HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-04-27, Page 2Ckentingtam and
lr 1iI]AY, APRIL 27, 1888.
DI:I i d.T or Ti1.0 SCOTT ACT.
grand, fundamental' principle
underlying a democratic form of
• government in the supl:elnncy of the
ru luett]e.tsurr• gunge of palate Opinion.
There are not as feW .claiQati.on!a of vitalimpoetance,Ideating the wellbeing
and prosperity of this ttoawn.„on which
WO 'Pith to aaaextain the ;eonsiilgsus of
public opinion. •Wo might u entiou
the Matter of street lighting. bigh
sehool, a town ball, the cleaning of
the data, &e. 'We could enumerate
great boons that have been secured
a, in othelttown$, not so important as
people. Tho object of discussion and Winglialrt, by tho concerted •aetion of
agitation is to Mould, and the function SQarcls of Trtico., This. must be done
111 subsequent issues. We repeat, that
of Iegi;,elators is to ascertain and
we know of no single influence, so
eryetallize public „opinion into legisla• effective or so sa4is£aotory, in dovelep-
tion.. The lleopletare supreme and we, ing the destiny of a town as au
theoretically at least, aro governed by llielellt and well regulatea Board of
rade i
' the people. If wk argue that public •
opinion is wrong frequently, wo but
imperfection of our laws . -•
argue -*--
Tho Fishery Debate. -Want oY harmony
if we deny the isuprelilacy of public in the Tory oa;xlp•—Pen portraits
,lplItioil,wo strife a blow at, democratic of the "Ballast” ans1 "Tacna" of
govt rlllneut, or the rule of the people. tiro Tory ship of State.
Not perhaps realizing that it was so -a--
ithtperft'et 11 measure as it eventually (Written for THE Tii,re.)
preyed itself to a not aware of the The Fishery debate occupied the
of the tnaebinery provided attention of the House for the first
for its ouforcement, or the gigantic two drys o+ this week. The Hon.
forces to bo contended against; the David Mills made a most capital
Strutt Act was meets law by a majority speech upon the I'lshor y treaty. 1
of the people, in so far as they . is not a very fluent speaker but the
uitpresseci themselves. Whether owing closest reasoner cin tho House. He is
to the defects ur impeSfcections of the called the philosopher acid is worthy of
Act, the bitter and determined. oppo- the title. Ho secs his points clearly
. sition it met with,, or to the fact that and is.thereforoAble to put thele cou-
it meant more or less than the elector- cisely. He has with al a determined
ate supposed, it ;apparently neither manner and refuses to be, put off by
fully met the expeetations of its any effort to mislead or misdirect him.
promoters, nor accomplished to any ell;leapsiaitedtho'(:anadiauout during tsP,ipeeolihthe
grtetat•extent what was elte etit of it, rectif ,u t
the Treat in advance of
Nine mantles that adopted it threw
years ago by large majorities have the action of the U. S Senate insrefer.
rejected it by at least equally large once to it. Should the Canadian par -
majorities. liatnent accept its provisions and the'
For 'temperance men, or Scott Act U. S. Senate• reject the Treaty ; it
Gov -
supporters, to try to explain away would eonhproiuise. the Canadian Gov-
de:fetat is to trifle with the question, eruhneiht in its further negotiations
Tho rout has. been complete and the respecting this vexed question.' This
ouly explanation is tiia.t the people are
tired of the Scott Act. We believe
temperance) people, as a' rule, have
accepted the ',defeat with good grace
. and a deternli cation to work along
other and pilhaps more satisfactory
lines. We believe there were Inaudreds
of lifelong ;And hitherto consistent
temperance' workers, who realized and
deplored the evils of the liquor traffic,
but who were yet neither persuaded of
tho' justice or the •efficiency of the
Scott. Act.
Most Will admit that the Scott Act
is badly 'discounted. Dat what about
the temperance sentiment.? Itis, we
believe, as strong and active as ever.
The Scott Act Iles developed it, if only
by bringing but in the fullest degree
. and most potent way the opposition to
it, People lt'avo'.tilought the question
.over in the last three years to whorl
it never gage a moment's reflection
before. Teiaperence sentiment was
. Steadily growing before .the Scott Act
was heard of„ baud will continue to do
so, if it is discarded by the will of the.
people. Tile smoke is scarcely cleared
off the bathe field and temperance
people have, not suliie,iontly well
recovered fropl the temporary shock
to discuss future plans.
Under. Slott Act and license even
many were \urging for prohibitory
:rneasures, f\' a believe this iviil'mow
leo the cry` all along the line. If
• certain inhpaclments of war are prbveu
t,i be non-elfeotive, thrust therm aside
. tied adopt more convenient and
effective mesh.
Win ham bas attained a sal dity of
.standing atafastages of development,
both at hoine`aand abroad, alike en-
•couraging and gratifying. Any self-
sacrificing iuciividual effort or pubic
organization feuding to advance . its
interests ought to be heartily- support.
ed. We know3f no 'single modern
agency throu;11 whose well -directed
efforts the interests of a town can be
more effectuallt advanced than that
•of a Board of s rade, well organized
.and lhaj,mouintarly. worked. A. much
wider remise tf topics eonws under the
.scope of its. deliberation's than is
; euernlly sup used, 11.auy imagine
that only fiva' eta; and trade matters
are fit subjects for discussion at such
meetings. °1ts legitim Co function is
to ascertain. anti formulate public
opinion on any topic pertaining to the
:general welfare of the towna We
have today live subjects on which the virtuous fceliiigi of independence were
visors and a•ivice of the people aro , wounded by Sir Charles Topper's rude
jj o
—IS i'i E" feat
EVE= E1iI> :lq+n, IN( ,
—, ;]'oe;lli
3iilteryectr,inac vane.
( a mg, i t; neo. ( 1 ;no.
; 2' 4)0 (12 00 d'h
12 0e' 7 00 4 0
o 1 UWK lip Uno Inch ( t u.e et, U. 00 1 oo
d my #lagers haply -- - - -
burned in my short xperteuce hero I local and o'o lel' casae] advertisements, 80. per line
t 100. first ba-
nr „l ic" than 25C.
suave in his iuterco rse and manner
the llallgltl.an a whip , eau
order," This is eery plicablo sod appro. TIMES OFFICE
to all in goueral,,aud to his own priato for the "wretch" but the following WINGIiA1
friends in partieula This is the trait words taro applieab10 to those who l avtr
of character that in kgs strong friends respect to law, bout secular aucl 'saciea : Sttiisoriptionprie o
and no enemies. le certainly has "But where ye feel your honor grip,
lot that aye be • your larder." .0I ADk'ERTI.
potyer as a taetieiR and being uu• have made aecluatut uses of many fine
scrupulous in his otlhods, lipids his people in Ghis genote bat in general' the space. i 1. yr.
rt well in hand ; His first Lieu- scale of morals is ver ' low. A inalh can /In coiuutn sac
tenant,Sir Chutes .:upper, is a Ulan swindle his creditors ')lna tine; plenty •
xo Ilult " 9t '
give hfm the right liarta f f 11 } ' 111 deserter " zn on
of a wholly dff}' rt t t'pe, Ile is a Learnest, I have lh
man of great abiii
too and likes to be
vigorous and tern].
he is. a aonsoientio
word he stays, pal
time lie knows
effect. When ho
as., one authorit
os great force of. d
electric meatal en
tins carry his fri
force, whether the
they did net a ppQt. iinii they all pros' of the "'Sippers" would be the better of a
trated themselves to Avoidthe effect
of the explosion. The t ;'plosion teak
Place over their,' Beads on •aeeouiit of
1.litGlta fioatterfug, as. they could easily slain
.some, and a very great many people in
Now Zealand have nue for the gond cause
wliicll elf, awuutd profit by • embracing. • I
the htlt2liiietiug position they Om iwas very tench ploabed to sec ii* out• :tame
of 13th January, that the Wiugittnt '.f'uwu
and consequently they escaped with(oai9ie•gave uo uncertain sctu*t
the 'I owii.ilall for a corteiniddud
But we ►nay expect epposors t
nothing more than •ta reprimand for
their indiscretion in attempting to re-
at we
bulge the ablest the most liberal and consider, wise actions, as was tlV'case in
the most influential man of the Con lalaeinubeeiig repfilei r otlod, onpepoooliGteodfisshatffuse-
when I took it upon myself to take up the
servative party.
Sir John folio 'wed Cartwright in -the
Fishery debate: Sir John speaks very
soldoin and when he does leis speech is
1 he
of a trifling ahem
be has no e.aiin
er. As a1
eudg.Icls on belhalt of toy ycu•Igfrieucl lfrauk
B—. some time ago. But I did 'not Wok
the cutting up be gave me was worthy of a
reply, I ►arhh Kerry to say there is a groat
deal of infidelity in this country. No
doubt there are people of sceptical tQndau-
rarely now gives as cies wile are honorable, but my expo tiro
thoughtful speech. His fort is riot is that the unostentatious 'Chr[stiaus
the safest to deal with. I would not ta'IIF
speech ntakino. He is rather ".a jol'- the word of Burns las eing any inducement
good fellow " than a speech ):raker. to professing Christi• s keeping hi paths
He is extremely so able, affable and of rectitude, for altli gh "the tear o' hell,
baud the wleteli
the next ria,
ton &gills.
flue eatth' li;i,
Al r. R. IAA :; I
sales cube'
at the last df
attracted mu'•
had catitrnctt i
ready for fail
wood thereon at,
wee done. 11McOs
.tip work was nut
iiwut was give;;
He knows it
Mold of it, leo is a
g s ettkev. He ins -
with the idea that
is believer in every
hough et the same
e is speaking for
;peaks he "speaks
t. " He •possess-
Ilerecter, • vigor and
rgy. These quali-
nds with hitn, per
agree with him or
was under the impressi a that I Was finale. for first insert en, and :re. per line fercachsubsequent
<, had eo 0 , 1 r
h et
, taud 1 a n n. ai type,
big money fps i ,
i ri e 1
p ncnl notices, t
, L
deal with as I was acettstotned Ire iu trauaa• artier), and Si. trornnu 'a• e• wh .wb•Ica,n"nt b,
cia, 1 would have done ojtcelleetly but when No local notice will be. h ^ a •;t l
it came to the pocnu a
ness, I then foundwlia
to deal with But ex
I tofit b
if had 1 1 to
' Advertiyeuacnts of I„iy , ! gnu. ,...taya, , Situations,
y paper of the busi• and Business Chances t awed, nut exceeding 8 dyes
sort of poopieX had • nonpareil, el per wont;
rieneo teaches, and 'louses and Farms fo Bale, not exceeding s lines,
ala bore profit the lesson 1 ;have for nest month, Fac. er suhaegnout month.
had, New Leland is ,iu 0 sad state of de- Those terms xill bus Irtly a,thored to.
Spociu1 rates for lo ger ad'.urtisaluents, or for
pression and has been for some years. longer periods.
.t srmors in general a e heavily burdened Advertisements wit at apeeiacdirection$, will he
Inserted till forbid ant oit.t. c.1 accordingly. Trott -
with debt, and beetaltit • down is very Qom- sitory ad vertisouicnt'un,st b^ patd iu advance.
les. 1 believe there Changes for .eoutr et a,taeWsaalKaents mast bb In
with ill the country, the otilco by We 1ne ay nocu, in carder to appear
are groat soibrces of w_
in the way of minerals, but everything that week.
not. A strangernjight infer from the seems to be retarded for waren of capital.
above desoription of the elm verb§t Man any industries have been sot on foot, but
in thee'Tor rank's hat he is wantnig from bad' malhagetneut noel paying the
Y 4 m,uaarerK exorbitttut prices, a collapse
social qualities. r Charles is -very has beott.tlte result. I might say those in -
social in his inter nurse with friends dustries were not all of the,mineral king-
dom only but of thelaauimal and vegetable
as well as With those' who strongly
is quite plain, for the Canadian eon. oppose' him. 1 -le is affable and pleas-
tention would be a new and sett es -
sinned premises, while the U.-5. would
commence de nova. This condition
of matters would certainly compromise
the Canarlian position.'The Hon.
David Mills, being au authority upon
coustltutlonal. and; iuternationel law,
it was necessary front. a Tory point of
view, to have. his •speech answered by
a constitutional lawyer from the Gov-
ernment side of the Clouse. Dr. Wel-
don, Ai. P. for Albert, • N. 'B., who is a
professor of international law, . in
Albert Oollee, was put up to answer
Mills' speech. He is a man of good
mind, a c1oge reasoner; and appears
quite familiar with law authorities
upon the giiestion. Lie is rather a
choppy in his style of expression and
therefore loses power by his want of
easy and deliberate expression: He
cosubatted Mr. Mills' argitnlents with
vigor and quoted authorities to prove
that this contentions were right and
Mills wrong: '• To those p -or sinners
who -•were not professional lawyers,
the whole question of issue was lost iu
a haze of'legel. contradictions and op-
posing opinions. This part of the dis-
cussion was very learned, but tanght
us that we would have to rely upon our
oavtl common sense, father than upon.
the confl 4ting opinions of eoh.stitu
tional and' international law interpre•
Sir Bicluard Cartwright chimed in
after Dr. '.Weldon. Sir Richard is
not a lawyer two therefore left that
phase of the question severely alone.
Ho dwelt mainly upon the in:musis
ttlaeies of the Guvernntietlt in refer--
eiicetto this end other questions, tie
pointed out that the Treaty was
uertainly a great "give away ” when
compared with the contention of Gov-
ernment Ds found iu ofiidial eoi'respon-
dence upon the• subject of the. Fish,
pries, and that this " back don'o
was apparently .owing w to then U. 'S.-
threat to put into effect the "' Retalia-
tory Bill, " The Government has
intimated lately a system of " back
dowel"' policies. It has "backed
down " in roferebce to the Half Breed
claims of .1885. It has " backed
down" on the "statutory offer" ques-
tion. ' Et has " hacked down " upon
the Disalloarance of Railway Charters
in Manitoba. It has `" beelfed down"
very largely upon the Trade question.
Sir Charles, Tupper is blamed for ilhe
humiliating back down " upon the
'I.'rad i Question. It is stated current-
ly in -the House and lob'•ies that at the
Conservative Caucus last week Dr.
Weldon was;; pati 01) ley those whose
wanted. A Board of Trade has far
gtea`er facilities for a8Cel'thtinin.; these
tb'1u members ,of the Town Council
even. They are depeeudceut an rot one
far , t c resat; expressing NO a NS 1► us of t e", a
1 0
-fell find caudill nliinian are concerned.
',1lie conclusion arrived at by fifty or
raoveilty•five 1solitl and nuprcjn'lir. d
,1JU'ainese men, fearlessly expras',e'],
disposal of their views, to complain
of the .position in which the Minis•
ter of Finance had placed thein. Sir
Charles, it is;said, stopped any discus.
sioix by stating that if his views were
not In accord with the Govertunent
and its suppbrtors that he would atop
clown sand rent. Tisk was a piece of
dyuatnite' thrown 'a}ilong thein that
ant when you spear to him and quick
to recognize one of the street with a
pleasant bow. Su' ih are my impres-
sions of the two gt at leaders of the
Conservative part Sir Charles is
louked upon byh s f: iends as the Retest
Ind Sir John as the Helin of the
Tory Ship of State two very impor-
tant things at all tilltes, but itt a storm
the.hallast is indispensably necessary.
During the last political storm the
" Ballast " bad to lie taken from Eng-
land. None. coulr be found in Oena-
da of the right quality or proper
weight to retain •tjie Tory ship in her
proper equlilibriu while she buffeted
the storms of a general. election. Sir
Charles succeeded+fu bringing the Tory
ship safely to tht hal bbr. of victory,
which would inevitably have perished
in the storm hiici he not been on
board. Sir Johan of course, stuck
bravely to the lielclr, but This ship would
have been rolled fiver it, the trotigh of
the political sen, lied it not been. for the
weight and intlnctuce of Sir ,Charles
'I'npper... You seej both. men are a
necessity to their' party. Both are
nearing the end' of their political
career, sand ere the ears that yott could
count on your finers, have come and
goife, the sods ofwthe valley will be
covering the remains athe two who
played a conspiouclus part in the pail -
deal drama of (Jana,Mlinn history. What
then 2 WV ho can p y their part?: .Who
can fill their shoes None on the Tory
side bu the presen House of Perlin -
molts If the Cannot be perforin ed
without them the,;curtain must drop
and another play jDe introduced .with
different performs
ease, younger per
may well conic u
initiate a new or
t.uitablee to the
views of the Cana
Sir Charles - wil
speech oil 111oncla
filled withfignres.
table will be at a
Will be a grand
Ottawa, April
This s, being the
r[ners of both sides
on the boards and
• 'r of things mote
;e and progressive
ian people.
'deliver This Budget
The week will.be
The multiplication
preiiltuin and there
punting of fingers.
9th, 1888.
A Voice fro
A Winghamttc's ti
of the Moral and
of Nesv
the Antipodes.
cresting deseripticit
ivlatertal Condition
To the Editor of T
Dear Sir. Altllojt
to me TRE Traps ht
and. pleasant to fool
and was about to 1
lis TIMES :
WI you are a stranger
is face very familiar
upon. I had called at
ave my headquarters
for a long trip by rail yesterday, and, oast:
ing my oyes arounfor some reading mat:
,ter to console me, picked up what I sup:
posed was three old \Vrsno,ist' TlsmEs
which had been carefully perused, but was
very agreeably snrPsrisod to findthom three
wisieh I had nevenseou, which my better -
half bad been kine# enough to send by last
mail, and my company you May depend
was not worth mach to anyone until I had
them carefully .eac1. Even the hymns
sung by a ""Dipper,,"' as they are palled beret
Canada, end
lir 1in la l
Plymouth 1;ret t C ,
given by soma young bloods, whwere
as well. There is a
shipping mutton to
state (:artificially fro
arge business done in
eugland in a frozen
u) and itis a success
so far an insuipulat ou is 'concerned, but
the business is not • tousidered lucratiye.
Farm produce in general, brings but low
prices, but as,the far s ano very large and
not much ehippnso a eliding stock raising,
they manage to live u a sort of way, and
some are wealthy. Ono great scourge to
the country is horse
body 'risks money etc
mania ; even ladies a
reached Wangamir
days ago, and`as the races were on at the
time, I thought a l'ttle of putting a pound
note ou.the " Tot> lisalor" as it is called,
but my business kept me from tho mace
course, and 1 have he note in pocket, and
have neither a souf heart nor 'headache.
This is a great co3intry for drini:ing and
sixpence sterling ss the price of a drink.
New Plymouth '(k;<here I am to -day) is, I
Pitortcirron Asn PUDLMHt1Eti.
P. 1Io1i:ENZ1ti-M, B., 11. 1t. C. P. Amu 8. 0.
DR. MACDONALD'n 01 ICE,•t{'t10n tel.
TtAT' J. YOUNG, . U. C, \I M.0 ,P. S. 0.,
Formerly Ilans.fuuguon to Ii:ingrton General
Orden AND Dtnt smc1 : 1)r. Bethune's 015 Stand.
Winghatn, hirci 1, 1883.
riItYr't tt DrI KtNBCN. •
7I, aius'rr:Rs, :cc,
racing, almost every• balicltorsfor thc(ifinuk of llamfiton.
ac ta!dn + u'.ild.t its far 1i:fuitobrt,' Privute turtle„
.ganirllie Eion r, s
such. It is a perfect qq '
o tetut instraiuiit,luanat at lowest rater. Oflic —
e aiii10 ed with St. I. "Rent's Bloela il'iii 1, 1I1, 4 icknow 1122(1Gorria.
n my way hero, two it. W. n. MF.VIi4
betieve,the.seat of
ing industry and it
a limitless supply
coast iu this part
been tried it: to smti
success, but may m+
stone becomes less
of the world or la
'must not persecute
as you are a strain
sdfwell pleased wit
Wittoiiau Turns t
drawn toacknowlo&go the same to you, I
got so much news about what was going on
in municipal and socimll'circles, Although
Mrs. G— is somowlnst loquacious as a
curtain lecturer, Knee is no way elab.,rate
with the pen. , and`/I hail TEE Titiss with
delight. I wad. gbrry and surprised to'
learn that my ayinday school scholar, Mr.
Thomas Gibson; lied been called so sud-
denly away,,krub 1 `have the assurance of
Isis being are ardent ehristian, which is a
comfort to' his relatives and friends. If
you see ur way to give this short epistle
a corse iu Tnt:YTI,rss I shall be pleased,
and niy friendb in and around Wingham,
will see that I hve notforgotton them, and
if you should d ire me to give you it letter
occasionally on New Zealand and its insti•
tutious generally
do so, as far as
mention that
wound up here,
I travel along t
attd crops in g
dian ones. I11t
them ,yield 40:
is tieing sold. a
bushel. The g
staw entirely.,
is but lightly
stock is general
straw is nllowee
P.es!ectfully Yours,
J'ot1N Gusini.
New klytnotith, ittarch.lbtji. 1888.
great iron manufaotur-
is tnade from sand, and
available all along the
bf. the Island. It has
1 way and considered a
t be utilized 'until iron
lentifol in other parts
bor lowered. here. I
ou with too long a letter
er to me. But I was
the throe Nos. of the
at I was irresistibly
, I will be very happy to
my ability, goes. I might
lie `harvest is just being
and Drops have been good
e coast for over 200 miles,
noral outstrips the 'Craw
e seen fields, and plehty'of
0 50 bushels to the acre, It
t d:s.•2d. orabout 75 cents per
pin is beautiful, and the
'ee from rust, but the latter
aValned here, as grass for
y plentiful in winter, hence
to go to waste in many in.
Rev, Jas, IA,. Anderson is to preach
his farewell canon on Sunday, the
20th of Ma
R. StrohTuesday for Dakota taking two fine
teams and a "'splendid Ridgewood colt
with theta. 3
The wood cutting mentionedin lest
issue was dole in 95 seconds and not
25 miuutes,L The arrest of the farmers
in this vioinl y commenced 'ploughing
hast week-.-. large number did nob
go out to th poll on the 19th hist.
A certain t wtiship official not 10
miles south f hero had his team out
Army ' lvntfon. A
veryconversant,'n with a
lr Y
conveying bf't
s> h chsofthe
songs, only partially attracted' toy attenf o potters petition
tion, although tl+e thing was rather amiss to the poll./ That Temperance rate -
lug. I am folioed to tliink that the zc111 payors Walt° doubt retnembt,r ilial lvt
i2 read xt. Gollopy left on
liARRIBTEIt se.,
wingia:wt - Ontario.
. (Late partite of Delamere, Clack, Reeser
.5 Engli•e t, Barristers, Toronto,)
Elt, SO
N I!o'rEi,
and Cane
Private as
nterest. newt..;
bought and sold.
Gaann , ONT. • •
ny funds to conn at low rates
;es, town and farm property
AJ tic ter of F ul,';,nitc f; Celluloid, Alley,
Sit er, Gold, cte., ' -tc.. .Plates,ranging
inFpriecs iron, er 'n upwardper set
c wtmg •strt'"Grid;ework. Teeth ex-
t ho lea't pain (0 the use of Vital -
's hotel, open daily t,0un(ays except-
', 5 p nt. Will bo at" yth every +•
trotted without
Ind Air. I[e:u
poste the Quec
ed) from 9 a in 1
Saturday—OM : at 3lilne s hotel; Gor itl-,r..1st and
3rd Mondays ot each month—Offlee aft Albio5'fiot`el
Lucknow::,incl an(1 4th Monday and Tuesdays of
each month -0 flee at Whiteley's hotel. Extractigg,
25 cents, 4i
'i ENTIST1t2 . J. S. 71(1103.113, WimatJAat.
11J I, I am making beautiful setts 'of
3Artificial Gum "Tecth"'for $9.00 per
tett, and Plain Teeth, per sett, 54.00.
jrriccs in all ether branches of dentis•
try in prepost
Vegetable t
extraction of
Brunswick II
ipor administrated for the painless
Mil, the only s fe anesthetic known
the Beaver Block, opposite the
JOIN CUI IE, Wiseman, -
Orders Iciit at Tntr•:s' oleo promptly attended to
pDEA, , Ja„
Sales attetfled in any part of the Co. peeress
Medorato. E ;
!1T A11 E9 lel i[NDensoiv,
L,0ESsne Ajtcrlovnt:n FOR COUNTIES 1105014
i{¢ Baum
A11 sales a tended to promptly
and on aha Shortest
Charges 1 dcrato and Satisfaction Guaranteed.
All Deemry arrangements can bo made at the
1ylxo4Aat, - ONT.
This commodious kali can ' he secured for enter•
talnutonts of every kind at a very low figure., Igor
terms ac., apply to
at Cline 6t Co's store_
i[Lo•oponcii Jan'y ih'd with another large increase In
its attendance. Young men and women aro begin -
to appreciate aur thorou;ih work, and as a result,
new students are; entering daily. Per catalogue,
tt London, Ont,