HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-05-11, Page 11 lir I
CAL 1i3
i•,.T ,inn
. ipipeeemelents and
trill betel.
Arominion washing
fur sale at S. bracees,
4 bargain for some ono.
--Brussels oounc
license fee at 96170
good stiff figure; but
-We uuderstan,
part in a social in
eels, on Monday ev
.--Please make a n•
genuine Rubber Paint
ber Paint Company,
• only place you can b
Cline & Co. s bardwar
-The eonncil
to allow no fire or
the streets. The
bonfires disallows
-Mr. H. Park
from Wirigham
offering his full a
reductions. Thi
cure great barge ns, ,
-The weekly Ego has !tater'. the piece of
the cremated y °cede in oinnerl of Erin,
Wingharnwith as
'Sam. E. Fleuty,
,foreman; j. T. iIitehell formerly of Wingham
Vidette,;as editor and Mr. D. E. McMillan,,
CANADIAN ' Ammo 'hottest Ozer .-
For tickets, nutps, guides or any other
• information regarding this road, call
• on 0. E. " Williams, Ticltet Agent, 0,
P, R., Wingliaxll.
a one of,•`. tugs.
tion faote*y or Mon -
is tanking extensive
enovadous in the Cen-
raohtno, now, with wringer,
rice e12, can bo had for to
Who gets it?
has fixed the hotel
d shops.,,k\t s 10. A.
one too high,
Mr. Graney Le to take
Melville church, Bras -
Wag next, the 14th inst.
e of the fact that theonly
f Clevelandmanufactur Ohio to be1 ithe
it in Wingham is at Jas..A,
ided at the kntt,'meeting
alters to be exploded on
Iso took .steps to have
in lame.
has decided to remove
Hamilton and is now
d splendid stock at groat
is the time then , to se:
1 Y 1 471 5»7k i ONT., !L' dDA. , MAY 11, 1888.
--Mr, Th. iiodorusieeputting up an act.
ditionto his , rernises, 1
--The re ort of the annual meeting of
the Aliment •s' Iustitnte is (lrowdod out.
--Volt 'ran i :rxs J nice lot of baby carriages
just received a Clreeoy's. Who'll be tho first to
buy ono ? ' Call .4 son them,
-Mr. Wm. Clegg. of Wingham, waafore-
man of;tbe,je y at Godeloh assizes.
-W. Creel« --•To melt age A neve piano
or organafor a good dri ug horse, Apply
to 11. Davis, Wingilum.
-Mr. J. 1). .
London, whop
the Loudon, 11
town last wool
000 feet from
J. ,7; Anderson
-By a lotte
, enjoying the lu
• 29th of April,
of season as Ili
things by seeso
praise and tru
--Says the
salt from the
enol, lumber merchant of
tithe contract for supplying
ron & Druce Ry., was in
He purchased pome 200,:
lasers. ItLcLean Bros., and
received by a friend from
o, we learn that they were
ivy of new potatoes on the
There is nothing good out
poet says : "How many
seasouedero to their right
perfection. "
;mentor: The shipments of
arks of the Gray, Young &
Sperling Com, any, were 102 cars for April,
'01 going by G 'and Trunk from Blyth and
Seaforth, an 41 by Canadian P .eiflo:rail-
way, from Viu;;ham. These shipments
went, to flee pe,:views in the Demi:lion.
.We are mu
-ISr. Towler s having au addition built
to bis resider.
which will ad
of the place.
.Now is the tin
S. Goaooy's and see
ohromos, and aorta
mouldings for plot
pictures and got the:
-Mr. D. Stew
a oar load of fin
Brampton, this ee
was 1,250 lbs.
4,000 lbs.
-The matter
the Board of Trtde a pp Y
the hearty amgenerally. A
sifter the 24th o
-On Frldity
two,guests, Mis
Prom St. -Louis
recei'ing a to
Allister lied
. ittehorribiy
vat'in a liar.
after. Ile
young man i
e on the Diagonal road,
greatly to the appearance
o decorate. your homes. Call at
is ('Jot' of ell paintings and
i pvlt 41so a large stock of
•e franung. I3ring along your
of Wiugbom, shipped
c ttie to A. P. Scott, of
. The average weight
net yoke of often weighed
f the reorganization of
arentl meets with
revel of business men
etiug will likely be called
May celebration.
est Mrs. 11. Clark and her
s,s McAllister and Foster
left here for that plane on
gam that Mr. Arobie Me:
t *ith a fatal accident. Ho
angled by the bursting of a
once factory and died soon
as a clover and promising
bis 29th year•
(lance of the letter that
our last .issue, protesting
nsatisfactiry . mail arrange:
n here and Glenannau, Dr.
-.1'., informs us that he called
the Post Master General
Matter before him. He
actor that he would look
r and give the town every
ilityin the matter, instruct:
ry to,take n note of the points
mnzediatoly throetgh the In:
I pleased to notice the rapidly
naiuess of this enterprising
Company,. id hope prosperity may still
attend then • ef,'orts. With free trade bo-
a and the United. States they
double their output,
Anxzsr.-A recent issue of
rday Eight contained a spicy
who has already attained
oca. . n ongst Canadian
i*:ftLr. „. eV. L. Forster, who
Mee. Johniioelands, of this
We he manVested his strong
eprosenb ob1 ets with pencil
ntFznto endless trouble under
esti regime of school disci-.
picture vividly what the
es when he says : Like a
oris the Olympian diet down
re in their midst (hen a
thered round the ambitious
clltsman. Born in Norval, in
.Talton, he studied in Tor -
travelled in Europe end in
iu Paris under Boulanger,
ngoaurean, under the latter
u a competition among the
o yanked next to the winner
He returned to Canada in
voted his talents to painting
u Toronto.
Pi nsoxens.-- Taunt Forest ltopo•eseniative:
. ,Mr. W. J. Car yn has came to town and
taken a pesiti tin Messrs. Thornpson's
merchant tailor; ,r, establishmout. Besides
"being a good coo, maker, Mr. Cornyn comes
well recommend el as alaorosse player and
,.the Lornes .exp et he will bo a valuable
acquisition to th' firsttwelve.-Kincardine
tweet Can
could easily
A Cettenza
Toronto ,rat
sketch. on ;o
011 •torabl
aetfte, Thi
cousin to
town. Early
.inclination to
and this got 1
'•the old and ry
puns. We c
'writer deem'
thunderbolt f
came the tee
group were g
'amateur clime
the county 0
onto. He th
' 1879 studied
Lefevre and
three years.
schools there
'of the diplom
1883 and halt d
,wince, residing
-In don
appeared i
against the
mutts betw
upon the Ho
and laid th
assured tho
Into the matt
reasonable fa
ing Ins secret
and enquire
Tiro 24rn.
ing out of th
are energetic
committees 0
Molfenzie, Clegg, Cline; Procession -
Pett, ince, 3? allele, Hughes, Sutherland
Elliott, printing, 561; +. Diokeou, drawing
deeds for cemetery •ts, 9420 ; J', Neelands,
wood for Mrs. Th meson, indigent, el,
The public works
ea theeimprovenae
Ott Minnie et
Victoria, 9420 ; Le
Victoria, 46; Vic
Lower Wiughem
Josephine and
ommittoe recommend"
to be made this year as
between Sohn and
pold, between John and
rte, between Minnie and
ridge, X120; do., between
hauls, 935: Scott street,
cutting• hill and grading, 620; Josephine,
grading and gra\ el, 660.
wenn 2.
weep. Diagonal road and
ert at corner of Josephine
r16 ; openiug drain from
river ; dram on Viotor-
1 road to Josephine, 010 ;
Victoria street to botiud-
ine, between John and Vio-
Johu, grading hill from
kis committee for tho carry:
21th of May arrangements
leo at work. The r'ospoctive
Collecting Subscriptions.
Josephine, be
Victoria, 56; oo
and Victoria,
Ireland's shop
lo, from Diego
on Diagonal ro
ary, 550; Cath•
toric, 210; on
school to Car ing street, 210; lane ou
Diagonal'road o Victoria, box drain, 210.
aid Scott; B
Dr. Chisholm,
derson ; On
Inglis, Morton
Secretary, F.
baso brise ball
the water we
is to begin•
is to bo bicydio
man's race, walki
race, liurclle rano,
race, bell race, all
ling, wanting anc't
'Pugs of war are til
between the etb
Union factory.
single fare,good f
A. grand concert i
ell, youbiil ; On Jumping,
Robinson, Ain
right. Lacrosse and
tches, as well as a trial of
will take place in the
•aud trades' procession
t one o'clodle. There
Aces, fat man's raoo, old
grace, egg race, 8 legged
Id woman's race, girls'
sorts of jumping, wrest:
limbing greasy pole, dzo.
a being arranged. for, one
oyes of Bell's and the
heap railway rates,
om 21st till 25th May.
the evouing.
tune 3.
On Albert, gr sding near railway bride, 23;
Minnie, from xi dread bridge to Alfred, 220;
Minnie, gravel idewalk, Alfred to Patrick,'
516; do„ ditoll .rg and grading, 26; Alfred,
between Minn and Josephine, culvert,
515; two gram _i crossings had culverts on
corner of Pati ck and Minnie, e5 ;
Review: Mr. tend re. H. Smelle,Wingham,
'spent 'Sunaay wit Mr. Murray, the inerch,
'ant. -Messrs. Wre Clegg, of Wingharn, and
Wm. Hastings, of, Turnborry, were on the
geaud jury at Go oriels last week. -Mise
'Brame, Aiken lefe last week for Windsor.
inhere she u for some tirne.-IiIr.
'John aoliuston, of meltnow, spent few
days in town this wk. -Messrs. W. Lee,
Merchant, and 3. ox, druggist, a Wrox-
'otter, wore visitieg ere on Sunday. -Mr.
James Mew, relieving :orator hero for Some time,
has been removed to twood.-Mr. .1, IL Elliott,
formerly operator ha is now at Lake Chrystal,
Dakota, receiving a go 1 salory.-Wo are informed
that Mr. a. w. harness maker, recently
of Winghm, is :nye leveland,Ohio.-Miss a as
leas visiting friends at /3 CI this wook-stayor Inglis
WAS in Toronto a couple f days this weak on busi-
ness -Mr. John jr., s tow at %Mk at the Union
reetory-Itir. 3. Reicher furniture dealor, of Water.
leo, was in town lay -Mr. A. S. Macgregor,
general agent, of the Stt Life Assuranco Company,
wasno town this sveelr. ',Mao," always haS'things
moval-Mr. 1101 has d ided to opor. pop worts at
Listowel Anti lo,ses In a v days. Cho family is not
eels, was a. guest the res Immo of Mr. W.1', Brock-
onshire, this week.-Mis Emma Within, late of
Wittgitant, hag reeeived tile appointment of deputy
P. 0„ Michigan. She
postmistrets, of Lot Ttw
entered upon her unties 0.
Black, of I/ohm:4.s, lots rata ed Wingltani.-Mr.
with a purse aril an Wrest, a
tor Bey eity•-e. n. naceiteee
•rustleatin,v: ia the vicinity of
'WIlIsott, of tho Bald; of Handl
is leaving wineham
medical student, IR
ucefield.-Mr. lion.
• 43 nealthy and
Those present
meeting on Tuesdit
Smyth, Pettypieoc
Accounts were toes
Deans, grass send,
supplies e15.46.
leave of ebsenee ou
and ,she end thepriu
16th, alter 2.80 p,
ment committee re
of e, urinal on' east
porch over real: do
from porch door
hedge in front of elo.
rear doors to each o
item front gates
ng of dead trees
day, the llth of'
pending the obteini
to be eubtnithed a
attendance for Alpl:
Cie regular „monthly
evening were: Messrs.
u) Gordon, Mortou,
Moore and Abraham.
ea as faeces; Peter
.65; 11. AL Robiuseu,
'es Peke was granted
tou clay, the 21st inst.,
ipal on Wedn es del the
The school manage:
mmeaded the erection
•s of school, a fence
reat fence, a cedar
ts, &gravel walk from
closets, a gravel walk
ront doors, die replao:
eiduous ones on Arbor
y, and evergreens in
opted, except the one
matter was deferrad
g of plans of the same
next meeting. The
Mr. Malloch, Ins
visited wheal rifeen
self well pleaseil.
visit 40 of letissMa
meted to Miss
the promotions o
At the regalat
day there wore pre
zio,Cline , W. Mlle
The finance eom
:mending payment
counts Win/ aelopte
48.76; Beaton. ee
teaming, 10 cents;
solieitorstees, 550
ector of Publics Scheele,
After the Inspector's
ely's pupils were pro-
nolaei room, and 24 of
Miss Cargilre. The
his intention of holding
Saturday forenoons in
rideys, thus seving the
own room. This vote
even Connell.
uthly meeting cm Mon.
ent: The mayor, ana
Minns, Black, Iloilo:1-
a,linbinso u, T. Holmes,
Pringle ana Gregory.
of the following se -
on motion of the reeve
PAtor Deans, charity,
Meyer & Dickinson,
a. Buiittra, teaming,
vZaitla ld at✓
Those present at t
Tuesday at Winghar
Law, (tlfoderator,)
ray, taamoren, Igoe , McQuarrie, Davidsou,
Anderson, MoNab , Andereeu, Cameron,
Sutherland, Jones - nd Brown ; and elders :
Messrs. Miller, M' phy, Harrison, Lovall,
Gibson, A. Dews • , Stewart, HHenderson,.
MoX{innon. It wadecided that the induo:
tion of Rev. F. A. Tollinnon take place at
South Kinloss on ednosday, the 30th of
gay, Rev. Mr, How = to preach and pre:
side and Mr. €iutho Land.,to hold a Gaelic
service. Rev. Mr. oNabb was chosen
Moderator of the Wh' eohurch charge, Rev.
Mr. Jones to preach in` o church vacant
ou the 29th of May T a resignation of
the Rev. Mr. Brow , Wlmiter, was then
taken up. kb was i timated that at a con:
gregatlenal meeting' a retiring allowance of
6200 yearly was v ted the late pastor, on
motion of Arr. A. . Gibson. Mr. T, Gib -
sou, M. P. P., pa a high tribute to Rev.
Mr. Brown, wit had been a faithful,
earnest, able ansuccessful pastor. Mr.
Lovell also spok= u high approval of him,
as also did Mr Miller, kiss resignation
was accepted an the Presbytery placed on
record its appre 'ation of ; his long and
faithful servioes. `I r. Broven's parting ad-
dress was that of a elm,' Olear, scholarly,
judicious, sympat etio, noble, resigned
ehristiau pilgrim 1. ing down 113,s weapons
of warfare, and d' piyaffectodthe Presby:
tery. Bev. Mr. v cQuarrie made a timely
recognition of t , o services of two veteran
workers in th Master's oause, Messrs.
Brown and Jo s, lately reeigned at Brus-
sels. Rev. Mr D 'eon showed holy 1\tr.
Brown, by, hi. a "at cliristian work,
counsel, symp by 1 assistance had won.
the afl'emtiou' an
tors, Messrs. A
the same strai
passed, tliaaki.i
their liberal all
was chosen Mo
oliargo. Rev.
asked the advic
regular meeting on
were : Rev. Messrs.
aodonald, Leask, Mur:
e ing ex the old school
pted, ;,the property to be of the Presbyty
with an upset price, the tabling, was telt
eet being by Messrs, Cline time It was ag
ey alecosuggeeteclenree re- have the charge
f of the town hall, which aesoneble.
• Noel:mils utilized the
few manly and ringing
'orth the great need of the
sot and hoped the council
es Jeni of his cenpresby.
idersou and Muir spoke in
n. resolution was also
the congregation for
wance, Rev. Mr. Boss
rater of session for the
r. Murray, Kincardine,
of Presbytery as to whom
Q. 851.
On. Monday ti
merchants eon
planes of bus!
the tawrl c011u
requiring all
closed at 7 p.
dayo and Clays
The 7 year o
Stewart was pia
on Saturday las
St. bridge Itis r
hien into the s
deep, and wile
Then a little
0. sou Of Mr.
straggling i
and rescued
care of at e
The poor 1
mother, his
where he no
death with a
mation of the
coldness of the
0, K. again..
tinged cloeiug their -
t res and shops to be
each evening} Satur-
receiling holidays ex,
son of Mr. John.
g rna on the river
and when near Bina
ft capsized and landed g,
eam where it was 8 ft
oy about Stewarts age,.
Oaropbell, seeing hire -
the water, jumped. he
line. Stewart was taken
mese near by but young,
LOlne ill dripping clothes.
ttle fellow, having ne
ster e.ssisted him to bed
lies at the point of
were attack of inflare:
webs as a result of the
water. Steware is all
tor's resiginiew , the congregation or sox
sion. After a lengthy ditouseion it was
agreed that the ongregietionavits the party
to aceept the re 'guilt:an, The name of
Bev. Mr. Jones wa forwarded to be put ou
the list of aged , rifirm ministers. Rev.
Mr. Ross said t =mut required of this
Presbyteyy for t augmentation scheme
was 0550. The atter at rea,rrangement
iso as to make itself sus:
ver for further °maiden,:
ed thee e.tell congregation
eNca clelegatea to the
Miss Franci
resident of
the last few y
nt in eceorninodation end
loin, The present build. ristoca, is hom
if they were going to d°- Thompson an
Taylor's the
I the town was free of debt
McKibben, le
acted. Mr. Homuth fol -
oil eo pess a byelaw in the school ho
Mg. No peevions notice
:eying been given, Mr—,
a of the introduction of
oved the suspension for
the evening of Oln, so 10, of by -taw 18, so as
to legalize prom dings. The drafted by-
law was then r d and diemessed. Mr.
Gregory opposea t strongly, as it savored
too much of "bo ott " and would. be hi -
convenient to far ere coming in to do busi-
ness in the femme , Mr. Thomas Holmes
thought the merch nth °unlit to know their
own business and ley demanded it unani.
:musty. Mr. MoX nzie believed the early
closing act 8, NVi80 nd just measure, con-
ducive to health, an morality, The largo
audience in the nill evidencea their
hearty approval oe
law was passed veith
to take effect on tie
law was also passed
rowing of 5250 foe
The property and ee
authorized to proc
fence around the co
condition. The cou
payiug of elm to t
motion of Messrs, M rton and Helmuth.
A motion by Messrs. T Holmes ana Neel -
nude, was adopted in favor of a by-liew
preventing the 'explod ig or use of fire
by XessrateKentio an Blenk,favoring the
giving to the 011ie 510 tre, salary for see -
of the inayor. Those voting yea Vete ;
lelessrs. Gregory, Black, owlet leteBenzie,
for the free use,of the li 11 on the evening
of the 8th and 't24th. ins se was granted.
The request of the La osse Clah for re.
fund. of hall rentem the e .ening of the 27th
ult., Wat3 also granted, th y being liners to
the extent of ableet 515 y the BengoUgh
m• ovea in favor of a by41 preventing the
making of bonfires on th
This motion with couener
ba• na, requesting a grant
getting now instruments.
mission it was agreed. to
it was agreca on motion
:Ina Ilobinson, that 150
secured und given to the
for at the nominal pr
Within one
elsewhere in th
there is a Oh
Mrs. Jos. Ki
has been wa
attending th
As one after
in the silent
but be remin
quare mile there are
ople than can be found
county. For instance
rles Wesley, a John
min Franklin, aGideon,
a Daniel Webster. -
hen returned on Wed -
m Brantford where she
faneral of her beetlier.
another takes his place
mils of death we cannot
ed that :
"Friend af er friend departs,
Who hat not Ind a friend ?.
There is no nion liere of hearts,
That finds ot here an end."
Last riday
as arbor day for the,
schools of the p 'evince. The children.
the elay in plan
trees. They
as they had to
former mile, but not
place, but who has for
G. Taylor,
ars been living in Har- had set out fift
on a visit to Mr. John
rentel home. -Mrs. F.
her sister, Miss Bella
this week • for their'
g prayer meetings. in
3 yet. They are largely
Mr. Alex. 11
Winthrop, died
year. was
Scotland, comi
and farined
meads keeping st
wee .0, promineut
son of Mr, X.rwin
concession of 'Aid' llop, died last week
ars. Commencing
urse es a teacher
ng et Sunshine, in
Morris, where he
and elgterwards for
illop, He heel a
student in Trinity
was highly esteem'
good qualities. 13.o
anetewan for several
nett home during his
postmaster of
ast week in. his 68th
rad ee of Aielylshire,
g to Canada in 1854,
orris for years, after.
'e at 'Winthrop. lle
and useful nubile
Johnston second
hnston, Of the 7th
he seheme. The by- at the age of 2.8
I first school b
authorizing the bore
urrent expenditnre. the township of
etery committee were taught for ione yea
e lumber to put the two yeas. in me
tory grounds gooa brit ne cense ea
oil euthorizfla the a
practised at Ma
years, but retu
market square.
in by tile calms extent that it Is
on behalf of the win he worth rn
4160 to assiet
After some tlis:
eave this matter
tive committee.
Zest awanosh
Mrs. A. Day of Parkhill, is visit -
lug friends on 5 o Oth.-Mr. Gilbert
Bennet has row lied from Detroit,
where he was • ken A.
Blackwell, of NV! ham, is working at
Mr. W. Scott's ow house, --Several
farmers on the th have purchased
new binders this season. -Seeding is
almost over tin t is vieinity.-While
threshing engine, the team became
frightened mid ra away, upeetting
the engine and dm. aging it to such an
ubtful whether it
airing. -A grand
tween the societies
house of section
ing of May il6th.
settle the dispute
ing between those
Turnberry spending
ing %ewers and -shade,-
ere tired before night
arry the trecia Arab a,
-airde trees. Did any
of the other se iools 4reat this 1
&heel boys, a,t thiS time of the year,
like to trap gi und-hogs during their
spare moments
friend Alex.,
Jelin had just told
of trapping ten, to -his .
ireir the lattev said,
"our cat =met a big ground -hog the
other day." N
Mr. Jno. Ho
of horses to Win
Mr. Hooey is th
country eannot
wish him a profit hie trip.
Miss Maggie X tchen has charge of
UM Millinery Dep rtment of Mr. jno.
SatiFer:son's dry ds store Wroxeter.
We congratulate r. Sanderson updli -
having secured so, ompetent per:Rna
for so important a business, pleasing
the fashionable tas e of the women.
Miss K's pleasing. Deaner, charm of • •
person, taste and ne tness, cannot but
bo the mear s of ettr ding most of tho
millinery trade of e surrounding
of 'Westfield and S
held ill the Bebe°
f Mectars. Towler No. 18 on the eV,
111406 trees be meg will n6 doub
a"154114 there- which has leen to
of live cents'.
ipeg, on Friday last.
kind of a man the
11 do without. We
Mr. Itobt, Fleming, fi
fennate, left for Pelee Isl
yerm,g• cattle killed
crossing on Satiirday
Mr. 'themes Aitke
m near Man -
ad a couple ef
been on the jury for tl e past 'week. -
Mrs. Hatton, Er. and 1rs. Aitleiri,
have been seritresly i -Defoe Mise,
Whitfield's departure pr Pelee Island,
her friends on the 10' Con. presented'
her with a beautiful aver batter dish
and butter knife. r. Lith,gow paid
the villege a Ilying sit on Thursday.
-la spite of4! the b ckward weather
the farmers are wel advanced with
the seetling.-w-Miss rsen of Detroit
is visiting her sister Mrs. Andrew
Tho following lice
Martin, Robert J.
Cain, Alexander
seg have ty.T).1
fitely, 10.
ePherson, shop