HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-04-20, Page 3. 4c tiUgj nilU (Ti es. FRIDAY, APRIL 20, 1828, Turnloex xy. Mr. d`nllu Gemini11 recently bQtuglit five Ilolstern cattle and one has slice been added, iu the serape of a 1120 lb calf, Young Baron Scott, the property of Messrs, Vat. Shannon and W. Wright, cosi, GIS a solid, compact, waal proprtionecl Clydsdale stallion, of a brown color, standing 161 hlin4 pipet and weighing over 10001ba. Culross. Voting Briton;, • owned by Mr,. W. 11IacEeucie-,. Cou, 4, Cralr'oss, is a very superior Canadian draught stallion, 4 years old and weighing 1810 lbs, 113 got 24d prize at \Vingliam and 3rct at Seaforth• .I)c,, .Campbell, of Seafortll, wltile''�it Chicago the other -day, Oil, his way •to British. Columbia, MIS garrotted by men and robbed of $65 in money,- which oney,which was afterwards found ort.grto of the crooks, W'roxetex.• Young Ridgewood, a dark ":bay,stal lion, 16 hands high, rangy, active, handsome, tractive and solid, was but once beaten in la competition. 1: Ie tools 1st prize and diplopia at Walker• ten last fall in the roadster class, He leas competed at Brussels, Wroxeter and Wingliam.. He took 2nd'prize at Winghnrn i•liis spring.. Se is owned by John Stewarr, living near Wroxeter. Islyth, URSIONS 'Grand Tnm1 Bt'Y "Eleotric Chief," belonging to Mr. E. Livingston, is uridoubtedly+one of the most meritorious young stallions '!'oes+ytltna, and ti� as Spoken uppreoia• to be seen in thin section of country, tively of by farmers generally,. The two fine stallions owned by Mr John Moffatt,. of Cbn. 8, atefine sgeci- mens of the Clydesdale breed and greatly admired ,in this locality.. "Statesman," three year old and "Lord Hatfield," also 3 years, are bath imported. They took secand unci third prizes. at 'Teeswater.. Listowel. • Rev. Mr.•Lurgess goes to the Con gregational chu cull in Newego, Mich., an the first -of May. 11'1r; John Hamilton, Elmo, gravel, road, has a goose egg measuring llxti inches. The Board,of Trade have petitioned the G. '1'. R. to. have a new station ereeted here, The town council have aper eved j of the Board's action. A son of Alr, R. Ferguson, late of the .Banncr; while playing with. a pair of saissOrs, ran them into one Of his eau always find the choicest of Fresh eyes, doing ser:oas injury to the ball. MEATS AND SAUSAGE A Farmers' institute was organized AT mos Cowan PIUOES. for North Perth last week, with oIR- 848.1m He is sired by Ridgewood.- and is said to bo the nearest to the stamp of old TUambletoniau of the marry Arno sped: mons of his progeny -i11 this section of country, OG LOST,—Lost lu winghein, bn Saturday, i4th April, a Collie bitch; body color .black, white breast, brown legs, brown spots over ayestar , short t, and answers to the name of "Spdrt." Any person giving Such information as will lead to her recovery will he suitably rewarded, s SAMUEL BURCITILL, Lot 14, eon. B., Turnborry, FOR SALE; OR RENT. MIBE STORE AND DWELLING situated on Jose- phine street, next -to Dr, McDonald's is offered for a inrent, Immediate possession given. For particulars, apply at the Tuns Office, or to the proprietor, D. STEWART,, WINcuAx. Bleat Stallo. 1 G -Forge Shaw AS REMOVED to tho Royal Block, 2 doors Lit North of. the' Brunswidir Mouse, where you cers as follows: President, William Shearer ; vice presidents, Geo. Rich- mond, Geo. little, Henry Doeriug and S. S. ]Iotliwell,, Directors ; Wallace, • J. Brisbiii, and J. Van fleece.; 1:lrua, R. Cleland and Wm, Hewitt,; Morn- • ini;oli; .L. , $roPl,oryl and Tames Grieve ; North-Eai,tllope, W. 11Zc'dil- lan and Air, Fisher; Ellioe, John Pearson and Mr. Siliering ; Stratford, • 1I. T. Du:ter andD, Dal -ray ; Listowel, A.- St. G. Hawkins and Wm. Olimie ; Milverton, ' Win. Livingston. • Wm. Keith, -of Dina, was appointed secre• nary -treasurer. ' Teeswater, A'clear, pleasant forenoon tended to swell the crowd at the Culross Spring Show on Ffiday. There was a good exhibit of stallions and of these tt few. were of a superior quality. The heavy draught and roadster class had keen competition. The judges were A. Wintet, Walkerton; Thomas Wahl, Kincardine ; C. H. Ward, Ilarristoa. They awai•cled the prizes thus: Im- ported heavy draught, J. D. Brook's 1 Waverley " (Tlvertoia) ; J. Moffatt's Statesman (Culross) ; J. Moffn,tt's Hatfield. Canadian draught: —John. Davidson's " Waterloo Chief, " (Kin- loss); Kin-. loss) ; 1). 13.11cKinnon's " Kinsman, .(Greenock),; W. Mae enzie's "• `Young Briton," (Culross) ; Carriage and road- ster: --John Telford's Tatton, (Han - 'over); J. B. Gicklipg''s Black- Hawke Morgan ; E. Livingstone's ", Electric Chief, " (Blyth). Greneral Purpose:— Jos. Buckle's " What Care .l " ; Jos. Doyle's " Young Scotsman, " (Green- oak). Bulls, Aged:—P. Arkell, Tees - water, 1st and 2nd. Uiider 2 years : John Kerr, P: Clarke, P. Arktll. Messrs. Gillies & Martin had a splhndid exhibit of holo -made wagons and truck's at the Spring Show.. nese artioles have S inch tires,' are sub: stantially. gotten up and finished in splendid style.— - 1essra: Burton, Wright & Tre.vett arer. vetting their furniture establlallnient.in good shape and splendid working order.• They have already on band a ;nod supply of bed room sets,°anal centre altd erten• Sion tables. A TIMI•iS representative had the pleasure of looking through the establishment a fete days ago, grid found ton hands employed and there is expected to be 18 at an early date. A new bedstead machine, from Brantford, Mass. a new 10011 1nachine and a new upright sander are being. put in. ' 1Ie br'autiful carving designs 'and eiegant gnishing done by Alr. IL • j,'` revert, late finisher at T. Bell's Wiiighain factory, would be a want to any t"stabliehnit•nt in 'Canada, It is expected that the combined industry, i d. experience of this new firnt Instil+ tarn for them an 'extended and r'oxlnu :erttive trade, NOTICE TO CREDITORS. —i THE SIfORT LINT: To Tug : --, No IV STATLS IVLANIT013A, Pac, Coast, &c. Unsurpassed Facilities.. The only line running through to CntaAoo on its .own rails. Tho only line running thhough to Non'ru BAY on Its own rails, No change nge of depots or transfer annoyance at Toron- toBassongors,baggage and effects forwarded through to all paints with the Sweat or no changes, Cas'roMs EXADnNA1'UQI1 Srurl.lFlER. No annoyance at the frontier, rn the iiltattcr of . ANDREW PATTON; ,of the Village of 1Yroxeler, in the County of 'Huron, 11ferclaa',t, Notice is hereby given that the above named An- drew Patton has made an Assignment to nie ander the provisions of Chapter 20 of 48 Victoria, Ontario Statutes of all his estate and intents lt. trust, for the benefit of his creditors, A'Meeting of the Creditors of the said estate is hereby convened and will be held at the Law Offices of RAIN, LArnr w & CO., Imperial Batik Buiiclingf,s, Wellington Street East, Toronto, an THURSDAY, mnE 10T[t, DAT or' A PHIL, 1888, at throe o'clock in the afternoon, for the appointment of Inspectors and the nivirig of directions with .reference to tho .clh'- posal of tits said estate.; All Creditors of the sat estate are hereby requiredto filo their claims with my Solicitors, Bain, Laidlaw & CO., Toronto; as directed by said Statute, on or before the day 01 such meeting. After tho 10th day of May, 1888, I shall Proceed to distribute tho said estate having regard only to such claims as I shall have notice of, and I shall not be, responsible, for tho assets of saki estate or any part thereof, to.any person or persons wiidse claim or claims shall not have been filed. Toronto, April 13th, 1888. PELEs IIOWLAND; BAIN, LAIDUAw & Co., Trustee: Solicitors for Trustee. Special Colonist Trains, Il'ith,througlt;reight and stock car's will be run every wank during the Spring months, connecting at Toronto, with through free sloopor,Via North laay and with 0. T. It. Maw Lois lint AND VOA CIIIOAGO, Dear in mind this line offers ovary advantage to bo bad elsewhere. Bear in n,Ind this tine offers advantages not to be had elsewhoro.1. During April, May and Junn ROUND TRIP EX. OUIISION TICKETS, with special privileges and at very low rates, will boon sale for points In Iowa, 112tnnesota, Dakota, Nobras'ka, Kansas, Wfnnipog, Vancouver, &o. For all information, through tickets and freight rates at lowest„ figures', call en any agent of the CoiupatY, or apply to • A. 0, STRATUDEE, Station Station Agent, G. T. It., Wingham, W, B, TOWLEII, Town , ' 1 BANK OF HAMILTON, 'V-Nrx i•T 1rr Steriing Exchange and Drafts on flew York .BOUGHT AND SOLD. OFFICE herons: 10 a, in.. to 3 p. m. Saturdays, from 10 mon. to l p. m, W. CORBOULD, Ac n y, MEYir .b DicicfSsov, Solicitors• VII S. So MARLL.. HAM ` UROF, GERMANY, Simply Delicious FIi,E6'H WINDSOR OREA.MV1S, • a vi CHOICE N. SPY APPLES, 1'1NE APPLES, 'ORANGES, , COCOANUTS, s,iid Hot Roasted Pea Nuts. JUST CALL AT Yates, ]-1et Oheapest. 1 Hogshead of fine Bohemian 'l4SS9 . McKELVIIE'S RESTAURANT, —IN dux . dtiil +, AM) lie O 4t J311AUTiVuL LUNE UI LA.T.SST STYLES IN NTS' ]-.-,:Ts *----SPLENDID VARIETY AND I:XCNLLF;NT YALI71r IN GENTS' SHIRTS, COLLARS, ry SILK CAM &o,, &c, Ordered Cloth ^ug, a Specialty, • w. WEBSTER. 1:3 McCORMICK & CO'S,. - TIE LEADING + POOH' AND SIIOJ ETVL DORITT` ,. Or WrNGILAIStl As TO QUALITY, VARIETY, CHEAPNESS. CARPET SLIPPERS, 30o., 35t., 40e, LADIES' FINE POLISH CALF, 1,50 up. LADIES' FRENCH IIID, $2.75 up. MEN'S FINE BA.LS., $1.7.. MEN'S COARSE SHOES, t$1.00'up, Ordered Work a Spec'altv. HELLO HELLO 1 1 HELLO I 1 .Where are • you going in such a 'Hurl y- - WHY ? I am, going to get a supply of material for house cleaning. I aw going to clean house right away, l and 1 am going down to • HING•STON & SON'S For some ASBaSTINE, They,sell it for 35c. A PACKAGE, • You cane get agood Brush too, just as cheap. - To tell. the truth about the matter, you can get any kind of goods . usually kept in a first-class shop. • They have got in a lot of Lovely Bird Cages, Table Cutlery, Spoons, Sac.; Milk Cans, Creamers, Pails;= Milk Pans; Churns, Butter Prints;. Butter Bowls, Ladles, Stove,. Scrub,. and Slioe Brushes, Brooms, Chamber Pails, Toilet Sets, Agate Ware, Jointley's Woodenware, Wash Tabs, Wash Boards, Carpet Y t 8 , SHtea SlV'.V & Walsh's Old Stand, Wingham, P. S.—We wish it distinctly understood that it is no trouble to show goods at the One price' Tin Sh AND a `e TRE ENDOU S X CONSISTING 01' X WATER SETS, . -' GLASS BASKETS, WATER JUGS, CREAM: JTJGS, SAUCE BOTTLES, I+RUIT BOWT.$, and TUIIBLErS. LATEST DESIGNS 1 FINEST GOODS 1 CHEAPEST PRICES 11 T W. T... YATES' FULL LINE OF., GROr,ERIES: & CROCKERY, 1" TO ° THE PUBLIC. The steady ah d increasing patronage accorded me for the past. eii ht yea,r:& i.• zratelul1y aclznoak.ledger): T shall be pleased to eater t ' the public requirements in the matter of ' m 4 , 13EEP, MUTTON, VEAL, c. Ey-Elt?'r ft `u .rrr ar;AstrN, of fere be it quality pr curable toted in a very superior and unequalled style. a. VIM Tilin CPP $1. 1 1: rOs.' OrPXCL <1T BAR &AIN `i CARPET l PA ►T; ENT1 For the next two weeks we will offcrr..our 'very large and attraetiv, stock of BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY, WOOL, UNION and HEW. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS and LACE CURTAINS, at prices .the lnust sell thein, See them before they are picked out, as they ar txtra good value, and also our LINEN'S, TABLINGS, TOWJ LINtI.- , and NAPKINS. BOOTS AND SHOE& • LARGE ASSORTMENT. BEST MAIM. GOOD VALUE , INSPECTION INVITED. 1111233 QOaDS 11.EPARTEW • Meeting with grand succes,and we have repoa,ed order- win an procured,goods at reduced prices, which we will o:fer tri'our eastonl3r , at the reduction. We never bad,betler value to o:fur our ot.sts.oars. riSp' a tion Invitee. 1111, MOINDOOs ,