HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-04-13, Page 51epati,' amEinto FR1DA,Y, APRIL 18, .1888. FACTO FOR ELHQTORS. SCOTT ACT i NPO11C10.1 NT. (Co&I11IUNl0ATED.) The Police Magistrate for Huron wasappointed in INlay, 1887, and from that date to Mnroli 22nd, 1888, he has made the following convictions For First Offences, ... ,125 For Second Offences... 24 SCOTT ACT FINES, The amount paid into the county by the License (1 wu issioners and Police Magistrate is over $0,000 and the amount to the credit of the county, above the estimates demanded by the Commissioners for expenses, was in January last $1,470 anti has been since much increased. I5 TIIE ACT A F41LURE i Ten counties viz., Huron, Bruce, Dundas, Stormont, Glengarry, Norfolk, Oxford, Renfrew, Simcoe and Duffer - in, have had the Scott Act in force two years. Commitments in these ten Counties were as follows : In 1884, under license 211 In 1886, under Scott Act, only... 81 The following fourteen Counties, Durham, Northumberland, Elgin, Kent, Laulbton, • Lanark, Lennox, Addington, Leeds, Grenville, Ontario, Peterboro', Victoria and Wellington, have had the Scott Act in operation one year. The commitments for drunkenness in these fourteen counties. were as follows ; 00 41. The bitationiebt mettle ae. to the loss .of revenue is therefore false. Anti.Seettit4 say that in Enron the loss was $14,000. The answer is thet•not a single municipality in the county has increased its rate of taxa. tion o1r account of the license fees, and there has been an actual decrease in the county rate for the past 2 years. SUSTAIN TUE ACT, . Because liquor stglling and drunken- ness are national sins, and will not go unpunished, Because the aim of temperance legislation is to. elevate mankind. Because if we license tire liquor bus- iness we become a party to it and responsible for its evils. Because drinking habits are injuri- ous, first, last and always, and far reaching in their results. Because no "loss of revenue" ann. meet is worth anything compared with the lossof home, honor and happiness hereafter. Because the liquor business is made illegal under the provisions of the Act. Because the liquor traffic is respon- sible for three-fourths of the crime committed in the country. And because we share that responsi- bility if we vote for ri?peal of the Act. Vote against the Petition because the Petition is to repeal the Scott Act. In 1881.; under license.........501 In 1886, under Scott Act 900 There are fourteen counties in On- tario still under License. lu those, commitments for drunkenness have in- , creased as follows 3.n 1884, commitments for drunk- enness 2,248: In 1886, commitments for drunk- enness 2,314 In twenty-four counties and two cities under the Scott Act, in 1880, there were 1,940 commitments for all crimes. In 1884, the inhabitants of the same twenty-four counties and two cities under license had 2,806 commitments for all crimes -a reduc- tion of 860 under the Scott Act! Froin the Report of the Inspector of Prisons of Ontario for 1886, it ap- pears that in the Province of Ontario there are about one million people under license and about the same un- der the Scott Act. The million peo• pie under license in 1886 committed 7,923 crimes. The . million people under the Scott Act' committed,' in 1886, 1,940 .crimes- a difference in number of 5,988 ! Brussels. The Orange Lodge have sent a reso- lution of condolence to the widow of the late Henry Mooney who died. in February. Blyt1r.. EXCURSIONS Grana Trunk R'y. - {TIIE SHORT LINE TO Ti14 )•-- ani N,W, STRTES, IVIANITOBA, Pao. Coast, &c. Unsurpassed Facilities, The only line running through to OiueAao on its own rails. The only lino running through to Nonni Bar en its own rails. No change of dopote or transfer annoyance at Toron- Passengors,baggage and effects forwarded through to. all points with the fewest or no changes. OVBTOnt6 EXAMINATION SIMCI,U'IED. Nq annoyance at the frontier. Special Colonist Trains, With through freight and stock care wilibo run every week during the Spring months, connecting at Toronto, with through free sleepor,Vity North Bay and with G. T, R. MAIN LINE FOR AND VIA CHICAGO, Bear in mind this lino offore every advantage to be had elsewhere. Bear in inind this lino offers advantages not to be had elsowhere.1 During April &fay and Juno -ROUNDTRIP EL UR CSION TWEETS, with special privileges and at very low rates, will be on sale for points' in Iowa, Minnesota, Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, V.Ttnnipog, Vancouver, &c. For all information, through tickets and freight rates at lowest figures, call on any agent of the Company, or apply to A. C. STRATHDEE, Station Agent, G. T. R., Wingham. W. B. TOWLER, Town VL% S. S. MOW Joseph Thomas, father to the Rev. H. A. Thomas, of Blyth, died in the ",._.....FROM-•-) county of Brant last week, in his 87th year. He was named after Joseph 1 ��v Brant,: the Indian Chief and was in ITE IGA B, active service in .the rebellion times, • then gaining the rank of captain. He was a Conservative and a member of LESS LIQUOR USED. Liquor dealers contend that more liquor has been consumed under the Scott Act than under license. But the Inland Revenue Report, 1886 Ap- pendix A., P. 29 shows that 1,342,989 gallons of whiskey less were consumed in 1886• than the average for the five preceding years. And for the whole Dominion loss was consumed per head than the average for the last 20 years. The consumption of beer and ale was 21 per cent Less for 1886 than the average for the ten preceding years. The Ontario Prison report for 1887, pages 6 and 16 -Wentworth, includ- ing the city of Hamilton, under license committed. 373 to prison for druken- ness, while Elgin including the city of St. Thomas, under the Scott Act only committed 26. It is not those who are asking for a license law who are most anxious to sec drunkenness de- creased. We are bold that it cost the province last year $60,000 to enforce the Scott Act, in 29 counties over and 1lbovo, the fines collected. Bub the whole Provincial expenditure under the Li- cense law does not amount to :his sum. In every Scott Act county EXCEPT ONE the fines were more than sufficient to pay all expenses connected With enforcing the Act. In Huron there was a surplus of $1,470 up to January,1888, this present license year'v and that sum will bo greatly increased. It is also Said the loss in license fees in Ontario alone was about $200,000. On page 6 of License Report, by the Hon, the Provincial Secretary to the Lieutenant Governor for 1888 we find: Revenue in 188:5--6; $165,285.62 Revonne in 1886--7 $210,465.78 The report adds that this increase was caused by the Act 49, Vie. Cap, 39, which inaposet fees for the exclu- sive benefit of the Province over and above all other fees, statutory or muni 9• GERMANY the English church. Belgrave. Mr. C. Hamilton will offer for sale the residence and carriage shop and contents, of Mr. Robt. Sterling, on Saturday, the 16th of April. MissJennie Bryce and Miss Maggie Stuart, of Wingham, have started a dress and mantle ivaking establishment in rooms over A. Taylor's store. The ladies of Belgrave and vicinity should patronize them, --0. McClelland, Jr., returned from Toronto on Monday where he was purchasing goods. -A. Taylor has traded off his gray for a 3 year old colt which will make a nice smart driver. COUNTY OF HURON EXAMINATIOR.S, '88. CECOND AND THIRD CLASS non-professional 1,D examinations at the Collegiate Institutes and High Schools in the County, on Tuesday, 3rd July, 8.40 a.m. First 0., July 10th, 8.40 a.m. Candidates who wish to write at either Clinton or Seaforth, must notify D. M. MacLean, Esq., P. S. Inspector, Clinton P. 0., not later than the 21st of May, statim; which of the two schools they intend to write at, and those who wish to write at Goderioh, must notify Some E. Toni, ESQ., P. S. Inspector, Goderieh P. 0., at the same date. The notice must bo accompanied by a foe of .,,5, or $10 if the Candidate applies for the First Class as well as Second Class Examinations. No name will be forwarded to the Department unless the foe accompanies it Head Diasters of the Collegiate Institutes and High Schools, will • please send the applications of their Candidates to the Inspector of the division in which the Collegiate Institute or High School is situated. Form of application may bo had from the Secretary. PETER ADA1tSON, Sec'y B. Ex's. Goderich, April 10th, 1888. BANK OF HAMILTON, ----FUR- T. Yato, 1- Hogshead of fine Bohemian Glass, Sterling Exchange and Drafts on Newyork ,BOUGHT AND SOL©.' -I N- ' Ogrics Bonita : 10 a. M. to 3 p. in. Saturdaya,,froin 10 6.m.to1p.m, W. 001RBOUL'U, AGENT. N[AGNIFICENT -AND TREMENDOUS-- --BARGAINS R E MJ lel D O 4J "„"�."�" ' ---BARGAIN.: f• �t 5 Mind 3 CARPET DEPARTMENT., For the next tv d weeks we will offer our very large and attractive stock of BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY, WOOL, UNION azul HEMP CARPETS,- OIL CLOTHS and LACE CURTAINS, at prices that must sell thorn, See them before they are picked out, as they are extra good value, and also our LINENS, TABLINGS, TOWELIiSGS , and NAPKINS. x CONSISTING 08' x WATER SETS, GLASS BASKETS,. WATER JUGS, CREAM JUGS,. SAUCE BOTTLES, FRUIT BOWLS, and TUMBLERS. Mann & 1)teat:laoN, Solicitors, • • BOOTS AND SHOES. LARGE. ASSORTMENT. BEST MAKE. LATEST DESIGNS FINEST GOODS 1 1 CHEAPEST PRICES ! i' AT W. T. YATES' FULL LIttE. CF GROCERIES & CROCKERY. Mien °T SALE ON . GOOD VALUE., r-- INSPECTION; INVITED. BIM COOS BRUM 3117 Meeting with grand success, and we have.. repeated order eg.l.in and. procured goods at reduced prices, which we will offer to our c Istomers', at the reduction. We never had better value to offer "our cult 1lne;s. Inspection Invited. M. H. McINDOO. DWELLING HOUSE, in the Town of Wingham. In the Matter of the estate of the late Daniel Co*, tot No. 10, on the cast side of Albert street, in the nd Town l alf storiy Frame House, will. will bo sold by Public Auction, On the Sixteenth day of Alii; A. D,,1888, at the hour of 12.30 o'clock, Salo will take place on said property, Terms cash. MRS. HENRIETTA. COON, Administratrix. CHANGE OF BUSINESS., ��1Ngd�L�ib�lb'IU4inb�lb�iMr�46�4,�r1,gUyd�L'�h�III�IIPIIINIIq,Iq,gidlh�Ill'IIIgIIq,IIII Having bought the Business of WAIT & WALSH, We int57.11-; keeping on hand a full line of STOVES of the Latest Designs, and Best ; Quality, as well as a GENERAL LINE OF GOODS FOUND IN A FIRST-CLASS Ti_• SIIOP. Special Attention given to EAVETROUGIUNG and all outside work. A CALL SOLICITED:• HOP s r . n01118101)10US DWELLING HOUSE, nine rooms ; `j also good cellar and woodshed : recently Oelnt- cu And in the best repair: hard and soft water. 1.6 acre lot attached containing a number of flue fruit treed, For partiotitars apply to MRS.'11A3IL'YSt, P.unteg S:lUitT, Wingham, April 6, 18S8, " INGSTON & SON& Great Gladdening Convenience ROASTED ! READY ! ! I have procured from Cincinnati one of the latest and best PEA NUT ROASTERS, and have the Choicest and. Freshest PEA NUTS. Al ORANGES CHEAP. PILESOF COCOANUTS, CALL AT orn ed ! Horsemen McKELVIE"S.. TEACHER WANTED, A PPLIOATIONS WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE .k' Trustees of School Section No. 11, Turnberry, (Lower Wingham,) up to THE 20Th Ole A1'RIL for a mato teacher holding a second or third elms ecrtificate, duties to commence on the 1st of May. Applicante to state age, experience and salary for the balance of tho year. Apply, enclosing testi. menials, to LACIILAN MCLEAN, Wingham Ont, Administrators' Notice. XURSUANT T0, THE REVISED STATUTES OF • Ontario 1887, Chapter 110, Section 30, the creditors of WETHERALD CROOKS, late of the Town• ship of Morris, in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario, YEOMAN, who died on or about the WI day of June, A.D., 1887, aro regu:red to send to The Toronto General Trusts Company, at the City of Toronto in the County of York, Administrators of the said deceased, on or before the 30th DAY Ole APRIL, A. D., 1888, their names, addresses and descriptions; the full particulars of their claims; a statement of their accounts end the nature of the securities, (if any,) hold by them, and notice is hereby given that the said administrators wiltitnmedie.tely after the last mentioned day proceed to distribute thoassets of theiaid deceased etOong the Parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. J. A. MORTON, Solicitor for Administrators. Wingham, 301.11 March, 3n88, -IF YOU WANT SATISFACTORY--. Route Bills, Tabulated. Pedigrees, and Stud Cards, , --04L AT THEA -..--- T1 SES . OFFICE; -W =1•i' Cr 13Ei We have now facilities for turning out a class of work equal to that of any oili to in,ihe County. SHORTHORN BULLS. ua UNDERSIGNED has for sale on tor11, Cos. 0, TotNsnrn OF Cut.aoss, 0 thoroughbred Slant horn Brills, registered ht the Dominion Heril Book. All choice young annuals., Culross, March 0, X885, PETER ARR.ELt.•, ' 1.'s8WATiut P. c