The Wingham Times, 1888-04-13, Page 3NEWS OF THE DAY.
The Kingston by-law for $140,000 to im-
prove the oily water works system was car-
ried yesterday by a vote of 452 to 43.
Chief Jaatioe Armour was presented with
the traditicual pair of gloves on opening the
Assizes at Kingston there being no prison -
ors in gaol.
Colouei John Kilborn, who served ins an
ensign in the battle of Lundy's Lune in 1$ 4,
and was taken prisoner, died in Newborough
on Sunday, aged 94 years.
A memorial from the Winnipeg Icelaudio
Society, praying for a public recognition of
Lief Eriaeon as the first diaooverer of
America, was presented in the United States
Senate on Saturday.
A Clifford merchant received an anony-
mous letter recently, enclosing postage
atamps audstating that the writer, a woman,
had sold him a quantity of rotten eggs last
summer, and tae stamps ware to pay for
A party of Japaueae gentlemen interested
in m.nutacturiag eaterprises in Yokohama
passed through Winnipeg on Friday, bound
on a tour of inspection of the large factory
establishments in Canada and the New Eng-
land States,
The Customs Collector at Buffalo hasbeeu
instructed b.' tat Treasury Department that
olothiig and other dutiable goods purchased
in Canada by residents on the frontier can.
not be admitted free on their return to the
United Spates.
Tho editors of The Acta Victorians, the
paper published by the atudnets of victoria
University, have been suspended by the
faculty on account of aritioiems of. the
curriculum which appeared in that paper,
and there is a considerable commotion in
• A vigorous immigration policy will b e
augurated by the Manitoba Government,
and a eoheme for placing portions of railway
and land companies lands under govern-
ment control for aettlement is being prepare
ed for submission to the Provincial Legis.
Seven conductors on the Canadian Pacific
railway between Kalmar, a station 110 miles
east of Winnipeg, and the Pacific Coast are
to be dismissed for assisting an operator
who was travelling to the coast on a stolen
ticket to escape from a detective who was
on the same train, and who finally captured
him in Vancouver.
The Trenton Advocate says that two men
crossing Devil Lake the other day with a
horse and cutter were pursued by a wolf, the
horse became frightened, made a sudden
apring, and threw one of them out. He had
a scaling stick in his hand, struck the wolf
over the head with it, stunned it, and then
dispatched it with a penknife.
Sir. Arthur Haliburton, recently appoint-
ed to an under secretaryship of the British
War Office, was born in Nova Scotia in 1832,
and is a son of the famous " Sam Slick."
He has filled many important positions in
the British military and Civil Services, and
is, we believe, the only Canadian who has
ever reached a position so high in the Witish
A young boy named Pastorius, living
near Colchester, Essex County, was nearly
strangled in a curious way the other day.
He had fastened one end of a rope round a
calf's neck and the other end round a dog's
while the centre of it he wound about his
own. He was being dragged along so rapid-
ly when discovered that if a brother had not
cut the rope in time he would have paid
dearly for hie, fun.
Our Saskatoon correspondent writes
Mr. David Blaokley, who came from Scot-
land in 1884, and whose farm is seven miles
from Sasketoon, has cleaned 116 bushels of
excellent oats, the produce of throe bushels
sown last spring, which had only ordinary
cultivation. The oats are of the black Tar•
tarian variety, of superior quality, being
well filled and hard. All the crops in the
neighborhood are turning out well. Mr.
Blaokley started with two cows and in less
than four years has twenty head of cattle
beaidea working oxen. He intends putting
in over 100 acres of crop this year. His
'faith in the country is such that, by his ad-
vice,a son and non -in-law with their families
cane out from So ttland last summer and
have settled near him. He says if he had
money enough he would bring out all the
friends. he has. At Saskatoon prices for
farm produce ranee as follows :-Wheat 60c
per bushel, oats and barley each 50o per
bushel, potatoes 50c per bushel, butter 25c
per pound, egge 30, per dozen, beef, whole.
ago, $7 to $9 per 100 pounds.
Minneapolis reports 116 days of sleighing
so far this winter.
A man in New York is paid $20,000 a
year for sampling tea.
Twenty-four deaths were caused by the
mine explosion at Rich Hill, Missouri.
Oskaloosa, Kansas, has elected a woman
as Mayor and a City Council composed en-
tirely of women,
Only twelve Indians are left of the tribe
of 1,000 who inhabited the Yosemite 'Valley
a few years ago.
Losses on the western cattle ranches this
winter have been very slight, and are not
expected to exceed one per cent.
The Buffalo Bankers' Assooiation has de-
cided to charge 2 per cent. discount on all
Canadian money received on deposit.
Claus Spreckels has decided to build a
sugar refinery in Pt iladelphia, with a ca-
pacity of seven thousand barrels a day.
A Clay county, Dakota, farmer has a five.
year-old eow which is 16}, hands high and
Weighs 1,888 pounds. A circus man is try-
ing to buy her.
A bill for the celebration at Washington
next spring of the centennial of the Consti-
tution of tho United States was passed in
tho Senate on Saturday.
A sword fish weighing 500 pounds Was
caught froin the wharf at:Punta Gorda, Ela.
It took the 'combined efforts of three mon
to draw it from the water.
California farmers display much energy in
ridding their fields of the rabbit post. At'a
big rabbit drive about 2,000 men were in
lino and over 4,000 rabbits were slaughtered.
Tho i'Lev. T. DeWitt Tannage is a great
walker, and thinks nothing of an early
manning spin ed offfwith ninet brisk front of the
suburbs, tope
,a mile.
A resolution in favor of organic union of
4h8 Methodist Bpisoopal Cheetah and the
Methodist E+ pisoopal Church South wap,
adopted at the meeting of Methodist mini
tors in Chicago on Monday,
A weekly church publloation in Young
town, 0., ie edited by the Rev, 8. R.
Frazier„ and is issued on Sundays. It is
probably the only Sunday newspaper in ex.
istenoe that is edited by a clergyman,
Mr. Osgoodby, of Albany, and hie four
boys foot up pretty well in the aggregate.
He is 0 feet 6 inches in height, the oldest
son is 2 iodine shorter, the next is 6 feet 3,
the next 6 feet 2, and the youngest, a lad of
ten years, is 6 feet 1 inoh tail.
The latest "oattle queen " of the west is
Mies Kitty Wilkins, of Idaho! a tall blonde,
twenty-three years of age, a fine horse.
woman and a dead shot. Though called the
oattle queen, as a matter of fact horses are
her specialty, and she owns no less than 800,'
besides thausande of cattle.
Macey Warner, who was hanged the
other day at Jefferson, Ind,, for murder,
made the following gall°we speech :-" if
any of you ever take a glass of whisky, be•
fore you put it to your lips think of Maoey
Warner and look into' the bottom of the
glees and see if you can't see a rope there,"
The paint shops of the Chicago, Burling.
ton and Quinoy railway at Aurora, Ill.,
which were being used as a hotel for the
new men, were burned on Thursday night,
over one hundred of the men who were in
thebuilding losing all they possessed. The
fire is attributed to incendiarism, and caused
a loss of $175,000.
Dr, Gatling has made important improve-
ments;iin his machine gun within the past
two yeara. It is now a terrible arm. It can
be pointed down upon a torpedo boat from a
ship's deck, or upon a launch when it is very
near to the vessel.. The English naval offi-
cora are loud in the praises of his gun. It
throws a shower of bullets with terrible
force, as thick as hail stones in a hail storm.
A vessel's deck is swept by this great force,
and assaults upon harbor detences, by scal-
ing parties, can be overcome at once by a
few of these guns properly placed in a fort.
It is not a cannon, but a gun throwing ounce
bullets in showers. Its forge is fatal for a
mile, and for this class of projeotiles it is
the most formidable arm ever invented. It
is reported that an English syndicate desires
to purchase Dr. Gatling'a patent and plant.
Another piece of cartilage was extracted
from Emperor Frederick's throat on Satur-
The population of France is decreasing
notwithstanding considerable immigration.
The Belgians are conning in in considerable
numbers, and Italians next.
Despite the semblance of health and the
Emperor's increased powerGerman expert
opinion that the disease will have an early
and fatal termination is still unaltered.
Two cases are reported in Germany of
fatal results following the operation of
laryngotomy, which the German doctors
wanted to perform on Emperor Frederick.
The Moscow Gazette attributes to Sir
Henry Drummond Wolff, the English Minis.
ter to Persia, a scheme for the commercial
conquest of that kingdom for the benefit of
Emperor Frederick and Empress Victoria
drove in a half open eaatriage from Charlo't-
tenburg to Berlin and greatly enjoyed the
drive. They received enthusiastic greetings
along the road.
It is offioially announced that King John,
of Abyssinia, has sued for peace, and Gen.
San Marzano has been instructed to accede
to his requests if the terms a000rd with the
honour of Italy.
A federation of clubs and similar societies
in Paris have been formed with the object
of cheapening medical attendance. Adult
members of the aasooiation pay 40 cents a
year for medical attendance and ohildren 20
The floods in Germany and Hungary aro
causing great loss of life and destruction of
property, and as the snow lies on en average
four feet deep in the forest lands it is feared
that the worst of the inundations have yet
to come
Says the foreign itemizer of the New York
Sun: Fully 30,000 German residents in Eng,
land who evaded conscription on the break-
ing out of the Franco-Prussian war can now
return tof their fatherland without risk, as
their offence terminated with the late Etn
peror's rnign.
The latest advices from China say that
the crisis in Ho -Nan is past, but that the
distress of the people is appalling, two mil-
lion persons being utterly destitute. The
nearest towns are invaded by hordes of nak-
ed and starving refugees from the flooded
districts, who, like swarms of locusts; are
devouring everything.
A correspondent, residing in the North of
London, challenges the statementjattributed
to Mr. Moody that cancer is unknown to the
Hebrews, who suggested as the reason their
abstinence from pork. He states that the
testimony of medical men who have made
this disease a study is that the Jews are not
more exempt than others from this dire af-
The Emperor of Japan, who recently
granted liberty to the press all over his do-
minions, now finds that the papers have
taken advantage of his kindness to hold up
the Government to hatred, ridicule and con-
tempt, thereby endangering the throne. So
`his Majesty has issued a ukase authorizing
the Minister of the Interior to suspend or
suppress any journals professing objection.
able sentiments.
Mr. Roes Winans, the noted American
sportsman, intends to give up his deer forests
in Rosshire and Invernesshire, which ex-
tend over 260,000 acres, Half of Winans'
game preserves is on the Chisholm estate,
and Mrs. Chisholm, of Chisholm, is negoti•
ating with her tenant in order to obtain a
surrender of ,his leases. The lease of the
great forest of Glenstrathfarrar, which b, ou
the Lovat estate and lets at £5,750 a year,
expired last November and was not renew•
ed to Winans, the new tenant being Mr, W.
K. Vanderbilt, of New York, who has taken
Beaufort;Castle for five years. Mr. Winans
did not visit Scotland last season.
Doul do It. Do not wait,
if suffering from pain, but go at once to the
nearest drug store and buy a sample bottle
of Pelson's Nsuv1LINE, the great pain cure.
Hover fails to give immediate relief. Nervi•
line is endorsed by medical men everywhere,
Don't wait a single hour without trying
llerviline. The best modieine in the wand
to keep in the house in an enlerp'cnoy. Ten
wad 25 dente a battlee
For The Nervous
The Debilitated
The, Aged. '
URE S'Nervoue Proatration,Nervous Head.
ache,Neuralgia, NervoueWeaknees,
Stomach and Liver Diseases, and all
affections of the Kidneys.
"For two years I was a sufferer from nervous de,
bility, and T thank God and the discoverer of the
ivaluable remedy that PAINE's CELERY Coatroom
cured me. n is a valuable remedy. Long may it
live. Let any one write to me for advice."
ALONZO ABBOTT, Wn,nsou, VT, sayg:.
I believe PAINE'S CELERY ComnouNn saved my
Life. My trouble seemed to be an internal humor.
Before I used itI was co cored with an eruption from
head to heel" The eruption is rapidly healing.
and I am five hundred per cent. better every way,"
A. 0. BEAN, Warm RIPER JI:MOTION,. VT., lays:
For two years pasts have been a great sufferer
from kidney andlivertroubles. attended with dye.
pepsin and constipation. Before I began to take
CELERY CoupoonD it seerytmed as though sralig
ailed me.Now 7 can say nothing ails me.
Gaonas ABBOTT, SIOBE OTTr, IOWA, says:
I have been using PAINE'S CELERY' COMPONWD
and it bas dont me more good for kidneys and lithe
back than any other medicinal have ever taken.
Hundreds of testimonials have been received from
persona who have used this remedy with remarkable
benefit. Send for circular.
Price $1.00. Sold be Druggieta.
Montreal, Que.
M 0 N EY TO LOAN on Farms. Lowest Rates.
No. delay, Correspondence solicited.
E.W.D. BUTLER, Financial
Established 1860. 72 King•st. E., Toronto.
Are having, during March, a Special Clearing Sale o
New and Seoond Hand,to make roomier new season's
drivels. rend for greatly reduced SPECIAL Manu
Patna LIST.
Fruits pply. Dealers billed cub o
liberal terms at the HALTON
N UR'SERIES, Burlington, Ont.,
H. HURD & SON, Proprietors.
Al•ooan offer a few cars Red andYellow Globe Onion.,
and all other bedding and
witld a"'Plants.
Our $1.00
Collections will suit every
one. Illustrated Catalogue free.
CAN ARA SIIIPI'INI: CO. - Beaver Line of
Steamships, tailing weekly between Montreal
and Liverpool. Baleen tickets, Montreal to Liverpool,
$40, $50, and $60, Return tickets, $80, $00, and 3110,
according to steamer and accommodation. inter-
mediate, $30 ; Round trip tiokete: $60. Steerage, 020,
Round trip tickets, 740. For further particulars and
to secure births, apply to H. E. MURRAY; General
Manager, I Custom House Square, Montreal, or to;the
Local Agents in the different Tyrone and Cities.
AUtiERB, bor
per hour. Aiso Bock Drills -Hand, Horse, or
Steam Power. Send for Catalogue.
Laidlaw Manufacturing Co.,
KET. Stone and Brick Building, steam and water
power. Very easy terms. Good location for custom
work. Apply to E. JACKSON,
Seconds • Rand Bicycles
and 'iricvcics.
Send for List. Now Catalogue
ready in April.
FOBrick Machine
That's taking the lead, new or second hand, apply to
,ILEX. DOJG, 61 Neslon St., Toronto.
RENNIE'S Seed Catalogue, containing desorip•
tions and prices of all the best varieties of
now ready and will be mailed free to all who apply
by letter. tar Send for it.
Allan Line Royal Mail Steamships
Sailing during winter from Portland every Thurs-
day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in
summer from Quebec, every Saturday to Liverpool,
calling at Londonderry to land mails and passengers
for Scotland and Ireland` also from Baltimore, via
Halifax and St. John's, .N, F , to Liverpool fortnightly
during eummer menthe, Tbo steamers of the Glee,
gow lines sail during winter to and from Ilalifax,
Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and during $um
neer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly Glasgow
and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphia
For freight, passage, or other information apply to
5, Schumacher & Co., Baltimore; S. Cunard & Co.,
Haines; Shea & Co., St. John's, N. F,; Wm. Thomp-
son & Co., St, John, N. 13.; Allan & Co., Chicago;
Love & Aiden, Now York, H- Beadier, Toronto:
Allan, Rae & Co., Queboo: Wm, Brookie, Philadel-
phia; Ii. A. Allen, Portland, Boston, nfontreal,
Whaley, Royce &Oo,
283 Yonge„Strcet,
The Cheapest Puce in
New and Ssc:nd hand.
Agonists for
and f"HIGHAM"
Band & Orchestra
• specialty,
Send for Catalot;ua.
paTR1YT19 proourad, Patsnt Attrrgeye, and experbt I %%''�� !. s
P i�d71807, #lyttalrl a, #tldont 174„Toed Io, (l(O.011 i ti . Ir alp
we want a Boon MAN in your Iooallty to pick up
for us. cash furnished on satiefectory gucrantY."`
Addreee 0. O. 1'40E, Hyde, Park. Vermont, HA
ei rELPII Moistness College, GitelPlit, Ont.
XX The Faculty has been strengthened, the prem.
We enlarged, and new applianoce added. The Bust -
nese Department Made one of the best oourgeg ob-
tainable while the Shorthand Department has
accomplished results unequalled In the history of
shorthand. Ladies admitted to all advantages offered
by the Institution. Students enter at any time. Cir.
oulare mailed free. M. MAcCORMICK, Principal..
Mihir 4;=` Ettfl<in
will Sharpen the Knife without removing it from the
Machine. No farmer should send his machine into
the field without one. Sample by mail, 8.0o..
CLEIIENT aC Ce„ Toronto.
lT 17E greateet d
oovery of top pre
sent age for Regnlat
ing the bowels, ant
Curing all Blood Lit
or and Kidney Oen:
plaints. n. A P at e
Blood PurJfier. ,
is Hamilton wA ehohav
been benifited by lt.
use ; Mrs. M. Keener
192 Robert St, aura
of Erysipelas of yrsR
tending ; Robs. ter
nail, 24 south street
aughter cured o
pUeptio Ste after
ears gutteHng; Jar,
nie Birrel, 66 Walnn
Street, cured e
Weakness and Lung Trouble : John Wood 95 Calle
cart St. cured of Liver Complaint and BiUiousnes,
used only 8 fifty -cent bottles ; Mrs. J. Beal, 0 August
St., troubled for years with Nervous Prostration by
small bailee gave her great relief. Sold at 60o. & $
F. F. DALLEY & 00., Proprietors,
Nervous Debility.
DR. GRAY'S Specific hag been used for the pant
fifteen years with great success, in the treatment of
Nervous Debility, and all diseases arising !rem ex.
ceases, overworked brain, loss of vitality ringing it
the ears, palpitation, etc. For sale by all druggists
Prloe 91 per box, or 6 boxes for $6, or will be sent b;
mail on receipt of pride. Pamphlet on application,
Will run settlers' Trains to all poled t
British Columbia and the Pacific Coast,
Leaving Toronto, N. & N. -W, Station, Brook street,
et 9 p,m.,
and every Tuesday thereafter during /iamb and April
A colonist eleeper will be attached to these trelne.
Make early applloation to agent for what oars sad
berths you wIU require. 8$ -feet care supplied toe
colonists' movables,, No Customs delay or eeje,
No quarantine, No transfers. For further inlOtma.
tion see agent, or write
110 Kia Street S set Weat, Toronto.•
INSTANT filit•,
LIRE. Final Cure,
Send your address
and 1,Oo. in stamps
for book, "Treaties
on Diseases of
Man," Address,
47 Wellington St.1P.,
Toronto, Ont.
TO - • NTO.
Cold in the Head, Hay Fever, etc., can positively
be cured. Anew method. A medicine gear•
anteed to care. No cure no pay. If you have
tried other remedies that failed to cure. you will not
be disappointed in this. For full particulars address,
M. V. LUBON, 47 Wellington St. E.. Toronto,
Canada. Send 10o. in stamps for book, " Trfte
OR Disease of Man,"
: Johnston'sFluid Beef
Is not merely a ;stimulant, but it contains all the life-giving
elements of meat that nourish
-IT Ir.--•
There are many mareerroles of
but none equal it in lubricating properties, PAE&.
ESS, Muting, etc., find none equal to the deNunr*
Peerless made by
Sold by dealers everywhere.
Financial Report for the Year Ending 31st December, 1887.
NET ASSETS, December 81st 1886 $789,491 80
Lees Balance of Prat and Lose Account 8,901 04
INCOME: Premiums ,... 3301 842 73
Less re -assurance 3,180 86 $301,061 87
Interest 51 262 07 $352,923 94
EXPENDITURES : Paid to Policy -holders, for 91,147,614,10
Death Claims under 48 Policies $60,156 00
,Matured Endowments, under 4 Policies 3,150 00
Purchased Policies 15,395 02
Surplus 34,849 17
Returned Premiums 596 68
$114,147 47
Commissions and Superintendent's Sa'ary $42,505 66
Medical Extminatione 7,600 00
$60,136 66
SALARIES : President and Directors Feee and Mileage 32,376 47
Manager, Secretary and Assistants 9,031 63
Auditors 287 20
$11,635 20
OTHER EXPENSES : Including Postage, Printing, Taxes, eto $11,635 81 $187,486 64 -
$794,590 16
Total Net Assets, Deo. 31st, 1887 $900,030 46
Municipal Debentures, Cost .......... $131,237 $5
Mortgages (Cash Velaelion, $1 605,231 50) . 668,437 22
Loans on Poliolee (Reserves at Credit, 3192 473 67) 87,306 40
Liens " " 3124,606 31) 48,000 57
Company's Office 6,794 68
Agents' and other Ledger Helene 8 5,795 58
Nekton's Bank, Current Account 4,220 75
Canadian Bank of Commerce 7,711 41
Cash on hand 526 10
----- 3900.030 46
Short date Notes, secured by Policies in frrae $32,003 94
Premiums doe and in course of tranemis<ion 4,329 87
Deferred half -yearly and quarterly premiums on existing policies 41.630 19
Interest due on Mortgagee $ 4,680 83
• scorned on mortgages and Debentures, not due 24,009 27
" nue on Policy Loans 2,051 84
" seemed on Policy Loans and Liens, not duo 6,502 31'
$ 39,107 25
Market value of Debentures over oost 8,200 56
Liens on deferr.d Surplus ro,icies (Reserve at Credit $10,520 57).,... 4,050 01 $129,417 81
Total Assets, Deo. 31st, 1887 $1,089,448 27
Reserve computed on Hnt 4} per cent. Instituto Table $1,012 033 90
Lees value of re -assured policies 7,828 26
--31,204,705 64
14,500 00
1,000 01
8 003 09
770 75
7,700 4031!01,78278
Claims under 7 Putieies awaiting C'Mm papers
" 1 " resisted
Premiums paid in advance
Coltecti.n fee on deterred and other premiums and notes
Surp'us, Deo. 8191, 1887 $57,006 49
We beg to repirt that wo have carefully examined the books end accounts of the Company for the year
ending 31st December, 1087, and that we find the same correct. We have also txamtred the M. rtgages,
Debentures and other Seeariliea held by tato Company, aril we hereby certlly that they are cotrectly show*
as above. IPENIRY V, J. JACKSO;t,i Auditors.
WATatLOO, Feb. 15th, 1888. J. M. SCULLY, I
The bus'ness of 'Tata ONTARIO :IIVTIIAL Lies ter the year 1837 has boon in every way satlataotory, show-
ing in n11 fps essential features a continuation of the steady progress which hatgone ea from the inception
of the oouipauy in 1870 up to the present time.
Compared with the two preceding years, the following items in last year's account show up to good
The Annual tlleeting at the Company will be held at
May Sorb, 1888.
Il, E. MO WIIAN, M.1"., WIl1. BE;1iDRY,
rrettdout, Illstiater.
to Head write, Waterloo, a*
'1'1'. 11. BIDDi6L1.,
8240 414
$76 830
1.317 ^
7 483
3275 709
$54 090
._. �-
:$2 710 011
tee 158
Ntunbcr of Policies inaucd
Amount lo it
Total Nnnnber of Policies in force
Premium Incluse
Total Astnrnn;e in fcree
Number et heath Mims paid
Amount of Death Clairol paid , ...
The Annual tlleeting at the Company will be held at
May Sorb, 1888.
Il, E. MO WIIAN, M.1"., WIl1. BE;1iDRY,
rrettdout, Illstiater.
to Head write, Waterloo, a*
'1'1'. 11. BIDDi6L1.,