The Wingham Times, 1888-03-30, Page 3TEE MS NEWS,
Two hundred and fifty imhiaigrante arriv
ed in Winnipeg last week,.
A contract for a large ahipment.of cotton
to China has been made by the Jingeton
Cotton Company.
A man named Iievitt beet 1i18 wife in
bryal daylight the other day on Peterboro'
market square in the presence of scores of
Mr. William `Shannon, deputypost•muter
at Kingston, was suapbnded on Saturday en
the charge of stealing money from unregie•
tared letters.
Nine thousand acme of lend near New -
dale, Manitoba, have been bought by two
Englishmen, who intend going into farming
operations on au extensive soate,
Mr. Jennings, for the Canadian Pdeoiftc,
,, and Mr. Wragge, for the Grand Trunk, yes-
terday said there would be a conference on
the subject of a central station for Toronto,
and ib was highly probable an agreement
would bo arrived at.
On representations being made yesterday
to Sir Adolphe Caron as to the danger at-
tending rifle practice at the Toronto Garrison
butts, he said that it was the duty of the
Militia Department to take steps to ensure
the safety of the public.
Vice -Consul Sohwob's action in flying the
French flag at half-mast over the consulate
in Montreal, in respect to the memory of the
late Kaiser, has been cordially approved by
his official superior, M. Dubail, French Con-
sul•General, whoehas just returned_to Mont-
real from France.
lord., owing to tire, excessive reduction of
Mr. and, Mr., W. K. Vanderbilt are acid
to have been frightened out of their Bever -
tan castle by ghosts. They had leased the
royal house for several months, but only re-
mained in it two night,. Their rest was
disturbed by peculiar redoes that could not
be accounted for, the lease was given up,
and the disturbed couple returned to PANS.
The Rev, J, G, Owens, pastor of a church
at Cornwall, Wales, wad given by hie -con•
gregation a three months' notice to quit.
The time expired on Saturday evening, but
the pastor barricaded himself it hie pulpit
and held the fort all that night and most of
the following day. For two hours on Sun-
day he preached to hie congregation while
they drowned his words by hymns sung at
the top of their voices. At last the preach-
er marched out of the church, with the hon-
ours of war, under the protection of the po-
It is interesting to learnby a parliamen-
tary paper just issued that the number of
persons speoially protected by the Royal
Irish Constabulary on the 31st January this
year was 9.10, In Ulster, t appears, only 16
persons receive protection from patrols,
while 11 receive special and constant pro.
tection. In Leinster 155 are protected. by
patrols,�and 21 are specially protected. In
(. onnaught 129 receive patrol protection,
and 49 are speoially guarded. Munster has
the heaviest record, no fewer than 371 per-
sons receive patrol protection, and 159
special and constant protection. On the 31st
July last the total numberof protected per-
sons was 1,001,
A tea•meeting in . New Brunswick had
some unusual features. In one corner of
the church an enclosure was prepared, with-
in wlficir- two young ladies were sawing
wood into stove lengths. In another corner
were two men making a patchwork quilt.
All for a single admission. Tickets ten
A Kingston young man, who had gone off
his sleep, asked his druggist for a dose of.
laudanum. The wily man mixedhim a dose
of sugar and water, duly labelling the bottle
"laudanum." The youth took half the
bottleful, and so powerful were the effects
of imagination that he passed into a deep
sleep, from which he was rudely awakened
by a doctor with a stomach pump, who had
been summoned by excited friends to rescue
the rash man from the results of his folly.
The storm in New York has delayed the
interment of some 800 bodies.
A South Carolina widow has been lending
money at forty-seven per cent. interest.
Mr. Cleveland was, four years ago, in the
hands of his friends. He was elooted. Now
he finds himself like many other American
citizens in the hands of his wife.
One good effect of the blizzard. in New
York was that the English sparrows were
killed in great numbers. Unhappily in
Boston they carne out of the storm as lively
as ever.
The public library of San Francisco has
among its books one containing the Lord's
prayer in 814 different dialects. It was com-
piled, by A. Amer, and published in Vienna
in 1844.
The mushrooms of California grow worthy
of that remarkable State. One was recent-
ly cooked at Santa Barbara that measured
eight inches in diameter. It was said to be
New York overdid the building of great
and costly fiats, therefore the Osborne, Sev-
enth avenue and Fifty-seventh street, sold
Tuesday for $200,000 less than it cost, the
selling price being $1,009,252.
A large and well•known firm .of coal mer-
obants in London wore fined the other week
by one of the Metropolitan police magis-
trates on a series of convictions in various
amounts that totalled up to. just two hun-
dred and fifty dollars. The name of the firm
is Messrs. D. Radford & Co., and the
offences consisted of sending out their coal
wagons without properly adjusted machines
for weighing coal on delivery—as the Eng-
lish law requires—and also for having sent
the coal out in sacks containing lees than
the requisite proportion of 224 pounds each,
or the tenth part of a ton, Would it not
be a step in the right direction if some
such law was enacted and enforced over
The Crofters.
The position of the Crofters of the Island
of Lewis, or " The Lews," as it is common-
ly called, is most critical The report of
Sheriff Fraser and Mr. Malcolm MauNeill,
the Commissioners appointed to .visit the
Island and inquire into the real state of af-
•faire, has been published in a Parliamentary
paper. The report shows that while some
destitution and. suffering at present exist,
it is the hopelessness ot the outlook, the
certainty of coming famine, that makes the
case of the wretched Crofters specially de
plorable. The resources of the poor -la
are already strained, and were it not tha
the meagre doles of the relieving officer ar
eked out by private aims many would b
already famishing. But all available re
sources are rapidly becoming exhausted
The potato crop is nearly consumed. Th
cattle and sheep will soon have to be kills
for food. Unless relief on a large scale, b
means of emigration or some other whole
sale scheme, is soon forthcoming, fanhin
and starvation are inevitable. The presen
population of The Lows is estimated at 28,
000. The present crisis seems to be in n
way the fault ot the Crofters, unless th
increase of population beyond.the possibil
ities of support be attributed to them as
fault. The people aro able and willing t
work, but since the successive failures o
the kelp industry and the herring fishery
and the decay of the potato, there seems to
be abs lutely n h' g f th tod H
The gpittna ha cepeo eeuta, Mr/eliere Tor Mum babti,
nervous prostration canoed by the u.o of to ,
wutrelulo se, Mental de r,slon, .oltepr,ii�pr el e
brain, ata, premature el�pt a e, lose of vitality oiue•4
by overexertion Of the bt , and kwe At naWral
atre.gtb from any oehtee whatever. Ifen-»young,
Old Or middle aged --who are broken down from any
of Abe abet a meal, or any cense not mentioned abeve,
'lend your addreae and 10 cants in *tamps for Lnbon's
Treatise in book form, of Pismo of Han, Books
sent scaled and aooure from observation. Address II.
V Lvsos 47 Wellington streetEaet, Termite Qat
Full sleeves from shoulder to elbow, tf
tulle, lace, crepe or gauze, with ribbon
bows, are iu vogue tor evening bodices..
Colt No *ore.
Watson's cough drops are the best In th
world for the throat and chest, for the Weise
unequalled. See that the letters ht, doT.W.
are stamped on each drop.
The first woman doctor in Mexico has
lately been honored. with a complimentary
bull fight for her entertainment.
Ocean Steamship .i'assengers
Via New York should take the Erie rail,
way,, as it is net only the shortest and best
line, but lauds people close to the pion of
the leading steamship companies, In buy-
ing tickets, ask for the Erie.
Black is often the chosen color for tea
gowns,. especially in fancy striped Bilks,
with entire fronts of jetted lane.
People who are subject to bad breath, foul 00'atee,
tongue, or any disorder of the Stomach, on at one
be relieved by using Dr, Carson'. 6tosnach Bittern
the old ane Oiad. remedy. Ask your Druggist.
Mrs. Cleveland takes her pleasant weather
strolls in Washington accompanied by a big
St, Bernard.
AINOALses Hain RsNowsa restores grey and faded
hair to its natural eolor and prevents falling put.
It is said that blacksmiths select a stormy
day in which to perform work that requires
extra heat. -
At $irmingham, Ala., an Italian fruit -
dealer placed $400 in bills in a cigar box and
put she box in a stove while he waited on
some customer. Forgetting the money he
ordered an assistant to build a fire in the
stove, which was done, and the money was
burned to ashes.
A pleasant -looking and smooth-tongued
stranger came to East Baltimore, looked at
the saw mill that was unused and in litigar
tion, had the machinery removed to a junk
shop and sold for $700, invited the draymen
to dine with him, and left without paying
for the dinner or dray.
How many more presidents of companies
and bank cashiers have been fsppeculating
with other people's money, and how many
more bank directors are in imbecile silence
letting" the perfidy go on, the great and pa-
tient God only knows I My opinion is that
we have got neer the bottom. The wind
has been prinked from the great bubble of
American speculation. --Talmage.
What looked like the largest, straightest,
soundest and longestiwalnut log ever floated
down tho Cumberland reached Nashville the
other day. It belonged to a green looking
countryman who gave good reasons why he
must sell it immediately. It was such a
fine log that, despite the owners anxiety to
sell, it fetched almost its apparent . value.
In due course of time it was taken out of the
water and proved to be.a sycamore log, with
walnut bark tacked all over it in the most
artistio manner. The green countryman has
not been seen since.
The profit-sharing systein appears to be
growing in favour in. the United States. A
loading firm of New York clothiers gave a
dinner to their 250 employees the,
and wound up thelproceedings by declaring
a dividend of 3& per Cent. of the firm's pro-
file for distribution among the employes ac-
cording to the wages earned by each. Other
prominent establishments in the country are
working on the same plan, among them
large houses in Philadelphia; Providence,
Cincinnati, St. Louis, Pittsburg and about
a dozen other places. No Daae hal yet been
reported of a firm becoming dissatisfied
with the system and abandoning it.
News has been received indioeting that
Stanley's expedition is safe.
The 'Vatican is said to have abandoned
the idea of appointing a Papal Nuncio to the
United States.
And now what a relic that old iron army
bedstead, on wh ell William slept in life and
ikeposed in death, will be to the Germanpeo•
ple. •,.
14 is reported that Tippoo Tip has tent
a number of men to Stanley's camp at Am,
wimi to take reserve stores and munitibnft
to Wadelai.
The Cork Grand Jury yesterday adopted
a resolution calling the attention of the Goy -,
:ernment to the impending ruin of the land-
O Ot In or ear O. ene0
dejection and apathy have taken hold upon
them. "Strong men are to be seen at home
idly watching the privations endured by
their wives and children." " Grown-up
children,Bwho should long since have opened
a career for themselves, are still inmates
of parents' houses." Notwithstanding their
wretchedness, the people are averse to emi-
gration, alleging that there is land . enough
to afford them support if they wore but
allowed to occupy and cultivate it, and
that their misery hs largely the result of
the population raving been crowded into
little sections while immense areas have
been converted into deer parks and sheep
walks: No doubt the British Parliament
will see the necessity of grappling with the.
difficulty in some effective way. The case
presents another phase of the ever -recurring
agrarian question.
Corruption in HighPlaces.
The facts brought to light during the re•
cent trial of M. ''Wilson, in France, show
but too clearly that corruption in high
places is not confined to monarchies. The
plague spots of the Napoleonic court have
reappeared to' some extent In the Presiden•
tial household, The history of M. Wilson,
as brought to light, is a most disgraceful
one. His earlier life had been stained with
the grossest vice and immorality, to which
me career as the son-iu-law of President
Grevy and a resident in the Presidential
mansion was but so fitting a sequel. His
position gave him an opportuniny of learn-
ing many State secrets,a knowledge he had
the ineffable meanness to turn to his own
advantage. The influence accruing from
his position andrelationship was prostituted
to his moneymaking passion through the
Salo of decorations, and he abused the frank-
ing privilege to an enormous extenf. But
the inflexible sternness with which hie 'pro-
secution was followed up none tho less
augurs well for the future of the French Re-
public. The lesson taught through the
medium of his severe sentence can scarcely
fail to be most salutary. He was adjudged
guilty of fraud, and sentenced to two years'
imprisonment, a heavy fine, and deprivation
of civil rights for five years. The history of
the transaetion is on the whole indieativo of
the growth of the political morality in
France. It is a hopeful sign that the peo-
ple aro no longer indifferent or callous, as
formerly, to intrigues and scandals in Gov
ernment and Court eiroles.
For The Nervous
The Debilitated
The Aged.
Nervous ,
achgNeuralgia, N r
ery ua Prostration Nervous Head.
e vousWSaknesa,
Stomach and Liver Dieeasea, and all
nffectlons of the Kidneys,
GEonos W. BOUTON. STA ono,. Conn., says: •
For two years 1 was a sufferer from nervous de.
bility, and I thank God and the discoverer of the
yaluable remedy that Puani's CEI.I:ur COa4rOUND
cured mo, 7t is a valuable tweedy. Long may 11
live, Let any one write to me for advice."
• SaONZO ABBOTT, Wnlnson{ VT:, lays:
. "1 believe PAINE'S Cuzco Causa4ND saved my
life. My trouble seemed to be an internal humor:
Reforei used iii was cowered with an eruption from
"head to heel.+' The eruption is rapidly bs litos,
and I am five hundred per cent. better every way."
A. C. BEAN, Wnrrn Rlvan JUNcxrohr, VT., says:
For two years past have been a great sufferer
from kidney pad liver troubles. attended with dys.
pepeie and constipation. Before 1 began to take
cRLEBgCoraroui D it eeemed as though eaprything
ailed me. Now I can eay nothing ails me.
Granas ABBOTT, SIOUX CITY, Iowa, Bays:
"Ithaca been using ParNE's Carrsx Cossoom9D
and it has done .me moro good for kidneys and Tanto
back than any other medicine I have ever taken.
Hundreds of testimonials have been received from
persons who have used this remedy with remarkable
benent. Send for circular.
" If yeu live among men," says the cynic
Chamfort, " your heart must either break
or turn to brass."
rival OOFan OuaH Duras In one minute.
John Bunyan, Daniel Defoe and Sir Isaac
Watts all lie iia Bunhill Fields cemetery,
Whenever your Stomach or Bowels get out of or
der,caustng Biliousness. Dyspepsia, or Indigestion,
and their attendant Mile, take at once q dose of Dr.
varson�o Stomach Bitters. Beat family medicine,
All Drnggiste, 50 agate.
Morality is the harmony bet reen act and
circumstance. It is the melody of conduot.
Consumption Surely Cured.
To TIM EDITOR :-Please inform your readers that
I have a positive remedy for the above named die.
ease. By its timely use thoueands of hopeless cases'
have been permanently cured, 1 shalt be glad to
send two bottles of my remedy BRIM to any of your
readers who have consumption if they will send me
their Express and P. 0. aldrees. Respectfully, Da.
T. A. Sr.00uhr, 37 Yonge St., Toronto, Out.
rt, t'.'391
rATENTS prooured, Patent Attorneys, and expert
Est'd 1667. Donald C. ltidont et Co.,Toi onto.
PATENPATENTS Nor Sale-huuetratea dmsor:pave ,at-
TS 1 i7 aiogue free. R, 0hambo:Iin; Toronto
009 AGENTS WANTED over the entire Do•
minion. Address, GEO. D. FERRIS.
87 Church. Street. 'Toronto.
T'0ItA9.L. Sae weekend expense
R paid. Valuable outfit and partioulars
1 @ free. P.O. vicamtY, Augusta, Maine.
MON EY 701GOAN on Farms. Lowest Rotas.
No delay. Correspondence eoheited.
E.IV. D.BUTLER FinancialAgt.,
Eatab7ished 188". 72 Kiu,•.s>t. E.. Toronto.
A 'i came."' Business college, Guelph, Pint.
93 The Faculty has been strengthened, the prem.
ises enlarged, and new appliances added. The Busi-
ness Department affords one of the hest courses ob•
tainable while the Shorthand'Department has
accomplished result unequalled in the history of
shorthand. Ladies admitted to all advantages offered
by the Institution. Students enter at any time. Cir-
culars mailed free. Ai. 11acCORMICK, Principal.
With Satisfaction..
Poison's NERV1LIl x, the new and certain
pain eure, is used with satisfaction in every
instance. There is abundant reason for this,
for it performs all that is olaimed for it,
Nervilhne is a never•failing cure for cramps,.
pains in the side or back, lumbago, sore
throat, chilblains, toothache. Nerviline le,
tn hoot, a sure remedy' for all paint, both in-
ernal and external. Try a 10 Dent sample
lath', Large bottles only. 25 *mite, by all
druggist. and country deplore.
ru�t Specialty -PLUMS in larg
supply. Dealers billed out on
liberal terms nt the HALTON
H H.IiUR0 Sc SON, Proprietors. i RE .
Alan non neer a tewcars Red and Yellow Globe Onion .3
1,B0187 W1
rick Machine
That's taking the lead, new or second hand, apply to
AMEN. DOIG, SI Nesbitt St., Toronto.
Is the only Perfect Emery Knife Sharpener. A bless-
ing to every housekeeper.. Sample by mail, 26 cents.
CLEENT a8 CO., Toronto.
Rios s and ad10otsvher bedding 1].t�aand
Collections will suit every
one. Illustrated Catalogue free.
ING SPRING, 1888.- The proprietors of the
Toronto Nurseries -established 1837 -will bore for
spring planting a large stock of Fruit and Ornamen-
tal Trees, Evergreens, Shrubs, etc., of all kinds and
sizes, which will be sold cheap, as a portion of our
grounds must bo cleared and sold. Send for priced,
deeoriptive catalogue. GEO. LESLIE & SON, 1164
Queen St. E., Toronto.
We want a Ooob coir in your locality to pick up
for us. Cash furnished on satisfactory guaranty.
Address C. S. PAGE, Hyde Park, Vermont, U.S.
Cold in the Head, clay Fever, etc., can positively
bo cared'.. A new inethod. A medicine guar.
and sed to caro. No auto no pay. 1f you have
tried other remedies that failed to cure. you will not
be 'disappointed in this, For full particulars address,
Ili. V. LUBON,,47 Wellington St. E.. Toronto,
Canada. Send 10o. in stamps for bqok, "Treatise
to Disease of Man."
Allan bine Royal Mail Steamships
Price S1.00. Sold by Druggist.
WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietors
Montreal, Que.
Aro having, dining March, a Special Clearing Sale o
New and Second liaud,to make room for new season's
atrlvals. send for greatly reduced S8LCIAL MARCO
Pince Linz.
A11 EIt£i, bore 20 feet
per hour. Also Bock Drills -Hand, Horse, o.
Steam Power. Send for Catalogue.
Laidlaw lllanulacturirag Co.,
Sailing during winter from Portland every 7"hure.
day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and in
summer from Quebec every Saturday to Liverpool,
calling at Londonderry to lend mails and paesengore
for Scotland and Ireland; :also teem Baltimore, via
Halifax and St. John's, N. F , 10 Liverpool fortnightly
during rummer months. The steamers of the Glas-
gow lines Sall during winter to and from, Halifax,
Portland, Boston and Philadelphia; and during emu
mor between Glasgow and Montreal weekly; Glasgow
and Boston weekly, add Glasgow and Philadelphia
For fee'ght, passage, or other intorthitlon apply to
A. Schumacher & Co., Baltimore; S. Cunard & ens
1allfax;'Shea & CO., 3t. John's, et. F,; Wni. Thorp•
don & Co.,t. John, N. 13.; Allan & Co., Chicago;
Love & Aidtn New York, 11- Bourlier, Toronto;
Aligns, Rae & Co., Quebec: Wm. lirookfe, Philadel-
phia; II. A. Allen, Penland, Boston, Montreal.
Nervous Debility.
DR. GRAY'S Speoiflo has been used tor the PAei
fifteen years with great sneoes0, in the treatmeni of
Nervous Debility, and all diseases arising tenni 0X,
Meet, O'er -Worked brain, lose of vitality, ringing is
the sane, palpniitetioh,eto. For bale by ell druggfete.
Price $1 per box, or 6 boxes for $5, or velli be tient by
mail on reoelpt of price, Pamphlet on epplioation.
Second , hand Bicycles
and Tricycles.
Send for List. Nes Catalogue
ready in April.
A_ T. I TBJ,
Des ring to obtain a Business Education, or become
proficient in Shorthand and Typewriting, should at,
tend the
Arcade, Yonge street, Toronto.
For Circulars, etc., address 0. O'DEA. Secretary
Will run Settlers' Trains to all pointe lit
British Columbia and the Paoifo Cosalte
Leafing Toronto, N. f, Nee, Station, Brock Sir "
et 2.4
-Manufacturers of the highest grades of -
420 to 426 King St. West, TORONTO
Manager. Sec, Treas.
and every Tuesday thereafter durirg March an4Aprf1
A colonist sleeper will be attached to these total.
Make early application to agent for what oars and
berths you will require. 33.feet care supplied foe
coloniete movables. No Customs delay or expp�enWeee.
No quarantine, No transfers, For further intorma.
tion see agent, or write
1110 Icing Street West, Toronto.
LIEF. Mal Cure.
Bend your wares.
and ton. in stamp.
for book, "Treatise
on Diaeasee of
Man," Address,
47 wellington St.
Toronto, Ont.
S_T ETE17;50
O J+l T�i"i3 � Q N T, •?;
.RUSE .greatest a e
.L oovary of the ppie'
sent ago for Rapid!
ing the bowels ant
Curing all Blood Lit
er and Kidney Cent
plaint. A perfeel.
Blood Purifier. A ew
in Hamilton
been benifited by ile
use ; 3frs.•M. Heenan
92 Robert St curet
of Erysipelas of 2 yrs,
standing; Rob. Co.•
x1011,'24 south elesal,
daughter oared of
Epileptic fits alter
years sufferingg'' Jos.
nil l3irreI, 66 wainel
Street, cured of
Weakness and Lung Trouble : John Wood 95 Oats.
cart St., oufad of Liver Oomplairit and i3lllieneneei,
used only 3 fittycentbottles - Mie. J. Beal, 6 Augusta
St., troubled for years with Nervous Prostration, twos
smell bottles gave her great relief. Sold at 60o. Is fill.
F. F. DA.LLEY : 00., Proprieinrn.
tee ee
when I say CURE/ do not mean merely to
stop them for a time, and then have them re,
turn again. I IEEAN .A RAD"LCAL GURS.
I have made the disease ot
A life long study. I WARRATee, my remedy to
OURS the worst cases. Because others have
failed is no reason for not now receiving a cure.
Send atonce foratreatise and aFREu Berme
of my INFALT.TBLE REMEDY. Give Express
and Post Office. It costs you nothing Ior Se
trial, and it will cure you. Address
Dr, H. G. ROOT. 37 Yonge Bt,, Toronto, Ont.
ESE AIa made with this
Yeast took fi st pr1Zes at 132
Township and County Fairs in
Ontario in ISS , at such places
as Flcsh,•rton, Markham, Whit.
by, etc. Over ro,000ladies have
sent us letters and postal cards
to say that it is superior to any,
yeast ever used by them. I >
makes the lightest, whitest,„
sweetest and most wholesome
bread, buns, rolls and buck.'
wheatcakes. Directions in sac
package with full instruction..
RENNIE'S Seed Catalogue, containing descrip-
tions and prices of all the best varieties of
now ready and will be mailed free to all who apply
by letter. SR' Send for it.
WM. RENNI0 , - " Toaorrr0, ONTARIO. TAKE NCI
There are many DMITATIORS Of
`g Peerless
3ut none equal it to lubricating properties. Fatatt-
naa, MILtniart, etc., find none equal to the eutann it
Peerless made by
Soldby dealers everywhere.
3o this date, October 31, 1887, there bat bean returned :
to the heire of Polloyholdets (death claims) 110049,240 00
To the hold.ra of matured Endowment Pellotes 20,499 el8
TO Policyholders on surrender of Polieles O0
To Policyholders for Cash ProOts (inoluding those atlocettd and being pale)....... • 484,9676140 02
To holders of Annuity Bonds 1808;668, 84
Loaned to Polley holder. on Security et their Policies 82,264 08
61,366,174 47
Policies in Force over 10,000. Amount over SC5,0 04000.
PRESIDENT -.tort. Stat W. I'. Eowr.Aroo, C,SI. K.C.1st,G.
VXCE-PRES1D11:NTS.--WItt,IAM BLLio'1T, Ess ; EDVWARti Hoorru,, Ee0.
34, K 111ACD NAIAD, MninalitLul Dlreotere„
ittPOSelei Nentorhlttbte atter 2 years and 3ndefeeilble r i f rile,