HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-03-01, Page 9CARTOON CAPERS CONTEST. $7.00 Weekly In Merchandise Certificates — RULES Each week there will be an extra word in a few of ,the ads appearing on this page. Re d the -ds, find the extra words. Write these words on a piece of paper and list the firms in whose ads you found each word, When prOperly assembled they will give the title of the cartoon. Then see if you can write a better title. Send your entry in to CARTOON CAPERS, % CLIN- TON NEWS-RECORD (entries mutt be in our hands by, Monday dt 6.00 p.m.) Bali - Macaulay Limited Lumber, Builders' Supplies, Lime, Cement and Coal QUALITY — SERVICE —. SATISFACTION CLINTON SEAFORTH 97 -- — Phone -- — 787 SKATING OUTFITS FOR THE FAMILY (Tots to Adults) See The Selection! Attractively Priced! --- at — MEN'S Shoes and Luggage Phone 2 The advertisers on this page always give you the best value passible at lowest prices. They will be awarding some one $7 each week in Merchandise Certificates and at the end of 26 weeks someone will have their choice of one of the valuable Feature Prizes. Do not neglect to ask for your sales slip when you make a purchase at any of these firms. Read the rules carefully. $30 TOsT SM LREC IOC DAT ]END"(17 ICFNIM I Twenty-Third Week $30 FEATURE PRIZE The best one selected each week will be awarded $7 in merchandise certificates, good at any of the stores participating. IF YOU WISH TO COMPETE FOR THE FEAT- URE PRIZE TO BE AWARDED AT THE END OF THE CONTEST YOU MUST EN- CLOSE A SALES SLIP WITH YOUR ENTRY or something to prove you have done busi- ness with any of the firms participating. South End Cities Service GAS — ACCESSORIES — OIL TIRES — BATTERIES — REPAIRS TOWING PHONE 602 Wes. Holland Dory. Rutledge JUST ARRIVED 1956 RADIO AMATEUR HAND BOOKS MeEwan's COLD WAVES HAIR PETUNIAS STYLING Phone for Appointment 5 2 9 ASK FOR COUPONS — at — T. A. BUTTON WANTS RCA VICTOR. TELEVISION BRUCEFIELD PHONE CLINTON 634 r 4 CLINTON BOWLING ALLEY Magazines - Photo 'Service REG. 42UD1VIORE Isaac St. Phone 799 ESQUIRE SCUFF DOTE For All Scuffed Shoes Brushless, Dries Bright, in Brown, BlaCk, Blue, 'White, Red, Oxblood, Green RAY'S SHOE HOSPITAL Bartliff s Bakery CLINTON PLUMBING annd HEATING Fess Oil Space Heaters Plumbing Fixtures Repairs and Alterations Phone 577 E. J. "MIKE'" REYNOLDS Your Home Deserves • The Best It's Always ADMIRAL TV GROVES ELECTR C We Service what We Sell MERRILL Radio & Electric HER TV REPAIRS and INSTALLATIONS Sales and Service Phone 313 CLINTON DAIRY PASTEURIZED DAIRY PRODUCTS Phone 441 CLINTON WESTERN TIRE & Auto Supply Ltd. WESTERN ANTI-FREEZE AUTO ACCESSORIES Phone 349—Clinton BUY TOUR . HAUGH'S 88 OVEKALLS SMOCKS PANTS HERMAN'S MEN'S WEAR HARDWARE and ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES FRIGIDAIRE C.I.L. PAANTS StatermPerdue 101.1tiNk 141 CLINTON PENNEBAKER'S DRUG STORE Phone 14—Clinton PALMER'S Beauty Lounge PHONE 585 Clinton, Ontario PERMANENTS $7.50 and up Gliddon Cleaners CLEANING - PRESSING REPAIRING VAST DELIVERY SERVICE 0 Phone '692—Clinton J. W. COUNTER BUILDERS' SUPPLIES Sturgeon's Paints Sta-Dri Masonry Paint — PHONE 120 — WATERED For "Better Buys" in 4Etter Used Cars" Lorne Brown Motors LIMITtb Chevrolet - Oldsmobile Soles & Service SPECIALS EVERY PAIR OF House Slippers In Stock Go On Sale at the Clifford Lobb Store BLUE COAL CHAMPION FUEL OIL 0 - A. G. Grigg & Son PHONE 74W Pickett and Campbell LIMITED Phone 25—Main Corner Lad• ies' Washable Dresses SIZES 181/2 TO 221/2 AT MARTIN'S DEPT, STORE SHE RELIANCE GAS and OIL Mechanical Repain Complete Lubrication TOWING (24 flOIJIt SltItVICE) HONgS 316W Geo. A. Currie WEEKEND SPECIAL Tender Juicy WING STEAKS 55c lb. STANLEY'S RED & WHITE Super Market PHONES: Shop In Clinton Shop At Home John A. Anstett Jeweller and Watchmaker Clinton Electric Shop D. W. Cornish Phones; Bus., 09; Iles., 558 CLINTON BODY and RADIATOR Complete Radiator Cleaning and Repairing — Painting -- BODY and FENDER. WORK BY EXPERTS "There is no substitute for Quality" Phone 408 Clinton RUMBALL'S IGA MARKET GavOrnmeht Inspected granded Meats LOW PRICtS 044-.44-“+++++44-4÷4434-44444÷.4444+44-4,44-44-4-44 +++++444-444-4444+4-44. 44444+ English Cups and Saucers Reg. $1.50 to $1.75 value $1.00 CHARLES HOUSE OF BEAUTY =WON NEWS-AEOORD ' :PAOE Nl PAID IXINV VQ4T.ng Parr Line Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Robinson, The topic for discussion was ."Paying' For Our Health." The government plan will cover a person whose illness is repeated more than once where private mance will cover a person for only the one attack of illness. It' was thought that private insurance in too expensive. It was cons* ored that an annual payment of $00,00 per family for complete Following the discussion, games coverage should make it possible EWE -wow rogum (By Mra, Bert Shobbroak) The .Live Wire Farm Forum held Ihen meeting. Monday night, Feb. -ruary 27, at the home •of Mr, and -Mrs, Wilmer Howatt, with 15 adults present.. The :broadcast was listened to -and two groups were 'formed for .discussion :on "Paying For Our "-Health." It was felt that .a compulsory Insurance, plan would be a benefit to everyone as the charge would not be as high with everyone pay- ing into it. That people would not dread the expense and would get medical care when first needed. 'red nunking conducted the bus- iness .period. It was voted to send a note of congratulation to Firoside Forum for their prize winning essay in "rural safe driv- ilg." Next meeting will be held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Leon- ard Aretta.mbatdt, Cards were played and lunch served. SS 4 PARK (By Mrs. WWII) The SS No. 4 Goderich Township Farm Forum met this week at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. William Lobh, The radio topic for discus- sion was 'Paying For Our Health". The members of the Farm For- um feel that health service fin- anced by the government would be a fair method. In this way every- one is sharing in the cost, and ev- eryone benefits, The Medical Co- operatives are not adequate, but it would be difficult to know what would be a reasonable annual paYment for hospitalization, sur- gical, medical, complete coverage, including dental services. for every faintly to have hospital- ization. The . Forum played progressive euchre with winners being, Mrs. Howard Adkins, Mars. Gordon Cole- n1411,. Wilfred MOUSSeag, and .Stew- art Blackwell. Next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. ,lanes Mc.A.Ihster, .r.nnwrow .rpw .romax (By Mrs, Frank Riley) The Friendly Few Farm Forum Was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Verne Dale. The topic for discussion was on hospitalization and medical insurance in groups, whether compulsory or not,. Hospitalization would be an ad- vantage to those who carry no in- 1, 0 4 Rap*I vµw Yr Ln+PAI KM, a •uka4Av41k- tage to the people who have a hospitalization plan, because when , 1 hospitalization is available to ev- eryone it would be difficult to get Rubber Stamps admission to a hospital. and. The forum thought that there Marking will )ae a lot of.clauses and car- tame adjustments to be brought Devices out when the plan is started that are not known about now, there- of every description, fore the forum decided riot to corn- 'Aiso 'mitt themselves. Progressive eu-1 ehre was played with the prizes going to: high, lYirs. Wilbur aevi- StaMp Pads itt, Dennis Jewitt; low, Mrs, Earl Lawson and Reg, Lawson. ivfrs. Scold by William Pale served lunch. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Riley invited the Clinton Nows.Record forum to their home for the next meeting, 0...... JUST ARRIVED w 1956 SAMPLES WALLPAPER COME IN AND SEE THE NEW DESIGNS PAINT We Still Have a Quantity of Paint, both Quarts and Gallons at Bargain Prices. Quart $1.00 — Gallon .4.00 COME IN TODAY AND GET YOUR REQUIREMENTS D. A. KAY and SON Painters and Decorators HURON ST. CLINTON ..• This Week's Special . COMPLETE BRAKE JOB (for 1951-54 Chevrolet, Ford, Dodge, Meteor, Plymouth, Pontiac) $16.00 We Use Johns-Manville Bonded Lining . _.........okt,....___. Hoists — If you would like to have a hoist installed on your present stake truck without disturb- ing the present loading height ... See us! - We Handle Hoists from 1,000 pounds to 25 Tons PRICED FROM $99 TO 8865 AND UP Sales and Service For Stake and Dump Bodies — all sizes, Single and Tandem — Axle Dump Trailers, Farm Wagon Hoists. WE SELL MIDLAND AIR AND VACUUM BRAKES GLIDDON TRUCK BODY Albert Street Clinton Feed `r 45oass IS MIGHTY IMPORTANT TO BABY CHICKS! k ‘ MNAVi , . SHUN Al , CHICK STARTER It has been proved at the SHUR-GAIN Demonstration Farm. that fresh feeds make an important difference in a chick's growth rate. And you're assured of freshness with SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter—it's made right here in our mill. Chicks grow 25 percent faster on high efficiency SHUR-GAIN . . . feather out earl- ier , . , mature sooner. This year, get faster growth and earlier maturity at economical feed cost with the feed you know is fresh— SHUR-GAIN Chick Starter. CLINTON FEED MILL iniv1.14pAy7. avrATKItt1, 950 With The Farm Forums of "VW were played, and lunch was served, The next meeting will be at the home of 11/fr and Mrs. Irvine Tel