HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-02-16, Page 11Thomas H. Colquhoun
J. W. "Pete" Counter
741,111.$PAY •uAn lOt
IIAE NETNINDING DUTIES tolls Rapid Improvement Marks
Them. Contender For Group Title
lay. if Sked
low (n Full Swing
Entered in the WOAA `11eme-
,4arew" series the Clinton dub
• 43 using strictly local players
with the accent on youth. The
average age of the team is just
'over 22 years,
Nucleus of the club are seven
,players from last year's Juvenile
-Wain. Bob Garen, TOM Cohen,
houn, Ken Lee, Jack Carter,
'Johnny Hartley, 'Ron Hugill. and
Bill Garman,. have all Made the
jump to tlie intermediate ranks
-and have adjusted to the faster
company' with astonishing rapid-
•ity. Other yoUngaters on the
'team are Don, Denomme and Bob
.1VIcDonald, neither of, whom have
played hockey for several sea-
=sons. Denomme, who, played
cannot' hockey in Clinton several
:years ago has shown such, prom-
qse that he has earned the right
To a regular turn in the nets
along with Bill German.
Along with the younger mem-
rbers of the team several of Clin-
awes "old" Colts have returned
to the fold. "Pete" Counter and
1:ion Strong are back in harness
after a year of inactivity 'caused
lby the disbanding of the inter-
mediate team last season, Bill
Hanly, Gerry Holines,' Mait Ed-
gar and Danny Colquhoun, no
:strangers to Clinton fans, played
'last year with Zurich Flyers af-
' ter many seasons with the Colts
'end are now back in their ac-
customed spots.
The three other players who
-round out the squad played all
their minor hockey in town,
'Murray Colquhoun was with the
intermediate team two years ago
'but was out of hockey last sea-
son while serving with the
RCAF. Rick Elliott played his
minor hockey in Clinton before
commuting to Seaforth where he
has been a regular with the
"Seaforth Junior "B" entry. Harry
MoEwan, newly-appointed coach,
is hack after a year with Exeter
-Mohawks in the WOAA Inter-
mediate "A" series.
The term "new" is carried on
into the executive. Almost all
members are in their first term
of office. Russell Holmes, presi-
dent; Don C. Colquhoun, vice-
president; R. D. "Dick" Prern-
-lin, secretary are all first year
'men. Treasurer George Lavis is
`holding his office for the second
Bob Draper, a Colt stalwart
-for many seasons, has the im-
portant job of manager. He is
.'capably assisted by Bert Glidden,
assistant manager. Bert has
'probably done more for hockey
in Clinton in the past ten years
-than any other man. It was Bert
who organized the first team
-for Clinton after the war and
'his continued leadership kept the
'team- going after all other had
decided to drop out.
There is always trouble in
-securing cars to take players to
out of town games; this task
falls on the shoulders of Reg.
'Ball as transportation manager.
'The executive committee, an im-
portant part of all teams is made
'up of A. L. Colquhoun, Jack
'Suntan, Royce Macaulay, Ken
*McRae, Jack Anstett and Caryl
This is the type of team that
most Clinton fans have been ask-
ing for and on their record they
deserve- the support that only
'Clinton fans can give. The series
--with Zurich is• a two-game, total
"goals affair and Saturday night
you can help keep Clinton on
' the hockey map by attending
'the second game of the series.
And also the remainder of , the
'games this season, Get out and
support your "homebrew" team.
Colts Have Scored.
182 Goals Thislrear
Final Standing)
Final Statistics on the individ-
ual scoring records of the Clinton
Colts show Harry 1VICEwan and
Murray Colquhoun— incidentally
both on the staff of Clinton
News-Record—well out in front
of the rest of their teammates.
IVIcEwan, led the team with, 62
points and his 33 goals was high
for the club, Murray collected
55 scoring points made up of
25 goals and 30 assists. Johnny
Hartley made -his first season
with the intermediates very pro-
ductive, finishing in third place
with 38, closely followed by Mait
Edgar, 35, and Don Strong 34.
The three Colquhoun brother's
featured the penalty parade.
Danny was thumbed for the most
time, 28 minutes, while Tom
had 25 and Murray 24 minutes
in the cooler.
Collectively the team scored a
grand total of 182 goals and spent
199 minutes in the penalty box.
62 2
55 24
38. 12
35 14
34 4
31 12
30 16
25 6
20 16
17 28
13 0
9 7
8 4
7 25
6 23
6 4
3 2
2 0
Murray E. Colquhoun.
Left Wing
Murray is back with the Colts
after being out of hockey last
year when he was with the
RCAF. Always dangerous, he
finished the season with 55
points including 25 goals. Mur-
ray is 21 years Old.
(Elnal Standing)
WLT tg •
Mitchell 4 25 3 0 50
23 5 0 46
Ilderton 18 10 0 36
Clinton 15 12 0 30
Zurich 12 10 0 24
Watford .., .4 9 17 0 20
St. Marys 6 10 2 14
Blackwell 4 20 2 10
Play-Off Guiles This Weelc
Wednesday-- 445ml et St, Marys
Thursday—Ilderton at Watford
Clinton at Zurich
Friday—St. Marys at Lucan.
Mitchell at Blackwell'
Saturday—Blackwell at Mitchell
Watford at Ilderton
• Zurich at Clinton,
Richard. W. "Rick"
Starting out this season with
Seaforth Hurons in the OH_A,
Junior "B" series, Rick decided
to return to Clinton and play
for his home town. He has ad-
ded a great deal of strength to
the Colts defensively and has
also come up with some import-
ant goals •on the offensive'. Rick
played minor hockey in Clinton
before his three years with, Sea-
forth, • Age 20 years.
Harry 'Cooney' McEwan
Centre -
Back from a season with Exe-
ter IVIohawks, "Cooney" is the,
leading scorer of the club. He
has taken- over the coaching
duties and will be guiding the
team in their first game against
Zurich tonight. "Cooney" was a
member of Clinton's original
juvenile team in 1940-41, For
one season he played• with the
Stratford Indians. Harry is 32.
William "Bill" German
At 18 years of age, Bill is a
veteran Colt. fie played his first
season with the intermediates two
years_ ago, returning to Juvenile
ranks last season when the Colts
disbanded. He played on all
2.1inton minor hockey teams.
"Big-T" as he is more famil-
iarly called is the biggest man
on the Colt lineup, He has play-
ed mainly on defence but has
taken a turn on the forward
line when needed. Played on last
year's juvenile team, and is 19
years old.,
Maitland E. "Malt"
Right Wing
Playing back on -right wing,
after a season on defence, Mait
has become one of the Clinton
top point getters. He is one of
the best checking forwards and
is used quite frequently in a
penalty killing roll. Mail is 26.
Don A. Denomme
Perhaps the most improved
man On the squad Don, after bee
ing Out of hockey for several
years is now taking a regular
turn in. the nets. He is an im-
portant factor in the Colts future
plans, He formerly played on
Lions-sponsored minor hockey.
teams, and is only 19 years wci,
A veteran of many campaigns,
"Pete" has been lured from a
one-year retirement. He has
played just nine games but has
strengthened the team consider-
ably. A versatile player he can
be used on defence as well as
centre and right wing. Pete was
a member of Clinton's good juv-
enile teams in 1940 and 1941. He
is 32 years young.
John F.- Hartley
Left Wing
Johnny has been shifted to left
wing since coming up to the
Colts from the Juveniles. The
move seems to have worked well
as he is third high scorer with
38 points, He has played minor
hockey in all age groups here.
He is 19 years old,
Play-off Plans for the Big 8
Hockey Leave were approved at
a. meeting of the grouping held
in 14ucan, on Sunday, under the
chairmanship of Hugh Hawkins.
Te league completed its schedule
last Saturday night and started last
night on an elimination series for
the McMillan Trophy, to decide
the Cyclone League Champion. All
eight clubs take pert in this ser-
Following the completion of the
MoMillan Trophy series, the clubs
will then enter play-offs in their
various W G A .41e classifications,
T.eams in the league are classified
as follows: Intermediate A, St.
Marys; intermediate B., Mitchell,
Lucan and, Zurich; homebrew
Clinton and Watford; intermediate
C., Blackwell; intermediate n-
Harold John Carter
Jack was a member of last
year's Juvenile team and this
season is one of the mainstays
of the Clinton defence. Improv-
ing with each game he has be-
come one of the key men in the
Colt's title hopes. Age 19 years.
Donald W. Strong
Having one of his best seasons
this year, Don has come up with
19 goals and finished fifth in the
team scoring race. A very clean
player he has had only four min-
utes in penalties this year. Play-
ed all his hockey for Clinton,
Don is 28 years old.
The McMillan Trophy play-off
groupings and dates are;
Series •
Mitchell vs, Blackwell,
ary 17 at Howl), Arena..
ary 19 at Mitchell,
Lucan. vs. St. Marys — Fehru,,
ary 15 at St, Marys. February 17
at Luean.
Series V
Ilderton vs. Watford' — Febru-
ary 16. at Watford. February 1$
at Lucan..
Clinton vs. Zurich — Vebruary
16 at Zurich. February 18 • at
All these series are two-game
total goals affairs. The second
round schedule will be drawn
later. -
Kenneth W. "Danny"
Always on the receiving end.
of dressing room pranks, "Danny"
is the big moral booster of the
club. He has the dubious honour
of being the "bad man" of the
team with 28 minutes in the
"cooler". He has played on all
Clinton minor and intermediate
teams except last year with Zur-
ich. Danny is 32 years old.
Robert J. "Bob" Garon
Right Wing
Another product of Clinton's
minor teams, Bob has continued
to turn in excellent efforts for
the CbIls. He shoots left and
has been playing right wing, He
has scored 15 goals in league
play. Bob As 19 years old.
Clinton's "new" Colts start- their playoffs
in Zurich tonight, with the return game in
Clinton Saturday night. The Colt team, which
was formed mainly to lwep the young players
• playing hockey, has develoPed to the extent
that they have to be considered a, contender
for group honours.
0 '0
c7 t7
H. McEwan : 17 33 29
M. Colquhoun 24 25 30
J. Hartley . 25 13 25'
M. Edgar — 23 13 22
D. Strong 21 19 15
Ken Lee ... 27 18 13
Bob Garon 22 15 15
Bill Hanly 21 13 12
Rick Elliott 19 9 11
K. Colquhoun 19 5 12
Bill Counter . 9 7 6
G, Holmes 13 3 6
Bob McDonald 15 3 5
T. Colquhoun 23 4 3
Jack Carter 27 0 6
Ron }fuel' 12 0 6
Jack Wilson .. , 5 .0 3
Hugh Colquhoun, 6 2 0
Fred E. Ellicitt coach
Pilot of the tean all throtigh
-the regular schedule, Fred has
decided to relinquish his position,
Ike has done a great deal in de-
Veltnaing the young players both
':last year when he Itanitied the
Juveniles, and this season, Fred
played' reneh hockey 111
younger days, including. _many
:years as 'a profegional,
Ronald A. Hugill
Left Wing
At 17 years old, non Is the
youngest 'member of the team,
and has been improving rapidly
and will be an important cog
in the Colt machine next year.
He has Hayed all his hockey in
Clinton and was a member of
last Year's Atvenile dub.
Xenteth Lee
Ken is one of the fastest men
In the Colt lineup. He has seer-a
ed 18 goals and plays an import-
ant roll when the team is short-
handed. Ken played the last
two seasons With the Juveniles.
Ile is 10 years old.
Filly G. Hanly
Right Wing
"Watson" is one of the more
experienced men in the Colt
lineup. He shoots right and be-
sides possessing a vicious shot is
one of the hardest checkers on
the team. He tuts played all his
hockey for Clinton, ekcept 'last
season with Zttrieb. 27 years old,
Robert oDonald
Left Wing
/3Ob, a Parkhill native, is a
new Man on the team. He always
giVsi his best and has come up
with some important goals. Bell
works on the Mural Hydro out of
Clinton, and is 20 years old.
Frank Dixon
Prank has been active with
the club for the past three sea-
sons. His ekpert hands have eas-
ed the stiffness in muscles and
have allowed players to remain
on the active list, He, too, has
to apply firSt aid when players
are injured,
Hugh Ladd
Hugh Ladd has the important
task of keeping all the equip,,
meat in good order. Skate aliarp,,
ening, stibk taping and even a
little lira old fall on his should'*
ers. Always dependable Hugh
would be a hard Man to 'replato4 „
J if