HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-04-27, Page 4Lo we Miss Minnie A w,hii wens to Loin dorgo tt surgical is been ti, great She had it tiliTaor. by 1)r. Gardiner; Wits hoped unlit it en! but such was n the New year it be so that it was ev.i way to save her lif the Ihub or inch This was one last She has the synipt 1liuuity. The aftl trying and tiara .3ife. We are. dein well. >> ails, the yeuug latIy- u1 hospital to ung poratiou as stated, ufferelr all winter. removed last July Llaekn. wt Ana it i otlld prove 4UCO0S5• tho ease. About au to grow again ;it that the only wt18 to amputate S above the knee, attirday at London by the entire corn - Eton iu p^_euliarly one so young in :,sea to hear she is EN, treu.NAu--At Wingh, on the 20th tnat, the wife of Mr John Bechar uh • a daughter. ti ' )ASLL'. -In Culross, n the 13th inst , the Site of Dlr. Win. Caslick ; eon. 1;'oiui'ru.--In Morris, 11 the 17th inst., the wife of Mr. Hugh Forsyth a daughter. 1Vtr.sos.--•At Clinton, n the 10611 inst , tho wife of Dlr. 0. Wilson ; a d ughter. Ilotnit s. —A2 11•inohanl on the 11tH inst., the wife of Dir. Andrew flolme ; a daughter. n�r9. zxxiaD. McINtrat.—Oamnao8—A 7 uckuow, on the 25tH inat, by Rev Angus MeV: rte Gilbert Dlolntyre, of the Urn 01 Gordon McIntyre, Winglxam, to Difss Maggie Coulon 1, of I,uckno,v. ANnr:RsoN--Jcnmvs— At Vfu{,hant, on the 18th Inst, by the Rev 1) ()Moil well, Mr Win Anderson, of East Wawanosh, to . isa Jennie Jern1yn, of the aalno place. Coerl's—`Visna. -At the residence of the bride's father, on the 23rd hist, by the Rev Stephen Toting, Mr. James 1' Coutts, cordage maker, to Maggie, second dam; ter of Air, John Weir, all of Clifford. Roca--CoTri,R.—At Cht .2' Bir W A Ross, to Ali r 13 Rcu---i�Etrn:aFli:LII--On Morse, Mich., by ire of •rhessalon, Algol daughter of Thom II lct;s-»l`.1LL:tNnar..--•At inst, Dir C t: t Mrs It Callander, ton Exams —iiutrv.-h1 Gre residence of the brill Henderson, BI, A. of Isabella Kelly, both DP Powrr.t,.—At Wini:ham, Elizabeth Coulties, Powell, aped 20 yea DI013Atn.--At Teesrl;titer, Bain, aged 82 rears, 13itowr In East`Vawan James young, son lnonths. on, by Ret W W Spading, DI A Cottle, the 16th nit, at Sault St, .5 McClung, Dir Fred Beck 1, to Catharine 15, second Netteraeld, of Wingham. oissevain, Dxan on the 4th Clara, second t0u01tor of erly of Clinton. , on the 18th inst, 'ht the is parents, by the Rev A two0d, James Engels to rcy. I1 the 22nd last., Mary let ed wife of Bir George nd 22 days. 1 the 16th that., John Alc- Months and 16 day's. h; on the 24th hist, Alfred f Sir. P. Brawn, aged 5 • WIN GE, L 1tA13,1c5Tf3. WI:MIAII, APRIL 281h, 1888. Flour per slit., -(t 2 25 to 0 2 25 • Flour per bbl., • - . 4 ii0 to A 20 Fall Wheat per bushel, - . 76 to 78 Spring ' 76 to 75 Oats, 35 to 88 Barley, - 70 to 75 Peas, - 60 to 62 Potatoa, •- - 50 to 00 Bettor per lb., 18.to 18 Eggs per dozen. - 10 io 10 Wood per cord, - a - 1 25 to 1 50 Apples per bag, - - 50 to 75 Hay per ton, . . - 7 00 to 7 50 Dressed Bogs, - - 0 50 to 7 75 oe. r100,LOST: Lost, it April, a Collie 81 breast, brown lege, bre and answers to the n giving snoh inferntatlo will be auitab;y reward Wiu4ilam, on Saturday,14th 'lh; body Color black, white •n spots over eves, short tail, w of "Sport." Any person, 1,as will lead to her, recovery d. SAMUEL B0BCA1LL, of 14, con. 13.. Turrb,rry, 10 L'IU ',. E DAIRYDII;N. if you .ratan excellent cream separator suitable er 25 3) sows, to take the cream at ones front the Id leave the skill milk warm for your calves, l:t t th:1 same time snake the best butter in the :,as, write for particulars to G. S. CLIMIE S. S"N.S, • illlaY 1'4-11 18411F.18, L15To !VIM, ONT. FOR, SALE OR RENT. 5l5 STORE AND DWELLING situated. on Jose- ': ,Min) street, next to Dr. McDonald's, Is offered ar Mt, InlibeSiate possessi;u ghon: For ular1, apply at the Timm; Uflite, or to the 'i..tor, • D. STEWW'ART, W1Nau A3i, •, tI >DIOIIS DW J good cellar •. _:, tut best rel • a,raelted con LLI`G HOUSE, nine rooms ; nd woodshed : recently paiut- ir: hard and r•oft water. 1.5 lining a number of line fruit tie111a711app to Dtit SIASZLYX, PATIZICr STREET. 1n, April 5, 88. .. CHASE'S HEW BEEFI.BCOK. :at and Crowning 1,2fo. uric. third last and cornflcte Receipt hook :uMldPhysieien, or the Door, for the Million, sets 004 pages and sells for ;2x25 in clotn -- -.• ,,,i .,5620b to hotted oil cloth, marble cage, 'stly by him called t= i1 'Crowing -Work of icy Life." •412 of Over hall a ,-salary s observation, experience, Yet this embodies no cot . his fOrin er 8o8ks. It la wholly a now hook. age he could produce a b.lok that hashed over 15,030,000 copies, and has made (...miller in nearly ever: 1:n,li:sh epeak'nlr r United States, Canada told thousands of .514-01)0, Australia and South America, 11 a IRVII (Mild or woaiel he produce as his r ifc Work," " with 41101 c than t linty years 1.), practice ane', ey.perietc,cY The book it- - ,18 the question, and is the I nest valuable ., :t in the nistOry of book publishing. C4TJrIONI • •,.rlio1sand pirating publishers era attempt. r this bock by tnIting portions ()fit ntlt and ofi •081 the public as the complete work, .e 1manti11rip11, purchased from Dr. Chase's ce that you get the genuine book. Sec that r 41,.01343 h the title page. and ie copyrighted Agoutis Wn'utedt Big 'terns DICK'"RSON ed CO., -•+.cc, Detroit, Mich. Wirdlsor, Ont. Gents' Furniglings and Tailoring Estifishifient. PIGS it stock of goods that SUTW TUE TIMES. in Extent, Quality Aird .Vaietyiis unsurpassed in Winghlam. Tam SUITING S, Tito W SEItINGS AND OVERCOATIN G S. 'GREAT ,BARGAINS FOR O, We planted the Seeds right and our ;row- ing business is the Harvest, LESLIE, A low price for holiest Merchandise, well made, is the secret of success, Goods bought from us will be cut free of charge. I1lIiIIIiiIIIIIIIiII1IiI.1IIII thor ST$RTLINa VALUES IN G STYLISH SPRING MISS, „ M Goads Selected with care. and Bought MILLINERY NA`x1 e - 1t Feathers, Gorgeous 'lowers, Ribbons, Laces, Fringes, it bxeideries, Insertions, Fancy FI:illiugs, 1o. SIT -JCS A1\T'D i .A TI N Sa Mantles, Cashmeres, Dress llIuslins, Crape Cloths, Gloves, Corsets, Bustles, Ladies' and Childrens' Underwear, and Babies' Christening Robes. LATEST NOVELTIES IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. Eggs taken, in Exchange for Goods as Cash, I1IIIII►IIIi1I1IIIIIIIIIII►1IIiII 2 McINfffi3, HAVE JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS V B RY LARGE SHIPMENTS OF THE FOLLOWING GOODS SUITABLE FOR TI -TE SPRING TRADE,.VIZ.: BOTS AHD SHOES. BOOTS AND SHOESI For every person, either young or old, rich or poor, and at prices that will run Bard times clear off the trash:. , - ,teen'hl'L'th'1D+U)'11x'h�'h'lir'hPh�4t�h+4uth1t11'Ih'Ih'hr'hPD'tb'Ib116'1Ir'yP1U'1dVP4, Ree Wade Clothinc, For Men, Youtli' and Children. - Large in Quantity! Great in Variety ! ' Small in Prices ! IMMENSE STOOK. ENDLESS VAhIETY. KNOCKDOWN PRICES. TIES ! TIES i TIES The Latest, Newest and Nobbiest in Make, Shades and Quality. it i-i]ar y and get First Choice. - /////'/// THE ANCHOR HOUSE, //////'// ON & McINTYRE, r finis l4- ors' Notice, :-ANT To Tit. lute, 1887, C ,.. or WLTHEitA .'orris, in th00 n), rooms, wl t.i-Inc, A.D., 1837, t,ener;a1 :crust 1h the County ,le0eased, on .11,, A, 1) mot tleseril ti REVISED STATUTES Ob' older 110, Section 36, the U C110(11S, late of the ',town. nay of Ilurolt end Province died on or about the 818 .4-a required to sond to The Company, at the (hty of t York, Adlnhlist utors of or b:;fore the Mix DAX 1888, their halals, And all Bi Bibs of Dress Goods, where you ca s, the full particulate of z C3 T 0' HouderBoll's. Old Stand FOI1- Cheap Buttons, Cottons,. Cotton- .s>des, Dress Goods, Prints, Shirtings, Tweeds, nts; astatemon Ir their aeeeent•, and the t, v` securities. (1 tiny,) ih88i by thon. and - beret*. given tin the said adluinist..ttor3 riatcly after the 9201. nttr ncddaypr02 '1 1' :tt titcns8ct et qoirt dece.'9cdan1On;t the .> I. 'Act: thereto it her regard ou1,V to the . t h t1.cy ^bkl! em 1.1 v,; bill notice. INT\l0I TthN, AF..latra.ota. 3CtItL.`Al•7 :BANKRUPT PRICES. Se eitort� 1111' c:/, 8. get theme at FO GERSTERSX xtr limit JEii'K ELL R ,L .-■ SALE. Thus far, notwithstanding dull tunes, sales have EXCEEDED x EXPECTATIONS, WHY 9 SIMPLY BECAUSE WE ARE GIVING • Wonderful Bargains BIND VV �.i JL.e OOTTI1V -um TO Do s0, Till the stock is still further repuced or ENTIRELY DISPOS -Er +'. r o � * I am leaving town, hence this GRAND GALAXY OF BARGAINS. [i'ECONOMISTS. NOTE THIS. e ........14- zar BIG- DRIVES • IN ORDERED CLOTI IIN-, READY-MADE CLOTHING, G, DRESS GOODS, an&:. GENERAL DRY GC A PULL EASGE or DS BOOTS, - SHOES AND GROCERIES. GOODS BOUGHT AT BANKRUPT PRICES, and will be sold at Lowest. possible Figures. EAVETROIIC}HING, STQVES TINWARE, DAIRY SUPPLIES, &c. I liars en haus a lame quantity of the best brands of tin manufactured in the world, bottgghb for cash at the lowest prices, in the best English Markets, at d as my faoili. ties for purchasing these cannot be surpassed by any firm in the trade in ` Qaiiada, I stn determined to sell my goods at tIlo lowabt possible margin aua not be undersold by any. Y . STAFF OF WORKMeN' ARE A L All work warranted first class, as it is entirely done under my owes immediate supervision. Eavetrou;hing specially attended to and properly put up and completed. Stoves in all varieties, cheaper than ever. REMEMBER THE PLACE—Opposite Exchange Toto), corner Josephine and Victoria streets, Barkley and McCrinlmon's oid stand, Call and SP.0 and you carry Bole the conviction that what I say is correct, My Motto it SMALL PROFITS and QUICK RETURNS, A xitt 3X,1; SI PENCL 15 BEIM TX AN A $t.oiv lLLnINC .