HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-02-17, Page 4• Er • 1 . .a i L the pcpa' ty. , Mr. Jen O %11i 'its, rm of Coderich, `buil keen mtrictil lY luiated flepa#4halitr of Ninni. Ivit. Qrau,ol G tlaiw ► ( t 4Jrleitfai012,, visitett ins friends ill is )uuty lately. Xie left boaforth 22 , ours ago. Rev. Mr. McDonald, of Sestet*, taut to 'Rev. Mr. MalCay. ha ,ehar„ a of*it Indian mission, a wood. lllaultulra, a cheat of medicines oastin • $50. Mr. W. Doherty, of W. Doherty Co. of Clinton is an applicant for a. pat- o;;t dolt'ring a new fllttom.atin Qrgaul at' t.tehment, for prevezitiug the ingress of sl t4 e, Vermin, Gust, tic. Erpositor: -- It is saddening'fa' slink how rapidly the old seaters are bang removed. Within the past year ,.: unusually large number' of far liar loves have beer tuktlii'iiway. Within ;l< past month five of these have been . ti zee to their long,home, viz .•; Mr,1 McConnell of Tuckersmith,, Mr, Ross :: ..+tulilev, Mr. Taylor of aullett,'Mr,1 .i! uwler of Elarpurhey, Mr. Rioltard Thompson of Mehillop,,and Mr. Wm. RtuUeo.li, ofTuckerernith, whp passed,' away on the 2tiel concession of Tucker- on ucke - on batiirtlay last at the age of 97:iyPara. IN TTIE IrAIIIQUS EINES 01;'` ¶ II,B DIETES. Y 1> t ssrna,.-in Culross, on the 7th ,,net., the wife of .11r. Andrew tir„A,iister ; a daughter. i tea,oN.+n-At',i'eeewata', no the lath Inst„ the fe of 31t. 'H. C. McEibkon, merchant; a t u titer, 2 t.'.annox.—In Culross, Oh the 7th inst., the wife i Bir, W. Richardson;; a epil • 4n.ti iw.--In Culross, on the 7th inst., the wired' Mr. 1 , Geddes ; a so,„ r d' artI ri .--At Teeswater, en the 10th inst., he wife of fir, John Sommerville ; a son. Th. Mortis. on the 31st nit., the Wife of, 11 r,' R.. >vC30'4'� u dao 0lttor....- ) .i'wro01—At iiluevale, on the 8tlilhot., the wife of .,r. J. Thompson, teacher; A son. If twos—At BBluevale; on they 7thult., the wife Of `4 . T. Billion, aheosemakef ; ,A son • z,.:. iox a—At Blyth, on the lith inst., the wife of A1r..t.rthur. Steinhoff ;: a daughter. ZIAILZIND. cTaeoanr-1tc!uv..— At 'thy Methodist parsonage; i ork9tl, on the :3rdult., by Rev. lir, Jamey L. McTaggart, of Tuokeramith;, to sites Lmn.r Ruby; otE.seter. '• ,'^;;t::aut $1tta'it.--1n Morris, on the lot inst., Mr, Benjamin' Stewart, of lll0nitpba, to Miss Martha.. Smith. of the Oth line of s9Merrtfl. • ' Brussels,' oh the Atli inst.,by the: hey, Mr. Ctuff, Mr. Wm. McLeod, of Cypress ?Jiver, Manitoba, ' to Miss liarinah, Kelly Jot Brussels. • • • ,• v vi : D1n0.1—AtSeaforth, on the 8th inst., by, the Rev. Father Shea, Air, Win. Jones, 6f Buffalo, ti Y , forrnctly of Seaforth,'to Miss Mary Moran, of JI Statarth. arrr—VAN NonuAv—At Winghom, on the.15th Iota., by the Ret. D.'.C. enowrli, at the Metho• east Parsonage Mr. John' SV. Hopper, of Morris, to Miss Bella Van Norinan, of the BOOR Place, 1.:,11-•litc).so.—At Niagara FaSg, on. thel5th fest., 1:v the Ros. J. 11.Iiazletivaod, Mr !Albert Lloyd, ' r,t Wirt hath, to Miss Louie Dickson, daughter of 54r. 1Cm7Dickson.' DIED on .the th inst., Itoderiek Mc. l uy, native o i and, ltosshire, aged '74 nears. lIz aaaan.—In 1 oafiok, on the 7th ir,at , Thee. Herd. )non aged 79:yeariland 10 )nonths.n.. e ' "Drowso:r.—At Blyth, on the l0 inst., J'olliiJ.h�yO,mas. +n) of V. rn. And Elizabeth Thmnpson, " sed 2 curs and 10 menthe, ` art o•,rAN.-- At Math, on the 14th inst., Mary,'' 1n t of the late !!ober,, Mctiowan, aged eV paste ;and 5 months. • • MANI The Mritie1 Gritti Trade.. i,cnc?nn,Feb 13th.=Tlie condltioh improves, but , i.j:rs,:ontmuoto decline, Flour' is dull. F'orelgn w:teAt is depressed. "The imports increase .weekly ..nd. the ,toe rs are heavier than ever known. At d ivcrpooI prices have algdlihed 14 per canthi: Live Stools Markets. ,Tonto, Feby.15-Tib hulk of offerings are of in:• .tri :rituality. Choice stock sell rapidly,•but ship. ?it.ra or,' in. tale dotnand at 41 to 4jd per lb. Bnite ,.:,: tooted at 3c to 4a, and mitch cows at V5 to S45 aiwad, acoozdirut to 4tiality, 11.1'nttrai, Fob. 13th -.-A large supply of hutoherd, cat le. Trade brisk. Best ;beeves, sold et tie to die. a b t . pretty good no to 4i o, ; coalman 3c. to Se. i)nr+t,_g she past weer there were shipped from here To tiro Cnit,e.1 States 130 horses, oosttol' 513,760, r' a alga 6f 3105 each "s iNGF.IAM MARRE'T,S Wiiagham, Feb, 176,,1888. 'C'our per ctwt ..... $, 2 25 to 250 Vilma per bbl.::....... 4 50 tb 450 1'311 Iv heat per bus 18 td''',. SO' Spring.................. 78 t3 `80 Oats Pens.2'tltkltt}t4g ........ r :..... 50 to ,. 50 flutter pHrlh. .•.... 0.4 16 ''+,,tins per doz.. .. i5' t(1 - 15 ,,,'Fenn poi cocci.,.,... 1 25 to l 50' A,.pples par bag.:...: 50. to 60 Hay /Jar tuff t,.r.::... 7 00 to 8.00 Dressed kro8e 6 50 to 6 75 UL11l'3 O 1` 3:47;A1:tE S. 89 to. 44 00 to 71 r0 68 to 60 (Hittite;. $ebruary lath,, 1888. Fall Wheat..... 076 to 0 8/ Spring Wheat. ....•0 78 to 0 .82 . trtrley.......,s... • •.••0 60 to 0 76 •«. ..... 0, d0p to.0, 4,0 Peii,8.. •r.a.rt 0 0068to 0 6��0h Apples,(filar r.....r.»•.••.rr 1 t 1 50, yPotatoes ♦ .',,.... • • t.,.., 0 60 to 0 66a LYLitt� ....•ry.w..... 9.•r ,:• 0 16 to 0 18. 1;4010,..rt.r••••••.6.r444* 0 /},(6tae�0 X11.8' liay ear ! r • • .... • ®'f .00 Oil 00 wool....r..r.r.•w.ww..... 0 24 to 0 as Pork ............ »........•. 0 a to 6 75 ' 1 ,111.; .•,Terortlik. V` h. ?pet 1688. R}afia •.. ... r. N: U .f 0 8 ...�.-... ?mkt 81 is ..... •.. • 6.* 6 0, 74 to 0 82 «,.r.s, rovFfi,ra w t 'W 45 t4r'0 4 X60 t'o '0 07 ,tFdi rrw rt . 1. 7 +n' tO i 'I'f Fine Bosnia Prunes, Golden rates arenob. Sardines, Caned Meats and Fish, Maple 5yrup, Buck Virheat lou, Finest ,rands or Can.n,ed. Tomatoes, Corn. and Peas,. Allen's Mince MeatsEtc, Etc. i Ito., GO TO 96ER, 9011' porn.411::-..1;a,1111 s. FOR BARGAINS.:"' adze axed elat§' Dressing Oases, PLUSH ,ArV:n LEATHER ALBUMS, ODOR /r .f..ti`1 N• ,B:Y S'_ ,Self Acting Window Shades 75c. FOIE BING'LEtyANf $3.:5O TO: $2150 FOR DOUBLE, LE-S1:HAN REGULAR PRIDE%2, 9, Line of Superb Articles Suitable' for Presents. Lill I it T. 1,''i' hencef01 on T 1E FEBRUARY, therefore give 8peeial Next Week in Gents' ' Silver, an: Solid. fold Oi WIOOkt r, frau ,'J:'us, BES Assearsui n't, =WIT. Gents' Silvexr,,1oliea Plat: Gold Chains, G harm s 80E 1 AGENT 7;'Qk'w 001. E-08, 1tQf1'GED AND AUit0i do On 0 t ape )area net b1 afire' net CAP at CUTTERSI CUTTERS! —WE DESIRE TO CALL 3.11E AT ENTION O'r' FAL 1MS • bF SPLENDiD.1-1611.11E-MADE CUTT' ERS of the Best); ARGANS Wood 0, LI1Illbor T4ten • RD9N flavelust received their fixst shipment of Spring Goods, The balance qf their Lars Springprdero will arrive, weekly. Many. linei have heOr". - . , . • n secured 4 less than' manufacturers' prices.. -We will therefore be. 411 a Sikrinh C position glgive Special 'Values. We therefore ilvite the most careful bu b allarS. OT" 01If OINI1 inspection 4 our Stock by all intending purehaserkt, feell.-.4 confident that the roUlt will be profiOble to the buyer and ptlifactory to us. •,-.7--XANUFACTLingA OD DEALER IN: 4111.. ST327.X You w our DRESSA)EPARTMENT very interesting, boanti- ful goo velonsly p—and the Very newest things in the market nurtn*: -.4 eades to watch. Gents Furnishing Department, as usual, is stocked with the best spa it.kosb fashionable goods . the trade, we invite Special Attention to our . NEW SPRINO SUIT. PANTINGS arid OVEIICOATIN GS. In Scotch and Canadian Tweeds wo show tho largest assortment and best value. 'Suits made up by our own. tailors, guaranteed in -eV ery particular. (31 - TEA. TEA. A lal.ge, arrival of Choice. Fresh Tess is now, offered to our patrons at 130 -OTS. AND .sHOES.. A largo, stock, best make and low prices, Come right. to- the IlroWn Axtehot! 444 ‘1,i'e guarantee Satitifactio!t, DON & MoINTY.101 Make, a Sp Priees.to suit.ttie Financial Stringency in the times. daily, QF ES. STOVES, TINWARE, DAIRY SUPPLIES, Itc. have en hand a tiftVge quatitity of the best bre,nds of titt roo,nufttetorod Ole. world ! ties 6r purchising their eatinet be etirtiassett by any iltnl in the, trale Canada, I ate determined to soli my gencle at the lolvest possible roarer, aua not be uurlersela by any. MY STAFF OF ViToRxmoT ARE A 1. All work worm/tea first-elessnos it, is entirely done under my own immediate and completed, Stoves in all varieties, cheaper then ever. , surl Victoria, strects,,l3arkley ,and McCriturnores old stand. dal& Tthti efte,and yea will carry home the aorwietion.that what I say is &street. , Motto is StrliklIERLAIST