HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-05-04, Page 2•
r tion Of the •prineiQe t : (+f >;nt11tary Topper, soli of Sir Char ':i, a y0tlla+.t I t1i l 11e ()11 the ;;P, Intl fret I ht rrc't': 111 1 "('clam"
1,1111, science lets lalleiatec} offering and meat of fair ability,. a . ,nc:il deal (.f ;of n m'w Nick 11 •Chiu;,•, \l 1 Hain ie be! ; at pie r cot.
lessened tliettase. Wow u's sphere of "ltet'k ailtt ally anl0unt It confidence eit1nl11;; to 1(rli0" the hitt that "it .,be, : fTin t':l
,• r, „ 1. ill his own powers, is f 'p1T11111 to the ut't good f',1' ¢t It 111 to .10 ttlome" t10 il)SC'Ele tht'
' A C tut t111nes6 hal unittraedal 1 alttlou,.,il tl 0 1,)o;ttltlawn Ge11(', is ) Ile may lift• 1 Lrod to 0' t upon lti;; ilei ley :ll'e 1'nn
1: i�IDA'S', M.A'ii. 4, :1';?. fonsumption of stt'oog drink has been 1 y t '
1 F 1�
decreased, et the uestion of it'
make a }:Doll clepnrtlne tal officer, but That s right, '\Vil iat'1 i ()nasi 1fent a ,1; ite that 1•,, t11
A. SATURDAY AIt\I'lili:T \. 1) C.iI,i1I'manufacture sd, anti sal is not agreed he 1111;1 no follnwilhg her Char- what a,iewc},--i\Jr. Jor, l;irellCu i5 lltf 1,at- 1'11 ecnE ,girt 1, .'1.
1tAIL�4 t1Y I'1:1 li t.• , 1 *hie father's llnlne l Fly ,r*iYe llitn. int; to erel't as hire batik 11 ,111 1111 I11tt '1'1II'::l ..vvc,_,,
-; 't+",1: 1 lt1trt' ttrttl,t,: (
upon, even by moral tits anti church • i 1 e 1 it ;
1.:tst week lv0 en led ttentiwr to n b(+ )i terc, The t o f Act, he 1\i 1louts Flood Davi , 1t 1 alber for 11ntr farm. He ]t u+vev 11111 ueccttii, ro tlist'r; , lrt,e } 1)'tuiir u n (luYer-
West tit A;siunbai(L, is aid to be plead- hay }s the first stop ' •ewartl;i Stetinu• tn+ut nntl 1' ('illcittl t.t)Yersslur nr
aterests of the slays, is uupnpuh • o11 aeuouut inn eloquently for th :position of i\lill••.� otltt iillti, i:te'Iu1'i l ; 1) it}li<, :1011 a11.t,
O£ ate r+lilrlll/r it .l IELfCetlollS anti '" 1 1 Go `e. -
d through the unsatisfactory awn lug. .stn Act isker of the 111terior, lie is a malt cif '1I(s(ata, Jun. Il..lt ie. -
. 1. ;mill (len, Nash, members ' f tl`p' }l ,tunit'it l.ut,ntti v
oard of Trado• 0
of lo°a! al licati 11 pis Sure to son)u ability but tt oris without in ttor of Clunk \Y11ile cn,.t:,•t in {i him.; in Echnu1. 1'ttc.` ll/.li �ril,ttc,in11 hill
y appear to be
fail. Ally cfrectivt legislation must lilt Hulce 1i than *ov
1\]i �istt tke o. of the as little crack on `tl nrtll�y h.sC wt'rt, sit ;Dlnvcrtth +�l)rP.:t' 11t))11tbi 1 is Lrtiu,c t>f
apply to the \vlrnl Dcilliuiolh, l ro• 1 3 fortan rt(a ns to e .1
!li 41.11 eel llitttne .�
( 1'nwn. 1iot11 p0 1 ion811 t1tlre csk)retril t v a.rr.4rnz r+s< mea .�aseeese .-sseasses e:s .
hibition he believe.
not to b.f attain- fent long. 'When te'' fir,t. 1ltlltll ll It
abk at present. ,{1•. Z',1.0er:1 thinks
qualifications. 110 10 S(0180S ltl 11t3.t111'e, `,� %'�.
the Clover„htle.zlt o ht to asst]1ue full the qualities for at est elasa "flnnicay," sell •ntrumglit clltly mndt a, Y'ctL*.•"lutist tryitl .'"" d�i 3 gg s di �(�� p t) nt5
ant the tlalitie>h ot; a nellllber of tile' 1i tJ� J*t 1`l t..l
control of the trill to try ;tc/luixizl;; the g kin it. ;It i l the ttjr:t e(I we (tier
'✓ p�
breweries awl d}: • Merles 0r purchasing Crown he does 11 �t pospess, It will 441 11 of bolas; cc e cht 10 liowicic. --rl 1't•1 l.r 1rli:tl--
thcir products. The salo should be hatit o to xeu18111 n: 11 (t is, tlln editor tend ��- ENTItaa I'[tI})i Y 11IO1tNING,
placed in the 11 nIjls of those who do proprietor of the P,.egina Leader, With A Board i Trade.
not share in the Wnfits that is, paid Uovcrnmeut " p p" last year to ,alto
officiate. Great gain to the temper-
emper• luno of $t ,,.(11.6 noth(r aspirtlht To the rdtt,r of Tun 1�I;n<�
1 woo 'insult f'r'ont placing. for a.. portfolio, s thtl 'c fussy, " ever FIn,-In your lust i:. ;110 you called ntten.
a ue anus) u t Bit s p g,
apparOtlt busy, n. 111 01h1'1' ftlr Iln.in- Lion to 102410 Wd.YH 1118 111111 the iutert.sts of
the manufacture, 1;pportattiOn;tndslLlein ' s the town might bot . vt+cl by having the
iiton, At his o\ n v;t lotion ha is the
the hazh(t of 1 e Government and ' bnsfness men of they own (AT:tide:41 ea a
gloving the pr, jIts from the trade cleverest titan n ? ttlLnInoat. ills n I3t,ard of'I`rade," .for non did not 11'
go into the treat •lits. qualities aro pa • etre/ sere in his own alive the extent of t11. preraii:atiVes of Ruell
_ ___ opinion for any filo u the gift of tits an organization. If to a:lvapCO the gen-
OTTAWA Ai-TENaNGS, eral interests of t (3 town tun/ voice
WS tial worth Crown. ti ll '1 1 sa trick OIt1
CLO \ t , cull J lin public seutintent til questinas of public
two of ehoosiUs Mr. 'Adam T i•OWIl as concern comeswithi its mope, let roe point
n, colleague, less • . Sanrtlt and out tine Anse whet = a decided expression
Daly, of 'Maui be, re spoken of as of pllblieapinimla •lilt(10good. 1 believe
aspi)•alits also,ut they have 13o prat• that for some ton • �'r' I1.tvo baett vetting
part of oar daily t ail by menthe; se team
tical expexieuc Ilii legislators. Bath out to the eremite/ for it. Is it possible see
being stew• ole without any special Have two railwt ye competing for our
quelificit ions, would not be chosen shipping trade, Id yet \te llltvo to send
Over the bead, of men with greater out a team to brit f i11 tlto mail? A vigor -
wisdom Bud well die tail expression of pub-
wiad0tg and e . ,iso ll13 • .111 • fulluw- lie opimiou might - • cure the 'mammary con-
ing suggest tilitnsnlvos ns beteg 1,01110 vo1)ieueein this 19.epect. I hop(: citizens
of the most 111r ly then : Messrs. D'al- generally may nu Vo ill this 13P1M31•. It is
ton McCarthy, liirp�ttrick, Weldon of not a oombiue, In t at imams of getting at
I r lb Pabtorson of Essex
public ppwlou.
Albert, Colby, , , Yours, tcc„
and (xerxir.ard rl'h�;se are clever lllell, Peooness.
solid common enseAllell and although `
Ltotbrilliant, tl eyarct"kin land courteous ChlOag a Volunteer -
in intercourse. a q alifit:atiou highly We take the foil;' wing notice of the above
essential ir, a epar meatal office. celebrated stallionl'rem the Committal. 1pord.a:
t$'ir Chat•1o. Tu per delivered his mon of April 27t. : It 18 several ee1LNOIIe
Budget Spel1.1 ye. terclay. He only bttek slate welirst Uludtd in those cohunus
spoke a litti t ovdr two flours. Sir to the value of to above stallion to the
p breeding 111ter08 ... of the western country.
Richard folio e(1 it a very able speech In the Bounty of , xforci, where be served
of about tw ho,;.lrs duration. He while owned by e late Mr. Burgess, lie
dealt in This 1 sual?masterly way with justly enjoyed. a 'iglt repntatlon founded
the financial condition of the counts on the stubborn net of bis get being uni-
formly forruly of good sr.., rood calor and getter -
and pointed , tat 1}a vigorous style the ,any speedy. La . spring he was perell(ased
shortcoming anti the extravagance of by Messrs. Kidd ros., of Listowel, 811(1 11
the Goverum nti The ",back down " is, we believe, with'n the mark to say thwt
policy of tl administration was no stallion over loot tea in that section ever
exposed in tic t iters received a more I be ad support from breed-
1 g teams. Sir Chas. ere. Chicago V1 lin tear pot only ropre-
aud his folio tors winced under tbo sents a great family of trotters but he has
convincing ex .)sure the wit and proved hitnself to b= a sure tranmitter of
^ ' speed. In fact, eco. sidecing the lack of
sarcasm of S Richard exeFill ht. trotting speed in j1tey of the natreslie has
Icon, A, \Vyy� 1\1cL' elan, ex+�+'it:nnue served, las success abs been almost pito-
Minister, is ft?) How Sir Rielia11'cl, nom(ival, He 1q'by Volunteer out of Lady
•More abnuifi7 attces next wool:. The Diamond by I35lty Rex, second .darn by
ETonse will (]' urn: about the 1Sth Gambles Grey ala,: e. Chicago Volunteer
,, has to his orecliYCot utryGirl, pacer, 2201;
May. The iti .0s of Toronto aro to may H° 2201;'E1w 1 Q, 2;17}; 1'rincese .
give His ExCeli Icy a ;rand send oil Puller (private,trial s athreo'yettr•old in
ill the slhatpeof 'i banquet" in about 220,) and a large lot of performers with
tive weeks. Tic els only to dollars reclorclsrangingboth• n280and 245. Vol-
,} Iiuteer, the sire: of Cl fcago `oiunteer also
(' felt. sired St. Jltlien�'2111 , Gloster. 217; Alloy,
Ottawa, A )ri1 r 13th, 219 ; Bodine, 2191; i river, 2 191 ; Army,
2 201; Huntrd$s, 20, ; I'owera, 221;
1l ' _ Sweetness, 22n; uolala, 2221; Voluey,
u'�' e' land- 2 23 ; Trio, 2 241: W H. Allen, 9 231, and
e.14 others with rec rds of 280 or better.
1\}r. L340be1' Tt slot leas rented Ills • The attempt tl) writ anything like an ac.
brother's farts as 1 Is bttsy Seeding at CouutofRysdy'k'sTia iuletouian,tho grand.
11rt:sent. '1'44 :s lot kg like business, but
sire of Chicato Vol nteer, would be to
aro the gig} goi ig to let him ilea write a Itistolty of tit Ame icau trotting
p turf. Ho not only gyred .,9 performers
bachelor's ; ,111. Il.el1lembhr this is with records 1 230 r bettor, tho great
leap year, gids. Miss Bella ."•aleKib- Dexter, 217, to uoti. • of whose death t.p-
IY '
our: at leu 1 in tl s week's Sportsman,
bon of Wal un . visitingher sister p >,r .
' ' tt ' heading his rt'ill of to tor, but he also sired
Fred X
' at
e 11 0
�l cl 4401 s
Airs. I'r ,
the mighty eo1„e Vikes, who in turn
"itr. Satnueli,4'utt paid a flying trip sired 50nrott rs and pacers, with harks
to Loudon on aturday. Sam is a below 2 80. • 3uotfle of his. great sires is
hard workii a bo and a little Teclea_ Strathmore -Ito has 22 on the honor roll,
" the famous ants, G dux, 21t} and Tucker,
tion will be {lorot ghly enjoyed by hila, •t. 19'bei'tig o the lis , Dictator, another
-,,ugar:'tn Icing is over and spring son, is the sire of the •astestgelding in the
work has ctimtne cod in earnest. --Tho world, Jay Bye See, 2 a 0. aucl the world's
fall wheat is rep rted badly frosted ill
champion s 811100, P1 lLllas, 2111, and 14
this sertio ,glut tho Teoent Lino rain others on tie list. . )other of his most
famous sons is Llee toueer, the sire of
has imps vel is appearance very Manzanitta fclur•year o 1 record 210, Anteo
much. 210.',.',-, Adair iil171, and 16 others below 280.
Harold, the 'sire • of tl e Queen of the turf
Maud 8, '2 04 �,, and 1, others, is another of
his great sol s, and m :leery rushes to the
front with ,a heat of of tees that have packed
the 230 1i$1, anon 6t theta Messenger
Duro°, with:. Iii, ..dw: rel Everett with 13,
Aberdeen *it 11, , ay Gould with 12,
111asterlode #•' 11 11, iddletOwn with 10,
Sweepstake' vial 11, rid s0 the het alight
be prolone but spa.e forbids. Enough
have bee ,tinned to prove the mighty
family trotters fr in which Chicago
Volwit r tars sprung. Ho ought to have
more slttets time he an do at double Cho
'"Ur charged for his s rvices.
DE snitplemeutt 'y estiinates for
the year finding th June, 1888,
amount to 1,791,0' 2.
Sin, CHA ILSs Tun us has given no.
tioe of a motion to • mend the statu-
tory cfft'r 6f reciproci y so that Canada
shall no ]anger prof se to put coal,
'a1e171• hops, I11(134an corn, li than meal, bran
Mr. Si'. S. Wil Oo, of Zf'tlan(l, Iectrn• and r?eveleal other tieles 111)011 the
ed in tl ti brick 011001 on Friday night free list !1S soon as till .. Uuitecl Status
of last peels, 01 "Plhrenology," The (loos the 58111(.
manuor in whits 1 he handled the sub- " Mn. T. W. ANGLIN \ tS elected sega
joist on vinced , le audience that 11e crate school trustee 1. ' St. Andrew's
knew \ ' fat he 1 is talking about. lie Ward, Termite, The flection was oil
111ustraied the pt war given by the diff•' the issueias to wlletlter. eparate school
°rent fiticulties i1 such a way as to trustees plight to be ole tea by ballot
leave a hosting in pression o11 his hear- or open vote, Mr. Dun ar, the clefeai-
erso. Mr. \`illso1. 1s a professional ed Catl(lydnte, lllailltai eats tlfat the
ng aro the aspic- phrenologist in .verythhig but thea school acct ought to be antelzdad ill
of office; (), II. -atm.-tiro 'Wm Gallaher, has mad Sthis resllmet..
fess ways in ivllicll the
town might be advan
'..letis(1 agency 01 a
Dulness men genet' ly
ill expr0 Sing the opinion
..,t1.t the interests • the town could
be materially furUIi :red by such an
institution, vigorous 7 concluded, As
9. Poa1•d of Trade li • nliilally exists in
sown, we should lilt to see aggressive
tietion taken on s•me topic of vital
interest. There a • not a fear quos-
tious that luight profitably engage
:tttt-idiuu, We ki ow of no one of
more consequence hon the estahlislt-
lilialt of a week market and the
securing of cheap .eturday rates into
\ll•"ingham. Many places have secnred
and are enjoying hese cheap rates,
and pronounce the a most gratifying
.success. Why not. Vingham 1 Where
eau we find a tow with a ,larger or
more prosperous c+untry tributary to
it ? There is not industry in the
town that would n t be benefited by
eeuring this boo . Trade would
pour in from ever side. Our mer-
chants and manuf turers can cater
to the public wantas cheaply and
satisfactorily as an in Ontario, we
Would our busin,ss people accept
his as a rallying q lestion 1 if so.,
ler '.a meeting of the Board of Trade
called and decid action tskeu,
It simply requires a boll. Business
leen, it iS Within your power to secure
a great and per•manei t advantage to
your town. Don't 1 e the chance.
Don't procrastinate. •
Since writing the above, we are
authorized to state tha• Messrs Hutton
ois Carr are prepared at the first
meeting of the Board • Trade, to lay
clown a proposition fo the cleaning
out of the mill pond. This will be
gratifying news to tho: a anxious to
see this eyesore removed
Something that has comp under
universal observation auc is a fertile
.topic for oral anti written liscussion is
the marvellous .change n business
methods in the last fiftee or twenty
years. There isoa, gradu=1 business
(-volution going owhich it the course
of a quarter of a entury m ght almost
be termed a revolution. T1 e Changed
aspect of, the agf'icultural 1 ldtistry in
Canada is quite, as notieea- Ie. 'Phis
changed condicidn of affairs is rnilitat-
ilig seriously age instthe into •estsof the
Canadian farhner. It is esti' aced that
the value of farming land lits de-
1)reciatecl at least 30 per c1 it. in the
last ten •years.. To what is this de-
prrciation clue'? The pi tits fr.,ln
grain growingg,4tlhe hitherto taple agri-
cultural it
have 1Alat .
ti l
lessened by. shortage i 1 crops, as
delleency in prices and lc an foreign
eompetition. 4'L'he same • audition of
things, of course, is w itnessetl in
Britain. In 1840, the U .ited King-
dom -lead a population of 27,000,000
souls, the vette of the is .d was e.S,-
400,000,000 ; while now. w Ili a popu-
lation of 37,000,000, the •aloe of the
toi1 is only $7,710,000, i. s O. lathe.
Con 1raland booth Am ark.. are rapidly
coaling into cotnpotition 11 grieultoral
products. Cattle raising nddairying
tare begining to engage a rge share of
the attontiou ofagricultu tits in Cana-
da. Yet, we are told tl t Canadian
beef cannot be exported profitably to
b nglaud now, On the tie rican .side
there is a strngly man} esta(1 clisposi-
lion to deerettse the cos of producaiou
by a recluctiokt on tali 1 rates. This,
with a greatly enl•lrged market, is the
hope of the Galli lima farmer
(+rain geowi6et has 1) .vine unprotit
•the. The British Ina'ket is likely to
furnish a profitable alt ese market for
years to come, but oti • horses, cattle,
bleep. poultrfe, eggs, vnol and vege-
tables go 1arfely to th "-States. To ob
tain readier access ,0 the American
Market, is in the iute est of the Cana-
dian agriettltllrlst,+
1E11 T3 'NT.
J. Gordon ilirow , formerly n gnat
ger of the blob!', Lias all a rtiole on
"Te Eemecy fo X1ltempettance" it1
the last i:suepf Ti cello, Ile elaimstltat
this age is atdlew of its pro leeessors
Porn a uioralip. at of view. War is
looked upon w'' seater horror, charity
hal aceemplis ttoneh, tl•e applic:.
Clover weekly : sumo of Parlian e t'n
Dofags.-Well uw11 porsouul pelf,
pe t:traits or epee holders and
politi at asptr:'sntli.
(Fo 111BTIMEs.)
Another wee 41 has gone into the
bosom of the pa singe tho last items
of news were se�' to the TIMES. The
week has been Innen of important
political events. Tile melancholy and
sudden death f the Hou. Thomas
White has cast a deep gloom oyer the
political and so idl horizon of the
capital, The ft..nertm}, which took
place on Tuesda was large and im-
posing. The lnep hers of•botts Rouses
of Parliament 1i companies( the • re-
mains to the ra4i way station and a
large proportion ,it them went to Mon-
treal a where the 11 n. member's body
was interred in the family vault,
On Monday a4te'0oou the house
met at 3 o'clock,ras usual. Sir John
A. Macdonald r.tise in his place to
make reference to 11's trusted friend
and colleague taud • move the ad-.
jells:hter,nt of t1L0 Ii• use, but lie was
so overcome wi1,11 motion that 110
could not proce1il an was constrained
to resume his seat. ''or a moment or
two there leas . IL d 1 op and painful
Silence. The saspe n 0 was broken by
Sir Hector L:tngevin, who rose to his
feet, took the clliity • f Sir John and
wade a few aiepropr it remarks ie
reference to tlgl: depa ted, and moved
the adjournntittht of , the House till
Wednesday at'3 o'clo C.
Tile Hou. Wilfred Laurier r 'se to
second the Ino ion of a l,journti2ent and
was visibly . looted 11 ewutiou Ile
referred to do depot ed i1i a kili'd:y
and syrepatllptic mat ler. fie is a
man of a syrlr' atihetic Dice and nature
and was ablq to say, s lie did say,
many kiwi t ings of to late Minis-
ter and close his roma •les by a quota-
tion from 13 rite : " .'ilial shadows
We. arc 41111( w int shade s we pursue."
Some kind friends pl` cad a beauti-
ful wcheath f flowers mon the late
member,b desa- which re Il:lined there a
day after the ro•asse "'sling of the
House. It as them re oved and the
gnestion rix .s impress rely in our
mi'ids, 't W is text"
There are>nlany surm'.os as to who
will be the successor to t e Hon. Thos.
White. It is hard to conjecture.
There will he, it is beloved, all ei(-
tensivo re-niodelling bt' oro next ses-
sion. llon John Heiir Pope, Minis
ter 02 Itailwl'1ys, is ullwt 11 and has not
been in the louse for 1bout a month
It is rumor'Ud that he w 11 retire from
the oueroul.•kiduties of 1 is office, at an
early d11y. air Chart .s will go to
Lo ,don to attend to the duties of High
C omini'siol er at the Court of St.
James, _Arm. A. W. ioL.'an, is to
he appoi1lh:1, it is s d, Lieutenant
Governor of Nova Soo ict. Hou. John
Carling, Minister of ' grieulturo, will
he sbeivec , modem rumor says, es
LieuteuartGavernoro Manitoba. Icon.
John S. �`.Tbonps)n the Mipister of
Justice, \ill be appoill eel, it is said, to
tt3lulgeship in the St. reale Court of
()glade. 4judge Henr , Chi.f Justice
of the Supreme Court is lying here in
Ottawa cal what is lilt.'ly to prove This
(1081;10 4 Ile is a se ry old men and
is troub 'e(1 with apo leen° seizures.
With that When ret oved from the
Cabinet,' there will I i notliing but to
" rump '` Telt.
'T•ltore'is very little material in the
petty here to snake ' p a respectable
sg,Itnleteical atdmini:tratioll. True,
there asp some with very rewpentable
attainments, but no ' to take the pled'
of Sir Charles, Zinn. J. S. D Thump.
sot or do Hon. Tho as White. Who
are the botning me ' 1 Madam rumor
says ti t the folio
ants fo the dignitif
TIrsiros'o F'1!Ce:,Jt:111117HIl'9CSii3CCT, ,..
W11''u'tkl,El,k11, - O TTA.RIU,
Gubsc. ptiglt prl°o, Cal p e« FAA; 1nrievaxlcc;.
Apvl's1rf:ISIN 1LATt;S: +1i t
sense. 1 1 +•r. 0 nu,, 1 3 Ino, ; 1 too,
One Column ii FU (, l i ,,0 1 tee no ' es ani
1111 " I: i 0 , c0 I r 00 O no
ill. trter '• N;1 t J 1.3 tan I c 4L) 4 0ll
one hivh i 6 3 uCi :: nil t 01-.. -
'. 1. tt ;• t� s x•
Lova' alai other till tl.tnt,n ,+..
c 1. 11 tau t, se. per
for lint "motion, a*d1:e. 1' .fneforcaul,nah.;cquel,t
Lewd no1x•s, in non !veil type, 10e. for nrst'in,
wntion, avulse. p^l' Finn r eat.:. sobs'..,naut intvttiett.
No bw•11 *ghee will be ward ,i•fs than ::.,e,
Ad%ertl:4,nuentsofLe foilmt.Stray (11,1.4tnrtiwiq,
and llnnii,esa (11114,,•ce t\ tell, mut c Uett1it4) :i 1111ee
ltonl'Rt•cii, 81 m•1• Monti
114 0'Q4 111111 Manus for Sale, not txetedhrr S line:',
.11 for 111st 117,14111, 11+. per sml•,.•gnent month.
'll:aao•tcru,• will 0., strietl„ adhered to.
Speelal rites tor longer advertisements, or for
l° 'i perlmht. • •
.1dvvrrlseiicrty withott,1peetne direetiona, \..113 he
hlStlet,Ill till toriibl end nil .r.::1'l te,,ne1h11(1f. Tran-
sitory adtl.rtistmcnty lnllat ha prtid ill 41(11.114..
Chan:;ee for eont191et ilcertisumemts lin:, h, to
the (Mille.1.y Wudl1es:13 near, in eider to appear
that Creek.
. rit''1l11ian 1X17 Pl'IlLl:,lr.',
,,'r --'•-,e••, •,•..'.,,•,.,,<• 7"'."--r.7'r',.,1-7' _4,..v.,•
E. Ffi
. IL•1•:Ni.::,, 5r: I1,, M. rt. C. P. nim 1{. 0.,
PaY82' IA.ti AND 811114:1:.)`,,
A7 J, YOUNI,,:*Lc). C, 11., 11,C,P, S, 0.,
Formerly II'nlso•Su pen t'7 Iiingston (141er11
01'1••7441 AND ItEtlua.a s: Dr. 114tllun.t's Old Stand,
1Sim;;ham, larch 1, bu4.
RAM 1:1T0110, tic.
3301ie1tora for 1h, ii.utl ur 11i:a:irtun. Commission is
or t 411 14-4 .411341.1.4 Its or Manitoba, , Priem(' Ones
4 1011,1;0 4traigllt 1)14448 at 10a•1•nt 1<410-, (ACT,.
Kent's meal, Wing1r441, L,. a,1.w rani Chorr;o.
71. w. 4. 117:YEn. )i R. 1.. on 6112,4'(. 'I
lE Tu merry
• Tho BoAntl(u• Lino Literary Society
are to hrild as grand p1130i0 on the
24til of 141ny.
Mr. Allan l;ysler, of Turnberrv,
treated hi frier ds to a taffy-puli a few
evenings s o. .holt two dozen v'onng
people w re • resent, who enjoyed
theinselt•e• mixt' • a late hour by bidet:,
ing in the usna parlor pastimes, such
as quoits, 4pust fftce. After this each
of the ladles re trued home accompan-
ied by a, tgchnm ima.--b'all wheat in
this ueigliborh • •it hat begun to look
better Biblio thl warm weather com-
menced --Irugi: 'Thompson hal been
siak der* the past week, bot is slot
dangerou ly ill,
J..4 monTO:i,
11A1131,ISTER Ate.,
\a'inghan2 Ontario.
j eCILL S, VANirtOXE,,
OFFICES --Heaver me , wtxon.i,t, ANT.,
Gemini a 0,rrn, 04T.
Private and Coin .oily fowls to loan et low rata c
interest. Mortir ,les town and farm' property
bought and sold Ile candle. collections a apcelalty•
n. ea:arestt1 ; a. 0. 511011.6.
'Maker pf Vitleanile, Celluloid, Alloy,
''..::'"777.1.17", ? Silver, Hid, ere., etc., Plates, relish';
x• .."4 iii pried. front SO00 upward per sot,
ctownni and bridgework. Teeth ex•
traded without the least pain b, the use of Vital.
ized Air. head 0;ileal tl•ingham, aide entrance op.
i t Queen's h t l open daily (Sundays except.t
cd) from t) a in t4 6 p„u,
will be at Myth every
Saturday-Utfie0 at:ilne•s hotel Gerrie: 1st 14111Sed)lofidays of each olth--Odliai at Albion hotel;
Lucknow : 'Lod and 4 h )Iotulay and Tuesdays of
e8ach1Cama, month-Uffito atridteleyq hotel. Extracting,
DENTISTRY, J.j011i3., t)1,olrtl1.
• - - 4) pis I til making beautiful etts of
e s Artlfi4) Duni "Teeth" for 4.00 per
tt•ry ,ill •y-1)1'4lrtielt.
ectt, and Plain Teeth, per sett, 1.4.011.
Prices in all ether branches of dent's.
Vegetable Vapor ntlulinistratcltt for the painless
extraatiOl of teeth, thb only s le anesthetic known
flrtlIIoPos 11rei; nni:hI11otel, tlio leaver Block, Opposite the
JOIIN CURRIE, Wikattan, -.-' !'
Orders left at Tot 'office promptly attended to
DEAN, J:c•, • li
01, 11011ON.
Sales attended in y part of the Co. Charges
Licnus 10 At•CTION1na On Commis Ilrites ACP
M1 sales attended top: ,aptly a11(1 on the Shortest
Charges Moderate and 4atisfaction Guaranteed.
ASI necessary 0rrangembnts cam be 11111113 a; Cho tt
11'ti01tn1t,• O.nl.
A has c0nuu0di0ns 111311 ae ba sCOtlred 'for 01111.'1•
11!nntonte et every hand n t very low aguro. 1'or
torula Se„ apply to
t" s
74 , , i•iss , , ,r
+,ra 1*
1to•opened .tan's 8441 witha1othor hate inr'rea6o hn
its attendance, Young 11 11 and women ate begin•
to appreciate our thorOuith work, and as a result,
new students are: ontoril,g daily. For catalogue,
address, "
WEstERvgLT Y01111,
London, Ont.
at Cline It Co's store.