HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-03-08, Page 9Goalie BIN German Saves The Day Fox Colts BILL GERMAN is all alone as he kicks aside one of the many Watford thrusts• in the third game of the home brew group finals on Saturday night, played in Watford. The action above shows Jack Dolbear's shot rebounding off German's stick while Latour comes in from behind to try for a loose puck. The Clinton netminder played his best game of the season as the Colts won the game 7-3. BILL "WATSON" HANLY Sparkplug of the Colts attack on Saturday night "Watson" came up with two timely goals besides. playing a steady defen- sive game y teRevE"Feerteee 6.N a. Med&r,/71.- T/144 AUTO SUPPLY LTO. ASSOCIATE STORE •, r. if You're TIRED ALL THE TIME Everybody gets h bit rue-down now and then, tired-out, lieavy-headd, and maybe bothered by backaches. Perhaps nothing seriously wrong, just a temporary toxic condition caused by excess acids and wastes. Theta the time to take Dodd'', Kidney Pills. Dodde stimulate the kidneys, and so help restore their rionnat action of renioving excess acids and wastes. Then you reel better, sleep better, work better. Get Dodd's Kidney Pills now. Look for the blue box with the red band at all druggists. You can depend on Dodds, Ce144tci't LAUNPRY.R, CLEANERS. r L..ET ONE CALL.PO ir A C I NI ON actizw Rubber Stamps and Marking Devices of every description Also Stamp Pads Sold by Clinton News-Record wmc, •lPAOE.. MKS Like Always Attracts Like. That's why the girl whe'e fast- idious about regular dry clean- ing always attracts the well- pressed man ... and vice versa. CUE TO YOU: Restore fabric life, fit -- freshen up tired clothes with our fast, efficient dry cleaning. WE NOW HAVE A Down Town Office on King Street (formerly Simpsons-Sears) for the convenience of our customers. THURSDAY, 'MARCH 8, 1958' MIN TON NEWS-RECORP PAGE NINg ,tamatmzs!?:•=6,7,-, 'Watford Takes First Win; Colts Lead, Series 3 to 1. Watford Atoms were awarded 54 win ort Tuesday night over- Clinton Colts when the Colts fail- ed to return to the ice for the third period, The game was the 'fourth of the best-of-seven series for the borne-brew group title. Clinton leads the series three pen- ' ee te one. Reason for the refusal to ice the squad was 'Incompetent referee- ing" and was brought to a head when Danny Colquiroun received a Match misconduct a few seconds before the end of the second per, Watford took the lead in the first period on a goal by Hal- brooke While the Celts were a man •ehort. The •Watford wingman drove the puck into the mesh 'though a scramble that had Don Denornme's view completely block- The Atoms took advantage of :.another penalty and some loose play by the Colts early in the sec- Nond and Latour banged home P. III ill EIRMENIIM 1111111111 111111111 11111111111 Ho ,'Pickett & Campbell LIMITED —Say Rarer,: your wardrobe with "DIAMOND DUST" ... the flattering all-occasion patterns in the new Continental Medium Tones, See them today. Bandsmen Wanted BRASS and REED Hand-cut and Tailored to your measure CLUB CLOTHES $49.95- 2 pc. "TIP TOP" CLOTHES $59.95 2 p.c. FLEET STREET CLOTHES $72.50 2 pc. Pickett & Campbell Limited (Main Corner) PHONE 25 — CLINTON 114111111 1111111110111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111 111111111111 111111111111P PLAY SAFE TELEVISION PICTURE TUBE PROTECTION * Picture Tube Policy $9.50 * Small Tubes Policy $3.75 extra per annum (up to 24 tubes) We will gladly call upon request—no cost or obligation. Protection on Electronic,Equipment at Premium Rates. Apply: BOX 80, CLINTON NEWS-RECORD 8-9-10-11-b .1 Clinton Business Firms: You will have a New Phone Number • when the Bell Telephone Co. makes the cutover to dial on April 15 Number Please! Your business stationery, rubber stamps, etc., which in- clude your phone number will be out of date after that. Order new ItIJIIBEIt STAMPS, STATIONEItS, INVOICES, STATEMENTS, COVNTEU CHECK 11001iS for delivery in time. )News-Record 5—Watford, J. Dolbear (McKin- ley, C. Wilson) 8.36 6—Clinton, Counter (MeEwan) 9.41 Penalties: Strong, Wolsey '(2 min. plus 10 min. misconduct); Garon, Moffatt, Counter, J. Carter, K. Colquhoun (2 min. plus game misconduct). Haply, German Main Cogs In Colt 7-3 Win Clinton Colts took a strangle hold on the homebrew group championship on Saturday night when they 'defeated Watford At- oms 7-3. This was the third win in a row for the Colts and they need just one more victory to sew up the group title. Bill Hanly with two goals and Bill German in the Clinton nets were the big stars of the night, Hanly started the Colts roiling in the first period with a sizzling shot from the right wing. In the final period he fired the marker that gave the team the lift when Wat- ford had just pulled the count up to 4-a and were threatening to tie the score. German was never bet- ter between the pipes and held the Atoms at bay when Clinton's de- fensive plays seemed to falter, Clinton jumped into a three goal lead before Watford were able to score. Hanly, Edgar and MeEwan were Clinton's marksmen, Mof- fatt brought the home crowd up with a roar with his goal late in the period. The second stanza was very close, Jack Carter picked up the only goal with a screen shot from the blueline, Watford came out fighting in the final period. They made the most of a Clinton penalty to Gar- on to stage a powerful ganging at- tack that paid off just as the Clin- ton player got back on the ice. Jack Dolbear got credit for the goal. The Atoms encouraged by their goal increased their efforts and clicked again at the 8.07 mark to make the Score 4-3. The Colts seemed dazed by the turn of ev- ents until Bill. Hanly grabbed a loose pucka few feet in front of the Watford net and flashed the light with a backhand shot. Clinton took command from that point until the end. Hartley and Strong added to the Clinton: total and Woodcock had to be very good to hold the score to seven, Colts Quit At End Of Second Period; And Forfeit Game 'Incompetent refereeing' was the reason that prompted the manage- ment of the Clinton Colts to take their team out of the game in Watford on Tuesday night. The action came at the end of the sec- ond period just after Danny Col- quhoun had been given a game misconduct penalty. 'The game was the fourth of the best of seven series for the group title. Clinton had won the first three contests before the Tuesday night game. What will come out of the affair is not yet known, . however the WOAA executive will, in all pro- bability, make their decision be- fore the next game scheduled to be played here on Saturday night. Peewee Hockey Maple Leafs -took a 3-1 win over Canadiens in a regularly scheduled peewee hockey game on Monday. Both teams played good hockey and showed great improvement from the start of the season. Cred- it for the fine passing and back checking exercised by both teams goes to coaches John Wilson and Jerry Holmes. Mike Murphy play- ed very well in the Leafs net, fie, Ling in. for the. regular goaltender Len Wilson. He was helped con- siderably by the fine defensive work of "Butch" Murney, who stopped many dangerous rushes by Tommy Sharp and Bill Wild. Big Craig Cox, Canadians star def on- cernan was a standout. He was helped by his fast skating for- wards; Little Bob Livermore, Laurie Colquhoun, John Cooper who slowed down many Leaf rush- es. Scorers for Leafs were B. Mac- Rae, assisted by Butch Murney; Tony Hackett on a pass from Keith Ashton and Ray Garen from Barry Elliott. • Leafs: goal, Mike Murphy; de- fence, Bill Murney, C. Snell; cen- Borden McRae; wings Ray Garen, Barry Elliott; subs., Keith Ashton, Barry Glazier, Tony Hackett, Wayne Dupee. Canadiens, goal. Bob Watkins; defence, Craig Cox, T. Sharp; cen- tre, Bob Livermore; wings, Laurie Colquhoun, Don Colquhoun; subs, John Cooper, Don Freeman, Bruce Cooper, Bill Wild, Butch Scott, Bob Glazier, Peter Staniforth, Kinsmen Peewee hockey,ends on March 21, with the playoffs to be- gin immediately among the four teams in the league. The teams will be battling for the Tip-Top Tailors trophy which was donated to the league last year and is cur- rently held by Canadiens, After the playoffs the team re- presenting Clinton will go to Gee., erieh to partieipate in Young Can- ada Week. This "all-star" team has already been practising and are currently holding special prac- tices under the watchful eyes of Kinsmen Frank MeEwan and Diek Cidyt. SAM RENNIE SKIPS RINK TO TITLE IN RCAF BONSPIEL Sam Rennie, Hensall, skipped a rink of civil service employeee to the championship of RCIAle Stat- ion Centralia, at a bonspiel held in Hensall last Saturday night, Ren- nie, whose rink is made up of first year curlers, defeated LAC Jim Herrington 9-7 in the final match of the two day 'spiel, to win the Dutch Boy Trophy. "BUSINESS DIRECTORY" BEAUTY SHOP Town 'n County Beauty Shop, Bayfieid Road, Goderich By Appointment Only Phone Goderich 1292W12, INSURANCE Insure the "Co-op" Way W. V. ROY District Representative Box 310 Clinton, Ontario Phone Collect Office 557 Res. 3243 IL C. LAWSON Bank of Montreal Building Clinton PHONES: Office 251W; Res. 2513 Insurance — Real Estate Agent: Mutual Life Assurance Co. Be Sure : : Be Insured K. W. COLQUHOUN GENERAL INSURANCE Representative Sun life Assurance Co, of Canada Office: Royal Bank Building Office 50 - PHONES - Res. 703w2 J. E. HOWARD, Bayfield Phone Bayfield 53r2 Car - Fire - Life - Accident Wind Insurance If you need Insurance, I have a Policy THE McKILLOP MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Head Office: Seaforth Officers 1956: President, W. S. Alexander, Walton; vice-president, Robert Archibald', Seaforth; sec- retary-treasurer and manager, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. Directors: John H. McEwing; Robert Archibald; Chris. Leon- hardt, Bornholm; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Wm. S. Alexander, Wal- ton; J. L. Malone, Seaforth; Har- vey Fuller, Goderich; J. E'. Pepper, Bruceflekl; Alister Broadfoot, Sea- forth. Agents: Wm. Leiper Jr., Londes- boro; J. F. Prueter, Brodhagen; Selwyn Baker, Brussels; Eric Munroe', Seaforth. INVESTMENTS Get The Feats Call VIC DINNIN Phone 168 — Zurich Investors Mutual Managed and Distributed by Investors Syndicate of Canada, Ltd. OPTOMETRY G. B. CLANCY Optometrist — Optician (successor to the late A, L, Cole, optometrist) For appointment phone 33, Goderieh 4. E. LONGSTAFF Hours: Seaforth: Daily except Monday & Wednesday-9 a.m. to 5030 p.m. Wednesday, 9 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Clinton: IViecLaren'S Studio---Mon- days only-9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m PHONE 791 SEAFORTI1 PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT ROY N. BENTLEY Ptiblit Accountant 4 Britannia, Rd. (writer Swath St.) Telephone 1011 GODERICH ONT. RONALD Ge McCANN Pirblie AccOuntant Royal Bank flag., Phone 361 Res: ifeatteMbineer •Phalle 465 CLINTON") ONTARIO 4-tfb REAL sTATE LEONARD O. WINTER Real Estate tuft Iltisinese BMW High Street Clinton ,raft 0)(1 Senior Boys Win First Game From South .Huron CfPOT Redrnen will take a six point lead into the second game of the two game total point series with South Huron Nigh School here' on Friday afternoon. This is the result of their close w,.45 win in .Exeter yesterday!. — The first game of the series played on the big Ea.ceter gym was a thriller from. the opening whis- tle, The lead changed hands many times in the first iltiarter with the score ending 1444, In the second quarter the Redmen went to the front and although .often threaten, ed they stayed in front until the end. Clinton's big period was the third when they outscored the home team 12-3 to earn a 43-33 lead at the three-quarter mark of the game. In the final 15 minutes South Huron tried desperately. They came within three points of tieing the Reamer): but two quick baskets by McKay and Porter made victory a certainty, Ron McKay was the highest scorer on the floor with 21 paints. Jim Howes counted for 13 and Porter 9. Sturgess, Smith and. Lov- ell, were high men for South Hur- on. Clinton. McKay 21, Howes 13, Porter 9, Weymouth 4, Snell 4, Sharkey, Finlay, Farquhar, Mc- Donald, Bruce, Groves, Hoytema. South Huron, Lavender 8, Stur- gess 11, Kernik 6, Lovell 9, Smith 10, Polland 1, Wade, Gulens, Eth- erington, NOrminton, 0 Clinton Scout and Cub News (By Kenneth Magee) Highlight of last Thursday was a joint meeting of the Clinton Cubs and Scouts to view movies. After the Cubs departed the Scouts viewed a realistic RCAF first aid film. The movie was a help to these scouts studying for the Ambulance Man proficiency badge. Conservation cards and pins have been distributed among the Scouts to impress this year's theme, "Serve by Conserving," on the minds of the Scouts. On the cards there is the Conservation pledge, "I give my pledge as a Canadian to save and faithfully de- fend from waste the natural re- sources of my country—its soil and minerals, its forests, waters and wildlife." Scouts are expect- ed to carry out Conservation in all fields, but are to concentrate on forest, soil, water and wildlife conservation. The subjects of the four new Scout proficiency badges introduced this year. To help put forest conservation into practical use, one of the staff of the Forestry Department at Stratford is to give a talk on For- estry to the Clinton Scout Troop on Wednesday, March 28. He will use movies and display material to supplement his discussion. 0 MIDDLESEX SEED FAIR HAS RECORD EXHIBITS, ATTENDANCE AND PRICES Middlesex Seed Fair last week had an all-time high of 1,242 ex- hibits, and an attendance of 4,460 people'. At the' auction Chippewa soybeans sold at $6.50 per bushel. Top of the sale was on ten bush- els of Brant barley at $18.75 per bushel, and other barley ranged from $2,25 to $2,75. Oats sold for $1,50 to $2.50; potatoes brought up to $3,20 per bag, and Comets soybeans sold for $4.70. Badminton Club Host To Seaforth, Results Listed Clinton Badminton Club were hosts to Seaforth last Thursday night. The games were played on the courts in the town, hall with the• following results: Men's doubles, Clinton 3, Sea- forth 1. W. Craig, M, Draper de. feated Huisser. Pegg, 1540, 114; R. Hale, H, Hartley defeated Cald- well, Bassett, 15-3, 15-1; Eaton, Gehan defeated H, Eimer:, R. Hale; B. Mengles, W. Craig defeat- ed Brears, Greensides, 15-s, 11-7, Ladies' Doubles: Clinton 3, Sea- forth 0. E, 1VIcEwan, I. Watson defeated Bassett, Kelly, 15-0, 11-6; E. Hartley, K. Sharp defeated Cardno, Barr, 15.6, 11-2; M, Edgar, M. Lee defeated Canino, Barr, 15-10, 13-10. Mixed Doubles: Clinton 3, Sea- forth 2. M. Draper, E. MeEwan defeated Pegg, Barr, 15-5, 11-6; W. Craig, K, Sharp defeated Gehan, Cardno, 15-8, 11.9; H. Hartley, E• Hartley defeated Gehan, Cardno, 15-9, 15-10; Eaton, Bassett defeat- ed R. Biernan, M. Lee, 18-14, 11-10; Huisser, Kelly defeated M, Draper, M, Edgar, 10-15, 11-7, 11-5. TO PRACTICE AND PLAY WITH GODERICH BLUE WATER. BAND Transportation Paid When Cars Are Pooled. Every Wednesday Evening 8 till 10 pem. At OLD COLLEGIATE GYM ROOM On Brittannia Road at Waterloo St., Goderich 10-b 1111111111111111111111111111i111111111111111111111111111111N111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111l Dolbear's rebound when he was left uncovered is front ,of the net. J, Dolbear counted his first goal of the period at 6.31 golfing .4 screen shot into the corner of the . net when Clinton's defence were slow in clearing, IWCEWan tallied Clinton's first goal on a breakaway' from centre ice going in all, alone to beat Woodcock, Dolbear scored for the Atoms a minute later, Mc- Kinley and C. 'Wilson .earning as- sists on the play, Counter ,ended the scoring in the period tipping in Ntprowail's. shot when Colts were enjoying a two man advantage. Both goaltenders played out- standing games with Woodcock kicking out blistering shots off the sticks of Elliott, leanly and Mc- Ewan. Don Denonune at the op- posite end of the ice held the Colts up particularly in the first period when the Atoms completely out- played Clinton at all times. Watford; goal, Woodcock; de- fence, Wolsey, P. Dolbear; centre, J. Latour; wings, N. Wilson, Hol- hrooke; subs., Cook, aeloffatt, R. Dolbear, McKinley, J, Dolbear, Clinton: goal, D, Denornme; de- fence, la .Colquhoun, J .Carter; centre, McEwan; wings, Edgar, M. Colquhoun; subs., Hartley, Ger- m, leanly, Strong, Holmes, Come- ter, T. Colquhoun, Elliott. First Period 1—Watford, Holbrooke (N. Wil- son) 13.01. Penalties: N. Wilson, MeEwan, Edgar, Moffatt, Second Period 2—Watford; Latour (P. Dolbear) 1.57 3—Watford, J. Dolbear (McKinley, Moffatt) 6.31 4—Clinton, MeEWan (Edgar, M. Coiquhoun) 7.02 MIII11111111111111111111111111111111011110111111110211111111111111121111115111111115 mosanimmummesmontwammemeeeelr 0 GALBRAITH Radio and Television SERVICE TELEVISION PHONE 4E2 CLINTON Right Up Front Tuning 1956 MOTOROLA TV 1. Tinted faceplate 2, Aluminized tube I year picture tube warranty 4, 90 days free parts, tubes and SERVICE Model 21 T 28