HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-04-20, Page 4East Wawanosh Miss Ellen McGowan, of Myth,. spent a few days with friends on the 7th, lust week.—Mr, Jolla Leaman, of Lyndon, who was visitingfriends here, returned home lust week —Mr. James Wethery is seriously ill .with iWHant• illation of the Lungs.—The farmers this locality are busy sugar making, -- .An interesting debate took place at the last meeting of the • No. 18,.Lit- erary Society, which was held on :Fri- day evening, 6th inst., the subject be- ing, resolved, that « Prohibition r' , is preferable to t, High License. " ;tlo speakers for the atliruzative were : C. 'Wightauan, S. Morton, Lizzie Harrison, "W. Stonehouse and M. H. Harrison. Those for the negative were : P. W. Scott, Basil Ooultis, D. Cook, R. 'Wigliturall, and S. Irwin. The 'de, cision was given in favor of prohibi- tion. BORN. VANELs'rnns,-1n Morris, on the 17th inst., thewifeaf ,,�p. :Hr, A, va,•tclstino ; a daughter. �IIOItnEY,— In East 1Vawanosh, on the 14th inst., the wife of Mr. Verney ; a son. ,j'.ANDRR8G8.--At the rna.Ise,. Whitechurch, on the 14th ins,., the wife of lion. ,Tns. A. Anderson ; a son. MARRIED. Srnrsox—Bonen.— In Elma, on the 4th inst., bytno Rev. A. Henderson, M. A., Mr. Alex Shnpson, of Grey, to Miss Jane .inn Eliza Porter, of Eltna. DIED, Sraoa,r.—In Tuekorsntith, on the 8th inst„ Jane Ross, wife of John Sproat, sr., aged 05 years, 0 months and 20 days. CLARK.—ln Scaforth, on the 9th inst., 1Villiam, in. fent son of Mr. Wm. Clark, 1PAaTE5.—In Clinton, on the 5th inst., Elizabeth, wife of Mr. E. Carter, sr„ aged 82 years: 'WINGHAM. MARICETS Wingliam, April 20th, 1888. Flour per cwt....... , 2 25 to 225 Flour per bbl.. , . 4 50 to 450 Fall Wheat per bus Spring Oats... ,., Barley Peas..,-. Potatoes.. .. , , Futter per lh Eggs per doz •'Wood poi cord....... 1 Apples per bag...... Hay per ton.. • Dressed Hos6 76 to 78 76 to 78 38 to 38 70 to 75 60 to 62 50 to 60 18 to 18 10 to 14 25 to, 1 50 50 to 75 7 00 to 7 60 50 to 7 00 o± S SLE_ f`iObIMODIOUS DWELLING TICUSE, nine rooms ; 'V also good cellar and woodshed : recently paint- ed and in the best repair: hard and soft water. 1-5 acre lot attached containing a number of lino fruit • trees, For particulars apply to MILS. HAMLYN, PATRICE' STREET. ;han7•i.April b, 1888. TEACHER WANTED, (PPLICATIONS WILL 13E RECEIVED BY THE Trustees of School Section Ivo. 11, Tnrnhorry, Gower Wingham,) up to THE 20r11 Off APRIL for o. male teacher holding a „second or third class certificate, duties to commence 0" the 1st of lhsy. Applicants to state age, experience and salary for the balance of the year. Apply, enclosing testi- nionials, to • - LACHLAN MOLEAN, Wini;ham Ont. C)41NTY OF HURON EXAMINATiONS, '88, C EGOND AND THIRD CLASS non-professional 10 examinations at the Collegiate Institutes and High Schools in the County, on Tuesday; srd July, 8.40 a.m. First C., July 10th, 8.40 a.m, Candidates w.to wish to write at either Clinton or Seaforth, must notify D. 31. MALLOW, Esq., 1'. S. Inspector, Clinton P. 0., not later than the 21st of May, stating which of the two schools they intend to write at, and there who wish to write at Goderich, must notify Jogs E. Tom, Esci., P. S.Inspostor, Goderich P. 0., at t110 sane date. The notice must be accompanied by a fel of 55. or 510 if the Candidate applies for tJeFlrst Class es well as Second Class Examinations. NO name will be forwarded to the Departmentunless the fee accompanies it Mead .Masters of the Collegiate Institutes and High Schools, Will please send .the applications of their Candidates to the Inspector of tue division in which the Collegiate Institute or High School is situated. Form of application may be had from the Secretary. PETER ADAMSON, Secy D. Ex's. Goderich, April 10th, 1881 NOTICE TO CREDITORS. ,In. G t• --miter of IVILLIA.M DUI.JI:1OE, of the Village of L Ieepple, in the 00nn(p of I�rrrou, ,perchers, alotioc is hereby given that the above named We. Drusen has 0nade an assignment to me, under the provisions of Chapter 20 of 48 Victoria, Ontario Statutes, of all iris estate and effects 111 trust for the penelit of all his creditors. A meeting of the credi- tors of the said "state is hereby convened and will be held at the law offices of Gibbons, Mcnah & Sfulkern, London, on WEDNESDAY, TUE 18rif DAY OF APRIL, A, D.1883, at 2:30 o'clock in tho afternoon, for the appornt0hent of Inspectors and the git ing of directions with reference to the disposal of the said estate. All creditors of the said estate are hereby required to file their claims with my solicitors, Gib. bons, MoNab & 11011(0 11, London, (as directed by the said statute) on 00 before the day of such meeting. After May 2388, 1888, 1 shall proceed to distribute the said estate, having regard only, to such. claims as I shall have notice of; and I shall not be responsible/or the assets of the said estate or any part thereof to any person or persons \those Clain or claims shall not have boon filed. 4 Dated, April 4th, A. D., 1888. C. B. ARMSTRONG, Greeoxs, MCNAU Jc MrLceo`r, Trustee. Solicitors for Trustce,London. Administrators' Notice, )ti:' [.'ANT TO TILE REVISED STATI:TI'S OF A. Ontario, 1837, Chapter 110, Section 80, the vie:litersofWEMERALD CR00118,late oftheTmvli. ,ship of Morris, in the County of Huron and Province r,f Ontario, YS4>ISN, who died oil or about the 8th clay of Juno, A.D. 1887• are required to send to The Toronto General Trusts Company, at the City of Toronto, in the County of York, Administrators of the sai'. deceased, on or before etc 30th DAY 08' APRIL A. D., I888, their :relines, addresses and deseriptf• Its • thefu11 particulars of And all lines of Dress Goods,tlrcir claims; a statement of th011' acconntq and the • nature of the ssenr'ities, (if any,) held by them, and nnt;w 1a hereby given that the said administrators will immediately after the last mentioned day proceed to d istl iblitc the asiete of the raid deceased among Lha parties entitled thereto, having roYard only to the 41ainta tf whish they shall then have bad notice. J. A, MOPION, Solicitor for Adnir.istrators, iV;n ltun, 20th 1farch,18.88. Gents' furnishings and TaiI'ori-ng Establishment, P razi TO sUrr TAR Trisigs. , A stock of goods that in Extent, Quality and 'Variety is unsurpassed in Wingham, roiat and DomasU a 'iii 'po � lio Io, SUITING S, TRO WSEItINGS AND OVERCOATINGS. GREAT BARGAINS FOR CASH. We.,plantecl the Seeds right and our grow- ing business is the Harvest. ES LI '--TH�— TAILOR_ cA law price for' honest Merchandise, well made, is the secret of success. Goods bought from us will. be Cut free of 'charge. eltschor House. 11•111.1111111111111111111111111111 GORDON & Mc'-INTYRE, HAVE JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM THE MANUFACTURERS, VERY'LARGE SHIPMENTS OF THE FOLLOWING GOODS SUITABLE FOR THE SPRING- TRADE, VIZ.: BOOTS. ASI SHOES, BOOTS AND SHOES, For every person, either young or old, rich or poor, and at prices that will run hard times clear off the track. 110411'4''h'4,'Ih'lh'1u41011812'1n4rdh'ih91d11111 112811'lu'1114d 4,41,24,'q,gb4u9d4,'It Beady - Made. Clothing, For Men, Youths and Children. Large in Quantity! Great in Variety ! Small in Prices ! ,Tdr ITS. IMMENSE 3TOCIi. ENDLESS VAhIETY. KNOCKDOWN PRIOES. FURS ! FURS ! FURS ! The Latest, Newest and Nobbiest in Make, Shades and Quality. Call Earl,,„-- and get First Choice ///////1THE ANCHOR HOUSE„//.////// GORDON & MeINTYRE �_—uo Hcndcrsoi s Old Stand, FOR Cheap Buttons, Cottons, CottOn- trades, Dress Goods, Prints, 1 Shirtings, Tweeds, where you can get them tt° BANIKRtUPT PRICES,. . STARTLING VALUES IN GENUINE GOODS STYLISH SPRING NOVELTIES, MISS E. MURFITY Goods Selected with .oar° and Bought i'or Cash, MILLINERY • ti;YIANTLE s, Feathers, Gorgeotis Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, Fringes, Enibroide.ries, Insertions, Fancy Frillings, Ssc. • . S 2LiS A1\"D SA tI1\1-S, Mantles, Cashmeres, Dress Muslins, grape Cloths, ,Gloves, .Corsets, Bustles, `Ladies' •and Childrens' Underwear, and Babies' Christening Robes: LATEST NOVELTIES IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. F, •! -EiRSTUR'S, Extrt,Iirnitar 'i”. JEWELLERY:-: :-• SALE. Thus far, notwithstanding dull times, sales have .EXCEEDED x EXPECTATIONS: WHY? SIMPLY BECAUSE WE ARE GIVING Wonderful Bargains. AND • WILD) 0OI TI TTTE TO T,OSO, Till the stock is still further repuced or ENTIRELY DISPOSED' OF I•am leaving town, hence this GItAN.9 GALAXY OF 'BARGAIN'S. 'ECONOMISTS NOTE THIS. JMeINNE ' BIG DRIVES IN ORDERED CLOTIIING, READY-MADE CLOTHING, 4 DRESS -GOODS, and GENERAL DRY •GOODS A FULL RANGE OF BOOTS, - SHOES - AND - `GROCERIES. GOODS BOUGHT AT BANKRUPT PRICES, and will be sold At Lowest Possible Figures. .. EAVETROUGHING, STOVES TINWARE. DAIRY SUPPLIES, &c. I bavd on hand a large quantity of the best brands -of tin mltnufactur8d in the world, bought for cash at the lowest prices, in the best English Markets, ai d as my facili- ties for purchasing these cannot be surpassed by any `firm in the trade in Oanada, I am determined to sell my goods at the lowest possible margin and not bo undersold by any. MY STAFF OF •'SWSrORKMeN ARE A 1, All work warranted first-class, as it is entirely done under my own immediate. supervision,' Eavetroughing specially attended to and properly put up • and completed. Stoves iii alt varieties, cheaper than ever. 1.4 TIEMEMBER THE PLACE—Opposite Exchange hotel, corker Josephine, and Victoria streets, Barkley and RicCrirmnon's old ,stand. • Call and see and you will carry honmo the conviction that 'what 1 say is. correct, My Motto is SMALL PROFITS and QTTICK RETURNS,, A NI1v[13LE SIXPENCE IS BETTEMt T1X N A SLOW MILLING. • ,D. S L01 .F HE ,+ /L A. , »j • D