HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-02-02, Page 5SALESMEN WANTEQ MAN TO R1,117'RESENT SINGER Sewing Machine Company, Goder- ich. Salary and Commiesion. Will have training On, service and sales, Paid while training, Good thence for industrious man. Good pro- motions. Hospitalization and Ben- efit Plan. Car necessary. Apply W. G ,Henderson, Singer Sewing Machine Company, Goderich, Phone Goderich 1185. 4-tfb WANTED: MAN FOR STEADY travel among constaners in Huron County. Permanent connection With latmge mannfaattret'. Only re, liable hustler considered. Write Ratvlelgh's Dept. 84166431, Mee- trete', P.Q, 4, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS, Centact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, ffigh Street, Clinton, Phone Cl tfb in- ton 448. 13 CUSTOM WORK ELECTRIC MOTORS, Rewound end repaired. Home and Auto rad- ios and appliances repaired.' Art Levett, Isaac Street, at Dunlop. Phone Clinton 138W. 41-tfb EMPLOYMENT WANTED HOUSEWORK WANTED — by middle-aged-lady. Box 52, Clinton News-Record. 5-p FARMS FOR SALE NICE LIST OF FARMS FOR sale. L. G. Winter. Real Estate. Phone Clinton 448. Low down payments., 33-tfb FOR SALE OR RENT WHITE FRAME HOUSE FOR sale, or rent, furnished. Phone Clinton 618r22. Mrs. H. F. Berry, Brucefield. 4-5-b Furniture Re-Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet, refinishing and re- pairing, apply' W. G. Pickett, phone Clinton 761M. 47-p-tib FURNITURE FOR SALE CHROME KITCHEN TABLE good as new, Black top. Phone Clin- ton 605. 5-p HELP WANTED—Female CAPABLE WOMAN, TO TAKE full charge of house, and care for elderly woman. Phone Clinton 622r4L 5p WAITRESS, FULL TIME WORK. Lady for kitchen work. Apply in person or phone Finger's Restaur- ant or 744. Work to commence within ten days. • 4-5-b FOR LAUNDRY WORK. Modern equipment, good working condi- tions. Phone Clinton 312W or ap- ply in person, preferably, to A. Garen, Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaning. ' 44-tfb HELP WANTED—MALE EXPERIENCED MARRIED MAN (with references) for South Hur- on poultry and beef cattle farm. Must be reliable and capable of taking full charge. Separate house, • hydro. Box 42, Clinton News-Record. 4-5-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 30 TO 40 CHUNKS OF YORK pigs. A. Fangrad, 'Londesboro, phone Blyth 26r26. 4-5-p FOUR YEARLING RED POLL Heifers, registered, accredited and vaccinated. Raymond Whitmore, phone Clinton 535R2. 5p FOUR PIGS, SEVEN WEEKS old. Also quantity of hard maple tops; will either sell in the top or by the cord, or cut on shares. Wes. Hoggart, phone Clinton 802r33. 5-b LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 148331, or 148334 9ptfb LOGS WANTED ' HARD MAPLE AND Basswood, standing or in the log. For high- est cash prices, call us collect. James T. Craig and Son, Auburn. Phone Blyth 43r24. 4-5-6-p Behind Recent Headlines * HURON CLUB OWNER CHARGED—George Campbell, proprietor of the Crystal Club, was charged with keeping liq- uor for sale. A quantity of beer and ale was seized. Only one of many •such charges during the past year under the C.T.A. * ARMY CANCELLING NEW YEAR'S RITES — An H. Q. Western Ontario Area"-"direc- tive has ordered all military messes closed in view of the extensive safety campaign. * * LIQUOR CHARGES TO THE FORE — Most lines in police charge books in Ontario cen- tres during the Christmas weekend were taken up with liquor charges. Three out of four charges of the more than 400 reported were breaches of the L.C.A. In Toronto more than 300 persons were arrest- ed between 6 p.m. Friday and midnight Monday. HURON COUNTY TEMPERANCE FEDERATION 5-b WARNING ISSUED TO BOOTLEGGERS --Magistrate Dudley Holmes, of Goderich, has warned bootleggers. Their penalty will be stiffer than usual if caught selling beer to minors. "I will take it into consideration when imposing penalty." An Opportunity A large Canadian Life Insurance Company has an Opening for a young married Man for Clinton and the surrounding district. _We want a man with initiative and We offer salary and conetnietioh, Reply to Post Office Dot 337, .Guelph, giving. ago and other information. ww -0- Does Your Car Really Give You MILEAGE ECONOMY? For more miles to the gallon, fill up with Cities Service gall; LUBRICATION Let us give your car a thorough lubrication.. We f011oW tottery charts for AR makes and Models. Drive in today for our expert lubrication. RAY'S Cities Service Cities Service Products Bay Iloggarth -- Carl Cantelon "The place where you never have to blow yOur horn" CittliOn t t t Ontario • BE SURE Of Your Fuel Supply BUY From your Local Dealer MUSTARD LUMBER and COAL BRUCEFIELD Phone Clinton 634 r 11 Also Dealer for ROE FEEDS '11.1MIONmomalmanimmammelasTersomemo mm.1101 Clayt s ice Cry g,. Bar for ICE CREAM — HAMBURGERS — LIGHT LUNCHES STORE HOURS Monday to Thursday — 9.00 a.m. — 11.30 p.m. Friday and Saturday — 9.00 a.m. — 1.00 a.m. Sunday 12 noon — 5.00 p.m. (during winter months) "OUR HAMBURGERS ARE A SPECIALTY" ••••=•=11111 1111•111111N Clinton Hospital Association Annual Meeting If Yourant To Sell Your Farm For Dependable and Capable Service List Your Property with JOHN BOSVELD REAL ESTATE BROKER 40 Wellesley St. PHONE 1108 GODERICH 49-6-b Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere COUNCIL CHAMBER TOWN HALL, CLINTON Friday, Feb. 10 8.00 p.m. K. C. COOKE FLORIST Phone 66W — Clinton All those interested in the affairs of Clinton Public Hospital are cordially invited to attend. This Week's SPECIALS ZIP-IN-LINED TOPCOATS REG. 49.50 SPECIAL — each . REG. 29.50 SPECIAL — each SPORT COATS 25 Only WHILE THEY LAST HALF PRICE AT PICKETT CAMPBELL LIMITED Phone 25 (Main Corner) Clinton +44+*++.4+*44.4••., $29.50 $17,95 FEBRUARY, 1900 CLINTON :11.1./VS-nr.coftp. PAGE FIVE ACCOMMODATION for RENT *OUR ROOM, MODERN APART- .isearit available now, Phone Ckdon 376W. 5-1] THREE ROOM UPSTAIRS. apart- inent, unfurnished, Share bath Phone Clinton 78W. 4-5-b THREE ROOM, FURNISHED heated apartment, suitable for t We, Phone Clinton 213, 5-b 11111A, !Tele FURNISHED, THREE- neone apartment; shared bath, pdvate entrance. Phone Seaforth .te. 5b THREE ROOM, ITEAteep, UN- furnished apartment. Central. Suitable for couple. Phone Clin- ton 691R0 4-5-b SEMI-DETACHED HOUSE IN Clinton. Separate bath. Unfur- nished. Phone Clinton 679M. 3-tfb APARTMENT TO RENT, FURN- Ished, three rooms, private bath. Available February 1, Phone Clinton 199W. . -, 5-p THREE ROOM APARTMENT for rent, with separate bath. Avail- able immediately, phone Clinton 7722W20 2tfb IlF.ATI.D, FURNISHED, ground floor apartment. Separate en- &once. Available February 6. Ap- ply 116 Elgin Ave., West, Goder- lob, Phone Goderich 534. 4-5-b FIVE ROOM, UNFURNISHED, heated apartment, separate bath, on Victoria Street, Seaforth, Im- mediate possession. Apply John Tremeer, phone Seaforth 258W. 5p Y11"U'RNISHED HOUSE in Clin- ton. Vacant February 15. Three 'bedrooms, bath, kitchen and sit- ting room. Oil heat. Nice lawn, room for garden. Phone Clinton 1 NW. 5-p 6-b FOR RENT IN GODERICH, 3 bedroom furnished house, bath- room, basement, oil furnace, choice location, also furnished duplex upper apartment $35 a month low- ,er apartment $45 a month, immed- iate possession. Apply John Bose veld. Real Estate Broker, 40 Well- ley St., Phone 1108, Goderich. ... 5b TOUR ROOM COTTAGE retineiy furnished, including hot and cold water 'and three-piece tate five minutes drive from .RCAF Station Clinton. Would ac- commodate two married couples nicely if agreeable or couple with well-trained children. JOHNATRAN HUGILL Ipones: Clinton 616r13; Seaforth 667r13. 52-b-tfb Accommodation Wanted UNFURNISHED APARTMENT for couple. In Clinton iff pos- sible. Write to Box 51, Clinton News-Record. 5-p WANTED, UNFURNISHED house in Clinton. Furnace heated. Adults. Reply by letter to Box 40, Clinton News-Record. 4-5-p ARTICLES FOR SALE RICA VICTOR, 17" Tion,EVISION set, in good condition. Priced for quick sale. Apply McEwan's Gift wad Stationary Store. 4-5-b Illt FIT FOR A "KING" — We Rent — Move — Install. Complete Ir.ervice on all makes of rotators acid antenna. All work fully guar- ' Weed. Huron Tower Installation, phone Goderich 1344M. Stfb ARTICLES WANTED 'UPRIGHT DESK. BOX 50, 'Clinton 'News-Record. 5-p UPRIGHT DESK — One suitable for use in home. Apply by phoning to Clinton News-Record. 5-p 'WE WOULD LIKE TO BUY Limoges, and Haviland Limoges, Sets and pieces. Also other old china, silver, glass and brass in :ood condition for cash. Century v &use, Hayfield. 5-647-8-p t' ANTED — GOOD USED Rad- .. and console record players as ade-ins on televisions, driers, oyes, washers or refrigerators. . A. Dutton, Firestone tStore, cefield. Phone Clinton 643r4. 5-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 947 MERCURY SEDAN $625; 949 Ford $500; 1947 Dodge $325, 1948 Chevrolet $275. Apply S. ening, 149 Waterloo Street, ten Phone Exeter 4043. 5-6-p 947 PLYMOUTH, RADIO, heater d sunvisor, excellent body, guar- teed new motor, 2 new snow ref and excellent tires on front. • co $500.00. Phone 701 daytime, 'hone 538W evenings. • 50 BABY CHICKS HICK BUYERS-1T WILL • .y you good dividends to get Feb- vary chicks, and started chicks. i ' you get Kitchener Big-4 - there's . special discount. These' Chicks - dian Approved - are "top not- 0,ters" - This Hatchery has its • complete breeding program - • • can supply all standard var. eties and crosses, and speeial rains like Pilch White Rocks, for iroilers, Ames In-Cross, etc. 'We're !eat and can supply full inkier- , :Mon. Chas. Scott, Auburn, 'hone 4311,23 Blyth, 5b BUILDINGS FOR SALE CABIN --- 12' x 20' TO removed front Main Street in t end Bend, Blue Asphalt roof, Ohns-Manville siding, Wired for tire. Suitable for garage. Can . easily reeved, Contact Orville; .y, Phone, Clinton 447W. 5-la 0 EGMONT MINERALS for Cattle have proven to supply all minerals cattle need to maintain good heal- th, At $7 per 100 pounds it' sup' plies these essential minerals very economically, Always available at the farm, or a phone call will bring it to your door. J. W. Van- Egmond, phone Clinton 805r13. 46tfb PROPERTY FOR SALE RED BRICK AND STUCCO honse, Main Street Hensall, Fully in- sulated. Hallway, kitchen, din- ingroom, livingroom with fire- place and small porch on: first floor. Three bedrooms, bath, deck and sleeping porch on second floor, Nearly new automatic oil fired hot water furnace in full basement. Good lot with private drive and garage, Apply William Kyle, Kippen, 4-5-p CLINTON COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION LIMITED will hold its 4th Annual Meeting on Wed. Feb. 8th at 8 p.m. in the AGRICULTURAL BOARD ROOM, CLINTON All members who hold one share or over are entitled to one vote. Non Members Welcome, RADIO & TELEVISION Phone 482 — Clinton Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY commencing at 1.30 p.m. hitiyis CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk NOTICE OF 'PROPOSED BY-LAW To Close Port of Extension of William Street, • Clinton. NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the Town of Clin- ton, at the next regular meeting of the Council to be held on the 6th day of February,•A.D. 1956, at 8 o'clock in the evening, will give consideration to the Third Reading of a By-law to close that part •of extension of William Street which commences 730 feet Northerly from the Northeast intersection of Princess Street and William Street and continues along that part of William Street extended for 275 feet, and to convey the part so closed to George Levis. All persons opposed to the proposed By-law are hereby notified to attend the said meet- ing in person or by Counsel to state their objections thereto. The proposed By-law may be inspected during office hours at the office of the Clerk of the Town of Clinton, AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that this Notice is hereby pub- lished pursuant to Ontario Mtm- icpal Act, R.S.O. 1950, Chapter 243, Section 469. DATED this 6th day of De- cember, A.D. 1955. E. B. MENZIES, Selicitor for the Town of Clinton. 2-3-4-5-b CLASS? PIED RATES CASH RATE (it paid by the Wednesday following Pnblita- tiou) Trito cents Per word, minimum 410 cents, 11/4 cents a word for each following inOer- tion, mine 35 cents, BOX NUMBER---16o extra. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES and DEATHS—no charge, ENGAGEMENTS, CARDS OF THANKS & IN MEMORIAMS --Two cents per word, minimum 50 cents. CHARGED,-15 cents extra. DEADLINE--12 o'clock noon, Wednesday. Cards of Thanks 2 Ponta per word,PanIMUM gee MRS, T. FAIRSERVICE and familywish to •express their aP- preciation to relatively friends and neighbours for kindnesses extend- ed, floral tributes, cars loaned, during their recent bereavement. Special thanks to the nursing staff of Clinton and Seaforth hospitals, Drs. McMaster and Malcus, Sea- forth; Rev. 3. T. White and K. 1.4. Sweigard, pallabearers, flower- bearers and the Ball and Mulch funeral home. 5-p We would Ike to thank our friends, neigbotirs, members of Brucefied United Church and Huronic Rebekah Lodge for cards, flowers and acts, of kindness shown to us during our recent bereavement.. MR. AND MRS. WALTER MOFFATT. 5-p MRS. E. R. WESTON would like to thank her many friends in Hayfield and Goderich for gifts, cards and flowers, while a patient in Goderich Hospital. Many thanks to Dr. N. C. Jacksonand assistant; to the Nurses on second floor for their kindness. Thanks, Nine Wes- ton. 5p FOR SALE TEN ACRES—with seven room dwelling. Modern conveniences. Cement block barn, 45x22; hen house 60x18; double garage; 200 fruit trees. Situated on Highway 4, in Town of Clinton, Early possession. TWO STOREY, 2 APARTMENT DWELLING: Main Floor offers livingroom, diningroom, modern kitchen, two bedrooms and bathroom; Upstairs offers: livingroom, modern kitchen and dining space, one bedroom, and bathroom. Full basement, latest forced air oil heating, Lot, 80x300', situated in new development, south of Clinton, Ontario, on Highway 4, Early possession. lye. STOREY DWELLING, with living room, diningroom with fireplace, kitchen, den, down; five bedrooms, bath, up. Hot water heating with stoker; sun- porch down. Well located. One block from post office, Im- mediate possession. • eeene.—. 1 STOREY, 5 ROOM DWELLING, three bedrooms, modern conven- iences, oil heating, full base- ment, low taxes.. Situated on Highway 4, south of Clinton. Early possession. 1 STOREY, 5 ROOM DWELLING, two bedrooms, modern conven- ience. Sunnorch. Early owes- elan. Price, 1,000. 0 1 STOREY. 5 ROOMED DWEL- LING, with two bedrooms, oil heating. Two lots. Price: $3,500. Cash, $1,500. Monthly payment, $35. Early possession. Apply to BIRTHS' 130YCZ-4.4 Clinton, Public Hospi- tal, on Sunday, January 29, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Boyce, Varna, ft daughter (Bren4a EliZab012). FISVER---III Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Thursday, January 26, 1956, to. Sgt. and Mrs. 3. G. Fisher, RCAF Station Clinton, a son. HESSELWOOD--In Clinton Pub- lic Hospital, on Saturday, Jan- uary 28, 1956, to W. and Mrs. Reg. HeSseWlood, 813, 1, Blyth, a son. NETS--In Clinton Public HosPin tai, on Tuesday, January 31, 1956, to Mr, and IVfrs. Glen Neeb, RR 1, Zurich, a daughter. STEWART' — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, January 28, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Stewart, RR 4, Gbderich, a son (James Donald). THOMPSON — In Ottawa Civic Hospital, on Sunday, January 29, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Thompson, Ottawa, a daughter. WABSTER, -- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, Jan- uary 25, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Percy Webster, Hensell, a son. DEATHS DALE—In Victoria Hospital, Lon- don, on Monday, January 30. 1956, Mrs. Milton (Amy Jane) Dale, beloved wife of Milton Dale, in her 73rd year. Funeral service from Evans funeral home,London, on Wednesday, February 1. Interment in Mount Pleasant Cemetery. GUEST — Suddenly, at her home, in Wingham, on Tuesday, Jan- uary 31., 1956, Mary Mitchell, widow of the late Joseph Guest (and sister of Albert Mitchell, Clinton) in her 74th year. Ser- vice from Walker's funeral home, Winghatn, to the Wing- ham Cemetery, on Friday after- noon, February 3, commencing at two o'clock. KING — At his home in Venice, California, on Saturday, January 23.,1956, Matthew Henry (Harry) King, in his 87th year, formerly of BaYfield: Private funeral ser- vice, January 24, at 1 p.m. from Pierce Bros. Mortuary, 202 Main Street, Venice. Following cre- mation, ashes will be deposited in Inglewood. FRIENDSHIP CLUB WILL HOLD VALENTINE PARTY St. Paul's Friendship Club met Wednesday, January 25. Regular business was conducted and de- cision was made to hold the an- nual Blossom Tea on Saturday, May 26. The next regular meet- ing will be a Valentine bcx social on Wednesday, February 3 at 8.15. ST. ANDREW'S WA WILL MEET ON FEBRUARY 7 The Women's Association of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church will meet at the home- of Mrs. Short- reed, on Tuesday, February 7, at three o'clock. ROXY THEATRE V.ILOUNTWON ............... NOW; THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY "STIOrraN" (TeeNtuticelor) Three ways to 'Itill—and he knew them all. Violence raging across the vengeance-scarred West. Sterling Hayden -- Yvonne De Carlo Zachary $04. MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "THE LAST TIME . I SAW PARIS" Beautiful Technicolor production of a Scott Fitzgerald story of youth on a fling. An American journalist in Paris finds• that a wild round of parties and serious writing do riot mix. Van Johnson -- Elizabeth Taylor Walter Pidgeon. COMING': "THE COUNTRY GIRL" Bing Crosby -- Grace Kelly William Holden WMS BIRTHDAY PARTY AT WESLEY-WILLIS CHURCH The regular monthly meeting of the Wesley-Willis United Church WMS will be held on Thursday, February 9 in the church parlour at 2.30 p.m. Meeting will take the form of a birthday party. Miss B. McRoberts' group is in charge. Notice Township 01 Tuckersmith To facilitate snow remov- al operations, the public is requested not to park cars or vehicles on roadsides during the winter months: And notice is hereby giv- en that the Township will not be responsible for any damages caused to such vehicles as a result of snow- plowing operations. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, Township of Tuckersmith 51-tfb 114in amemmeemmasielnummemarwmeatirmoommoamonol THE AT DADg TEL NE 1,150 Goderich NOW: THURSDAY FRIDAY and SATURDAY Robert Louis Stevenson's Immortal character "Long John Silver' The most colorful pirate of all time in a salty tale of high Pike on the high seas: in Cinentascene, and Technicolor with Robert New- ton — Kit Taylor and Connie Gllerest RCA VICTOR RADIOS AND TELEVISION Your Old Radio Accepted 0 As Trade-In. T. A. DUTTON RCA VICTOR DEALER BRUCEFIELD Telephone. Clinton 634R4 .110011•1111•1=1•11•1101111. E. E. WALTON, Secretary-Treasurer 5-6-b LOTS FOR SALE LOT ACROSS FROM CDCI. Mr.s McAdam, Princess Street, phone Clinton 700. 5-p MISCELLANEOUS MORE FARMERS ARE SWITCH- ing to Surge Milkers for faster, safer, cow milking. Contact Lov- ell McGuire, Wingham, Surge Service Dealer, phone Wingham 593. 5-6-7-8-p OPEN FOR PUBLIC DANCES and' receptions. The Hur on Ramblers Orchestra. Modern and old time music. For appoint- ments please phone Reg. Smith, Clinton, 131W. 3-4-5-6-7b WATERLOO CA.erLE Breeding Association. "Where Better Bulls Are Used." Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or, information phone Clinton 515 collect, between 7.30 and 10.0tat.m. on week days and 7.30' and 7.30 (Mu on Sundays. 6-tfb H. C. LAWSON Complete Insurance Service Real Estate Investments Bank of Montreal Building Phones: Office 251W; Rea. 2513 CLINTON, ONTARIO A. M. KNIGHT, President MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY A new typo drama with musiel `Pete Kelly's Blues' In Cinemaseope and Warner-Color In which TV's Sergeant Joe Fri- day switches to a new character- ization; as a Kansas City band- leader who mixes music and Melo- drama for a gripping story, Jack Webb -- Janet Leigh and Edmund O'Brien •••41. COMING: James. Stewart in "The MAN from LARAMIE" 'Scope and Color