Clinton News-Record, 1956-01-19, Page 9vwRsPAY, �Aw-A'Ay1w, IlA IMAMN WX-S_AEW4P PA= Wm 0, 0 04 As P 4 0.0104 4. Lj" Wf" V�"Aj jV,1PgVX 0 .0, 4 0 Oro 0_0 0 0 0 0, f.0- 0 Perey V 1;44:0 week) PAM Forum News of Vilf"A ith The Farm -Forums Neusils. -of Auball, hold their meeting aii January 9,• ew See, I ret. arq. 4 the bame of Mr. And Mrs. J;un- 4 go WPWgall, With 17 preser)t. phone joiungaupi�# Q rxs XMI A. Inp.4s rotume 4 to her PARR 111" VAAM "W After iisteiiinj to the 'broadcast, 4 t s. s,o 6,0 s o p fo,s o s o 11 *14 home I Fed a (Ar Our mensau zorve ,o I Vler �110111 (Ay Mrs, Frm* Riley) 0,0 t n the villas an her ynany JM from price p- friends otrip,gla .parr Line Fann, FQr rap The _Vrje again. 44 Few FanA :VoMn Who Benefits Spit to, �e her po V1 two erouns were forrnpdl f;;r Mrs. Mae Alliston, V4rkhI1j vis- the meeting with. prayer. The de, George Beg The M.We# Township redem. tty, Toronto- anerit Ato4 her -parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. votional period w�ai* taken by Mrs. the weekend J�40n gq;q their Ina ugqral Mqpqri; %4scussloo, Price PIAPP04 would at his home here, help to ke H. Naroilton. Govier. A: 4olQ was rendered by In the Laii4esboro, CommuM4 The sympafhy -Of tb*,CQX Aun. Rau ep an even supply wbivb Wheeler, on Thursday, �AouiW Mr. a. Wesley Bradnock, with barp, ltV 9000'Dut 0 the famiky of the New 12. it will keep P*" more s ' table. The and Mrs, Blyth, Mrs!. , president Lloyd Pipe was la . supports are -low enough that visited Mr.. and Ws. Edward' Dav- accomPapArrient-by Km X J, -Phil- late Mr. A. P. jPeys, acs, last rrl4ar, lips, the chair, and a number 0 new, when divided over eve ro that quarterly 'offlcpa board of ihrootot,4- we ,titv no The quarter 3% J- 13- the I .ro present. g would make little difference to the , Mr, qrgd, Mrs. Gordon R. Tayor Oue# -%*Aker Was P T Vnite4 CUUr*h- will meet )n The bustnps earner g d with utlq tax payer. The wage have ret4med from 4 two weeks Russell, SeafartlL who spoke on the•dWrclk on Thursday evenfit, ppene. t w benefit by support -asSte wardship pd o resignaUgg of William Gooier who . ur d4tk, to It, d ould ben4 V in Florida.V3,orlda, at this week: has 4erVj�o fajWUjjX As _P secretary - Would create a market for hq Mrs. Groorw Hamilton who has A re di vrasffivi�rk by W& Ed W.V� g9ods, he helps to mapufacture, been visiting friends In Seaforth, wards Davies.. W14 Officers w4wd treasurer fox, aw p4a 10, years, The roll cqX wp answered, by -%UnIeY DJAX10 IPLmet 1-aflip Past presldent.Percy Qlbbings was The farmer would benefit from has returned horne. paying Qf OrAnge Wt, M Monday y w�, 4pMliited to this office. Oership fees.. a Price support, as lie would be able Officers for 1W Are, The y Mrs, Wil StraUghau 14 Vis- retary, Mrs. F. Vw,, r044 the as follows following to plan- lids, pro ahead .and sting her, dap Min- directors were ap. gram 'ghW, MM 7bPmA4 4 Robert Taylor; DX .1. pointed; Elgin, Nott to the P901, uteg, -c s: Mee W� the prevtog . _, _0 could produce without -going too Jar�lin and 9r, J4rdAl Wingharr4 gAve the financial rep ng and W ,qft for the frid CWle; ch8PWX1# Lows, Tay- try Producers? Association; PoY0 far into debt T4m Catherine Dvblq� who has Y*a;r, Ary;ou4w.mRntwarr­.Aeaf IQr; recording Secretary, . Charles Stewart, Hog Pro4ucerol; _ d Stewart Ament conducted the no Pilgrim;ponal been Visiting her son Eugene and Q14 JjWDr1d DAY of Prayer", . IV financial Aecretary, John Buchanan, Q r e a m Prodwers',• biistrim period. It was decided Mrs. Dobie, Toronto, has returned held in, the an Church A!On0aa; treasurer, Orrin Dow, George Carter, Beef ProduceW; to enter the rural safe driving home, �,qa; marsball, Harold Penbale- At on'Friday, February 17. Mn. Dqn- Lloyd Pipe, l4dy director; cont&t to be filled in -on review first lecturer, night Mr, and Mrs, Russel King -and 4,14 Wnes introduced the mew William wiiwitl Mrs. Arthur Colson, and Mrs. W Mr. and Mrs. Percy Yungblut, vis- study bQpk "They Reach for Life" second lecturer, H. Harburn,� 4, Whyte on* the Camw#tee for The Live Wire. Farm - Forum ite4- on Sunday with John, E, And read the first chapter. Mrs. Tjle OfficeM were InstAlled by the music fesitiyal; Mrs. Donald 30 held their meeting, Monday, Jan- 11VIWbIul Who I a patient in V C_' D. A offertory past county master BM Rothwell, Buchanan and Mrs, Lloyd, Medd, 9 , i - MacKay gave the offertoi uary 16, at the home of Mr, and tor'a Hospital, 'London. Prayer. Mrs, Govier offered the United Chmrch, WMS lunch committee. i9asing pr4yer. Refreshments were 7% W04An's Missionary A $10.00 d64ation ioJo be sent Ms. Al�ert Honking, with an at Ida "to Mission Band e soc, a served by the hostQss. iety of VarriaUnited Church met to the Sal Crop Improvement tendance of 18. The 'broadcast, The Ida White Mission Band � "The fanner and the Government" me in. the Chukch, -Wednesday after, Association. met in the school room a the SRT NOMINATION DAY noon, January 1. Mrs, George The meetings are to be held the was listeried to and two groups church oriSaturday, Games were were formed for discussion: It eWoyed before the meeting, The AT IMNSALL, JANUARY 20 Reid was -in Charge of the worship second ThVird-11Y each month, In 4dent) service. Thij he Was "the the Londesboro Community was decided, "Yes, we think as; In- new president Betty Yungblutt �Ily our Hansell corrmPO dividtials we can, support our fart was in charge. The opening hy- A, nomination meeting will be Call,to, the Mission of the Church organizations and tell our direct- nm was followed by the pledge -held, on January 20, to, . fill- the Through One's Vocation -11 The The male death rate from -mit. t ors what we desire to be done. ' and prayer by Janette Dobie, hymN n, car of the stomach has dropped position of reeve of liensall. The Jesus Thou Divine Car, As members of farm organizations Scripture was read by Mrs. Dan» vac4TIC31 arose through the death PanjP4,". was sung. Mrs. Gladys 194 percent and the female 21 we .can, be an active support by aid Haines. The new story book of Reeve William G. Parke. An Coleman, Mrs percent In, the past 12 years. ,, George Stephenson, attending meetings. to state our was Introduced by Mrs. Edward election, it necessary will be held Mrs, Charles Reid and Mrs. Gar,. views for or against the policies'. Davies. - The offertory prayer. January 3.0. dOn, Johnston read passages from Yes, we think that the pies- was given by Margaret Haines, Nbrman Jones, -a member of Luke's Gospel, sure group technique in dealing The meeting, closed with a hymn council for the past eight years, After the singing of a hymn, Reid announced the presen» Notice With agri0i4ture problems, Is more and prayer by Barbara MacKay. resigned Thursday niht and will Mrs, effective than approaching our WMa qualify for the reeveship if noln» tatiori of Life Mmubership to Mrs. local member of parRament.11 Inatg& Watson Webster. Bfts, Webster Herb. Govder gave her Q, took charge of the. business of the Ted Hunking •then conducted home for tlie'-Sanuary meeting of Last year volunteers of the meeting, Seventeen- calls, to shut. Tawnship Of the, business period, A card of the Women's Missionary Society Canadian Cancer Society made and Ing were reported, an . and cards of appreciation, was received from of Knox Presbyterian Church. The distributed free thre Pat and Ted Honking. The next , e.and one-half thanks for Christmas cards and Tuckersmith president Mm W, Good opened million cancer dressings. treats were read. meeting will be held at the home The Study Book, "No Vanishing To facilitate snow reinev- of Mr.' and Mm Ted Hunking. 14s 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 * 4 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 R4ce,,, was taken by Mrs. George Cardswere played and lunch ser- Steph Mrs. Gladys Coleman &I operationifi, the public Is ved. and Mrs. Gordon Johnston. The requested not to park cars FIRESIDE FARM FORUM Newts olf-Hensall meeting Closed- with a -hymn and or vehicles on roadsides (Ay NDM william Dolmge) Correspondent — MRS; Rs. M. i REDDEN the benediction,. Lunch Was ser- during the' winter months. (Intended for last week) Phone Ileosali 5 ved by the ladies of the East The Fireside ]Farm Forum met -- ------- pot ------------------ 000-40-0 group and a social hour enjoyed And notice is hereby tiv- by all. on that the Township will with a large attendance at the Thrifty 110pponettes interesting and, Informative add- ­_ . not be responsible for any home " of Mr. and Mrs'..` Robert The fifth meeting of the Thrifty ress, He named farming among P F M damages caused to such? Jamieson, Monday Jan- Mppenetteg was held at the home the primary industries because of ANSWER- vehicles as a result of snow- uary 9. Mrs. Babcock presided A L I L A of Mrs. W. J. F. Bell. Fourteen the'produdbon, of raw materials. 0 A P E plowing operations. and read the sign post, as well as members answered roll call. A reading by Miss M. Ellis and TO, A11K EL�A several items of correspondence. Plans'. for Achievement Day a violin solo by Miss Greta Lam- PI -E .5 The. Forum Guide was read and E Y F E. P. CHESNEY, those in attendance divided into were discussed, All, pieces must mie contributed to a fine program. THIS 1) F E four gMups for a discussion of the be pinned on before any are cut, A solo in memory of two mem- E A N D 8 o AClerk, The material must not be lifted bers, who lately passed away was WEEK'S question- concerning "Price SuP_ while being pinned. A flower was sang by Mrs. George Hess, ac- VIM ARM �OR ownship of Tuckersmith parts;, It was, felt that a con- companists were Mrs. A. ShixTay 5E E A N5 5 N A P 51-tfb -payer and a wage pesented to Ron Mock, Hensall. X -WORD RATED FoiL5 sumer, a tax Home assignments were, work on and Miss, Greta Lamnile. Hostes- earner could be one person. Sup- blouse, chart and record books, ses for the evening were Mrs. J. port prices assure continuity of prepare for next roll call. The call Foster and Mrs, Inez MiEwan. supply of products under support for the next meeting is "My sub President Mrs. Shirray presided r for so -me time. Price supports as applied under the act, level out gestion for our Achievement Day for the meeting and members an- A Meeting under the Auspices of the the high and low prices through- exhibit or demonstration." swered the' roll call by naming 'a out the year. Support costs are WMS Meets Bible verse referring to agricul- Huron County Trappers' Association paid by all the tax -payers in addit- The Women's Missionary Soc- tore. ion to any costs the consumer in- iety of the United Church met for Carmel WMS curs, Price supports, as presently their January meeting, Thursday, The Women's Missionary Soc- will be held in the set, afford producers a price which January 12, with Mrs, G. Arrn- iety of Carmel Presbyterian Chur- in the majority of cases, keeps the, strong in the chair. ch, carivend for their January COUNCIL CHAMBERS, CLINTON, on farm producers in business. Most Mrs. J. Richardson read scrip- meeting, Thursday, January •12, farmers believe they can produce ture passages. and Mrs. W. For- Mrs. S. Dougall president of the Thurs., Jan. 19, at 8.00 p.m. all the hop possible at the present rest offered prayer. Secretaries organization arranged the pro - price of $23 per cwt. of the various branches submitted gram and also chaired the meet - What would happen if the em- encouraging reports of the fiscal Ing. Mrs. Malcolm Dougall offer- All persons interested in fur and in the promotion of bargo an the U,S, hogs was, lifted? year. ed prayer and Mrs. Inez McEwan fur sales in this district are asked to attend. Would there not have to be an Rev. C. D. Daniel addressed the read scripture passages.Speakers will be present to outline the plans and immediate price adjustment? members speaking on the "Great -Mrs. D. J.- Lane, Clinton, guest answer questions. Would, our government not be Work of Missions," using as the speaker addressed the group buying all the Canadian pork and base for hls• thoughts a quotation speaking from the theme "Stew- If you are interested in obtaining better prices from the Canadians would- be buying U -S- from the Bible "Gd -ye into all the ardshipll. The speaker stated pork from chain stores? world and -preach the Gospel." how blest people are in Canada sale of -your pelts, don't miss this meeting. There should have been a quest- Mrs. G. Hess and Mrs. 15arl Sproat ada and the need in the rest of !on, of farmer's opinions as to sang a duet, "Beyond" t 0 the world. She stressed the great how the prim support plan aff&ts Sunset„ in memory of the late need .to give of time, - talent the creamery, egg stations, pack- Mss Hattie Sutherland, Rev and money to rededicate the work ers, co-ops, retailers etc. Daniel closed with, prayer and a and ask oneself the question, W. L. Whyte,- led, the general social hour and lunch was served. "What is the extent of our Stew- 936, discussion following the group dis- cussion and further developed and WI Meets ardshiptv explained our views. The January meeting of'Hen- During the business period, vis - Several games, contests and sall Women's Institute was con- its were reported and it was dis- euchre preceded" the lunch served vendby the committee on Agri - closed that nineteen Christmas by the hostess and, her committee. culture and Canadian, Industries, boxes had been sent out to shut - Mrs. Mansel Cook. offered IiWhonie Mrs. Larne Chapman as leader. - Im Mr& In" McEwen submitted for the next4meeting. R. E, McKinley, Zurich, gave an the financial report, correspond- '&ASA* --A 'OIL X� i ?,,,, "I 9AY, WOO LLID YOU LIK.E tH 18 ?" No. tharilm very much. We know you providii for the Widtet by accumulating -a hoard of nuts, but with people its different, They fiave a inore advantageous way, thoy invest In ... I 3Y2% OUARANTEED MAT CERtIFICATES 6 Au!h6r1z6d 16mtment for trios# toads 6 S" fortn—five Yeats 6 3%%a yearly hdif-yearly fit Lust S yaurs, cm. investment of $420.36 atc(imblat6i $500-00 1�t y4u, Vdie for free &jodttive 101der IbJay, IST ERLING TRUSTS INAD 000 6RAN61 00FIC0 Paint continues on/ ll CIL Discontinued Colours CMUX CAR EXAMEL' CUM ENAMEL $1*69 per. qt. SEMI -,GLOSS MIM FLAT WALL VINISH $S000 SI'VED-tASY SATIN per gal. SPEEM-EASY FLAT ..................i..... $1.00 per qt. 9P1=-EASV FLAT .................... $9,819 J�or 941, for �uay Now fe, that Sipr�ag Derorating I BUTTER --PERDUE . .. ...... . ­­­ . ......... .... . ence was and t ink you not. - es read. ,Mrs. James Bonthron s a n g -a lovely solo, "Jesus Is Always There." Rev. D. J. Lane closed the meeting with the benediction, after which -refreshments were served, Carmel Ladies Aid Carmel Church Ladies' Aid met at the home of Mrs. Clarence Reid, for their January meeting. The meeting was in charge of Mrs. Reid!s group and opened with a hymn, followed by the devotion- al taken by Mrs. Alex MacGregor. Mrs. W. Sangster read the Scrip- ture. A poem entitled. "Truly Ye Have Received!' was given by the Rev. Donald MacDonald. Mrs. James Bontlixon followed with a solo; "'Ibe- Old - Refrain." Mrs. A. Y. mc -Laren read a sermonette; "Blessed Are the Pure in Heart" Prayer was 'led by Mrs. Glenn 1301L A. IV= closed this Port. or 'the meeting. Mrs. Malcolm D6,agall, new President chaired the business meeting. Mrs. A. Kerslake, as Girl Guide representative was named to fill a V40ahey from the church. Mrs. W. R. Bell gave the financial statement, showing a sl6dan-tal balance. A report from the manse conuniite6 and and Rev, 115, MacDonald was giv. en on the manse kitchen prb3ett, MM. Clarence Reid assistant -sec, rOtAry gave her report on Cards mailed to dw sick and bereaved, It WaA decided that a WasA room And facilities Would be In, stalled ih the church basement early in the year. There was - some, dim ion on. fund, for, the Ptt6hyteriah girls home in Tar. ontot, The, amount sent to be set- tied 'upon at a later date. A hymn, was sung and the Rev. Donald MAL-Dobvild pro wullc6d tho bet*Aidtional t*aytm M-& Md and h#r group served Wr0finietitt 4M an eti oSrAW how a ftiftlemp %nowed. (o Adivst Carbore*/ O.Check Distributor 0 dwk fuel pump) * Check and rafgl, I o Cho Air C battery I il a Foos %hii 0 "Spirkoup, tar replace 11I i0asM, 0 Chick bottailfiablei dud ef y vkeigus a,;&. joiw arc thoroughly with out S'�H11C8 SPBCtAL. 1t7siYe id I out WEPW mbc#unicb 40 zV Eel 40k4dy "d too A TOWELLSetEaRic Wells. Ptoprietor P14ONE 1624.;0.LIHT0H ore us$ 0 y 0 jQ1.11 Meloizj;parf Al Wo* 06w by PACT011Y TWO ROAM, 11