HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-03-08, Page 5CLASSIFIED RATES CASH RATE (if paid by the Wednesday following publica+ tion) -- Two outs per word, minimum, 50 cents. 11/2 cents a word for each following Izmir, tion, minimum 35 cents. BOX NUMIlER-15c extra, BIRTHS, MARRIAGES and DEATHS--no charge. ENGAGEMENTS, CARDS OF THANKS & IN MEMORIAD1S —Two cents per word, minimum 50 cents. CHARGED-15 cents extra. DEADLINE-12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. PET STOCK FOR SALE THREE MANCHESTER PUPPIES for sale. Keith Tyndall, phone Clinton 80933. 10-b YOUNG MALE BUDGIES; Hartz Mountain Canaries. (German Roll- ers) $8.98. Female Budgies $5. Eric Milner—Flowers, phone Sea- forth 393. 8-9-10-1eb MISCELLANEOUS I.E.L CHAIN SAWS. A MODEL to suit all woodcutting jobs. Also 3 dependable used saws, as low as $90.00. Robert Glen, I.E.L. Saws, Phone 608J1 Clinton. 9-10-11-p $5 DOWN, UP TO 24 MONTHS to pay for a genuine Surge Milker Unit. Contact Lovell McGuire, Phone Wingham 593. We guaran- tee better milking satisfaction. 9-10-11-12-13-p FOR SALE: CABIN TRAILER 13 ft. aluminum Sportsman. Sleeps 3,„ Insulated. Propane heat and cooking, New condition. Priced to sell. Apply to Box 15 Hayfield, Ontario, or phone Bayfield 33. 10-b VATERLOO CATTLE Breeding ssociation. "Where Better Bulls re Used." Artificial Insemination ervice for all breeds of cattle. or service or information phone Iinton 515 collect, between 7.30 nd 10.00 ann. on week days and .30 and 9.30 a.m. on Sundays. EGMONT MINERALS for Cattle have proven to supply all minerals cattle need to maintain good heal- th. At $7 per 100 pounds it sure plies these essential minerals very economically. Always available at the farm, or a phone call will bring it to your door. J. W. Van- grnond, phone Clinton 805r13. 46tfb PROPERTY FOR SALE 5 ACRE PICNIC GROUNDS :amp sight. With 5 cabins, at 'The Falls," on the Maitland riv- r. 2 miles east of Goderich, off ighway 8. Scenery, fishing and wimming. Ideal for private sum- er place, priced to sell—Terms. 1. 1W. Driver, RR No. 1, Goderich. 9-10-11-p SALES HELP WANTED NOTICE To the Subscribers of The McKillop. Municipal Telephone System: May I express my sincere thanks and appre6.-tion to all those who have eo operated with me for 18 years in de- veloping and maintaining the McKillop System. My every effort has been toward the im- provement of the plant and hence the service to the sub- scribers. Because it is impossible to continue under present cir- cumstances, I will not be with the System after April 1, al- though a leave of absence would have been appreciated, since this would extend the time before complete sever- ance of relations. It is with deep regret that this step must be taken, for I am fully aware of the expansion programme facing the System. Again I extend thanks to those who have made easier and more pleasant the many years I have served you. Jack Kellar 10-p HATCHING EGG OPPORTUNITIES Well-known nearby hatchery needs limited quantity of additional Flock Owners' for year round production, For full information write to BOX 92 CLINTON NEWS-RECORD 9-10-b 6.,•••••••.• Telegraphed Anywhere WANTED: RELIABLE MAN as Dealer in Huron County. Exper- ience not necessary. A fine op- portunity to step into old profit- able business where Rawleigh Products have been, sold for years. Big Profits. Products furnished on -credit. Write Rawleigh's, Dept. C-169-163, Montreal, P.Q. 10-b WITH EASTER AHEAD YOU have greater sales possibilities. Sell finest line of household neces- sities and cosmetics in your sur- roundings. Highest commission. Ask for free details. FAMILEX, Dept. A, Box F, Station C, Mont- real, 10-b SALESMAN WANTED ARE YOU INTERESTED IN A full-time sales job, selling for an old reliable Feed Company, local territory open, Must have car. Age from 35 to 55 desirable. Per- manent employment if aggressive, good remuneration, sales training supplied. Apply to Box 522, Lon- don, Ontario. 10-1-p TEACHERS WANTED PROTESTANT TEACHER FOR Harloek School SS. No. 6, Hullett, 15 pupils, duties to commence on Sept. 4, 1956. Apply to Sec.-Treas. John H. McEwing, RR. 1, Blyth, applications to be in by April 1, 1956, 10-1-2-b FOR SALE 11/2 STOREY, 6 ROOM DWELL- ing, modern convenience, good location, small barn on proper- ty, fruit trees. Early possession. Price, $6,500. 3.1/2 stem', '7-room dwelling, flush toilet, running water. Situated in village of Londesboro. Immed- iate possession. --o— I STOREY, 5 ROOM DWELLING, three bedrooms, modern cotwee- iences, oil heating, full base- Ment, low taxes.. Situated on Highway 4, south of Clinton, Early possession. 1 STOREY, 5 ROOM DWELLING, two bedrooms, modern conven- ience, Sunuorch. Early posses- sion, Pelee, 1,000. 1 STOREY, 6 ROOMED DWEL- LING, with two bedrooms, oil heating. Two lets, Price: $3,500- Corti, $1,500. Monthly payment, $35. Early possession. APplY to IL Co LAWSON I. A WELL BALANCED INSURANCE PROGRAM! Check your insurance now and see if you're well pro- tected! If not, see me, to- day. 111 help you plan an adequate insurance program. H. E. HARTLEY Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SAMS EVERY FRIDAY commencing at 1.30 p.m. TERMS CASH 3. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk THuRsr,AX, /sIARai 8,1956 C41Nr011 NEWS-RECORD PAGE ARTICLES WANTED WANTED.-,-UPRIGHT and Grand pianos, state size, make and price, to Box No. 90, Clinton News. Record. 9-b K. 4 G. SALVAGE CO,, Clinton— We buy scrap iron, rags, We buy anything. Ladies, clean up your attic. Convert your junk Into cash. For pickup phone Clinton 72234. 10-1-2-3-p BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, High Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- ton 448. 13tfb CUSTOM WORK ELECTRIC MOTORS, Rewound and repaired. Home and Auto rad- ios and appliances! repaired. Art Levett, Isaac Street, at Dunlop, Phone Clinton 138W. 41-tfb EMPLOYMENT WANTED WOMAN WANTING WORK, full or part-time—any baby sitting jobs in evenings. Phone Clinton 584R. 10-b FARMS FOR SALE NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR sale. L. G. Winter. Real Estate, Phone Clinton 448. Low down payments. 33-tfb IVTANY GOOD FARMS, LARGE and small, in Huron County. Real estate is our business. Buying or selling. Contact John Bosveld, Real Estate Broker, 40 Wellesley Street, Goderich, Phone Goderich 1108. 8-tfb FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale MASSEY-HARRIS TRACTOR No. 20 Rowcrop; land packer; Fleury- I3issell double disc; Fleury-Bis- sei two bottom plow on rubber; Massey-Harris three section spring tooth; Massey-Harris rubber tire wagon; Cockshutt 10-inch grain grinder and 50 feet of 7-inch rub- ber belting, Will sell or trade for cattle. Contact Fred Arkell or phone Hayfield 47R5, evenings. 10-11-b Furniture Re-Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet, refinishing and re- pairing, apply W. G. Pickett, phone Clinton 761M 4p-tfb HAY FOR SALE HAY FOR SALE ABOUT 200 square bales, priced 33 cents per bale. Apply Alex Sparks, Bay- field, phone Clinton 8533. 10-p HELP WANTED MR. AND MRS. C. VAN DAMME plan to re-open the Commercial inn next week. Need two women ACCOMMODATION for RENT ,VIYANISHED APARTMENT FOR rent, suitable for couple. Phone dClinten 62. 10-b UNFURNISHED FOUR Room aleartment with bath, available immediately. W. N. Counter, Phone Clinton 230. - 10-13! FURNISHED APARTMENT. Fri- gidaire. Modern. Self contained. Suitable for a couple. Phone Clinton 363. 10-p 'TWO ROOM APARTMENT, fur- Zished and heated, Suitable for 'couple, Phone Clinton 4723. 9-10-b TWO ROOM, FURNISHED apart- ment suitable for two. Vacant March 15. Phone Clinton 319. 10-b THREE ROOM APARTMENT. 'Private Bathroom. Furnished. Location central, Phone Clinton 199W. 10 p SELF CONTAINED, Four room unfurnished apartment on King 'Street. Available immediately. Phone Clinton 491R. 10-b NEWLY DECORATED, LARGE, three room apartment, in Londes- boro. Private front entrance, bath, electric stove, frig., washing machine, dishes. For particulars phone Blyth 37r6. 10-tfb FOUR, R 0 0 M APARTMENT, heated, partly furnished, private bath and private entrance. Also two room heated furnished apart- ment. Both available soon, Phone Clinton 1,625W. 10-p LARGE BRICK HOUSE, WATER and hydro. Immediate possession. Garden if desired. Write Box 91 Clinton News-Record. 9-10-b TWO APARTMENTS for RENT, one furnished; in the Sloan Block, Clinton. Mrs. Ruth McBride, phone Clinton 617r22. .9-10-b THREE ROOM FURNISHED apartment, share bath, central lo- cation. Apply Herman's Men's Wear, phone Clinton 517. 8tfb CENTRALLY LOCATED self- contained unfurnished, heated, fcur-room apartment, three niece bath and private entrance. Avail- able March 1. Phone Clinton .144W. 9-10-b 7 ROOM DWELLING ON Ontario Street. Ideal family home--2 blocks from Collegiate and Public Schcols, available April 1. Also attractive partly furnished front apartment, opposite Town Hall. available now. Norman. Carter, Phone Clinton 593. 10-1-p MODERN, GROUND FLOOR a- partment with two bedrooms, kitchen and living room, three piece bath. In Goderich, near the Square. Available soon. Front and side entrances. Built in cup- boards, heavy wiring. Continuous hot water. Apply 59 Hamilton St., or 110 Park St. 10-b Accommodation Wanted UNFURNISHED HOUSE, TO rent in Clinton, adults. Reply by let- ter to Box 100, Clinton News Re- cord. 10-11-p 'SMALL HOUSE WANTED TO rent, by permanent civilian citi- .zens. No children. Apply to Box No. 101, Clinton News-Record. 10-p ARTICLES FOR SALE THREE GOOD INSIDE DOORS, 6' 10" x 34"; $10 each. Chris Ken- nedy, Londesboro. 10b "REFRIGERATOR, LE O N A R D. Like new, full width freezer and 'crisper. Shelves in door. Phone Clinton 405312. 10-b BRAND NEW FIRESTONE 9% cu. ft. refrigerator on sale at $199. A. Dutton, Firestone Store, 'Brueefield. Phone Clinton 902W1 10-tfb 'TEN. ACRES OF LAND TO rent. Also approx, 20 bushels timothy seed for sale, (cleaned). 3. W. Shobbrook, half mile north of Clinton. Phone Clinton 809W1. 10-p TV FIT FOR A "KING" — We Rent — Move — Install. Complete service on all makes of rotators and antenna. All work fully guar- anteed. Huron Tower Installation, phone Goderich 1344M. fetfb BABY CHICKS STARTED PULLETS FOR SALE, All kinds of pullets 21/2 to 3 months, all birds raised on the floor and delivered. Phone Char- les Scott, at Auburn, or Tavistock 10-1-2-3-4-5b DAY-OLD, MIXED CHICKS, cockerels, pullets—order now for APRIL—some started' chicks in brooders, AMES-IN-CROSS hy- brids. J. E. STACKHOUSE, Wil- ton grove, Ontario. 8-9.10-1-b POULTRYKEEPERS -- Ask me about your 1956 chick sepplies. Agent for Hillside Chicks—Canad- ian Apprcived—Hatchery with ex- perience Of over 30 years. Wide choice standard breeds and speeial strains like Arbor Acre White Rocks, Ames In-Cross,,Pilch. White Rocks, etc. Let us give infornia- tion and quote prides, William A. H. Jenkins, North Street, Clinton. 10-13 TAKE THE WORRY OUT OF thick-buying. 1310-4 CHICKS are the profit makers for hundreds of !poultrykeepets, and have been for more than 30 years, We suggest you ask for prices and full infor- mation as to breeds, crosses, and "special" strains, and. order soon if you want to catch good egg mar• hots in late summer, Have pul. lots, mixed, cockerels, broilers. Day old and started. Canadian Approved, Agent: Charles Scott, Auburn, phone Blyth 4314 23, 1,0-b Cards of Thanks CentS per word, Minimum 50e We Would like to thank each and everyone for kindness and, generosity in the benefit dance and special, thanks to all those responsible, JOHN LINDSAY end WILLIAM ORR, Hayfield. 10-b We would. like to thank our many friends and neighbours for acts of kindness during our re-, pent bereavement in the sudden death of our sister Mrs, J. Witton, of Brussels. THE TAYLOR YAM- ILY., The Webster family would like to express their sincere apprecia- tion for floral tributes, Cards of sympathy, and many acts of kind- ness of friends and neighbours during their recent bereavement. Speeial thanks' to the members of the staff at Huron County Home. —HARRY and ROY WEBSTER. 10-p The family of the late Mrs. W. J. Partridge would like to express their appreciation to Rev. H. C. Wilson, neighbours and friends, for their acts of kindness and sympae thy during their recent bereave- ment; 'also for the many floral tributes and those who loaned cars for the funeral. 10-p We would like to thank our friends and neighbours for their kindnesses, gifts and loan of cars, in the time of our bereavement in the death of the late Peter McGee; thanks to' Murphy Lodge No. 710; the boys of C & E Section, RCAF Station; Bartliff Bros.; Pastor I. Bodenham; Drs. J. A. Addison and E, A. McMaster. — MRS. PETER McGEE' and JIM. lop NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF Michael Grealis, late of the town of Clin- ton, in the County of Huron, Gen- tleman, Deceased. All persons having claims again- st the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 20th day of March, A.D. 1956, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 28th day of February A.D. 1956. E. Beecher Menzies, Clinton, On- tario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 9-10-11-b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF Launcy W. Lavis, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Salesman, Deceased. All persons having claims again- st, the Estate of the above deceas- ed are required to -file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or about the 20th day of March, A.D. 1956, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given, DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 28th day of February, A.D. 1956. E. Beecher Menzies, Clinton, On- tario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 9-10-11-b ausow K. C. COOKE FLORIST Phone 66W - Clinton BIRTHS 130ND—In. Clintn Public Hospital, on Monday,. March 5, 1906, to Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd lima,. .3, Clinton, a daughter- HROMLy—In Clinton Pliblic WS, pital, on Sunday, March 4, 1956, to Mr, arid Mrs, Charles Brera, ' ly, RR 1, Blyth, a daughter. KNOWLER--In -Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, March 1, 1956, to Flight Sergeant and Mrs. Edward Knowler,. Clinton, a daughter, PORTER—In St. Joseph's Hospital London, on Friday, March 2, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Porter, London, a daughter, (Barbara Lynn). VANDERHAAR—In Clinton Pub- lic Hospital, on Sunday, March 4, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Gys Vanderbaar, RR 1, Londesboro, a son. MARRIAGES BENDER - WORKMAN—In Varna United Church parsonage, on Saturday afternoon, February 25, 1956, by Rev. T. J. Pitt, Var- na, Phyllis Elizabeth, daughter of Mrs, Percy 'Workman, Varna and the late Mr. Workman to Lloyd. Edward Bender, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Bender, Dashwood. EUBANKS-ATICINSON—In Beth- any Methodist Church, Detroit, Mich., on Wednesday, December 28, 1955, Helen Patricia Hard- ing, daughter of Dr, and Mrs. Jahn McFaul Atkinson, to John Daille Eubanks. SNELL—CALDWELL— In James Street United Church parsonage, Exeter, on Saturday, February 25, 1956, by Rev. H. J. Snell, Norma Elizabeth, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. William Snell, Exeter to William Ronald Cald- well, son of Mr, and Mrs. Wil- liam Caldwell, Kippen. DEATHS BECHELY — In Scott Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, on Friday afternoon March 2, 1956, Dr. F. J. Bechely, beloved husband of Beth Willis, in- his 62nd year. Funeral from the Whitney fun- eral home, Seaforth to Maitland- bank Cemetery, on Tuesday af- ternoon, March 6. BLANCHARD—In Brantford Gen- eral Hospital, on Friday, March 2, 1956, Ida M. Link, widow of the late George Blanchard, and sister of Mrs. John Jacob, Clin- ton, in her 70th year. Funeral from the Dinney funeral home, Exeter, to Exeter Cemetery, on. Monday afternoon, March 5. GLAZIER—Suddenly, at his res- idence in Hullett Township, on Sunday, March 4, 1956, Albert James Glazier, in his 75th year. Funeral from the Beattie fun- eral home, Rattenbury Street East, Clinton, to Clinton Cem- etery, on Tuesday afternoon, March 6. HAMBLYN—At Memorial HoSpi- tal, Bowmanville, on Monday, March 5th, 1956, Lillian A. Hamblyn, in her 79th year, be- loved wife of William J. Ham- blyn, and dear mother of Mor- ley 0. Hamblyn, Windsor. Rest- ing at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville. Service in the Chapel on Wednesday at 2.30 p.m. Interment Bow- manville Cemetery. JENNINGS—In St. Joseph's Hos- pital, London, on Thursday, Mar- ch 1, 1956, Rev. Edgar C. Jen- nings, (formerly of Bayfield, Varna and Goshen churches), beloved husband of Jean Jen- nings, in his 87th year. Funeral from The Church of St. John the Evangelist (Anglican) to Woodland Cemetery, on Satur- day afternoon, March 3. JOHNSTON—In Brantford, on Tuesday, February 21, 1956, Margaret Davidson, widow of the late William Johnston (for- merly of Blyth) in her.73rd year. Funeral from the Ball and Mut- ch funeral home, High Street, Clinton, to Brussels Cemetery, on Thursday afternoon, Febru- ary 23. McGOWAN—Suddenly in. Clinton, on Tuesday morning, February 28, 1956, R, C, McGowan, Blyth, widower of the late Maggie Jane Murdoch, in his 94th year. Fun- eral from the Blyth United Church, to Blyth Union Ceme- tery, by Rev. A. W. Watson, as- sisted by Rev. R. A. Brook, on Thursday afternoon, March 1. McKENZIE— At the Dufferin Area Hospital, Orangeville, On- tario, on Sunday, February 26, 1956, Mary J. Nesbitt, beloved wife of Thomas Edwin McKen- zie; dear mother of Edwin 3. McKenzie, and Wilfred D. Mc- Kenzie. Funeral from Trull Funeral Home, 2704 Yong° St, Toronto, on Wednesday, Feb- ruary 29. Interment in Caleclon. East Cemetery. WILTON—Suddenly, at Brussels, on Thursday evening, March 1, 1956, Pearl Taylor, Brussels (formerly of Varna), widow of the late Joseph S. Wilton. Fun- eral from the Melville Presby- terian Church, to Brussels Cemetery, on Monday afternoon, March 5. Dispersal Sale OF ALL BREEDING STOCK 58 Head Dual Purpose Shorthorns WEDNESDAY, MARCH 14 1956 Herd on. R.O.P. Fully Accredited All Females Over 6 Months of Age Vaccinated. TYPE, IS REPRESENTED with big rugged Matrons, good udders, good breeding condition, banked with R.O.P. milk and fat records. These cattle are typical TWO- WAY propositions — MILE AND BEEF. Bulls in Service and Selling: SANFORD SALTAN MONEDEN APPOLO. These sires are rich in the blood of the breed's top producers. These Willis will sell, LOCATION--Sale at the Farm, Highway No. 8, one nine west of SeafOrth- TI1V15-1.30 p.m, sharp, Phone 851 r .1, Seaforth, for catalog-he. THORNTON HALL FARM attunes v. Scott (Owner) Seaforth, Ontario i. O'Neil, Auctioneer ROXY THEATRE CLINTON NOW: Thurs., Fri. and Sat. "STRATEGIC AIR COMMAND" (Vistevision) Magrdficent aerial photography, a fine story and a star-studded east make this a memorable picture. Admission: Adults 60c, Students 35e; -Children 20c James Stewart lento Allyson Frank Lovejoy • MON., TUES. and WED. "TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT" Delightful British-Irish comedy, abounding in musical charm and buoyant humor. Technicolor. David Niven -- Yvonne De Carlo Barry Fitzgerald Coming: Coming: "TUMBLEWEED" Audie Murphy -- Chill Wills ATEPARK TELFATNE Goderich NOW; Thurs., Fri. and .Sat, Yvonne De Carlo -- Sterling Hayden 45 Zachary Scott A colorful outdoor drama in which a fiery half-breed girl teams up with a young marshall to solve a frontier killing. "SHOTGUN" In Technicolor MON., TUES. and WED. "LAND OF THE PHAROAHS" In Color—Cineeriase,oPo Fihned in Egypt and Italy, Howard- Hawk's sensational spect a el e drama of the days when the pyr- amids were :built. Joan Collins -- Jack Hawkins Alexis Minotis & Dewey Martin Coming: Martin & Lewis in "ARTISTS and MODELS" In Vistavision CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Registered Hereford Cattle, Holstein Cows, several Pigs and Farm Implements, etc. On the premises, Lot 18, North East Boundary Township of Us- borne, 8 miles East of Exeter. The undersigned auctioneer is instructed to sell by public auct- ion on TUESDAY, MARCH 27 Complete list of sale in next week's paper and catalogues for cattle may be obtained from eith- er proprietor or auctioneer. ROBERT E. IIERN, Prop. RR 1, Hensall, Ont. W. S. O'NEIL, Auct. Denfield, Ont. 10-b POLLED HEREFORD SALE AT CLINTON, ONTARIO Saturday, March 17 33. LOTS — 34 HEAD 8 Polled Hereford Bulls-5 Cows 3 Young Calves-14 Bred Heifers 4 Open Heifers Herds are fully Accredited and Vaccinated. All cattle guaranteed. Consignors: Peter Ocolisan, West Lorne; L. B. Babcock, Wallace- burg; Ernest Brown, Clinton; E. Neil Hubbell, Thamesville. Clinton is on No. 4 and No. 8 Highways, 45 miles north of Lon- don and 30 miles west of Strat- ford. Please write for catalogues. ERNIE O'NEIL, Sales Manager and Auctioneer, Denfield. Percy Wright and Ed. Elliott, Ring-men 10-1-h Townships Support Spring Show By Generous Grants Huron Central Agricultural So- ciety received a grant of $50 from the Township of Tuckersmith this week, and an equal grant of $50 from the Township of Hullett. Stanley Township which is a strong supporter of the Bayfield Fall Fair, as well as of the Hen sail Fair, granted $25 to the Clin- ton Society. These amounts help to support the Clinton Spring Show which is being held this year on Saturday, June 2. Bridge-building is an important feature at this time of year, with townships awarding contracts for their year's work. Hullett accept- ed the tender of G. A. Gibson and Son, Wroxeter, for $13,137 for the McCool Bridge. Tuekersmith ac- cepted the Seaforth Concrete and General Contracting Co,, Seaforth, tender of $14,300 for the Sanford Bridge. In the case of the Hullett bridge, tenders ranged from the price ac. cepted up to $18,000. Prices for the one in. Tuckersmith were as high as $19,700. In each case the lowest tender was accepted. Hullett Township awarded their contract for crushing, hauling and spreading 12,000 cubic yards of gravel at 60 eents a yard. Grants of $50 each were made- to the fair boards at Blyth and Seaforth, as well as to Clinton, and $150 to the Hullett Community Hall Hoard. Tuckersmith made a grant of $700 to the Township Federation of Agriculture. Hubert Cooper, Exeter, received the contract for spraying for warble fly at nine cents per head. Roy Consitt was hired as warble fly it at a wage Of $1 per hour and 15 cents per mile. Charge to the farmer will be 13 mite per head, for spray, or 65 cents per pound for powder, George F, Elliott, Clinton, re., ceived the contract for crushing and hauling gravel in TutkersMith, at a price of 70 Cents per cubic yard, subject to approval of the Department, for general help and as waitresses; one chambermaid (rooms and laundry); also boy (17 to 20 years) to help in kitchen and learn to oak. Apply evenings after 8 o'clock. 10-b TELEPHONE LINEMAN FOR VIcKillop Municipal Telephone System to service 440 Rural Tele- phones, Applications to be in the hands of the Secretary by March 19. J. M. Eckert, Secretary, RR 1, Seaforth. 10-11.-b HELP WANTED-FEMALE FOR LAUNDRY WORK. FIVE day week. 55c per hour to start, ifable to maintain production 75c per hour. Phone 312W or apply in person, preferably, to A. Garon, Clinton Laundry and Dry Clean- ing. 9-tfb HELP WANTED-MALE EXPERIENCED RESTAURANT help wanted at Melva Manor Rest- aurant, Huron Street, Clinton. Full time employment. 9-10-p WANTED, EXPERIENCED marr- ied man for general farm work. Separate house, fuel, milk, pro- vided. For further particulars contact Stewart Middleton, RR. 3, Clinton, phone Clinton 43733, 10-tfle GOOD MAN WANTED for CEMENT WORK and SILO BUILDING Will hire by the month or by the year. APPLY: JOHNATHAN HUGILL Phones: Clinton 616113 Seaforth 66'7r13 10-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 12 PIGS, EIGHT WEEKS OLD. Also 13 pigs, six weeks old. Apply to ROSS Hogged, Phone Clinton 802312, 10-b GOOD HEREFORD COW DUE to freshen about March 20, Lot '84, concession 7, IVIeKillop, Miss Mary "Thompson, phone Clinton. 10-b LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED, OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 148331, or 148334 9ptfb LOST AND FOUND LOST'—AlYAPT ThI EE WtEltg ego, pup, five. weeks old, Tan Coloured with white mark., Inga, Wearing ateall red collar. Lost from 11,C.A.F, PMC).'s, ?fiend. 'Clinton "716W4„ 10-b. Complete Insurance Service Real Estate Investments Dank of IVIentreal Building Phones: °Mee 251W; Ites, 2511 eiatismoN, oNTAitio RCA VICTOR RADIOS AND TELEVISION Your Old itiulio /excepted As Trtule-In, T fi A. DUTTON tt,V.A. VICTOR DEALER BRUCEFIELD ildute Canada Life Assurance Company Phone 454W - Clinton Clinton, Ontario CLEARING AUCTION SALE For Stanley Stewardson, on No. 8 Highway, 2 miles west of Clinton, on Wednesday, March 14 Four milking cows, bred again; 1 cow, fresh March 1; 1 cow, due at time of sale; 1 cow with calf; 1. Hereford cow, in calf; 3 fresh heifers, with calves; 1 Holstein heifer, in calf; 2 yearling heifers; 1. yearling steer; 1 Hereford 2 years old. Four pigs, six weeks old at time of sale; 1 sow; 1 sow, due Mar. 5; n pigs, about 160 lbs. About 40 laying hens. John Deere tractor on rubber; some- implements; large brooder stove, coal burning; A quantity of baled hay, and corn ensilage. Two geese; one gander. Furniture and electric washer; 2-door frig; milk pails, cans and strainer. Terms: Cash Farm has been sold. Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer 10-b AUCTION SALE CLEARING AUCTION SALE of Farms, Farm Stock and Power Machinery At Lot 8, Concession 11, Tucker- smith Township, on Tuesday, March 13 at 12.30 p.m. Cattle: 3 Durham and Hereford cows, due time ,of sale. Machinery: Oliver 88 diesel trac- tor, adjustable front axle (1954 model); John Deere tractor man- ure loader and scuffler; Oliver 60 row crop tractor; T.D. 6 Inter- national bulldozer complete with hydraulic angle dozer, in Al con- dition; Cockshutt combine No. 132 10 ft. loader and fully equipped Keck-Gonnerman pickup bean combine, used one season; Gehl forage harvester, fully equipped for corn or hay; Gehl forage blow- er; Smilley forage blower; 3 for- age boxes; 3 good rubber tired wagons; 8% ft. International stiff tooth cultivator, hydraulic; 4-fur- row International plow, hydraulic (new); 3-furrow Massey Harris plow; 10 ft. tractor disc, Inter- national, hydraulic (new); 12 ft. John Deere spring-tooth drags; John Deere one-way disc; 15-run double disc International fertilizer drill (like new); 2, set diamond harrows; 2 culti-packers; 1 steel roller; Gehl 10-inch hammer mill; Ebersoll 1,500-lb. feed 'mixer; In- ternational 7 ft. power mower; In- ternational 4-bar side rake; Gem electric oat roller; 75 ft, 7 inch drive belt; Universal milking ma- chine, pipe line, double unit; -Mc- Cormick Deering cream separator (like new); 2,000 lb. scales; fan- ning mill; power emery; electric welder; fertilizer sower; air com- pressor; sugar beet lifter to fit Oliver 60 or 70; set farm sleighs; Case tractor Manure spreader; grain elevators; tools, chains, lots of other articles. Grain: 1,000 bus, good mixed grain. Ildesehold Effects: Clare Jewel all enamel cook stove, hot water front (like new), Farms: Farms will be offered for sale if not previously sold— Parcel 1—Lot 8, concession 11, Tuckersmith Township, 100 acres (more or less); large bank barn, good stabling; steel drive shed (new); frame house with all mod- ern- conveniences. Good water supply. Pareel 2—Lot 10, concession 9, Tuckersmith Township, 100 acres; 90 acres of workable land, 5 acres bush; good water supply. Both farms are in; good state of culti- vation, Terms: Chattels, cash; property, made known day of sale, sold sub. jeetreserve bid, Estate of late Harry Caldwell. Harold Jackson, Auttioneer. E. P. Cheatieyy, Clerk.