HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-04-27, Page 3U$TRIES. UCCEssruLxv lustfies in Cana d very existence 0 most judicious dents utilization material. This ith woolen mills. Canada aro lone(- ;Mends, ninny ugh apparently ationized. The n is & Armstrong, Add on Alfred street, holds it place amongst the many and profitable industries. of The main building is 00 feet by 6 l','('t, frame, two stories high erected iu11S75. There iso moil. Pr"' .; toolu 2.4 feet by 20 feet and a dye t f t ,louse 20 by 15 feet. The machinery is of the most improved and effective character and includes two set of manufacturing cards, one set of cus- tom cards, 15 Crampton looms, if' jacks containing 6.40 spindles. The machinery is driven by a • 40 horse power engine. About forty hands are employed on the average and the output is •about 180,000 yards yearly. The line of �yhich a specialty is made in this 'es- tablishment is druggots, and the most casual observer can notice their ele- gance illdesign and excellency in finish. The mill has a capacity of 700 yards daily. The extent of the market is coextensive with the extent of our Canadian provinces, from Nova Scotia to British Columbia. Sales are main- ly made in Toronto, Montreal, Quebec, St;r'John, Victoria, Winnipeg. Whilst swan wools aro always bought, the main materials used are foreign wools—Persian, Cdinese, French, cite., of which about 90,000 lbs, yearly are used. The active member and maxla- gor of the firm is Mr. W. W. Inglis, at present Mayor -of Wingham, who has been in the woolen trade some 32 years; -•a considerable'portion of which was in Goderich. Besides being a Man of shrewdness, app:icatiou and executive ability, familiar with the "^ r inin•L1tf:St details of the woolen trade, Mr. Inglis is a man with a well° es- tablished reputation for integrity and honorable business dealing, llo;d in high esteem by the business public and citizens generally. The mill is boated by steam and lighted by gas. Mr, Lewis T.nl,hins is the trusted and -efficient foreman. The wish of the people of \\Iingham is that tho indns- i try may enjoy an increased expansion of trade as years move en and greater facilities are tifferdecl for their develop- ment. -Tlte Conn I gG-_ mit tn, Wiughar n --n ' ANDI:P.aON•S SAW MILL, One familiar with the sarro'indings of a Backwoods saw mill twenty years ago, in the matter of bustle, business Ituu largo log collections would have Itis 1ikui ry readily revert to these scenes `,n vlrrtitiug the busy mill and extensi/e.II pi:ad yard of Mr. J. J. ,Au,cleriou, near the G. T. R. station, 1'Vingiatll, To Visit it and witness its act' ., Ity and great aggregation of logs ",is to wonder how such a collection was mado in a town situated in a fine, well cultivated and prosperous section of country. One million one hundred thousand feet of lumber represents ,iuge piles of lumber in the rough. Of :this, 900,000 feet were brought from Mr. Anderson's own recently parches - ed. lot on the llth con. of Turnberry Besides this there is the material for 600,000 staves and 40,000 barrel Beadings. Men are still employed and 150,000 feel; expected to be brought in on trucks. Mr. Anderson Iiad an average of 18 -teams and 22 men employed during the winter. 'rhe wages paid amounted to nearly $30 daily. The coopers are 'expected to go to worst soon. The capacity of the mi11 is about 10,000 feet of hard or 15;000 feet of soft lumber dally, The Bead sawyer is Mr Oeo. Anderson, who evidently under- stands his business and keeps things humming. The Rroprietor, Mr, 3. J. Anderson, hits run the business here for over a dozen years. He has the appearance and .characteristics of a genuine son of Auld Scotia. His ,joviality of dislposition, his penetration, Isis business tact, his cautiousness and close attention to business, would in • - duco success in any chosen line of business, Tile timber supply must ;800t.L become exhausted in this locality, but we hope i1lr. Anderson will by that time have amassed such a compe- tency that he thug be enabled to throw ;aside the turmoil of lrtisiness and en- joy happiness commensurate with his deser,v ngs. For job prie±hig call on TUB TIDIES. XCURSIO 1Gr d Truax R'y. THE SHORT LINE TO THE ;•-- WEFT ane N. W, STATEI 9 MANITOBA; Pac. Coast, &c. Unsurpassed ]Facilities. The only lino running through to Qiiio, oo on its own rails. Tho only lino running through to NORTH B.tr on its own rails. No change of depots or transfer annoyance at Toron- to. Passengers, baggage and effects forwarded through to all points with the fewest or no changes. CrATOms EXAMINATION SINPLINiEE. No annoyance at the frontier. • • • NOTT(7B ., 01:WAIDITORS. r'. $7e Natter 4,f 14'DI4W .P4 'I'TON, of 41w '4i1144 , of 11. oxetor, in the Colony. of ,7luron,,,Ifctpha44, Notice is hereby gt o that the above named An• drew Patton has made n Assignment to mo under the provisions of Cbapt r 20 .of 45 Victoria, Ontario Statutes, of all his estat and effects in trust,' for tho benefit of his creditors. A Meeting of the Cr itors of the said estate' is hereby convened Ind wil he held at the Law Otfides of Bus, LArI,Aw & Co., Imperial hank Buildings, wellington Street East, oronto, on THURSDAY, ri o, i iPfl 04? OP AP1tII 1858, at three o'clock In the afternoon, for the app •ntinent of Inspectors and the giving of directions i ith reference to the dis- posal of tho sold estate. 11l Creditors of the said estate are hereby require( to Ale their clahns with my Solicitors, Bain, Laid w & Co., Toronto, as directed by said Statute, o , r before the day of such Meeting. .Atter the 10th ( ay of May, 1885, I shall proceed to distribute tho s Id estate having regard only to suck •clalmn as. I 5 • all have notice of, and I shall not be responsible fol the assets of said' estate or any part thereof, to an person or persons whose claim or claims shall not 11 'e been filed. • Toronto, April 13th, 1888 DAVI, LATIMAw & Co.,_ for Trust LE;; IIOWLAND, Trustee. e. VIA S. S. 144211, Special Colonist Trains,11.Ai•1IIBURG With through freight and stock care will be run ever week during the Spring, months, connecting at ) Toronto, with through frecs1eepor,V1a North limy . and with G. T. R. Mon Lis FOR AND VIA. CIIICAco, Boar in mind this lino offers every advantage to bo had elsewhere. Bear in uund this lino offers advantages not to be had elsewhere. During April, •liar and Juno ROUND TRIP EX. OIIItSION TICKETS, with special privileges and at very low rates, will be on sale for points in Zowa, 'Minnesota, Dakota, Nebraska, Kangas,. Winnipeg, Vancouver, &e. For all information. through tickets and freight rates at lowest figures, call on any agent of the Company, or apply to A. G. STRATHDEE, Station Agent, G. T. R., Winghanl. W. B. TOWLEII, Town " Meat Stall No. 1. George Shaw AS REMOVED to tho Royal Block, 2 doors ll North of tho Brunswick house, where you can always And the choicest of Fresh MEATS AND SAUSAGE A'r THE LOW,•EOT PRICES, —848•lin BANS Off' HAMXLTON, W1 G- E3AM- Sterling Exchange and Drafts on Nen York ,BOUGHT AND SOLD. OFFICE Boum : 10 a. m. to 3 p. in, Saturdays, from 10 a. m. to 1 p. 10, W. CORBOULD, AGENT. IIIEVER. & DICKINSON, Solicitor's. Simply Delicious ! FRESH WINDSOR CREAMS, , CHOICE N. SPY APPLES, PINE APPLES, ORANGES, COCOANUTS. and Hot Roasted Pea Nuts. JUST CALL AT GERMANY --FOR— T. Yates, 1 Hogshead of fine Bohemian Glass, N— CONSISTING OF X WATER SETS, GLASS BASKETS, WATER JUGS, •' CREAM JUGS, SAUCE BOTTLES, FRUIT BOWLS, and TUl1il:BLEII,S, LATEST DESIGNS 1 FINEST GOODS .l 1 CHEAPEST PRICES ! ! AT W. T. YATEs' MCKELVIIE'S RESTAURANT, FULL LINE 6F GROCERIES & CROCKERY. SUPERIOR VEHICLES MADE TO ORDER BY NICKEL'S OLD STAND. With excellent facilities, a good supply of first class material and capable workmen, we feel competent to turn out work equal to that of any establishment in t e County. CARRIAG. :, BUGGIES AND ROAD CARTS. We build all ° r own tops. Everything guaranteed. A first-class painter: Took in • our Warerooms on Victoria and Scott Sts, DORE & COOK TO THE PUBLIC. The steady and increasing patronage accorded me.for the past eight years' is gratefully acknowledged. I shall he pleased to cater to the public requirements in the matter of E1 iEF, MTTTTON &c. EVEBYTI1ING IN SEAsoN, of the best quality procurable and in a very so eerier and unequalled style, �m Ori; SxrE TOTE res.' OFP:c4 • a -----�1 BFAUTIFilf, LINE; OF LATEST STXLE8 N.-.-..-,.,,* ari's' 8:: :_ TS .11—SPLENDID VARIETY AND EXCELLENT V B IN— GENTS' SIIII1TS, CO .J_JAR S, SILK CAPS, ,fie,, &e, Ordered Clothin.g, a A. W.WE eeial r y�•r STER: 09 McCORMICK & BOOT AND + THE LEADING -}- O'S rp sHOB :i 4RIT.T �d . OF WINGHAM, AS TO QUALITY, VARIETY, - CitEAPNESS, CARPET' SLIPPERS, 30e., 35e., 40e. LADIES' FINE POLIS LADIES' FRENCH KID, $2.75 up. MEN'S F E BALS., MEN'S COARSE SHOES, $1.00 u Ordered Work a S-►ecia].t.7 CALF, $1,511 ,a HELLO i HELLO ! ! IELLO ! Where are you going in such Hurry 7 WHY? I am going to get a supply of material for louse eleaniu,-;, am going to clean house right away ! and 11 am goin down to HIING•STON & . N'S For some ASBESTINE. They sell it for 35c. A PACKAGE. You can g(r: a good Brush too, just as cheap. • To tell the truth about the matter, you can get any. `kind of gr:r,, s usually kept in a first. -class shop. They have got in a lot of Luc:;ls.- Bird Cages, Table Cutlery, Spoons, &c,, Milk Cans, Creamers, !' .il'r', Milk Pans, Churns,• Butter Prints, Butter'Bowls, Ladles, Stove, Sir L, and Shoe Brushes, Brooms, Chamber Pails, Toilet Sets, Aute War;.„ Jointless Wooclenware, Wash Tubs, VTash Boards, Carpet iwecnel &c. Don't forget the name and place, HINGSTON & SON'S, Wait alt Walsh's OldStand, Wingbam, P. 5.—Wo wish it distinctly understood that it is no trouble to show goods a the Ono Price Tin Si(.',?• rLAU IPICE AND TREMENDOU 5 d CARPET iiE PART MEI NT., For the next two weeks we will offer our very large and attiaetiN e stock of BRUSSELS, TA 'ESTRY, WOOL, U7,VION and )iE QIP CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS and .LACE CURTAINS, at prices that most sell them. See •thein before they are picked out,, as they aro extra good value, and also our LINENS, TABL]NGS, TOWELIN'US and NAPKINS. ' BOOTS 1 S .AND SHOES, LARGE ASSORTMENT. BEST MAKE. o GOOD -,--- INSPECTION I'4'ITED. ,-•---r DIMS3 QUUDS D ''A • Meeting with grand success, and we have rerea d order; agian and procured goods at reduced prices, which we will o ler to our castatnare at the reduction. We never had better value to 7ffer our CnStnnet:i. Inspection Inv ter.. M. 11. *1ND00a ■ r, 1