HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-02-16, Page 6LIFETIME SECURITY A Canada Life special contract providing Life Insur- ance and Pension Option all in one policy available from age 0 to age 55, Consult— HAL HARTLEY Representative CANADA LIFE Clinton — Phone 454W • LOBA Sale Is Success Due To Help. Of Many The Loyal Orange Benevolent Association (LOBA) here, held a baking sale and tea in the council chamber ,of the Town Hall last Saturday afternoon, February 11, and its success is due to the help cf all members of the lodge, as well as to many customers who patronized it. Mrs, T. O'Connell was in 'charge of the tea table and conveners in charge of baking were Mrs. W. Coiclough and Mrs. W. Shobbrook. Mrs. I. Wilson was 'in charge of candy sales. At a meeting of the Lodge this week, plans were made to hold euchre parties in Bayfield and Varna in the near future, • Sewing Machines 1 Only— Featherweight — 79.50 Two Re-Conditioned Treadles 9.95 Re-Built Portables — 59.50 — Also — Featherweights New 25 % Off LIST PRICE Consol model, famous slant needle 1 ONLY 10% OFF LIST PRICE 1 ONLY — FULLY AUTOMATIC PORTABLE 12% off list price Alt machines carry the singer warranty, plus six FREE solving lessons For demonstrations in the Clinton Area Phone Collect Goderich 1135 Singer Sewing Centre Goderith Ontario THE QUALIT41 SLIDE FASTENER For complete salisfac. tion, buy the superior Lightning zipper . there is 4 color and type for every service need. Always quick- skirling, sure-stopping, Lightning gives that professional finish to every garniorki you make. A Winner Each Saturday For 8 ,Weeks Sale LAST WEEK'S WINNER WAS MRS. KEN. C. COOKE Don't Miss out on our Many Bargains and your chance to win a cart of Groceries—Value about $15.00. STANLEY'S Red & White SUPER MARKET Queen St. PHONE 414 — FREE DELIVERY Attend Jour Church SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19, 1956 BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH I. BODENHAM, Pastor 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship Services. 7.30 p.m.—Gospel Service You are cordially invited to these services. •-•^4.........•-••••••••••••••• Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Order of Meetings for the Lord's Day 11.00 a.m.—Breaking of Bread 3,00 p.m.—Children's Meeting 7.00 p.m.—Gospel Meeting ALL WELCOME • •••• • • • • ,,,,, 410,10. 41,41•41,11.. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV, D, S. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS, 1VIORGAN AGNEW, Choir Leader and Organist Sunday, Iyebrtiary 19, 1950. 10,00 ron.0-:-Classes for all ages in Church School 11.00 tan,—divine Worship; Everyone Welcome to Worship at St. Andrew's Mrs. Rev. Nimmo Badly Injured - Xn. Highway Crash Four persons were injured Mon- day afternoon, in a car-truck crash on Highway 4, four miles north of Myth. Involved. was a car driven by the Rev. Alexander Ninirnet, minister of St, Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Wingham, who with his wife was proceeding north toward Wingham. Driver of the truck was John. Sackett, 47, Walkerton, who had. as a passenger 20-year-old Frank Turner, Mt. Forest. The truck was proceeding south. Conditions Serious A:di-pitted to Victoria Hospital, London, in serious condition were; Mrs, Ethel Nimmo, who suffered a fractured right hip and 'ninety- ect pelvis', fractured left foot, ribs, and head lacerations; John Sock, ett, who received severe facial lacerations and head injuries, Turner was taken to Wingham General Hospital with concussion and scalp lacerations. Mr, Nimmo suffered facial la, cerations, bruises. and shock, but was-able to accompany- Mrs. Nim., rho to hospital in London. Johnston — Hesselwood A pretty double-ring ceremony took place at the United Church manse in Blyth last Saturday af- ternoon, February 11, when Ilene Hesselwood, London, daughter of Mrs. John Hesselwood, Blyth, and the late John Hesselwood, became the, bride of Donald Johnson, Lon- don, son of Mrs. Marvin Johnson and the late Marvin Johnson. The ceremony was performed by Rev, A. W. Watson. The bride worea blue suit with winter white accessories and a cor- sage of yellow rosebuds. Mrs. Verne Johnsen, Tillsonburg, as matron of honour, wore a blue suit with black accessories and a corsage of pink rosebuds, Verne Johnson, Tillsonburg, was groomsman• for his brother, The wedding reception was held at the home of the bride's brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John F. Hesselwood,, where decor- ations were wite bells and pink and white streamers for the oc- casion. Mrs. Keith Hesselwood, sister-in-law of the bride and Miss Patricia Wooding, London, assis- ted in servin g dinner. Guests were present from London, Till- sonburg, Centralia, Londesboro and Blyth, After a trip to the Southern States, the young couple will re- side in London, their entry in the essay contest. Corporal Lightfoot of the On- tario Provincial Police, at Seb- ring-ville, will be the guest speak- er and will show films on safe driving. PAPrg. SP; MINTON IsnlWV$440Q011P P ATURSPAY,MAIWARY 6, 1.9.55 WMS Hold Regular Meeting Elie February Woman's Mission- ary Society meeting was. held Feb.. ruary 9, in the church parlonr with over 80. ladies present, Mrs, 0, Nelson presided and opened the . meeting with a suitable poem, fol, lowed by prayer and hymn, "Stand • Up and Bless the 1...041?% Miss Stone in her treasurer's, report stated the allocation for 1.956 stood. .at $e65.00, Our missionary for prayer is Miss Marguerite Cosens, in Japan. She is the datighter of a former minister Rev, DeWitt . Cosens. It was announced the World's Day of Prayer will be February 17 in St,. Paul's Anglican Church. The Easter thankoffering will be held April n, at an afternoon meeting with Rev, H. C. Wilson asp guest speaker, Roll call was answered by giv- ing the name of your birthstone, Interesting letters were read from Mrs. McFadden, Cape Croker, and Mrs. Cosens, Toronto. Mrs. Hearn also shared a recent letter from Dr. and Mrs. Paul Yates, in Africa. Mrs. Holland took charge of the study period. She chose a hymn and Mrs. J. Nediger read from the Scripture. Mrs. Holland then gave a brief meditation on this chap- ter„ showing the ladies how they can be teachers of the young in many ways. Mrs. H. C. -Wilson lead in prayer and Mrs, M. Nedi- ger led in a sing-song of two fam- iliar hymns, "Whisper a Prayer in the Morning" and "His Eye is on the Sparrow," The ladies then en- joyed contests and a delicious lun- ch which took the form of a Val- entine birthday party. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Alvin Garrow had the honour of being the first couple married in the lovely new chapel in the recently completed Christian education wing at Ontario Street United Church, The ceremony was performed by the Rev. A. G. Eagle, on Saturday, January 28. The bride is Roburta Blossom. Jane Portingell, Gaderich, daughter of W. B. E. Portingell, Toronto, and her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Carman F. Garrow, Clinton. Following a wedding trip, the young couple plan to make their home in London. First Wedding In. New Chapel Pot Luck Supper Served By Girls' club Of Church Members and. $40114, numbering -over 80, sat dovvn, to a 4e]icious Valentine pot hick supper given. by the Ontario Street Unifed Church Girls' Club last Thieredey. !evening in the Church gaiL.After- WardS the companY adjourned to The church 'parleur where preside ent Mrs. Orville Stanley opened the meeting with the singing of a hymn followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. Miss Eleanor Plumsteel (in .eharge of devotionals) took as her theme "The Month of LoV4," (Love-eethe greatest thing in the world), Mrs, Eddie Dale read from the Scripture, 1st Corinthians 13, Mies Emma Plumsteel gave a reading "Thoughts to think about" Mies Sylvia Carey, accompanied by Mrs, E. Radford at, the piano Sang "The Lost Chord" and rese poncled to an encore by singing -"Love Will Find a Way," and lat., er sang "We'll Gather Lilacs in the Spring." Mrs. Willis VanEgmond enter- tained on the piano accordian with a selection of popular songs in which everyone .joined in singing. The guest speaker, Mre.• H. C. Wilson, spoke on "The Man of the Century—Albert Sweitzer". This great man is known as a humani- tarian who gave up a life ,of ar- tistic and scholarly pursuits to serve as doctor send surgeon in • equatorial Africa. . At next month's meeting it was decided to hold a kitchen products demonstration. In March the club will sponsor a bake sale, and on March 2, will cater to a. choir as- sembly.. Daffodil Tea will be in April, and in May they will serve after- men tea at a minister's • wives' convention. Two trios were sung by Mrs. W. VanEgmond; Miss E. Courtice and Mrs. H. Plumsteel, "Drink to Me Only With Thine Eyes" and "Juan- ita", accompanied by Mrs. Radford at the piano. Mrs. VanEgmond was in charge of the study book chapter on "Indian Missions in Manitoba and North Western On- tario. Mrs. E. Radford favoured With a piano solo. The executive, meeting after- wards, decided to hold the Easter thankoffering meeting on March 28, with details to be planned lat- er. Valentine tea was enjoyed, with Mrs. W. B, Olde as convener and Miss S. Courtice and Mrs, Holmes presiding at the tea table. Decor- ations were carried out in the Val- entine motif, with flowers and candles to match and the same theme carried out in the smaller tables, at which a cup of tea, sandwiches and cookies were serv- ed. SEED JUDGING, COMPETITION AT CDCI ON MARCH 2 The annual Junior Farmer seed judging competition in connection with the County Seed Fair, will be held in the auditorium of Clinton District Collegiate Institute, on the Friday preceeding the Fair, March 2, commencing at one o'clock sharp, I111111111111g11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 EXCLUSIVE AUTOMATIC LOCKING SLIDER We also REPAIR Zippers at RAY'S Shoe Hospital EXPERT SHOE REPAIR Personals Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Green, Grand Bend, spent Monday in town with Mrs. Green's parents Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore. David and Harris Oakes, Uni- versity of Toronto students, spent the weekend with their parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. A. Oakes, E. 5, Livermore, Q.Q., and Mrs. Livermore, London, were .dinner guests of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore on Wednes- day, Seven Children Baptized At Ontario Street The sacrament of baptism was observed in Ontario Street Church last .Sunday, when seven 'children were baptised by Rev. A. Glen Eagle. Those baptised were; Rich- ard Bruce, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McCullough; Janet Ann, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Mofatt; Rhonda Elaine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Ranee; Patricia Elsie, William Frederick, and James Frank, children of F/0 and Mrs. F. C. Ling; Janet Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Murray East. 0 ST. ANDREW'S WMS WILL MEET TUESDAY The Women's Missionary Society of St. Andrew's Presbyteriar Church will meet at Mrs. Mc- Taggart's home, on Tuesday, Feb- ruary 21, at 3 p.m. • ,11. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O.C. Victoria Street, Clinton K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Sunday, Feb. 19- 10.00 a.m. Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7.30 p.m,—Gospel Service Special Speaker: Mrs. H. Butler, noted negro Evangelist, whom God has used to the Salvation of souls, All Welcome Huron Street. BAPTIST CHURCH Minister—REV. 3. E. OSTROM 11.00 am.----Morning Service 12.15 pan.--Sunday School 7.00 p.m,—Evening Service ALL WELCOME Maple Street GOSPEL HALL- CLINTON' Sunday School 9,45 a.m. Breaking of Bread 1140 a.m. Gospel Service 8.00 p.m. TUESDAY, 8 p.m. — Prayer and Bible Study. "A Hearty Weltoinae Awaits You" • AIN. • • T. PAUL'S ANGLICAN tHURCH REV. R. M. P. l3ULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Vremlin, Organist Mrs, J. M. Elliott, Choir Leader 11.00 a.m.—Divine Warship and Sunday School. NO Evening SerVido. Tuesday, rob, 21-2.45 p.m.—Wo- men's Auxiliary in Memorial Hall Wednesday, Feb., 22 — 8,15 p.m.— Friendship Club Thursday, Feb. 23 — 8,00 p.m-- Chancel Guild, at the borne of Mrs. G. M. Counter. Hospital Auxiliary Receiving .Support For Membership. •- The present membership drive in Clinton and district, of the Clinton Hospital Auxiliary, is reported by the membership. convener, Mrs, George Beattie, as. to be progres- sing well, with. 499 members to date, Over 30 canvassers are par- ticipating in the drive, which is expected to 'be completed in the near future, The regular monthly , meeting held last Monday in the nurses' residence, with the new president, Mrs. Alex Haddy, presiding, grate- fully acknowledged a donation Of $50 since the membership drive Opened, from, a former auxiliary member, now living in the United States, A report from the convener of supply; Mrs, D, G. Crowe, reveal- ed that a box of dressings has been made by her committee, Miss A. Sinclair, superintendent of the hospital extended appreciation from the hospital staff for the auxiliary's contribution towards the purchase of .a television set for the recreation room of the res- idence, A cash donation of $10 was received from, the ladies of the Stanley Community Club to- wards the auxiliary's games night. A donation of eight flower vases was made to the hospital through the auxiliary by Mrs. W. C, Ben- nett, Reports were heard from Mrs, A. J. McMurray, treasurer, and Mrs. C. L. Rathbun, secretary. • Following the meeting a delic- ious lunch, provided by Mrs. A. J. McMurray, was served by her as- sisted by Mrs. W. C. Newcombe, with Mrs. W. C; Bennett, pouring tea, ° IOOF Notes About 20 members of Clinton Lodge No. 83 attended a meeting in Hensall last week when the First Degree was conferred on the four Clinton candidates. Tonight the Second Degree will be confer- red in Brucefield. The regular meeting of the Lod- ge will be held on Tuesday even- ing next when final arrangements will be made for Friendship Night, which is planned for Saturday, February 25, in the Legion Hall. A number of outside Lodges and several Grand Lodge Officers are expected to be present, o— "Safe Driving" Week Opens With anquet In Blyth A banquet and meeting will be held in Blyth next Monday even- ing, February 20, to start off the eek-long campaign for Rural Safe Driving, which has been spon- sored by the Huron County Fed- eration of Agriculture. At this time, awards of prize- winning essays' in the County will be presented; and also a $10 award from the Provincial Federation will be made to the Fireside Farm Forum, Hullett Township, for Mettler- ilaniteb Qt burcb REV. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE. Choir Director 11,00 a.m.—Morning Worship "James, the son of Zebedee" 11,20.a.m.—Primary SchOO1 12.15 p.m.—Church School. 7.00 p.m.—Evening Praise "As Ye Go Preach" 110LIVIESVILLE 1.30 p.m.—Church Service. Sunday School Come to the House of Prayer . . The guest speaker of the even- ing was Miss Evelyn Hall, who gave a very interesting talk on several of the new books at the library, "Gold In the Grass," and "Apples Don't Just Grow." Plans were made for Friday, March 9, when the Dominion Life choir and the Harbouraires will present a concert in the church auditorium. A recreation period followed b y playing "shuffle board." Lunch was served. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. Couples Group Climax Evening With Shuffleboard The Happy Doubles Club a of Ontario Street United Church held their February meeting on Mon- day evening, in the church parlour. The meeting opened with a hymn followed by the devotional period taken by Edna Wheeler. 0 St. Andrew's Girls Give Mrs. Wilson "Going Away" Gift The Girl's Club of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church met Tuesday evening with the president, Mrs. Howard Cowan, •presiding. The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs. Robert Morgan, and prayer was offered by Mrs. L. Rathbun. Roll call was answered by giving a verse in the Bible containing the word "Love." Gratifying reports were given of the tea held last Saturday. A presentation of a cup and saucer by Mrs. Lane and Mrs. Cowan was made to Mrs. J. Wilson, who is leaving to reside in London. Contests were conducted by Misses Anne Shaddick and Mabel Harvie. Lunch Vas served by Mesdames D. Wilson, J. Wilson, A, Graham, R. McKenzie, Ontario St. WMS Has Meeting With Valentine Theme Fifty ladies attended the meet- ing of Ontario Street United Church Woman's Missionary Soc-- fay on 'Tuesday, when a Valentine theme highlighted the program. Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes, president, was in the chair. The devotional period was ably taken by Mrs. A, J. McMurray and Miss Eleanor Plumsteel, on the subject, "Love—the greatest thing in the world," using for Scripture reference, 1 Corinthians 13 and the hymn, "Come, Let Us Sing of a Wonderful Love" and excerpts from the "Life Of St. Valentine.",. Words of welcome to visitors for the day were extended by the president and roll call on "Power" was responded to by most mem- bers. The secretary's report by Mrs. Fear was received. The Day of Prayer will be held tomorrow, February 17, in St. Paul's Angli- can Church, at three o'clock. The Christian Stewardship sec- retary, Miss H. Courtice stated that allocation for 1956 is. $585 and prayer missionary is Miss Lil- ian Brbwn, Central India. ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "THE FRXENDLY CHURCH" PASTOR-4M. A. OVEN RAGLITI. jkl). ORGANIST MRS. E. WIONDORIP 9,45 a.m.—,8unday School 11.00 a.m,—Merning Worship 7.00 p.m.—Union Service hi Wesley-Willis Virtlee'S tihureh 3.00 2.60 pm.—Worship ine—Sunday...Sehooi Hullett Towusilip Supports Music FeStival.,.$15 Grants Of MOO- to the Sava. tion Army and $15.00 to l-fullett Music Festival were approved tor Hullett Township .Conricil at their regular meeting last week, held in the community L•feridesboro. The clerk was instructed to ad, vertise for applicants for the pos- ition of warble fly inspector and for tenders for the spraying of cattle in the township for warble-. fly. Tenders will also be called for the supplying of 700 pounds of warbicide. The road superintendent was Strutted to advertise for tenders for crushing and hauling of .appre,. irnately 12,000 cubic yards of gray.' el to be spread on township roads in 1956, Council approved the allowance of $25,00 expenses for any of the council who attend either the Good Roads convention or the Rural Municipalities convention. Three young men were killed in a motor accident in Huron County. They had been drinking. They were minors. And people are say- ing, "Away with the C.T,A,; if it is repealed this will not happen again," How utterly stupid can we be? It could not have been the fault of the C.T.A. When there is avar- ice or brutality we do not say, "We'll scrap the Golden Rule." Let us lay the blame where it ought to be laid—upon greed, selfishness and the drink habit. When people wish to discredit a good law they will take unfair ad- vantage. The L.C.A. does not pre- vent drinking in general or drink- ing by minors. It does not prevent accidents due to drinking drivers; but nobody questions the validity of the L.C.A. Let us be sensible and above all let us be fair. The C.T.A. is good legislation. What it needs is more support and less criticism, more realism and less theorizing, more boosts and less knocking. Huron County Temperance Federation 7-b Trousseau Ilea For Blyth Bride-Elect Mrs. John Hesselwood, Blyth, entertained at a trousseau tea on. February 4, in honour of her daughter, Ilene, London, whose wedding took place on February 11., Guests were received by the hostess and her daughter, while Mrs. Keith Hesselwood and Mrs. Robert Govier displayed the gifts: Mrs. Marvin Johnson, London, poured tea assisted by Mrs, John F. Hesselwood. Guests were pres- ent from London, Centralia, God- erich, Carlow, Benmiller, Clinton, Londesboro and Blyth. Why Blame The SPECIALS FOR FEBRUARY 16-22 DELMAR MARGARINE, 29c lb.; 3 lbs: 85c Tally-Ho Sweet Mixed Pickles-16 oz. jar 23c Smart's APPLE SAUCE-15 oz, tin 10c Good Taste PEACHES-20 oz. tin 25c Special Blend TEA-1 lb. bag 89c SIDE BACON—Rind on or Rindless, lb 49c Peamealed Cottage Rolls (by the piece) 49c lb. CELERY STALKS—fresh, crisp 2 for 19c SWEET POTATOES 2 lbs. 23c Coreless CARROTS-3 lb. cello bag 25c No. 1 SPY APPLES—crisp 4 lbs. 25c Thedford POTATOES, Good!, 75. lb bag $1.69 TOMATOES—Cello tubes each 29c Florida Juice ORANGES-288's doz. 29c Herb's Food Market PHONE 40 (Herb Bridle, Prop.) FREE DELIVERY 4-40-9-10-11-04-40-5-•-41.10.1-41.4-4-111-41-41-4-11-10÷.4. 44-•-•-•-414 Well-balanced meals and lunches call for delicious and nutritious bakery goods. BE SURE TO INCLUDE SOME FROM OUR BAKERY. Our Saturday Special: From Our Store Only— LEMON CUSTARD CAKE REG. 45c for —39c BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONPECMIONERS PHONE CLINTON