The Wingham Times, 1888-03-30, Page 5Ottentiugtaitttimes ire RID ta, MARCU 80th, 1818. Eluev'ale, son, Semi James, Bled OhontleY, Will:, McCoy,. and ThnothyDonohue. round Keepers:—Tilos Hore, Johns Wilson, James Scott, John Bone, A. Shiell, Jas, Clow, Peter Mason, Jas. Owens and Jas. Cochrane. Fence Viewers :—Geo, McGowan Sr., Geo. Howatt, Geo. Fothergill, Wm. Roach, Campbell amnia, and Henry McOollrt.. It was resolved that the following amount be expended this year on the variqus boundary lines, provided that tine townships interested give an eq. uivalent 1—Eastern boundary, 40Q ;- western do. $75 ;--nortiiern do. $50.. The clerk was instructed to write the. council of Morris and ascertain whe- tiler, if the East Wawanosh Council were to build some wire fences on the gravel road between Blyth and Win;, Liam where the snow drifts bad, they would give an equivalent, Morris being equally interested with this township in having the gravelroad in a passable shape for ordinary traffic in the winter s.,ason. Moved by Mr. Reilly sec'd by Mr, Anderson, that the reeve and Mr. McGowan see a safe, belonging to Geo. Tindall, late of .Auburn, offered for sale -to the Township for the use of the treasurer; and report at next meet- ing of Council:—Carried. Debentures were signedin favor of hers. Bradnock far 85 yds': gravel, $1.75; Hiram Campbell, 60 rods wire fence on Wes; tern boundary line, $9 ; Jabes Jer- myn, 80 rods ditching sideline 39 and 40, con. 14'. $7.50 ; John. Anderson, services as collector, 1887, postage, stationary, &e. $70; Wm. Carr, • ser- vices as treasurer, 1887, two journeys to Wingham, commisions, postage, &o. $64.16. Adjourned till Tuesday 22nd day of May next then to meet as a court of Revision and Appeal. P. PORTERFIELD, Clerk. Mr. John Sheardon is home from a lengthened visit to feel Co.—Mr. 1V1i1. Hartley is bonne from the oast on a visit. --Phrenologist Dungan -a span "lost in the exuberance of leie own verbrosity”-has been lecturing to the young people this week.—Mr, 1?. $Cott. of 'Teeswater, visited his numerous friends, Mr. J,. Patterson and mem- bers of his family hist week. --A rufnored elopement took place from this village last week, the parties concerned hitherto standing well in public esteem. EMs. Win. Dulnia;e was long a cattle dealer in whom the public; batt much confidence. He lett here one night last week in company of a Miss Bina Smith, daughter of Mr. W. F. Smith. She had been in his employ sotuo months in the store which Ile car, stied •on of late. If all reports be true lie decamped leaving but little to support a wife and four children. Dame Rumor is .always busy but in this ease the actual farts were sufficiently start- ling and almost unbelievable. We have no desire to add anything farther to the disagreeable feet already stated. —Later—A. sudden check has been put or, the elopement gossip by the unexpected return of Mr, Dulmage and Miss Smith. It is to be hoped things are not as bad as represented. East Wawanosh, Mr. Richard Coultes went to Grand Rapids Mich.—Mr. C. Anderson re- moved to Whitechurch.—Miss Annie Scott, returned from Halton, where she has been spending a few weeks with her relatives.—Mrs. J. Anderson is visiting friends in Oxford County. J. Lemmon, of Lyndon, is spending a few days on the 7th with his relations.—Miss L. Williams of Owen Sound, is the guest of Mrs. G. Sowler this week.—Mr. Wm.., Rath had a wood bee on Monday last and in the .evening the young folks spent a very enjoyable time dancing.—A bas- ket social, under the auspices of the Westfield Congregation, > was held at Mr. Henry Wightman's. on Tuesday evening. and notwithstanding the bad weather a large number were present, the proceeds amounting to over $6.— The No. 13 Literary Society is still pushing a►ead. There are upwards of 140 members, and in talent it excels all the , lieig hborince societies.—Tile Westfield society had a public enter- tainment and they made $10.. Well clone Westfield. All the members whist have been present. If the No 13 society should get up an entertainment and if none but members were to at- tend they would make $14.—There has been considerable. excitement on, 'the 6th this winter over the appear - ince of a spook or something of the sort. It has the appearance of a white horse and rider and is seen about once every week, mostly on Saturday nights always travelling west, seeming to have no destination and looking for something which it cannot find. Like most ghosts it does not speak unless first spoken to, and the superstitious are frightened for fear something dreadful is going to happen. 1 TEAMIlati WANTED, gPLICATIANR'WILL. HE RECEIVED BY Trustees of J$aboo,l election tiro. 11 Tivab y, war Wlnffham) up to THE 2Oru 01'i' APRIL for ii nine teacher ,heldtng a aeeond or third ohm Certificate, dudes to oonunenoe on the let of May, Applicant* .tastake are, experience and salary for the balance el the year. Apply, curio*Inyf teats• tuoulaie, to LACHLAN AIIoLEAN, Wiu>jhain. Ont. SHORTHORN BULLS, THIS UNDERSIGNED has for sale on LOT 11. cox. 9, Towasnfeor .Cupuoss, 0 thoroughbred Short. horn Bulls, registered in the Dominion Herd nook. All choice young animals. PATRICK ARKFLL, TunSW ,TER P. 0. BANK OF HAMILTON, W=NG-I .A.M. Culross, March 0,1888. PURE, W.HO,Jd+es(711;11. CH HAP, " Sweets of Life, " Sterling Exchange and Drafts on New York .BOUGHT AND SOLD. ORUAT PitOFUM0$--- At McKEIViE'S :::;: * RESTAURANT,. PURE MAPLE SUGAR,. his season's make, in OxfOrd County. Just try it Best American Cream Candies. Savo money and get the best by );.ging to McK E LVIE'S. OFFICE 1-10uRs: 10 a. int. to 3 p. m. Saturdays, from 10 a. m. to1p.10. W. COI9R TJLD, AGENT. MEYER & Dtcr.INsoN, SolieltS3'S Administra or's Notice. VIA!ALA , .�-.1♦ Ii�OM,-�.-. RAMVMBURG, GERMANY, PURSUANT TO TIf t VISF.D STATUTES OF Ontario, Chapter O7, ScoUon 34', rho creditors of HERALD CROOK late of the Township .of Morri,!,'in the County of Iiuron and Province of On- tario, YEOMAN, who died on or about the Sth day of Awl). A.D., 1887, aro required to send to The Toronto General Trusts Company, at the City of Toronto, in the County of York, Administrators of the said deceased, on or before the 4th DAY OF APRIL A. D., 1888, their names, addresses and descriptions ; the full particulars of their claims; a statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities, (if any,) held by them, and notice is hereby given that the said administrators will immediately after the last mentioned day proceed to distribute the assets of thesaid deceased among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. J. A. MORTON. Solicitor for Administrator. Winghatu, 2nd blares*, 1888. • The council met on March 16th pur- suant to adjournment; members all present. Minutes of last meeting read and„ confirmed. The following officers were appointed for the current year viz.: Pathmasters :—Sar:ilial. Mar: shall, Wm. Ding, Albert H. Jacobs, Jas. Potter, Jas. Parker, Robt, John: eton, Henry Thiel, John Hore, Fred'k Toll, Brew Williams, Geo. Henderson, Geo. Gibson, John Johnson, Alex. Dingwall, Geo. Stewart, John Wilson, John Mitchell, Joseph Taylor, Joseph .Johnston, John N. Campbell, Mark Buchanan, John Stackhouse, 'Wm, Corentry, James Vint, Jas. Rath,. isI T. Walsh, Jer'h .Parks, Ricli'd Don - 'dell, Henry Edivaras, John MoDonell, Ben. H. 'Taylor, Wm. Stackhouse, A. Black, John McLean, Win. Nethery. Johit ° n ites Sr„ John Campbell, John Bennet, Samuel Fells, Jas. Anderson, Arch'd Robertson, John McCallum, Win. Bone, Ed. Wightman, Thomas Agnew Sr, Hugh McBurney, Peter Ding, Patrick Gibbons, David John: stoic, Win. Abraham Jr., Jas, Fergu- son, Jelin Saltei, Ll„yd Duckett, John Menzies, Satn'11,lcBuriiey, Thos. Coed, David Robertson, Wm. Fitzpatrick, Elistra Leinmex, Jas. Perdue, 'Moines Plunkett, Wm. Lilll:later Sr., John Currie„ John Clifford, Henry Grain! John Leggett, John Gillespie Sr., Thos Davidson, Wil. E. Finnan, Edward Warden, Joseph 5meltzer, And'w Fox, Wm. Martin, Alex. t"i.intoul, John Stein, Fountpiil NaylorlRoliili- IYIortgage Sale of Farm. DEFAULT HAVING"v BEEN MADE IN THE payment of a certain mortgage, dated 30th December, 1880, made by ono John Lucas to the vendors, there will, underpower of sale contained in said Mortgage, be sold by public auction, by Mr. peter Deans. Jr., Auctioneer, at the Queen's Hotel, in the Town of Wingham, county of Huron, on TUESDAY, APRIL 10, 1888, at the hour of one o'. clock in the afternoon, Lot number OnP in the Seven- teenth Concession of the Township,of Howiek, in the County of Huron, oontaining One %Hundred Acres, more or less:- The Farm is situate, about two and e half miles front the Village of Delmore ; has fi0 germ cleared, and has a log house and log, barn on it. The soil is clay loam. TEats.-Tell per cont. of the purchase money will be required to be paid at time of sale, and the talance within fifteen 'days thereafter. Arrangontents' may made by which a portion of the purchase money may bo secured by mortgage on tho,,premises. For further particulars apply to• • MAGEE, GREENLESS & THOMAS, Or to M. PETER DEANS, JR., Vendors Solieitors, Wingham P.,O., Ont. London, Ont. March 22nd 1888 -843-e. --FOR-- STARTLING VALVES IN T. Yates, STYLISH SiRI N G yELT WrISS .. rE > Goods Selected witfl: care and Sought for each.. The prudence of buyers will appreciate my,: full line of Mi ry had Mantles, Rich Feathers, Gorgoops Flowers, and every conceiveb -`y ut Ribbons and Laces, Fringes, Embroideries, Insertions, Fancy Fri : •, > t'. Incomparably complete and cheap''assortlnents of Silks and ,r r.x for Mantles, Cashmeres, Dress Muslins, Crape Cloths, Gloves, Corsets,l3 I +r ;,, &'c„ Ladies' and Childrelis' Underwear„varied, genuine and at fair 1. , ., F, Babies' lghristenin; Robes of the finest quality. Latest novelties in every department, 1 Hogshead of fine Bohemian Glass, —I N— '07 - :3N -01333.-Y” STT 0 AND T ITAIS X CONSISTING OF x ' ---GO TO--:— A. W. WEBSTER. R AT IT1P.A STTITI "G -S AND trg TW s.:a ._ s For Spring and Suminer, in. the Latest Patterns, Just Op ile.,i out. A PERFECT FIT GIVEN EVERY TINGE. Goods Solc1Cheaper than you can et elsewhere. gpfi rIS'I 1I,orb'U,'1 I $'1 9rnl,IiI,'IU'h"L'Ib4U'10II;Al ilrr e111111 e' Oto Having bought the Business of WAIT. & WALSH, 1,z -e, iet-.;;f keeping on hand a full line of STOVES of the Latest Designs, al,d el• +: Quality, as well as a GENERAL LINE or GOODS FOUND IN A FIRST f 1 ";,, TEN' SuoP. Special Attention given to EAV.ETROUGRING and all outside work, A CALL SOLICITED. WATER SETS, GLASS BASIKETS, WATER JUGS, CREAM JUGS, SAUCE BOTTLES, FRUIT BOWLS, and TUMBLERS. LATEST DESIGNS ! FINEST GOODS l CHEAPEST PRICES ! ! AT W. T. YATES' (FULL IME OF GROCERIES & CROCKERY. eiN HINGSTQN & SONE, SPRING! 0 e SPRING Z Wishes to call your attention to his very large and attractive ':t,:c;: Dry Goods. As our 13 I G DRIVES IN ORDERED CLOTIHING, READY-MADE CLOTIYING, DRESS GOODS, and GENERAL DRY GOODS } A rim, RANGE BOOTS, - SHOES - AND - GfOCERIEse SPRThrG G 1 Are all in, it will be to your advantage, and afford us great show you through each Department as soon as possible, the goods are being picked out very fast.. naR.,}7 sS GOODS BOUGHT AT BANItRUPT PRICES, a:nd will be sold at Lowest Possible Figures, We never hacl such value, style and assortment to show to our customers. TnInT3iiNGs TO MATCH- ALL SHADES. MUSLINS AND LACES in endless variety, at prices that must soon clear thein out. Extra value in Gloves, Hosiery, Corsets, Embroidery, Ribbons and Under wnita 'OURr- Carpets and Lace Oartai . We have a very heavy and well assorted' tock in both depa51-•i,, .° at prices that everyone can reach. DO NOT NEGLECT GLECT SEEING OUR SPRING SUITINGS )o( )o( AND OVEE'OOATI And be convineerl that we, lead in this department. our own tailor, fit guaranteed. Suits mal SEE OUR LAME AND WELL ASSORTED STOCli OF :BOOTS .A..ND S: OE Putin AND FRESH (��1--Rd0 0 .Ez, 1 F'.-, S IN ABEND • .Eloping to have the pleasure of a eall frnm you soon, and ti, . " you for past favor, I Remain, Respectfully, ice. H. audoc,.