HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-04-27, Page 1►la. X.V11
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-.Tete donne
�crawl ne3Tatthave parcliagld
-NO 17
WIN t71•HANI. 0
T,, FRIDAY, APRIL 27, 1888,
;tat ca + poste 0 stamps maybe obtained
front James holm, t Chishohn's Corner Drug
• Oto wing ','
Rev. Dr. i'v t s i to preach the odd -
(allows' anniversary s ruled on Sunday at
0.p. rn, in the Congr 'atienttl churoh.
-•»Two ladies have b en appointed'on the
Toronto proposed we ead high wheel
Uo ►rd. Thus the quo tion is being solved
iece by piece.
—;low is the time to'C ceorate your homes. Call at
S. Qracey's and tics his nice lot of oil paintings and
s:hrouio's, and txutain poles. Also a largo stock of
nr ridings for pluton) fraumng. Bring along your
pi tures and get, them framed,
—judge Doyle, of Cosier h, held a court here on
Tuoaday last, There we eight or nine caeca dis-
posed of in all. Messrs. .lJ •Gill, Morton and Dickin-
am wore the legal gentl
ware•all disposed of in a f
—We notice that J. M
Mum, and Dr. Maedo„a
aro stumping for M. F.4
Huron county never had
p'srlialuentnry rearview—ay
*ith a wide grasp of p
talented debaters.
--11lessrs.•A. J. And
Broolcenshire,,i , F. G
Clerk, A., McGrt3int4ii
to Liibkaow ou Sunda
Versary sermon to the
nen retained. The Cates
w hours.
IcMillan, Id, P. for South
, M. P. for East Huron,
yards in Russell county,
more able or creditable
es than at present, Men
Meal knowledge and
:son, R, Rill, W. F.
'stet, D. Kringle. 3,
0. Gilchrist went
to Hear the anui-
adfellows by Rev.
—H. you fail to hear : engough, the great
cartoonist, on Friday ev ning, you will miss
one •of the richest tree s over put..in the
reach of the people Wingham. Tugt
indulge your niirthfuln es and perception
of the ludicrous for one ironing.
—We were shown tl other day a new
gang eager made at the Viugliarn foundry
i"'r"i1lr;~b'rsorge Thompson of Zetland. It
must surely commend f . self to saw mill
igen as a. great time s ving and timber
eoouomiziug piece of mn, L inery.
—In another column v ill be found an in-
teresting letter Froin M . Sohn Green, who
formerly liver] near Glo 'farrow, but who is
now successfully engage in the picture buns;
ness in New Zealand. . is olcl friends will
be p e1tsed to hear of b whereabouts and
.—At the Bruce Assiz s the difference be:
tween larceny find ern ezzlemeut was ex:
rlainesl by judge Mc. hon. If a clerk in
a store put the money in tide: drawer and
then took it and a it into his pocket,
it would. be larceny t ut if he put it nitre
his pocket first, withou putting:it into the
drawer, it.would be em 'ezzlement.
—At Gerrie on Mond y last, Mr. W. H.
Macdonald did the pre] niniary extracting
fdi4Ptt:%te subsequent pl. •in;; of• six set of
-teeth. ` 3 would aim.-t.iinagiue there is
ground' tie aasert on that we aro
rapidly r^
a to
bless e ettf
or are %fisra. Macdon
d & Dehe , doing
more than their share of ' ork in this line.
7,TOi 1, son of W. McCI Mont, and Robb.,
-ro`n of ,Neil ,MoGregor, 'ere injured ou
Tuesday night by fallin under the hose
cart wheels whilst a nu ber of the boys
were moving it along afte the firemen had
their run.'' MoClymont •coined internal
injuries and had his ar crushed, . Mc-
Gregar had his collar b ne broken and
s sural ribs crushed in.
.'he cricket club wa
Kridajr evening. The of
for., te•
° year thus : Honore
W. C. Meyer ; president, C
secretary, J. D. Nichol ;•
Matches : Messrs. '•E. 14.:
Young, S. D. Nichol. andW
Field Committee : Messrs,
Youltill. R. Talbot and T. A;
meeting was welIattevded,
cessful Season's amusemen
organized last
was officered
president, H,
E. Williams ;
Committee ou
ickinson, Dr.
;K ;Macdonald.
II. T.
Tisdale. The
ugurin sue.
Bates, who w conducts his
extensive and. long establi bed newspaper
advertising agency, wi i which is
amalgamated that of 1sT, Pettin-
gill & Company, in ew York, is
moviikg bis establishment t new and eom:
nlodious buildings in Par ' Row.. Iu the
last twenty five years he pa out over $155,•
000,000 to papers in the St tos and Cana:
c"lit for advertising. The 1 rge patronage
enjoyed is the result of rig] t methods and
sterling business dealings.
---.When Dr, Chase, autho of the famous
Chase's Receipt Book, died •wo years ago,
he left the manuscript of wl 't he said was
bis " Crowning Life Work. It has been
published in a magnificent v nine of nearly
900 pages. It contains six lame the valu-
able platter that his old b.ok did, and is
the result of bis whole life xp erience and
observation. If the value of this Beek,
leaving more than six times as Much in iG
and thirty-five years of ad Monet asps?.
ienoe, can be measured by t e value of the
old one, it is a book that n• home should
be wit]
tout. The p ublit her, offer a rare
opportunitytofogonts. See dvertisoment
in anotlhergolulnuy
rll�iseribe for TUE Tierra.
Fort TIM Barents --A nice lot e( babe carriages
rcee7eivecl Caallt aS:ndapotGraceyh'setn, Who'll bo he first to
Miss Davidson
Ifit in the 1'resbyto;
moval of t< ass Hu
s now acting as organ -
an church, eiuoe the so-
A , axwell binder or other machinery
gi�4eu 'n exchange for a good horse. Apply
at t cTIMES oflce,
—The Mellen o
the Rev. Canon 1
Paul's Cathedral
[ Huron has appointed
les, M, A„ rector of St,
London, to be Dean of
—Godericli to%f a councils announces that
jg to plant shade trees in
fraises will be furnished
o of charge.
r received from Mr. Wm.
id City, dated tate 15th of
tat wheatwas sown there
'though lwterthan usual
ssizef for Huron opened
onlay, Mr. Justice Me
.' The Crown busino
&ducted by John King,
'nusually large. .
For tickets, slaps, guides or any other
information regarding ibis road, call
on C. E, Williams, Ticket Agent, C.
P. R., Wingham.
—A letter just r ceived from New Zea-
land has a one shi ing postage stamp on it.
ively low rate of postage
ut why not have it the
hbors to the South -2
ree for ordinary letters.
all parties desiri
front of their pt?
with the same Fri
—From a lettf
McAlpine, of Ra,l
April, we notice 1
on the Oth inst.
they are ahead o
—Tete. Spring
at Goclerich ou
Mahon presiciinl
which is beiug c
Q, of Berlin, is
Canada's corepara
is,a publio boom
same as our net
cents instead of t
Each weep d ring Maroh . and April
special excursions ill be run by tate Grand
Trunk railway to points- in the 'Western
States, Pacific Co t, etc. Moveables and
baggage forward to. destination. For
through tickets at lowest rates and all in-
formation ueces. ry. to make travelling
easy and pleasan apply to agent at G. T.
4,, Wingliarn sta en,
—By seine oversi ht the word "tins" was
substituted for "fur in Messrs. Gordon &
Mclntyre's adverti • ment last week. It is
customary to " fell w copy" at all times,
but the nervading ensations of chilliness
so frequently reyei ed to of late may be
partially responsib for the error. The
nobbiest, newest a1 eheape8t ties is what
the advertisement ailed attention to.
—The approanh spring is not herald-
ed forth by the sin
to be. Ana]most o 1,
one in sauntering
forests. The pros
will become, 'nor
Everything possi
counteract the t
for the .reventio
killing ong► to vi
ing of birds as it used
ressivestillness haunts
through 1
' t rove s and
cts are that thisdearth
and more noticeable.
e ought to be done to
ndency. The s tutu
of indiserima, bird
:ously enforc..
C. P. R. t =Ram .— E. Wil-
liams, ticket gent for t s road, has
received instrt tions tl there will be
weekly excursie s ove the 0. P. R. to
Manitoba;, and tl + torthwest during
March and April Intending passes•
gers should cal ou Ir. Williams for
information, t apr, &• ` Trains go via
North Bay Call ear Berths se-
cured wit out extra char.,
—A per-poetica , hyper-msthetioal,
intense y soulful -eye young man was as-
siduously eideavorinto find a post office
letter drop in the c atik building a few
evenings ago. His tea -effective persis-
tence induced him t• give expression to a
train of thought nob t all profitable, and
iu language unparlia +ontary and redund-
ant in Jarring explet es. if any of our
citizens found gushi g epistles we hope
they are not divulgi the swept, poetic
c lite.
"D•ea'th, so called, s a thing that makes
men weep." Cold, onely, frigid -faced,
inevitable death, o. Sunday morning,
Maimed another vitt in the person of
Mrs.5Goo.• Payroll, Wingliam, in her
20th year.,_ Young in years, active, gener-
ous, cheer`fifl and etre+gly attached to her
family, her early d. rise is peculiarly
distressing.* She leave three of a family,
the youngest being at infant but a fort-
night old. Iu so far a human sympathy
is any consolation, Mr. + Dwelt is accorded
it by all with whom he s acquainted.
TIIACTXtes' AssocIArro .—The next meet.
ing of tlio North Huron cachets' Institute'
will be held in the .Ilegiate Institute,
Seaforth, on Tltur:ida and Friday, May
17th and 18th, commit ing at 10 o'clock a.
tn. The following is : to programme : 1.
Literature for the En , same Examination,
C. Clarkson, 13. A. 2. Religious instruct.
tion in sohools, W. D +ig. 3. Elocution,
T. O'ttagan, B. A. 4. 1;Ioevv to waken and
develop thought in pu,iis, G. A. Newton,
5. How to make the oboal room attrac-
tive, 1). C. Dorrane •. 0. Methods of
answering in written xaminafions.W. G.
Duff. 7. Subject ut anted, A. Bishop,
M. P.P. 8. The Cha tauqua ll'nivorsity,
A. M. Burt -hill, 9, 3) soussion of'Unifarfn
Proraotiou I xaminet ns, y g introduced by
W. E.Groves. On T urfida evening an
entertainment will be • iveii, at which air.
9'Ilagttn will give a so etion of I;eadiugs.
aro was a good a' instance et youni; people at
Mechanics' ball on iday evening last.
—ADandtdon washing machine, now, with wringer,
lar solo at S. Gracey'a. Price 81'3, eon be had for 89.
A bargain for some one. Who gash f
—See what Me srs. Dore & Cook have to
say in their adve tisoment.
—Plant shade trees, Beautify and ear
Bance the value o your property. Observe
Arbor day.
—Mr. D, W. Camp, 11, of Montreal, is to give a
Mame in the Presby • redo church on Monday eve-
ning, the 7th May, I u8tratcd by dissolving views,
desoriptive of a trip a roes the American continent,
theI'acifie slope, the Sandwich Islands, Australia,
Arabia, the Red Sea England, Franco and Italy.
His description of p Cees scones and incidents is
Spoken of as an oxo• lont entertainment and in-
tellectual treat,
—We received a
letter from Mr, ('
Blakeley, Washing
son of Mr, W. B.
Mills. In the near
cxpeet to have a de.
oou try from his p
ew days ago a pleasant
.orge Hutton, of Port
.n Territory. He is a
'tarsal, of the flouriug,
future our readers may
tiptiou of that western
-Our jovial and steemedfriend, Mr. G.
clutyrc, has gra :fully succumbed, to—
well, leafs year infi . noes, we presume. He
has by one charaote iatio act been translated
from the foggy, I - asmatie and unwhole-
some regions of b: helordom to the stimu-
lating, cheerful at i invigorating uplands of
beuedicthood. has chosen far his com-
panion over the , sag, of life, Miss Maggie
Cameron, of buck, o Tux Times tenders
its hearty cangrtt, S.ems and sincere good
wishes for conuu ial happiness and busi-
ness prosperity.
Pensorinr,s.—Mr :. W. Mitchell, of Turn -
berry, who has be n for some months with
friends at Shell„ uth, :Man., isnow with
her sister, Mrs.' air, at Oakburn. Prom
thence she goes o Grandin, Dakota, to
visit iter daught: rs, oft her way home.—
Mr. Pratt; weav' -, who has been a short
time in the em ay of Messrs. Inghe &
Armstrong, remo ed to Stratford this week.
—Mr. James Lf ngstou, of Baden, M. P.
for South Water 0, spout Friday night in.
Wingltaita, The name Livingston is famil-
iar to most iu ' stern Ontario in connec-
tiou with the ax. industry. The genial
member for Sou h Waterloo is all astute
business mein a1 d a wideawake, straight.
forward politicia .—Mr. Ed. Dinsley had
his foot badly sqeezed at the C. P. R. turn
table ou Sunday st. He will not be able
to be out for sol e days.—Miss Isabella
Scott, of Culross is` making a round of
visits to iaer.fripn in Wiaigtksrrl and Turn
berry.—Mr. 0, . Kerr bait . for Lon-
don on Thursday here lte`wi11 engage at
Itis calling, that of painting, for the season.
Mrs. Jas: Cutler i now in that city also.
They are both .ar sae and rapid workers.
'1Zr. T.
J l
alinsto in t'rto e et 1 of Thos.
33o11 at the furni are factory, is on a visit
to friends For Wayne, IndiauaL —R. H,
Sa.rvis, of Lando , formerly of Mitchell,
was in town on 1 :dnesday.--Mr. W. Con-
ueh, successor to C. W. Henderson & Co.,
was called to Ca rick this week where his
mother is serious y ill.—Mrs: A. a. Ander-
sou is at present u Mount Brydggs, where
her mother, M . M. Martin is seriously
indispo~sod.—Mr. J. L. Coutts, of Coutts &
Iuglis, attended • e wedding of his brother,
jos. P. Coutts; , t Clifford on Monday.-
-Mrs. john I nsley left on Tuesday
to spend some time ith sisters in Chicago.—Dr. L.
McKibben,' of Toroi to, formerly of Wiv •ham, and
DrL Auld, formerly 1 Teeswater, were visaing at Mr.
D. Ross' this woek. . B. Sarvis, of Listowel, repre-
senting Hoss Bros., as 01 town •this week.—Mr. W.
Stevenson, of Petrol it, is visiting his brother, John,
in Wingham.- Mr. . gar Styles leavesfor the North,
west in a few days. Mr. Adam Reid, formerly clock
in T. A. Mills' stor• . now of Brussels, was visiting
friends here this' we k. --Mrs. Richard Kinsman is
amongfriends at Z oter.—Mr. R. Coad, merchant,
of Ilensail, is visitin at his brother Johh'sthia week
in Wingham,—Mr. Ines Turnbull, of Brussels, paid
a short visit to Mr. •. Sutherland this week, --Mrs.
Law, of London, is isiting her son, ]fir. John Law,
brakeman, at Wing m, this week.—Gorrie Vidette:
Mr. James Young ;1 s been visiting his daughter,
Mrs. John Farrow, o Wingham, for the past fow days.
—Mr, D, D. Wilson, f Seaforth, distinguishedby the
appellation of "Tho ' gg• King" of the West, 'was in
Winghmu on Tndsda . -Dr. A, F. McKenzie returned
from Toronto last w and has resumed charge of
Dr, Macdonald's pre ice.—Mr. George 'McKenzie re-
turned from Toront, where he has been attending
the Toronto Medical ollege.—Mr. W. J. Stewart, of
Godorich has taken he position of painter at the
carriage, shop of Me r8. Dore d' Cook, m1 Victoria
street —Mr.:itcArth r, Banker,. of Hansail, was in
town on Tuesday las
at Returns.
he official 1•duration not having
been made wo an but give the latest
figarss to hen, which we believe to
be nearly corr. t. The figures given
are the ulajorit •8
' 117
W Wawanosh
159E nt yh tp 1
Turnberry 2
Ji Wawanosli 4•
Majority for repoal, l 04,
majorities ajorities again the Aet in Other counties
word : Renfrew, 8991 ice,1,418 ; Slnicoe, ;11,14 -
1luiferin, ;Z,; Norfollc,7 ; )allidos, Stormont, and
(Jessrs.. Dan an John McKenzie,
cut en Lot 0, Cou, , Zivinloss, a cord
of tad•rs good in 2 minutes and 35
At. Kinloss Ag leultural Society's
Spring show held here on 'Tuesday
week 17th inst, in all there were
2$ horses exhibi' d, including nine
imported heavy r raughts. The fol.
lowing prizes wer awarded; Import-
ed heavy draught • "Oliver," D. Claris,
,Huron "Warrior " J1is; McGowan,
Kintail ; "Bob's t e Boy" James Mof-
fat, Culross. Tiir e year ofd's "States-
man" Jas. 11loffe , Culross ; "Red-
gauntlet" John M. Daiemid, Kinloss
"Grovesllire Oak" Angus McKenzie,
Kinloss. Canadia Heavy Draught
"Ontario Chief" W ' , Irwin, Ashfield ;
"Waterloo Chief" John Davidson
Langsido; "Prince of Tay" Wm. Wil-
son. General purl ose "Young Bri-
tain" Wm. MoKei zie i "Sampson,"
Richard Martin ; " immy the lad"
John McKenzie. ercheron "11e1•
auifj" Wm. Fraser. Road and Carr-
iage "Royal Revea r" D. Irwin Blyth
"Electric Chief" E. I ivingston, Blyth ;
"Young Whalebone, Thos. Copeland,
ieeswater. Two y r old' Stallions
"Young Ridgewood" Wm. \'Nilson;
"Star" R. W. Armst oilg. Bulls :—
Two year olds "Eiaw tela" 1-1. Ruth-
erford, Belfast, Year ings G. T. Rob-
ertson, E. Finlay, IL utherford.
Blueva e.
(Crowded out las
The DuImage and S
affair is about played of
tlisusting after the r
le that people got
p tstmastership that
Dulmage's leaving wa
Mx. John Farrow. .F
that he was appointed
appeared in the person
sus the old post-tn
bought the Dubnage
for 76 ants on •th
ith elopement
It became so
turn of the coup -
ick of it. --The
ecamo vacant by.
a'ppliecl far by
rrow got word
ut a dark horse
of Mr. Timm-
ster who had
ocls at Loudon
dollar. .Most
people think the• Fa 'rows have got
their share of offices oder the present
Government but jolt seems to think
there is room for one I Toro. We.hope
get that it
the best man will it�..�nd
will be conducted u li tie more satis-
factorily in the' future than it was in
the past, and no one • allowed behind
the wicket but those tat have a right
to be there.—The- g at church trial
ended in a very dee cled victory for
Timmins. -1‘.1 ;1l . Joseph Leech
has about 20 men i+ sy running down
his logs liner lie has + large stock and
good ones tot —Mr, Win. King and
wife left here fur Win' ipeg, their fu-
ture home, on Tuesday. A few young
Melt, not far from thi'• village, last
Sunday night went to John Robert-
son's sugar bush wile' he had two
large kettles and a lar_e barrel fall of
sap to boil on Monday After boiling
clown one kettle to tit taffy point and
eating it they spilt -•lie other kettle
and the barrelful out and took and hid
the utensils found a out. A meaner
peiee of business is -Idom berd of.—
Edward „Boman, of Morris, got house
a fine Durham Bull ast wee]; from the
herd of James Otos of East Wawa
nosh. Ned days it i• the best, and he
has had a lot of then' and good ones
tou.----James Elliott'. Ilolsteiu calf
has ;wined Si pounds per clay. It is
about 70 days old.— pep at it broth
er Elliott, 'THE TIur- has trade more
improveineut iu tho est two mouths
than it has done in 1* years before.—
Rev. A. Y. Hartley preached in his
own uhurch ou Sun lay, his health
having been rronslderi bly improved.—
Mr. Dnlmage and fel lily have remov-
ed. to Newbridge.
East; 'Way,
V dette: Mr. D. D
rid, purchased the
draught sta111011 "G
Mrs, J, "Nilson,
ter of 11r. Geo SON
few days, with her
—Miss Lizzie Hum
ens, is the guest of
this week.—Mrt
home from the old
with him a $2,000
The cl'ising onto'
.No, 18 �lit
rft So
Thorson of Gor-
imported ha,eavy
ld" from 1\ir, `V'nt
f Reused', daugh-
iei' id spending a
Tents on the 7th,
li.reyr , Taylor St. Ha-
irs. t I
Carlton arrived
oountry bringing
Iydesclaio horse,
t11nt, f 1
ty viii be hold
this (Friday) ev n ing and a grand.
time is expected. The hist debate of
the season took pl co on Friday even-
ing, 20th inst., the subject being :
Resolved thatWe ington was agreater
general than Na•°leen. The sup-
porters of the alIlrn ative were: Lizzie
Eiarrison, C. W. ti ightman, J. Scott,:
Samuel Morton, an, G. ,Bowler. Those
of the negative : ,A.n i ie R. McGowan,
F. W. Seott, Bas Coultes, W. J.
Martin and Peter r. Scott. The de-
cision was given i • favor of the nega-
New • ridge.
Some time ago a woman from Clif-
ford called on so i e of the ratepayers •
of this neighbor' ood to ing orders for
a new fas11io"iiec window -blind which
,would never wee out, or at least she
said so. She w s accompanied by a
little boy who w s selling a mixture
whiell he called nlr but which alter
leaving his posse•sion would turn to
the color of dirty vater and its writing
became very ditty, at least that was the
way two bottles •urchased .from, hit a
acted,—It is a veil known saying
that a person with many trades
will never dare :. We have a very
good example in the vicinity of Ford-
wich, A young ran first canes be.
fore our notice as u employe is a
harness shop, then a is acting as
bugler to.the voluntee s, then he pose&
on the stage as a o0 edian, then we
find Biro professor of music .and last-
ly combining the latt:r with harness -
making, we (incl hip established in.
business. Who will dare assert that
he has not been "an ugh a1l the var-.
ied scenes of life." t last account&
he had an order for tin o sets of liar-
ness for farmers in the eighborhood,
• Juxius.
1liout 40 young peop, richly en-
joyed themselves at a t fly pull at
slit, Ante.• Mitche1's on lie` evening
of the 12th insert; -Mr. ortligrttves,
of the Junction; leaves is week for
California to take pos•-ssion of the
estate of his brother, who died some
osis of
time ago, itis ester consists $20-
000 and 600 acres of nd, in all, val-
ued at $80,000.—Rol 'rt 1\ortbgravoa
of Port Elgin, his so goes with him.
—"Garnet," the property of `.tripling
Bros. of the Oen. 1 . irnberry, started
on his route last Mon, ay. Garnet is
one cf the finest specs .• ens of Olydes-
dale stallions ever o ed in this coun-
ty. He is of a clap le brown color,
stands 16 hands $ ii hes in height, is.
well proportioned, has • usole, strength.
and good acti n. • Hi • weight is about.
1,85U. The progeu of this noble an -
mal is admired by a 1 good. judges.
He stands at Korma 's Hotel: Wing -
ham, every Saturday afternoon for in-
A Word of atttion.
A valued corresponden, sends us the following
clipping front the Boston uitivator : The fact eau
1,0t be too strongly hnpre. ed upon beginners 1il+•t
there is a great danger, jvat tt present 01 sacrificing
merittorstundm d breeding. he formulasfor produc-
ing standard bred .stock mus very plausible, and
certain animals bred ace, ding to rule aro selling at
prices far above their uta value. This state of
affairs cannot exist lot ', and when the reaction
comes it Is by no meanattain that the standard
rank will not be astigm Everyone can call to
mind plenty of stallions an: snares which havenoth•
ing butstandardbreeding . rcoeumend them. Now,
the produce of a standd horse from a standard
mere will always bo sty, dart], and when the parents
aro worthless a ulajori .• of theoffspringwill beef the
same character. Lily lot•so: raise standard•bred
animals, but a tow years encs, when the country fs
overrun with them, valueupon certain grades wast
collapse. Those who hay lacca stocking up with
cheap, standard stuff, de .id of merit, will then lc
found among the inouri rs. True merit will assert
itself. Tho animal whir possesses the qualities of
a brat class trotter will- et to the front, even thnu.•l,
handicapped it ith unap0 lar bleeding. Tiwfac•t has
frequently been mentiot • that all the kions and
queens of the trotting turf, .in the days of old Lady
bttfYoik to the present time, veto front darts tthtra
woulu not have been stat rd by breeding had the
present rules hoer in force The great brood mares,
Breen Montltain Maid, Ali : itussell,Midnight, Water -
Notch, Ned, dolly, Lad. Patriot, len:eline, Ahua
Mater, Skip, Gretchen a t1• tisny others that are
among the most celebrate 'ot produced, could not
boast that they were from tandard-bred parents.
Neither iiyidylt's Ua,nbletoni n nor ltisdistinguislutt
sons, Alexander's Abdallah George Wilkes, 1•.1ee-
tioneer, Volunteer, .t8etato • nor IIa'old were stand.
ard•hred tinder the proton nest. 'rho sante is tr-ie
of Mmubriuo Chief and h most disting0Isbed vow,
Mmnbrino, Patches, Won ford, Manibr'ino and Clark
Chief, Vermont Black I+twite, Ethan Allan, Daniel
Lambert, General Knox, 'slot Jr., Tattler and Bay-
ardcmno Indio sanfeca egorv. Ba,l 'the 311• ,aal11
Nolo been in torte 0;11014(8, gal's ago, lted'iYikcu,'t'n-
v'ard, Alcantara, Anlbass. er, Youn• Jini and ,l-
cynne, the most ettcoesste rpeee.prer1ucing sons of
George Wilkes would h• •0 been subiocts for t,lc•
surgeon's knife, Notw..11, Hantlitfainmost at and
Alnlontrch would hawtrot the sante fate, while
Mautbrinn Kiang, lir. II, r and the other hest eons of
:llantbrino Patchett milt also have been prevent:al
frons popctuattnetheir ape les, Tho otaudar+ib•tbbl,:
la sure to collapse itt ono and viten this mous that,
. 4te
t n t.hd,
r e e's who h e been b 3 i +
class f b 0 1 i, 1 \ R 1
segtamietloft,"at'd-h,•o.3 411111144t411111144ils levo 1 Of merit,, are sons ta•