HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-03-15, Page 4SALE MEN'S SHOES BROKEN LINES OF SCOTT-McHALE QUALITY OXFORDS SIZES 7 71/2 S 81/2 9 91/2 10 10% 11 111/a 12 ON HAND 1 3 8 1 6 '2 • 3 4 2 1 2 33 PAIRS — Reg. 14.50 to 16.50 $10.00 pr. AIKEN'S Phone 2 CLINT,ON 444444-fp-4044-,444-4.44 SUNDAY, MARCH 18, 1956 Huron Street BAPTIST CHURCH Minister—REV. J. B. OSTROM 11.00 a.m.—Morning Service 12.15 p.m.—Sunday School 7.00 p.m.—Evening Service Mr. David Simmonds, past president of Inter-provincial BYPU, Toronto, wilt speak at ,both services. ALL WELCOME BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH BODENHAM, Pastor 10,00 a.m.—Sunday - School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship Services. 7.30 p.m.—Gospel Service You are cordially invited to these services. Wild; Climb REV. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE. Choir Director 11.00 aan—Morning Worship "The Question" 11.20 a.m.—Primary School 12.15 p.m.—Church School. 7.00 rem.—Evening Praise "The Triangle of Temptation" HOLMESV1LLE 1.30 p.m.—Church Service. Sunday School Como to the House of Prayer PENTECOSTAL CHURCH. P.A.O.C. Victoria Street, Clinton IC. L. SWEIGARD, Paetor Friday, March 16- 4.15 p.m,--Happy Hour 8.00 p.m.—Christ's Ambassadors Sunday, Match 18-- 10.00 a,m.--SUnday School 11.00 tian.—Moreing Worship 7,30 p.m.—Gospel Service Tuesday, March 20-- 8.00 ja.m.—Regular Prayer and Bible Study Service. All Welcome Come in and see our Wide Selection of CHOCOLATE EASTER NOVELTIES 'Our Saturday Special: 'Prom. Our Store Only FRESH RASPBERRY PIES REG, 55c For 45c BARTLIFF BROS. BAKEits and CONVEOTIONERS PHONE 1 ON MAGI,,, F'QuR CL1ll'1.'oz4. NEWSIRECORD THURSDAY-, MARCH 15, MO 44 '19 .Feature Institute Night "SaladS" will be feathred in the demonstration sponsored by the Clinton Women's institute to be held in Wesley-Willis -Church Primary Boom, on. Wed- nesday, March n, at 1.,30 peel. A cordial invitation is .eetended to all Women of the community, Miss Huber, Heine Emnomist of the Women's Institute Branch and Heine. Economics Service of the Ontario Department of Agricul- ture- will •conduct the demonetrat- . Side salads, .50ed bowls, whole meal •sa/aele, salad accompni- ments and garnishes will be ,deree instrated, Silver collection will be received. maummeminummanummor Wesley-Willis SIMS Ask Increase In Colombo Gifts The Woman's. Missionary Soc- iety of Wesley-Willis United Cher- chemet in the church parleur, Mar- Ch. 8, for their regular meeting, The presidents Mrs. Charles Nel- eon was in the chair and epened the Meeting with a hymn, a eead- ing, and a prayer. The minutes Were read by the secretary, Mrs. Frank Fingland. end Mee. Shen- herd gave the treasurer's report in the absence of Mrs. Hearn,. The verities secretaries gave their reporte. A letter will 'be Written to headquarters .endorsing the Colombo Pisan, asking that the money sent' be increased, A mot- ion was also passed - that a letter be sent concerning - sex deviates. Mrs. H. C. Wilson reported that the Mission Band plan to send a bale to Korea in the spring. She asked for support in this project, particularly children's clothes. The executive was named to plan the Easter thankoffering which will be held April. 12. Rev. H. C. Wilson will be special speak- er, Delegates appointed to attend the presbyterial in Exeter, in April are Mrs. Shepherd and Mrs, Rees Jenkins. . A skit about the training school for leaders at St, Thomas was giv- en by Mrs. Addison"' Mrs. McGill and Miss B. Diehl, The president gave a reading on St. Patrick's Junior Institute Names LOs Jones 1955-6 President The Clinton' .Junior Institute held their annual meeting in the Clinton District Collegiate Jrietit- uta on Tuesday evening, with the :president, Catherine Powell in the Chair. The meeting opened with singing the Institute. Ode felloW` ed by the Lord's Prayer. Minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted toiowpa by business discussion, The girls were. reminded" of the Huron County Junior Farmers" Amend At-Home in the Clinton Cellegia,te on day, April 6. The monthly repOrt of meetings: were given by Lois Jones, The new slate of, officers for 1956-57 were elected as follows: past president, Catherine Powell; president, Lois Jones; vice-presi- dent, Stella Rankine; secretary- treasurer, Mae Coleman; district director, Leis 'Jones; county •dlrec- tors, Stella Rankine and Mae Cole- man; press! reporter, . Catherine Powell; institute directors, Janet Catherine lVfcGregor, Nan- cy Powell, Catherine Powell, The guest speaker for the even- ing was Miss Sybil Courtice, who spent a great deal of her life in 'Japan as a' missionary, Miss -Courtice spoke of the beauty of Japan and the young Japanese girl. She showed many- pictures and souvenirs which elle., had collected while in Japan. Everyone enjoy- ed her talk and Catherine Powell expressed their appreciation. The meeting was adjourned for the joint. meeting with the Junior Farmers. 0 Ontario St. WMS Plans For hankoffering parlour. The meeting was opened with. a poem, "Easter Morn," fol- lowed by a hymn, the Lord's Pray- er and Psalm 752. Mrs. W. M. Aiken based the de- votional period on the theme, "The call to the Mission of the Church through Evangelism and Missions." Scripture was form Philippians 2: 5-11 and Luke 9: 1-6, 10, 11. Roll call was answered by one of the Beatitudes. The treasurer reported a bal- ance of $67.53 and the community friendship secretary reported six hospital and three hone calls made. One letter of thanks was read. The Easter thank-offering meet- ing will be on Wednesday after- noon, March 28, at three o'clock, to which Brucefield, Turners, Wes- ley-Willis and Holmesville ladies Goderich, will be guest speaker. will be invited. Miss McGowan, Mrs. Livermore gave a timely talk on temperance. Mrs. W. VanEgmond *ably con- ducted the study book chapter on Canadian Indian Missions in Mani- toba Conference. The work of Rev. James Evans in establishing the presbytery at Norway House, covering 275,000 square miles, and including • 5,000 inhabitants in 15 different communities' was des- cribed. Smile of them are at Cross Lake, Oxford House, God's Lake, Island Lake and Berena River, where the Cree language is still used. Sunday service is Much the same' as here,- and there is a mid- week service also. There are 12 full time missionaries, two part time missionaries and 28 teachers. There is an urgent need for more workers of all kinds in this area. A blackboard outline of the topic proved very effective. Letters were read from Seoul and the Overseas Relief office thanking the Society for bales re- ceived. A hymn and prayer by the president closed the meeting. C. K. EPPS GIVES TALK TO HAPPY DOUBLES CLUB - The Happy Doubles Club of On- tario Street United Church met on Monday. Devotions- were taken by Mee. Cecil Elliott. Guest speaker was• C. H. Epps -who told of flower gardening and how to landscape. He showed pic- tures of his trip to Florida. A short business period was fol- lowed by a St, Patrick's game con- ducted by Mrs. Arthur Aiken. 0 LOBA HOLDS SUCCESSFUL EUCHRE AND DANCE, VARNA "A huge success' is the report of a euchre and dante held by the Clinton Loyal Orange Benevolent Association in the township hall at Varna last Friday. A special draw on a Silver Orearn and sugar set with' tray, was won by Miss Marion Dale, Clinton. Winners at cards were, ladies, high, Mrs. W. Colciough; hew, Mrs, V. Heard; lone hands, Mrs. John Woon; men, high, Bill Meliwain; low, Alex IVIclefichael: lone hands, John Woon. Dancing was to the music of Jim Murray's orchestra, Varna, o. Ilensall Considers Building School Hensel village council on Mon, day, Mirth 5, instructed a delee ,gation front the Public School Board to get prices on the con- struction of a new school or an ad- dition to' the present building and submit thene to council, Coutnell decided that Hensall Will adopt Daylight Saving Time, effec4 tive on April 29, at 2 ton, and will return to Standard Thee oie 804 tens ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones, of Clinton, ennotiece the engagement of their younger daughter, Edith iCarelYng to Mr. Murray Elmer Colquhoun, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. W, Colquhetm, of Clinton, • The marriage will take place the end of March, 11-x Home And At Adasirall. Park* At Open House In concurrence with V44044011 week the A/V/M Hugh Campbell Public School Home and Sehool Association at _Adastral Park, met Thursday evening, March 8, Dee, pite the bad weather there was a capacity turn-out for a very suc- cessful evening. ' The program ore ened with the singing of "0 Cana- da." Principal C. A, Trott •wel- corned the parents and introduced the following randbers: a unison chorus, sung by pupils from grad- es 5 to 8, directed by Mr. Trott and accompanied by Mrs. Wen- donf; a square dance, by pupils from grades 5 to 8, accompanied by Catherine Welsh at the piano -and caller James Shorey; the chor- us sang, "The World le • Full of Beauty," followed. by • a tumbling demonstration under supervision of Maitland Edgar, by boys from grades 5 to 8; square dance by pupils from grades 5 to 8, accomp- anied by Catherine Welsh; four part chorus by grades 7 and 8 pup- ils under direction of Mrs. Irwin. Follbwirg the entertainment portion of the evening, W/C Hood- spith gave a little talk on Educa- tion", followed by the singing of "God Save the Queen." • Lunch was served and parents were in- vited- to. tour the classrooms, view the students' work, and. chat with • their teachers. Pre-Easter community services arranged by the Clinton Minister- ial Association will be held this year in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. All services will start at 8.00 p.m. The following is the order of ser- vices and the conducting minister: Monday, March 26—Rev. A. G. Eagle, Tuesday, March 27—Rev. H. C. Wilson. Wednesday, March 28—Rev, J. Ostrom. Thursday, March 29—Rev. D. J. Lane. Service will be held on. Good Friday, March 29 in St. Paul's Anglican Cinirch under the direc- tion of Rev. R. M. P. Bulteel at 10,30 a.m. All citizens are invited to attend any and all of these special ser- vices. -4 4444' 4,4 4- 4,4,0,44.4,11,14.-4,4 ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. 3. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS. MORGAN• AGNE1V, Choir Leader and Organist Sunday, March 18, 1956 10.00 a.m.—Church School for all 11.00 a.m.—Divine Worship The Seaforth Curling Club Will be with us for worship. Sermon. Subject—"What is Now?" Special Music Everyone Welcome to Worship at St. Andrew's ST. PAUL'S ANGLICAN CHURCH REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. M. Elliott, Choir Leader 8,30 am.—Holy Communion 11,00 a.m.—Morning Prayer and Sunday School. No ,Evening Service. Tuesday, March 20-2,45 p.m.— WA in the Parish Hall, Guest speaker, Mrs. Ceriel VanDam- me. Everyone welcome Wednesday, March 21-8,15 p.m., Friendship Club Thursday, March 22-8.00 pan.— Chancel Guild at the home of 'Vies. Ray Gibbon. rf Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Order of Meetings for the Lord's Day 11,00 a.m.—Breaking of Bread 3,00 p.m.—Children's Meeting 7,00 pan—Gospel Meeting ALL WELCOME Maple Street GOSPEL -HALL CLINTON Personals 1‘14 and Mrs. T, B, Thompson left last Monday, March 5, for a holiday in Florida, Misses Gall Pereeee. and Sally. Parker, Uarvergal College, Tor- onto, were guests, over the week- end at the manse, Mr, and Mrs Wilber I, Hunters . Moose Jaw, Sask,, Mrs. William H, Higgins, and Mre and Mrs. F. B. l'ennebaker, visited in Hamil- ton last week, J. W. .Orieli was in Port Huron on Settirdey of last week attend', lug the Eighth Animal Internatieee al Day of Royal Arch Masons, sponsored bye Huron Chapter No. 27 R.A,M, or Port Huron, Michir gin, 1-41.1.11-40-410-10-•41-4.4 64-10 BRUCEFIELD lb+440-11-4•-••••-•-•-•÷444-40-•••••-•+. Mrs. Ivan Whiteman spent Tues- day with her father, See McCully. Mrs. T. Hamilton, Auburn, is visiting this week with her broth- er, L. Wilson. Mr. and Mrs. Wally Bath, Strat- ford, spent Sunday with Mr.- and' Mrs. W. D. Wilson, - Mrs. Frank McGregor spent the weekend with her cousin, Mrs. Al- ton Johnston,Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. Donald McKenzie, St, Thomas, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 5, McKenzie. Group No. 1 of the Woman's Association held a wilting bee at the home of Miss Marie Elliott. Rev, and Mrs. S. Davison are in Toronto this week where Mr. Dav- ison is attending a United Church meeting. Mrs. Mac Wilson .visited a few days with her sister, Mrs. Stanley Neale, Glencoe. Mrs. W. Stack- house returned -home with her, WA Meeting The April meeting of the Wom- an's Association of the Brucefield United Church was held in the Sunday School. room on Tuesday, April 6, with 38 in attendance. Mrs, James Thompson and Mrs, Goldie Graham were in charge of the devotional -'exercises. Mrs, Thompson read the Scriptfire lesson taken from Psalm 51, Mrs. G. Graham took as, her topic "Pen- tence in Lenten Season." A hymn was sung and the WA creed re- peated in unison to close this part of •the meeting. President Mrs. Baird took char- ge of the meeting. Reports were heard and the offering received. In the absence of Mrs. L. Wilson, Miss M. Swan read a thank you from Miss Mary McQueen. Mrs. D, Triebner reported sick calls made and Mrs. W. Moffatt for the manse committee. 0 TEN PERCENT WINNER AT APPRECIATION DAY DRAW . Corporal Charles Dunlop, RCAF Station Clinton, won $54.03 last Saturday afternoon in the merch- ants' Appreciation Day draw. This was the first draw made, end was for ten percent. Next week the treasure chest will total *61.28, .DEPARTIUNT. •OAU-1104- TO IIVIMETT ',(11I11,41`MY VOW A chimney .fire was .quickly e*- tingniahed at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Frank MacDonald, Hullett . Township, late Monday by the Clinton Fire Dpartment, No dam-' age was mused, eeeeereeeellefireeleeeeeeeereeeesefelee PORTER'S HILL ***10-4,.+4-40++++.4-*•_40-ft+44-t,-.4.-• CotnennOtY Club. The Porter's Hill Community Club held a social evening in the eehool last Saturday, Several tab- les of "ZOO", 'euchre and proideole were le play, Prizes for "500" went tee high lady, Marion Harris; high man, William Stirlingr lost' lady, Law- ene cox; low man, Gordon l'vlan- ning. In euchre; high lady, Clara. Harrison; high man; Keith Cox; low lady, Beth Cox; 1.01W man, Jim Harrison, In crokinole; high lady, Mary McDougall; high man, Bruce Bottles e low lady, Peggy 'Anne Bettlee; low man, Terry Bauer, Lunch was served by the ladies, The next meeting of the Porter's Hill Community Club will be held on Wednesday, March 21, at the home of Mrs, John McCoWan, WA Meeting The Wtimares Association of Grace Church met last Thursday at the home of Mrs. Allen Betties. The president, Mrs, Gordon Man- ning was in charge of the meeting which opened with singing "0 God, Our Help in Ages Past,', Mrs. Reid Torrance lead' in prayer and the Scriptureeless•on was read by Mrs, A, Lockhart, Following the business period by Mrs. Robert Malwain and Mrs. William McIlwain. The afternoon was spent in quilting. The April meeting will be at the home of Mrs, E. Townshende County auk Meets At The .Stewart Home The Stanley Community 'Club ladies met at the home of Mrs. Clifford Stewart, with 11. mem, hers, one guest and three child- ren present. The vice-president, lYfrs, Raymond Cantelon opened the meeting' by all repeating the Lord's Preyer, Mrs. N, Baird gave the secre, tary'e report, and roll call was answered by "your favourite flow- er and why?" Mrs. John MeGrege or gave the treasurer's report and the offering amounting to $3 was taken. It was decided to give $10 to Easter Seal Fund, also $10 to Red Cross Society, It was .also dee* ed -to give gifts to the orchestra playere for the season. The last euchre and dance of the season will be held on April 2, with John McGregor,. Mrs. Frank McCowan and Mrs, Walter Mof- fett in charge of party. The program' consisted of two readings! by Mrs. Clifford Stewart and Mrs. Frank McGregor, Two thank you cards were read from the Clinton Hospital Auxil- iary, and Edward Breadfoot. The meeting closed with the benedic- tion -and lunch was served. The next meeting will be held on April 4, at the home of Mrs. George Cantelon, Roll Call will be "Something you should be thankful for." , CLINTON WI MEETING - WILL BE HELD MARCH 22 The Clinton Women's Institute wil ihold their monthly meeting on March 22, at two: o'clock. AZ 'the election of officers and a penny sale will 'be held, all members are urged to attend. St. Patrick's Tea SATURDAY / MARCH 17 3 to 6 p.m. WESLEY-WILLIS CHURCH• LECTURE ROOM Booths: Home Baking — Novelty — Candy AFTERNOON TEA MENU HAM — POTATO and CABBAGE SXLAD Jelly — Pickles — Bread . and Butter Light and Dark Cake — Tea 45c EVERYBODY WELCOME Day." Mrs, Lorne Jervis took charge of the study period. The Scripture Was read by Mrs. John Turner and Mre. Beattie led in prayer. Mrs. Nelson sang, "0 Canada" with new words. The roll call was answered by the members giving "the name of an Indian tribe," Mrs, Jervis gave an excellent study from the book, "No Vanish- ing Race." It was interesting and enlightening and brought out many good points on the Indian study. Mrs. Wilson read "The Song My Saddle Sings" by Paul- ine Johnson. Mrs. Fingland spoke on -the "Oldest Church in Ontario" near Brantford, It was the chapel of the Mohawks and still prizes silver articles sent there by Queen Anne, centuries ago. A „social hour followed the meeting. NNW May We Help You? IF YOUR LOCKS ARE NOT WORKING PROPERLY, JUST CALL 195. 3 We completely overhaul and clean, Change combinations. V Duplicate keys while-u-wait. 3 Keep your doors alike (carry only one key), Master Key your doors for maximum security. (Every room keyed different, you carry one key only), "Your Security for Tomorrow is Our Business Today" BALL & MUTCH FURNITURE and HARDWARE Phone 195 44, Clinton 11-b .ire.erneme The president, Mrs. W. -S. R. Holmes, presided for the March Pre-Easter Services meeting of Ontario Street Church Woman's Missionary Society on In St. Andrew's Tuesday, March 13, in the church Sunday School 9.45 a.m. Breaking of Btead 11,00 a.m. Gospel Service....... 8.00 p.m. TUESDAY, pan, — Prayer and Bible Study. "A hearty Welcome Awaits You" ORGANIST MRS, E. WENDORF 0.45 aen,—Sueday School 11.00 tiaei.--eSatranient of the ritid's Supper '7.30 1),ni.—"Onlort Service In Wesley-Willis TtittOrS Church ZOO tan.—.Stietarileid .at the rArd's 8uppen 8.0G .trt.--Sutidtty $dtibol ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH PASTOR—ItEV. A. OLEN EAGLE, B.A., all "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" our the are Day amount Herb's To 100 1 12 tickets remodelling following Names registered. . App reciation thank our customers for their and to show our appreciation of business coming our way, to be drawn for Saturday, LBS. REDPATH SUGAR CASE STOKELY PEAS SHOPPING BAGS OF will be drawn from which will be- replaced Winners wilt be announced Sale patience during of we are offering at 1 p.m.: (15 oz. tins) GROCERIES our Appreciation when the winners in our the ad. next week. Specials Effective ar.15 io 21 Inclusive Dole's FRUIT COCKTAIL 2 20 oz. tins 63c i AYLMER CATSUP bottle 19c . fr Golden Dew MARGARINE . lb. 2'7e Nature's Best PEAS 2 15 oz. tins 21c Peter Pan SWEET POTATOES, 20oz. tins 10e . FAB—(1/2 Price Deal) 2 lge. pkgs. 59c Pat-a-Pan PASTRY FLOUR 24 lb. bag $1.29 Clark's VEGETABLE SOUP -6 tin carton 69e Herb's Food Market Herb, - Bridle, Prop. PHONE 40 : : ; FREE DELIVERY