Clinton News-Record, 1956-01-26, Page 5RSDAY, AIWA= 26, 1956 CCOMMODATION for RENT ar ROOM UPSTAIRS apart - t, unfurnished. Share bath. one Cl inten 7$W, 4-5-0 ROOM, FURNISHED,• tad apartment, suitable for . Phone Clinton 21J 4-p 4 BEDROOM APARTMENT. ed.. Available now. e Clinton 376W. 1.2.3-4-t ROOM, HEA'1',EP, UN - shed apartment. Central. table for couple. Phone Cline on 691. 4-b DETACHED HOUSE IN n.' Separate bath. Unfur- 1, - 'Phone Clinton 679M. 3-tfb 'RED, FURNISHED, ground oor apartment. Separate en- anee. Available February 6, Ap- 116 Elgin Ave., West, Goder- . Phone Goderich 534. 4-b E ROOM APARTMENT for t, with separate bath. Avail= e imrnediately, phone Clinton W2. 2-tfb ISHED APARTMENT, $35. ► e Clinton 228 ,in morning, or Hensel' 105 in afternoon. Also store 14' by 60', recently vacated by 'Hasty Shoe store. 4-b APARTMENT FOR RENT. Mod- ern in every way. Two bedrooms, private bath. Unfurnished. Va- cant. Central location. Phone Clinton 646-W-1. 4-p-tfb FOUR ROOM COTTAGE nicely furnished, including hot atnd cold water and frith, five minutes drive from 1/;CAF Station Clinton. Would ac- commodate two married couples -nicely if agreeable or couple with •vbail-trained children. �- JOHNATHAN HUGILL . Phones: Clinton 616r13; Seaforth 667r13. 52-b-tfb Accomrnodation Wanted WANTED, UNFURNISHED house M Clinton. Furnace heated. Adults, Reply by letter to Box 40, Clinton News -Record. 4-5-p ARTICLES FOR SALE DEER RIFLE. SAVAGE MODai 340. .330 calibre. $40. New in November, 1955. Phone'` Clinton 564W. 4-b ORGAN, SMALL SIZE. SUIT - able for house or small meeting room. Cheap. Box 41, Clinton News -Record. 4000 CHICK COAL BROODER, just used one season. Phone ainion 537W3. 3-4-b GOOD, GAS POWERED, WASH - nig machine motor, also Philco, .seven tube car radio in good work- ing order. A. Leibold, RR 2, Clin- ton. Phone Clinton 601J3. .RCA VICTOR, 17" TELEVISION set, in good condition. Priced for .quick sale. Apply McEwan's Gift and Stationary Store. 4-b IW FIT FOR A "KING" — We Rent — Move —Install. Complete service on all makes of rotators ' and antenna. All work fully guar- anteed. Huron Tower Installation, phone Goderich 1344M. 6tfb 'COME AND HEAR THE NEW iRCA Victor Orthophonic Hi- Fidelity record player. Three speeds. Fully automatic change. Intermix records, etc. T. A. Dutton, RCA Victor dealer, iBrucefieid. Phone Clinton 634r4. 3-4-b ARTICLES WANTED 'LADLE SEWING MACHINE '.in reasonably good condition. 'Box 30, Clinton News -Record. • 3-4-b BABY'S CRIB. WILL BUY IF IN :good condition, Rev. H. C. Wil- lson, phone Clinton 101. 4-n • BABY CHICKS CIIICKS----FOR TOP EGG PRO- luction—or broilers—Big-4 Hat- sehery has them. Pullets bred for top egg production—Pilch White 'Rock .Broilers—top profit makers. Ames In -Cross. Standard breeds and crosses. Special liberal dis- count on delivery of chicks and eiteited chicks, in January and Fsbruary. Canadian Approved, backed by Hatchery's own com- plete breeding program covering more than 30 years. Full mfor- ?mation from Chas, Scott, Auburn, Phone 43R23 Blyth, BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, Eiigh. Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- ton 448. I3tfb , CLOTHING FOR SALE . DSS, FORMAL, TURQUOISE net. Size 34. phone Clinton 722W3. • 441) CUSTOM WORK '7r"* ECIREC MOTORS, Rewound and repaired. Home and Auto rad - lb and appliances repaired, Art 1..e'nett, Isaac Street, at Dunlop. Phone Clinton love . 41 tfh FARM WANTED WANTI'M TO RENT. FARM 0i/ - slating of 50 to 106 acres with muse, barn and hydro, .Apply to, Charenne I'Yohner, R,R. 2, HenSail. MENTION' r- ODEIitICRI JAYCEES nor 1VIaeLE1i.N'S Awrib E The fain' s Junior Chamber of dortuteree at Goderich made the pages of the Maet,eah'S 'Magatlne brio intnith, in a story entitled •' dcaps with a Mission." "The ,tory tyf haw Sheaffer'e factory Wag obtained fox' the county 'totivn recounted. FARMS FOR SALE N1[CE ' LIST OF FARMS MR sale. L. G. Winter. Real Estate, Phone Clinton 44$. Low down payments. _ 33-tfb FOR SALE OR RENT WHITE FRAME HOUSE FOR sale, or rent„ furnished. ,Phone Clinton 618r2Z Mrs. H. F. Berry, Brucefield. 44b Furniture Re Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet, refinishing and re- pairing, apply W. G. Pickett, phone Clinton 761M: 47 -.p -tib WA T D— emote WAITRESS. Apply in person to Bartliff Bros., Clinton. 3-4-b WAITRESS, FULL TIME WORK. Lady for kitchen work. Apply in person or phone Finger's Restaur- ant or 744. Work to commence within ten days. 4-b FOR LAUNDRY WORK. Modern equipment, good working condi- tions, Phone Clinton 312W or ap- ply in person, preferably, to A. Garen, Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaning. , - 44-tfb HELP WANTED—MALE EXPERIENCED MARRIHD MAN (with references) for South Hur- on, poultry and beef cattle farm. Must be reliable and capable of taking full charge. Separate house, hydro. Box 42, Clinton News -Record. 4-5-p SALESMEN Due to increased volume of busi- ness, we require three aggressive men experienced in direct selling. Must like meeting people. Car an asset. Apply in confidence stating age, experience and phone number to BOX 817, LONDON, Canada. B=55 ONTARIO AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION EARN $54.00 OR MORE A WEEK Part or full -tame opportunity in Huron County for a farmer or ambitious man with agricultural background. Age a5 - 50 pre- ferred. Car essential. Take'', orders in exclusive territory. Be home every night. No invest- ment. We provide complete training at home office plus field assistance, Reply giving age and exper- ience hi first letter to Na-Churs Plant Food Co., 2 Langarth St. W., London. 2-3-4-h LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 30 TO 40 CHUNKS OF YORK pigs. A. Fangrad, Londesboro, phone Blyth 26r26. 4-5-p LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 148331, or 148334 Optfb LOST AND FOUND LOST BEAGLE HOUND, white and tato. Near Brucefield. Phone Clinton 407W. 4-b LOGS WANTED HARD MAPLE AND Basswood, standing or in the log. For high- est cash prices, call us collect. James T. Craig and Son, Auburn. Phone Blyth 43r24. 4-5-6-p MISCELLANEOUS BAYFIELD REST HOME, ne horie within a home". Home for convalescents, elderly people. Home cooked meals, registered nurse in attendance. Write for further information. -• 3-4-p OPEN FOR PUBLIC DANCES and receptions. The H u r o n Ramblers Orchestra. Modern and old time music. For . appoint- ments please phone Reg. Smith, Clinton, 131W. 3-4-5-6-7b WATERLOO CATTLE Breeding Association. "Where Better Bulls Are Used." Artificial Insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For service or information phone Clinton 515 collect, between 7.30 and 10,0Ne m, on Week days and 7.30 and e.30 a.m. on Sundays. .tfb EGMONT MINERALS for Cattle have proven. to supply all minerals cattle need to maintain good heal- th. At $7 per 100 pounds it sup. plies these essential minerals very ecenonii.cally. Always available at the farm, or a phone call will bring it to your door. J. W. Van- Egmond, phone Clinton 805r13. • 46tfb Farmers! STAN --HOIST 'TRACTOR Load- ers, pax Hog Feeders, Contin- ental Stalk Cutters, Post Hole Diggers and Field Sprayers, Booms, Portable Feed Mixers and Ensilage feeders, Power Glide Chain Saws, 1V1cLean. Silo Unloaders, New and 'used Cream Separators: Our folders and prices will interesse 1i New Idea DistvIbsNS Phene Carlow 2921 Goderich, Ontario 1b64 -b PROPERTY FOR SALE RIND BRICky AND STUCCO house, 1VfAin Street IlenSall. Fully In- sulated. Hallway, kitchen, diza- ingrboan, livingroom with fire - blade and Smallporch on firsh floor•. Three bedrooms, bath, deck and sleeping porch on second floor, Nearly new automatic oil fired hot Water furna& in hill basernent. Good lot with private drive and garage, Apply Williitm IZyle, Xippen, 4-5-p PET STOCK FOR SALE TWO MALE SCO'I'CFJ COLLIE pups far sale. Two months, old. Francis Powell,, Phone Clinton• 722W3. 4-b POULTRY FOR SALE 25 RHODE ISLAND RED PUL - lets, ! UL -lets, laying. Elmer Trick, Phone Clinton 608W2. 4-b SALESMEN WANTED WANTED --- MAN FOR S'T'EADY travel among consumers in Huron. County, Permanent connection with large manufacturer. Only reliable hustler considered. Write Rawleigh's Dept. A-169-131, Mon- treal, P.Q. MAN TO REPRESENT SINGER Sewing Machine Company, Goder- ich. Salary and Commission. Will have training on service and sales. Paid while training. Good chance for industrious man. Gond pro- motions. Hospitalization and Ben- efit Plan. Car necessary. Apply W. G .Henderson, Singer Sewing Machine Company, Go d e r i c h, Phone Goderich 1135. 4-tfb ANXIOUS TO MAKE A PLACE for himself and family. Exper- ience in saleswork is not neces- sary. The big qualification is that you must be willing to work. Your chances of advancement with our., company are excellent, Please do not answer ad unless you own a car. Write Box 31, Clinton News -Record. 3-4-b Cards of Thanks 2 Cents per word, Minimum 50c Many thanks to the Summerhill Ladies' Club for the lovely gift box sent to me while convalescing at home.—MRS. WES VODDEN. 4-p I wish to thank all those who sent cards and treats while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hos- pital. Special thanks to ,Dr. New- land, Dr. Oakes, and the Nurses. —MRS SIMON McKENZIE. 4-b The family of the late A. P. Keys wish to thank. their friends, relatives and neighbors for their many acts of kindness and sym- pathy during their recent bereave- ment; also for the "beautiful floral tributes and sympathy cards. 4-p Florence and Bill Kyle take this opportunity to thank all their relatives, friends and neighbors for the lovely flowers, cards and remembrances, while Florence was in Clinton. Public Hospital, Special thanks to Drs. Oakes, Goddard and Addison, Miss Sinclair and staff at the hospital, Kippen East WI and Amber Rebekah Lodge. These were much appreciated. 4-p NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of CHARLES TUDOR MARKS, late of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, deceased. All persons claiming against the above estate are required to forward full particulars to the undersigned by February 9th, 1956, after which date the assets will be distributed. WILLIAM M. PREST, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 2-3-4-b TUCKERSMITH LADIES' CLUB WILL MEET ON WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1 Tuckersinith Ladies' Club will meet on February 1, at the ;ionic of Mrs. W. P. Roberts. Roll call will be answered by "A Valentine Verse," NOTICE OF PROPOSED BY-LAW To Close Part of Extension of William Street, Clinton. NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the Town of Clin- ton, at the next regular meeting of the Council to be held on the 6th day of February, A.D. 1956, at 8 o'clock in the evening, will give consideration to the Third Reading of a :By-law to Close that part of extension of William Street which commences 730 feet Northerly from the Northeast intersection of Princess Street and William Street and continues along that part of William Street extended for 275 feet, and to convey the part so closed to George Levis. All persons opposed to the proposed , By-law are hereby 11101111,110 'N i IftUl lnieet-s. Mit In MOM or by Counsel to state their Objections thereto, The proposed Dy -law may be Inspected during office hours at the office of the Clerk of the Town of Clinton. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that this Notice is herebyy pub. lisped pursuant to Ontario Mini., ikpal Act, 11„S.O, 1950, Chapter 243, Section 469, DATED this 6th day alt lie, comber, A.D. 1955. JE, i'!, ]1IENZIES4 Solicitor for tial Town of Clinton, Z -3•-4-6-b =MON NF,W$- R=ORD• PLASSIfFIND RATES CASH RATE (if paid btba Wednesday fallowing' puhhose Wu) Two .cents per word, minimtur,►, 50 cents, 1'Z cent! $ word for exit follgwigg iusor- tion,' mintrnum $5 cents. Box NUMBER ,415c eXtra. BIRTHS, MARRIAGES and iDEA,T145--•no charge. ENGAoleavbITs, CARDS OF THANKS & >GN MEMORIAl1IS Two cants per word, inW,num 50 cents. CHARGED -1.5 cents extra. DEADLINE --12 o'clock nqo#, Wednesday. Hensail Election For Reeve And Council ($y our Howell correspondent) An election to choose anew reeve will be held In Henson on January 30. -Two candidates, Norman Jones and David Sangster, have quali- fied to contest the seat left vacant by the death of William G. Parke. earlier this month. Edward Fink, Thomas Lavender, John Hender- son, and Robert McKenzie have qualified for the vacant councillor post, The council vacancy occur- red when Mr. Jones, councillor for eight years resigned to run for reeve. His opponent, Mr. Sanger. ter, served on the 1955 Council but, although nominated, did not run for this year's Gonne% No others were nominated for reeve. rr 0 Bingo Winners At Legion Hall Winners are annbu. eed for the bingo held in the Legion Memor• Tal Hall on Thursday, January 12, as follows: Two special share -the -wealth games were won by Mrs. Austin, Seaforth, and the other two were won by Mrs. Joe Silcox and Emma Cruickshanks, both of Clinton. Regular games were won by Mrs. Fleet, Clinton; Frank Skin- ner, Mitchell; Mrs. Wilf. Chessel, Mitchell, tied with Wes • Vander - burg, Clinton; Jim, Cruickshank, Mrs. Harry Gould, Mrs. G. New- man, all of Clinton; Mrs. Austin, Seaforth, tied with Mrs. Manag- han, Clintons Mrs. Elmer Lee (2), RR 2, Clinton; Mrs. L. Butler, and Mrs. Wes Vanderburg, Clinton, Mrs. Watson, Mitchell; Mrs. And- rew Rau tied with Mrs. Jones, Clinton; Stan Watson, Mitchell; Mrs. K. W. Colquhoun tied with o- Fine Three Men Ou CTA Charges In Goderich Court Three Huron County men were fined on Canada Teangerance Act charges when they appeared in court in Goderich, before Magis- trate D. E. Holmes, on January 13. Two were charged with keep- ing liquor for sale and a third with bringing liquor into the county for other than his personal use. Grover Clair, Jr„ manager of the Commercial Hotel, Blyth, was fined $100 and costs and Graham Stevenson, RR 1, Port Albeit, was sentenced to three months in jail for keeping liquor for sale. This was Stevenson's second offence. These convictions followed raids by Goderich Provincial Police. John Spain, Jr., was fined $50 on a charge of bringing liquor into Huron County for other than his own personal use. The charge was laid in connec- tion with an automobile accident in which three Goderich boys, Paul Swan, Leonard Steel and William Garrick, were killed, Deceinber 13. FOR. SALE TEN ACRES --with seven room dwelling. Modern conveniences. Cement block barn, 45x22; hen house 60x18; double garage; 200 fruit trees. Situated on Highway 4, in Town of Clinton, Early possession. TWO STOREY, 2 APARTMENT DWELLING: Main Floor offers livingroom, diningroom, modern kitchen, two bedrooms and bathroom; Upstairs offers: livingroom, modern kitchen and dining space, one bedroom, and bathroom. Full basement, latest forced air oil heating, Lot, 80x300', situated in new development, south of Clinton, Ontario, on Highway 4. Early possession. _0.- 11/2 0. -- 1./z STOREY DWELLING, with living 'room,diningroom with fireplace, kitchen, den, down; five bedrooms, bath, up. Hot water heating with stoker; sun - porch down. Well located. One block front post office. Im- mediate possession. i STOREY, 5 ROOM DW1 LL1NG, three bedrooms, modern cbnven- lances, oil heating, full base- ment, low taxes.. Situated on Highway 4, south of Clinton. Early possession. 0 1 STOREY, 5 ROOM DWELLING, two bedrooms, modern conven- ience, Sun/With. Early posses- sion. Price, 1,000. 0 1 STOREY. 5 ROOMED DWEL- LING, with two bedrooms, oil heating. Two lots. Price: $3,500. Cash, $1,500. Monthly payment, $35. Early posse4sion. AltplY to H. C.LWS N Complete Insurance Service Real Estate Investinenti tank of Montreal Building Phonest Office 251W; Rebs. 251.t CLIN'i[01H, 0141A100. EIRT:HS $MI'1 I -rxr# St. Joseph'$ Hospital, London, on Thursday January 19, 1956, to Mr.and Mrs. Wayne Smith, (tree Petzke) Hensali, a son. �opo1dnesdaPaHt Wedny,n Jan- uary 25, 1956, to AC1. and Mrs. Arnold Ference, Clinton, a daughter. HAMILTON .-•- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, Jan. 24, 1956,• to LAC and Mrs. Norman Hamilton, Clinton, ,a daughter. HOUGH --In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Sunday, January 22, 1956, to Mr, and 'Mrs. William Hough, Ri\ 4, Clinton, a eon. MARRIAGE% JT.T ,To'rr_Bu ELX. •— in First Baptist Church, Moose Jaw, Sask., by Rev. Lorne E. Smith, on Friday, December 2$, 1955, Betty Sue, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, John Lewis Bunnell, Moose Jaw, to F/O Gerald Arthur El- liott, son; of Mr. and Mrs. Char- les Elliott, Clinton. FISHER—BROSCHE— In Victor- ia Street United Church parson- age, Goderich, on Saturday af- ternoon, January 21, 1956, by Rev. S, A. lYfoote, Leonie Myrtle, daughter .off Mrs. M. A. Brosche, Goderich, to Terrence Thomas Fisher, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan ,Fisher, RR 4, Goder- SOUTER—KRATZKE — In the Protestant Chapel, RCAF Stat- ion Clinton, on Saturday after- noon, January 21, 1956, by Fly- ing Officer the Rev. B. Garrett, Linda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Emil Kratzke, Middle Lake, Sask., to AC2 George Souter, RCAF Station Clinton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Souter, Naic- am, Sask. DEATHS FISHER — In Gravenhi;irst, on Sunday evening, January 23, 1956, Elizabeth Love, widow of the late Peter Fisher, in her 86th year. Funeral from the Bonthron funeral home, Hensall, to Baird's Cemetery, on Wednes- day afternoon, January 25. KYDD,—In Clinton, on Monday, January 23, 1956, Margaret Al- lison, widow of the late Robert Kydd, in her 86th year: Funeral frem. the Hopper -Hockey funeral home, Exeter, to ' Greenwood Mausoleum, Owen Sound, on Wednesday afternoon, January 25. Interment will be made in Shallow Lake Cemetery. LUDLOW—In Markdale Hospital, on Friday, January 20, 1956, George -Ludlow, formerly of Holmesville, in. his 80th year. Funeral from MacMillan funer- al home, Dundalk, on Monday, January 23. Interment was in Dundalk Cemetery. McTAGGART — In Hotel Dieu Hospital, Windsor, after a short illness, on Monday, January 23, 1956, Malcolm Douglas McTag- gart, formerly of Clinton, in his 53rd year.' Funeral will be held in Windsor this afternoon, Thursday, January 26. RODGES — In Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on Tuesday, January 24, 1956, Laura Straughan, Colborne Township, beloved wife of the late David E. Rodges. Resting at the Lodge funeral home, God- erich, where funeral services will be conducted this afternoon, Thursday, January 26, at 1,00 pm. Interment will be in Mait- land Cemetery. SHOBBROOK--In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, January 17, 1956, James Howard Shob- brook, in his 66th year. Funer- al service from the Tasker mem- orial chapel, Blyth, on Friday afternoon, January 20, by Rev. J, T. White, Londesboro, and in- terment in Blyth Union Cern- etery, TAMER—Suddenly at his home at 64 Douro Street, Stratford, on Monday, January 23, 1956, William R. Tasker, formerly of Clinton, beloved husband o f Flossie M. Gibbings. Funeral from the Heinbuck funeral home, Stratford, to Avondale Cemetery this afternoon, Thurs- day, January 26, commencing at two o'clock. RCA VICTOR RADIOS AND TELEVISION Your Old Radio Accepted As Trade -In. T. A. DUTTON RCA VICTOR, DEALER BRUCEFiELD Telephone Clinton 634R4 If You Want To Sal. Your Farm For Dependable and Capable Service List Your Property with iO N BOS�/1L,D REAL ESTATE BROKER 40 Wellesley St. PHONE 1108 GODERICH 49-6-b Flowers Telegraphed Ansett K. C. COOKE FLORIST Mho*, 66W ..•' Clinton :PAGE PIM BOXY THEATRE C L I N T O N NOW: THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY "Kentucky Rifle" ((Solar) They lived dangerously and loved recklessly. A tale of covered wagon days—thrilling romance and adventure. Jess Barkan -- Cathy Downs ChM Wills MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "The Girl Rush" (Vistavision) ROSSALIND RUSSLL has herself a wonderful time IA fabulous las Vegas. You'll enjoy every moment of it. In Technicolor. Fernando Lamas -- Gloria De Haven -- Eddie Albert Coming: "SHOTGON" Sterling, Hayden- Yvonne De Carlo Fireside Farm Forum (By Mrs. William Dohnage) The Fireside Falun Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Man- sel Cook. The broadcast was lis- tened to and discussed. Of ques- tions concerning farmers organiz- ing, 'it was thought that men should attend Federation of Agri- culture meetings, farm forums, etc. Girls and boys should be in- terested and encouraged in 4-H clubs. Everyone should vote whenever possible. Individuals can help by producing quality pro- ducts, Visit your agricultural re- presentative for information. Keep up to date with markets and with what the organizations are trying to accomplish. As members we can encourage others to attend and try to explain the present ag- riculture problems. Take active part in discussions and know what you want and work for it. An approach to local members of parliament is better. A petit- ion given ' to the local member would present the needs of the group. The recreation period was spent playing euchre, with the following winners: high, Mrs. H. Taylor and Mrs. Robert Riley; lone hands, Mrs. O. Anderson and William Dolmage; consolation, Mrs. B. Dalton and James Howatt, The next meeting may be at the school with movies' being shown or at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Howatt: Lunch closed the evening. Clinton Community Farmers AUCTION 'SALES EVERY FRIDAY commencing at 1.30 p.m. TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELL'IOTT Auctioneer K. W. COLQUH6UN, CIerrl� AT DA Dl( TELEPHONE. THE 1050 Goderich NOW: THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY In Cinemascope and Technicolor "COUNT THREE AND PRAY" In the heart -stirring tradition of "Stars in My Crown" comes the tory of Parson Luke Fargo, ,a really human story of a quiet man mused to thunderous action.. Van Heflin -- Joanne Woodward l?ltii Pavey and Allison Hayes MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "TONIGHT'S THE NIGHT" Filmed in England in Technicolor and felling the ghostly tale of a great Irish estate, a new heir and a girl with romantic ideas, Ro- mantic mystery -comedy at its best. David Niven — Yvonne De Carlo and Barry Fitzgerald. Coming: "LONG JOHN SILVER" In Cinemascope & Eastman color. .Featuring Robert Newton in an Australian yarn. MILL RATE IN SE/WORTH IS PREDICTED TO BE 90 A forecast of a tax rate ap- proaching 90 mills for Seaforth was made at the first meeting of. the town council there last week. Plans for the year include exten- sion o fthe sewerage system, with figures mentioned of $52,000 for this; and the re -building of High- way 8 through the town. GALBRAITH RADIO & TELEVISION Headquarters for: MOTOROLA TV EXPERT TV SERVICE To All Makes Phone 482 •-- Clinton tOtasnowsumompumessonompamosasmonwimpmennbMwma BE SURE Of Your Fuel Supply BUY From your Local Dealer MUSTARD1 LUMBER and COAL BRUCEFiELD Phone Clinton 634 r 11 Also Dealer for ROE FEEDS LAST CALL! Cash in NOW on real. Buys on our Annual January Sale, Check These For Valne! SUITS reg, to $69.50 $19.50 to $49.50° TOPCOATS reg, to $55,00$17.95 to $39.50 SPORT COATS $39.50 $15.00 to $27.50 JACKETS reg. to $29.50 $7.95 to $22.50 SPORT SHIRTS •--- WHITE SHIRTS PANTS SOCKS -- PYJAMAS -- TIES JEWELLERY --- Etc. Pear mans 95 Combinations Reg. 7.25 -- SPECIAL $5.95 EXTRA PANTS FREE on W. R. Johnston MADE -TO -MEASURE SUITS PICKETT IR CAMPBELL Phone 25 LIMITED (Mibi Cori'iet') 01110011