HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-03-23, Page 7THE WEEK'S NEWS. CAlrA1aIAN, Rev. John Stenche4use, Methodist minis•. ter of Adelaide, village, wee arrested �n Strathroy, on Saturday, on 0 charge of at- tempting to blackmail hotel -keepers. Sarnia Observer .—"There will be a Pro - sincere' and Consumers' Combine Some ,O these days that will shake the sugar barons) and their Colleagues out, of their shoes." Many ci igranta. are preparing to 'leave Eugland for Canada during the next Aix weeks, in order to take advantage of the as• silted passages, which cease on April 27. Governor Blake, of Newfoundland, has been requested by the Dominion Govern- ' meat to arrangefor Rending it deputation to is - Ottawa to discuss the question of thea dm cion :of the colony into the Canadian Lion' federation, A week or two ago Mr. Thomas Boyd, of Longford, County Nlmcoe, broke a tooth, rupturing a small blood vessel in the gum while doing so. Tho tooth was extraetod, but the bleeding continued for ten days, re. duoing Mr. Boyd to a very weak state until the flow was :stopped by the application of a spider web. The stormy weather recently was severest In the Northern. States, nipped with frost 'some districts in Ontario and Quebec, but passed our North-west completely by. They b ' had Mild weather with ram up there. We shall soon see the Canadian North-western going down to Now York to enjoy a good pld-fashioned winter. Sir George Stephen emphatically denies the statement that the Canadian Pacific Railway Company had deoided not to build any of its branches on the new short; line in Nova :Scotia, and states that connection with Nova goods, and New Brunswick will • be completed this summer, ,a year in ad- vance of the contract stipulation. Halifax papers tell of the narrow escape a passenger train had last Saturday night en the Codedufd Mountains, It was thrown from the track, and, as the passengers very soon discovered, within six feet of a preci- pice 200 feet high. The whole train, with the exception of the rear truck of the ten- der, had left the rails, and it was only this circumstance which prevented the ears from leaping into the chasm. The reports are to. the effect that 'within, thirty miles of the Soo, in Canadian terri-: tory, there are vast deposits of iron, copper, lead, silver and gold. This may be true ; also it may not be true; and the latter is the most probable. But whether true or false the report will have its influence in attract- ing people to the locality, and a great rush maybe, confidently expected in the.00urse of another month or six weeks. Our advice is very,simpie--don't go. Stay at •home with your Sue, and if you haven't one, get one at once. The Peel Banner'sdescription shows a very disgraceful state of affairs at lots 14 and 15, Centre road east, Toronto Town- ship. Nearly thirty head of cattle, horses, etc., arestarving to death. Already.,'eight animals have died and the rest are likely soon to follow. The explanation is said, to be that ono Green, tho owner, is in; dif cul. ties. A. bank holds a chattel mortgage and other parties are trying to get the Sheriff into the premises, so that !weedy has con- trol of the place. There is no feed on the farm and thee poor brutes are wandering about in this diatressing state of. starvation.,. A number of farmers in the vicinity, of Hamilton have been swindled by a man, who gave Ms name as Fred Meyers, of Philadelphia. Meyers professed to be buy- ing horses for the. Philadelphia street' rail,. way, and made a number of purchases from various farmers, always giving them a cheque on the Batik of 'Montreal, and suc.' ceeded in a iety cases in getting small loans of $10 or $15, The horses were to bedeliv- ered yesterday, and in came the farmers, but failed to find Mr. Meyers. The cheques were presented at the bank, but, of course, Meyers had no account ,there. It is not known.how many have been swindled. No borset were taken,, however, as it was money the man was after. • " f UNITED STATES. Mr. Henry Bergh, of New York, founder of the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to^Animals, died recently, A Nebraska sheriff who went out to stop a prize fight became so intereeted''that he be $10 On the result of the eenteet`and waved his hat over the finish. Sam Jones told a Chicago reporter the other day that he was still smoking, but had given up chewing, and that Sam $tnall' was still chewing, but had forsworn smok- ing. New York retail merchants find the dogs which are led by chains by fashionable wo- men such a nuisanoe id :their stores that many ;have put up a gilt sign reading :— 'Doge are not admitted ^here unless in arms." Assistant city editor John B. Wright, of The Boston Herald, being a °justice Of•'the peace, married a Jewish couple last Sunday ,.^ before the high altar of his paste-fiot old chair and pepor littered table. He kissed the pretty Jewess. Miss Eunice Honer, of Elkton? Ky., • has just completed a calico quilt,that is eonripos- of 24,080 pieces, and the local newspaper; soli that she is hot only a skilful needle• .woman, but one of the prettiest young ladies in the country. • Millions of jack rabbits migrated from Oregon to Idaho dining 'the recent cold open in the far Northwest. Theycrossed the froaon waters of the Snake River tri hordes, and presented a wonderful apeotacle to the people who saw them. Mr. E. Hendricks, of Applevate,• Ore., mit down a large pine tree and Within'the wood found a small cavity which Was en circled by forty-five rings of yearly growth. In this oaVity was a foreign copper cow bearing the date 1700. Anthony; ?arelow, a Coxsockie, N. Y., ate 42 corn cakes, or y actual measure ,ufent ten feet six inches of corn °akea,eight inoheS wide and one inch think. After that he went home to supper„and in the evening ate •another supper •at donation party. An insane woman etaped .from. a Miohl- gun asylum; and to prevent being captured she climbed a trod. All efforts to perhuado her to deseend failing, the tree was chopped dorpn.'mad eased to the grotthd by the, atten. dente, Its burden was then seized and taken beek to the hospital. An Albany joker has played a trick at the expense of the President, A letter signed "Grover Cleveland," declining a renogainee tlone was published) apparently colnpos..d in the President's well-known style, It Jo I now pronounced a forgery, and the inter•' tione of the Chief Magistrate about a second term Aire etiil a mystery, .. Should the next war hold off for eleven years, this country will he fully fortified—if the Milted States Senate knows itself. Its committee on poliet defences propene to ex. pend �1,0J78' 800.in that way, provided ides thee i enc 0 5 Hous will o ur. $2 , OO,OQO ate to b.Qget rid of next year, The passage of such ,a "billwould insure a rich harvest for a host of contractors, A Chicago man who had erected a fine residence was surprised cone day to learn that,• a rat had been seen in the cellar, The plumber was lent for and given ordain to #toil up the rat•hole without regard to ex- pense. He did so and handed in his bill. polled for' 5. a bad found t,,1 H it . necessary to completely oyerhaul and change: the sewerage and drainage system of the premises to keep that rat out. • A curious relic was found, alongside a hardened copper knife, in a mound at Paris, Mich, It is a black stone three inches long by two, wide, rounded up accurately on both Sides. Placed upon either side and spun in one direction, it runs as nicely and amootbly as an oiled top, but turned the other; way, it ° , stutters " andruns, but'a short time. It ante the same whichever side is down and s something of a mystery. The wealthiest Knight of Pythias lodge in the world is said to be Live Oak Lodge, of Oakland, Cal. Its membership is ever 300 and the aggregate wealth runs high in the millions. Its treasury represents be- tween $2,500,000 and $3,000,000. All furn- iture used in the lodge is covered with mor- occo. One of the aged members recently died, bequeathing the lodge; $300,000, and his widow, who did;notlong sur{,ive: him, willed the lodge $100,000. : ' The ingenuity andenterprise of the Ameri- can reporter are universally conceded, but these qualities never had a more striking illustration than was furnished by the late John J. Flanagan of the Utica Observer. He actually induced Earl, the convicted murderer, to allow himself to be hanged two' hour earlier than the appointed time, in order that the newspaper man might get his report to the office in time for the next issue of his paper 1 After such a feat who can fix limits to the power of the preps?, reamoN. France put,$212,600,000 into the Panama canal before she got discouraged. •Emperor Frederick recently conferred the Order of the Black Eagle upon Empress Victoria. The Maharajah of Cashmere has offered £100,000 besides the services of himself and his troops for the defence of the Empire. • Prince Bismarck has been severely tried by recent events, and he has been ordered by his physicians to abstain as far as possible from business. ' ' Tradition relates, that a clock in the tower of. St. Quentin's church, Mayence, Germany;, which has just been repaired, has ticked on serenely without interruption for 500 years. 'When •a Paris shopkeeper advertises "goods at cost" a Government official in- spects Ms prices and sees that he is carrying out what he advertiess. Any fraud in this respect is vigorously punished. Aistrict visitor.(to child) -lies your father got any employment, my dear ? Child- ;Yes, m'um ; he've got reeler work now. He's paid to • go out cheering whenever old Gladstone or Mr. Sullivan walks abroad, A girl in Manchester, Eogland, telephon- ed to her father's office caking if her dog was there.. Curley was there, and his mis tread asked the man to Bold him, up to the telephone. She whistled and spoke, and told him to come home. Curley pricked up hie, ears, and as;soon•as he was placed onthe floor started for' home. •, r• London has 600 places of amusement, -of which more than 450 are music halls. ; The theatres are about fifty. Direct employmeht is given to about 150,000 people, besides in- direct employment to a host of tradesmen and their workpeople. . The cost of maintaining the imperial fam- ily of Germany, with all its various branch- es, is $20,000,000 a year. The Sultan of. Turkey costs the people $15,000,0410 annu- ally. The most economical court in Europe, considering, its size and the wealth of the Empire, is the Austrian. The movement for disestablishment in Walee ha secured a noblethough unwilling convert fn Lord Aberdare. It is, he says; with deep regret that he has become con- vinced that he can no longer support the eXiotence of" the establishment in Wales. Only the sense of what is just and right—of what is absolutely due to the Welsh people —has led him to the conclusion that com- plete religious equality must be conceded to his fellow -countrymen. • Among the thousands of pilgrims to Rome ,in honor of. the Papal jubilee there was at least one genuine pilgrim of the old type. She is a widow, 57 years old, very poor, and an inhabitant of Lille. She walked on foot the whole distance" between Lille and Rome, and arrived at the threshold of ,the apostles exaotly' two Months after the dayof her, starting. , She Lound board and lodging all along by begging, and ,had '-not a fete curious experiences. The Pope was so touched at her devotion and, persistency that he order- ed a sum of money to be triven her to enable her to return home in a more easy manner. A rich mercbant of Si. Petersburg is a trustee of an orphan house. ' He was :desir ons' of concluding a second marriage and thought he could not find any girl better ed- ueated than a pupil of she asylum under his own care. Many :a walk he made through the roomsof thebu girls, t there was none he took a particular fancy to. So he deter: Mined at last to entrust his future to the goddess, 'of chanee. All the girl pupils of theasylum aged 16 and upward, received invitations to an evening party, each of them had to draw a lot from an urn placed. in the :centre of the room,, one of the papers having the merehant'o name writteh on it. The girl that drew the prize is one of the plainest looking of all the inmates of the amylin°, Neverthekstf, the merchant, amt mediately presented her to her companions as hie intohded wife. The i4tatileet Societies Through their members, have testified ,to the great efTieaoy of Putnain's Painless Corn Ex., tractor. It provokes no line of demarcation, securing alike the good will of the highest and the most humble, and with atriet im. partiality, removing with equal celerity IFS. corns of each. Try Patnatx's Corn Elle ittoter, roe's eLery impound For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged, re, a (IIIP( RES Nervous Prosttlo Nervous Head. ache, N e uralgi a,. Nervous Weakneea Stokch and Liv tion, er Diseases, and all affections of the Kidneys, A/,NERVE TQNIC, GEOnOE W. BOIITON, Owl/roan, CONN„ gays: "For two years I was a sufferer from nervous .1e.. bility, and,I thank God and the discoverer of tie valuablq remedy that P41Nk'8 CELERY•,QOugoorle, cured sae. ft it a valuable remedy. Long may it live Let any One write to me for advice." AN ALTERATIVE. ALONz0 AnnoTr, Wnrnson, VT, saps; I believe PAINE's CELERY (4QMPovr(n toyed m7 ' life, Hy trouble seemed to bean internal humor. Before) used itI was covered with an eruption from head to heel." The eruption is rapidly healing. and I am. Aye hundred per cent, better every way," A, LAXATIyE- A. O. BEAN, warn. Breen JuNorrow. VT., says: For two years pact 1 have been a great sufferer from kidney and liver troubles, attended with flys. pepsic and constipation. Before I began to take CELERY COMPOUND it seemed us thougherorythrrq, ailed ms. Now I can say nothing ails me. A DIURETIC. GEORGE AnsOTT. SIOwz Orrr, Iowa, says: "I have been using PAINE'S CELERY Cot/rows and it has done ,no more goodfor kidneys and lento back than any other medicine L have ever taken. Hundreds of teaimoniafa have been received from persons who have used time romedy with remarkable. . beneat, Send for circular. Pries II .00. Sold by Druggist°. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietors Montreal, Que, �L INSTANT iRE- LIIiE. Final Cure. Send yoor address and 10o. in stamps for book, "Treatise on DTeea0es of Lfan.,". Address, 11. V. LiII10N, . 47 IVellingtoa• St. Et, Toronto, Ont -1 FOR THE Brick 11Rachi ,e That'staking th4'lead, new or second hard, apply to .,LEX. D010, GI Nesion' St.: Toronto: (1 011) 11E0AL NURSER)/ STOCK—PLANT. 1NG SPRING, 1888, --The proprietors of the Toronto Nurseries—established 1837—will hive for spring planting a large stook of Fruit and Ornamen- tal Trees, Evergreens,. Shrubs, oto,, of all kinds and sizes, which will be cold cheap, as a portion of out glounde Must be cleared and' sold. Send for priced; descriptive e.:talogue GEO. LESLIE & SON, 1164 Queen St,E„ Toronto. AGENTS 2 AGENTS f OUR AGENTS Magnificent • Parallel Eibloe Withrow'ePopular " Hiotory of Oanada,"'cough's "Platform Echoes," Dorchester's "Liquor Problem," Sam Pones' "Living Woode,' "The Cottage Physician," MAKE- MONEY Gough's '"`Sunlight and Shadow," "Mother, Home and Heaven," etc. Pope lar Books I Liberal Terms I Write for circulars, terms oto., to WILLIAM BRIGGS, Publisher, Toronto. ClJ1Aldr1ON Am. " proved Safes,. at prices within the reach of all. I eon send you a safe, made in the best manner, withCom• hination Look and well finished' in every re, spent, for $40, on de. livery at your station. Send for circular. S. S. KIMBALL, 677 Craig St., P. O. Box 945, Montreal, P. Q. SAUSAGE CASINGS, EST IMPORTED ENGLISH SHEEPS, also Small Amerioan Hoge Casings. Quality guaranteed In lots to suit pprohasors. Write for prices„ Jar` S. I k & Son. Cps' PATENT T'RANS°FER PAPERS Are the best in the world for doing your own Stamp. lug, All that is required is to place the paper on the material to be stamped and pees a warm iron over the beer of the paper and it leaves a: clear impression. Twelve sample designs sent on receipt of 8 cents. New Catalogue of 230 pages showing 13 styles of initials and over 000 other designs on receipt of 10 cents if you mention this paper. After March let small parcels of merchandise may be mailed from the States to any point in the Dominion at one cent per ounce. Complete Price List of Embroidery and Fancy Work Material free. Address W. H. QUINBY, 11 Euclid avenue, Cleveland, 0., U. S. THE BEST INVESTMENT for the Fancily, the Sclsool, or the Profess • sional or Public Library, is a copy of the latest issue of Webster's Unabridged. Besides litany other valuable featttres,it contains A Dictionary of 118,000 Wprde,0000 Eng avings, A Gazetteer of the World locating and describing 25,000 Places, A Biographical Dictionary of nearly 10,000 Noted Persons, . All •in Ohe Book. 3000 more 'words and hearty 2000 More Iliustra- trona` than any other American' Dictionary. Said by all Booksellers. Pamphlet free. 6. & C. MERRIAM & C0„ Pub"re, Springfield, Blass, `Whaley, Royce & Co, 283 Yonne Street, Vo'r'elgtd. The dheapest Place in Canada for BAND'IRSTRUMENTS, New and Second hand. Agents for "BESSON" and "HIGHAMVf" .Band ,tr Orchestra mum; - Everything in the Music line. Mind for Catalogue. CANCER, gnu,lat, unify wlthont a knif., l,t, a�+ ��o p1L*4ti ss t. Toe for paa"plaMt, W. I, ri�i'1! IrI.R, aaEi.Tmra:.to. lova A4, 'il'N 'ff Vitae Ottawa tho minion, Adores', N�. Ilb, 87 tCirnrcM� ps:ceo , IK311)ar41Au, WORK paOds�soatARd_gu.,WNpeaa* . TQIZONTQ (JOTTING SQlIO0L,—A OLAND CHANCE to acquire a thorough knowledge or garment cutting la all its braneheo, Nowa the time t0 enter. Good cutters In great, demand, big wages. Terms 90 application. 0, Coaaw4N, Toronto, fi1R1E 1,101/11,411, INSPECTION land Hagar Consulting Company of Canada, g gineers and Sollcanna of I'dect,e, 'l`OI4ONTO, G. Q. Ross, Ohio Engineer. A. FILMS, 5eo'yTreaF RUBBER STAMPSIssiC oils, and Burning Brands, &o. bend tor Catalogue. BARBER CO-, 87 Scott St.,. Toronto. sem Specialty .-• PLUMS IR twig supply. DaRiere billed out on liberal terms at the HALTON NURSERIES, Burlington, Ont„ TRESS. It H. HURD & SON, Proprietors, Also can offer a Swore Red ana.YellowGlobeOnions CHiNiQUY'S FIFTY YEARS. In the Church of home --lath edition—cheaper fa price, 832pnges. Agents,Ladies or Gentlemen, to sell thieVlvrnrFASOINATING and TRAGIC book. Liberal terms. Amass, A. G. WATSON, Toso.Nro Wnraaa TRACT DEPOSITORY, TORONTO. CANADIAN BUS! NESS'UNIVERSITY Public Library Building, Toronto, Students from British Columbia, California, Hansa', Illinois, and pits, a numaor of other States and Provinces, now rn attendance," Write for Descriptive Circulars, TILOS, BENGOUGH, CHAS. H. BROOKS, President. Seely & Manager. TO TOWN AND VILLAGE NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS wE have unexcelled facilities for the SALE or EXCHANGE et Newspaper officas. Terme, one per Dent. Satisfaction guaranteed, ilfffWe have now tour good establishments for sale at a bargain, and one publisher wanting a. partner. Auxiliary Publlshin Comp ny, 33, and 35 tela t. W., to, Ont. The "tautly" r'j ten last a life time, end ooste.On y ' by agents. Some territory s dress O pW. le ALLEN &YCO.ree by 8 express) on rem Youge ITCHING t'ILE3. Sseremss—Moisture : intense ltchingande most at night : Worse by eoratohing. If all continue tumors form, which often bleed an ate, becoming very sole. SWAYNE's OnrrM , the itoeing and bleeding, heals ulceration; 'many cased removes the tunfore. It is equa oious in puring all Skin Diseases. ISR. SW. SON Proprietors, Philadelphia. S*Avam'a can roe obtained of druggists, Sentby m cents. Tr will ,Sold THE MARTIN rl MACHINE, with new improvements, is away ahead of any and every Machine in America. manufactured only b H. MARTIN & CO., 90 Mary 80, Hami NEW -8,,SECOND-HA SECQND-HA ILLUSTRATED.''('{, ,� cAT,,gO GUE. � �sa t I � , { FI1= H W`,i''E'TR11,.E BRI�NTF`OF b0PtNA':D DYEING AND. CLEANING R. PARKER & Works and Head. Oakes : 759 TO 763 YONG j 209 Yonge Street, - Qity Offices: {l• .893 Queen St. West, TORONTO. 225 Queen St. East. 100 Colborne Street Brantford, Ont. 4 John StreetNorth Hamilton, Ont. Cooks' Gem BAKING POWDER Why do you nee those Expensive American and Canadian Baking Powders when you can get as good and wholeeome at one halt the pnoe? Prove it by try- ing the Cook's Gem. Manufactured by ELLIS & KEIGHLEY; -_Toronto. PURE ANIMAL 'FEBiTILIZER AND BONE MEAL. W. A. FREEMAN, Sole Agent for the Dominion. of Canada for ROWLIN & CO'S FERTILIZERS. Send for eireulare and price to I{AKINO P0a9EFI:S rlAbE FI iM " Ariio,UrttYP,,riL I,iEAtlTA:T, R NO .ULA Avow E x TRA:T.5 ARE THE SrRON4F, TPUi:EO. ANU r 31 Colonists Trains. A IANPAOIFIOCNAD RAILWAY Will run settlers' Trains to all points in MANITOBA, THE NORTH-WEST, British Columbia and the Pacific Coast, Learing Toronto, N. & N *W. Station, Brock Street. at 0 lam., TUESDAY, FEB'! 28T11, and every Tuesday thereafter during Irtaroh and April A colonist sleeper will be attached to these trains Make early application to agent for what este and berths you will require. 33 -feet cars supplied for eclonista' movables, No customs delay orexpenae. No quarantine, No thunders. For further Worm. tion see agent, or write COLONIZATION AGENT, 110 Ring Street West, Toronto. Allan Line Royal Mail ltea1nell!DR W. A. FREEMAN, , • Dealer in Bulled Supplies, HAMILTON, - - ONT. CONROY'S CARRIAGE TOPS Have all the latest improvements and are unequalled for durability, style and convenience. The leading Carriage Builderss sell them, ASK FOR THEM and 1)UY NO OTIILEB. "Uncle 0 9 W>.11 Give Saiu You a Arm, 480 ACRES FREE, Along a thousand miles of new rail- way. Maps, hooks, showing coun- try's rosoureee and advantages. Lettere from settlers who are thriving bof"ond their expec- tation. send postal card with your address to J. 1I Ilucklna,4Palmer House Blook,Toronto or C. 71.WARREN, Gen'1. Faso. Agt., St.l'aut s, Minn. Nero ou ;CI ► x� � �. Mt. OKAY'S Speelts has been used for the pest fifteen years, with great success, In the treatment of Nervous Debility, and all diseases arising from ex. ceases, over-worked brain, 106s Of vitality, ringing In the bare, palpitation, oto. Por tele by ail drnggieie. Price in per box, or 6 boxes fer $6, or will be bent by mail on receipt of pries. Pamphlet on application, THE GRAY MEDICINE CO.,Toronto,, Sailing during winter from Portland ave••y Thurs. 1 Information cheerfully furnls . o charge. Money advanced to bona fide set- tlers et low rates of interest upon personal property to assist them in starting. THE ALBANY STEAM TRAP CO'S. SPECIAL BUCKET RETURN TRAP. Aid-Tiie Celebrated Man. nook Inspirator. t8TGreeham's Automatic Restarting Injector. £"Morrison's Automatic Sight Feed Lubricator. tee -Engineers' 85 Plumb. ars' Supplies of every description, Send for circulars. JAMES MORRISON• 76 & 77 Adelaide St.W., j TORONTO. JD'NGR'A 10 �k: T I.,.rx: 17i- YOUR 'DEALER FOR SELE'BROS&COS. SEEDS, FOR; SALE'BY ALL LEADING MERCHANTS.' ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE MAILED FREE. Am. RE S5, STEELE BROS Co:&.R T O r:J N-T.e ; O N,:ry„ rTWE groaterl d 1 oovory of the pm' sent age for Regnlat; ing the bowels and Curing all Blood Liv or and Kidney Oem taints. A period food Purifier. A eve n Hamilton whobava leen benifiied by 110 ise ; Mrs. M. Keenan 92 Robert St, ouree t Erysipelas o14 Yre, tandiag; Robt. Ooi. nee, 24 south $troet daughter cured al Epileptic fits slier ears sufferingg, Jen. ole Bing, 66 )vain) Street, cured of Weakness and Lung Ttonble : John Wood 05 Oate. cart St., cured of Liver Comp mint and Bfllfouenere, used only 3 fittycent bottles; M s, J. Beal, 6 Augusto 81„ troubled for years with NervousProetratlon two small bottles gave her great relief, 'Sold et 600. & IL P. P. DALLEY & 00., Proprterorr. BREADMAKER'S YEAST ALW'A"Y'S .AHEAD! a DREAb mase, with tole Yeast took ii et prizes at 188 Township and County baits in Ontario in ISSS , at tush places nsFlesh:•rton, farkharn,Whle. by, tie. ()ver Io,000Tadieshaw, sent us letters and posed at tO any that itis superior to sexy yeast ever used by them. It makes the lightest, wh sweetest and most who! bread, buns, rolls *MI whrattakce. Directions%a ---,-- ' peokmge With lull inMrasei TAKE NO OTHER. Proems CENT