HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-02-02, Page 1I 1rhe W04thor I OW 1 1956. 006 : I mob Low high Low . ,7An, , 1 , C. I 40-, . I - 1 27 27 13 1.8 8 29 28, #3 TZ 4 I 2D A 27 13 9 -.30 a 19 16 10 , , , , , .. I . I I I . I ft 14 � .1 , , , , , . 3125 41$ 9 ....-II., 21*1 -, 2A la 9.8 '15 * Snow: THE NEWS-RKORD-75th YEAR . iq, ins. Snovi, 1.2 Iris. THE NEW YEAR e I I I * Below Zero A. � I . .1 . -.1. .... . - . I . Na..$ ---The, "00"d Paper With the N9WA - . WNTONe ONT � ts . . , AJUQ� THUMDAY, F901WARY Ar M0 7. Vols . 'a copy — 0.00 'R year .1 I � .1. I I... -11 .1 I - -.111 ­­­ I ­ .. 11 .. I...- .. I ---.,- ­ . F - -7 NMI, - Style dial `Tboue , I , Virst'rryoul 01 -New-, I 45ft, % . .-T T* yira . 'Y 'i' : ��r-ns,r " � � " , ,?� '! ­ , i ., I C I ��'r,�',�l^..":�,'�".'71'"�'ll"��7.."..�:1-- I = - , ( 0 . 10 glz ;:= .,�:,.!��,..�� .".,,.,.-.'.`�.8 , ­ " ,­�, '.'. "."". ,­ ..:., .,,r,01Umn-;: ., ,-R-q0..­;.;.',� ,,�,, ,.,.. ... .11 ... 'V-- r. .. 11 �...�ii ,.,. , �, I ;.:�::; I .11NI ; ... - Rfflm I My W, 1p, 04 11 ,.-.��!�;:::�!:�: .." .. .. i z , - '�' ` . - I P , .1..1. 1W11-1 .... ;. . " : . A R:.. '.�I�` ANYQJNJE� PLANNINQ TQ AT- I-. - . .. I, , M. - .•. . . . . ";.M tend,t E�M,,,:�,i:�,.,�,,, ,-;�;-��".'��:� :-;,��x . tbq eolmc4 meeting nex t, .1 N". W.'j, i "I ­-� � li��, , 1-1 :ii;;;.,,;,�-,,,., I'll , ". - ., ., - 01 , ;�Iiiiii�`.. � . TudKk .i.�,,,, S .. , y night, , , . had best plan i ......... ,;ill , . , ', ..: , ­��T' ,E��::)�l -,�:�,*;.*--,*--`111 � ii��-.,.. : *.. :... ...;;.X,.,. . ,,ro sharp at elgat o'clock �. � ,1. 11 . ..!, 11 to W there . , �-'. .F. :: *.�i:'Ii .�� : ..";��i 3. Mayor Millor has set a stand- A . .. 1: .'J"'. �M of Wrig prompt . . . and those , ...... "i.,;,' ;�. . ".i . I .. -113111 ....." �: R'.. . ;11. .. , , . who do opt "keep an x !, ;� 0. !, .., ; -I! !, "I'll eye 10 Z! �; clock" are very apt to mess am :, , .: �. 1:: ��.�.'.. i�.. i: -i'.. ..... , • , ­.. , , .1 . . . . . . i--;�i " thing - e o . .. .. . , ". GOOD N'N�- , TO A LOT OF ' ;1 11"'..n, ... .. ­ ", "', < frustrated . .may (arid, �� A :.1. , � mothers . ..... .": I :: :.: ,., we repeat may) be on, the way. - - M.. -1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............... ,­­­ 2, I . . F�� A group of, 20 garment n=ufact- 1 orer , ," gav 11.,- , . I �* : .s, retailers, research and - �,,.-j.�,,,�;I;: , ".1y. I : : . ,. -1 1 i ­ i meet in Ot- : ,. �;..�: , 1: . . . . . . . erawAt officials V411 I" ; ..::: : tawa sometime this rAI,Qnth to work ., ... M on stEdxdard sizes for women and 60&eres clothing ' * ' 9 anything comes of this. - , . it may_, mean regulations to see that a ze 16 Is a size 16. . . . and that 'Arhen You b= a 14fit h_X for your that daughter it ­ ,r_lf ' , � she!s, a 3.4X.. . , As things are now ... OL person, Who I .1 I . I � I I thirilm she should wear 16 all the I/Irs. J. Willis Van]�;%ond h ' tries out the dial, an her new , I ,time, nia3& sadly discover that in .. the ultra modem "500"1 which is being supplied to all custo.' ow line of.clothing she should System. that are served by the Clinton. exchange. On the wall is actually be inside a size 12 - , - installed by Scott Hawthorne (to right of Mrs. VAngg.mond) first ,while in others a$ize IS is Just Others are, left, John Kellar, present lineman who has been with . About right ... Uniformity in' siz- and Frank Hulley, assistant lineman. . ing would be marvellous', and so — , . ... very sensible* , *' * I 41 . I AT AGE 20 WE DON'T CARE . what 'the world thinks of us ... Rev. D. J. Lanefle'ded Heat at So we begin to worry what it thiriRm of us ... at 50 we find it , . vm-%f t thinking of us at all - ' - Of Horticultural Society4 CHA,p WJIQ HAS 13EEN holi- Rev. 1). J. Lane was elected H. Orm and, Bayfielian.4 Albert . daying throughout the past 12 � . president of the Clixitob Citizens' Livermore will represent the Clin- , Months ... though much against Horticultural Society for the sec- ton society at the convention, his will . . . is now looking for and Consecutive -surer, submitted term at the an C. H. Epps, treasurer, ward to two more months Of en- nual meeting held in the town a financial- report showing a bal- forced rest ... Kurt Van, Wiesen hall last Thursday evening, ante on hand of $320 after a num- ,was injured at'his work just one The slate of officers elected for ber of projects undertaken by the ;year age ta,morraw, February 3 the �ye n, W. Rincluded: vice-presidents, society to beautify the town at a ... and his brokearm has just Ms S. -Holines Albert cost of about $500 had been paid. now managed to heal . . . For- Liven-nore; secretary, Mrs. Frank One of the major projects was tqnately for Kurt, he was , covered Flngland;treasurer, C. H. Epps. the planting of flowers at the new , by Workmen's Compensation' . - - Directors for two-year term, Mrs. nurses' residence. A letter of ap- . Throughout the past 12' months C., H. 1Dpps,,Miss Luella John- preelation was received from the the arm has had a number of now stan, Mrs, T. R. Thompson, Mrs. Hospital Board at tie annual settings and new'casts , . . and W, Burton, Mrs. Fred Middleton; meeting in regard to this project. the last one came off just recently directors for one year, Mrs. -Alex A resolution was adopted: where - Since the arm has been idle Inkley, Mrs. Stewart Middleton, by members of the society with for ,so long ... a series of treat- Mrs. Lillian McKinnon, Mrs. Nec- the co-operation of any other or- ments. is necessary and with prop- ille Forbes, Mrs. E. Farquhar, garilzation will promote the de- er, exercise, Kurt expects to be Delegates to attend the amival corating of homes and grounds "good, as new" when he comes meeting of the Ontario Horticul- during the Christmas season in back from Malton. hospital ... He tutal Society to be held in Toron- Clinton and surrounding conimun- left yesterday -morning ... to in, March were selected and I-1.1ity. I - ,FRO,X. NOW ON . . . AS AN- . OM 0 nuanced in this paper last week 9ft 't firands Occupy Chairs ' . . . it is compulsory by law to stop behind any school bus . . . ras stop it stops ... and wait until it proceeds., or the driver signals you to pass ... This is a protec- tive law . ... designed to eliminate, accidents and iiiv& the children j past Grands' Night was cele- secretary, George Beattie; finan- . . . it has been in effect for some I brated by Clinton Lodge IOOF tial .secretary, J. E. Cook; treas- years in the United States . . ., I No, 83r' on Tuesday evening, when urer, Charles Cook; warden, J. E. . * * * . all the officers' chairs were oc- Dale; condustor, H. C. Lawson; .THE KIND OF THING I LIKE cupled by Past Grands of the RSNG, Harold McPherson; LSNG, to hear, reports, a B.C. editor, is Lodge. - I . W. J. Munch; RSVG, Barrett Tay - the report of a visit to a Moscow Past Grands who were used,on. lor, LSVG, George Au.Tnb,,jll; inner Theatre ,by Harold Hobson of the this occasion included- JPG, W. M.. guard, John Sutter, outer guard, London Times. . Nediger; NG, Norman Counter; Caryl Draper; RSS, Jack Clegg; . "My wife and I,"• he says "were VG, George Falconer; recording ISS,George Jefferson; chaplain, surrounded by working people, E. E. Gibson. ' mostly very stout 'women who had , During the evening the Initiat- brought their lunch, which theyory degree with J. A. Sutter as 1. ate during the intervals, but not Bay field Society degree captain, was conferred on whilst theperformancewas going . four candidates- J. F. Wilson, M - 011 W. Chapman, T. C. Turner and F. "Some of the women neard us May Build New O. Trevena, . speak English, and, they went into Walter Moffat, Brucefield act- ' .. a�owultatiori with a young man, in who had learned a few words of Entrance To Park 8, gv I)sDpresentGm'and r opaid Dlsltr'official�tN the language at chemistry school. . visit to the lodge, speaking briefly `Ibe young man, speaking as a (By our Bayfield correspondent) to the. candidates well as e andidd es as c th deputation, said very slowly and The directors of the Bayfield other members of the lodge. d1stinatly, 'We like you'." Agricultural Society met in the '.Benson Sutter, chairman of the Let us, hope time is on the side town hall, Bayfield, on. Monday special entertainment committee, Of hUManItyand if the trigger- -happy scientists can be kept in night under the chairmanship of outlined the activities for the next their place, the ordinary folk of the president Houston. Nine- few weeks. These include a trip all nations can echo the sincere teen were present. Some time was to Hensall ,on Tuesday, February and simple words of the MoscdW taken 'up with routine business 7, when, the host lodge will confer play -goers. We hope we are in- and discussion. of various sugge&- the, first degree; the celebration of clua624 in the sentiment. � tions for new exhibits and A Cen- Wildey Night on'Tuesday, Feb - D tennial Year. . ruary 14, when Huronic :Rebekah I . Ed Grigg, Ben Rathwell and Lodge will entertain the members John' Parker Is Carl Diehl appointed to look over of the subordinate lodge and their the grounds and make recornmen- wives and friends, the second de - Elected To Office dations for the use of the grant to gree in all probability in Bruce - be given 'by the Ontario Depart- field on Thursday, February 16; S'hriners ment of Agriculture to mark the and then Friendship Night on Lodge 100th anniversary brought in the Saturday, February 25. This last John Parker', owner of Par-XWt following recommendations, that a night will be a very gala occasion Clinton,]:Ioslery Limited, nhas been I new entrance be made at the north indeed when Germania Lodge, elected outer guard of the Mocha east corner of the grounds and Waterloo, will be present to con suitable gates be built there, This fer the third degree. A number' of Ton -,pie, Ancient Accepted Orderwas accepted tentatively. lodges and Grand Lodge officers of Ndbles of the Mystic Shrine, The ,striking committee did not have been imrited to attend, and ' LOndari. The am-lual banquet was table their report, It was. decided the meeting will be held in the beld,�7progressive t the mosque in London and to hold a pgressive euchre and Legion I-1all, I , More than 300 Shriners from many dance in the tow hall on, Feb. At the conclusion of the meet- parts of ­Ontarlo attended the ruary 17, to raise funds. ing refresfirnents were served by gathorinj.° The sixth of April Was set as the committee composed of. Nor - The Shriners, (as they are P013- the date for the annual castor man Shepherd, John, Sangatet, and Harold McPherson. Jack Clegg ularly known) is i high order of dance. was the winner of the luelty draw. the Masons. Only four men from I I . - � Clinton attend these meetings, 11 I . I Heid In the "Forest City", St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church Has Other officers come from wide- spread municipalities, Including T21soriburg, London, Preston, ZL Annual Meeting Thomas, Braritford said Windsor. - A good representation of triem- s -Inking. fund, and -these will be T.o hers and adherents were present available when large projects are ui" nees Ann on -Friday, January 27 when the undertaken by the Congregation, . I con g,regattori of St. .&ndreW's Pres- it Mutch and X. Jacob .Held January 27 byterlari Church held its annual were appointed as ttustees to tilt business meeting i -A, the church vtLoanties resulting from the deaths The ar,nual meeting and con- school room, I of Dr. J. W. Shaw and John Snid. grt,gational supper held Following devotions led by the er. United Chur,-h was held Iti, the minister, P6iv. D. a. Lane, the ebn- The three retiring moThbors .of church hall oriFriday evening with gregation. voted Road, Macaulay the board of management, X. W, ' a large attendance, to the chair, and Vi-aiilt Mutdh as Colgilhoun, A, IF, Clidmore Arid W, They. A, Glen, Eagle presided and secretary. Mutich were re-elected and, the opened the meeting With a by= XlePorts of tlid Various. organita- plade, of Dr. Shaw (deceased) was and prayo-e. Encouraging ropofts tions of the church were most en- filled by the appointment of E. Were received, shOwifig aatlyffY in couraging, Jacob, Leslie R�Lihburt and Ptank , , most dopartnientg. The woman's The treasurer's financial state- Mich were appointed auditors, of . A,ksociatjoh showed a balance of ment indicated the finand at .stand- all 6rg4nI2atIons reporting, at,the � '16 Young Peopleg Uh4 Ing to be the best in the history of linnual meeting. i `1111129 t19 Samuel Whitmore the church and showed, all obliq-a- The congregation, gave tfv6- board I 1 1017� ��1,9 . - was made an honorary Older. Er- tions met and *a balaw-e, of over of rnanagcti)�ftt its apptoval to I � the re- d8&tatj0)J of 1 4 lin Whittogre was elected hn, eldor $1,000 Inie eqnggregMion wait on pkw-ecd with , silotg with the re-appointittent of record. to, endeavour to increase tho auditorium of the thurdh& Jaelt Turner :Por a period of three the, missionary contributions and whenever tho board desired to d6i yenrg. Elders for one' year are church extension funds duril1r, tilt Ito. 11 I McGi . Gr � *A,or, Hi�rhian Crich; towing year. I lqlankg were tendered to thel two . years, Miward Johns, Prank The Kirk Smniob secured :03oaderg and officers of all organ -h r. alconor, =ajft0l1dcnt for rho ohurei.lzatlong. Special tbarilts wire I A36011 Crich reportt'%d for the I place of the foMer lead- On to the ininl8fer; organist and - property aommiti4e and told oPlerv, who moved to Tormto, All di.Mr leader, Mg. 9, J. Agnow, I eqnsiderablo wopic that Was beffigINtillos wore vappliatd with the and t'he ch6lr, dote by this winmittee, lofficial magazine of the thurell, Following tho bolloffletioft, P1.6-1, Mr, PA,qlE- showed pidlurcs for A I This Plan will b,,- follawM, In 1956. nmnced by Rev, D. ,1. Laine, Me I I $&Ott period Which W4(% .to erijoyed All legacles ix-colvt,a are to beiWotpAIN Association. ppovidm i, 1)y stil, and the Meeting came to placed Irt. t% &V,'tial fuh,d to be 11g4t rol-reshments aud q pleasantl� a 0I().q(1. llalowri 1.4 9t, Aftdrow'A ,Chutchl8ocilal peAod was onjoyed. 11 I ly installed 'phone. It is -one of ners of the Mckillop Telephone � thq old style set similar to those lineman of the :System in 1911. the system, for the past 18 years (Photo by MacLaren's) . — Clinton Hospital Auxiliary Party . Next Tuesday One of T14E social events 'of the season I* being organized by the ladies of the Clinton Hos- pital Auxiliary to take place I next Tuesday in the lovely new � nurses! resideme. Planned as the r4ain winter fund-raising event of the Auxiliary it is a. Bridge e and '1000" party, to which all card fans, both men and women are "heartily invited. Prizes are being donated by Mrs, Malcolm, McTaggart. Lunch will be'servedat the close of - the evening. . Reservations for tables. should be made in advance, by phoning either Mrs. A. M. Knight, 361w; Mrs. F. Ford, 123J or Mrs. D. Ball, 361W, just, as soon as pos- sible. Admission price is very reasonable, I a Many Guests Visit lVirs, G. Saville, 92 Last Sunday . Mrs. George Saville marked her 92nd birthday o*.'Surida�y at her home on, Rattenbury Street when over 70 people from town and dist- rict dropped in for a cup, of tea and to wish her well. . Mrs. Saville has never been Ill and, is very active. She cares for home by herself, doing a weekly baking, knitting lace,hooking mats (she has just completed her eighth in a little over a year), as well as working her own flower and vegetable garden in the sum- mer. Her daily program includes telephone conversations with her many friends, reading the daily newspapers, and listening to her favburite radio programs. . Mrs. Saville received, an abund- ance of flowers, cards and good things to eat, including a special corsage from C, V. Cooke and a cake -. from. Mrs. Jackson Peel Buffalo, N.Y. The special birthday cake was supplied by Bartliff's Bakery, Assisting her in receiving the guests were Mrs. Frank Fingland, Mrs, Douglas Bartliff and Mrs. George Beattie. V 0 . I . Goderich Winners In Spelling Bee n Nancy Hughes, and, Robert Chaniney, Goderich 'and Carol ffindmarsh, S8 1, Goderich Town- ship, are the three contestants Froin the Goderich centre who will ,ornpete against the Clinton win- ners an the provinte-wide spelling 2ontest presently being sponsored ay the Ontario Educational Assoc- iation, With Bowie Hamilton, Egbert Bakker and Jim Alexander, along vvM. three winners in the Seaforth centre, they will compete here on Wednesday afternoon, February 29 in the auditorium of the Clinton Public School. Winners; plcked at I . that time will go on to semi. -finals Inals ax Stratford sometime in March. . 0 a - Baptist Church At Ba field a18 , nal e� t� A2i i 9 ` Tylembers and adherents at the Clayfield BaptWt Church met in 'lie church on January 25 to con- luct their annual meeting:. Pagtor F. 8odenham acted. as moderator, Pastor Bodonflarn read the nam. -1 of 14 received into wemberghip liht evening. The church clerk gave a report a% the spailyn,119"'growth of, the .hunch during Past year, 140 'cad the names of Po chartered bernbetv, and 22 members addeki dace. The report of 15 8oills, savo I +dl, was Very elicouragilig. 19 baps :isms by `total itmiersion, ,,,,*erc, re. forted, The secretary -fro muror gavt., aill mtonraging finaii(iEtl st5tom&M., 11 The ohareh afflocrg wereo elect., xd it) office. The Pas,hir thele turil. Nd the Meeting Over to < ' ". Talbot, 3,rnowly elected chairman of the )oard. The phurph clerk was ln,.qtrU,&ed ;o- .W. 114 rt let tp,* to Pastor 13odoli- T"un ifforming him. that Ills s(Ir- I rices had b0ii greatly appretliated f rind that tho church had ullaill. i Plreoprs Report . Interest High , in L of C Work Last night the total inember.5hip, sold in the Clinton and District Chamber .of Commerce for 1956 was 54, with report of sales from ire i� ,one y t be heard from. This compares favowably with last year's members list which only teac4ed. 32 in all, Following amid -morning coffee- -break meeting held in Bartliff's coffee - : break restaurant; Monday m.orrdng, tile nine directors, assisted by Bill Ed- gar, went forth equipped with lists of 'potential members, receipt forms, dinner tickets and mem- bers' , stickers. They reported a greatly increas- ed 'interest In the Work A the in and , Chamber .1 . working for the many differenj: projects which, may be undertaken under the sponsor- shJ7 of that organization. As many cont4et% as, possible have been made. Should, any one, find by Friday of this week that they have not been contacted, aril that they .would ,like to belong, they are asked to contact the secretary of the Chayiber, phone Clinton 4. It is, important that this be looked after this week for -arrangements, for the complimentary dinner on. February 9 must be made early. Members so far reported are as follows; Charles Johnson, Clinton Body and Radiator Shop (Carl Cox),, Melvin Crich, Gerry Bar- row, Alan Galbraith, Archie Fleet, McPherson Bros,, Harry Watkins, Leslie Ball Auto Supply, H. E. Hartley, Frank Chapman-, Burtbn Stanley, Thomas Steep, South End Cities Service (Wes Holland and Dory Rutledge), Ellwood Epps, Horace Elvidge, Hotel Clinton (Glen Cook), Mrs, P. Palmer, Bartliff Bros., Gordon Cudmore, A. G. Grigg and Son (Gordon Grigg), Clayton Dixon, W. V. Roy, Herbert Bridle, Beecher• Menzies, Howard Brunsdon, Jack Sturdy; Jack Moore, George German, N. W, Trewartha, Miss Wilma D. Dinnin, O. J. Engelstad', X W. tiolquhoun, R. G, McCann, A, J, McMurray, C. J, Livermore, L. G. Winter, Bill Edgar, Canada Pack - ars (Harley Doney), Bert Gliddon, P., N, Irwin, Hawkins, and Jacob, W. Martin, O. J. Stanley, W. C. IsTewcombe, A. Groves, Bob Camp- c)ell, Reg. Ball, J. W. Counter, Len ffeard, Mitcheal McAdam, Jilles van der - Heide, Lorne Brown, John knstett. I A meeting of the 1955, directqrs-1 Rill be held at 7,30, this evening n r Street - (hurch pOrt$ Bahner1. The ann .annual: corigr* . gatiQ ing of the Ontario $tre.e now I 1 meet- riages and, 14 deaths. Mr. Town - United send explained that hymna4es , y 25 irk had been, placed In, the family pen r a de- In; memory of the following elders church who had died during the year, 0. Potter, J. QrIch and T. Hardy. A I The chairman, Rev, A. G. Eagle moment's silence was observed as opened the -meeting with hast . prayer. a tribute to those who h , died Miss Miss Elva, Wiltse acted as hist, during the year. ,- Mr., Eagle spoke briefly pianist, the 'rhe treasurer of the Sybil Cour" splendid work accomplished during lice Mission Band, Nancy Olde the year and thanked all the GiZ- gave her report which was, folloW- ganizations and committees for ed by the secretary's report, pre their enthusiasm and co-operation, pared by Gerda Skov, and read, by The minutes of last year's an- Margaret Pratt. Lois HKbkirk read nual meeting were adopted as read the report art f the CGIT which had f by the secretary for the evening, been prepared by Mary Elizabeth ,, R. L. Jervis, Mr. Jervis was re. Lavis. grs, Francis Powell acting appointed congregational secretary, for Mrs. K, Tyndall, gave, the re - A letter of congratulation on port of the junior congregation for the operilng, of the Christian Edu- the treasurer, Barbara, Corey and � cation Wing Was read from, the Mrs. R. Wheeler reported for the secretary of Huron Presbytery, kindergarten. congregation. All an Rey. J. W. Buchan. these junior groups were proud'of I W. B. Olde, the recording stew- their very considerable contribii, ard, presented the report from the tions towayrds the furnishing of tlxo offtelal,board. The financial state- Chapel, , ment showed that total givings In Mrs, Cecil Elliott reported for , most departments were greater the Happy Doubles Club and also than last year—an increase over for the Sunday School, The Cradle 195-4 was- shown of $1,500 to the Roll report, prepared by Mrs. & building u.I In F fund and of $550 to the Connell was read by Mrs. R. Tre- ' ld general' fund. The rilissionary and wartha'. Elwin Merrill reported for maintenance committee reported the -chair; Gordon, Swan for the that $2,930 ,had been sent to the YPU and -W. Wilkins for the central treasury with the objective Men's Club. for 1956 of $3,200. The Lenten For the woman's organizations, project of sacrificial giving as Mrs. J. B. ,�Avls and Mrs, Town - d in adapted for send reported for the WMS and the. , coming year. budget earn- Mrs. Hoggart for the Baby Band.; in.ee report for 1956 was pre- Mrs. ••C. Proctor and Mrs. E. Rad- sented and approved. ford for the WA; Miss Ehima. The report of the nominating Plumsteel and Miss Lucille Grant committee showed, some new ap. for the Girls' Club. " pointments. To the session as hon Harold Swan gave the treas&- orary elders, H. Trewartha and 13.erps report and R. Trewartha read J. Gibbings; as, elders, R. Trewar" the Missionary and Maintenance tha, S. Schoenhalg; to, the board report which had been prepared of stewards-, C. Pratt, Other com- by H. Trewartha.. mittees were as follows: board of All the reports were approved as trustees, chairman, B. J. Gibbings; read., and Mr. Eagle commented on, parsonage conimlitee, chairman, the healthy. condition of all organ - Brown; chair, committee., chLLr: izations. I mean, B. J, Gibbings; finance corn- W. J. Plumsteel, treasurer of mittee chair -man, R. Tyndall; M, the building fund reported that and M. committee chairman, G, total receipts built up by contribu- Shipley; tions, interest, etc., now amounted Property committee (formed by to $41,310. A. 1 McMurray, re- . the amalgamation of the former porting for the property commit. property and building committees) tee,, made suggestions and quoted chairman G. Lavis and one new prices. for the purchase of new appointment, Elwin Merrill; ush_ equipment required for the upkee ars, chairman, R. Wheeler, bf the, church. Mr. Eagle state The clerk of session, F, Town- that extensive repairs were also send, reported a membership of required on the org4h, but bath of .538, Twenty-nine new members these matters were left for the, lead Joined during the year. There further consideration of the of - !ad been 36 baptisms, 15 mar- ficial board. At this time, C, Stewart, speak- V—V, behalf 4: 4-1, V . congregation: nked Mr. Eagle for his enthus- . la.qt.ic ministry and untiring ser - PUC Grant Raise To Offic ' �11` - vice and invited him to remain as minister for the coming year, con- firming the official invitation Staff;'Will Meet Council which, had been extended to Mr. Eagle by the board on motion of ' Following a lengthy committee working outside for the PUC, and Charles Elliott, meeting on Tuesday evening, the in keeping with a policy of not ex- B. J. Gibbings expressed the Clinton Public Utilities Commis- ceeding too greatly the local wage feelings of the congregation when sion met for their first regular scald, Chairman of the PUC, W. he spoke of the splendid leader - meeting of the year, with all mem- E. Perdue stated that in comparis, ship, which the church had enjoyed bers present. on with other nearby municipal- and extended words,- of apprecia- The commissioners passed a mo- ities, the Clinton PUC office wage tion to, Mr. and Mrs. Eagle and to. tion granting. a raise of $3 per cast was probably higher.all organizations and committees week, to the two office employees A complaint from the Fish and for what he felt to be the most Frank Mutch and Cameron Proc- Game Conservation, Association successful year in the history of tor. This replaced a matidn passed over low voltage was,recelved and the church. Mr. Gibbings suggest - at the last meeting of PUC in, the superintendent promised to ed- that it might be appropriate at 1955 which granted a $10 per week look, into the situation, this time for everyone to rise and - ' and nd which was later rescind- The expense of $75 each for the sing that favourite hymn; "BlesAl ed at a special meeting held by superintendent and any commis- be the 'Be That Binds,". . PUC on January 12,sioner who wished to attend the Mr. Eagle showed several film According to the commissioners, hydro convention in, Toronto on of pictures depicting the highlight this office staff wage will be com- February 27, 28 and 29 was auth- of the church year. Particularly parabe to wages received by men orized. Cost of attending, the event interesting to everyone was the was estimated, at $150 each, and series of pl(;Xures showing the var- the expense account would, only ions, steps in the creation of the partially cover that. new building. Mr. Eagle closed Norman H. Jones A meeting with a committee of the meeting with the benediction. . council had, been requested to dis- by0 ' cuss -law. revisions In the waterworks Elected Reeve . I At the close of the meeting Mayor W. J. Miller asked if any Of Hensall Vidlage plans were being considered for selling the present PUC building, Norman.Henry Jones was elect- and putting up a now one. Chair- ed reeve of Rensall, in, a special man Perdue stated that plans had electiori. held Monday to fill the'been discussed and a tentative vacancy caused! by the death of plan drawn for a new building. He William G. Parke, who had been said they at one time had hopes of electdd reeve for 1956.- the town co-operating Mih the Reeve -elect Jones defeated his PUC and all the towil! garages and rival in the two-man. contest, Davil d store -rooms as well as off -ices R. Sangster, by 264 votes to 113. could be centralized. He said that In a four -man Contest to elect a the, present PUC building was not councillor to fill the vacancy caus- suitable for an office, nor for any - ed when Councillor Jones resigned thing it was now being used for, to run for reeve, John A. Header- Mr. Perdue mentioned considera- son, polled more votes than his tion. of using the lot beside the three opponents combined. Couft- pumphouse on the Park, Street. He cillor-elect - Henderson had 189. said the PLC had no funds for Votes for the other candidates this project at the present time were: Thomas G. Lavender, 95; but that the present PUC building Edward Fink, 60; Robert McKen- could be sold and those funds I zie, 33. used for a new one. . A Encouraging Annual Reports Heard . At Auburn United Church Meeting Knox Presbyterial . yterian Church At Aubum' I Has Excellent Year A pot -luck dinner preceded the annual congregational meeting of Knox Pretbyterian, Church, Aub- urn, held fn the school room of the church. Following the dinner, Rev. D. J, Lane opened the meeting with gospel reading and prayer. The secretary, Don Haines read the minutes of last annual meeting. Various reports presented show- ed all organizations in a flourish - Ing condition. The Session report presented by William Watson, showed two deaths and three baptisms, Mrs. W, Good reported all obligations met, new indirect lighting Instal- led in, the basement and repairs to the' manse, in the manager's report, There was a substantial balance on hand. . Mrs. W. Brad -nook reported for 1budgot which showed an increase Under the leadership of the I treasurer; Miss M. R. Jackson, froft last year, minister, the Rev, C. C. Washing- secretary and 19, Taylor, M. and The WUS report by Mrs. Fred ton, the congregation of Knox M. treasurer. The election of oth, Ross showed the society had oven- , . United Church, Auburn, enjoyed a er officers resulted as. follows: reached their allocation, and two successful year. at. The presolitchurch Board of stewards, J. DUrnbl, ,ba,165 of goodusedclothing had members1dr- Is 277 With 112 fam-l U, Lapp, H. Webster and F- Mills, been sent 'to headquarters. - Mit. illes and 12 persons under past, ushers, R. Webster, H. Sturdy, K. Edgar Lawson reported a succes6. oral ettre. Arthur, S. Ball, A. D. Munro, C, ful year for the ,L&di& Ai& The steward's report was pf& Scott, H. McClInthey, X n.'*nrd- The Sunday School report, giv. sented by Miss E. 'Match with gait; now tru.4tee, S. Lansing; en by Mrs, W. Braanotk Anil the total .receipt,,; of $$,681,45, and the auditors, H. Brindley, R. Finnigam, Ida .White IvEls,slan 13&nd by MM, report for the missionary and The, meeting was ,416ged with A. dtherland. ' maintenance showed $1,043.54 had the, benediction by the Rev, C. C, Roy Daer was cleated to the been sent *to the treasurer; Washington. I board of managers to replace W. The Sunday School closed the ---O--- Good who wit,hed to, be tellev,6d. yearwitart average attendance I Yutigblut, M. are D- a"les, A. 99 and a sub-Mantial balance. Ifullett. Federation ot)lel,' manage Yungbitit, E. Law. Tlie. WUS sent $860 to the branch .1 . Scott. Trustees appointed treasurer, a valuable bale of 1.68 ff ave Successfill we`r0':J. C, Stolti, John Door1r, A, pounds to church rMlef abroad and ' Yung"blut, I 01ristmas baskots to sick and Card.Party, Dame Airs.,rioc,d was re,eiectea chur(% shut. int. tre,murer: auditors, Art'aiir Yung. Mission Band sent four parcels A wry ehjoy,ible evoning vva.,l blu:t,'Mrs,. W. trtidnock; ushers, dlro,& tel Miss P.Ose In Korea, MM. spo& in the L0lld03br)Aa00ffil11t11l- G�i;�oiz Dobk%, 1), Ylahies, 1<6)inoth WtighIngton reported Aft enroll- ity Hall last Friday (-ver,lng w,'Ieft Scott, W, Dradnock, Carl Govier; 'nont of 93 in the three junior con �thO HullOtt TlOwlW01) PMO-rafl0n. organist, A. Yvngblut�. cormbitt", grogation groups. of Agriculture hold a card party for I)Vp�<,4, ATrs, Davie.q, M-ts. � W W6 Association r6wited a and ilaneo. - I-Talnos, Mrs, Tiradr-ook, Mrs, Mae. Wancer of',$644.18 after, financirig Prize whiners for tile pl*6gr(,s,- X,V,% ,gulIdAv , �qellbal treasurer, , *assistant. AL1,101J.4 'e rind sive ew,hre wore: laC114% hilgh, Mlo.q jVtt1rga1,at MIngo , . in the Mrs. Clark tall, low, 14M. MITI Ruth Andrews, other � eh- Nott; )oiv�- hands, 'Zil"t 1,10d It tva", deridol-fo 'wit thi% pro�g* �oaragi lite "I'L; Ro-oar'�� ' church "c""15 to `�rol* orgazIly ng 1,r41i,i0o1qZi ,aurin,; the Stewart; r-fi,f,; hD,!h. ,lavIc Mr. Nvterlah P".Ord into evovy h(vilo V,L5.kar. I Ewing" low, Gpurf,Y6 Powell; low for 0110 ,year. Rev. D. 't, Littre mjss 1, Nfutoll was r(I-060ted ftnftth�, Jovph rtyfi% C1,680d tile' moetbir, with Brayer.. ., * 10