HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-03-01, Page 7RCA VICTOR RADIOS AND TELEVISION Your Old Radio Accepted As Trade-In. T. A. DUTTON RCA VICTOR DEALER BRUCEFIELD Telephone Clinton 634R4 FOR SALE 1'/i storey,, 1-room dwelling, flush toilet, running water. Situated in village of Londesboro. Immed- iate possession. _0_ 1 STOREY, 5 ROOM DWELLING, three bedrooms, modern conven- iences, Oil heating, full base- ment, low taxes.,, Situated on Highway 4, south of Clinton. Early possession. _0- 1 STOREY, 5 ROOM DWELLING, two bedrooms, modern conven- ience. Suncorch. Early posses- sion. Price, 1:,000. 1 STOREY. 5 ROOMED DWEL- LING, with two bedrooms,. oil heating. Two lots. Price: $3,500. Cash, $1,500. Monthly payment, $35. Early possession. Apply to H. G LAWSON Complete Insurance. Service Real Estate Investments Bank of Montreal Building Phones: Office 251W; Rea. 251J CLINTON, ONTARIO TENDERS for the building of a VAULT at Clinton Cemetery are being called. Plans and speGifications, are available a t t h e Town Clerk's office, Tenders will be accepted by tire undersigned up until March 5, (Signedl GEORGE BEATTIE, Clutintnatt, Clinton 'Cemetery Bawd 9-b • -04ASSIVIEM RATES CASH RATE (if paw by the VVeilneaday gO11035131g PUblioa" tion) Two cents ' per word, -Minio= .00 cents, 1% cents a word for each following IOW- goo, minimum 35 yenta, BOX NEMBER.,-,10c. extra. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES and DEATIIS—no charge. ENGAGEMENTS, CARDS OF THANKS & i‘limiomAigs --Two cents per word, minimum 50 cents. CHARGED-10 cents extre, DEADLINE---12 o'clock 400u, Wednesday.. Ask Community Concerts Members EnrolBy March 3 HART—K1RTON — In Holy Trin- ity Church, Chatham, on Sat- urday afternoon, February 25, 1956, Marlene Nancy Kirton, daughter of Mrs. C. T. Eddois, Chatham, and the late Marvin, Kirton, to Reginald John Hart, RR 2, Clinton, son: of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hart, also of RR 2, Clinton. HOGE—MOAR — In Protestant Chapel, RCAF 'Station Clinton, by Padre B. Garrett, on Feb- ruary 24, 1956, at 7.00 p.m. Gwendolyn Edna, eldest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Moar, Sutherland:, Sask., to Elsworth Hoge, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer Hoge, Saskatoon, Sask. DEATHS CANTELON—At her home,' 15 Alcina Ave., Toronto, on Sunday, February 26, 1956, Fanny Beat- rice Clouston, beloved wife of William F. Cantelon, Phm.B., loving mother of Kathleen (Mrs. H. A. Carson), grandmother of Joan (Mrs, J. A. Lougheed) and greatgrandmother of Kathy and Sandra, dear sister of Jean (Mrs. A. H. Dunnett). Rested at the "St. Clair Chapel" of Mc- Dougall and Brown Limited, 646 St, Clair Avenue West.. Ser- vices were held on Wednesday, February 29, 1956. Rev. L. I. Hunter officiated. Interment was in Mount Pleasant Ceme- tery. 9-b FAIRBURN — Suddenly at the home of her daughter in Ieippen, on. Wednesday, February 22, 1956, Mary Ellen Robertson, be- loved wife of Walter Fairburn, in her 80th year. Funeral ser- vice from 'the Bonthron, Funer- al Home, Hensall, on Sunday, February 26. Interment was in Hensall Union Cemetery. LUXTON—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, February 21, 1956, Archie Luxton, beloved husband of Elizabeth Riley, in his 87th year. Funeral from the Bonthron funeral home, Hensall, to Roy's Cemetery, on Friday afternoon by Rev. C. D. Daniel. McGEE Suddenly, at his late res- idence in Stanley Township, on Sunday, February 26, 1956, Pet- er McGee, beloved husband of Annie Blair, in his 87th year. Funeral from the Beattie fun- eral home, Rattenbury Street East, Clinton, to Hayfield Ceme- tery, on Wednesday afternoon, February 29. McGOWAN—In. Clinton, on Tues- day, February 28, Robert C. Mc- Gowan, Blyth, in his 94th year. Funeral from Blyth United Church on Thursday, March 1, at 2.00 p.m. PARTRIDGE Suddenly, in Sud- bury, on Monday, February 27, 1956, Isabel Dorothy Webster, beloved wife of Jack Partridge and dear daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Webster, in her 43rd year. Funeral from the Beattie funeral home, Rattenbury Street East, Clinton, on Friday after- noon, March 2, commencing at 2 o'clock, by Rev. H. C. Wilson, and interment in Blyth Union Cemetery. YOUNG—In, Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Friday, February 24, 1956, Janet Annie Lawday Young, be- loved daughter of the late Dr. and Mrs. Oliver T. Young, in her 76th year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clinton, to Blyth Union Cemetery, on Sun- day afternoon, February 26. 0 50 Brownies Now In Two Packs Because there are now half a hundred little girls enrolled in the Brownie movement in. Clinton, the Girl Guide and Brownie Associa- tion at a recent meeting in the home of Mrs. L. G. Winter, ar- ranged to split the group into two packs with 25 Brownies in, each. Leaders will be Mrs, Percy Brown and Mrs. Jean Wood, as- sisted by Mrs. J. E. MacDonald and Mrs. Dick Carter, Convener of the badge committee will be Mrs. Winter, who will appoint her own committee, Acting on, the Guide badge com- mittee will be Mrs. George Camp- bell, Mrs. Alvin Sharp, Mrs. Mary Smith end Mrs. Herb Bridle, New president of the Associa- tion is Mrs, Joseph Corey, RR, 1, Clinton, who succeeds Mrs. Sam Castle. The retiring president has offered to act as secretaey-treas- ureie Vice-president will be Mrs. Golclie Smith. Mrs. Corey will attend a district meeting in Stratford on March 1, The Association will hold a bake sate hi the council chamber of the town hail in the near future. #11,=....../..01•MONVINWOINIOMMAIROMMMII!INNIMIMINMII•1111•11111 Galbraith Radio and TV Phone 482 — Clinton DRIVE IN TODAY and prove it to yourself that our new AUTOMATIC CAR WASH will get your tat cleaner, besides adding a protective wax coating. YOUR CAR is a big invest. meet — protect it by having it washed regular. ly of RAY'S Cities Service Citiet Service Products Ray Hoggarth Carl Cantelon "The piaco where you never have to blow your barn" clint011 f Ontarle weeeeeete—ere...ereeeeeneeeeeeekeekeeektedeet • Factory trained and supervised :technicians, THURSDAY, eteAROH 1, 195$ CLINTON NV/Mel:MCORP PAGE SEVIEeee BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS, Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, High Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- ton 448. 13tfb AGENTS TO SELL HIGH quality product at low proces in: Cram- arty, Dublin, Exeter, Hensel]. Walton. Good commission, Spec- ials each month. Do not miss this excellent money-making proposit- ion. FAMILEX, Dept. 4, Box F Station C. Monteral. 9-b CUSTOM WORK ELECTRIC MOTORS, Rewound and repaired. Home and Auto rad- ios and appliances repaired. Art Levett, Isaac Street, at Dunlop. Phone Clinton 138W. 41-tfb FARMS FOR SALE NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR sale. L, G. Winter. Real Estate. Phone Clinton 448. Low down payments. 33etfb MANY GOOD FARMS, LARGE and small, in Huron County. Real estate is our business. Buying or selling. Contact John Bosveld, Real Estate Broker, 40 Wellesley Street, Goderich, Phone Goderich 1108. 8-teb FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale MASSEY-HARRIS TRACTOR No. 20 Rowcrop; land packer; Fleury- Bissell double disc; Fleury-Bis- sel two bottom plow on rubber; Massey-Harris three section spring tooth; Massey-Harris rubber tire wagon; Cockshutt 10-inch grain grinder and 50 feet of 7-inch rub- ber belting. Will sell or trade for cattle. Contact Fred' Arkell or phone Hayfield 47R5, evenings. 8-9-p Furniture Re-Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet, refinishing and re- pairing, apply W. G. Pickett, phone Clinton 761M 4p-tfb FURNITURE FOR SALE UPRIGHT DESK, SOLID OAK, leaded glass bookcase doors. A-1 condition. Price reasonable. Phone Clinton 27. 9-b HELP WANTED GENERAL HELP IN FISH AND Chip restaurant, Highway 8. Mel- va Manor. Phone Clinton 674. 9-b HELP WANTED—FEMALE WAITRESS WANTED, FULL and part time. Bartliff Bros. Res- taurant. 8-9-b FOR LAUNDRY WORK. FIVE day week. 550 per hour to start, ifable' to maintain production 75c per hour. Phone 312W or apply in person, preferably, to A. Garon, Clinton Laundry and Dry Clean- ing. 9-tfb PIANO, STANLEY, IN GOOD condition, Phone Clinton 780W. 9-b squAnu PIANO, Xingston and Weber, cheap for quick sale. Mrs. Roy Canteen, phone Clinton b Canada's Imperial Measure is ne-fifth larger than that of the nited States. • The 1954 autumn sockeye sal- mon run gave British Columbia fishermen their greatest Septem- ber catch in history—worth $6,- 625,000. BIRTHS DUPREY—In Clinton Public Hos-pital, on Saturclay, February 25, 1,956, to F/0 and Mrs. Hec- tor Duprey, RCAF Station Clin- ton, a daughter. HA,YTER—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, February 18, 1956, to F/0 and Mrs. Garth Hayter, Clinton, a son, HODGINS — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, February 25, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Clay- ton Hodgins, 13..R. 3, Clinton, a daughter., MeKNIGHT — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday,. February 27, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs, John McKnight, Clinton, a daughter. 0A,TES—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, February 22, 1956, to Sgt. and Mrs, Frank Oates, Clinton, a daughter, PLAETZER — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, February 18, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Law- rence Plaetzer, Auburn, a daugh- ter, STRONG—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, February 21, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Strong, Clinton, a daughter. VanDAIVIME — In Royal Victoria Hospital, Barrie, on Sunday, February 26, 1956, to Private and Mrs. Joseph VanDamme, a son. WILSON—In Clinton Public. Hos pital, on Wednesday, February 22, 1956, to Cpl. and Mrs. Robert Wilson, Clinton, a daughter. WISE—en Clinton Public Hospit- al, on Thursday, February 23, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. George Wise, RR 3, Clinton, a son. MARRIAGES 48r*+++++../tS^fr-0-.-14.1-t-•-,-.11?. P,Q, 9-b s 007W1, ACCOMMODATION for RENT DUPLEX APARTMENT on Queen • street. Bill Grigg. Phone Clinton 4W. 9-b UNFURNISH.ED FOUR ROOM apartment with bath, available immediately. W. N. Counter, Phone Clinton 230. 9-p BUR. ROOM FURNISHED ,apartmeet. K. R. Thompson, Rat- tenbury Street, Phone Clinton 122. 9-b "THREE R 0 0 M FURNISHED -apartment, close to downtown, private entrance. Share bath. Phone Clinton 353W. 9-p FURNISHED APARelMENT. Fri- gid,aire. Modern. Self contained. :Suitable for a couple. Phone 'Clinton 363. 9-b -FOUR. R 0 0 M APARTMENT, heated, partly furnished, private bath and private entrance. Also -two room heated furnished apart- Meat, Both available soon, Phone 'Clinton 1625W. 9-b TWO ROOM APARTMENT, furn- ished and heated. Suitable for couple. Phone Clinton, 472J 9-b 'VERY DESIRABLE apartment for rent on Huron Street, Clinton. Furnished. Private entrance. : Partly heated. Garage and gard- . en, if desired. Phone Clinton .158R. 9-p - SMALL HEATED APARTMENT -for rent in Seaforth. Apply Dr. E. A. McMaster, Seaforth, Phone 26. 7-8-9-b LARGE BRICK HOUSE, WAieeR and hydro. Immediate possession. Garden if desired. Write Box 91 ',Clinton News-Record, 9-10-b TWO APARTMENTS IN Stephen= son house on William Street (west 'of old Public School) furnished and heated. Apply to. Sergeant ,Worell on the premises. 9-p - APARTMENT, SELF CONTAIN- ed, one bedroom. Hot water heat- eed. Available' first part of March. Phone Clinton 61. 9-p TWO APARTMENTS for RENT, one furnished, in the Sloan Block, Clinton. Mrs. Ruth McBride, phone Clinton 617r22. 9-10-b 'THREE ROOM FURNISHED apartment, share bath, central lo- cation, Apply Herman's Men's Wear, phone Clinton 517. 8tfb FURNISHED apartment, share bath, heated. Also a farm house 'with hydro and telephone. Mile west of. Clinton and half mile north. Phone Clinton 727J3, at 6,30 p.m. 9tfb THREE' LARGE, UNFURNISHED second floor rooms with hall and balcony off living room. Share bath. Private entrance. Phone Clinton 78W. 8-9-b 'CENTRALLY LOCATED se lf- contained unfurnished, heated, f cur-room apartment, three piece 'bath and private entrance. Avail- able March 1. Phone Clinton .444W. 9-b -UNFURNISHED DOWNSTAIRS apartment, one block from main street. One bedroom, bath, din- ingroom, kitchenette and sitting- room. Nice lawn and room for email garden. Phone Clinton '193W. 8-9-b ARTICLES FOR SALE TWO PAIR OF CURTAIN drapes Tor living room. Mrs. Robert Web- ster, Phone Clinton 7891 9-p DARK BLUE BABY CARRIAGE with mattress. Good condition, $5. Mrs. Chris. Kennedy, Phone Blyth 28R4. 9-b MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE OR Trade, 1953 Harley Davidson 74. Buddy seat, saddle bags, wind- shield. Phone Clinton 70214. Gar- th Postill, RR 3, Clinton. 6-7-8-9-p TV FIT FOR A "KING" — We „Rent — Move —Install. Complete aervice on all makes of rotators and antehna. All work fully guar- anteed. Huron Tower Installation. phone Goderich 1344M. (Alb ARTICLES WANTED WANTED—UPRIGHT and Grand pianos, state size, make and price, to Box No. 90, Clinton News- Record. 9-b BOARD AND ROOM WANTED—BOARDER OR room- er. Male preferred, Phone Clin- ton 261M. 8-9-b BABY 'CHICKS DAY-OLD, MI X ED CHICKS, cockerels, pullets—order now for APRIL—some started chicks in brooders, AlVfES-IN-CROSS hy- brids. J. E. STACKIIOUSE, Wil- eon Grove, Ontario, 8-9-10-1-b CHICKS—DAYOLD, STARTED. ;gullets. Broilers. Cockerels. Can- adian Approved. Plus' Big-4 Com- plete breeding program covering More than 30 years. During that time hundreds of poultrykeepers have come to rely on this Hatch- ery, Standard breeds, crosses, and epeciaIs. Ask us for spring prices. Get your order in now to catch the good egg markets late sum- mer. Full information, agent Chas. Scott, Auburn, Phone 43R23 Bly- th, 9-13 BUILDING WANTED WANTED — TO BUY SMALL Wilding to dismantle for lumber, eenly P.Q. Box 83, Clinton, 9,-p SALES HELP WANTED WANTED: IVIan for steady travel among eorieetriers iit Huron. Coen- ty, Permanent connection with large inantzfaCtUrer. Only reliab- le hustler considered, Write teaW- leielee Dept. 0169431, Montreal The Community Concerts organ- ization is once again open for members for the coming year. Bach year memberships are sold at the rate of $6 per person, or $3 for students, to those' persons interested' in concerts. They are put on in the auditorium of the Goderich District Collegiate Insti- tute, and the number of members governs the number of concerts, During the 1955-56 season three concerts, including a renowned negro chorus, a performance by Ethel Barrymore, and of a great pianist were arranged for. Book- ings must be made months in ad- vance— and so memberships will close on March 3. Anyone interested in belonging is asked to phone either Mrs. Douglas Bartliff at 760 or Mrs. Clifford Pratt at 420 before that date. Cards of Thanks 2 Cents per word, Minimum 50c I would like to thank Dr. Oakes, Miss Sinclair, nurses and friends, who were so kind during Miss Lawday Young's long illness. Her niece—Edith Calder. 9p IN' MEMORIAM ROiVVICLF1FE — In loving memory of our mother, Perla Roweliffe, who passed away, March 3, 1951, and our father, Byan Roweliffe, who passed away January 25, 1952.—Always remembered by their children and grandchild- ren. 9-p NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF Michael Greens, late of the town of Clin- ton, in the County of Huron, Gen- tleman, Deceased. All persons having claims again- st the Estate of the above deceased arc required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on or before the 20th day of March, A.D. 1956, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this '28th day of February A.D. 1956. E. Beecher Menzies, Clinton, On- tario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 9-10-11-b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF Launcy W. Lavis, late of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron, Salesman, Deceased. All persons having claims again- st, the Estate of the above deceas- ed are required to file the same with the undersigned' Solicitor for the said Estate, on or about the 20th day of March, A.D. 1956, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 28th day of February, A.D. 1956. E. Beecher Menzies, Clinton, On- tario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 9-10-11-b HATCHING EGG OPPORTUNITIES Well-known nearby hatchery needs limited quantity of additional Flock Owners for year round production. For full information write to BOX 92 CLINTON NEWS-RECORD 9-10-b PM1100.11111111111111011MMMIIMMNIMM K. C. COOKE FLORIST Phone 66W — Clinton 00.00,• +a& Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SAMS EVERY FRIDAY cotennencing at LBO p.nik4 TEttlits CAM 1, COREY, SMes Manager E. W.Autetioneier W, COLQUHOtill, Clerk BOXY THEATRE 1.INT014 NOW; Thurs., and Sat. "The Stranger Wore a Gnu". The screen'e greatest outdoor star in an action-packed picture, filmed in the snow-covered High Sierras. Randolph Scott - Claire !Trevor MON., TUES. and WED, "The Trouble With Harry" (Adult Entertainment) Harry wouldn't stay buried under the autumn leaves. It proves em- barrassing, frustrating and risky for•the harassed principals in' the story, but pure joy for the aud- ience, Hitchcock suspense and satire in a, really "different" com- edy. — Shirley MacLaine Edmund Gwenn - John Forsyth Coming: STRATEGIC AIR COMMAND James Stewart - June Allyson 4c a word, minimum 75e 0011111.6111.1011 Friday, Mar. 2—Benefit Euchre and Dance for J. Lindsay and Bill Orr, Cards' to start 8.30. B'ayfield, Town Hall. Hank Norris and his Orchestra. 8-9-p Friday, March 2—Dance, Leg- ion Hall, Kirk Street, Clinton, 9.30 to 1. Come out and enjoy an evening of new and old time mus- ic of Carruther's Orchestra. Am- ple parking. Beautiful floor. Re- freshment booth. Admission, 50c per person. First ten unescorted ladies FREE. 9-b Monday, Mar. 5 — Play, Varna Township Hall. "Too Many Rela- tives," Belgrave YPU. 8.30 p.m. Auspices: Varna W.A. 50c and 25c. 9-b Friday, March 9. — Dominion Life (Mixed) Choir, and Harbour- aires (male choir) Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, 8.30 p.m. Sponsors: Happy Doubles Club. 9x 10 b Saturday, March 10 — Home Baking Sale, Council Chamber, 2.30 p.m. Sponsored by Clinton Kinette Club. 9-10-b Saturday, Mar. 10 — Fashion Show at Goderich District Colleg- iate Institute, 8.15 p.m.. Sponsors: Maple Leaf Chapter, I.O.D.E. Numerous door prizes. Tickets available at Newcombe's Drug- store. 9-10-b Be on hand for a good time at Mitchell's. Crystal Palace Ball- room on Friday night, with Clar- ence Petrie's. Night Hawks. 9-10-11-12-b Goderich Pavilion dancing. Sat- urday nights, Paul Cross and his orchestra. Wednesday n i g h t s, Clarence Petrie's Night Hawks. 6-tfb 0 Dashwood Man Travels 100 Charles Vernon Tieman, Dash- wood, is scheduled to appear in magistrate's' court here next Tues- day on a charge of careless driv- ing and speeding. According to Provincial Police Tieman was clocked at Hensall as going 70 miles an hour in a 30 mile an hour zone, and before being stopped at Brucefield, travelled at close to 100 miles per hour on Highway 4. Mothers' Study !Group Meets In New Manse The Mothers' Study Group of the Wesley-Willis United Church held their February meeting on Tuesday evening at the new manse. The meeting in charge of Mrs. E. Cooper, was opened by the reading of a poem "Just to be tender." "This is my Father's House", was sung, followed by the repeating of psalm 737 and the Lord's Prayer in unison. Mrs. Cooper led in, prayer. The minutes of the January meeting were read by Mrs. G. Wise.. A treasurer's report was given by Mrs. D. Bagnell. Mrs. W. Jervis read a letter of thanks from Mrs. Fred Sloman for the bale, The offering was received. "Around the throne of God in Heaven" was sung. 'qrs. Jervis handed around quilt pieces to be sewn. Mrs. N. W. Trewartha read a poem "Calling the Doctor." Mrs. Cooper favored with three num- bers on the harmonica. Mrs. H. C. Wilson read a story "'Adventure at Dawn." Two articles entitled "God and your child," and "Jeal- ousy in Children," were read by Mrs., Cooper and diseussed. Mrs. Bagnall presented Mrs. N. W, TreWartha with a gift froin the group in remembranee of her gold- en wedding day which was cele- brated recently, Everyone sang, "Your golden wedding day." Mrs. Trewartha thanked everyone warmly, The meeting closed by singing "How sweet the name of Jesus sounds," and repeating the Mlzpah. A social half hour which includ- ed a game conducted by Mrs. B. Manly, and lunch served by Mrs. H. C. Wilson, assisted by Mrs. D, Dales and Mrs. D. Bagnall was enjoyed. Mrs. Wilson showed the group through the lovely new manse. The March meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. Glen Wise, with Mrs, b. Fowler in charge and Mrs. G. Cantelon and Mrs. 11, Cantelon as hostesses, MISCELLANEOUS HOME FOR, THE AGED AND infirm people, Ratee $2 to $4 a day. Phone 167 Blyth, Blyth Rest Home. 9-b I.E.L. .CRAIN SAWS. A MODEL to stet all woodcutting jobs. Also 3 dependable used saws, as low as $90.00. Robert Glen, I,E.L. Saws, Phone 608.11 Clinton. 9-10-11-p $5 DOWN, UP TO 24 MONTHS to pay fora genuine Surge Milker Unit. Contact Lovell McGuire, Phone Wingharri 593. We guaran- tee better milking satisfaction. 9-10-11-12-13-p WATERLOO CATME Breeding Association. "Where Better Bulls Are Used." Artificial. Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or information phone Clinton 515 collect, between 7.30 and 10.00 a.in. on week days and 7.30 and 9,30 a.m. on Sundays. 6-tfb EGMONT MINERALS for Cattle have proven to supply all minerals cattle need to maintain good heal- th. At $7 per 100 pounds it sup• plies these essential minerals very economically. Always available at the farm, or a phone call will bring it to your door. J. W. Van- Egmond, phone Clinton 805r13. 46tfb PROPERTY FOR SALE TWO BEDROOM HOUSE FOR Sale, $1,500 down •payment. L. G. Winter, Real Estate, Phone Clin- ton 448. 9-h 5 FAMILY APARTMENT HOUSE, fully furnished, good location, ex- cellent income. Owner will sacri- fice for immediate sale. Good pay for itself home for working man or retired couple. Phone Clinton 733. 9-b 25 ACRE PICNIC GROUNDS camp sight. With 5 cabins, at "The Falls," on the Maitland riv- er. 2 miles east of Goderich, off Highway 8. Scenery, fishing and swimming. Ideal for private sum- mer place, priced to sell—Terms. J. M. Driver, RR No. 1, Goderich. 9-10-11-p TENDERS WANTED FOR SALE, BY SEALED tender, the Benmiller United Church shed, 30' x 75'. Good timber frame, single board, pine and hemlock siding, with heavy corrugated steel roof, good as new. 20 per- cent to be paid when tender ac- cepted, balance in 30 days. Also a coal or wood furnace in good working condition. Highest or any tender not necessarily accep- ted. Tenders accepted to March 15, 1956, by Elfred Moore, secret- ary of Trustee Board, RR 4, God- erich. 8-9-b 0 HELP WANTED—MALE MECHANIC WANTED, SOME ex- perience preferred. Highest wag- es paid. Phone Clinton 559. Glid- don Truck Body. 9-,b Part-Time . Salesman required by Simpsons-Sears to sell electrical appliances, farm equipment, building materials, and plumbing and heating projects, In Clinton and Vicinity on a commission basis. Past selling experience in this field helpful, but not essential. Reply in own hand writing stating age, qualifications and telephone number to BOX 71 CLINTON NEWS-RECORD All replies held in strictest con- fidence, 7-8-9-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE HOLSTEIN COW, DUE TO fresh- en first of April. Phone Clinton 30033. 8-9-p TWO HOLSTEIN BULL CALVES suitable to veal. Phone Clinton 751W2. Walter Forbes. 9-b LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 148331, or 148334 9ptfb LOST AND FOUND LOST ON WHITEHEAD Street, Sunday afternoon, costume jewel- cry pin, Set with amethyst colour- ed brilliants, Reward. Phone Clin- ton 436. 9-b LOTS FOR SALE IDEAL BUILDING LOT, ON Wel- lington Street, formerly second bowling green. Reuben Brubaeher, Phone Clinton 721, 9-p PET STOCK FOR SALE ANYONE WANTING COLLIE pups, contact Joe Gibson. Phone Clinton 61.6R3. 9.10-b YOUNG MALE BUDGIES; Hartz Mountain Canaries (German Roll- era') $8.98. Female Budgies $6, Eric Milner -Flowers, phone Sea- forth 393. 8-9-10-1-b PIANOS FOR SALE 11TE PARK TELfg4Q)NE Goderich Bud ABBOTT 84 Lou COSTELLO with Lynn Bari and,, Maxie Rosen- bloom, — The clown princes of Cinema:fun present their latest rib- rocker as they turn back time's pages to embark on a nostalgic film career. "Abbott & Costello Meet the Key-stone Kops"" MON., TUES. and WEDS (Adult Entertainment) Robert Ryan - Shirley Yamaguchi Sesauf3 Hayakawa, & Robert Stack A beautiful Japanese girl aids an undercover agent in an adventur, our crusade against a gang of renegrade G,I.'s. `House of Bamboo' In Cinemascope and Teclutioolor Coming: "SHOTGUN" In Technicolor with Yvonne De Carlo -•-•-•-e-e-eleeeee-eneee-4-4-4,-eeeeeeeeee YOUR INSURANCE may be out of date, tool Does the insurance program you planned years ago meet today's needs? See me for a complete up-to-date insurance to completely cover all your needs. H. E. HARTLEY Canada Life Assurance Company Phone 454W — Clinton Clinton, Ontario HURON DISTRICT Credit Union ANNUAL Chapter Meeting will be held in the Agricultural Board Room CLINTON On Wed., March 1 at 8.30 p.m. SPECIAL SPEAKER ENTERTAINMENT—Free Lunch Interested Public Welcome 0-