HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-02-09, Page 10NEWS. OF 110LMESVILLE Congregational Meeting Held At Hohnesville United Churek Last Week The annual cengregational sup-- per and meeting Of Helmeeiville, Ulaied Church was held. on evening, February 2. Abe* 75 people at down to .4 elgligicAlt supper.-. Rev, H. C, Wilson, chairman, opened the meeting with a hymn, "What a Friend we 'Have in jee- ale", Scripture reading, taken from the Psalms and prayer. William .Nainnan was appointed secretary for the evening. A short program had been pre- pared with Mrs. W, Yeo, Miss Rite Yeo, William Jervis, Wilfred Jervis and Lorne Jervis forming an orch- estra and playing "In the' Sweet By and By" and "When the Roll is Called Up Yonder". .Mr, Norman read the minutes of the last meeting. Mrs. E.Grigg gave the officers for the stewards and .Devar Norman for the stew- ards. With Mrs. E. Grigg at the piano, a girls' quartet, comprised of Sandra Williams, Frances Me- Cullougla Mary Helen Yeo and Ila Grigg sang "He" and "It 'Is No Secret", A. memorial .service ,was held ineniemory of those of the congregation -who had! passed away. in the Year 1955. All reports were passed as print- ed in the annual report. The orch- estra played "Golden Slippers" and "Marching Through. Georgia", Rev, Wilson expressed bisthanks for the co-operation of all' the church and Sunday School officers and. workers. The girls' quartet sang "Suddenly There's a Valley" and ''Whispering Hope". Mrs. W. R. Loble expressed a vote of thanks to Rev, and -Mrs. Wilson', and the evening closed with prayer. Officers for the corning year will be session of elders, honorary members; John Potter, E. J. Tre- vv.artha, H, J. Trewartha; members .ot the' session, Bert Finlay, Irvine •Telebutt, Morgan Jones, W. R. LObb, Barrie Walter, Lloyd Bond, Harold Yeo; committee of stew- ards,. Elmer Potter, Dewar • Nor- Man, Kenneth Trewartha, Frank McCullough, W. S, Far, I:104r, Jack Yeo, Kenneth Harris, Edward Grigg, N. W. Heard, liam Norman, Harry Williams. Church treasurer, Ldward Grigg; envelope steward, Jack Yoe; cape tan of ushers, Harry Williams; recording secretary, Frank Yea; auditors, D. E. Oliddon, Frank Yeo; M. and M. committee, car- man Tobbutt„ Dewar Norman, El- den Yea; church organist, Mrs. W. Yea; 1Vf, and M. secretary, Miss Rita 'Yeo. Mission Band Meets The Wilhelznine Mission Band, of RoIrn,esville United Church, met in the school on Friday, February 0, with' Barbara Yea in charge of the program, The meeting opened with the hymn, "Jesus Bids Us Shine", fob lowed by repeating the Mission Band purpose. The Scripture les- son, taken from Exodus, was read by Robert Norman,• Freddy Tyn- dall gave the prayer. The business was conducted by the president, Leonard Wilson. The hymn "Stand Up, Stand Up for Jesus" was sung. Mary Squire read "A Happy Fam- ily" and Marion Leibold read a story "Why Mary Changed Her Mind". Charles Haughton read a temperance poem "Robin Sings a Temperance Song." A contest was' held, with Marion Leibold's team winning. Study books were reviewed by Mrs. Jack Yeo and Mrs. Frank McCullough. The meeting closed with-the hymn "Jesus, Tender Shepherd, Hear Me", and the benediction. In 1953 Canadians spent $7.80 per capita on motion picture en- tertainment. Labor income of Canadians, was $9,463,000,000 in .the first nine months of 1955, a record high and 6.5 per cent more' than in the same period of 1954. and Mrs, Morrison were called for, ward And 1304 Harris_ presented them with a floor harp ancl Wilmer Harrison reed. the address. Both Bill and Joyce replied very fittingly thanking everyone, and etended an invitation for all to visit them in their home. LUIngh. was served, Cancel' .oF the, mouth Is foot- times as common with Men Or With women. ,Canadian Cancer Society stetis, tics show that cancer it the sewn( cp..use of death in children .betareen the ages of five and 14 passed only by accidental death, The Record Speaks for itself . . IT WILL PAY YOU, TO GET THE FACTS! For the latest portfolio of securities Call Vic Dinnin iNvE,STORS Mutual Phone 168 P.O. Box 190 Zurich, Ont. priTtootains Managed & distributed by Investors Synclica tea a Limited e of Cana •-• a Fertilizer with ONLY HALF to -Moisture Content of Ordinary Fertilizers! "NEW PROCESS" SHUR-GAIN FERTILIZER • PROVIDES SUPERIOR DRHIABILITY • PREVENTS HARDENING AND CAKING ell e1 11111 1 1 This illustration shows the elaborate system of driers and coolers at the SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer Plant in Toronto. Here, fertilizer ingredients are thoroughly mixed and bleildecl, and excess moisture is quickly driven of. The result is "New Process" SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer—with superior &inability. • COSTS YOU NO MORE Here's important new about the first major advance. in fertilizer manufacture in many years. "New- Process",SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer, through a special- ized process, has excess moisture removed &MTh to exceptionally low, levels. With "New Process" SLUR-GAIN, you now can get a fertilizer that. has only half the moisture content of ordinary- fertilizers, thus eliminating the chief cause of harden- ing and caking. "NewProcess" SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer provides. superior drillability at all times, ensuring you better,. more uniform results in the field. And with the• advanced SHUR-GAIN manufacturing process, every granule is better balanced with plant food., than ordinary fertilizer. • . "New Process" SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer is: now available at the Toronto Plant. See your- SHUR-GAIN Fertilizer Dealer about your requirements of "New Process" SHUR-GAIN; Fertilizer. INII IIIIIIIilllllllllllllllllu • CANADA PACKERS LIMITED FERTILIZER DIVISION - TORONTO , gre i!:aWe.•••••:•aseeeseeziereaie,..:.aaieeeeee:aee.e.:2:. Your heart srnye... at the very 791-s)I sight .!!eses O. •:•e..a..,,.......eMeeekeeetie•fteseeeteee '56 Plymouth Belvedere V-8 ti•door sedan, New Flight-styled 9 5 6 PLYMOUTH 6'4 AND V-8'S.':.UP TO 200 HORSEPOWER WITH POWER PAK Put your finger on 0 new kind of driving with Plymouth push-button PowerFlite, optional on all models ! Press your finger on the button . . • step on the gas . and GO! This it safer driving, too! Control panel is placed to left of driver, out of passenger's reach. It's so fresh and youthful and spirited in concept that you feel good just looking at it! And this dramatic beauty springs into action at the turn of a key, the touch ()f a button. For that's all you do to start driving with '56 Plymouth's new push-button PowerFlite. Then nudge the accelerator, feel Plymouth power ZOOM into action. New Hy-Fire V-8 has 200 h.p. with Power Pak.. Greater torque gives livelier performance. There's new peace of mind, too, in this great Plymouth.. LifeGuard door latches, optional seat belts, Safe-Guard' hydraulic brakes, constant-speed electric windshield wipers• are just a few of the features that assure safer driving. Full-time power steering and power brakes are available• to give instant, positive control. Only Plymouth in the low-priced field brings you such V-8 power, such Brie-car luxury. Easy to buy, too ! time to see your dealer and drive one yourself. MANUFACTURED- IN CANADA BY CiIRYSLER CORPORATION OF CANADA, LIMITED Watch Cliinax— mower of Stars weekly on TV. Cheek your newspaper for date alai the. See and drive the heautitof new Plymouth with the POEWARD LOU at your Chrysler-Plymouth-cargo dealer's nowt PHONE 465 MUR CLINTON' PA:44. Tft44 , COMM ZIEW SAY,IttlaIWARY LIVE 'AMP .VORT-Thf (By Mrs. liort :Sholibrcoik) The Live Wire Farris Forum held their meeting February 5, at the home of Mr. .a.n:d Mrs. 'Clay- ence Crawford, with 20 adults present, The broadcast was list- cued to, two groups were formed .for discussion on "father and son agreement." • It was thought that' the first points to consider are: a) The. disposition of both parties concern- ed; (b) The financial position Of the father; (c) The other mem- bers of the family, One father and San agreement is in the forum. Next meeting will be held at the home of 11fr. and Mrs. Bert Shob- brook, Cards were played and lunch served. PARR LINE FARM FORUM (By our Hensall Correspondent) Parr Line Farm Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Adltin, Monday, February 6, with 29 adults and four children pres- ent. Topic for discussion was "father-son partnership." It was decided that there should be co-operation between father and son. There should' be a wit- nesied agreement signed by both father and son, and they should have seperate bank accounts. It Was thought that a 50-50 basis was good, A father should start his son with some small project, thus teaching him responsibility. 441 clubs are helpful in teaching young people these things. The forum felt that a 100 acre farm would be large enough' to support two families, thus making it nec- essary to buy more' land, There were no father and son arrange- ments in the forum. Progressive euchre was played, the winners; ladies, Mrs. Harry Adkins, Miss Margaret Mousseau; men, Ivan Reichert, John Soldan. Next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. David Bail- ey. PARR LINE FORUM (By our Hensall correspondent) (Intended for last week) Parr Line Fam Forum met on Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baker. The topic for discussion was "The Family Farm". It was 'thought that the family farm is a desirable' feature of Can- adian agriculture but the tendency is to larger farms. It was felt that this 'trend will continue. The price structure will have to be raised if the• family sized farm is to survive. The farm income must be increased, perhaps by increas- ing the average farm acres to 200. Winners of the progressive euchre were: ladies: Mrs. Charles Robinson, Mrs. Glenn Weido; men, David Bailey, Howard Adkins. The next meeting will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Adkins. FIRESIDE FORUM (By Mrs. William Dolmage) (Too late for last week) The Fireside Farm Forum, Hul- lett, held a meeting Monday, Jan- uary 30, at the home of Mr. and. Mrs. Robert Riley with an excel- lent attendance. Mrs. Babcock presided over the • discussion per- iod dealing with problems on "The Family Farm". Many wondered where the family farm was head- ed. Even if it is' a way of living it was decided that people were better off to be happy on their family farm and it was hoped that it would never disappear. To have the family farm plan survive, liv- ing conditions could be slowly modernized, and made attractive to keep people satisfied with the mode of living. Farmers must not become land greedy, thus swallow- ing up nearby farms and neces- sitating the purchase of bigger machinery. The family boys should be encouraged' to remain at home or in the neighbourhood and to help one another. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Anderson in- vited the forum to their home for next week. Progressive euchre prizes were won by: high, Mrs. J. Howatt and Douglas Riley; lone hands Mrs. Glen Carter, Eric Anderson; con- solation, Mrs, Manse) Cook, Doro- thy Riley. Lunch brought an en- joyable evening to a close. LIVE WIRE FORUM (Intended for last week) The Live Wire Farm Forum held its meeting on January 30 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Ament with 19 present. After listening to broadcast, two groups were formed for dis- cussion' on the topic "The Family Farm". It was thought that the family farm is a very desirable part of Canadian agriculture. In our locality we still have the fam- ily farm. 'The forum felt that the father should go shares with his sons or give them a good allow- ance and increase production So that they will all have a fair liv- ing. Give the child something of his own 'to learn the value of Money and how to handle it. They should be encouraged to travel to get new ideas which might be applied on the home 'farm. The business was dealth with. A eontest was read which had been prepared by Pat Bunking. A vote Of thanks' was given to Pat on be- half of the Forum for his work on the contest, Next meeting is id be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Crawford, Cards were played and lunch served. Husbands! Wives! Weak, Rini-dawn, Old? 'rhousaods of temples are weak, tired, 'Mac energy tindoep; they feel rue-down, old be-cause bodies inels iron at 40, 50, ea, Try Osttex Tonle Tablets today. Supplies invig-orator you, too, rnay need to revitalize, stioul., late r energize and ,bnildArp entire body, reel yeart yetinget, 'Get-acquainted", sire costs little, 00 start with bigi popular "conoirty?' site and save 75¢, At all druggists. 1413.4PNIAN VW 'Mang (By Mrs, rtalki; " The Friendly .Few Farm Forum met at the home of Mn. and Mrs, Vart La)V*01'1, with a good at- tendance. • The discussion was on. lather and son partnership,"• The forum was divided into two. grottp% It was thought that there should be one manager and some allowance ,made for the son that stayed home on ..the' farna. Progressive euchre was played and the winners wore: ladies', Dennis Jewitt; rn,en, Ronnie Jew- itt; Mr, And Mrs, William Dale. The next forum meeting will be held at Mr, and Mrs. Will-, ia.M. Dale, PORTER'S. ;1111.14 ogregip.ont MRS, DON 101RAS neee Clinton. 191%4 ,0 OPMM14143Y: 0.1141.!• The Knees Hill Community Club will hold its regular meeting , on wetmesday,. February 15 at the. home of Mrs, Gordon Manning. 1fIelaonr Newlyweds A • social evening Was held on Friday last in the school to honour mr. and Mrs. William Morrison (nee Joyce Townshend). newly- weds, „ The evening WAS, spent playing progressive euchre with prizes go- ing to; high lady, Madalon Mc- Illevain; high man, Bill Stirling; low lady, Letite. Riddell; low man, J. Bauer, Before lunch was served, Mr. :Rh The Farm Forums FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Saturday for United Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT not later than Friday nights. Seaforth Farmers Co.opepative H. S. Hunt, Manager Phone—Day 9, Evenings 481w 39-ttb Huron County Hog Producers' Association and County Group of the Ontario Hog Producers' Co-operative NOTICE is hereby given that the ANNUAL MEETINGS of members of Huron County Hog Produe,ers' Association and Ontario Hog Producers Co-operative in the County of Huron, are to be held at CLINTON on Wednesday, February 15 at 1.30 o'clock in the afternoon, for the purpose of receiving reports of transactions of the past year, election of delegates and alternate delegates and officers of the County Association and the election of delegates and alternate delegates to represent the County at the annual meet- ings of the Co-operative, Marketing Board and Association, and for any other proper purpose. MR. CLAYTON FREY, Sarnia, will be Guest Speaker. W. R. LOBE ALFRED 'H. WARNER President Secretary Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "WHERE BETTER BULLS ARE USED" MARE MORE MONEY FOR YOURSELF by having your calf pens filled with offspring from the bulls we have in service, be they Dairy. or Beef. Attention has been given to Weight for age as well as quality in our Beef Bull selection. One of our Polled Shorthorn bulls, LANEDALE FAS- CINATION, is a son of the fatuous International Grand Champ- len, Carona Fascination who is alSo the sire of the 1954 Inter- national Grand Champion as well as the sire of both the first prize Sender and Junior Get of Sire Classes at the 1955 Inter- national Chicago show, Lanedale Fascination was bred by Ellis Shafer in Indiana. who used Carona Fascination foe a few years before he went to Lynwood Farm in Indiana. Both herds have many outstanding brothers and sisters to LANEDAL11 FASCINATION who was shown at the 1955 Royal to win 6th in ordinary conditions and horned company. For more beef or milk of high quality, use 'our Artificial breeding service which is co-operative, farmer owiierand con- trolled. For service or more information phone collect to: CLINTON 515 Between: 7.30 & 10.00 a.m. week days 7.30 & 9.30 00114 Sundays or Holidays Cows noticed in heat later should be bred the following day. Or send coupon to the above Office. Please call Ot my farm to give further information on your Artificial Insemination service. NAME ADDRESS Location of Farm; Concession Lot No. 6-b