HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-01-19, Page 574411VD417, ZANTTATOr 1.9, 1956 ACCOMMODATION far RENT :il!DRNISHED APARTMENT, suit- •able for two, Phone Clinton 62. 3-b /VANISHED ROOM FOR RENT de Clinton. 'Phone Clinton 3Z7. -3-p TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT. 'tlefurniahed, Available now. Phone Clinton 376W. 1-2-3-b 191511 -DETACHED HOUSE IN ieih* ed Phoon. neate Clinton. Unfur- 079M. 3-tfb THREE ROOM APARTMENT for ?tat, with separate bath. Avail- able immediately, phone Clinton '32W2. 2-tfb APARMENT TO RENT, furnish - .ed, groundfloor, centrally locat- ed, private entrance, private :bath. Phone Clinton 190W. 3-p APARTMENT FOR RENT, Mod- ern in every way. Two bedrooms, 'private bath. Unfurnished. Va- cant: Central location. Phone 'Clinton. 646-W-1. 52-p-tfb ili10E NEW APARTMENT; two 'Bedrooms, living room, modern kitchen with heavy wiring, three- piece bath, storage room, un- tarnished. Available immediately. W. N. Counter, phone Clinton' 3-p FOUR ROOM COTTAGE nicely furnished, including hot erid cold water and three-piece bath, five minutes drive from 'RCAF Station Clinton. Would ac- edsnmodate two married couples nicely if agreeable or couple with well-trained children. JOIINATHAN RUGIOLL Theories: Clinton 616r13; Seaforth 667r13. 52-b-tfb ARTICLES FOR SALE lt" MOTOROLA TV SET FOR ode, See it at Lioyu Moore's. ' 3-b 8,000 CHICK COAL. BROODER, Just used one season. Phone Minton 537W3. 3-b TV FIT FOR A "KING" We Rent — Move — Install. Complete service on all makes of rotators and antenna. All work fully guar- anteed. Huron Tower Installation. phone Goderich 1344M. 6tfb COME AND HEAR TILE NEW RCA Victor Orthophonic Hi - Fidelity record player. Three speeds. Fully automatic change. Intermix records, etc. T. A. Dutton, RCA Victor dealer, Brucefield. Phone Clinton 634r4. 3-b al3ttEE PIECE "SEA MIST" bed- room suite, mattress and springs included. Rangette, two burners •end oven; baby Astral frig.; Wearever set; coffee and step table; living room table lamp; chrome kitchen set, blue and grey. (small). Phone Clinton 7243 after six. 3-p 'TENDERS will be received until January -20, 1956, for the sale of: 'one only Victor Adding Machine (adds to 99,999); one only Small Safe (9"x14" inside measurement) ,One only West Test Set; One only — Set of Lineman's Spurs and Belt. Articles may be seen at the 'home of the secretary, Kirk St., 'Clinton, and may be tendered for -separately. Address tenders to: CHARLES E. WISE, Secretary, -Goderich Townshio Municipal Telephone Systeim Box 458 - Clinton, Chet. F'+ ' 3-b ARTICLES WANTED TREADLE SEWING MACHINE in reasonably good condition. Sex 30, Clinton News -Record. 3-p USED SAP BUCKETS in good condition; also spiles and lids. art McClvmont, Varna, phone ton 613r24. . $-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE LATE MODEL, LARGE Vane guard, rebuilt motor, new tires, A-1 condition. $400 cash, Pier - son's Motel, Bayfield Road, God- erich. Phone Gederich 960.3-b 1947 PLYMOUTH SEDAN, green, excellent body and upholstery, radio, heater and sunvisor. Has neve motor that is guaranteed. Price $485. Phone Clinton 538W. 3-b BABY CHICKS BIG -4 HATCHERY AGENT here can give full ,Information about Chicks. Remember -- there's a special discount ofr chicks and started chicks for delivery Jan- uary -February. Pullets for top egg production —.Broilers, Pilch White Rocks, top profit makers. Ames In -Cross. Standard breeds and crosses. Weekly hatches all year round. Canadian Approved, plus Hatchery's own "complete breeding program covering more than 33 years. Full information. Charles Scott, Auburn, phone Blyth 43r23. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, High Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- ton 448. 13tfb CUSTOM WORK ELECTRIC MOTORS, Rewound and repaired. Home and Auto rad- ios and appliances, repaired. Art Levett, Isaac Street, at Dunlop. Phone Clinton 138W. 41-tfb FARMS FOR SALE NICE. LIST OF . FARMS FOR sale. L. G. Winter. Real Estate. Phone Clinton 448. Low down payments, 33-tfb Furniture Re -Finishing FOR FURNITURE, PIANO AND radio cabinet, refinishing and re- pairing, apply W. G. Pickett, phone Clinton 761M. 47 -p -tib HELP WANTED—Female WAITRESS. Apply in person to Bartliff Bros., Clinton. 3-b TYPIST, EXPERIENCED. Neat appearance. Excellent working conditions. Good starting salary. Box 670s-Goderich. 3-b EXPERIENCED Stenographer — Excellent working conditions, Good starting salary. Write, giving full particulars of exper- ience to Personnel Manager, Box 670, Goderich. '3--b FOR LAUNDRY WORK. Modern equipment; good working condi- tions. Phone Clinton 312W er ap- ply in person, preferably, to A. Garon, Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaning, 44-tfb GIRLS FOR SEWING MACHINE WORK. Pleasant working conditions. Five day week. ,Permanent employment. Apply SEAFORTH SHOES LIMITED, Seaforth, Ontario 2-3-b HELP WANTED—MALE EARN $54.00 OR MORE A WEEK Part or full -tame opportunity in Huron County for a farmer. or ambitious man with agricultural background. Age 25-50 pre- ferred. Car essential. Take orders in exclusive territory. Be home every night. No irwest- ment. We provide complete training at home office plus field assistance. Reply giving age and exper- ience in first letter to Na-Churs Plant Food Co., 2 Langarth St. W., London. 2-3-4-b HAY FOR SALE A LARGE QUANTITY of loose mixed hay. Will sell by ton or by the mow. Apply Box 123, Seaforth, or phone. Seaforth 589W, 3-p NOTICE NEW SCHEDULE Or TAXI RATES In Town of Clinton (effective Monday, January 23) p, Within the Town Limits: '(a) One or two passengers, from one place to dnoth- . er, not exceeding one mile 35c (b) Over one mile, in addition to the foregoing, 10c for -each additional half mile or fraction thereof, (c) For each additional passenger the sum of lOc. (d) For each stop between the first pickup and destination, the sum of 100 2. Waiting time shall be charged at $1.50 per hour or .75c per half hour, and less than a half hour in proportion thereof, $, Meeting the Morning Train from Clinton 50c (Following effective as of January le) (a) To and from cab Outside Town Limits stand and Camp Gate at RCAF Statim (one to four passengers) 60c Each ektra passenger 15c (b) To land from any other place in Clinton and Camp Cate . .,, ..... .. 75a (c) To and from Cab Stand and PMQ's .,,,....,, 754 (d) To and from any other place in Clinton and PMQ's $1.00 5. All trips outside Town of Clinton to have 50c min� imum not to exceed two c.nd one�half miles. 6. Ail other trips outside Town of Clinton to be 20c per Mile one way Sone to five passengers), • LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SEVEN PIGS, EIGHT WEEKS old. Apply to Warren Gibbings, phone Clinton 617r16. 3-.1) 16 PIGS,. ENGLISH YORK, seven weeks old. • Apply Clark Ball, phone Clinton 802r6. 24 THRIFTY .PIGS, about 60 to 100 pounds. W. E. Manning, half mile west of Londesboro. Phone Blyth 24r4. n 3w1) YOUNG REGISTERED Yorkshire sow, due to farrow January 30; young registered Yorkshire sow, due to farrow February 18; also our two-year-old herd sire. This boar is from advanced registered stock. Contact James Lobb, phone Clinton 75831. 3-13 ' LIVESTOCK WANTED WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone collect, 1483J1, or 1483J4 9ptfb LOTS FOR SALE LOT ' ACROSS FROM CDCI. Mrs. McAdam, Princess Street, phone Clinton 700, 3-p MISCELLANEOUS BEEF BY THE QUARTER for sale. Apply to Bruce Keys, Varna, phone Hensel' 68Gr5. BAYFIELD REST RO"M"E; 4'fite home within a home". Home for convalescents, elderly people. Ho.ine cooked meals, registered nurse in attendance. Write for further information. 3-4-p OPEN FOR PUBLIC DANCES and receptions. The Huron Ramblers Orchestra. Modern and old time music. For appoint- ments please phone Reg. Smith, Clinton, 131W, 3-4-5-6-7b WATERLOO CA'rl'LE Breeding Association. "Where Better Bulls Are Used." Artificial Insemination service for all "breeds of cattle. For service or information phone Clinton 515 collect, ,between 7.30 and 10.00 m. on, week days and 7.30 and e.30 a.m. on Sundays. 6-tfb EGMONT MINERALS for Cattle have proven to supply all minerals cattle need to maintain good heal- th. At $7 per 100 pounds it sup. plies these essential minerals very economically. Always available at the farm, or a phone call will bring it to your door. J. W. Van- Egmond, phone Clinton 805r13. 46tfb Farmers! STAN -HOIST TRACTOR Load- ers, Pax Hog Feeders, Contin- ental Stalk Cutters, Post Hole Diggers and Field Sprayers, Booms, Portable Feed Mixers and Ensilage Feeders, Power Glide Chain Saws, McLean Silo Unloaders. New and used Crearn Separators, Our folders and prices will interest you. New Idea Distributors Phone Carlow 2921 Goderieh, Ontario lto4-b PERSONAL HYETT'S REMEDIES -- Eczema remedies, Asthma remedies, and the rest of the famous line are available at Pennebaker's, the IDA store, sole agent. . 3-b SALESMEN WANTED RAWLEIGH BUSINESS now open in Huron County. Trade well established. Excellent opportun- ity. Full time. Write at once. Rawleigh's, Dept.- A-169-189, Montreal, P.Q. ANXIOUS TO MAKE A PLACE for himself and family. Exper- ience in saleswork is not neces- sary. The big qualification is that you must be willing to work. Your chances of advancement with our company are excellent. Please do not answer ad unless you, own a car. Write Box 31, Clinton News -Record. 3-4-b WHY SETTLE FOR LESS THAN $10,000 IN A YEAR The days are gone when a "few thousand" a year salary was 'en- ough for a man to take care of his family, buy a new ear, and "salt some away for the future." If you are a middle-aged man who has reached the "ceiling" on your earnings and now want to make good in a new field, we can make you a fine offer to join our organization, where top men are paid up to $12,000 in 'a year. Middle -.aged men, 46 -50 -55 -and up—are particularly qualified for our type of business, where earn- ings start at once, Bert Lichti began on part-time basis—when he started full.time with us, av- eraged $787.31 per month his first three monthS. John Christensen averaged $752.55 earnings per month his first seven months. G. .A, Holland, new man starting' mid- year,. earned $2,194.36 in three- month period, Average of over $700.00 per month, Hartley Hay- nes. new man„ earned $106.01 his very first Wotictng day. These are 'unusual earnings of tap mien. Like oaring's are available to you be- came we do not put a ceiling on your income. In spite of shortages in other businesses, otir volume is expand- ing at a, teriific rate. We have art opening in the Clinton area, for a man over 45. The man we want lust be high grade (not high pressure), nanb.tious and sin- cere. Earnings are paid in ad-- vance, no hlvestnrie!tt is needed, no collectins, no deliveries. Excel- lent honie office woo/alai. i. Write a. per4onal ,letter; to our dice- esidenit, I G C•2, P.O, Box , Station J, a1 orth7 Tar. onto 6, Ontario, =not/ ON mws-a ?m CLASSIFIED RATES CASH RATE (* paid by the Wednesday .te owing publlow- tion) --- Two cents.' per ward, gainirnuM 50 .Gents. 1�/I cents it word for each following fir- #loot, minimum 35 cents. BOX NUMBER --15e extra, BIRTHS, MAR•RIAQES end • DEATHS --no charge. ENGAQEMENTS, CARDS OF THANKS $ IN MEMORIAMS two cents per woad, nlinimiun 50 cents. CIIARGED,--15 COOS extra. DEADLINFr-12 oc.Ioi k noon, Weiine day. Nappy Workers Club Meeting The Happy Workers Club met at the home of Mrs. Clifford Glaz- ler. The meeting opened with a brief address and thank you from the new presderit, Mrs. Jade Smith: After singing a hymn, the "Lord's Prayer" was repeated. Roll call was answered by paying the fees with 1.6 members present. Remnant bundles and other materials are to be purchased for the coming year's work. Next. meeting will, be at Mrs. Jack Smith's home.. . Roll call: a homemade valentine. Lunch com- mittee,' Mrs. Hugh Ball and .Mrs. William Holland. Cards of Thanks 2 Cents per word, Minimum' 50c We wish to thank all those who sent cards and treats while .I was a patient in the hospital, also special thanks to all the clubs who helped during our sickness and through the Christ- mas season. Thanks again. —GORDON SNELL and Family 3-p YVONNE AIKENHEAD, her mother and father, would like to thank the nurses and staff of Clinton hospital for kindness and consideration shown her while a patient there. Special thanks to Dr. Oakes, Dr, Goddard, Mr. and Mrs. Grealis, LAC Turner, the neighbors, and all who sent treats and cards. 3-p FOR SALE TEN ACRES -with seven room dwelling. Modern conveniences. Cement block barn, 45x22; hen house 60x18; double garage; 200 fruit trees. Situated on Highway 4, in. Town of Clinton, Early possession. —0-- TWO STOREY, 2 APARTMENT DWELLING: Main Floor offers livingroom,' diningroom, modern kitchen, two bedrooms and bathroom; Upstairs offers: livingroom, modern kitchen and dining space, one bedroom, and bathroom. Full basement, latest forced air oil heating, Lot, 80x300', situated in new development, south of Clinton, Ontario, on Highway 4, Early possession. --o- 1% STOREY DWELLING, with living room, diningroom with fireplace, kitchen, den, down; five bedrooms, bath, up. Hot water heating with stoker; sun - porch down. We11 located, One block from post office. Im- mediate possession. 1 STOREY, 5 ROOM DWELLING, three bedrooms, modern- conven- iences, oil heating, full` base- ment, low taxes.•. Sitivated on Highway 4, south of Clinton. Early possession. 0 1 STOREY. 5 ROOMED DWEL- LING, with two bedrooms, oil heating. Two lots. Price: $3,500. Cash, $1,500. Monthly payment, $35. Early possession. 3-b Apply to H. C. LAWSON Complete Insurance Service Real ,Estate — investments Bank of Montreal Building Phones: Office 251W; Res. 251J CLINTON, ONTARIO assss1111as, NOTICE OF PROPOSED BY-LAW To Close Part of Extension of William Street, Clinton. NOTICE is hereby given that the Council of the Town of Clin- ton, at the next regular meeting of the Council to be held on the 6th day of February, A.D. 1956, at 8 o'clock in the evening, will give consideration to the Third Reading of a By --law to close that part cd extension. of. Street which commences 730 feet Northerly from the Northeast intersection of Princess Street and William. Street and continues along that part of William Street extended for 275 feet, and to convey the part so closed to George Levis. AR persons opposed to the proposed By-law are hereby notified to attend the said Meet - hog in person or by Counsel to state their objections thereto. The proposed By-law may be inspected during office hours at the office of the Clerk of the Town of Clinton, AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that this .Notice Is hereby Pub- lished nersuant to Chapter 243, R.S,O, 1950, Section 469 of the Ontario Municipal Aet. DATED this 6th day of- comber, A.D. 1056. E. ill. *MIMS, Solicitor ter the 7i`otvrn of Ciliate», 14.4,5-b BIRTHS GINGERICH . -In Clinton Publid Hospital, pn Saturday, January 14, $56, to Mr. and Mrs. Eph- rain Gingerich, RR 2, Zurich, a daughter. HARDING .-- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, Jan- uar 7.18, '1956, to AC1 and Mrs. Cameron Harding, Clinton, a son. KENNEDY -- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, January 12, 1956, tp Mr, and Mrs..Har- vey Kennedy, RR 2, Londes- bora, a son (brother fpr Bonnie, Dale and Scott). OLIVER In Clinton Public Hospital, on Saturday, January 14, 1950, to LAC and Mrs. Thoanas Oliver, Clinton, a dau- ghter, POTTER — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, January. 16, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Rae' Potter, RR 3, Clinton, a dau- ghter. SIIVIPSON. In St, Michael's Il'os- pital, Toronto, on, SatiRrday, January 14, 1955, to Mr. and Mrs. R; E. Simeon (nee Ruth Manning) Scarboro, Ontario, a son (Norman Arthur). TYNDALL -- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, January 17, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs. Keith Tyndall, RR 4, Clinton, a dau- ghter (a sister for Jeff and Cheryl). WILLERT --- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, January 12, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Har- old Willert, RR 2, Hensall, a daughter. MARRIAGES HILLMAN- SLOMAN — In St. Phillips Anglican Church, Mon- treal, on Thursday, December 29, 1955, by Rev. C. Campbell, 'Lisbeth, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Siouan; Capreol, to Dr, Arthur Donald Hillman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hillman, Montreal. HUSTY-.CARTWRIGHT -- In St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Clinton, on Saturday morning, January 14, 1956, by Rev. J. W. P. Graham, Marjorie Darlene, daughter of Mrs. Doris Cartwright, Clinton, to Andrew Frank Husty, Waisingham, son of Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Husty, WaIsingham (formerly of Clin- ton) . MORRISON-TOWNSHEND In Bayfield United Church par- sonage, on Saturday afternoon, January 14, 1956, by Rev. P. Renner, Joyce Marie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Town- shend, Goderich Township, to William Warren Morrison, At- wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Morrison, also of At- wood. DEATHS HUDSON—Suddenly in Hensall, r-- on Saturday, January. 14, 1956, Sarah Ann Troyer, beloved wife of the late George Hudson, in her 82nd year. Funeral from the Bon thrall funeral home, Hensall, on Monday, January 16. Interment in Bayfield Cemetery. KEYS --- In Varna, on Sunday, January 15, 1956, Artemus Percival Keys, in his 75th year. Funeral from the Beattie fun- eral home, Rattenbury Street East, Clinton, to Bayfield Cemetery, on Tuesday after- noon, January 17. AUCTION SALE To be held at the farm, Lot 14, Concession 2, Stanley Township, 11/4 miles west of Brucefield, on Tuesday, January 24, at 1.30 p.m., consisting of: CArrLE.—,30 high-grade Holstein cows and heifers; some of these are fresh, several close springers, others due in February and March; also a few heifers due in spring. HOGS ---16 Yorkshire chunks; 2 York sows, due soon. This is an exceptionally good line of cows and heifers, with lots of size and condition. Sale will be held under cover. Terms: Cash D'Arcy Rathwell, proprietor Harold Jackson, Auctioneer 3-b RCA VICTOR RADIOS AND TELEVISION Your Old Radio Accepted As Trade -In - T. A. DUTTON RCA VICTOR DFAT,ER BRUCEFIELD Telephone Clinton 634R4 11 You Want To Sell Your Farm For Dependable and Capable Service List Your Property with JOHN BOSVELD REAL ESTATE BROKER 40 Wellesley St. PHONE 1108 - GODERICH 49-6=b Flowers Telegraphed Annum* K. C. COOKE FLORIST Phoney 64W Canton M Y' PAG F1\ BOXY THEATA O141NTQN NOW; Thurs., Fri, & Sat. "The Outlaw's Daughter" Technicolor Wildcat daughter of the notorious Dslton's--asbad as she was beautiful—her story makes ex- citing viewing Bill Wl h ainzi--Jil i Davis Kelly Ryan MON., TUES. & WED. "Women's Prison" Dalt Entertainment An "adult" subject in the true meaning of the word, this film is a graphic presentation of the need for prison reform Ida Lupine Jan Sterling Audrey Totter Coming: "KENTUCKY RIFLE" Jess Barber — Cathy Downs MTPADV TELE Ha NE nnilGoderich NOW; Wed., Thugs„ Fri. and Sat Bing Crosby .- Grace Kelly and William Holden Three Great Academy Award per- formances in one picture! Acclaim- ed by all critics as the year's beet dramatic attraction, with Bing Crosby in his greatesta ThelPrOki "The Country Girl" Adult admieston advanced to e1 cents ---tile Iowest admission priori in Canada for this picture MON,r TUES. & WED. Thomas Costatn's tremendous biblical story "The Silver Chalice' In Cinernascope and Teebnicoler Last BasedSupponerthe,thcehalice usedofa at the story gifted silversmith and what happened to his masterpieee Virginia Mayo --- Pier Angelii Jack Falance and Paul Newman Coming: "COUNT THREE AND PRAY" A country parson story in einem- escape with Van Heflin CLINTON WI WILL MEET ON JANUARY 26 The monthly meeting of the Clinton Women's Institute will be held at the agricultural office board room on January 26, at 2 p.m. NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS • In the Estate of CHARLES TUDOR MARKS, late of the Township of Stanley, in the County of Huron, deceased. All persons claiming against the above estate are required to forward full particulars to the undersigned by February 9th, 1956, after which date the assets will be distributed. WILLIAM M. PREST, Goderieb, Ontario, Solicitor for the Estate. 2-3-4-b NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER OF the winding up of The Goderich Township Municipal Telephone System. . , All persons having claims against the,;above-named System are re- quired to file the same with the undersigned Secretary of the said System on or before the 21st day of January, A.D. 1956, after which date the assets will be distributed among the parties entitled, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given: Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 30th day of December, A.D. 1955. CHARLES E, WISE, Clinton, Ontario. 1-2-3-b Clinton Community Farmers AGTCTION SAFES EVERY FRIDAY commencing at 1.30 p.m. CASH 7: COREY, , Se ea Manager E. W. ELLIOTT, Auctiellea Ii W. COLQUHOUN, Clerk OE SURE Of Your Fuel Supply BUY From your Local Dealer MUSTARD' LUMBER and COAL BRUCEFIELD Phone Clinton 634 r 11 Also Dealer for ROE FEEDS i Snow Tires Equip your car for winter with our road -gripping, deep -tread, BF GOODRICH SNOW TIRES Buy Now—And Save! Batteries if your battery is causing you poor starts -- drive in today. We carry a com- plete line of top-quality batteries. It is better to.,: be safe than sorry!! --0— RATS Y RAY'S Cities Service Cities Service Products Raymond .Hoggarth, Prop. "The Place Where You Never Have To Blow Your Horn" Clinton : : : Ontario ,M r. „ January Sale SPECIAL PRICES ON LISTED ITEMS BOYS' DRESS SATS --- Tan and Light Green in sizes 11, 111/2, 122, 13 only --Clearing Price $1.00 Each BOYS' COMBINATION UNDERWEAR— Penmans 95, Penmans Preferred and Penmans 71. Sizes 6 & 8 year,; only Clearing Price $1.00 Each Boys' "Maple Leaf" Hockey Socks— $1.00 Per Pair MEN'S PULLOVER SWEATERS— Sizes Small & Meduim only. r Clearing Price $2,95 Each STANF'uiiLD'S $LUE LABEL DRAWS— $1,95 Size 34 only. Clearing Price Pair MANY OTHER UNADVERTISED SPECIALS PICKETT e CAMPBELL Phone IS LIMITED CJ�ilaln Comer) Clinton