HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-03-22, Page 2!'Ax TWO, rom the West Window (By VATAirrAfNA 1).1.0gum) THE CL/NTON NEW ORA (M) and - THE MINTON NEWS, RECORD Amalgarnated 1924 *EMBED:. Canadian and Ontario Weekly "Newspapers .Associations and Western Ontario. Counties press Association Circulation 2402) PlIBLISHED EVERY 'THURSDAY AT MANTON, ONTARIO, IN ME HEART Or HURON (*.LINTY Population ee 2032ti SPBSORIPTION RATES: Payable in ,a dvang 0-;--C a 44cla and Greet. Britain; $3.00 a year; Wilted States and Foreign; $4,00, Single Copies seven Cents Anthoeized as second _class mail, Post Office Department, Ottawa, THURSDAY, MARCii 22, 1956 40 Years _Ago CL IN ON NEWS-RECORD Thursday, Morel*. 1.6, 1910 „John Gilebings .Clinton's oldest native citizen, on WednesdaY of last week completed his '77th year, Anyone having logs for sale is surely making ,no mistake in .dis, poeing•of them :this, week as they are 'today commanding the enueuel. place of $10 per hundred on the beef, Rev, Frank C, Harper", Church, bee been offered the -chaplaincy of the 177th Battalion. .now being organized in Sirtieoe County. Mr, Harper will be leav- ing to take up, his duties at once, Albert Seeley was in Berlin • on Monday.. Miss Kate Ross, who has been in Regina for the past four YearS, is spending a vacation at the home of her aunt, Miss M. Rays. 40 Years Ago CLINTON NEW ERA. Thursday, March 16, 1916 John Torrance is at Toonto attending the annual Grand Lodge of the A.O.U.W.. Last week Roy Pitunsteel, Lon- don Road, slipped and fell over the sleigh while unloading coal and fractured several:ribs. Miss Rose Lavis has `resumed her duties as head trimmer in Stewart Bros, millinery depart- ment, at Seaforth. Mrs. W. L. Rutledge is expected home this week from her visit with her daughter at South Bend, Ind. Master Ernest Livermore, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore, underwent an operation this week and is doing as well as can be expected. - THE 1 LE TODAY 6, French eoin ?. Not strict 8. Mine entrance 9, Fodder vat 10. Large vat for bleach- ing textiles 16. India (poet,) 19. Old Germanic characters 20. Some 21, Covering of a deck opening -22. Warp-yam 23. Regret 25, Grisly 27. Tetoucd e ee ycolor 29. Place X„ Word hick. 88, mruhiAgbhber Puy une boot 3%4. AciamPeurttryerael forces of • 36. Point 'aaicrtoeuantarty 30, Affirm 40, Dampens' 42, Shoshonean)' Indian 43. One-spot card 44. Curve ' .CLArr011. RP T.= DAY, WAKIli 22., 195€ ABOUT THE MILL RATE tiLINTOMS TOWN FATHERS are present- town hall :and the general administration of have you,,, They are doing their best 'to decide what to spend your money on, this year, in order to get you the most for your money. rate, mill rate, assessments, grants, and what ly engaged the fascinating subject of tax Some years ago the increased numbers of some few years, Clintoniane. have felt that 74 the local government. mills was higher than anybody else paid. But to show that it is not so, we quote Meaford's rate for this .year which is set at 86 Mills, Just why that is se, we are not eware, but The 74 mills is not so high,. either, For public school children forced the building of a no doubt it is because the tax payers demanded new .school. At that time the mill rate went some improvements and got them. up startlingly high. Last year it rested at Municipal officials are a conscientious lot, 74 mills, and everyone has been saying, "That's and they will try against almost unsurmountable awful." odds to save you money. But as long as you, the taxpayer continue to send more and more But actually, Clinton has been getting a children. to school, and drive your cars on the particularly good deal for its money. your roads, thus forcing repairs, and continue using taxes go towards paying for the school, and the the sewage and water systems and all the other new collegiate wing, They go towards making services with which Clinton is blessed, then the improvements in streets and sidewalks, paying money to pay for these things must be gotten for snow shovelling and such like. They pay *for the upkeep of the library, the park, the from you by means of taxes. LET'S PLAY IT SAFE (Renfrew Advance) MANY MOTORISTS claim they can stop a The reaction time of an alert, healthy driver a snap of their fingers. the moment you see the danger and the time car on a dime, "Just like that," they say, with that. There is always a time lapse between No, motorists can stop his car—just like is three-quarters of a second! When you talk way: If you're clipping along at 60 miles an hour, you'll use up 66 feet before you hit the about three-quarters of a second in a speeding automobile, you are talking about life or death. National Safety Council experts look at it this you react to it-7-and, in addition, it takes brake pedal. Sixty-six feet—that's about four another split second to slap your foot on the car lengths! If a youngster 55 feet away darts out from brake pedal. The distance you travel after you see a dangerous situation and jam on the brakes behind a car into your path, what are you to stop the car is the total stopping distance, going to do? Stop on 'a dime? No air, you're going to hit that child, before you can even A better name for it is danger zone—too fre- apply your brakes. So play it safe. quently—disaster zone. Er, Or OR, Eh? (Ridgetcwn Dominion) AMONG THE, columnist ramblings in an ex- not found a single dictionary which recognizes change last week the writer,tells how as a proof- the 'or' ending at all. The smaller dictionaries reader he had taken great and lasting pains to do not give the word at all, seemingly taking get the word convenor spelled that way---with it for granted that one who convenes is a con- the 'or' ending—in all the printing of the estab- vener, It gives us a chance to once more lishment. Then came a job—a book whose author admire the vagaries of English spelling. One who insisted on having it 'er' because he wanted it governs is a governor, but one who rules is a ' that way, even• if both were correct. ruler. A preceptor is one who teaches, but one Because of the multitude of times copy who teaches is not a teachor. A. doer is never have checked up more often. So far We have comes in with that word having the 'or' ending it is doubtful if there is any word on which we if he murders the English language. a door and a murderer is not a murderor even English spelling is hot stuff. THE OLD SLATE (Reprint from the Brussels Post, recalled to . And don't you remember that sharp little sound honour Morris Township Centennial) The slate pencil made, as we scratched it around? Say, what has. become of the little old slate And oh, what a screetch, now and then we would That we used in school, back in—say '98; make— ,The little old state that was. bound with red felt— I bet teacher thought that her ear drums would And don't you remember how it smelt? break! Or, maybe, that smell I'm thinking about, Belonged to the sponge that we used to rub out What wouldn't you give to be back in that seat The words_ and the numbers we'd awkwardly With your little slate when all life was so sweet writ And wouldn't you like to take back with you (But some little rascals — my - goodness used too, spit.) That same little happy-eyed gang that you knew?' And then'as they dried it—it's hard to believe— But I don't believe you would be different men They used nothing less than their' hand or their If we could go back and start over again sleeve! But oh. if we could it would surely be great , That seems like a terrible thing to be told To start' out once more with a, new and clean But things are so different before you grbw old, slate. Furniture Specials 6 Piece 5 Piece Bedroom Suite 2 HALF SOFAS-50 inches long IN NATURAL MAPLE FINISH 2 Step Tables 1 Matching Chesterfield Chair Dresser, Chiffonier and Bed, Spring- Filled Mattress and Bed Springs 1 Coffee Table I $159 00 PIECES • PIECES , ALL FIVE $119.00 Clearing Many Makes of END TABLES — some with Arborite tops. One-Third Off Beattie Furniture Muggs and Skeeter LIRE RECORD The Editor, Clinton News-Record, Clinton, Ontario, Dear Sir: I am enclosing money order in the amount of $100 in payment for another year's subscription to the "News-Record," We certainly look forawrd to re- ceiving it each week Sincerely, MRS. R. HEATH, 250 Hendon Drive, Calgary, Alberta, March 7, 1956, Old? Get Pep, Vim Feel Full of Vigor; Years Younger MENNOMEN 14°41`0,20012:11 in, exhausted, Try Oates Tonic Tablets. Oen needed after 40 by body old, sun, down because lacking irosti inowmules vigor, Vitility,Thousands feel full of pip, Mrs y9Unger, Quit being aid, Got Osttex laday.Get-acqualnted" site costa little. Or W /5 Nan wi . At. th bi al , l 0drug 01310 gists' ionomy" size end ese laeleeelellee, 25 Years Ago .CLINTON NEWS-RECORD Thursday, Menai, 19, .1.931 Charles Doleneget , rural hydria who was sot .seriously, in, 3ured in December, has. returned to his. home,. Mr. Dolmage suf,, fered the lose of en arm and will be unable to, continuo his former occupation; - Henry Joyner will; celebrate an-, other ;birthday tomorrow, March 20, his 93rd,. Norman Miller left Monday for North Bay to attend the meeting of the. Orange Grand Lodge,. Miss Mary Depew of the Col- legiate staff vent the weekend at her home at Paris, Ont, Dr, J, C. Gaudier returned to town on Saturday, after an ab, ewe of a week in Toronto. Mrs, Gandier remained for a longer hpliday visit, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Match and' Mr. and Mrs, W, J. Cochrane mot- ored to Detroit for the weekend. 10 Years Ago CLINTON NEWSAECORD Thursday, March -31, 1916 Mrs. M, P. Chaffee was appoint- ed assistant superintendent of Hu- ron County children's Aid Society at a meeting of the board of directors in Goderich this week, Clinton Branch No. 140 of the Canadian Legion presented Nor- man' Miller, former secretary of the local branch for the past 11 years, with a lifetime fountain pen by Dr. J. W. Shaw. Miss Mary Lane, prominent student of CCI will represent Zone 3 Lions International in the Lions District "A" oratorical contest finals which may be held in Niag- ara Falls, in May. Lieut. N/S Margaret Middleton returned from almost two years of duty overseas with the C.A.M.C. Miss Jean Morgan has completed her course in occupational theapy at the University of Toronto. After spending a few days at the home of her parents, Mr. and, Mrs. Thomas Morgan, Jean commences three months' interning in West- minster Hospital, London. Rev. Andrew Lane officiated at the regular morning service in Wesley-Willis United Church on Sunday when service was marked with the ordination of one new elder, G. Ralph Foster, and the admission of another elder, Lorne Jervis to the session. Many who appreciate' and use the Bible could not put into words their reasons for doing so. C. E. Holmes has analysed: why he be- lieves the Bible as follows: Because it is the champion of human liberties. Because it is founded upon jus- tice and mercy. Because it fills men with a de- sire to help others. Because it presents the divine- human Person—Christ. Because it points out the Way from. sin to salvation. Because it brings peace and comfort to heart and mind'. Because no other book has ever been so loved and hated. Because its life stories have a perennial, universal charm. ' Because it reveals the only in- dispensable man—Christ Jesus. Because its influence is rapidly travelling to the whole world, Because after 2,000 years of pub- lication it is still the best seller, Because its benefits are not -lim- ited to any race, Colour or con- dition. Because, when accepted, men immediately seek for better things. Because it provides the only real consolation for men dying in war. Because in studying its words we "breathe the atmosphere of eternity." ' Because its messages of hope have saved many from self- destruction. Because it recognises and up- holds the dignity and individuality of• every person. Because those who would de- stroy it have not furnished any Substitute of value. Suggested Bible readings for the week: Sunday John 7: 32-53 Monday ,„ .... „ John 8: 1.32 Tuesday ... „ John 8: 33-59 Wednesday .„, John 9: 1-41 ThUrsday John 10: 1-42 Friday John 11: 1-29 Saturday John 11: 30-5/ I'M WAITING TO CATCH THE COMMERCIALle I alit beginning to be very tired of winter. Ever since Its early start last fall I have regarded it as an. old friend and tolerantly overlooked its glaring iniedeeds,-- iee s'ter'ns, slippery streets, power breaks, etc, At the same time, have .approved hea,rtilY . of the many good thine about this grim, Meet of seasons, But now, abruptly,' I've had en, ()ugh: The calendar says this is the 'first day of spring and I hope never to see another flake of snow —until the first beautiful flutter next fall, . Right now, if I had a choice, would be elsewhere—for about a month, I would like to come back to a clean 'and shining house — spring-cleaning miraculously done —windows wide open and fresh warm air streaming in. Scent of orange blossom and lilacs—song of birds' and laughter of children at play. But wait—lilacs come in May— better make this miracle interlude two months—We just as easy when working a miracle to make it a good, adequate one. No second- rate miracles need apply, * e. * 'And now, refreshed by the thought of my appointment with a lilac bush in May, perhaps I had 'better get on with the house- cleaning, Time will work my miracle for me If I just have pa, tience. Already -the sun is warm er and-'the chirping of the birds has a different note, We don't have to wait for Easter this year. It comes graciously to meet us right at the beginning of ACROSS It. washes: • d. A. bottle 11. Playing marble 12. Half diameters 13,A. sweetening 14, Of the axle 16, Beverage 16. At home 17% High* craggy hill 18. Stem 22. Above 24, Matured 28. Arabbit (pet none) 29. 'Wander 60. The. Venen. able • English historian 21. Safe 62.13atidage 34, Droop 37. Part of "to be" 88, Cutting 001 41, Haughty 43. Aloft 46. To daunt (archaic) 48. Shooting star 47. S. President 48, Pitchers DOWN e1, Pinal 2. Chills and fever 8.A rover 4. Greek letter 6. Varying weight (Ind.) April,the forerunner of spring, symbol of joy* and liope. 9' Speaking of refreshment, the coffee break has become a sort of "fringe benefit" among office workers, -711YCK magazine quotes. a San Francisco coffee caterer; "A lot of companies l'IQW offer good, easy coffee as an inthieeMerit to the people they want to hire." They have turned the problem into e profit by serving coffee on the job, cutting the less of man-hours and eliminating the frustrations of hundreds of workers all trying to go up or down in, the elevators at the same time, This pleasant custom is now ad, vocated for housewives, Joanne Strong, Toronto journalist, writing In the Globe & Mail, thinks a Mining coffee club would put the coffee break on an official basis, She believes housewives are never given proper recognition for the work they do, They should, per- heps . ' form a union, At the very least, they should be entitled to morning and afternoon coffee breaks, without feeling that they are being "lazy." Sounds fun—and I believe many houseworkers already follow this plan. But I think someone should go further and make house-clean, ing a spectator sport. Gardening, in the proper season, I 'do of my own. accord—I would be indignant if deprived of it--but spring-clean- ing—no! Lazy or not, I am quite willing to "—let George do it--" to use a classic phrase, or anyone else of any name or sex who coutd be persuaded into it. As for me, I will enjoy a .coffee break., Clinton News-Record Living Room Ensemble PUT YOUR EAR UP TO This SIG SHELL AND YOU'LL HEAR 'TWO BOUND OF THE SEA!! 1 yw TELLS OF DEATH Editor,, Clinton News-Record, Dear Sir: Attached you will find a clipping taken from the Saskatoon Star- Phoenix of March 13, 1956, an- nouncing the death of Mrs. Carrie B. Graham, which took place in Victoria, 13.C., as outlined in the attached. You will note that she was born in Clinton, but I never met her then or out here, You will re- member you carried the death not- ice of her brother a few months past, he having died out west also. I knew her father and mother and might add here her grand- father's name was Rev. Richard Thomas, and was preacher in the old Bible Christian Church, later it was united with Methodist chur- ches, and now known as Ontario Street United Church, and as kids had, to go- to church in the morn- ing, Sunday School in afternoon and church again at night. When the Rev, Thomas used to come out to visit us on the farm, us kids had to behave ourselves and keen our clothes ,clean and Oh what a relief when he left, although he was a fine gentleman. There don't seem to be many of the old gang left there now as I hardly know anyone mentioned in the news, but noticed where B. J. Gibbings was going strong and if you see him, please pass best wish- es on to him from me. Weather here is mild for past few days and thawing and all kinds of water around. Sorry that I cannot report good mews from the well and alive, but I thought perhaps there might be old friends of Mrs. Graham who ndeoadth. "bt will be sad to hear of her Yours truly, MARSH MORRISH 802-4th Ave, N,, Saskatoon, Sask., March 18, 1956. 'WHAT'S ti-It MATTER CAN'T YOU HEAR 1-1; AerIMY? SURE, /HEAR IT/ From Our Early Files 28 • 3'O 22, 2.5 34 S.. 3G, THE NEWEST CANDY VITAMIN FOR CHILDREN Paramette Syrup Contains All Necessary Vitamins — $8,50 FREE—With each bottle an unbreakable PIastie Dis- penser for easy meas- uring, WOODBURY SHAMPOO Reg. $1.20, for 59e HALO SHAMPOO Reg. 65c, 2 for 980 ROLYNOS T. PASTE Reg. 69c, 2 for 89c PEPSODENT T. PASTE Reg. 33c, 2 for 40c Stopette Spray Deodorant $1.25 with' a trial bottle free TUSSY WIND AND WEATHERIIAND CREAM .. Reg. $2.50, for $1.25 ;russr mot SIGN CREAM Reg. $2:75, for $1.50 TIFFANY DEODORANT CREAM Reg. $1.50, for $1.00 PURETEST Con LIVER OIL 16 oz., reg, $1.85, for .,.;$1.25 NEWItEXALL NASAL SPRAY 986 SEE Owe Assortment Of Easter Chocolate 13tINNIES & EGGS 25c to 95t Baiter Greeting Cards . Se to 50c SMILES 'N CHUCKLES CHOCOLATES Easier Wrapped — $1,00 to $2.50 NEEDS NO NEUTRALIZER! 42. - ,//„7 43 44 • because Prom neutralizes automatically • "Takes” every time • Waves with any plastic curlers I only $1.745 I PHONE Si