HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-05-04, Page 31 vit 1,h tai's MAY 4, 1 ur - Co - 'rhto e;t,nnrtl 1lontlay, the 1, qrs pri,sei1t. J)iliiet.t i•t'ph)r ,job of r'J9):Lli It, Ro'ldawny luta examine that (.fens G ray's cell mends r ghat it 1 t hat 1110 cukve t .Lt its the 10 cun:s, would '1'h(: claim of \)tie. 1 1,Vin hdlg, r1 ,ger t 1)y dogs layt't;i [ w11. I)lyl►t('ltt i>) lltt'ett dogs in ll.ttl`rin. '1'I was adoptees for stat .1'8t'nl%iis lt'il4ettSe(1 lip front 'Mtn) up to iron% 1$1,2ft) up to from 51,800, np to from 2•4011, up tO from N.0(0, up to /3,8000 seven clays ; front ;:3,800 up tc$,4,000, eight days ; ,and for every 1;800 ,ver that amouut or portion thereof, ono ay's work. Pttt.hulabters W re appointed thus: Geo. Bremner, E sward Farrel, \Vu). Clarke, Joseph C. selnoro, L. Jenkins, T. Goy, (htvirt \V Ison, HenryGodkitt. T. \Vein, Thos, G;Ipin, Thos. Aitken, Patrick \Veils, Idrow Mitchell,' W. \litahcll, J. Niel Ilastings, Geo. .}Iustou Gibson, Wade, It. Anile nos, Bolt, 1 Powell, John James 'Nichol, Stewart, Dun !Hastings, Johl J01111 SLOP, 1I D. King, J, 13 Alaxwell, Am more, J. \\'ate 'Moffatt, Geo, Alison O.trysle Mitchell, Rob Town Plot: L. McLean, \Vni. Cruieks Fence Viewer, Evans, 1Vnt, ,1Ua'colul Lau Stied. Pout: Alex. Orr, D Gilmore, Rob shank, Auto: Accounts pail. repairs to Get .Anderson, Walmsley, ( Srig1ey, (Tint $3 ; Jas. Pi 1 AN t' ('Limental farm for :1lanito- 1(. 1 ha has been located on the Asni01)0iuc+ I shore, nen►• Brandon. w..,. ; 14....+n!.N:,.L.,...I.a..,A.i.....WY:«JMR.#.,�..{�. Simply Delicious ! nCil• fiaSII 'WINDSOR CRI: AMS, Illnevale, nn / CII(}1OE I . ;I?1J: APPLES all the mein• ; (ePherr.'on and : PINE APPLES, they had let a I sill's bride to ; also that they ' bridge and re - repaired ; nine OVet nlltelrt drain 'sullies renewing. cMtilleu, Lower Lre1 sheep killed laid over, as no sheep stilled by () following scale uce labor: to ,ot)OO, two days; 1,200, three clays; 1,500, four days ; -- 3.400, tivo days; 53,000, rix days; ()1I AN(U* , COCOANUTS, and Hot Boasted Pea Nuts. JUST GALL AT P1cKELVi!E'S RESTAURANT, CIIRSION ol, T. Fortune, Wm. Fortune, D. Haugh, Peter Deans, George .son, Geo. Nicholson, :ter Oatophell, John T. Walker, W. Hams, ames Elliot, Donald Lll McNaughton, Robt. McEwen, J. Hislop, gh Rae, Andrew Gray, rgess, J. Diment, R. Tipling, James Case- er, John Miller, Geo. alker, \Vm. Merltley, \Vm. Gemmill, Wm. iJ liter, Wm. Farrell. . Netterfield, J. Ansley, )sept) (flack, R. Stein, ittnk, James England. :—S. Anderson, Thos. Lundell, ° J. \V. Walker, nt, Janes Bentley, J. •keepers:— Ben Sault, mean D1 eNaugb ton, • T. . Jenkins, \Vin. Cruick• Tipling, John Bray. . Richard Reddaway„;. nnill's bri(lge, 29 ; ,i rarity, 88.5'3: Char14 nevale) charity, k3 ;. er \Vingham) charity, )er, charity, $7 ; A. Michael, gray 'l, $8.43. P. McLaren, treasurer, was instructed to accept the whole anlonl , $14,98.55, pat in the L'anx of Ilan iltoli by the \Viuglmu council. Tli council adjourned to meet Ilfonda , the 28th day of May, its a Court of Revision. THE TOTAL alSt of the Northwest rebellion of 1.85 was 85,897,356. Grand Trunk R'y. TIIE SITOIRT LINT: TO TUI: ;• WEST ad 1W, UM, v"ii:'1211214 M`l . I' `_.' ;viii)BA, Pac. Coast, &c. Unsurpassed Facilities. The only lino runni0 through to CIIlcAoo on its own rails. The only line running through to Nor.•rit BAY on its own tailG. !'1 :No change of tlo;rbts or transfer annoyance at Toroo. to. Passengers, baggage and effects forwarded through to all points with the fewest or no changes. COs'roMs EXap',VATIOS SI>Il'LII'ISa. No annoyal at the frontier, S eei,a1 Colonist Trains, With throt4„ h freight and stock ears will be run every week damn; the Sprlm; months, connecting at and wio,f ith through free sleeper, Via. NVortli ;:'ay and leitit G.'L IL MAIN' Lisa rote Asn 'Ti Cluc.t0u. Boar in mind this line offers every advantage to be hadolsewhee. Boar in nand this lino offers advantages riot to-bs had rjleewhere. During April, May and Juno ROUND TRIP EX- CURSION TICKETS, with spacial privileges and at very, low rates, will be on sale for points in Ioir4a, Minnesota, Dakota, Nebraska, gammas, Winnipeg, Vancouver, Zze, NOTICE. I ant advised by my physician, on coconut of my stealth, to have a rest, fora few months, and have------- accordingb• determined to dispose my housah ld ane. Anyone Teets, is supcp, O� VEHICLES TO ODR ds for sale, at the iii 994 Centro streets, or is dice in Beaver Block, ' -- '?For all informption. through tickets and freight rates at lowest ()gores, eah on any agent of the Company, or apply' to HAMBURG, G, GERMANY, ZANY, A, C. STRATHDEE, Station Agent, G. T. R., Wingham. W. B. TOWL':R, Town " " Yatos, 1 Hogshead of fine Bohemian Glass, ----I N—' - SAN AND XRT X CONSISTING 01' X WATER SETS, GLASS BASKETS, WATER JUGS, CREAK JUGS, SAUCE BOTTLES, FRUIT BOWLS, and TUMBLERS, LATEST DESIGNS 1 FINEST GOODS ! CHEAPEST PRICES ! ! 4UO3.111"11.-ii:1111 I! Oit 011 ��P:�T� SS. Seg what ve oer you, AT W. T. YATES' Having opr�nea out this week another shipment o2 Dress Goods, Prints, Embroideries, Musiins, Laces, Parazo1s, Gloves, and Hosiery Also a Fine range of Carpets, Oil Cloths and . Lal ee Curtains. FULL LINE OF G�iUC!RIES , CR7vl(ERY. Ii �� . J]�.�' P' 6L„+' a� L. {r�Q� ,��!j , G(3 YSP�' i' I:k f73' IJ �J �� J (� at _ tar '4z IJ 1 •,0�-l�' �� a .l ®C Ti. pD Suitinqss 0 and Having again opened out a shop in 1Vingbam, I am making every effort for your satisfaction. I buy the Gest available and handle it in the best style,�/''i keep.a good supply of choice Beef Pork, Mutton, a b , e, EVERYTHING SEASONABLE, fur'uitnrt, inolndio2 a tine new note at literty to inspect the p .house, on corner Of Patrick a can see me as to same, at my Wingham. • May 2nd, 1335. Mem% Stall LT* 1. G-eoraie Shaw LT AS B.E)IOVED to the Royal Block, 2 doors North of the Bruns\vick IIouse, where you frau always find the choicest of Fresh • MEATS AND SAUSAGE AT THE LOWEST PRI0115. S. G. McGULL. —Bas -lm BANK OF HX2.IVXXXAT01N7,. W13T0 ;Stcrlillg Exchange and Drams on Nevi Ycrit ,.BOUGHT AND SOLD. Amen horns; 10n. n1. to 3 p. In. Saturdays, from 10 a. i11. to ),p. 10, W. CORBOULD, Annie', Alma & Dscat3sov, Solicitors. BY - ll, a R= az 0 NICKEL'S OLD STAND. n In• Endless V ariety. FELT and STRAW HATS, With excellent facilities, a good 'supply of first class material. and capable workmen, we feel competent to turn out work equal to that of any establishment in the County. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES AND ROAD CARTS. Two l:uild all our own tops. Everything guaranteed. A first-class painter. Look into our Wareroolns on VicLoria and Scott Sts. DORE & COOK. • A. J. ANDD ON, UNDEILTAICER. lis, Bobes, &:o, always on hand. Caskets, C TO THE PUBLIC. The steady and increasing patronage accorded me for the bast 1'TILS1 CLASS II]iARSE FOR HIRE. A large 1001* awl roll 4s10 tett stools. °' 317ss is gratefully acknowledged. ei(vnt geil to cater to the public requirements in the IS11a11 he �y�.,r� matter Of BEET:i% &e. EV1 11*TIIri (( r -... -_ rlualled str1o. a very anperior and — _ G-. PI ;.1_.�12J OrPosiTI C1I1: Por OFFICL TTON , VEAL, sox, of the best quasi,•y nrneu1'able and in 0 SHIRTS, C LIARS and TIE We are offering special value in all the above lines. C.AEIT.._ ITI) Vii -:T B ICJ1• . Lai l t;& Prnuri Being Iv BUSINESS BOOMING BRISKLY, AT . � 0ITT STOB., H THE LEADING BOOT AND SIIOE EMPORIUM OF \VINGII tM, AS TO QUALITY, 'VARIETY AND CHEAPNESS. • LADIES' FRENCII KID, $2.75 up. MEN'S FINE BALS., SI.7• , LADIES' FINE POLISH CALF, $l 50 up. MEN'S COARSE SIIOLS, s?1.O1) 1'.i•, CARPET SLIPPERS, 30c., 35c., 40e. O r derecl. Work a Specialty. HELLO 1 FIELLO ! 1 HELLO 1 1 i h1€re are you going in such a Hurry wily? I am going to ('.t a supply of niatarial for douse clt•anln. din going_ to clean house right away : and 1 am going down to I.Lad C ST & SON'S For some ASI1ESTINII. They sell it for 35c. A PACKAGE. You cane a good Brush ton, ,just as cheap. To tell the truth about the matter, you can et any kind of gno''i• usually kept in a first-claSS shop. They have got i11 a lot of L'tveil Bird Clunes, Table Cutlery, Spoons, c., Milk Cans, Creamers, Milk Pans, Churns, Butter Prints, Butter Bawls, Ladles, Stove, S'rrHt, and Shoe Brushes, Brooms, Chamber Pails, Toilet Sets, Agate \Var.: Jointless \Voodenware, Wash Tub's, Wash Boards, Carpet Sweepr:::. &c. Don't forget tho name and place, HINthS'1'UN S, SC)ti'S, & Welsh's Old Stand, \t'in2'ham. P. S.-1Ve wish it distinctly understood that it is no trouble to show goods at the Ono Pri'a Id -e1 A. IllialrrIATL LINE O1' LATEST STYLES IN --SPLENDID VARIETY AND, 1XCELLEN'1, VALUE IN --- GENTS Order ed 11 SI-IIRTS, COL 17..1 fl SILK. CAPS, t&c, &t.. Clothing, a Specialty, ilk. W.B S T EE