HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-02-16, Page 7V..IRsDA- •, MEW= 6,1.856. ACCOMMODATION for RENT -}IEATED AFAR ENT available 'early in March. Phone Clinton 2625rW, 7-p l?F, R,OOM, FURNISHED, heated apartment, .suitable for 'two, Phone 21J. . "'SMALL HEATED APARTMENT Tor rent in Seaforth. Apply Dr, E. A. McMaster, Seaforth, Phone 26. 7.8-9-b 'THREE R,QOM •'APARTMENT for a'.ent, with separate bath, Avail eabie immediately, phone Clinton 7221A72. 2tfb , "'APARTMENT TO RENT, THREE rooms, private bathroom. Furnish - tel, Available February 16. Phone eC7iritonn 199W. 7-8-p JN1+ UIRNiSH,ED . APARTMENT, • .arge oil heater supplied. Suitable for couple with one child. Phone Marlton 1393. 7-p "'"IIIREE ROOM APARTMENT ,suitable for couple. Separate bath. -Available March 1. Phone Clinton '641, 7-b "UNFURNISHED HEATED apart - Ment, large living room, one bed- room, kitchen and bath. Hot water heated. Available March 1. 'Lloyd Batkin, phone Clinton 61, 7-b TWO HEATED APARTMENTS ',for rent, in Brucefield. Each with gone bedr'oom•, bath, living room, lldtchen with cupboards. Ample eolrotlies closet space. . Apply to 'Ross Scott, 6.7=b dam[ +'LJRNISHED DOWNSTAIRS ...apartment, one block from main street. (One bedroom, bath, din- :.ingroom, ?kitchenette and sitting- room. Nice lawn and room for email grden. Phone Clinton. :.193W. 7 -,Pi i ' POUR' ROOM COTTAGE i3iicely furidshed, including 'two 'bedroom suites, washing machine, 'hot and cold water and 'three- ellece bath; 5 minutes drive from • ROAF Station Clinton. Would ac- eomrnodate two married couples ,nicely if agreeable or couple with 'well-trained children. JOIINATHAN HUGILL Phones: Clinton 6160.3; Seaforth 667rl3. • 52-b-tfb Accommodation Wanted :SMALL APARTMENT or HOUSE :furnished or unfurnished, required by first of April. Apply to Box 70, 'Clinton News -Record.. 7-p FIVE. OR SIX ROOM HOUSE' 'with three bedrooms, wanted on. or !before April 1. To rent with op- tion of buying. Chief H. R. Thom- pson. Phone Clinton 340, after 7 :p.m. 6-7-b ARTICLES FOR SALE IBSON REJ ktIGERATOR, 9 cu. ft,, excellent condition. $100. .Phone Clinton 426W4. RCAF .Married Quarters, Apt. G 6. 7-p =3 PIECE KROEHLER SET, stove, frig., airway vacuum cleaner, -chrome buffet, table and chairs, -smoker, toy chest and dresser, etc. Excellent condition. Phone Clinton 152, 7-h .MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE Olt. 'Trade, 1953 Harley .Davidson 74. 'Buddy seat, saddle bags, wind- shield. Phone Clinton 702J4. Gar- eth Postill, RR 3, Clinton. 6-7-8-9-p _ TV FIT FOR A "KING" - We Rent -Move - Install. Complete 'service on all makes of rotators and antenna. All work fully guar- anteed.. Huron Tower Installation, phone Goderich 1344M. 6tfb 'BARGAIN: 1956 '35 RICHARD - SON trailer. Used three months only. Fully equipped, Pressed to sell. immediately. B. G. Nowell, % Cole's Service Station, Ontario Street. No phone calls please.7 b HEINTZMAN GRAND PIANO, enediium size, suitable for home, • el arch or music hall. Priced low • for quick sale. Also new and used ' pianos on hand. Trade-ins accep- ted. Garnet E. Farrier, White- ' church, Phone Wingham 71131. 7.8-b NEARLY NEW $6" GAP BED ' lathe (less motor) lifetime lub- ricated ball bearing, headstock spindle takes No 1 and 2 Morse • Taper accessories. Complete with 3 rests, 3 face plates, adapters, 'chisels, etc, Takes 1/2" x 24 ' thread drill chuck at either end, tan also be used for sanding; buf " ring and grinding, 4 speeds. This Lathe can be seen at Reg. Smith's workshop, corner of East and • 1-Iagh Streets, any evening after 6 p.m, Phone 131W, Priced right for cash sale. . 7-8b ARTICLES WANTED BABY CAR1ti,4E IN GOOD condition, Mrs, -Harvey Boyce. . Phone Clinton 626 .3i. 7-b WANTED -HARD MAPLE, white ash or basswood, standing timber, Sanali or large amounts. Heat prices. Phone Seaforth 836822. 7-b WE WOULD LIRE" 'TO BT1'Y. LIMOges, and Haviland Limoges, sets and pieces, Also 'tether 'old chine, silver, glass •wild brass in Rood bondition for Oath, Century Rouse, Bayfield,` 5-6-7.8-0 i AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1949 VANI:YARD VA iOtJA W. $100.00. L. thee, Isaac Street, Chten.,7"n. i p. 1947 PL 'MOU`I''II, RADIO, heater and Sunvisor, excellent way, gnat, r anteed new motor, 2 tient` straw tires and excellent tine on front, Best offer. Phorte ',"/O1 °citiellitle, Phone 588W .eveitizigs. May . CHICKS A SPECIAIDISCOUNT on -Big-4 Chicks for delivery this month Payola, started, Canadian AP- proved plus, this Hatchery's own complete breeding program, A complete range of standard breeds and crosses, elect special strains like Pilch, Ames In -Cross, etc. Ask us for prices and full infor- mation, nfor-mation, You know its the early chicks that mature to cash iii on good markets. Agent, Chas. Scott, Auburn, Phone 43R23 Blyth. 7-b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate; 'High Street, Clinton, Phone Clin- ton 448. 13tfb FOR SALE, 1MPLEM NiNT Agen- cy-- Cockshutt, operated by late William. Parke, Hensall. Mrs. William Parke, Hensall, Ontario; Clarence Parke, Zurich, Ontario, Executors. 6-7-b ALERT DEALERS NEEDED in Clinton and surroundings, You can average $100 weekly and more selling guaranteed line of cosmet les, food products, daily necessit- ies, Free catalogue and details at 111AMILEX, Dept. 2, Box F. Stat- ion C, Montreal. 7»b CUSTOM WORK ELECTRIC MOTORS, Rewound and repaired. Home and Auto rad- ios and, appliances repaired. Art Levett, Isaac Street, at Dunlop. Phone Clinton 138W. 41-tfb EMPLOYMENT WANTED PART TIME WORK. MORN- ings or afternoon, (anything). L. Nice, Isaac Street Clinton. 7-p FARMS FOR SALE NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR sale. L. G. Winter. Real Estate. Phone Clinton 448. Low down payments. 33-tfb 100 ACRE FARM, BRICK HOUSE. Bank barn with strawshed,attach- ed, driving shed, hydro throughout. Five miles south of Clinton. Apply to Harry Taylor, RR 1, Brucefield, Ontario. 7-8-p FARM FOR SALE, 200 ACRES, Lot 29 and 30 on concession 8, Hallett. 125 acres workable 1, miles from school, 2.12 miles south west of Londesboro. Equipped with hydro. Apply to Dick Vodden, Ontario St., Clinton. 7-8p FURNITURE FOR SALE KITCHEN CHROME SET includ- ing buffet, 3 piece Kroehler ches- terfield set; bunk bed and dresser to match; frig. and stove, etc. Airway vacuum cleaner; grey 6' x 9' carpet; ' open book case Best offer. Gwen Vezina, Phone Clinton 152. 6-7-b Furniture Re -Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet, refinishing and re- pairing, apply W. G. Pickett, phone Clinton 761M 4p-tfle HAY FOR SALE 4 TON OF BALED HAY. Apply Arnold Keys, Varna. 7-p HELP WANTED—Female WAITRESS. Apply in person to Bartliff Bros., Clinton, 6-7-13 FOR LAUNDRY WORK. Modern equipment, good working condi- tions. Phone Clinton. 312W or ap- ply In person, preferably, to A. Garan, Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaning. 44-tfb HELP WANTED --MALE WANTED, EXPERIENCED mar- ried man for general farm work. Separate house, fuel, milk, provid- ed. For further particulars con- tact Stewart Middleton, RR 3, Clinton, phone Clinton 43733. 6-7-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 3OLSTEIN COW, DUE February l9, with second calf. G. Vander- lear, RR,. 1, Londesboro, phone 3lyth 28r24. 7-p 1OUNG REGISTERED Yorkshire ow, due • to farrow in one week ileo Holstein calf, suitable for pealing. Contact Jim Lobb, phone Jlinton 75871. 7-b [UMBER 0 F REGISTERED Ayrshire heifer cows and heifers, springing February' and March. Phone Zurich SSR11. Hilton True- rnner, RR 2, Zurich. 6-7-p SALESMEN WANTED VIAN TO REPRESENT SINGER owing Machine Company, Goder- ch. Salary and Commission. Will lave training on service and sales. aid while training. Good chance or industrious man, Good pro - notions. hospitalization and Ben- fit en- .. fit Plan. •Car necessary, Apply JV. G ,Henderson, Singer Sewing lfachine Contpany,. Goderich, ?hone Goderich 1185. 4 to 7-b Part -Time Salesman required by ►irnpson-Sears o sell electrical appl1ances, faint quipnent, building materials, and plumbing and heating projects, In Cilnton and V,"einitj on a commission bdsis, Best selling experience in this field helpful, but not essential. teply in own hand writing stating age, qualtfieations and telephone lumber to BOX 71 ... CLINTON NEWS -RECORD All replies held in strictest eon p fidlenee, 7.8.9-b' LIVESTOCK' WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND deead cattle. Gilbert Brea. Mil* Ranch, Goderich, Phone collect, 14$3J1, or 14834'4 9letfb LOST AND FOUND LOST - PART COLLIE, PUP, five months old. Brown and black. Answers to name of "Rex" Stray, ed from home on Sunday morning, 37 Regina Read, RCAF Station Clinton. Phone Clinton 754J2,• 71r MISCELLANEOUS ,MORE FARMERS ARE SWITCH- ing to Surge Milkers for faster, safer, cow milking, Contact Lov- ell McGuire, Winghai'n, Surge Service Dealer, plume ..Wingham 593. 5-6-7-8-p $AYiF'IELD REST HOME, "the home within a home", Home for Convalescents, elderly. people. Home cooked meals, registered nurse in attendance. Only a few vacancies left. Phone Bayfield 37. 6-7-8-b WATERLOO CA'1'a'LE Breeding Association. "Where Better Bulls Are Used." Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or information phone Clinton 515 collect, between 7.30 and 10.00 am. on week days and 7.30 and 9.30 a,m. on Sundays. 6-tfb EGMONT MINERALS for Cattle have proven to supply all minerals cattle need to maintain good heal- th. At $7 per 100 pounds it plies these essential minerals very economically, Always available at the farm, or a phone call will bring it to your ,,door. J, W, Van- Egmond, phone Clinton 805r13. 46tfb PERSONAL HYYETT'S REMEDIES -- Eczema remedies, Asthma remedies, and the rest of the famous line are available at Pennebaker's the IDA store, Sole agent. • 3-7-11-15-b SALES HELP WANTED RA,WLEIGH BUSINESS, N O W open in Huron County. Trade well established. Excellent opportuni- ty, Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh's Dept. B-169-189, Mon- treal, P.Q. 7-b STOVES FOR SALE COAL AND WOOD BURNING range, Steel top. Waterfront. Six lids, Oven with thermometer. Good condition. Mts. C. Staniforth. Phone Clinton 245J. Cards of Thanks 2 Cents per word, Minimum 50c I wish to thank everyone for cards, treats and visits, while in the hospital. Special thanks to the nurses of Clinton Public Hos- pital-SHIRLEY JOHNSTON, 7-p Mrs. Levis and the family wish to thank their friends, relatives and neighbours for their many acts of kindness and sympathy during their recent bereavement, 7-b Mrs. Robert Younglilut would like to express her sincere apprec- iation for the floral tributes, cards of sympathy and many acts of kindness of friends and neighbours, shown during her recent bereave- ment. Special thanks• to pallbearers flower bearers, Rev. J. T. White, Dr. Oakes and Dr. Street. 7-p TENDERS Department of Highways Property Sale No. 795A Building for Removal or Demolition 1 -storey, frame building, 20'x30' situate on coxnner of Highway No. 21 and County Road, between St. Joseph and Bayfield, Ontario. Tenders close 12:00 noon East- ern Standard Time, Thursday, March. 8, 1956. Terms --Cash. Information and tender forms obtainable from: Tenders Secre- tary, Room 2631, East Block, Par- liament Buildings, Toronto or Dept. of Highways, Stratford. M. A. ELSON, Deputy Minister of Highways. Toronto, Ontario, February 7th, 1956, 7-b FOR SALE 11/1 storey, 7 -room dwelling, flush toilet, running water. Situated in village of Londesboro, Imnted4 late possession. --0- 1 STOREY, 5 ROOM DWELLING}, three bedrooms, modern .conven. fences, oil heating, full base. Went, low taxes... Situated on Highway 4, smith of Clinton. Early possession, 1 STO1 E'Y, G ROOM DWELLING, two bedrooms, modern convert- kenee. Snnuorele Early posses. sign. Pricey 1,000. 1 STOREY S ROOMED MEL-, LINO, with two bedrooms, oil' heating, Two lots. Prins $3,500. Cash, $1,500+ Monthly payment, $35: Early possession: Apply "tb n1 Cr' LAWSON Complete Insurance Service Real Estate Investments Bank Of Montreal Building $tones: Whoa iOlVi'; Res. tOt1 ONtARItr. C ' 'ONWS4MO tD- PLASSLFIMO H4`'ES CASH .RATB .(i$ pal by the Wednesday f ollowing pu M•lioz tion) .-,. Two oenta Per word, 'minimum• 5h •cents. 1yz cents a word Dior eeaeh following Moor -,tion, nlnlmum 85 cents. BOX NVIVIItl'.,R„---15e extra, BIRTHS, MARRIA014$ a?dd a DEATHS --no charge. ENGiAO TENTS, CARDS OP THANKS $ IN MEMORIAMS Two cents per word, minimum 50 cents, OIIAR45iEA ..lit cents extra, • RF14»I. INE. -42 o'clook noon, Wednes..day, 4e a word, minimum 75e Modern and Old Tyme dancing for all at the Crystal' P.elace Ballroom, Mitchell, every Friday -night, Music by Clarence Petrie and his Night Hawks, 2 tol3-b Friday, 1@'ob. 17 -Cards and dance, Varna Hall; 8 pan. Sprom- sors: CP, and T, Committee, Odd- feilo is and Rebekas, • 6.7-b Friday, Feb. 17 --- Progressive euchre and dance, Cards to start at 8 p.m. Hank Norris' Orchestra. Sponsor, Bayfield Agricultural Society. '7-b Saturday, Feb. 1.8 -,- Bake Sale Town Hall. Auspices Turner's W.A., 2.30 p.m. 6-7-b .Monday, Feb. 20 -Clinton Con- cert Band Practice. Town Hall, Clinton, at 8 p.m. All interested musicians welcome. 7-b Thursday, Feb. 23 -Bingo, Leg= ion Memorial Hall, Kirk Street, Clinton, commencing at 8.30 p.m.; 15 regular games for $15.00; three special share -the -wealth games; 58.00 jackpot on, 58 numbers, in- cluded in all the share -the -wealth games; one special game for $25.00. Admission: 15 regular games for 50c; special games 15c, 2 for 25c, 5 for 500. An evening of fun for all bingo players. 7-8-b Saturday, Feb, 25 -Bake Sale, Council Chamber, Town Hall, Clin- ton, 2.00 p.m. Auspices, Ladies' Legion Auxiliary. 7-b Feb. 24 and 25 - "Winter Wonderland 1956" ice carnival. Clinton Lions Arena. Sponsor: Clinton Figure Skating Club. 6-7-b Tuesday, Feb. 28-8 p.m., Card Party, IOOF Hall. Everyone wel- come. 7-8-b Goderich Pavilion dancing, Sat- urday nights, Paul Cross and his orchestra. Wednesday night s, Clarence Petrie's Night Hawks. 6-tfb Friday, Mar. 2 -Dance, Leg- ion Hall, Kirk Street, Clinton, 9.30 to 1. Come out and enjoy an evening Of new and old time mus- ic. Hal Campbell's: Orchestra. Am- ple parking. Beautiful floor. Re- freshment booth. Admission, 50c per person. 7-8-9-b March 27 and 29 - Cooking School, Public School Auditorium. Valuable prizes. Sponsors: Clinton Chapter`O.E.S. Proceeds to Hos- pital. 7-b Saturday, May 26 -Blossom Tea, St. Paul's Friendship Club. 3 to 5 p.m. Legion Bingo Winners Listed Three share -the -wealth games were won at the Legion Branch bingo here , last week, by three' lucky people: Frank Haines, Mr. Plante, Jamestown. and Mrs. G. Grigg. 'Another special, for $25 was won by Mrs. Walter Baird, Brucefield. Single winners of regular games, 'were, Mrs. Riordan, Blyth; Mr. Hildebrand, Goderich; Mrs. Rey- nolds, Clinton; Mrs. Rau; Mrs. El- liott, Mitchell; Mrs. Ronald Mac- Donald, Clinton; Mrs. Elmer Lee; Jack Osier, Mitchell; Ted Fothing- ill, Miss Theo Flynn, Clinton. Sharing other., regular games were, Mrs. Rice, Buffalo, with Mrs/ Brunk, Mitchell; Mrs. L. Butler with Mrs. Clifford Ashton, both of Clinton'; Mrs. Watson with Mrs. Chessel, both of Mitchell; Miss Norma Lee with Miss. Sloman, both of Clinton. There was Only one triple win- o, regular game shared by Mrs. S. Freeman, Clinton, Mrs. J. Rau, Bayfield and Mrs. Hildebrand, Goderich, TENDERS for the building of a VAULT at Clinton Cemetery are being called. Plans and specifications will Abe available at the Town Clerk's office after Feb. 20, (Signed) GEORGE BEATTIE, Chairman, Clinton Cemetery Board 7.8-b 'BIRTHS BANDON ---In Clinton Public '.Hospital, on Wednesdayy,. Febru- ary 15, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brandon, Bayfield, a daughter.. CRAIG --In Clinton Public Hospi. tal, on Thursday, February • 9, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Craig, Auburn, a .son, DUIBR--In Clinton Public H'as- pital, on Wednesday, February 15, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. Huib • Ditizer, Hallett • •Township, a daughter.. JERRITT$ --- In Clinton Public • Hospital, on Sunday, February 12, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Her- man J'erritts, Clinton, a son. KNOWLES. •-. In Clinton Public Hospital, an Wednesday, Febru- ary, 15, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs, Donald Knowles, Clinton, a son. MULLENS--In Wellesley Hospit- al, Toronto, on Monday, Febru- ary 13, 1956, to Dr, and Mrs. J, Mallens, Toronto, (nee Elisabeth Middleton) a daughter, (Jean Louise), PEARSON --• In Clinton) Public Hospital, on Wednesday, Febru- ary 8, 1856, to Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Pearson, C lint on, a daughter. PECK --In Clinton Public Hospit- al, on Tuesday, February 14, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs. Harold Peck, Zurich, a son. SMITH -In Clinton Public, Hos- pital, on Sunday, February 12, 1956, to 'Mr. and Mrs, Larry Smith, RCAF Station Clinton, a daughter. WYNJA In Clinton Public Hos pital•, on Tuesday, February 14, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs. Gerritt Wynja; Kippen, a daughter. • MARRIAGES DALE-FAVEL -- In St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Clin- ton, on Saturday, February 11, 1956, by Rev. 3, W. P. Graham, Grace Favel, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Richard Favel, Portage La Prairie, Man., to Kenneth Andrew Dale, London, son of Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Dale, Hullett Township. JOHNSON-HESSELWOOD- In the United Church manse, Bly- th, on Saturday afternoon, Feb- ruray 11, 1956, by Rev. A. W. Watson, Ilene Hesselwood, Lon- don, daughter of Mrs. John Hes- selwood, Blyth, and the late John Hesseiweod, to Donald Johnson; London, son of Mrs. Marvin Johnson and the late ,Marvin Johnson. DEATHS DAVIDSON Near her home, in" Tuckersznith Township, on Sun- day evening, February 12, 1956, Florella Gertrude Jones, beloved wife of William J. Davidson, in her 59th year, Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clinton, to Clinton -Cemetery, on Wednesday after- noon, February 15. GREALIS-In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Friday, February 10, 1956, Michael Grealis, in his 78th year. Requiem High. Mass' was sung in St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, here, Monday, February 13, and interment was in the Roman Catholic Cemet- ery, Hullett Township, ROGERSON-In the Muir Nurs- ing Home in Seaforth, on Sun- day, February 12, 1956, Robert Rogerson, beloved husband of the late Susan Wheatley, in his 90th year. Funeral from the Whitney funeral home, Seaforth, to Clinton Cemetery, on Wed- nesday afternoon, February 15. TOLL -•In London, on Monday, February 13, 1956, Clarence Roy Toll, beloved son of the late Frederick and Martha Toll, in his 58th year. Funeral from St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Blyth, on Thursday afternoon, February 16, commencing at 2.30 o'clock, to Blyth Union Cemetery. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE MEET THURSDAY The monthly meeting of Clinton Women's- Institute will be held at the agricultural office board room on Thursday, February 23, at 2 o'clock. i 11111111111IIIIIIIIIIl1111111111111NIII111111111111{VIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111121111111111111 NOTICE TOWN OF CLINTON To all Motorists: Due to the serious parking problem on Clinton's main street, motorists are requested to limit parking at any one time to two hours. Motorists are also requested to refrain from all double-park- ing or parking on the wrong side of the street. Warning: • If the motoring public fail to eo-operate in this mutter, Olin - 'ton Tonni.Councit will be forced to take more drastic action. W. J: Miller H. R. Thompson Mayor Chief of Polite 7-8-b illllilliB11111111111111flliillil{11111111111111111111111111111111111111611111111iliillUIIII{I1INIIIIIIUIi11111111I FOR BEST Tir SERVICE tRY.. GALBRAIT1111 Radio aid .Television SERVLCE ¥a ALL MAKES Your MOTOROLA ELECTROHOME Dealer Phone Clinton 482 'AO? SEVER ROXY THEATRE 'CLINTON l Q NOW; Thurs,, Fri. A $at - �- Double Bill �- Paas of the Iden West" Roy Rogers and Dale Evans thrill their many fans with .another fine film. Qcile.t _" Those half-baked to .. . wbrows; the Bowery Boys',, crash the upper crust With their gayest fun spree, Leo and Bernard Gorcey Hwitz Hal. MON., TUES. and WED, `THE MA.GGI . + " . Filmdom's funniest fastest chase through, round and over the bea- utiful scenery of Bonnie Scotland. Paul Douglas -- Dorothy Allyson Coming: "ULYSSES" Tecluiicolcir Kirk Douglas » Silvana Mangano Shorthorn Group Plans Regional ional Show For 1956 At a meeting of Perth Huron Shorthorn Club held in the agri- cultural rooms, Clinton, with How- ard Armstrong presiding, an in- vitation was accepted to hold the 1956 regional show in conjunction with the Stratford Fall Fair on Wednesday, September 19. Ap- pointed as judge for the show was Heford Gardhouse, RR 5, Milton, with Wilbur Donaldson, RR 1, Peterborough, as alternate judge, Chosen to secure entries from Huron County are Jack Peck, Kip - pen, Roy Pepper, Seaforth; And- rew ndrew Gaunt, Lucknow, and William Turnbull. Appointed as representatives on the county federation of agricul- ture were: for Huron County, William Pepper, R. R. 3, Seaforth, and for Perth, Clarence Switzer, RR 1, St. Marys. The meeting approved the affiliation fee of $5 to be paid to the Huron County Federation of Agriculture. The club agreed to support again the 4-H Club program in a similar manner to that of 1955, that is, $2 for registered. short- horn heifers and $1 for grade shorthorn heifers and steers sired by a registered shorthorn sire, be paid to 4-H Club members show- ing shorthorn calves at achieve- ment day. The date for the annual banquet woe: set as Thursday, December 6, in the Egmondville United Church. A review of the club's finances showed a balance of $214. Andrew Gaunt, provincial direc- tor, reported an excellent annual meeting of the Ontario Shorthorn Club at London, Change In Judging At Seed Fair A change in the scheduling of the seed judging competition has been made at the Huron County Seed Fair, on March 2 and 3, has been made, Due to the fact that the boys participating will be able to attend more easily on Friday, when the agricultural classes of the high schools in the County are at CDCI anyway to set up their displays, the date for this event has been set for March 2, at 1.15 pm. As in past years, a program of events for the day is being readied, and will be pitblished shortly be- fore the event and distributed to each of the rural homes in the County. This is: being compiled by the office of the Ontario De- partment of Agriculture, Clinton, by G. W. Montgomery, agriculture representative of the county, in co-operation with the Soil and Crop Improvement Association, AT' TELEPHONE THE rniu 1100 Godorich NOW: Thurs., Fri, & Sot« Two features ,--* l'atricla Medina - Lex Barker and Warren Stevens Romance and adventurous intrigue on the river boats and sugar plan tattoos along the Mississippi as the girl owner of a gan-ibling boat sets out to right a wrong. "Duel On The Mississippi" In Technicolor And for on hour of singing saddle- time with .an old favorite We offer Gene Autry In 'PACK TRAIN' MON., TOES, and' WED. , •.• 'THE -- In Technicolor starring JACK HAWKINS and GLYNIS JOHNS Supported by an unusual cast in a J, Arthur Rank special production. Unique in its story value and in its spectacular backgrounds. Don't miss "The Seekers". Coming; "AT GUNPOINT" a new Technicolor hit with Dorothy Malone, Fred MacMurray RCA VICTOR RADIOS AND TELEVISION Your Old Radio Accepted As Trade -In. T. A. DUTTON RCA VICTOR DEALER BRUCEFIELD Telephone Clinton 63484 Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY commencing at 1.80 p.m. TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELL'IOTT Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHtUN, Clerk BE SURE Of Your Fuel Supply BUY C-✓ �f k -Lr 4_21, From your Local Dealer MUSTARD LUMBER and ,COAL' BR.UCEFIELD Phone Clinton 634 r 11 Also Dealer for ROE FEEDS f K. C. COOKE FLORIST Phone 66W --- Clinton HALF PRICE SALE - CONTINUES THIS WEEK Buy Now and Save SPORT COATS .,: SWEATERS ZIP -IN -TOPCOATS — JACKETS SPORT SHIRTS at HALF the ORIGINAL PRICE SHOP NOW AT P1CKE-TT CAMPBELL LIMITED (Mein Comer) Phone 15 Clinton