HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-02-17, Page 3ICS h, 1828. ye work= and tare bust- qunt out of the talc - noted oetablishmentt uxniture dealer. Theo. he firm aro about to ss sea, Messrs. Thos. Trevett, finish- ed a busiuess ro- il Button, of Tees. e manufacture of 4 bed room sets as Wright has been evett 12 years and the fullest oon- er, but have won of Wingham gen- lose them we hope d;slhrewdness, silo: hriviug and profit - new home, Tees - Trade. Meeting. s to�.iihall,was crowit- esday evening with in- ns and yeomanry when d able address on Unre• pro -city was given by Dr. ae of Wingham. Mr. Far. row, ex= made a half-hearted and ral,lii':..reply. Messrs. T. Strael4tex-re '•.,ef Grey and a son .i of . i.AMillan, 14; : ..,also spoke. tSIr Mplilan was unable t'd'--.he pros - cut on ,couut of illness. A•shin. nary r he addresses. will be given next w , Mr. U. McFadden, presi- dent of.ie'" Farmers' Institute, pre- sided wi geniality and ability. tTi striated Reciprocity. Listowel. The Grt>tl Central hotel is now ran by fir,. A. 1ktoIutosh, formerly of the Royal, 1Vir. J. Northgravee of Dray- ton, rayton, is in charge of the Royal, • East Wawanosll<, Mire Mary Henry returned from Guelph where she has been on a visit. —Mr. Joseph Dunbar, jr., who has been to Garafraxa on a pleasure trip, returned this week.— Miss Mary J. Richardson, of Walton, spent a few days at Mr. W. Scott's host week.— While Mr. 13. Coultas was engaged in rolling saw loge in the mill yard the other day, the hook which be was us- ing slipped, striking him in the face and inflicting an ugly, though not dangerous wound.—The No. 13, Lit- erary Society met on Friday evening, 3rd inst., and the following officers. were elected for the ensuing month: Robt. Henry, president ; Richard Wightman, vice- president ; Tbont,as Henry, secretary; Mat. l arrison, assistant -secretary ; Lizzie Harrison, treasurer and Basil Coultes, door- keeper. A large number of outsiders were present acid an excellent pro- gramme gone through. Conflznting on the Lucknows meet- "•intg:iirftor of Unrestricted Recipro- city Wel-lobe says: • Some ?rsons who advocate Commercial 'Union bre not yet come to the clear uu- derstandg of Dr. Macdonald, of Wing - ham, tit one of the effects of last year's duletissic has beeu to affix a distinct mean- ing to thter m " Unrestricted Reciprocity" as disominated from the term "Com - ,,A meroiai 'pion. " Supporters of the latter are Renally taken to favor r'roe Trade 'With tbeiiiited States alone, and to long for it so inch that they would accept com- plete atiexatiln to get it. Supporters of ed Reciprocity are not cousid- .. erect" enmeroial Union on any terms" men, batmen who favor free exchange of SI 'Canadian: and A.mgrioan products ou ter the that willuot require Canada to -increase her tarn at the dictation of Washington. Of coutn there is no good reason why " Comm,rcial Union " should have oome to signify say scheme for placing the Domin- ion into r, position of political dependence far morenucomfortable and powerless than would tame of Annexation. Dalt the Min, fsteriali' .have been clever enough to se - curs the gdneral acceptance of their defini- tion of commercial Union," and nothing is to be gained by disputing its propriety. lndeerl,,one may acknowledge that there . wits need for the term setting the few un - Mitigated Commercial Unionists, or "Com- meroial-Unionists •at any pride," apart from the great majority who .simply desire to remove all restrictions upon exchange between Canada and the United States of their respective products. The Luekuow 'farmers saw *ow •easily a •resolution in • fe;yor•of „Cotnineroial Union" 'night be •.misrepresented. by malignants, 'and judi- ciously supported theUnrestdoted lteoipro- °. city about which there•can be no .Mistake. It may be presumed that the other farm- er0' meetings Will' follow their wise ex- ample, i On Saturday night a large company repaired to the reatdenou of Jr. Bennie of this place, and presented him with a purse of money, as a smelt token for his services as precentor of the Presby - torten church, After refreshments, Mr. Mosgrove was chosen chairman, and the evening was spent in speeches, songs, etc, After singing "God save the Queen," the party dispersed. Mr. Rennie is going to reside iu Lnekuow, Belmore. The following is a report of the ex- amination held in the Bolmore public school for the month of January; ' Fifth class:—John Hartley, 69 ;'P. Weishar, 67 ; Wm. Hartley. 66 ; Adds Tesky, .65 ; Geo. Wells, 55; Annie Gallagher, 89. Fourth class:—C. F. Mel Tardy, 76 ; Laura Mulvey, 71 ; Emma Mulvey, 66 ; Jas. Flemming 54 ; Maggie Wil- son, 5.4'; Wm. A. Hall, 37.' Senior third:— Frank 'Perkins, 80; Bertha Mulvey, 74; Minnie Jeffrey, 66 ; Minnie Fry, 54; E, =Harriston; 52 ; Laura McKee, 44 ; A, Jelfray; 42; M. Fleming, 86 ; Geo. Straith, 36 . Junior. third,—A. Wynn, 100 ; J Hall,100; E. Kay, 100'; A, Irwin, 100 ; E. Irwin, 100 ; Jas. Robston, 90 ; A. Wilson, 68. Second class.—E. Robston, 100 ; M. Abraham, 100 ; M. Terriff, 100 ; M.' Hall, 100 ; E. Mulvey, 96 ; E. Jof- fray, 94 ; J. '1'eskey, 92 ; A. Terriff, 86; E. Synett, 84; D. Kingsley, 76. Part second.—F. Brennan, 98 ; M. Wynn, 98 ; E. Perkins, 94 ; J. Kings. 94 ; A. Stewart, 9 ;j J. Fry, 90 ; A. McKee, 88 ; C ri.ttick, 88. Gorrie. The North Huron L. O. L, met in Gerrie on Tuesday last and elected officers as follows: J. H. Young, Co. Master ; W. H, Clegg, Co. Dep. 'Mae. ter; Adam Spence, Co. Chaplain ; Win. Laidlaw, Co. Bee. Sea. ; Dr. Holmes, Co. Fin, Seo. ; Wm. Magill, Co. Tress era; John Peacock, Co. Lecturer Wm, Sturdy, Co, D. of 0, Brusselu, Goeble sold his trotting mare, Maud Jones, to Mr. Hay, of Listowel. The monthly horse fair was held on Thursday last the attendance being very large. There were ten or twelve buyers present from different parts of Ontario and Buffalo. The horses were principally of till) heavy draught and general purpose class. About forty changed hands, and the prices averag- ed front $100 to $200 each. Farmers v ereiircllnel to k more than buyers were disposed ST. HELENS. Arr. and Mrs. 'Thomas Todd celebrated the 25th anniversary of their marriage last week receiving many valuable pre- sents from their friends, who spent a very social evening with:them. Teeswater. A gru.ncl condert under the auspices of the O. O. F. is to be held here on Monday evening the 27th of Feby. Miss. Ella Dryers, the faruous elocu- tionist and 11Ir. J. A. Gallagher the -noted singer are to take part. Mr. R Elliott, .ld:. 0, R., of the Wiugihahn Tinges is also to be present. k t Morris. • The taxes in Morris aro all collected, the gross amount being $11448.91. The Maple Leaf I?'arinere Chula die• cussed a'whiolh is. the more profitable, mixed fanning or dairying? the form. ertsuatained by Jae. ,Whnrrie, Jno. Barr, Allan Spier, C. U, Harris, and R. Black and dairying by Jos. Scott Peter men, where they spent the night in Barr, l:l.. Ilurkho.der, Jus, «Tilltitisuu 'the exercise of the light fantasti;a tae, and (nas. Bozell. Cleo. Brewer moo-, until " the wee sura• hours," when they . pied 'tile chair and gave' his deoision,departed for their hownc's, 'some six in favor ofdairying. " Manure, weeds miles distant, in the ,psi of humor, l' fruit" 'will be discussed at • the altl►c u;_h the enerewy..vas far 13-10,3, meting. £crU. Newbridge. • cIND firing Goods. �r Just Opened Out at M, H. 11allismoo'sf, a very large and Attractive Stock of Staple and rancy Dry Goods1 Bluevale. Mr: George Jenkins is 'declining in health. A clever, active and promis- ing young . matt, he and his family, have the fullest sympathy of the n .igb- berhood. . His numerous friends will hear with unfeined regret of the very unsatisfac- tory state of Rev. 4. Y. Hartley's health. In consequence he has decid- ed to take a trip to Florida and left this week. It is the earnest desire of his frosts of friends that he tnayreturn at an early date fully recuperated. Every Department is Full of the• Latest Novelties, the Newest Styles and the Finest Qualities. The adjourned annual meeting was held'on Wednesday last. It was de- cided to sell no shares after the lst of May except at a premium of $5, they being $15 at present. The milk haul- ing was let a fraction lower than last .year.' The wood is to be supplied at $1.14 a cord and slabs at G0 cts. a cord. •Mr: Win. Messer was -re-appointed salesman and treasurer at. the former m-SPECI.A.IJ 1 A.T'TEITr tIO " TO OUR • Quito a 'number are engaged in salary. drawing grain to Harristou and wood Mr. John Borman has rentedhis to Fordwieh. Barley and .peas are farm on the boundary to his son', the chief grains.—The roads at pres- Harry, and intends to retpove to ent • ave very good and farmers are Wingham to reside in'future. Mr. J. taking advantage of them to do their and Mrs. Bosman -are going to old teaming.—Mr. Bolton is taking out England in the 'spring for the benefit some splendid cedar posts find also of their health. Mr. °hes. Momslsy woad from the swamp. on biz, Be .-and family have removed from here witherick's farm.=•Tlho woods reafie.:•. 1 to Bel„ rave. Old Mr. Piper went with the music of the axes mingled' -with them. —Robert Paterson and with tike voices of the choppers..—Mr. Sohn Johnston, of Neepawa,Manitoba, is dome on a visit. lie combined business with pleasure as he intends buying horses for neighbors in Mani- toba'. Although not. acquainted with him before:he went•away -from here, we can say he is looking decidely well. He intends returning to Neepawa hu March. As he has been there about nine years he has had ample time, to form an opinion of the country, and he seems to be well pleased with it.— A Literary Society has been organized in S. S.. No. 9, Hawick, by the young people. The , first regular meeting was held en Thursday evening in the school house. As a good programme had been arranged for the time was in a very pleasant and instructive man- ner, and the young people feel well satisfied with this their first attempt at anything of the kind. wife, from Dumfries, werenua. visit -to their f:rieuds here last week—Mr. Becaek and Wife, of Toronto, are spelicling their honey, moon Here and in Turuberry.— Mrs., Beeack is •a daugliter of the late Jatiins Johnston, of Turnberry. he Board Of .Heald met here last outlay, it beihig. ons- posed of Messrs. Elliott, Haugh, Lath - mit ani .Douglas. What have they ever done yet to earn their money t —Mr. James Elliott whom you men- tioned last week as being east looking for Holstein cattle, arrived home last Tuesday ith three head, a cow, a heifer and a young bull: He got lire cow suit the heifer from Mr. Rollert, of Cassel, Ont., and the' }ronng bull from A. 0. Hallman, New .Dundee. The cow is ,five years old and over 1,500 pounds and was imported from Holland by Lord & Sons, Nets, Fork. The heifer is -18 months- old and wa'ig,lhs 1,076 pounds and in calf. The bull is 9} months old and weighs 776 pounds and is off as good stook as there is in Ontario. The bice of her Mr. Hallman refused $850 for last fall at the London show 'whey; he Ooul:'first prize. He is 2 years old and weighs over 1,850 pounds. About the milking qualities I might say : the At a quilting bee at` Kris. Fittan's, cow Mr. E,liott .has. bot was calved en Monday last, seven., young ladies 4 months when the factory started comhneneed and linishod'a quilt, 8x10, with one More Cow and a 2 year old in six hours, 'Who cath beat this ? heifer. Me. Bollen received $212 The 'following day at the same place more than double those with common four married ladies quilted one of the eons, They had the grass until it dahne size but took a little longer time. dried up and. then of course they had On Weclriesday evening lest, -Eh to he fed otherwise. House. of Mrs. Pox was taken posses. sion of by over forty ladies and gentles-,- •HeiL Dl;: Wilson, late minister of Public Works, and 0. 1:. 1lamiltoih, the late Attorney -General, will resign their seats in the Local Legislature and remove from Winnipeg to St Paul, Tcry prospects aro ratherst'u •in Man- * itoba jnsrtuw.' P KESS GOODS& TSE A." DEPARTMENTS. As we never had such value to offer,, we *ill be pleased to show you. through before goods are picked. out, 1VI. It McINDOO, Beaver Block, White Witch. 0 Miss J. Fox is going to Washington, 'Oxford ' County, to visit her sister, Mrs. Cloak. --air. Thoophelus Finan is colleating .the northern townships this week. • Wingham': ',2(0),„&6666446665 �® �I COY 4 4 4 --HAVE JUST EMQ X EL R's oLi� ook out for their new advertise • nt next week. ring G A. W. WPk3STER's.' . kw Scotch Tweeds., New Canadian Teedk New Worsted Coatings and Panting1 Which will be Nada up in First Sty'.o, cv'th Su; cs.- r 'Cri•n•ui.1A and a`, Motlerite 1/1'.0 3, 0 , R I tI FEOT a"' 'GIV1:4. B74.M. ' TIME. c