HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-03-15, Page 5T`Rugsr),Ax, 1441WT /.900 CroINTON NEWS-RE0014)• P404 FIVA ACCOMMODATION for RENT A.IPSITAIRS APARTMENT, three tinftiridelied. Phone God- erich 288. 114 ;HOUSE 'FO RENT (or for sale), •rurnished; In Brucefield. Phone intoe: 618W4 or Seeforth 659r22. 11-4) 'UNFURNISHED FOUR ROOM pertinent with bath, available ammeillately. • W. N. Counter, Phone Clinton 230. 10-p •ArNivo ROOM APARTMENT, fur - entailed and heated, Suitable for rconple, Phone Clinton 4721. 9-10-11-b *THREE ROOM FURNISHED ,apartment, share bath, central lo- cation. Apply Herman's Men's • Wear, phone Clinton, 517. • • 8tfb WO APARTMENTS IN Steph- -ensqn house on William Street (west of old Public School) fur- nished and heated. Apply to Sergeant Worell on the premises. 11.13 " VERY DESIRABLE apartment for rent on Huron Street, CIin- rton. Furnished. Private ent-' srance. Partly heated. Garden if •Iclesilred. Phone Clinton 158-R. • 11-b FOUR ROOM DOWNS TAIR apartment, heated with oil furnace, :private bath, entrance and meter : Furniehed or partly furnished. . Also three-toomheated furnished apartment, available soon. Phone •Clinton 1625W. , 11-p -NEWLY DECORATED, LARGE, ' three room apartment, in Londes- clooro. Private front entrance, "'bath, electric stove, frig., washing ?machine, dishes, For particulars iphone Blyth 37r6., 10-tfb '7 ROOM DWELLING ON Ontario Street. Ideal family home -2 blocks from Collegiate and. Public Schools, available April 1. Also attractive partly furnished front apartment, opposite Town Hall. available now. Norman Carter, Phone Clinton 593. 10-1-p Accommodation Wanted 'UNFURNISHED HOUSE, TO rent in Clinton, adults. Reply by let- ter to Box 100, Clinton News -Re - nerd. 10-11-p ARTICLES FOR SALE PIANO, STANLEY, IN GOOD condition. Phone Clinton 780-W. 11-b BRAND NEW FIRESTONE 9% cu. ft. refrigerator on sale at $199. T. A. Dutton, Firestone Store, 'Brucefield. Phone Clinton 902W1 10-tfb TV FIT FOR A "KING" — •We Rent --Move e-- Install. Complete eservice on all makes of rotators and antenna. All work fully guar- anteed. Huron Tower Installation, phone Goderich 1344M. infb ARTICLES WANTED BABY CARRIAGE. in reasonably good condition. -R. J. Wilson, Ful- ton Street. Phone Clinton 2.93R. 11-b INCUBATOR WANTED, 150 TO 300 egg capacity, oil or electric, V. M, Brunsdon, Londesboro, phone Blyth 25R19, 11-b & G. SALVAGE CO., Clinton— We buy scrap iron, rags. We buy anything. Ladies, clean up your attic. Convert your junk into cash. For pickup phone Clinton 722J4. 10-1-2-3-p BABY CHICKS STARTED PULLETS FOR SALE,. All kinds of pullets 2in to 3 'months, all birds raised on the floor and delivered. Phone Char- les Scott, at Auburn, or Tavistock :150M, 10-1-2-3-4-5b DAY-OLD, MIXED CHICKS, cockerels, pullets—order now for ,APRIL—some started chicks in brooders, AMES-IN-CROSS hy- brids. J. E. STACKHOUSE, Wil- ton Grove, Ontario. 8-9-10-1-b TAKE GUESSWORK OUT OF chick :buying. Buy Kitchener 131g-4. We are agent, let us quote prices. Wide choice standard varieties, and such specials as Pilch Rock.% etc. Dayold and started. Mixed, inn - lets, cockerels, broilers: Hatchery Canadian Approved with 35 years Hatchery experience behind them. Don't put off any longer. Agent: Charles Scat, Auburn, phone Blyth 43 r 23. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES SERVICE STATION FOR. RENT, in. Clinton. Apply to Clink Stan- ley, phone Clinton 205. • • OWN YOUR, OWN BUSINESS. Contact L. G. Whiten Real Estate, 'High Street, Clinton. Phone- Clin- ton 448. iatfb CUSTOM WORK =UMW IVLOTORS, ReWotirid and repaired. Horne and Auto rad- ios and appliances repaired. Art MeVett, Isaac Street, at Dunlop, Phene Clinton 138W. 41-tfb CEMENT WORK: MI types of 'concrete Walls and floors, wafer-, tanks, concrete stables, walks, *ante, Stem Leaky basements re paired; resurfacing tough fleets, curbe, steps, Plidne Chin tati, 187W. Murray 11-0 SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL StPTIC TANXS, CESS POOLS, etc., othnped and cleaned with Sanitary modern equipment. All work guaranteed Estimates given A/) FARMS FOR SAE NICE xAsT OF FARMS FOR Sale. L, G. Winter. Real Estate. Phone. Clinton 44$, Low down payments. 33-tfh MANY GOOD FARMS, LARGE and small, in Huron County.Real estate is our -business. Buying or selling. Contact John Bosvelci, Real Estate Broker, 40 Wellesley Street, Goderich, Phone Goderich 108. 54113 PAIN EQUIPMENT For Sale UNIVERSAL SINGLE • UNIT milking machine, like new; De - Laval cream separator, used one year. Beaver oats, clean and pure. Montcalm Barley,,froM first 'gen- eration, registered seed. John Arm- strong and Sons, RA 1, Zurich, phone Hensel). 697 r 14. 11-12-p MASSEY-HARRIS TRACTOR No. O Rowerop; land packer; Fleury - Bissell double disc; Fleury-Bis- sel two bottom plow on rubber; Massey -Harris three section spring tooth; Massey -Harris rubber 'tire wagon; •Cockshutt 10 -inch grain grinder and 50 feet of 7 -inch rub- ber belting, Will sell or trade for cattle. Contact Fred Arkell or phone Bayfield 47R5, evenings. 10-11-b Furniture Re -Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio 'cabinet, refinishing and re- pairing:, apply W. G. Piekett, phone Clinton 761M 4p-tfb FURNITURE FOR SALE WOODEN TABLE AND FOUR chairs, for kitchen / use, natural wood finish. Phone Clinton 525J. HELP WANTED TELEPHONE LINEMAN FOR McKillop Municipal Telephone System to service 440 Rural Tele- phones. Applications to be in the hands of the Secretary by March 19. 3. M. Eckert, Secretary, RR 1, Seaforth, 10-11-b MODERN INDUSTRIAL MANUFACTURER REQUIRES THE SERVICES OF A Private Secretary IMMEDIATELY. Ideal Working Conditions with all up-to-date benefits. APPLY BY PHONING Personnel Manager; 1470, Goderich. HELP WANTED—FEMALE GIRL WANTED FOR GENERAL work. 8 hour day, 6 days per week. Apply to Hotel Clinton or phone 793: 11-b HELP WANTED—MALE WANTED, EXPERIENCED marr- ied man for general farm work. Separate house, fuel, milk, pro- vided.' For further particulars contact Stewart Middleton, RR, 3, 'Clinton, phone Clinton 437.13. 10-tfb WANTED AGGRESSIVE MEN To supplement our sales staff for your district. • The men we are looking for must be willing to learn and work hard as there are excellent opportunities for ad- vancement. Direct selling exper- ience an advantage, car a neces- sity. Same commission paid on each year's renewals. Sales train- ing provided. Replies eonfidential. Give full particulars in first letter including age, experience and phone number to BOX 811, B.S5, LON- DON, ONTARIO. Ontario Automobile Association LIVESTOCK FOR SALE GOOD HOLSTEIN COW for sale, due soon. Also Hereford calf. W. J. Miller, phone Clinton. 46. 11-b POUR HEREFORD & AYRSHIRE calves. Also one registered Ayr - Shire cow, fresh, seven years Old. Apply to Elgin Nett, Lot '3, Con. 1, Mullett TownShip. LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD mows AND dead Cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 148331, or 148334 Opt& LOST AND FOUND LOST — PAIR OE Din.R.K mod man's spectacles, in Clinton, early last week. Phone Clinton 382, local 848, 11-p 11E10AM IIONSPIEL HAS 15 ENTRIES The Heesall 13taneli of the- Cate Milan Legion will hold a. bonspiel at the Hensall arena, Wednesday, 1Viareh 21, Fifteen entries from Clinton, Witigharn, Goderich, eery. tralia Thedford and Hen. sail,- have been received. illteS McGill, who founded Me. Gill University with bequests of money and land started his bug - CLASSIFIED RATES CASH RATE (If paid by the WednendaY following 'publics-' lion) Two cents per word, minizmun 419 cents. ph rents a word for each following inser- tion, minimum 25 cents. BOX NUMBER -15a extra. ' BIRTHS, MARRIAGES and DEATIIS,no charge. ENGAGEMENTS, CARDS OF THANKS 48F IN MEMORIAM —Two cents per word, minimum 50 cents. OHARA-1E1)-15 cents extra, DEADLINE -;-12 o'elock flees. Wednesday. MISCELLANEOUS I.E.L CHAIN SAWS. A. 1VIODEL to suit all woodcutting jobs. Also 3 -dependable used eaws, as low as $90,00. Robert Glen, I.E.L. Saws, Phone 60831 Clinton. 9-10-11-p $5 DOWN, UP TO 24 MONTHS to pay for a genuine Surge Milker Unit. Contact Lovell McGuire, Phone Wingliarri 593, We guaran- tee better milking satisfaction. 9-10-11-12-13-p ENGLISH SMOCKING ORDERS taken for use on infant's dresses, rompers, nightclothes; children's frocks, sundresses; ladies' blouses, trousseau. lingerie, smocks, cock- tail aprons. Phone Clinton 1629W. 11-13 WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association. "Where Better Bulls Are Used." Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle, For service or information phone Clinton 515 collect, between 7.30 and 10.00 aan. on week days and 7.30 and 9,30 a.m. on Sundays. EGMONT MINERALS for Cattle have proven to supply all minerals cattle, need to maintain good heal- th. At $7 per 100 pounds it sup. plies these essential minerals very ecogannically. Always available at the farm, or a phone call will bring it to your door. J. W. Van- Egmond, phone Clieton 805r13. 46tfb NOTICE AS OF MARCH 12, 1956, I will not be responsible for any debts incurred by my law-abiding wif.e. Left my bed and board. Signed M. Laycox. 11-p PERSONAL HYETT'S REMEDIES. -ECZEMA remedies, asthma remedies, and therest of the famous line are available at Pennebaker's IDA store, sole agent. • 11-b PET STOCK FOR SALE YOUNG MALE BUDGIES; Hartz Mountain Canaries (German Roll- ers) $8.98. Female Budgies $6. Eric Milner—Flowers, phone Sea - forth 393, 8-9-10-1-b PROPERTY FOR SALE HOUSES FOR SALE, AS LOW as $750 down payment, easy terms on mortgage. L. G. Winter, real estate, High Street, Clinton. Phone Clinton 448. 11-12-b 25 • ACRE PICNIC GROUNDS camp sight. With 5 cabins, at "The Falls," on the Maitland riv- er. 2 miles east of Goderich, off Highway 8. • Scenery, fishing and swimming. Ideal for private sum- mer place, priced to sell—Terms. J. M. Driver, RR No. 1, Goderich. 9-10-11-p SALESMAN WANTED ARE YOU INTERESTED IN A full-time sales job, selling for ap old reliable Feed Company, local territory open. Must have car. Age from 35 to 55 desirable, Per- manent employment if aggressive, good remuneration, sales training supplied. Apply to Box 522, Lon- don, Ontario. 10.1-p STOVES FOR SALE SMALL QUAKER OIL MATER, very good condition Phone Clin- ton 718W4. 11-b CLARE JEWEL DELUXE model electric range. Clock. Window in oven door, Apply St. Paul's rettory, phone Clinton 93. 11-b TEACHERS WANTED PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR Harlock School S.S. No. 6, Hullett, 15 pupils, duties to commence on Sept. 4, 1956, Apply to Sec.-Treas. John H. McEwing, AR, 1, Blyth; applications to be in by April 1, 1950. 10-1-2-b Flowers Telegraphed Ahnviumre K. C. COOKE FLORIST Phone 66W atritoll togNalkridio.:1•114:41w,..serrilikr,6•16.:44.40411416ii RCA VICTOR RADIOS AND TELEVISION Yetir Old Radio Accepted As Tratleein, T.. A. tYLITTON ItOA VICTOR trEALtift HIRTHS GLOUSalln In Clinton Public liosplta, on Saturday, March 1.0, 1050, to Mr. end MI.:Robert Glousher, Blyth, a son.. ,OOH -.-In Clinton Public 1-lospit, tal,.on Friday, March 0, i9416, to Mr. and Mrs. 'Russel ()emit, RR 1, Varna, a daughter. PAYN4--Irt Scott Memorial lbs- pital, .Seaforth„ OIL Thured4Y, March 5, 19416, to Mr. and Mrs.. Warner Renee, Hayfield, a We' DEATHS I My—In Clinton Public Hgs- pital, on Th_ etiernlaY, March 1, i956, v.mobert L. EmpeYe mother of Willianr.liknpey, Blyth, .In her 76th year, Funeral from the home of her son in ;Slytilubn Saturday evening, by Rev. A, W. Watson, thence tO a Toronto funeral 'home where old friends and acquaintances paid their respects, to Gele.r t United Church, 'Wert, Ont. (Haliburteir County) for service on Monday, March 5, and interment in Gelert Cemetery. FOWLER—In Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich', 'on Thursday, March 8, 1956, Re- bert A. Fowler, in his 74th Year. Funeral from the Lodge funeral home, Goderich, to Maitland Cemetery, on Saturday after- noon, March I.& MATTHIWS...--In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Tuesday morning, March 13, 1956, Joseph • Matthews, beloved husband of Saral} Jane ,I•licknell, Seafortie in his 84th year. Resting at the G. A. Whitney funeral home,. Seaforth, until Friday morning when requiem high mass will be sung at 9.30 o'clock, and: inter- ment made in St, James' Ceme- tery, Seaforth. MaeADAIVI—In • Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on. Monday, March 12., 1956, William J. MacAdam, beloved - husband of Pearl MacDonald, -Gederich, in his 70th year. Fun- eral 'from the Lodge funeral ' home, Goderich, to Maitland Cemetery, on Wednesday after- noon, March 14. NORRIS--At 3949 Bishop Rd., De- troit, Mich., on Friday, March 9, 1956, W. Lyle Norris, also of Bayfield, beloved huSband. of Helene McNorgan, dear father , of William, brother of Dr. L, Norris, Wyoming, and Harry .Norris, Brucefield, in his 53rd • year. Funeral service from the VerHayden funeral home,, 16300 Mack Ave., Detroit, on Monday morning, March 12, to Mount Olivet Cemetery. OLIVER—In St. Joseph's Hospi- tal, Guelph, on Friday, March 9, .1956, Fanny Chillingvvorth, wid- ow of the late Charles Oliver, in - her 95th year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clinton to Clinton Cemetery, on Monday afternoon, March. 12, by Rev. D. J. Lane. TOWNSEND.— In Toronto, on Thursday, March 8, 1956, Alice Maude Burnett, beloved wife -of the late William. Townsend,. Sourie, Man., formerly of Clin- ton, in her 80th year, dear moth- er of Fred, Toronto and sister of Eva, Mrs. Robert Dunbar, Lambeth, and Elizabeth, Mrs. Albert Colclough, Goderich township, Service in -Toronto . on Saturday afternoon, March 10, with interment at Souris, Man. IN MEMORIAM SWITZDR—In memory of Charles S. Switzer, who passed away three years ago March 17, 1953. The dearest Dad the world conk! hold, A cherry smile, a heart of gold. To those who knew him, all will know How .much we lost three years ago. —Ever remembered by Eric,,Mar- garet and girls, 11-p Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY commencing at 1.30 p.m. TERMS CASH c.onny,. Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer' HO K. W. COLQUUN, Clerk insmasslinOssietiorimimassintsisitsisit FOR SALE 1 yi STOREY, 6 ROOM DWELL- ing, modern convenience, good location, stoat barn on proper- ty, fruit trees, Early possession.e Price, $6,500, 11/r storey, 7-roorn dwelling, flush toilet, running water. Situated in village of Lomiesboro. hned- late' possession. strorisr, 5 ROOM DWELLING, three" bedrooms, modern conven- iences, oil heating, full base- ment, low taxes... Situated on Highway 4, south of Clinton. Early possession. 1 STOREY, 5 ROOM DWELLEVG, two bedrooms, Modern conven- ience. Suitnotch. Early possea- Mon. Pike, 1.,000. ,4 1 STOREY, ROOM DWELLINGi bedretnris if -piece' bath, fur - nate. Well located, WO blocks froth post Wine. Early posses - slop. Price, S5.500. 0 1 STOREY, ItEIMOOM Central Mortgage dwelling. DoWit pay- ment, $1,800. Monthly payyrients,- $28: Early possession. Aptgr to H. C. LAWSON- COrriplete Insurance Service Real Estate Investments Batik of Montreal &lading nioneti Office 281W; It Give Fair Grants; Award Contracts The usual grant of ..0(). to. the, Clinton Spring Show was ,made by Qedericir Township Council last. Week on request of W. It. "Bert" Lobb. Mao 4 grant of 5,150 was made to the 13ayfield Community: Centre, The Councillors .accepted, after considerable discussion,the alloca- tion of $4,300 which is, the sum re- quested by the Alexandra Marine, and General Hospital,. Goderich, as assistance in the erection of a pew hospital in the county town. The manner in which, this .arnount will be ridged is left over for the next meeting, until the .tOWAshiP'S' re- presentative to the hospital board will have time to report back. Clayton eLeithweite was re -ap- pointed the Township's representa- tive to the -Goderich Planning Board. King Cajohnn Products received 'the contract for supplying warble fly powder for the township, from four tenders received. Peter Har- risori will be .the inspector, at a. rate ef 75 cents per hour and eight cents per mile. (There were six township residents applied. for this work,) • Among accounts: passed for pay- ment was $100 expenses for Reeve J. W. Deeves, Councillors K. 'C. Merrier, G. H. Stirling and W. J. Forbes as delegates; $7 to William Eatkin for fox bounty, and $2,636.- 37 for the road superintendent'S- payroll. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. A: Glazier and family wish to express their sincere apprecia- tion for floral tributes and many acts of kindness of friends and neighbours during their recent bereavement, 11-p Extensive AUCTION' SALE Of High Quality Shorthorns Horses, Hogs, Tractor, Truck, Thresher, Farm Machinery, Bray, Grain and miscellaneous items. On the premises, Lot 6, Con. 2, Stan- ley Township, 33/4 miles north of Hensall, or 11/2 miles west of Kip. pen and 1% miles north. on Friday, March 23 commencing at 12.30 p.m. sharp. High Quality Shorthorns: Roan cow, carrying fourth calf, due in April; red cow, carrying second' calf, due in April; red cow, carry- ing third calf, due in May; roan cow, carrying second calf, due in May; roan cow, carrying fourth calf, due in April; red cow, carry- ing fourth calf, due in. May; red cow, carrying second calf, due in May; red cow, carrying fifth calf, due in April; 5 Durham steers, ready for market, averaging 1,250 lbs each; 2 Baby, Beefs, averaging 500 lbs. each; 3 steerS, rising 2 yrs. old; 2 heifers, rising 2 yrs. old; 5 Durham yeeilings; purebred Shorthorn bull, rising 3 yrs. old. This is a very choice herd of cattle, all in market condition. Horses: General Purpose team, true and reliable; Clyde mare, 8 yrs. old. Hogs: 10 York pigs, averaging 185 lbs. each, Farm Machinery: 1950 Chev. half -ton pick-up truck, very low mileage, in all around new con- dition; tractor, McD. Super "W" 6, fully equipped, used one :,eason, like new; Waterloo 28x45 thresher, fully equipped with cutter, grain blower, etc., in. A-1 condition; two 140 ft. Klingtite 7 -inch drive belt, like new; 200 ft. heavy cable with blocks and tackle; Mc. -Deering binder, 7 ft. cut, like new; Mc. - Deering mower, 6 ft. cut, like new; Mc. -Deering hay loader; Oliver 3 - furrow plow, like new; Cockshutt 4 -section spring tooth harrow; Mc. -Deering drop -head hayloader; Mc. -Deering horse drawn manure spreader, on rubbef; Mc. -Deering spring tooth cultivator, 8 ft. cut, equipped with extensions; Fleury 32plate tractor disc; 3 -drum steel roller; 10 ft. dump rake; 4 -section diamond harrows; all steel wag- on; rubber tire wagon; 16 ft. hay rack, brand new; 2 gravel boxes; International team scuffler and puller; 100 cap. Spraymotor, com- pletely equipped, like new; M -H 13 -run grain drill, with fertilizer attachment; single, scuffler; sling ropes and chains; Renfrew electric cream separator; root pulper; Rein frew platform scales, 2,000 lb. cap.; 95 -gal. steel drum; fanning mill; set of britching harness; backbend harness; bag truck; 40 -gal, copper apple butter kettle; cutter; quan- tity of lumber; quantity of stove wood; grass seeder; anvil, forge, drill, numerous carpenter & black- smith tools; 7 -ton hydraulic jack; cross -cut saw; wheelbarrow; elec- tric motors; hay fork; extension blower pipes; chicken feeders; and water cans;' chains, forks, shovels; Oliver scuffler and puller,' 'and many articles, too numerous to 'mention. Hay and Grain: 200 bales mixed hay; 8 tons loose hay; 150 bushels mixed grain. Household Effeets: 1...*Iorriplete dining room suite; 5 complete bed - MOM suites- kitchen table and chairs; kitchen stove, coal and wood heater; combination book case and writing desk; rug 9x12; small tables; rocking chairs; chest of drawers; occasional theirs; ice box; sealers, large apple peeler, etc, etc. No reserve, as the farm IS sold, Due to extra large. sale, selling will start sharp on time. Terms—Cash ALVIN McBRIDE, Proprietor Alvin Wainer, Auctioneer Ross Love Clerk 11-1243 POLLED HEREFORD SALE AT MANTON, ONTARIO Saturday, March 17 al LOTS 84 HEAD 8 Polled Hereford 13011S,5 Costs Vining thilVe§,14 bred Heifers 4 Open Heifers Herds are fully Accredited Arid VaCcinated. All, cattle guaranteed. Consignors; Peter Colima, West 1.611101. :L, B. .8abock, Wallace - burg llrown, Clinton; Neil Hubbell, Thaniesville, Clinton IS, on No. 4 and No.. Highways, 45 miles north of Lon- don and 30 miles west of Strat- ford. Please write for catologues, ERNIE O'Nlitt, Sales Manager and Auctioneer, Denfield. Wilkht and Ed. Elliott. ROXY 'THEATRE UN T ON NOW: THURS, FRP & SAT:, 'TUMBLEWEED" Color Sagebrqsh drama; on a large seale, Rugged desert backgromele, gun- play, action and suspense aplenty for Western, fans, Audis Murphy Ewa Nelson Chill Wills MON., TUES. & WED, "Casanova Brown", Academy aWerd-winning romantic comedy, with overtones of astrol ogy. — Gary Cooper -.- Teresa Wright Anita Louise COMING — Double Bifi 'BLUE CANADIAN ROCKIES' Gene Autry - Pat Buttrant "TROUBLE IN STORE" Norman Wisdom - Margaret Rutherford 444++.44•40144,+.41÷••••• - NOTICE 1'O CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF Michael Greens, late of the town of Clin- ton, in the County of Huron, Gen- tleman, Deceased. An persons having claims again - at the Estate of the above deecased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 20th day of March, *An>. 1956, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto; having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 28th day of February A.D. 1956. E. Beecher Menzies, Clinton, On- tario, Solicitor for the said Estate. . 9-10-11-b •.CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock and Implements At Lot 18, North-east Boundary, Usborne Township, 6 miles east and 2 tulles north of Exeter, 6 miles south 'east of Hensall, 2'/ miles south and 1/2 mile west, from Cromarty, 6 miles north and west of Rirkton, on Tuesday, March 27 at 1 o'clock sharp. Registered Herefords — 7 cows, rebred, 7 calves ranging in age from May' to Jan. (2 good bull propects) 2 excellent 4-H Guinea prospects, 2 heifer calves, 1 bull calf); 1 bred' heifer. Holstein Cows: 1 cow freshened Feb. 2, due time of sale, 1 due April, 1 due in June, 1. due Aug., 1 heifer due July, 2 open heifers, 4 calves 600 to 700 lbs., 1 month and a half old calf. Pigs:, A number of weiner pigs. Machinery, etc.: Case manure spreader, nearly new; rubber tired wagon, and rack; 7 ft. Massey binder; McCormick Deering seed drill; Letz grinder; 1/2 ton truck rack; 2 unit Universal milker with pipes; scales, fanning mill with motor; work harness'; colony house 10 by 12. Quantity of baled hay, oats. and several tons of cob corn. Catalogues for cattle may be obtained from proprietor or auct. Robert Hera, Muslin, Proprietor W. S. O'Neil, Denfield, Auctioneer Richard Etherington, Clerk 11-12-b • Get There Safely! CALL 110 ASHTON'S TAXI AT D A Dv TELEPHONE THEInnn 1154 Goderich NOW: THURS,, FRI, & SAT. Virit4vision llfuSicalrCoineilY Dean Martin .and Jerry Lewis with Shirley MacLeine A merry, mad musical in brilliant. new Vistavision color. Two rollick,. Mg hours of mirth and music. with mertin and Lewis at their rib - rocking heat "Artists & Models" _ MON, TUES. & WED. JANE RUSSELL Jeff Chandler and Dan Duryea From ANYA SETON'S tbxming novel of an eastern society belle who vacations in .Arizena and meets a half-breed mining. engineer "FOXF1RE" .In Technicolor', Coming: "LUCY GALLANT" In color with Jane Wyman 4-4•444÷..••••-••-•-•••••-•-•••• NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF Laimey W. Lavis, late -of the Town of Clinton, in 'the County of Huron, Salesman, Deceased. All persons having claims again- st, the Estate of the above deceas- ed are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or about the 20th day of March, A.D. 1956, after which date the assets will -be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard notice solar' only tgatvbee beel sglovfenw. hi ch DATED at Clinton, Ontario, . this 28th day of February, A.D. 1056" E,Beecher Menzies, Clinton, On- tario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 9-10-11-b ANNUITY PLANS GUARANTEE ADEQUATE INCOME FOR RETIREMENT! I will be glad to advise you on the plan best suited to your needs and income. Insure your future security. See me to -day: H. E. HARTLEY Canada' Life Assurance Company Phone 454W — Clinton ishoto.rolim SERVICE • Factory trained and 'supervised technicians Galbraith Radio and TV Phone 482 — Clinton Step Out IN Style for Easter Select your Easter Ward- robe from our new stock of SUITS TOPCOATS SPORT COATS SLACKS HATS 1 REMEMBERt , WEAR AN ARROW SHIRT' ARROW White it always right PICKETT CAMPBELL Phone 25