HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-03-15, Page 7Civil Defence The Provincial Responsibility' Fourth of a Series of 24 Articles. 414444-0-**-41N+1-***4-4•-•^1-41-0-.-41-04-0-0-4,' CARTOON CAPERS CONTE $7.00 Weekly In Merchandise Certificates The advertisers on this page always give you the best value possible at lowest prices. They will be awarding some one $7 each week in Merchandise Certificates and at the end of 26 weeks someone will have their choke of one of the valuable Feature Prizes. Do not neglect to ask for your sales slip when you make a purchase at any of these firms. Read the rules carefully. 411111111011111111111111111111111111111111111111/ sficr,../11 „simittlf IN MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATES TO SOME ONE AT END OF CONTEST 30 fence organizatidh. This was done following conferences among fed- eral and provincial authorities in 1950-51 and regularly since. Each province now his a functioning C.D. organization within the framework of its government. Each has a cabinet minister res- ponsible for C.D. and a provincial co-ordinator. Their staffs vary according to how actively the pro- vince participates. Canada's constitution is such that communication between various governmental levels runs from the federal through the provincial to the municipal or local. This places responsibility on the province for coordinating the efforts for its communities into the plan for the whole country. The province must help its com- munities organize their own CM, setups; it must keep municipalities informed of the latest develop- ments and provide training of civil defence volunteers within the pro- vince. It also must provide the legislation necessary for local authorities to operate; that is, it must delegate the necessary auth- ority to carry. out a civil defence operation. Advance warning of an impend- ing attack would come through the provincial facilities from the federal organization and should communications on a national scale be interrupted, the provincial organization would have to supply direction for local plans. What about the money neces- sary for equipment, training and organization centres? The province is responsible for assisting in this way, too. It can get financial help from the federal government which will match provincial con- tributions on a dollar-for-dollar basis up to an amount based on the population of each province. If the province agrees (the federal government, under the constitu- tion, cannot work directly with the municipality unless the pro- vince allows it) the federal C.D. organization can contibute 25 per cent of a local project's costs. Then if the province puts in 25 per cent, the federal contribution will be increased by another 25 per cent, leaving the municipality with the other 25 per cent of the cost to pay. Beyond this federal assistance the province must go itself. were stronger, the reception areas would have to be equipped to de- contaminate personnel. Should whole cities be made un- inhabitable, their residents after- the bombing would have to be re-established in new communities, posing new problems that would fall again under provincial juris- ,diction. 1 • 51111111111111111li11111111111111111111111111111111ffililliillill1111111111illillfiliilli Rubber Stamps and Marking Devices of every description Also Stamp Pads Sold by Clinton News.Record A STEADY WARMTH OUR GOOD OIL GIVES, 11.1 COZINESS THE FAMILY LIVES el LOCAL TRADEMARKS. MA HARRY WILLIAMS FUEL OIL GASOLINE MOTOR OIL Ae LUBRICANTS R.R.2, (LINTON 4,Pitogi 526J 44 HARRY WILLIAMS' 944 CHARLES HOUSE OF BEAUTY Open Again After 3 Days at Hairdressers' Convention Phone 529 In Toronto. Clinton MERRILL Radio & Electric TV REPAIRS and INSTALLATIONS Sales and Service Phone 313 PENNEBAKER'S I.D.A. DRUG STORE MUST Phone 14—Clinton FOOTWEAR NEW SPRING STYLES ON DISPLAY at the Clifford Lobb Store CLINTON DAIRY PASTEURIZED DAIRY PRODUCTS Phone 441 CLINTON PALMER'S Beauty Lounge PHONE 585 Clinton, Ontario PERMANENTS $7.50 and up BLUE COAL. CHAMPION FUEL OIL PAY A. G. Grigg & Sop PHONE 74W Expert Watch Repair Service John A. Anstett Jeweller and Watchmaker WESTERN TIRE & Auto Supply Ltd. WESTERN ANTI-FREEZE AUTO ACCESSORIES Phone 349—Clinton BUY YOUR . . HAUGH'S 88 OVERALLS SMOCKS IRANTS —AT— HERMAN'S MENIS WEAR HARDWARE and ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES FRIGIDAIRE • . PAINTS Sutter-Perdue PHONE 14'7 otINTOX Gliddon Cleaners CLEANING - PRESSING REPAIRING FAST DELIVERY SERVICE 0 Phone 692—Clinton J. W. COUNTER BUILDERS' SUPPLIES //*• Sturgeon's Paints Sta-Dri Masonry Paint PHONE 120 Pbr "Better Buys" In "Better Used Cars" SEE Lorne Brown Motors tOM Chcnorolet Oldsmobile Sales & Service ASK FOR COUPONS ot -- Pickett and Campbell tararr.ew Phone 25—Main Corner Ladies' Washable Dresses SIZES 181/2 TO 221/2 AT MARTIN'S DEPT. °sTORE RELIANCE GAS and OIL Mechanical Repairs Complete Lubrication TOWING (24 MAID, SURVICk) PHONES : 3A26147, Geo A. Currie You Don't Have To Buy It To Try It Try Soft Water For 14 Days Free Then—and only then—you can decide on 1. Our 7 - 14 or 28 day service. 2. Purchase of a 10-Year Guaranteed Softener.... (with free yearly inspection), 3. Rental of a SELF-SERVICE Softener. (you do your own re-generating). Our service charges start at $3.60 per 28 days. Our home owned units are priced from $129.00 up and our self-service softeners con be rented for as little as $3.00 per month, SOFT WATER IS OUIt BUSINESS Culligan WATER Service GODERICH, ONTARIO iiesegitoommummoiminoomootors PHONE 402 104 '1111 H111111.11 1 111 11 Old 1 III 111in II ifi HI II tot N • .7147.1SP4Y,' MAACH 15, 1,956 TON :TIP.W$,B,X0014) PAGE SEVEN K. Gordon Bennett Tells Of Benefits To Youth. From 4-11 Club Membershi "Through its motto 'Learn to Do by Doing', 4-K Pan provide many benefits for our rural young peg- pie", R. Gordon 'Bennett told the 25th Convention of the Canadian Council en 4-N Clubs in his presi- dential. address on l'4onday moin- ing, March 5. The Canadian Coun- cil on +H Clubs met in annual. convention 111.fond4Y. March .5 to. "Wednesday, March ?, in .$441c- 4toon, Sash. (Mr, Bennett, a former agricul- tural representative for Huron County, is the ,speaker scheduled for Farmers' Night being sponsor- ed here on March 27 by the Clin- ton 14op5 Club), With the completion of 25 years of activity, the president felt that tribute should be paid to those who had laid the foundation of the or- ganization. designed as it was ict - prOnoW an active prograin on be,. half of farm yotith. "Pining the past 25 years the. program, of 4-H Club work has more than justified the confidence, effort and planning of those men whose public spirit and enthusiasm brought it into being:" Nix: ]Bennett pointed. out that the Cluib .prograrn proved an incentive during the poor economic conditions .of the thirties'. Later it played its part in the initiative and responsibility it provided, to young farm people during the try. ing experience of War war If. Since the war, membership has doubled and enthusiasm has grown and continues to grOW. As a re.. snit, the -challenge to the organ- iPXtien. as the second 25 years is entered as greater than when it was first orgaui4e4. Canada is a rapidly expanding nation and along with the growth of the or- ganization go increased responsib- ilities to the young people who make up 4K. Commenting on his recent visn with four junior fanners from On- tario to the United Kingdom and Parts of EUrope, lvir. Bennett stressed the important Place _that Canada holds in the eyes of many people beyond our shores. 'Along with this pride of eitizensniP Must gO an equal sense of responsibility, We must be worthY of our int- portant place in world affairs. To support to the full our rea000.- sibility as a nation, the quality of our leadership mu-0 become an increasingly important factor. 4-H can, and will, provide a basis for the training of many of these leaders". Mr, Bennett stated that the In:, ternationel Farm Youth Vxoliange. program has become an important .77.1001141). for promoting an -ex- change of Views and ideas .between farm. .young people from many countries, ".Our Council should give consideration to becoming part of this program so that more of our young people might benefit from the experience it provides.' Canada's commercial airlines ii 1953 averaged only one accident every 736;795 revenue miles, only one death every 43,509 paying passengers or every 1,1,03,954 pay- load miles. The 10 provincial governments in Canada would be, responsible fora sort of family-like coopere, lion. among -.their communities should a nuclear war ever his this continent. Meanwhile, during This time of peace the provinces job is to make such cooperation poSsible should a nuclear war ever hit this. The latest civil defence thinking has underlined , this ditty of the provinces heavier than others. For evacuation of cities likely to be hit by the enemy with the un- believable destruction of the H- bomb now is considered the only really safe defence against annihi- lation. But where are these people from the citties to go? How are they toget there? Those are ques- tions the provinces must answer. They are seeking the solutions now. They appear in several steps. First the provincial governments had to create their own civil de- The big lob or each province', however, isto organize reception' to take in people evacuated' from, cities likely to be bombed.. These will be towns and VillagA$, ringing the target cities. Beeattse of the destructive power of the new weapons these reception areas Must be not less than 50 and may be up to 100 miles from the city, The province must organize routes to be taken to these recop, don areas, seeing that the first • arrivals go to the farthest area, These areas would have to provide food and shelter from weather AS well as' radioactive fallout that might be carried by winds from; .. the target area, These facilities must be capable of caring for the evacuees for at least 48 hours, probable time for any fall-out's radiation dangers to disappear. If the radiation danger, determined- by C.D. radiation detection teams, — RULES -- Each week there will be an extra word in a few of the ads appearing on this page. Re d the .,ds, find the extra words. Write these words on a piece of paper and list the firms in whose ads you found each word. When properly assembled they will give the title of the cartoon. Then see if you can write a better title Send your entry in to CARTOON CAPERS, % CLIN- TON NEWS-RECORD (entries must be in our hands by Monday at 6.00 p.m.) Ball - Macaulay Limited I Lumber, Builders' Supplies, Lime, Cement and Coal QUALITY — SERVICE — SATISFACTION CLINTON SEAFORTH 97 — Phone — — 787 MEN'S and BOYS" Footwear and Clothing See the new items of Santan Drill or Denim for work and play. AIKEN'S LEATHER GOODS T. A. DUTTON RCA VICTOR TELEVISION BRUCEFIELD PHONE CLINTON 902W1 CLINTON BOWLING ALLEY YOU Magazines - Photo Service REG. CUDIVIORE Isaac St. Phone '799 Easter Specials SHOE BRUSHES Reg. $1.50 '75c SHOE TREES LADIES—reg. 65c 35c 35c 25e MEN'S — reg, 79e 65c RAY'S SHOE HOSPITAL See BARTLIFF'S for CHOCOLATE EASTER NOVELTIES Barth s Bakery CLINTON PLUMBING and HEATING Fes* Oil Space Heaters Plumbing Fixtures Repairs and Alterations Phone 517 E. 1. "MIKE" REYNOLDS Your Home Deserves The Best ritaKtrt'S it's Always • ADMIRAL TV GROVES 'ELECTRIC Phone MU We Service what We Sell Twenty-Fifth Week $30 FEATURE PRIZE The best one selected each week will be awarded $7 in merchandise certificates, good at a of the sto p ip res articating. IF YOU WISH TO COMPETE FOR THE FEAT- URE PRIZE TO BE AWARDED AT THE END OF THE CONTEST YOU MUST EN- CLOSE A SALES SLIP WITH YOUR ENTRY or something to prove you have done busi- ness with any of the firms participating. South End Cities Service GAS — ACCESSORIES — OIL. TIRES — BATTERIES — REPAIRS TOWING PHONE 602 Wes. Holland Dory. Rutledge BIG VALUE 250 DELUXE EMBOSSED SERVIETTES for 65e McEwan's Weekend SPECIAL! WEINERS $1.00 3 LBS. STANLEY'S RED and WHITE SUPER MARKET FREE Phones: 411 and 415 Shop In Clinton Shop At Home Clinton Electric Shop D. Cornish Phones: Bus., 428; Res., 558 CLINTON BODY and RADIATOR Complete Radiator .Cleaning and Repairing — Painting BODY and FENDER WORK BY EXPERTS "There is no Substitute fOr Quality!, Phone 408 Clinton RUMBALLiS • 10A MARKET Govemnieht leitpeded Brander! Meats FOR LOW PRICES