HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-01-12, Page 7MEN'S WORK BOOTS MEN'S FINE OXFORDS Boys' Bib Overalls Walker's and Haugh's $2,00 Sizes 24-34 ........ Boys' Station Wagon Coats One-Third Off Boys' Zipper and 4-Buckle OVERSHOES $2.00 Sizes s Children's 4-Buckle OVERSHOES Sizes 6 - 12 $1.00 -.4r..-to-****4",•-••••4,1+1,++,041,4 PORTER'S HUI Correspondent SAS. DON HATtiti$ "Phone Clinton '797 4'3 The ,January meeting of ttie POrter's ,Community Club will be held on. Wednesday afternoon January 18, at the borne of WS,. A. I4oelthart- The annual congregational Meets big of Grace Church will be h44 On Friday afternoon January 20. Certificates Presented During Sunday School of Grace Church on Sunday last, promotion certificates and attendance dip-. lorries were awarded, First year attendance diplomas went to Julia Cox And Colleen Lockhart;• second year seal.% ROn•' hie Cox and Cheryl Cox; third year -seals.: John Manning, Sharon. Lockhart, Bruce Betties, Mary Townshend, Gail Lockhart, Peggy Anne Betties, Elaine Townabend, Patsy C x, McGowan, i fourth year seals: Grant Sowerby, Joanne Harrison, John. Harris, Richard Harrison, Janet Harris, Shirley McCowan, Jim Harrison, Claire Cox, The attendance banner was . awarded to the Intermediate Class. for the second year in succession, Promotion certificates from be- ginners to primary class went to Cheryl Cox and Dennis Harris; from primary to junior class. Jo- anne Harrison, Patsy Cc% and Terry Bauer; from junior to inter- mediate class, Mary Townalrenal and Shirley IVIeCowan. GI4E READ 1415 • it4OUGI-ITS ( MEN'S RUBBER BOOTS BOYS' RUBBER BOOTS And ALL RUBBER FOOTWEAR ,,... ............. ,„..... ..... ,....„.„,„ ........ „....15% off AO Int-r EXTENSION LADDER — $25.00 ..S7(ak CITIES SERVICE "WereWolland-'.'Dor Rufled e CLINTON 2411VM-AVOAP PA01.1 SAVRIN 101110,DAY, ,14X911411,Y 2, 1956 CAMPBELL'S Tomato Soup 2 for 25' 9 tins 41.00 DELMAR MARGARINE MAXWELL HOUSE New Year's with Mr. and Mrs. WOW) StUrgeen- -Olah' The Trinity CIO met at the home of Mrs. Parker on 'Tuesday evening. Mrs, Ttoss Middleton used the New Year's theme in -conducting the - devot- ional penied. Secretary's end treasurer's reports were read and aeoepted, There had been an average at- tendance a 15. Four member$ had not missed a :meeting. A lot- ter of appreciation for clothing from the giildren's Aid Society was read. Plans for ikenchre and bridge on January 18 in the new Parish Hall were made. Mrs, It, Fitzsimons and Mrs. J. CLIO Were appointed to assist in slaws* arrangements for the vestry dinner, The. motion for aclOption of the following slate of officers for .1956 made by Mrs. R. S. Reddiala was seconded by Mrs. Leroy Poth., ;Hop.orary president, Mrs, H. F. graii7drier; Mrs, W. S. Outer, bridge; president, Mrs. Ross dleton; vice-president, Mrs. Will- lam E. Parker; secretary, Mrs, Roy Fitzsimons; treasurer, Mrs, M. Cowie. A most irnpressisse installation service arranged by Mrs, it. Mid- dleton then took place. An altar had been set up in the room on which lay the open bible between two tall lighted tapers; and as each officer repeated her pledge she lighted a candle and plaPed It on the altar. Mrs, Middleton conducted a qUestionaire designed to get the feeling of the members re: im- provement in the chub program. The new executive was empowered to act upon suggestions of a large majority' of the answers and a motion was made by Mrs. Paid- ek, seconded by Mrs. W, E. Par- ker that a pledge be drawn up for approval by the president. Refreshments were served at the close of the meeting. Over 400 children under the age f 15 died of cancer and leukaemia, n Canada last year. W. K Dale Funeral service for Wiiliant. est WPM" Pale was PPrildtreteti on January 3, in the Boise and Playfair chapel,. Ottawa, by Rev, A, L. Griffith, -01almers United anirell, in that city, Interment was in 13eechwood Cemetery. Born in Clinton, On January 14, 1915, he was the son of William Arthur Dale and the late Minnie D. Brickenden. He received -his primary and secondary education in the Clinton Public School and Clinton Collegiate Institute, and becoming a radio technician, he had been employed at the 'Nation, al Research Council for the past 18 years. Mr. Dale was a, member of Chalmers United Chunch, t h e TQOP, the Central LaWn Bowling Club and the Civil. Service Rec., aeation Association. On August 1,6, 1952, he married Lillian Agnes Crawford. He lived in Montreal, Quebec •and Ottawa for the past 16 years. 1-10 died en. December 31, in Civic' Hospital, Ottawa, after an illness of three months, A service was conducted by Car- lton Lodge IOOF No. 240, in the Hules ' and Playfair chapel on Monday evening, January 2, when about 100 members attended. He IS survived by his wife, his father, three brothers, Edward, Clinton; Frank, London; Archie, Ottawa, and one sister, Mrs. Ruth Dale Matthews, Daly City, Cali- fornia. Relatives and freinds from Clin- ton, Kirkland Lake, Englehart, Pembroke, Daly City, California; Shavvville and London, attended the funeral. 0 Although as many researchers throughout the world are working on cancer as on any other medical problern, scientists still have not discovered the cause of cancer. . . . and found he was not thinking of her at all, but only of South End Cities Service . . . Hereford Men Lay Ont Year s Meeting Dates At a direetraV meeting of the gt!ren Hereford Brawlers' Assoc* lation in Clinton the 1966 program WAS arranged, The annual spring sale will be held Tuesday, May 8, and the an- nual fall sale, Thursday, Novem- ber 22, James it. Coultes, Bet- grave a sales manager, Tentative date for the annual banquet and meeting has, been set for November 27. The association plans, to carry out the same program as in for- mer years in the promotion of 4-H Chats work in Huron CoUnty. ...raeh 4-H Club member shew- Mg a registered Hereford heifer at achievement day will receive an additional $4 in prize money and each 4-H member showing a grade heifer or steer, $2, . o. RECORD SHIPMENT OF MATH TURKEYS TO NORTH The annual shipment to North- ern Ontario and Quebec from the Wallace Turkey Parma, Blyth, got on its way by Campbell Transport on Saturday. The annual trek north from the Blyth plant began in 1950, and has been growing in size and scope every year, This year's shipment totalled 4,000 ov- en-ready birds' for a total pound- age of approximately 52,000 lbs,, worth over $33,000.---Blyth Stand- ard. MIDDLETON FARM SOLD TO "NEW CANADIAN" FAMILY The farm, of the late Charles G. Middleton, ex-sheriff of Huron County, on No. 8 Highway just west of Clinton, has been sold to T. Dykstra from the Netherlands. Mr. and Mrs, Dykstra and family of nine children have been in Canada only six months.—Signal- Star. Walter H. Embury Walter Heitert Embury, 54, lied suddenly in Alexander Marine ind General Hospital on Wednes- day evening, last week, He had been in failing health since Sept- He was born near Stirling, Ont- ario, and attended public and high schools in Caniaabellford. In 1931, he was married to Mary Biggs, Belleville, and they farmed at Weilman's Corners, northeast of Belleville, till 1949, when they took up residence in Goderich. He worked as a clerk at RCAF i Station Clinton, until last Septem- 1 her. Besides his wile, he is'survived by two sons, Cpl, Ronald Embury, RCAF Station Camp Borden; Ger- ald at home; one daughter, San- dra, at home; and one grandchild. Funeral service was conducted Saturday afternoon, in Sterling, and interment was made there. . J. G Armstrong ' John George Armstrong, 217 Front st,, Stratford, died Wednes- day afternoon, December 28, at his home after a lengthy illness. He was in his 82nd year. Funeral service was from the Heinbuck funeral home, 156 Albert Street, Stratford, to Avondale Cemetery, on Saturday afternoon, December 31. Mr. Armstrong was born in Ire- land and came to Stratford 35 years ago. In 1905 he married the former Annie Keit, who died in 1933. Mr. Armstrong was assoc- iated with St. John's United Church. He is survived by three sons: Fred Armstrong, Clinton; Herbert, New York, N.Y.; and Alfred, 247 Front sta two daughters, Mrs. Norman (Mabel) Slaughter, Chat- ham; Mrs. Oliver (Beta) DuMar• esq, London; and one grandson. MAN WANTED WITH US, TOP MEN OVER 45 CAN MAKE $50,000 IN THE NEXT FIVE YEARS. Will you make that much in your present work? If not, here's something of interest to you, Eight of our top men aver- aged at least $50,000 each in the last five years. Now, with nation-wide demand increasing, all signs point to even greater records for the coming 5 years. What does that mean to you? It means you can join this or- ganization now ". . . with this tremendous boom coming on , and share in our million-dollar expansion program. Middle-aged Business Men and Salesmen, able to travel for a few weeks at a time, are invited to join our top-bracket income group, Middle-aged meii, 45-50-55—and up—are particularly qualified for our type of business, where earnings start at once. Bert Lichti began on part time basis —when he started full-time with us, averaged $787.31 per month his first three months. John Christensen averaged $752.55 earnings per month his first 7 months. G. A. Holland, new man starting,- mid-year, earned $2,- 194.36 in three-month period. Average of over $700 per month. 'Hartley Haynes, new man; earn-ed $106.01 his very first work- ing day, These are unusual earn- ing-s of top men. Like earnings are available to you because we do not put a ceiling on your in- come, We have an OUTSTANDING product (Canada Patent No. 456591). Just as important, we have an OUTSTANDING, prov- en method for selling that pro- duct to high-type business and professional men and farmers on long-term credit. Your earn- ing checks mailed in advance. You have nothing to buy. We make all collections and deliv- eries . . Excellent Home Office Cooperation. Our Company has wide reputation for being a leader in its field. Big Season Just Ahead. Age is no barrier. Rush name and age for full de- tails to Vice-President, Dept. B, P.O. Box 88, Station J, Danfortit Toronto 6, Ontario. 2-b 0.04-0+Saaass-artaaelsaalals. ..t.i.,..,,e 94440 AV AlIfiffl Mc Chaarpion PHONE PAYFIDELP g. R. WOWS, C0414try- flerrealpendeOt 45 r 4. Untended for last weak) Ar. and Mrs. J. N , Bart, 'gin- ten, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fitzsimons on New Year's Pay. .Mr, and Mrs,George 1.3elenarns ber and three .sons were in Ain- herabung over the New Year's weekend, Mr. and Ws, Ed sturgeon are visiting their daughter, Mrs. F, Anderson and fancily, . Gandshill., Where they spent New Year's. , Stewart Atkinson spent New Year's with his uncle D. A, Atkin, son, who accompanied him on his return, to spend a few days in De- trOit. gen Arkell returned to Water- loco College On Tuesday After hay,: ing spent the Vacation With his parents, Mrs and Mrs Fred P. Arkell. Thomas Arkeil and -font,. ily., -Narnilton; Mrs. Donald Saeger and family, Goderieh, also were . with their varents over the New Year's weekend, Mr, and Mrs, Newton Stirling and children, June, Billy and Mar- garet and Mrs, Jim Martin and baby Brenda, Port Dover; Mr, and Mrs, Jim Snargeon, Londes- hero; Mt and Mrs. 4. Cruickshank and X3er13hena, HeiniesVill„ spent CLINTON , OPEN FRIDAY times contact Thomas 186W; residence, T. PRYDE -,-- EXETER ---- PHONE CLINTON CLINTON MEMORIAL SHOP AFTERNOONS ---, Steep, phone Clinton Shipley Street. and SON -,.. SEAFORTH . 1620 —. --.-- At other THE H UR. 0 N COUNTY COUNCIL will meet in the Court y , House,. .Goderich, on Tuesday, January 17,- 1956, at 2.00 p.m. . All accounts, notices of deputations, etc., should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, January 14, 1956, , • A. H. ERSKINE, Clerk, County of Huron 1-2-b a, NATURE'S BEST PEAS gl= 2 for 21c COFFEE 1 lb'•$1s05 SMILES 'N CHUCKLES CHOCOLATES 1 lb. Reg. $1'.25 1 •00 Sizes 6 - 11 CLEARING Sixes 6 - 11 CLEARING IBEX FLANNELETTE BLANKETS • 70 t 90 $5.49: .Pair Men's Overalls, Pants, Jackets 10% off Walker's, Haugh 's and Great Western GIANT DOLLAR SALE . Open Evenings — JANUARY 12, 13, 14 - Open Evenings $ 1 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables I Golden Medical Discovery Tablets Colgate's Tooth Paste—reg. 33c 100 for $1.45 Now-2 for 51c VALUES! VALUES! VALUES! VALUES! 10 TINS $1.00 lb. „, 29( !Giant Cheer 68(1 . LIGHT BULBS 25's - 40's - 60's' 4 for (OY FARMERS We are shipping cattle every Saturday for United Co-operative of Ontario and solicit your patronage. We will pick them up at your farm. Please PHONE COLLECT not later than Friday nights. Seaforth Farmers Co-operative ` H. S. Hunt, Manager • Phone—Day 9, Evenings 481w 39-tfb tl 00 WOMEN'S and GIRLS' ?41 • SHOES .Loo asEoaktaityalets and Sizes GARDEN PATCH ‘sKVehr leel CORN 8 14-ti:" $1.00 HEINZ CATSUP 11 oz. 33C $1.00 LADIES' and CHILDREN'S SLIPPERS — 2 pr. $1.00 WOOL BLANKETS Satin Bound Throws 20%• off MOTOR RUGS Assorted Plaids GIRLS' and LADIES' Pullover Rubbers Sizes 4 - 8 ,.„.,,, ........... ,„„,. ,1414101113 Men's 6ndBO"' Underwear Penmen's 71 Preferred 20% off Penman's 95 —,.#......,...--,.....„ i Obituaries Herbert S. Walton Services for .Herbert S. Walter„ 72, who died at Clinton, on New Year's Pay were held in the per-Hockey funeral home, Exeter, on Tuesday, by the Rev. N.. P. Knox, and. interment made in Ex- eter Cemetery. A Masonic serv4ce. Was held at the funeral home on Tuesday, Born in Brneefield, Mr, Walter traveled for a footwear company as a young Man, Later he was clerk in the shoe department of the Jones and Keystone:in EXeter, After the death of his father, Al- fred Walter, he took over his shoe repair business which he conducts ad .30 years, His wife, the former Lily May Acheson, died in 1934. He was a member- of Trivitt Anglican Memorial Church, the TOOF lodge No. 67, and was a past master of Lebanon Forest Masonic lodge, Surviving are three sons, Stan. ley, Tweed; William a., Crystal City, Manitoba; Thomas, Schrieb- er; two daughters, Mrs. Joseph Grant, London; Mrs. Clan sl e Blovves, Preston; llagrandebildren and one great grandchild, Miss Hattie D Sutherland (By ouzo Hensall correspondent) 'Death claimed' one of Hensall's well known citizens in the person of Miss Hattie Dent Sutherland, who passed away suddenly in Cli nton Public Hospital on Thursday evening, December 29, where .she had been a patient since March. She was in her 87th year, Daughter of the late Mr, and Mrs. James Sutherland she was born in Auburn, and had been a the funeral and paid fitting trib- ute to her life. Mrs. George Hess sang, "How Beautiful. Heaven Must, Be." Miss Greta Larnmie was accompanist. Interment was in Hensel], Union Cemetery, pokysay resident of ' Hensall for over 70 years. She was a member of the United Church, life long member of the Women's Missioeary Soc- iety, Womeni' Institute, and W,C.- T.U. Service was held from the Bon- than funeral home on December 31. Rev. C. D. Daniel conducted ember. Aberhart': 10th Anniversary Sale Abeihart's Garage, Goderieh All New and Safe-Buy Used Trucks offered at attractive sale prices Several 1956 Meteor and Mercury DEMONSTRATORS INCLUDED IN THIS SALE NEARLY ALL UNDER 1,000 MILES Every Purchaser gets a FREE DRAW on a New 21" Dumont Console Television Set. Drop in Soon — GOOD TRADE-IN ALLOWANCES — GOOD TERMS OVER 30 CARS AND TRUCKS' ON HAND NOW IS THE TIME TO TRADE AT God rich