HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-03-22, Page 3Legion Auxiliary Installs Five More Members The regular meeting of the Lad- les' Auxiliary took place on March 12, in the Legion Hall, with pres- ident B. Cooke presiding, Five new members were instal- led, Mrs. Robert Hicks-, Mrs. "Dick" Dixon, Mrs. .Joseph Mrs, Russel Holmes., and Mrs. Reg, Cudmore, All mernberS are invited to at- tend a social evening on Friday,, April 13, when the mortgage will be burned', A bowling team will be sponsor. ed again to attend the annual Bowling Tournament at Walker-. ton in May, $25 is to be sent to the Legion Scholarship Fund, Members are reminded of anoth- er card party to be held in - the hall on Thursday, March 29. A penny sale will be held at the next regular meeting and each member is to bring a gift, not ex- ceeding 35 cents Mrs. George Graff Mrs. George Graff of Kakabeka Falls, Northern Ontario, died on March 9 in Fort William Hospital. She had been a resident of Kaka- ifeka Falls for 26 years, and was the former Ida Stewart, Stanley Township, before her .marriage, Surviving besides her husband, are two sisters, Miss Ada Stewart, Toronto and Mrs. Harvey McBrien, Victoria Street, Clinton. Funeral was in the chapel at Fort William with Pastor R. Ellin- son officiating. Burial was in the Kakabeka Falls Cemetery. 0 Clintomans Meet Wesley:Willis WA Serve Tea; Sell Homemade Items The Woman's. Asspciation of Wesley-Willis United •Church held a successful St. Patriels's bazaar and tea on Saturday afternoon, March 17 from three to.sea o'clock. Mrs. H. C. Wilson, honorary president, and Mrs. Frank And- rews, president, received the guests at the entrance to• the lec- ture room where booths were set up for home baking, aprons, novel- ties and home made candy. Mrs. N. W. Trewartha and Mrs. H. Henry acted as hostesses for ,the afternoon. Baking booth convener was Mrs. A. Shaddiek, assisted by Mrs, Charles Nelson, Mrs Gordon Man- ning, Miss W. O'Neil, Mrs. Cam- eron, Miss L. Walkinshaw and Mrs.' James McGill. The novelty and apron booth was Convened by Mrs. F. Fingland, assisted by Mrs. Fred Potter, Miss Ida Walkinshaw and Mrs. A. Liver- more. The tea room conveners were Mrs, •E./Hugill, Mrs. Reg. Shipley and MS. Douglas Andrews with MIS. Merritt Nediger as hostess, Pouring tea at the chariningly arranged table set with white lin- en, tall green tapers, daffodils and forsythia were Mrs. J. Inns, Mrs. VanHorne, Mrs. Charlesworth, Mrs. H. C. Wilson, assisted by Mrs. J. Knechtel and Mrs. J. Turner. LADIES' DRESSES— VALENCIA COTTONS $3.95 ea. "Aristocrat of Cotton" GINGHAM COTTONS— • Budget Fashitin Style—at low price Sizes 12) 14, 16, 18, 20, only $3.95 ea. '1.75 pair GIRLS' GLOVES—all nylon— wbit—streta 89c GIVE brings you a 'new fragrance,.., fresh as Springtime! JUNIOR SLIPS— Fine imported Opaque Cotton .$198 ea. Sizes 13-1547 All sizes in tall girls and half slips FINE ASSORTMENT NYLON smrs—$2.95 and up Better quality cotton slips Sizes 32-42, only 4, $1.98 • NYLONS— First quality, 54 gauge 95c Wisper Nylons $1.35, $1.50, $1.75 Lady's Stockings, cotton, 39c, 84c pair CLINTON NEWS-RECORD" PAGE'mug PrilmsDAY, MARCH 22, 19:50 Polio Foundation (By our Hensall correspondent) Carmel Presbyterian Church Ladies' Aid met on March 12 with Mrs. J. Soldan's-group in charge of the devotional part of the meet- ing. Mrs. G. Troyer read the Scripture passages. Mrs. J. Soldan read a number of articles and led the group in prayer. A letter from the Canadian Foundation for Poliomyelitis, Ontario Chapter, was read and a collection for the foundation amounted to $3. Details for the spring supper to be held •April 17 were dealt with by Mrs. M. Dougall. The meeting closed with prayer by Rev. D. MacDon- ald. The April meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. J. Soldan, Parr Line, with Mrs. Clarence Reld's group in charge. Huron County Crop Report (By G. W. MONTGOMERY, Agricultural Representative for Huron County) To date 4-H Club organizational meetings have been exceptionally well attended and prospects are again for a definite increase in the number of members in this pro- gramme. Approximately 70 growers at- tended the annual meeting and banquet of the County Fruit Grow- ers' Association and 75 municipal officials, inspectors and spray op- erators attended the annual War- ble Fly School held in the county this past week. Inquiries in regard to informa- tion on new cereal grains, grasses and legumes are increasing each week at our office. Ladies' Club At Summerbill .Attemied By 23 The March meeting of the .Snin- rnerhill Ladies" Club was held at the home of Mrs. Ross Lovett, with 20 members and three visitors present. The meeting was opened by singing "Blest Be the Tie That Binds," followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. Everyone is .asked to bring a copy of the Creed to the next. meetlng.. The program, consisted of a read- ing by Mrs. Donald .McLean; stunt by Mrs. Charles Merrill; a joke contest by Mrs, Wesley Vod- den, won by Mrs, William Black- er; a contest by Mrs. Clark Ball and. Mrs. Harry Watkins. The raffle was won by Mrs. Percy Gib- bings. • • The April meeting will. be at the I-pine of Mrs. Allan Neal. The program committee will be Ws. Fred Vodden, Mrs. George Wright, Mrs. Norman, Wright and Mrs. Clarence Ball. The lunch committee will be Mrs. Fred Vod- den, Mrs. E. Ellis, Mrs, Wesley Hoggart and • Mrs. Keith. Tyndall. Tables for four arranged with centres of spring flowers were in charge of Mrs. M. Steep, Mrs. H. Adams, Mrs. G. Smith, Mrs. R, Vincent, Mrs. Wesley Holland, Mrs. J.' McLaren; Mrs. J. Nediger, 'Mrs. W. Jervis, Mrs. A. Rathwell, Mrs. C. Hugill, Mrs: Clifford Cooper and Mrs. R. Jenkins. Plate arrangements. were in the hands of Mrs. ,George Beattie, Mrs.' N.' Shepherd and Mrs. A. Had dy. Kitchen helpers were: Mrs. W. Pinning, Mrs. Knechtel, Mrs. Laid- law, Mrs. M. Addison, Mrs. W, Wallis, Mrs. Leslie Ball, Mrs. Ed. Miller, Mrs. Cornish and Mrs. Turner. The candy booth for the Mission Band was in charge ofs Beverly Beattie, Lynn Shipley and LeRoy Hugill. Good Will Club Meeting Based. On Easter Theme Mrs. H, G. Manning presided for the Vareh meeting of the Wesldy- Willis Gpod Will Club, which was held in the Sunday School room of the church. After the ainging of the opening hymn, Mrs, ..George Jefferson gave an Easter message and read.the Scripture lesson freM Luke '23, Miss M. A. ':Stone led in prayer. Mrs. Vincent, who was pianist, chose the well-loved, "Londonderry Air", for her piano solo. Mrso E. Ostrom sang the beautiful hymn "Hiding in the Shadow of the Rock." The. minutes. were read, by Miss E. jarnieSons and the treasurer's report was given by Miss L. Walk- inshaw. The president mentioned the Twilight Musicale' to be giyen on Good Friday afternoon. Donations were asked for the rummage sale to be held in. April. Albert Livermore showed de- lightful coloured slides of his, trip to the East Coast and to the West Coast and' of some local scenes, with interesting comments. Mrs. Manning thanked all who had contributed to a successful and, well attended meeting, which was in charge of Mrs. G. Grigg and Mrs. Herb Jenkins. Four Films Booked In Roxy Have Select Rating The latest bulletin on selected films has been issued by the Film Estimate Board of National Organi- zations. Four of the seven films listed are booked into the Rosy Theatre in Clinton and will be shown soon. "Doctoil at Sea", technicolor, 90 minutes. Recommended for fam- ily over 12. Light-hearted comedy, sequel to "Doctor in the House." "Good-morning Miss Dove", cine- mascope, 105 minutes. Recom- mended for family over 14. Gentle warm-hearted tale of a teacher and two generations of pupils. "It's a Dog's Life", 86 minutes. Recommended for family all ages. A tough bull-terrier with an East Side accent tells his own, story. Fun and unusual entertainment. "The Tender Trap", cinema scope, 111 minutes. Recommended for grown-ups and mature young people. Sparkling farce, slick pro- vocative dialogue. Motion pictures are made to at- tract many different kinds of aud- iences; an estimate is designed to indicate to a reader what enter- tainment there is in the film for him. The Film Estimate Board of 11 organizations includes the Canad- ian Council of Churches, Children's Film Library Committee; Canad• ian Girl Guides; Canadian Home and School and Parent-Teachers' Associations and the Federated Women's Institutes. Hensall United WMS Hostess To Six Societies (By our Hensall correspondent) The Woman's Missionary Society of Kemal]: United Church held theirs annual birthday party on March 16, with societies from Main Street United Church, Exe- ter; Brucefield and Chiselhurst United Churches; St. Paul's Ang- lican, Clinton, and Carmel Pres- byterian Church, Hensall, and the Evening Auxiliary of the church as special guests who were welcomed by the president, Mrs. George Armstrong. Miss Greta Lammie was at the organ. The devotional was' taken by Miss M. Ellis, on the theme, "Fellowship", and prayer was offered by Mrs, E. Rowe. Mrs. C. D. Daniel introduced the guest speaker, Miss' Grace Pat- terson, returned missionary from India. Miss Patterson taught for seven years in Oxford County be- fore she went to the Mission Field in 1917, and for 27 years she 'lab- oured at Khania; a village in Central India. She was an edu- cational missionary chiefly inter- ested in primary school work, In 1937 she was awarded the King George Coronation Medal for de- veloping better •kinds of cotton products.. Before she left India she lwas awarded a medal by the government of India for "Public Services in India". She returned last year arid is now making her home at Thamesford. Miss Patterson brought greet- ings from the women of India who are appreciative of Canada's inter- est in them. She said "The seed has been sown; the church is established; they will carry on." Numbers on the program includ- ed a vocal' duet, "Alone" by Mrs., Wilson and Mrs. Richardson,' Brucefield; a reading, "The Mast- er is Coming" by Mrs. A. 3. Sweitzer, Exeter; a solo, "Bless , This House" by Miss Faye Ross, Chiselhurst; accompanists were Mrs. W. McBeath and Mrs. A. Ross. The schoolroom of the- church was attractively decorated for St. Patrick's Day and the ladies form- ed into birthday groups for lunch-, eon. Ushers for the evening were Mrs. R. M. Peck, Mrs. L. Mickle, Mrs. George Hess and Mrs. S. Mit- chell. Mrs. T. C. Coates, Mrs. W. Dilling, Mrs. A. Clark and Mrs. E. Rowe, formed the reception committee. Mrs. Daniel was pro- gram convener, assisted by Mrs. Arinstrong, Miss Ellis and Mrs. Rowe; Mrs, Lorne Eller convened the lunch, assisted by' group lead- ers and helpers. 0 Turner's WA Has Meeting; Sees Films • The Woman's Association of Turners Church met in the church on Wednesday evening, March 14, with the president, _Mrs. E. Town- send presiding. Mrs. E. Layton read the Scripture and Mrs. J. Turner led in prayer. The roll call "Something to give up for Lent", was answered by ten members. The president expressed the ap- preciation of the WA. to the con- gregation for their contributions to the bake sale and other WA activities during the past month. Rev. A. G. Eagle gave an outline of the National Evangelistic Mis- sions Movement getting underway shortly. There was a short busi- ness period after which Mr. Eagle showed slides entitled, "Five Oaks" in which the YFU joined. The meeting closed with a hymn and. Mr. Eagle pronounced the benedic- tion. Contests and games were en- joyed by all. Lunch was served, The next WA meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Eagle on Wednesday evening, April 11 at 8.30 o'clock. Roll call will be Verse of an Easter hymn". Mrss E. Crich will assist the hostes4 for this meeting. 0 Canadian Red Cross- Home Nurs- ing classes provide "do7it-yourself . instruction for thousands of Can- adian women every year. ' AlfRICOrliELD FARMER SELLS OUT; WILL RETIRE William Nesbitt has sold his. 100-acre farm on the Mill Road, east of Brucefield, to his neigh- bor,, Wallace Haugh, with pos. session soon. Mr, Nesbitt has not decided yet where he will live, but may 'retire to town. IDA Specials March 19th to 24th COCOANUT OIL SHAMPOO, 8 oz., 390 •-•,01. HYDROGEN PEROXIDE 4 oz. 15c 8 oz. 23c 16 oz. 39c IDASAL TABLETS 300 — 390 VEGETABLE LAXATIVE TABLETS 37e MERCOLIZED WAX 89c Mothballs and Mothflakes 1 lb. 2343 Paradichior Crystals 2 lb. 59c POWDER PUFFS 3 for 290 PACQUINS HAND CREAM Reg 47c, for 29c Pepsodent Tooth Paste 2, 33c tubes 49e Lustre Creme Shampoo Reg. 98c, for '79e LI8TERINE ANTIZYME TOOTH PASTE Reg. 69c, 2 for 89c WOODBURY'S SOAP 4 cakes 31c BRYLCREAM With free comb 69c STOPETTE DEODORANT With Small Size Free.... $1.25 QUICK HOME PERMANENT with Free Shampoo—$1.75 HELENE CURTIS SPRAYNET—reg, 2.75 for $1.95 REVLON AQUAMARINE LOTI9N—reg. 2,00 for $1.25 UNIQUE PHOTO SERVICE FOR EASTER •••••••e< Phone us your order today. LILIES * HYDRANGEAS GLOXINIAS * VIOLETS MUM PLANTS ROSES, * CARNATIONS MUMS * DA1FODILS TULIPS * Etc. "Flowers W* Any K. C. COO PHONE 66W With Two Visitors The March meeting of the Clin- tonian Club was at -the home of the president, Mrs, E. Epps. The meeting opened with the creed and Lord's Prayer, Mrs. E. Epps. pre- siding. The 48th Psalm was read by Mrs. D. Carter. Roll call was answered by 16 members and two visitors. The roll call at next meeting is to be answered by bringing seeds, bulbs, or slips of plants for exchange. Business was dealt with and the meeting was closed with benedic- tion. Lunc hwas served by the com- mittee. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. E. Epps, on April 11. You may get a month's supply of gasoline- 84 oil FREE If You Buy At Wells Auto Electric I 0 Carmel Ladies Grant $3 To essseesnessemeroseen A SERIES OF Pre-Natal Classes Sponsored by the HURON COUNTY HEALTH UNIT will begin Tuesday, March 27 at 8 p.m. In the Office of the Public Health Nurse Clinton Public School These classes will be held at weekly intervals for nine Weeks. Those interested are invited to attend on the above date; or phone either the Health Unit, Goderich 1050 between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., or the Public Health Nurse, Clinton 527 after 5 p.m. 12-b Enjoy BOUQUET RED LILAC by LENTHERIC An exciting new fragrance experience awaits you when you first wear Red Lilac, the scent that echoes fashion's newest Spring shades! Let flowers express—better than - words — your good wishes to your friends and if' family. DRUG STORES DRUGGIST GIRLS' DRESSES Cotton and Nylon — Sizes 2-44 ESMOND BLANKETS- 11eityy quality entton, size 60"x72" gt3,75 Colours: Brawn, Green, Red `11" SUNNY SPUN BLANKETS— RAYON AND NYLON SATIN BOUND Washable. Site 72"x84,' Colour dark and light green, yellow X5.60 Pi Blue,* 'only PILLOWS—. Curled Chicken: $3,90 pair Curled Chicken and .Duck. $6.15 pair COTTON BOBBY SOCKS— FIRST QUALITY Triple roll elasticized cuffs 42 1/2 Sizes 9—IL white only LADIES' BRIEFS— CELASUEDE 'CELANESE JERSEY Long wearing elastic waist band, re- 39c lnforeed crotch Small, Medium Mid Large SAVE MONEY! Always Bargains In CHILDREN'S SHOES Sizes 8 1/2 -41 $2.00 pair Sizes 12Y2-3 Royal Conservatory of Music of Toronto MIDSUMMER EXAMINATIONS JUNE, 1956 Applications and fees meet reach the Conservatory not later than APRIL 15, 195 135 COLLEGE SIR TORONTO