HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-02-16, Page 9Of 4()5,2 lattn, in Canada in In the eight yea,41.640 to 1953 The most recent year of record, in IN:grants to Canada brouRht. were tvdm and aS were trip-' to the country $415,000,069 in cap-. let.% itaL CLINTON MEMORIAL SHOP 'OPEN FRIDAY AFTERNOONS — 'At other times contact Thomas Steep, phone Clinton "106W; residence, Shipley Street. T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — EXETER — SEAFORTH — PHONE CLINTON 1620 — News of Hensall Correspondent , 'AM% M, wprorow 3klopp 40044 is CARTOON CAPERS CONTE $7.00 Weekly In Merchandise Certificates — RULES — Each week there will be an extra word in a few of the ads appearing on this page. Re, d the ,..c1§, find the extra words. Write these words on a piece of paper and list the firms in whose ads you found each word. When properly assembled they will give the title of the cartoon. Then see if you can write a better title. Send your entry in to CARTOON, CAPERS, % CLIN- TON NEWS-RECORD (entries must be in our hands by Monday at 6.00 p.m.) Ball - Macaulay Limited He Lumber, Builders' Supplies, Lime, Cement and Coal Q SEAFORTH UALITY — SERVICE — SATISFTION CLINTON F 97 — Phone — 787, SKATING OUTFITS FOR THE FAMILY (Tots to Adults) See The Selection! Attractively Priced! — at — 4 AIKEN'S Shoes and Luggage. Phone 2 The advertisers on this page always give you the best value possible at lowest prices. They will be, awarding some one $7 each week in Merchandise Certificates and at the end of 26 weeks' someone will have their choice of one of the valuable Feature Prizes. Do not neglect to ask for your sales slip when you make a purchase at any of these firms. Read the rules carefully. v---. lk . PIP t r s .41 0 tit • 4 d ' , r j / \ IP ( 1 40C) 1 to \ i... $30 1NO sl'AREV-ENDATINITgigUIN TWENTY-FIRST WEEK $30 FEATURE PRIZE The best one selected each week will be, awarded $7 in merchandise certificates, good at any of the stores participating. IF YOU WISH TO COMPETE FOR THE FEAT- URE PRIZE TO BE AWARDED AT THE END OF THE CONTEST YOU MUST EN- CLOSE A SALES SLIP WITH YOUR ENTRY or something to prove you have done busi- ness with any of the firms participating. South End Cities Service GAS — ACCESSORIES— OIL TIRES — BATTERIES — REPAIRS VOWING PHONE 602 Wes. Holland Dory. Rutledge Boxed Stationery Big Value, Note Assortment. $1.50 value McEwan's 79c T. A. DUTTON RCA VICTOR TELEVISION BRUCEFIELD PHONE CLINTON 634 r 4 CLINTON BOWLING ALLEY Magazines - Photo Service REG. 2UDMORE Isaac St. Phone '799 MERRILL Radio & Electric TV REPAIRS and INSTALLATIONS Sales and Service Phone 313 PENNEBAKER'S I.D.A. DRUG STORE Phone 14—Clinton BARGAINS All Lines Of Wool on Sale AT Clifford Lobb Store Clinton - Ontario STANLEY'S RED & WHITE Super Market PHONES: Shop In Clinton Shop At Home CHARLES HOUSE OF BEAUTY • HAIR - Phone for Appointment C OLD STYLING 5 2 9. WAVES Legion Ladies Auxiliary Hensel]. Legion Ladies' Auxiliary met in the Legion Hall last Tues- day evening for. the February meeting, Mrs. E'. R. Davis, presi- dent was in charge, An applica- tion received for a new member Mrs. Charles Fiford, was accept- ed. The group will cater to three bonspeils at the arena, March 2-3, Beer. ba neCa orim2rvise". n esrs Rfor ni thee asnuap p me r sr w iF11. Committees appointed for 1956 are as follows: sick, Mrs. E. Shaddick, Mrs. Inez McEwan;- recreational, Mrs. John Hender- son, Mrs. L. Baynham; gifts, Mrs. S. Rennie, Mrs. A. Clark; kitchen, Mrs, Inez Metwan, Mrs. A. Fos- ter, It was decided to collect for the Red Cross this • year, and canvas- ers appointed were: Mrs. H. Hor- ton, Mrs. T. Kyle, Mrs. Baynham, Mrs. J. Clark, Mrs. Rennie, Mrs. Simmons,J. Mrs. G. Harkness, Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Bonthron. A motion was passed to support an Exeter and district resolution in their campaign for more drast- ic court action against sex deviat- es. The group decided to purchase a new stove for the kitchen. Past President Mr. D. J. McKelvie was presented with a gift by Mrs.. S. Ramie. At the April meeting Zone Com- mander Mrs. Hall and her Auxil- iary from Blyth will be special guests. Mrs. Robert Sangster was winner of the mystery prize. Bingo was enjoyed and lunch served un- der convenership of Mrs. W. Brown. Lunch convener for Mar- ch is Mrs. McKelvie. I S. Scruton CITIES SERVICE DISTRIBUTOR For Service Call 377W After 6 p.m. — 377J at ASK FOR COUPONS — at — ITIVASPAY, VVATJAV 16, 3.956 O141MCP11 :NlatiV0-.1=011,41? PAGE IIIN4 GOSHEN LINE 1040-.1-44-410•01P-0-0444-40-00^.44-e4-.4 The Mission. Band will hold their rpbruarY meeting on Sunday mor- ning. Ithe Woman's Missionary Soc- iety will Meet at the home of Mrs. Bruce Keyes this week. Mr. and Mrs. Roy McBride and Mr. and Mrs. 13/ussell Errat have returned home after spending a vacation Florida. Mr, and Mrs. Orval RaPSoili Summerhill, spent a week and a hCalalfreatM th eEerihd om r aend°ffaMinrilya.nd Mrs. Orokinole Party A successful erokinole party was held in the Varna Township tall on Friclay, February 10, spon- sored by the Goshen Woman's. As- Sociation, A short program•, in- cluded a recitation by Grant Key-' es: a vocal duet by Mrs. Anson McKinley and Mrs. Robert Mc- Kinley; tap dancing by Gail Mc- Bride and Dianne McKinley; and an accordian number by Mrs." El- more Keyes, Lunch ended the evening performance. Mr. and Mrs, W. P. Stephenson left Sunday for a vacation in Flor- ida, Mr, and Mrs.. Harold Bonthron left on Wednesday of this week for Florida where they expect to vacation for a- few weeks. Archie Luxton was taken by Bonthron ambulance to Clinton Public Hospital on. Friday wllbre x-rays revealed a fractured hip. Mr. Luton who is in his 86th year was walking up town when he suffered a fall causing the in- jury. , Reeve Ts X-Ray Chairman Reeve Norman H. Jones has been appointed chairman for pen- sall, ler the Huron County T,B, mass chest x-ray in May. Under him are six sub-committees: sup- plying, R. H. Middleton; census, P. L. 1VIoNaughton: clinic, Mrs. D. J, McKelvie; secretary, Mrs. W. Spencer:. publicity, Mrs. Maude Hedden; transportation, Harry Roy. District Co-operative Annual Over 300 attended the meeting of the Hensel]: District Co-operative held in the Commun- ity Hall, Zurich, recently. The financial statement showed a sales volume increase of $33,781 over last year, with a net earning of $30,070. A patronage' return of seven percent was declared on all member business. George Clifton, Brucefield was elected to the board' of directors replacing re- tiring director, William Caldwell. Ed. O'Meara, Toronto ,educational director of the United Co-opera- tives spoke on Co-operative work and, showed a film. rd. Schenk, assistant manager, local divisiom United Co-operatives, Stratford, also spoke. Officers of the Hensall Co-op- erative are: Roy McBride, presi- dent; Bertram Kiopp, secretary- treasurer; and Garnet Mousseau, manager. Carmel WMS Mrs. B. Edwards presided for the February meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary Society of Cal mel church, held Thursday after- noon. Program was arranged by Mrs. W. R. Bell and Mrs. J. A. Paterson. Following the opening hymn "My Faith Looks up to Thee," sacred passages were read by Mrs. M. Dougall, and prayer offered by Mrs. L. Purdy. During the business period nine visits to sick and shut-ins were reported; correspondence and thank you cards read. Mrs. M. Chesney, To- ronto,. who is visiting with her sis- ter, Mrs. S. Dougall, president of the organization, who is confined to her home with illness, read a letter received from the Leper Col- ony, Hong Kong, describing the life and treatment among Lepers, and that as they were cured they began. to minister to others. The topic, "Mission of the Church" from the study book, was taken by Mrs. W. Bell, The World's Day of Prayer will be held Friday, February 17, at three p.m. in this church, all women, of the local churches and community will wor- ship with them. Rev, D. MacDon- ald closed the meeting with pray- er, Stanley Township Council Makes New Appointments Eight Stanley Townstip reside ents were appointed pOlindkeeper$ for the township at the regular monthly meeting of council at the township hall in Varna last week, With Reeve Harvey Coleman presiding, the meeting learned of difficulty being experienced with stock running at large, Appointed poundkeepers were Porter was appointed inspeetor William. Consitt, Ralph Cantelon, Brucellosis War- Georg e e Dowson, G:21,ra% buinede frlythPec"der was APetu'rchasad NlS Frank Oesch. and Lloyd Johnson. Elgin from Robert Peck. 1956 Contract Barley We are now contracting Barley for the Canada Malting Co. under their new improved barley contract. Micro Shoe Fastener easy to, install. Easily adjusted for true, fast comfort and conven- ience in your shoes. RAY'S SHOE HOSPITAL Trains ,See our Saturday Special on Page Six Bartliff's Bakery CLINTON PLUMBING " and HEATING Fess Oil Space Heaters Plumbing Fixtures Repairs and Alterations Phone 577 E. J. "MIKE" REYNOLDS Your Home Deserves The Best It's Always' ADMIRAL... TV GROVES ELECTRIC We Service what We Sell • I•• • CLINTON DAIRY PASTEURIZED DAIRY PRODUCTS Phone 441 CLINTON WESTERN TIRE & Auto Supply Ltd. WESTERN ANTI-FREEZE AUTO ACCESSORIES THEM Phone 349—Clinton BUY YOUR . . . HAUGH'S 88 OVERALLS SMOCKS PANTS —AT— HERMAN'S MEN'S WEAR HARDWARE and ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES FRIGIDAIRE C.I.L. PAINTS Sutter-Perdue PHONE 147 CLINTON' PALMER'S Beauty Lounge PHONE 585 Clinton, Ontario PERMANENTS (complete) $7.50 and up Gliddon Cleaners CLEANING - PRESSING REPAIRING 0 FAST DELIVERY SERVICE 0 Phone 692—Clinton W. COUNTER BUILDERS' SUPPLIES —1/— Least Sturgeon's Paints Sta-Dri Masonry Paint — PHONE 120 — For "Better Buys" in "Better Used Cars" SEE Lorne Brown Motors LIMITED Differently. Chevrolet Oldsmobile Sales & Service BLUE COAL CHAMPION FUEL OIL 0-- A. G. Grigg & Son PHONE 74W Pickett and Campbell LIMITED Phone 25—Main Corner SPECIAL SALE Baby Vests AT MARTIN'S DEPT. STORE RELIANCE GAS and OIL Mechanical Repairs Complete Lubrication TOWING (24 HOUR SERVI) PHONES: CE NITE 316W Geo. A. Currie John A. Anstett Jeweller and Watchmaker • S-P-E-C-I-A-L English Cups and Saucers Reg. $1.50. to $1.75 value $1.00 Clinton Electric Shop D. W. Cornish Phones: Bus., 429; Res., 558 CLINTON BODY and RADIATOR Complete Radiator Cleaning and Repairing — Painting — BODY and FENDER WORK `BY EXPERTS "There is no substitute for Quality" Phone 408 Clinton RUMBALL'S IGA MARKET Gavernment Inspected Branded Meats LOW PRICES Top quality SEED & FERTILIZER SUPPLIED. Cook Bros. Milling Co. Ltd. HENSALL PHONE 24 7b-12b-16b Get your chicks away to "A FLYING START" The start you give your chicks makes "a whale of a difference"; and one BIG factor is the feed you choose. Thousands of poultry people choose PURINA CHICK STAR- TENA, because they know it gives outstanding results. Purina Startena is a COMPLETE feed, fed dry, without mixing or additions. Based on Purhnt Research and exper- ience, made with "baby formula" care, it gets chicks away to "a flying start". It contains no less than 26 ingredients, in-.. eluding 9 health and growth boost- ers — some as little as a tea- spoonful to the ton! And Purina's Micro-Mix process ensures that even such minute quantities are 10 evenly, accurately mixed through every thimbleful. Keep STARTENA MASH or CHECKER-ETTS before the chicks all the time. 1110•11111P 111 Clinton Farm Supply and Machine Shop J. W. NEDIGER CHAS. NELSON Phone 1624 — Clinton