HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-02-09, Page 7THURSDAY, FEBRUARV 9, ACCOMMODATION for RENT [ritNISHED APART 111 is 6 ,, Phone Clinton 62, "OUR'ROOM, NIODREN• APART merit,) available now. Phone ton 376W, �, 5-6-b TH RE ROOM UPSTAIRS apart- ment, unfurnished. Share bath. i'dione Clinton 78W, 4-5.6-b THREE ROOM, FURNISHED, heated apartment, suitable for two. Phone 213. 5-6-b eSEMI DFITACIWD HOUSE IN Clinton. Separate bath, Unfur- nished. Phone .Clinton 67$ .' 3tfb `'[WO ROOM FURNISHED apart- anent, on Victoria Street, no child- ren, Phone Clinton 795J, after 6 p.m 6-b 'THREE ROOM APARTMENT for :vent, with separate bath. Avail - .able immediately, phone Clinton 722W2. ,r 2tfib THREE -ROOMED APARTMENT 'with garage. Rent moderate. C. D, Simpson, Brucefield, ' phone -Clinton 6351323, 6-b 'TWO HEATED APARTMENTS for rent, in Brucefield. Each with •one bedroom, bath, living room, 3kitchen with cupboards. Ample clothes closet space, Apply to Ross Scott, 6-7-b REA'IED, FURNISHED, ground floor apartment. • Separate en- trance. Available February 6. Ap- ply 116 Elgin Ave., West, Goder- ich. Phone Goderich 534. 4-5-6-b 'UNFURNISHED HOUSE in Clin- ton. • Vacant February 15. Three bedrooms, bath, kitchen and sit- ting room. Oil heat. Nice lawn, :zoom for garden. Phone Clinton 193W. 5-p 6-b UNFURNISHED APARTMENT, complete downstairs levelsof house. Oil heating. Private entrance. One bedroom, kitchenette, diningroom, sitting room and bath. Lawn. Robin for garden. Phone Clinton 193W. 6-p FOUR ROOM COTTAGE n,icely furnished, including two 'bedroom suites, washing machine, :hot and cold water and three - :piece bath; 5 minutes drive from • RCAF Station Clinton. Would ac- commodate two married couples nicely if agreeable or couple with well-trained children. JOHNATRAN HUGILL 'honesi Clinton 616r13; Seaforth ' 667r13. 52-b-tfb Accommodation Wanted FIVE OR SIX ROOM I-IOUSE' withthree bedrooms, wanted on or :before April 1. To rent with op- tion of buying. Chief H, R. Thom- ,pson. Phone Clinton 340. 6-b ==a• ARTICLES FOR SALE .MOTORCYCLE FOR SALE OR 'Trade, 1953 Harley Davidson 74. :Buddy seat, saddle bags, wind - .shield. Phone Clinton 702J4. Gar - 1h Poatill, RR 3, Clinton. 6-7-8-9-p TV FIT FOR A "KING" — We Rent —Move — Install. Complete service on all makes of rotators and antenna. All work fully guar- anteed. Huron Tower Installation, phone Goderich 1344M, 6tfb ARTICLES WANTED 'WE WOULD LIKE TO BUY ILimoges, and Haviland Limoges, =nets and pieces, Also other old 'ehlna, silver, glass and brass in good condition for cash. Century 'House, Bayfield. 5-6-7-8-p WANTED -- GOOD USED Rad- ios and console record players as trade-ins on televisions, driers, stoves, washers or refrigerators. `T. A. Dutton, Firestone tStore, 53rucefield. Phone Clinton 643r4. 5-6-b ".a AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1947 MERCURY SEDAN $625; 1949 Ford $500; 1947 Dodge $325; 1948 Chevrolet $275. ' Apply S. Koning, 149 Waterloo Street, Zxeter. Phone Exeter 404J. 0 5-6-p 1947 PLYMOUTH, RADIO, heater and sunvisor, excellent body, guar- anteed new motor, 2 new snow tires and excellent tires on front. :fest offer. Phone 701 daytime, Phone 538W evenings. 6-b BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, High Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- ton 448. 13tfb :FOR SALE, IMPLEMENT Agee- 'y--Cockshutt, operated by late 'William Parke, Hensel'. Mrs, William Parke, Hensall, Ontario; 'Clarence Parke, 'Zurich, Ontario, Exettitors. 6-7-b 'EARN $15 AND MORE WEEK- LY. Sell 'guaranteed household necessities in: Clinton, Centralia, Crediton, Dashwood, Egmandvil le, Write for free catalogue, FAM- ILEX, Dept. '1, Box 'F Station C. 'Montreal 6-b BABY CHICKS DAY -OLl?, I4IXED CHIC K cockerels, pullets. --order now to Much—prime started .ehie1)s i. Brooders, Ames -in -cross hy�bri J, 1•J, Stackhouse, Wilton Grov. Ontario. 6 -7 - THERE'S A DISCOUNT ON Kit chatter $iget Chicks ordered for de livery this ment'h. Canadian an moved, plus thin Hatchery's ow complete breeding program, Complete range of standard breed and crosses, plus' special strain like Pilch White Rocks, Ames In Cross, etc, As agent we can giv complete information, and tak your order. Big -4 are always goo "buys." • We suggest you pias your order soon. Chas. Scott Auburn, Phone 43R23 Blyth. 6 - BOARD AND ROOM LARGE BRIGHT ROOM WITI clothes closet, double bed. Phon Clinton 174. CUSTOM WORK ELECTRIC MOTORS, Rewounc and repaired. Home and Auto rad ios and appliances repaired. Ar Levett, Isaac Street, at Dunlop Phone Clinton 138W, 41-tfl FARMS FOR SALE NICE. LIST OF FARMS FOF sale. L. G. Winter. Real Estate Phone Clinton 448. Low down payments. 33-tfk FURNITURE FOR SALE KITCHEN CHROME SEPT includ ing buffet, 3 piece Kroehler ches terfield set; bunk bed and dresser to match; frig. and stove, etc Airway vacuum cleaner; grey 6' 9' carpet; open book c a s Best offer. Gwen Vezina, Phone Clinton 152. • 6-7-1 Furniture Re -Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO ANL radio cabinet, refinishing and re' pairing, , apply W. G. Pickett phone Clinton 761M. 47; .p -til HELP WANTED --Female WAITRESS. Apply in person t BartIiff Bros., Clinton. 6 - GIRL WANTnaD FOR GENERA housework. Phone Clinton 562. 6 - FOR LAUNDRY WORK. Modern equipment, good working condi tions, Phone Clinton 312W or ep ply in person, preferably, to A Garon, Clinton Laundry and Dr3 Cleaning. 44 -tit HELP WANTED --'MALE WANTED, EXPERIENCED mar- ried man for general farm work. Separate house, fuel, milk, provid- ed. For further particulars con- tact Stewart Middleton, RR 3, Clinton, phone Clinton 437J3. 6-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE HOLSTEIN CALF, SUITABLE for vealing. Apply Ross Trewar- tha, phone Clinton 807R4. 6=p TEN CHUNKS OF PIGS, around 75 pounds. John Lindsay, RR 3, Clinton. Phone Clinton 727W2. 6 - 'REGISTERED JERSEY HEIFER; due to freshen, February 16. Also large hot water radiator. Apply Pers. Johnston, Varna. 6 - NUMBER 0 F REGISTERED Ayrshire heifer cows and heifers, springing February and March. Phone Zurich 85R1L Hilton True - miter, RR 2, Zurich, 6-7-p LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bios. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 148331, or 1483J4 9ptfb LOGS WANTED HARD MAPLE AND Basswood, standing or in the log. For high- est cash prices, call us collect. James T. Craig and San, Auburn. Phone Blyth 43r24. 4-5-6-p LOST AND FOUND LOSS — ONE SMALL TRUCK tarp on Monday, about 5 p.m. between Clinton and Summerhill. Finder phone Ross Hoggart, Clinton 802r33. 6-b SALES HELP WANTED WANTED: Man for steady travel among consumers in Huron Coun- ty. Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hustler considered, Write Raw- leigh's• Dept, J3-169-131, Montreal, P.Q. 6-b MANAGERS AND SA.L1ilSLAD- I ES for full or parttime me work throughout Hayfield district, coun- try as well as towns. `lour in- come depends, on. the hours you work, You can earn $50,00--- $100.00 Weekly; showing knitwear, orlans, nylons; lingerie, dresses. Gar necessary. Do not ;miss this opportunity. Write to: Mrs, Gladys Fidler, Walkerton, Ontario. 6-b An Opportunity A'ldrgo Canadian Life lr►suroiice Ctirripany has an opening for 4 young married mon for Clinton and the surrounding district. 'We Warft a man with initiative and ambition. We offer salary grid oorrimisstoh, Reply to Post Office Box S`, GuL�Iph,'glving age and other information. IsmvirsAvoom PAGE SEVki? MISCELLANEOUS S, ai ds; A b BABY BEEF BYYTUE QUARTER, r cut, wrapped, ready for freeser or locker; Ross Ileggart, phone Clinton 802r33, 6-b b ONE -114U OP D0UHLE Garage for lent. Available February 15. - Phone Clinton 1.629W, . 6-b MORE FANNERS ARE SW ITCH- n ing to Surge Milkers for faster, safer, cow milking. Contact Lov- a ell McGuire, 'Wingham, Surge s Service Dealer, phone Winghaln - 593. 5-6-7-8-p '. .BAYFIELD REST HOME, "the d home Within a home". Home e for convalescents, elderly people, , Home cooked meals, registered nurse in attendance, Only a few vacancies left, Phone Dayfield - 37. 6-7-8-b VIKING SEPARATOR SALES ( and Service. Authorized dealer for the district of Clinton, Sea- > forth, Hensall and Zurich. A1- lowance for made used separat- ors. Basil O'Rourke, Brucefield, phone Clinton 634r21. • 6-b I OPEN FOR PUBLIC DANCES , and receptions, The Huron ' Ramblers Orchestra, Modern and • •old time music. For appoint-. ments please phone Reg. Smith, Clinton, 131W. 3-4-5-6-7b WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association. "Where Better Bulls Are Used." Artificial Insemination 1 service for all breeds of cattle. For service or information phone Clinton 515 collect, between 7.30 and 10.00 a.m. on week days and • 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. on Sundays. • 6-tfb EGMONT MINERALS for Cattle have proven to supply all minerals cattle need to maintain good heal- , th. At $7 per 100 pounds it sup. plies these essential minerals very eceinomicalIy. Always available at the farm, or a phone call will bring it to your door. J. W. Van- Egmon.d, phone Clinton 805r13. _ 46tfb SALESMEN WANTED MAN TO REPRESENT SINGER , Sewing Machine Company, Goder- , ich, Salary Commission. ' and Will I have training on service and sales. Paid while training. Good chance , for industrious man. Good pro-' . motions, Hospitalization and Ben- efit Plan. Car necessary. Apply ' W. G .Henderson, Singer Sewing Machine Company, G o d e r i c h, Phone Goderich 1135. 4-tfb Clinton's Reeves Give Report On. , County Council Clinton's reeve and deputy reeve reviewed happenings at county council for the councillors here on ; Tuesday evening. Reeve Stanley ' and Deputy Reeve Trewartha were two of four men who voted against the 12 mill tax rate brought down by the County in its January session. They had pro- posed that it be kept to 11.5 mills. Reeve Stanley told of.becoming a member of the County Home 1 Committee, along with the Reeve of Seaforth, since it was felt that closer supervision of the Home I would be an asset. Deputy Reeve Trewartha spoke ^of Mr. Stanley .heading the poll to become a mem- ' ber of the striking committee . for County Council, atter being in the ` County work foe only one year. ` iN MEMORIAM 1 GREER—In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Robert Greer, who passed away Febru- ary 13, 1953: ' "There are others, 'yes we know; But he was ours and we miss him so." - —Always remembered by his wife and family. 6p Cards of Thanks 2 Cents per word,. Minimum 50e ' Mrs. Verna Glazier wishes to thank all her mny friends and neighbours for cards of cheer, gifts, flowers and treats, while a patient in the Goderich Hospital. ' 6-b I wish to thank everyone for cards, treats and visits while in hospital. Special thanks to the WA and WMS for the lovely flowers and the nurses of the Goderich Hospital and Dr. Jack- son.—BEATRICB 'TAYLOR. 6-b s FOR SALE f 1 STOE.E3t, 5 ROOM DWELLING, three bedrooms, modern convert- t fences, oil heating, full baso. t inept, low taxes.. Situated on t Highway 4, eolith of Chaste% t Early possession, 1 STOREY 5 ROOM DWELLING, two bedrooms, modern conven- ience. Sunnorcb. Early posses- sion. Prices '1,000. 1 STOREY. ROOMED DWEL- LING, with two bedrooms, oil s heating: Two lots. Price: xl $3,500. !Cash, $1,500, Monthly 1 pnymcnt, $85. Early ttossesslon. '1 M P1Y to t t i. C. LAWSON t Complete Insurance Service Real Estate .— Investments e I• Bank of Montreal Building la rtsoixest: Office 251.W; Iles. 251.1 S CLINTON, ONTARIO x _t 4SSI1�'IED RATES CAM SATE (if paid b the Wednesday following pudica- tion) ee 'ewe cent* 1}ex word, sedetrnum $0 Petits, 1%z cents a word for eeeh foliawini; Iuser, teen, infnlniurn 35 cents. BOX NUMBER -15e extra. BMRT#IS, MAI RIAOES and DEATHS ---no eharge, 1+1NGAGE$ENTS, CARDS OF %WANT S & IN MF,1MitORIAMS -.-TWo cants per word, minlniflm; 5O cents, CHM GED --15 eon**. extra,, DEADLINE -.42 o'ciook noon" Wednesda COMING EVENTS I ese word, eSele ani 111e Modern. and Old yme dancing for all at the Crystal Palace Ballroom, Mitchell, every Friday night, Music by Clarence Petrie and his Night Ilainks. 2to13-b Thursday, Feb. 9 --Bingo, Leg- ion Memorial Hall, Kirk Street, Clinton, commencing at 8.30 p.m.; 15 regular games for $5.00; three special share -the -wealth games; $56.00 jackpot on 56 numbers, in- eluded in all the share -the -wealth games; one special game for $25.00. Admission: 15 regular games for 50c; Special games 15c, 2 for 25e, 5 for 50e. An evening of fun for all bingo players. 5-6-b Friday, Feb, 1O --Coloured Pic- tures, Key West, Florida to Bay- field. United Church Hayfield, Auspices WA. Lunch. Admission 50c and 25e. • 6-b Friday, Feb. 10 Dance, Leg- ion Hall,. Kirk Street, Clinton, 9.30 to 1. Come out and enjoy an evening of new and old time mus - ie, Ample parking. Beautiful floor. Refreshment booth. Ad- mission, 50c per person: 5-6-b Saturday, Feb. 11—Baking Sale nd Afternoon Tea, Council limber, 3 to 5 p.m. Tea 25c. uspices: LOBA. 6-b Saturday, Feb. 11-3 to 5 p.m., t. Andrew's Presbyterian Church lirls' Club, sale of baking and,ap- ons. Afternoon tea 25e 6-b Monday, Feb. 13 — Valentine uchre Party. Ritz Hotel, Bay- ield. Sponsored by the L. A. Pro- eeds: Guides and Brownies work. admission 50c. 6-b Tuesday, Feb. 14—Pancake Sup- er. Trinity Parish Hall, Bayfield, .30 to 7.30 p.m. Auspices, Womn- n's Auxiliary. Admission 50c 3hiidren 10 and under, 35c. 6-b Friday, Feb. 17 -= Cards and Vance; Varna Hall, 8 p.m. Span - ors: C.P. and T. Committee, Odd- ellaws and Rebekas. 6-7-b Saturday, Feb. 18 — Bake Sale own Hall. Auspices Turner's T.A., 2.30 p.m. 6-7-b Monday, Feb. 20—Coloured slid - s of Florida, by William T. Me- sh. Music by Miss .Doris John - on ' and accompanist. Varna 'ownship Hall_ Auspices, Varna �.A., 8.30 p.m. Admission 50c nd 25c. 6-b Feb. 24 and '25 — "Winter Vonderland 1956" ice carnival;. Minton Lions Arena. Sponsor: Hinton Figure Skating Club. 6-7-b Goderioh Pavilion dancing. Sat- rday nights, Paul Cross and his rchestra. Wednesday night s, larence Petrie's Night Hawks. 6-tfb CDC! Hi-Lites The boys are happy because his Friday night, commencing at' .30, there will be a "Sadie Haw - sins' dance." The .girls' are buy - ng licences this. week so that they an grab a man. The girls, are to ay for everything and to make ure the boys have a good time. The annual At -Home has come and gone. Everyone was delighted and amazed by the beautiful mur- I done in chalk by Jan and Jim Klimstra, newcomers to Canada. Vlore than 350 attended and en- joyed the dance and lunch. A ielieious lunch was served in the ;ymnasium by the Wesley -Willis Woman's Association. a Colts 6.Watford 4 Watford Atoms came very close to upsetting Clinton Colts last Saturday evening in Clinton Lions Arena. The Atom's spotted Clin- on Lon a 5-0 lead in the first period, held the Colts scorless in the second and scored four times in th:e third before McEwan found the range at the 18.00 minute mark, a goal that slowed the Wat- ordlmarch and gave Clinton the much needed win. Clinton got off to a fast start N Elliott scored with the game only 50 seconds old. Lee scored Clinton's second goal at 5.50 and. before the period ended Garon,, Hartley and Counter had all flash- ed the light behind Art Woodcock. Both teams were scoreless in the second with the Atoms! getting tronger with. each minute and linton's passing attack fading be - re the close checking. McKinley's goal at 3.10 of the hind period gave the Watford earn the encouragement they seeded. They completely domini- ed the play for the period and the Colts• were fortunate that they didn't tie the score; itchell .b Colts 3 First place -Mitchell Red Devils cored six times in the first per- 1d and coasted to an impressive 0-3 win aver Clinton Ctrts an 'uesday evening. The game was he last meeting between the two ams in the WCiAA $ig-i3, with litchell having won all four amen against the Colts during tie regular sehedule, The genre was very cleanly play. d With only one penalty going to lelide-16h hi the third period for lgh sticking iii ?Dwell and Ed, mith each seered three goals for 2ftchell, Gaunter, Lee and Har- y were the Colt xnerksntet , BIRTHS ALEXANDER- Zn Clinton Public 5 019 6 oto 7.V1'r. and Mrs hri A1exnnder, BR 2, Heiisaii, :a son (Rcrs John3. NA1S11-0, Clinton Public Hos pital, on Monday, February 0, 1956, to W/02 and Mrs, Frank Naish, BCAF Station Clinton, a daughter (Heather Mane), STOLI,,-,-;In Clinton Public Io3.., pital, on Tuesday, February 1956, to Mr, and Mrs. Edgar StoU, Clinton, a aau$ctter. VERBURG --- in Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, February 7, 1956, to Mr.. and Mrs. John Verburg, R'R 1, ,Auburn, `a son, DEATHS CROSS—Suddenly at his home in Hensell, on Thursday. February 2, 1956, William Bryant Anson Cross, beloved husband of Leola Pearce, in his 65th year, Fun- eral service from the family re- sidence on Friday, February 3, at 8.00 p.m„ thence to Errske Funeral Chapel, Chesiey, where public service was' held on Sat- urday, February 4. Interment was in Chesley Cemetery. GRAY—At the home of her daugh- ter, Mrs. Leonard McNeil, Bly- th, on Monday, January 30, 1956, Martha Manning, widow of the late William Gray, in her 85th year. Funeral from the Londesboro United Church, to Blyth Union Cemetery, on Thur- sday afternoon, • February 2, sday ^afternoon, February 2. KITCHEN— At Ross, Memorial Hospital, Lindsay, on Saturday, February 4, 1956, Priscilla Gib- bons (formerly of Brucefield), beloved wife of John Kitchen, in her 69th year. Funeral from the Stoddard funeral home, Woodville, on Tuesday, February >'7, to Eden Cemetery. LAVIS -- Ath his home, Albert Street, Clinton, on Monday ev- ening, February 6, 1956, Laun- ey William Levis, beloved hus- band of Lillian Lee, in his 75th year. Funeral from the Ball and Mutch funeral home, High Street, Clinton, on Thursday af- ternoon, February 9, at two o'clock, by Rev. A. Glen Eagle, Interment will be in Clinton Cemetery. THOMPSON—In Alexandra Mar- ine and General Hospital, Goder- ich, on Sunday afternoon, Feb- ruary 5, 1956, Alice Colladay, widow of the late Adam Thom- pson, in her 88th year, Funeral from the Lodge funeral home, Goderioh, by Rev. R. G. Mac- Millan, on Tuesday afternoon, February 7, to Maitland Ceme- tery. YOUNGBLUT -- In Clinton, on Tuesday, February 7, 1956, Rob- ert Youngblut, beloved husband of Myrtle Mountain, in his 72nd year. Resting at the Ball and Mutch funeral home, Hi g h Street, Clinton, where funeral service will be held on Friday afternoon, February 10, 1956, commencing at 2 o'clock. In- terment will be in Clinton Cem- etery, under auspices of Hullett Lodge A.F. & A.M. No. 568. +�-.•. e-• a+..•+-+ CLINTON LIONS ARENA SCHEDULE Thursday, Feb. 9- 4.30-5.30 p.m, — Clinton Public School Children FREE Skat- ixig — sponsored by Ruby & Bill's Snack Bar and Bart- liff's Bakery. Friday, Feb. 10- 8.15-10,00 p.m. -- Ontario Street United Church -Congregation Skating Party. , Saturday, Feb. 11-- 11.15 a.m.-12.45—Adastral Park. 1.00-2.30 p.m.—FREE SKATING, Clinton, RCAF and Rural Public School Children sponsors: Clinton Lions Club. 2.00-3.30 p.m.—Public Skating. 8.15-10.00 p.m.--Publie Skating. Monday, Feb. 13— Open for booking. Tuesday, Feb. 4.30-5.30 p.m. -- Clinton Public School FREE SKATING — sponsored by Fairholine Dairy and Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaners. Wednesday, Feb. 15-- 2.00=3.00 p.m. --Pubic .Skating. • LIGHTNING SLIDE FASTENERS Whether you want a tilde fastener for a neck opening, for a decorative touch on sleeves, or to go -- zipl -. the whole way bolo hem to top, this stole it eager to serve you. RAY'S Shoe Hospital EXPERT SHOE REPAIR Ghlill(iifKNlf lll{1((pll @ ; ; IIIMINVIelit sessep BOXY TITEATRE CLINTON NOW: THURSDAY, FRIDAY end SATURDAY 'The Country Girl' Three Great Academy Award per, formances in one picture" The year's best dramatic attraction. AdmtsSion: Adults 60e; Students e5c; children 20e Bing Crosby -- Grace Kelly William Widest MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "Kiss ie' TechniOfecolorFr He held his knife at the Frontier's throat—its treasure in his amass Jack Instance --- Barbara Rush Coming—Double Bill "Pals- of the Golden West" Rey Rogers "High Society's The Bowery Hoes. MARRIAGES GARRO W — PORTINGELL -•-,- in the chapel at i Ontario Street United Church, on Saturday af- ternoon, January 28, 1956, by Rev. A. G. Eagle, Raburta Bios som Jane Portingell, Goderich, daughter of W. B. E. ?ortingeli, Toronto, to Lorne Alvin Garrow, London, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carman F. Garrow, Clinton. SHOREY--ATTERBURY— In the chapel at Ontario Street United .Church, on Saturday afternoon, February 4, 1956, by Rev. A. G. Eagle, Grace Marie Atterbury, daughter of Mrs. Bowan Atter- bury, Guelph, to ACJ. John Ford Shorey, RCAF Station Central- ia, son of Corporal and Mrs, John Shorey, • 38 Edmonton Road„ RCAF Station Clinton. 1 .. Faintly Income An excellent method of -having an • adequate insurance estate for the man with a young family CONSULT HAL HARTLEY Representative CANADA LIFE ' Clinton .— Phone 454W 6-b •�i :.-..< • ClintonCoznmunity Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY commencing at 1.30 p.m. TERMS CASH J. COR?✓Y, SaIles Manager i E. W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOOUN, Clerk. Notice - Township -01 Tuckersmith • To facilitate snow remov- al operations, the public is requested not to park cars or vehicles on roadsides during the winter months. And notice is hereby giv- en that the Township will not be responsible for any damages caused to such vehicles as a result of snow- plowing operations. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, Township of Tuckersmith 51-tfb s-. . . E I n TEL,150 "� ,Goderich NOW. THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY James. Stewart 0 Cathy O'Donnell Doeald Crisp & Arthur Kennedy' A truly great Outdoor adventure story in which a man on a quest travels a .thousand rages to avenge his brother. "The Mai, From. Laramie" ](n Cinemascope & Techuicelor MONDAY, 'TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY A NEW and GOOD Mystery " Comedy The Trouble With Harry" Vistavislon & Technicolor In the green hills of Vermont a corpse called Harry is found its the woods, with results that will keep you chuckling. Edmund C„wenn - Shirley MacLaine & John Forsythe --- Adult Entertainment— COMING: "Duel. On The Mississippi" also "Pack Train" - Gene Autry CLUB LEADERS TO HOLD ANNUAL AND BANQUET The Huron County 4-H Club Leaders .Association 'plan to meet in the agricultural office board rooms, here at 10.30 o'clock on the morning of February 27, for their annual meeting. At noon tehe an- nual dinner is scheduled in the. Hotel Clinton, commencing at 12.30 o'clock, and then an after- noon session also is being plan- ned. RCA VICTOR RADIOS AND TELEVISION Your Old Radio Accepted As Trade -In. T. A. DUTTON RCA VICTOR.- DEALER BRUCEFIELD Telephone Clinton 634R4 - BE SURE Of Your Fuel Supply BUY U,u From your Local Dealer MUSTARD LUMBER and COAL BRUCEFIELD Phone Clinton 634 r 11 Also Dealer for ROE FEEDS • 0 If You Want To Sell Your Farm For Dependable and Capable Service List Your Property with JOHN BOSVELD REAL ESTATE BROKER 40 Wellesley St. PHONE 1108 GODERICH 49-6-b K. C. COOKE FLORIST Phone 66W Clinton Clinton Hospital Association Annual Meeting COUNCIL CHAMBER TOWN HALL, CLINTON Friday, Feb. 10 8.00 p.m. AH those interested in the affairs of Clinton Public Hospital are cordially invited to attend. A. M. Ii icIrr, 1 , 1 . W'AL'x'(3N, President Secretary -Treasurer 5.6 -is