HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-05-11, Page 4F moth C1oarti LINO VALU4 I Q -E It., the o wife Of hter. Ito wife of the wife of st., the wife 7ih inst., the /o/o/o/o/0/o/o/oto/o/o/O/O/0/O/0/0/0/010/010/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/O/0/O/0/0/0/0/oto/0/ WATCHES, CLOCKS, • JEWELLERY, SILVER WARE &c. /0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0/0 / TYLISH SPRING r MISS E MIT Goods Selected with care and BQv MILLINERY r._..—•.AND,•-•�-�. M is on the 1st Inst, lurdock, of tieliillop, Iain , of Brussels Nino , by the Rev Mr ,lino. son, to nide, second daughter all of Ii:illop. kt Manitoba, in the 4thnit.,by Rev, sr tleorge Tie • of Manitoba, to Miss lteiltr, eldest da gtiter of Mr. It, Bally, \Sarvanosh, MEP At Winghnm, en tl . 4thinst., Minnie A. aged 24 years, 11 onths and 20 days. uoi a, In Grey, on tl 1st inst , Hannah St. nitour,aged '47 years. onow, —In Morris, on the ,7th ult., William John, infant sou of John Beldr w, aged 11 days, Rena, At Brussels, On t + 23rd ult,, Miss Tillie lin ell, aged 75 years. Mt,,acni, At Winthrop, on he '27th ult„ Mr. Ales, Mulcting., abed 6$ years, Feathers, Gorgeous Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, ;1'rin; Insertions, Fancy I+Fillings, /o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o/o :Having de' ed to leave Wingbam, I will during the N>;xx 30 DAis offer my en ' e stock AT ACTUAL COST, Buy now and save money. HALSEY PARR, Mantles, Cashmeres, Dress Muslins, Orape Cloths, Gloves, Corsets; .° S, Ladies' and Childrens' Underwear, and Babies' Christening Robes. LATEST NOVELTIES IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Eggs taken in Exchange for Goods as Cash. '11 .Gents' Furnishings and-Tailofina Establishments WII'GHAM MAR.KI,ITS. WnienAN, MAT 10, 1828. Pivur nevem%) • 8 2 26 to 2 26 Flour per bbl., 4 60 to 4 50 Fall wheat per bushel, • 70 to 78 ,b -p 4ng - 10 to 70 Oats,. _ - 88 to 88 Barley,' - 70 to 75 Peas, - 60 to 02 Potatos, - 50 to 00 Butter per lb., • 18 to 18 10 to 10 Eggs per dozen, 1 25 to 1 10 14 and per cord, 50 to 75 ,Apples per bag, 00 to 7 50 Flay per ton, • 700 to 7 75 -Dressed Hogs, NO'.IE LOST, A OTE made by Mr, D. D. McKinnon, in favor 11- 'of Mr, W. J. Chapman, and dated about the 20th of April, 1837, was recently lost. Allparties are cautioned against negotiating for the same. Windham, May 10th, 188S. . ' MONEY TO LEND. *• E ';,: PORATION of THE TOWNSHIP OF urubc, y has about ;5,030 to loan on Mort• •,ages For tt, s apply to, .7 ARLN, . or WM. Me2HERSON, T2. T. TASIntctt, T7in .,b'n. 12 guys, Glenfairow. Viii ! to May 11th, 1086.. . .17"g .71rf 11011, tr1.2111 SMALL FARM of th'rty-ton_• acres is offered tfor Sale, being; part- el Lot No. 4,1st Concession he Town„,hi,> of Morris, mostly all cleared,' well v h a small l' frame hon-;.., good orchard, i.—tables,i.itables, and plenty cf • o. d water ; about twenty minutes walk front t to M n hanr Yost Unice, h uaMS : Lalf o` tieo purchase money down ; the balao e to be 13:...,:mad on mortgage, Apply to • JOHN IIUTSON, on the premises. Wiir ham, :Fay 1Jth, 1088. i'mv.' rp. DAIRYMEN. 1.2 you want anexcellent cream separator suitable 2o: `s5 to 8) cows, to take the create rt once from the -ri a m 1,!ar the skim milk v.,artu for your calves, n: t to same i1no make the best butter in the markets, write for particulars to G. S. CLISIIE a; SONS, DAIRY Fc:iai nDRs, LIOTOWOO, ONT. FO Ft SAL ' OR R,EN'T. 1 1 1 1 I. I. 1 1 1. 11 1 .I, ,11„ 1 1 I 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 s�? ES TEL SUIT THE TI ES. A. stock of goods that in Extent, Quality and 'Variety Is unsurpassed in .Wingbam. _Foreign .011 Domes SUITINGS, TROWSEItINGS AND OV:ERCOATII GS, 0.1460 GREAT BARGAINS FOR CASH, II111 111111 11111111111111.11.11111 F We planted the Seeds • right and our grow- ing business is the Harvest. T�ESLI• HE A ]ew price for honest '.,Merchandise, wel l 'mtztle, is the secret of success. Goods bought from us will. be cut free of charge. Desire to direct attenton this week to their Trade Mark, ” The Anchor," of which a new cut is here presented. In future all our •a' advertisements, bill heads, etc., will bear this, our trade mark. When you are out shopping or driving into town for the pu.,rpose of • trading, please look for the LARGE, BROWN ANCHOR over our shop door, and step right in. We will be delighted to see you and guarantee that no house in the trade can give better value in any line of our iL S ')RTAND YELLINC situated on Jose- , plane tr, g 3 is to Dr.McDonald's, is offered Apr snit a tCltt Hen dl'Lte posses,,ion "lien. .l' iMCC,or ,4a FaShiffil ble aid snemrtnn Stack. uia a , p, ly .:t he ,in.iLOt i s ec or to tirhoe �liC+t,1.�L41, !J D. STL•'FSAitT, wivOlia;.t, 7 Mornhas,--Aro you disturbed at night and hr,.,k,m cf t o a ,sit by a sick: cud suffering and .!.ryin...;with pain of Cutting Teeth 0 If so send at •o eo nl ,. , i, bsttla of " Firs. Winslow's Soothing tor Children Teething. Its value is inealeul- :dle, 1 till relieve the poor little sufferer Dep sed upon it, mothers : there is no a taut it. It cure Dysentery and Diarrhma, Estes tin, Sto=mach a:id 13owels, curesWindColi , ),anis, roduseC Inflammation, and Ives aura ,:orgy to the whole system. ` Mrs. ,Yin. sloe: So,.;rising Syrup " for children teething is p:4 -.:,:ant to t',o taste and is the prescription of 000 of the chest a:11. beat female physicians and nurses in , s 1'r,ited Stat.:s, and is for sale by all druggists the world: Price twenty-five cents a i 1 130 9000 and ask for "Mas. wissl,ow'e :;Tec.>," and take no other hind. • A 1.1 L, CL Always Safe to Deal at The Anchor HIGT EST PRICE PAID FOR EGGS, BUTTER, HAMS AND SIDE MEAT, DRIED APPLES, ETC. ODI' McINT'E, SING. ////////THEBROWN ANCHOR//////// To Who:. it may 0 'teem. "'ran r IY,?' tr hank, b virtue of A. aTOWN n Act •sed bTUB t e .:,.i•:,.t.vc A:+,,•sbpt of Ontario, it 'doled The (ins rio .i".ems' Ica salon Act, 12l " and under i 1 y o' ib „eti, , 2 of section 2 2 said Act, at rl s.2bs.-On t e 7th inst., pa sed a by-law r,11 rhee,c, of bops in the id town are to be cioscd a I remain clew on each day v and void, iuouslyAfter o'clock in the av n c^:;r.1,t: cturd 3 and the d:: ' immediately ,ta'ut,'.ry .Solidly. On S,Ltnrday the Ln,+is 50 o' lock in the t tentnon ; and iz (t.n,,; dish ly pr •eding a st;dt, cry holiay is ,,. t.13 Aroyls 118 of said by av:. Said by- , .'an he set.0 t the e'i rk'e oI ice, comes i,cen,:;_•etienrai'nit 1ST INST.,at lallconcerned ,..e e _ ,...r.to,I to rncern 01115 hies ae, rdingly. J. B. I'1 U,i'SON, Town Cirnt( Fti+ss:_ ae, :dos„ lOLh, 708 `t tM s ',I '1 11 i! —A li10 SUPPLY OP— 'f,,reerackerS A HUNDRED OTHER FUN MAKING NOVELTIES IN THIS , LINE '4.:f.2Zirl LINE Or .intik f„ i.LL A'1; 5icXE1VIE'S riiESTAHAIIT. ler TPI: 0 C. W. Henderson's Old. Stand IS THE PLACE FOR °moi i l l73° FOR :BOYS WEAR. You can gel agood All Wool Tweed for 34c, ON, Stock must be cleared out iminediately, therefore you are sure of getting bargains. 001\TIVM1...M. I BIG D.1tI ,ES IN . 4.11 ORDERED CEOT1i.ING, • t, u READY-MADE CLOTHING, DRESS GOODS, a, id ;GENERAL Did: GOODS A FULL RANGED' OF T3Q0TS, - SHOES AND GOODS BOUGHT AT BANKRUPT PRICES, at Lowest Possible Figures. OCERiE4. d will be sold ,s4" EAVETR STOVES, TINWARE, DAIRY SUPPLIES, &c. I have on hancl. a large quantity of the beSt brands of tin rnairafaxtrired in the world. bought for cash at the lowest priees, iu thO best t uglish Markets, aril as my facili- ties for purelutsing those cannot be surpassed by any firm in tho trade in Oanada, I am determined to sell tny goods at the lowest possible margin and not be undersold by any. MY STAFF OF WORKMEN ARE A I. All work warranted flrst-class, as it ia entirely clono under my own immediate; supervision. tavetroughing specially attended to and properly put, up and. completed. Stoves in all varieties, cheaper than ever. REMEMBER THE PLACE—Opposite Exoliange Hotel, corner josephine and Victoria streets, Barkley and McCrimmon's old stand.. Call and see and you will carry home tho conviction that what I say is correct* My Motto is SMALL PROFITS and. QUICK RETURNS; p ptspri-m4LAND.,