HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-05-11, Page 2rr
r QTfflx` IQ P aPo rl l lJi ' ''•
ha «ut11; ;hgaztif+ o .1ict1*-What xztt
esstatea tt, >ZYca...4 nsre4
QUO. arts wariliro-
pw^Mpct'.— Cwkiet K w 3:9
51,INIhTis'1t 0
Lust session/0,,
Litro a aiew cabt"l,
was eres
cal.e,.i,. tint of ltr lister of Agriculture.
For sonic time to lion. \.. M; moss
per>itrmaed the lonblo duties of Pro•
a incial Treasm r )mai Minister of Ag-
:ieulture. 'JI aari'4ultural industry
', ;,7ro.enalucut i, the iia tustry of (Mn •
.ala and is en fled toi(atter °wields
enation than iMe hitherto been ao.
c• raed it. T Mowat administration
has oto doubt . lone await to encourage
awl develop Ontariq's agricultural
insources by he establishment .and
*maintenance ` the (t►ntario Agrieul•
rural College e td . IrVeau of Indus•
tries. The aa ointment of a practical
agriculturist, 'hie can devote all his
cnorgios to tine 'urtheraneo of the farm:
"et ing interest ea not feii tothave a whole.
t..*oand stint lating effect, There had
het, a good d'al of speculation as to
who. s`.•tauld r.. eive the *eve appoint -
went, the favo 'ices bein ;,Messrs, Dru-
ry, Awrt'y and l;atlantynJ'. Mr. Dru-
ry, lI, 1'.. P. i r East Siuicee, his just
been appoints and askslhis eonstitu-
cuts at an en y day far their endor-
sutian of his a 'coptance. Ife has had
;t long experi so in Municipal mat-
ters, is a praae teal and successful ag-
riculturist, a , god speaker and very
popular, with s x or seven years parlia:
ineutary espei encu. . He has been an
active nienaber of the 'Ontario Agricul-
• tural and Arts Assooiation for several
years, a direct% r of the Canadian Fruit
Growers. Assoc ation and. of the Do-
minion Grong . Het is admirably,
qualified for tie position to which he
has been chose). and it as to be hoped
his selection ant redound to the sue -
tees t•f the ag icultural industry iia
Ontar lot -
EDITO ' IAL 1(7:211118.
• Mn. JuRTIcn ENaY, of the Supreme
Court of Caned , died last week.
CAiti 1Di 3 ti cot ons, sold to Canadiau
wholesale mere ants 1 for 20 cents a
pound, are sold in Japan at 19 cents
a pound! •
THE YEAR 18' 8 is ;the tricentenary
of the defeat of he gpa,uish A.rinada
in 158S and t bicentenary of the
revolution of 1= illiam. of Orange in
IT Is rlaorosE r iu a ;bill now before
the New York egislature to appoint
six women as i i speetors of factories
in addition to th meri now employed.
in the same ser%:ce.
'.Tax New Ya k Legislature have
passed, by a vett of 80 to 8 in the As-
sembly, a bill w ion- substitutes elec-
tricity for liangh g as the means of ex-
ecuting criminal .
THE Isle of i1 alk, it is said, is the
ouly place in t • world where un-
married worsen a e entitled to vote at
the election of „.,mbers of the legis-
. leave body upon :the same terms as
Thu Manitoba Legislature iitro-
eineed a hill to a
per cent. Theri
to meet, the d
required 8778, 0
needed. to put tic
'into shape to :earn
ise 81,500,004 at fi
as 1,'280,000 deficit
River Valley road
nd 835,000 will be
Hudson Bay road
its land grant.
' IATHEW .ti,itl• oL ' died of heart dis-
ease, and s.e dirt ; is father, and his
randfathi'r'befere bitn, Twenty-five
years ago r. Ar: old was t;ld his
.heart was zv ceted, tut he took care of
' himself tine roved that heart disease
net:d not n cessar interfere with
1treritious nae ital 1= or.
V11E511E11 14::Itcn:: , who had ar,1a-
jority of but seven ben he niet the
Quebec Legitlaturo• ast year. When
the douse meets he will have at his
baeh a solid wajorit - of at least 18;
all the by-elections 1 eld with one ex-
• ception, have Tesulte' in favor o2 the
Mercier 0audislitte.
Dat. Ii atnn, samt ' medical super-
intendent of )e Toro to Insane Asy.
luta, argues'trougly f r the establish
bent of an tinstitutio where those
wile have be 'oiuo slay to the drink
log habit tai be treat a on rational
and scioatifiei principle, IIe claims
that as we Ike= the sale of that
which causes $ruukeene, the revenue
'Troia this 0oua .r: ithouid e applied "to
tfie ereettiott acid fnaiute ancJ pf lion•
vitals for the hate of t s body and
:i;id destioyh 1a.ak it, -
(writtenfo Ttn:'rzn's.)
It is said .lis :r:eellonoy, the Gov.
error General, w I take leis departure
from the Donii t ion on the :11th of
May. As it is its desire to prorogue
parliament bof• e he leaves, it is likely
the session wi close about the 18th
Members ar bopoming restless and
anxious to get I write. The remaining
epeechee will t ierefere be shorter and
business will b , hurried.
The debate upon the 13ndget was
=tinted this week by Hon. A.1 W.
1ilol elaia who i tide a loon speech in
answer to Sir Et hard's. lie brought
out some go•1 points from his
own stand point at was very abusive
and discourteous t' Sir. 11,icbard Cart-
wtialit. After tht Postmaster Gen-
eral bad conclude his speech, Sir
Charles rose and .uggested the pro-
priety of eoueludin r the Budget de-
bate. This suggest on was not ao-
eeptod by the Libere 's as it would not
be profitable to alto v the Hon., the
Postmaster General o escape scott
free after all the ab :0 that he had
heaped upon the Lib -al party.. Pet•
torsos, of Brant, foil wed, making a
splendid speech. H 4has very few
equals if any in the souse as a popuw
htr orator, He is gift d with a strong,
voluminous voice t1. 1 speaks with
great earnestness .tai d power. His
speech npou this etc sion was more
than usually happy. \ A strong vein
of humor and scarcas ran through it
and by these sources t ' power, as well
as by the • broad carni .}1 sense of his
a:ernarks, he was ena tdd to level his
opponents right ' anal ft. No oppmn-
ents rising to answer, he debate upozx
the Budget virtually c 'sed.
Tho question of " I , perial Federa-
tion" etime up ou 1114r day, on a reso-
lution moved by Mr. M salmi], of East
Middlesex. Dalton 4 °arthy, mem-
ber for Simcoe, availer himself of this
opportunity of makir _+ a speech upon
this question. Mr. Dalton itleCarthy
is president of the lin 'vial Federation
Association of Cana a, and was there-
fore expected to do his bast and say
something good and. y all means loyal.
He labored for one 1 our and a half to
show what a great llIessiog Imperial
Federation would b to Canada. Bat
certainlyy, he failed to show that .the
scheme he proposes: s even feasible:
He proposes a U o between Great
Britain and her cloiiics in a Federal
Parliament comp ed of sepresenta-
tivea from the colo iod and the United
Kingdom. Great Bstitain would be
required by the pro oslid arranger -tient
to discriminate in fa>1or of colonial
products and the c t lo4ties to discrim-
inate in favor of t e =importation of
English manufactur ' • The colonies
would of Bourse bete e identified with
and partly responsi for England's
foreign policy, and 1 . Id be required
to vindicate that pokey if necessary
by money and men,,¢' .This is a posi
tion the colonies avo Id hesitate to
take. The aims and s irationsof Eng-
land might, and no bt would, , be
wholly different from hat of her col-
onies. Her policy, bot, domestic and
foreign, would beso la'gely different
from that of heir coloni • 1 possessions
as to render the .Feder compact in.
The present teling
largely opposed tip this
meat. 'Prue, drive aro
land of coiisideralsle infiu
of Imperial E'ecierati
national feeling isj'so str.
of Free Trade't that a
tempt to establih "Fa
Protection would aceor
Salisbury's opiuic 1, lea
revolution. Lord `dart'
Bright and even Ur.
strongly opposed to ;any
would tend to estab ish
of "proteotion. " Vitl
phase of protectiot th
duets could not resceive
tion in their favot!', W.
indica 4i favor sof th
perial Federation',is iin
impossible... We i:ro tol
erationists'= Haat t w
farmers of Engla d a
colonies. This is; tri
surners of Ennliantl al
1 England is
'ederal stove -
en in Eng-
nce, in favor
, but the
gly in favor
zy serious oa-
r Trade " or
ing to Lord
almost to a
gdon, John
Goschen are
measure that
the principle
out a certain)
colonial pro -
a discrimit a--
hout discrian
colonies, Im-
racticable and
by the "Fed-
uld benefit the
well as of the
but the con -
it determined
to -day to prevent,, as tl oy were in 1845
to remove the tali on l ead. Untaxed
bread to England is a prime necessity
to enable her tot feed] er people cheap•
ly and to comp° e wit 1 the world suc-
cessfully. It is trope ed by those who
favor an Iarip , lel +ederation that
Bit -gland would diecri riinate in favor
of tea imported ` rout 1 r possession in
India, as Again, t tea mported from
,iiipail and Chin . l3it it is plain that
in retaliation for this isoriminatiou
japan aitd Chi i a Would ithdraw th•ir
trade from Englaud. It tud, ,gone up the s cit sonredistance,.
posed that England di and the delegate delivered spoceltes,
favor of Oanadian cer=' I ivo It was not then k own the exact terms
stook, as against that on t le LT. ta. ;riven Premier (a 'oenway, but :au ill •
But the fallecy of this )rapaal is ovi- tient was made pu 'li(i to arssuro the
people of Manitoba that illy, Greenway
had proved ltimeelf to be a patriot,
aud, literally, " the saviour" of their
ban X190,004,000 Province. Since that tune tho full
ade with the U. S.terms of settleste
0 annually. It is known in the L
at Great Britain will riot admit o
against such a
deut when we (melt '.r the relative
value of Canada ea d the U. S. to
English customers. Tiiglature trade
with Canada is less
t1 year, while her t
is over 8500,000,0
not reasoualale tl
would distriniina
profitable customer so as to benefit a
few Canadian farul rs and to satisfy
the loyal aspiratioink f a few McNei11w
anti 1►:teCarthys, S pposo for one
moment that Great Bt`tain would put
a discriminating duty t pen cereals and
cattle imported from U.S. the Ameri-
cans wou1d at onto withdraw at least
a large proportion oft her trade from
the English markets and would enact
laws damaging to Canadian trade and
commerce. This she Mould easily do
in many ways and thus injure Cana-
da to a much greater extent than any
advantage she could get directly or in-
directly by Imporial Federation,
England has never beett rioted for her
saeriflces on behalf of colonial in-
terests and it is not prtbable she will
continence at this periodlof her history.
Imperial Federation I was brought
up in tho House arta before the
country at this time fort a special pur-
pose. This purpose i to draw away
the attention of to people from the
more practicabi and #Isefiil ono of
Unrestricted eciptot ity with the
United. States. By this arrangement
of Free Trade ith ottr near neigh-
bors, the greates facilities can be ob•
taiued by the g1 et industrial classes
of the Country t sell n the dearest
market and to b ty iii: the cheapest,
Any policy that 'il pxavent the en- honestly, arranging
joyment of these ri hts•is inconsisteut their population, ant
with tlio well-being and prosperity of dering" thereto suit their
any people. as has been the case iu tl#
Dr. Adam Smity, the great writer ern parts of the Domini
upoii political economy, says : " To petted that a general ele
p,ohibit a great egeople from making place some time in Ju
the Most out of t ,eir products and ern- doubt the Greenway
ploying their capital in a way in which receive what it rich
they may consider industry most ad- hearty support of tl
vanta;eous to themse)ves is a inani- toba. Again than
fest violation of the molt sacred rights taken,
of mankind." , Tam, Yours Trt
Now the so called I1tational Policy
lfit have been. made
gislaturo, but space
their enumeration.
Suffice it to say that monopoly and;
disallowance have been done away
with, and that the 1 •wvinch' Govern-
went has gained the ower for which
it sought. Several at plica ions have
been made for chart rs to . construct
jay to the
oeforo this
o taken to
ate railway
eau be no
and operate lines of rails
boundary and, no .doubt, l
year's cropb are re dy to
market, there will, e adeq
accommodation. here
doubt that this appy change in
affairs will give a impetus to the
prosperity of this Pi v nee, as indeed
already there seems t be a tendency
in that direction.'Ili e who have
`Hitherto refrained fro ming to this
country and investing 1lteir money, on
account of the da ped prospects
caused by disallowan e,and. monopoly,
can now come here feel that they
have some security tl at their invest-
ments will be pro :ct d and their in-
terests advanced ar d rot allowed to
be sacrificed to. the , ictations of a
band of monopolists. Another fertile
topic for keen discuss u curing the
past f•:w days in this t 'evince is the
Redistribution 13i11 la .ly introcluped
by the Greenway Gov rnmeut. The
general sentiment ind' tttes that it is
a fair end aquitablo .ettsure, In the
arrangement of the iffi :est constitu-
encies theGovernme it live d.ealt very
entaccording to
of " gerrymau-
vn purposes,
. more east -
'Et is ex -
ion will take
ext, and no
o 'ernment will
plc of Mani-
ou for space
does prohibit; a great people from Winnipeg, May 1st,
making the in st out o their products
by a tariff wal
into the most 1
a great people
capital in a way
themselves by pre
port duties, from'
cheapest markets.
almost intolerab
gr eat productive
as well as a ma
people's most s
When will o
their own, inste
terest? It is hit
industrial olasse
should say one to
let us reason togethe
Ottawa, May ath,i
obstructing their entry ROUND TH
crati.vd markets.
Polio goes prohibit
eat investing their
ds dvaritageous to
'eating them by hut
purchasing in the
Therefore it is an
Ilurden upon the
assts of this couutry
fedi violation of the
rod tights,
r people look after
d of their party's in -
h time that the great
of Ibis country
e other : " Coale
Material Improveni= t and mecidoaly
Brighter prospeets'consequent gni the
Abrogation of C. P. R. Kemp.
oIy—Largo I Rmigration t1ril
€ieason: 'EJie °distributZon
Iiil &c.
To tiro Editor of TIM Tiac
Dna errs,—Shite writing my Inst
letter to Tau Tunis, I am pleased to
say affairs have' tai- n a change, and
for the better. It e prospects for a
prosperous seas., are a great deal
brighter than thewere a month ago,
and every one sef ups to be of opinion
that the eountrt is going to boom
amain this su . , r. The influx of
immigrants pro use to be larger than
for' many yearsspast, nd taking every-
thing into conliderat'.n, the outlookis
indeed brightl;r, S ortly after my
last letter was writt n llh.esers. Greens
way and 1G2artta re tried to Manitoba
with the tempts of .ettloinent in their
possession. It ha been learned here
before their a>i!rival that, they had been
given doeurneet 'its tha,.would set aside
the disall(wtatice polio hitherto sup-
ported by tin; Domini.0 Government
and give to ? Manito a the right to
charter aid 4onstruo railways in any
part of the previa, Upon the ma
rival. of that' train 'from the south,
which carriektt the • tato delegates, a
largo and t nthusia.tic crowd of the
most prominent eiti :ens of Winn1 en
and also of Many oth: towns iii Mani-
toba, assembled at t o depot; and des
spite it Ileay down all of rain, gave
the Pretnieq and his colieagtte a right
royal waken a home. A braes band
was also at the depot a d headed the
procession u Main str et, tho crowd
following, regardless o the slttislr and
mud, of w1) h there ' a,s an exuber-
alleo, Tho ttiCc sign 'pped; site
Reviews, a antes
• >Y r Duch. Tntss
Last night's spe
inept in the Presbyt
in itself a success, will
in the matter of at
hardly up to the. m
I were Pope of Ptio
and 1 would canonic
the magic lantern. 1
myriads of youthful
ly I too, in my " ser
was gladdened as
often James Mont
present to the mi
" Eager fauey
In a voy age
Surely it is som:
'attar entertain -
ran church was
financially and
e ante, it was
k 1 just wish
e siugle hour,
he inventor of
has gladdened
tarts;; and reflex-
es' yellow leaf, "
ducator. How
"'s poem was
, beginning
fined,, .
to have the
ra " of Worth
with Islands,
the Island
rotight vividly
vith Captain
Villiams the
;tango, and had a
tag ':f the Indian
'whelming pre -
time power was
deu, the Suez
Gibraltar were
ran, the screen. T
o r, but Ido not
( yi en her island
or cherished
m'; own beloved
folt when I re-
ys of lusty man-
ith niy boarding
hill, with Holy -
me and the brave
ividly thrown upon
gard Mr. Oampbell
a q et enthusiasm
h. 1e will bear fruit
ounu the world,
es will take the
here the true
uture eiviliza.
's ey
f th.
"Fauna" . and 'i Fl
America, the'
New Zealand,
Continent of Aust
before us. We
Cook, we thong!
Martyr, of Erro
lively mental p
Ocean. Britain'
ponderance as a
portrayed when
canal, Maitt a
thrown sttceessiv
am not a hoose
grudge our belov
Palace, Osborne
Balmoral home
land: How ecsta
called the happy
hood, Ana playec
school boys on Ca
rood, Scott's mon
old castle were
the semen. As r
Himself, there is
about him, which
in another voyag
when missionary
'niece of honor : s
greatness of the w
tion will centre,
tt of
Lr iuxao1i".
Mr. A. Hamilto
being ill with sore
holm is attending
fanners Are nearly
Horse distemper i
this vicinity.
Sas. Clow, W. M
tail aro roeoverin
14:iol+adscau who
14, E. Wawanosl
>i'armersvilie, California,.
is o
the sick list,
at. Dr. ()his.
.—Most of the
1 seeding, -
prevalent in
belonging . to
rog'i n and A. Bin.
fro : %.—Vii: D.
aught 5, 8. Na.
is tow an
last ye
1'+tritItY Fib'
:3 iCC.
85 00
One 11, uti
Local a. 1 other casual fit '
sertron, and 5c. wr line for csilr.-.•/
No local notice vill he ehatirel
and Business Chances Maur' , ' ti lines
01 for fast month, tecr. 4:41Uent month,
'these terms will be otric,i, „adheryd to,
Specie) rates Mr U'IVer ..111TtireMentn, Pr tor
longer periods.
Advertisements withant erAfic directions, will be
inserted till forbid and dm creeordingly. Tram
sltory advertisements mueti re paid in advance.
Changes for contr.set cel1ortmements must bo in
the Gino Wednectio on, in order to appear
that week,
Dn. IlAcpox.uar's Osman, Wocounm.
OPIUM: AND Itnsienxeu
Wingluun, March I,
11 4.11.111STERS c. '
Solicitors for the Bank of Hand •er. Commissioners
or takarg affidavits far Manit be. Private lands'
o lend In straight loans at est rateq. Offices -
OFFICES -Beaver Idevic, Wilco
Omani and 47.
Private and Company funds t
interest. • Mortgages, town
bought and sold, Mercantile ter
a, V.4103TONE.
loan at l'ow rates of
1 farm property
effikens specialty.
-`;') Silver, Val, ...de., re., Mates, vanfOng
la prices front :,,54 ) upwardg per set,
mamma; mai brid„tework, Teeth ex.
tr.:rated without the least pain hy the use of Vital.
ized Air. flead Mee, Wingfrou,kkle entrance op.
Saturday -Office at.:1111M's hotel ; Carrie: ist and
each month -Office at Whiteley's 0 el. Extracting,
25 cents,
I am ;Taking
try in proportiosn0.11.
Vegetable Vapor adminis
extractinn ottect!), Cur only
OFFICE : tin Alm Beaver
Brunswick Rotel.
Orders left at TurnS•
Di DEAN, alto
Sales attended in any
500 AU.
jUl setts of
ranches m
for the runless
3, opposite the
All Sales attended to p
Charges Moderate and
All necessary turange
This commodious hall
tale meats of every kind
tunas Sm., apply to
f the Ca. Charges'
rNTIES 11131614 AND.
and on the Shortest
can be made at thei
be secured 4,4r entor-
very low figure, For .
Ile•opened Jan'y 3rd wi
its attendance. Young
to appreciate oar thoro
now students are onto
Mit: OF
Orme Hoene: 10
another large heroes° in
en and tre begin.
wory, and as a result,
Loam% Ont.
MI grafts on. New York