUESDAY The Mothers' Study Group of Wesley-Willis United Church will meet next Tuesday evening, March 27, in the home of Mrs. Glen Wise with Mrs. Drew Fowler in charge. Mrs. G. Cantelon and Mrs. R. Can- telon will be hostesses. Please meet at the church 'at eight o'clock for transportation. -411,M411. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, B,A., Minister MRS. MORGAN AGNEW, Choir Leader and Organist Sunday, March 25, 1956 10.00 a.m,—Church SChool for all 11.00 a.m.—Divine Worship Everyone Welcome to Worship at St. Andrew's ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. M. Elliott, Choir Leader 11.00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sunday School. No Evening. Service. Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Order of Meetings for the Lord's Day 11,00 a.m,—Breaking of Bread 3.00 p.m.—Children's Meeting 7,00 p.m.—Gospel Meeting ALL WELCOME •••••-e10,.• STAL CHURCH O.C. et, Clinton D, Pastor rs Huron Street BAPTIST CHURCH Minister—REV. J. E. OSTROM 11.00 a.m.—Morning Service 12.15 p.m.—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Evening Service e ALL WELCOME BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH I. BODENHAM Pastor 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m,—Morning Worship Services. 7.30 p.m. — Special Baptismal Service " You are cordially invited to these services. ZI,Ittiteb eburtb REV. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M. It. RENNIE, Organist M. It. RENNIE. Choir Director 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship "From Olivet to Calvary" (J, IL Maunders) Will be presented by the choir 11.20 a.m.—Primary School 12.15 p.m—Church School. 7.00 p.m.—Evening Praise "Deltoid the Man" • HOLIVIESVILLE 1.30 p.m.—Church Service. Sunday School Come to the House of Prayer Maple Street GOSPEL HALL 01,INToN , ol 9.45 aan, a. .n 1110 a.m. Girls' Club Meet At St. Andrew's' The Girls' Club of St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church met on 'Tues- day evening, March 13, with an average Attendance, The meeting opened with a hymn followed by Scripture read by Mrs. Frank Mutch and repeat- ing the Lord's Prayer. Reports RH S Sacred Twilight Musicale GOOD FRIDAY, MARCH 30th • 3.00 p.m. Wesley-Willis United Church CHOIR OF CLINTON DISTRICT COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE Director; Mr. Ross Middleton. OTHER ARTISTS: Vocal and Instrumental, from Seaforth, Blyth, Toronto and Clinton. FREE WILL OFFERING Sponsored by Good. Will Club 12-b 'kr CANADA PACKERS COOKING SCHOOL Sponsored by Clinton Chapter Order of the Eastern Star PUBLIC SCHOOL AUDITORIUM 8.OG p.m. Tues. & Wed., March 27 and 2$ PRIZES FOR EACH EVENING: 20 Bags of Groceries Door Prizes - Special Draws GRAND PRIZE—Sunbeam Mixmaster. (anyone attending eligible to win) ADMISSION: 50c PROCEEDS FOR HOSPITAL PROJECT ZEN ORANGE JUICE TALKS—large 2 tins 37c 2 for tqc urge Sweet—Each • 29c 59c 54c 69 The March meeting of, the Wo- man's Missionary Society was held in the schoolroom of the church on Tuesday, March 13, Mrs, Will- lain Scott had charge 'of the Bible study-period "the call' to the mis- sion of the church. through Evan- gelism and. Missions"—and gave comments on the passages read. In the absence of the president, Mrs. Davison, Mrs. H, Dalrymple presided over the business part of the meeting. Final arrangements were made for the Easter thankoffering ser- vice, which will be held on Sun- day evening, March 25., Mrs. El- ford, Seaforth, will be the guest speaker. The missionary for pray- er for 1956 is Miss Mabel Brand- ow, Trinidad. An invitation was accepted to meet with the Ontario Street WMS, Clinton, on March 28. The literary secretary introduc- ed the book shelf and requested every member to read the books. Thank you notes were read from Mr. R. P. Watson and Mrs. W -r •••• Moffatt. An interesting reading on Chris-Speaker Is Mrs.- Ceriel VanDamme tian stewardship was given by Mrs. T. B. Baird,. The missionary program was taken by Mrs. W. Fotheringham, Mrs. T. and Mrs. N. 'Walker. The meeting closed Mizpah benediction. 0 Men's Club At Mrs. Horace Elvidgef who was Paul's to view slides based on the new study book. Mrs. C. VanDamme, recently re- turned ,from three months vaca- tion in Europe and Great Britain with her husband, spoke of her jotirney, paying particular atten- tion to the churches they had seen, and the close connection with the Christian belief whiCh the people of Rome have because they live in the midst of scenes of the events which took place among the earls, Christians. Their trip took in seven count- ries; including England, where Mrs. VanDamme's relatives live; to Belgium and Holland, where Mr. VanDamme's people reside; to Germany, Vienna, Venice, Floren- ce, •Rome, Palermo, Mount Etna, Messina and then back through Holland and England. Mrs. VanDamme told of the in- spiration it had been to stand on the Appian way and realize that it was where St. Peter had met the Lord, and then had stopped running away and gone back to Rome where he was cricified. She told of St. Peter's church, built on the site of Peter's martyrdom, and of his statue and the one foot which has been worn smooth by generations of people stroking it to show their love for Peter, "the rock." Also of great interest was a vis- it to the catacombs, where the early Christians were burred in rows• along the walls, A Dutch monk was their guide through this historic place. The speaker told of Venice where people travel by boat, rath- er than by car, bicycle or by walk- ing, and of the beautiful churches furnished extravagantly by loot brought back from Constantinople during the time of the Holy Wars. Of interest, too, was the unus- ual amount of snow and storms this winter. Mrs. VanDamme spoke of seeing oranges• and lem- ons frozen on the trees in the fer- tile land near Mount Etna, in Italy. were heard and roll call was an- swered by 'an "Irish Incident." After a short business period conducted 'by president Mrs, How- and Cowan, Miss Anne Shaddock introduced Miss Luella Johnston who spoke on "influence," The Speaker was thanked by Mrs. El- mer Murray. The meeting 'closed with the Mizpah benediction and lunch was served by Mrs, James Turner, Mrs. Douglas Farquhar, Mrs. Lloyd Butler, Mrs. W. J, Mutch.