The Wingham Times, 1888-02-17, Page 1NEWS. Na s,. 1 shipped a oarlead of pog last week. usaols on the Wiugham last by a picot° of 42 to e had an enjoyable dalto- tho'resideuce of Mr. H. venisg. Mitchell lute but, onii o never lighted'. Poor s. • ua of D7'ortlt 11liddlesex, his bill to grant the women. , gins introduced a 1)111 tet ret poi of ;the Municipal -Act , municipalities to bonus ,trpooli correspondent to the Jespal oi.p..McReuzle, of Wiunham,. bus his Tang -dor pressing'iay at. work iii the vis sty. a - Huron ei,,:15 pupils ,to the, .'Deaf and Dumb Ittiftute at DeNville last. year. York cos 4•,ient 21, the highest on the' list. Th iisituty sent 4.to the ,f3lind 1n .:: -stirrers atitraritford. Old gen'ei einto boy, on twelfth birth. Bay, ea 1 li ''''..Yon will improve iu wisdom, haetvledg a virtue." Roy politely re- turning t ,;compliment, totally uncon- soioas of easm. The earns to. you sir. •11[embet T1t11e Young 11Ten'a.Eigergoucy .belief 0 niittee have been 'displaying more the, •unusual .activity of late in assisting' oete'' whom it is their special function ieuefit. Last .l+'lt.1 y ei m•itch between the pro- fessionals, ed nonprofessionals, is to be,: repeated Cs, Friday, the 17th filet, Au9tber • barrel of Ocien: for the poor is to be the re- sult of the contest we believe. Tildes stand most novel plea for rata. ing funds. is through a drill pro - under i... •..b $ R tom ant ` of.ladl ii sut d 'i . Y li Y under tlte'sfZggestive title of the "Broote. Drigode."''really .his is too utterly, fnteu.. sely, awful.: • .•'At a game on Tuesday tete players were: .Jahn Tnglisi skip, John Coad,, W. Scott, H. W.'C. M'eyer. Opposed by John Neel. ands, aid p, Sextus Sent, `David Sutherland and Johnitiusley, The score was •22 to, p4 {a'favor owe former., A sleighin party drove out to Mr. W. - Sohnsten's,i earBolgrave,onMonday; even-. 'n One • i O o ' the incidents c gharaaterietio, of •thelioipel. trip was an, old. fashioned sleigh° upset !which had a deeidedlyobillirig, and: depressi4igoffeet an the spirits of some of the °eenpl nts. . hir..Georg Eyvel,a,shorthand reporter well known to this locality was • attaoked by•a ruffian : nd badly disabled in ',Vorouto. In Sea -sequence of his injuries !belay on the streets, :sotne tiere, had his• hands frozen and iii likely to • lose at . least' the little finger on eachhi}nd: 'Wife—What . is meant,John, by the phrase:carry ng coals to •Newcastle 7 Hint-, band -ft is metaphor, my dear; s1tbwing the doing of eomething•that is nnneeesaary.. Wife—I doii't . exactly, understand. Give rhe an illttstaatfou, a familiar ono. Hos. barid•--Well,'if X was to:bring you home'a book entitles}, " How to talk, that would ' l a carrying kale; to Newcastle." • Bot a fair :attendance greeted Uncle ens Cabin ein.Teesday evening. The litsieoir (.. Morgan ' Combination is h, strong and eflieient •ouef The parts were all we11 end naturally taken but ,the .representa- tionsof Uncle Toru ..and Eva were 'torcep- tioitally xvsit rendered being replete with the most pleading pathos and, impressive• hese. The efekt;reporter pays this deserved •complirrient: 11!r. .:Robs ifiolmes,of 1 the °Beton .? s Era bas 'a seat in the press. gallery., , Iter. Holmes conducts one of •the infest weeklies,in Western Ontario. • The I,ibekale tit-Xurouowe a great deal. to the aplendfd advocacy of their cacao and the prosperity the Hein ,Fra enjoys is good ,evidenoe that his work is appreciated. In one of the departments.of then Clinton 'niblie school last week, a;girl was threat. 'sod punishment by the teacher: A boy the same room offered hfmsalf es a k)stitute for the girl, and received the liipi g ihtonde l for her. aid Went off ea it was through, Nbt every assent to or earl out the 119)1 puuialitnOteh WIN GHA M, ONT., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1888. Dr. ]♦iacdonald will address a Commercial Union Meeting at Blount Forest on Friday evening. Rev, S. E. Aloy, of Owen Sound, will preach in the Baptist church next Buizday morning auo evening. A.12 year old son of Mr. Rommel Van: stone, living out a couple of; miles, had his leg,brokeu at school ou' 1 iesday. amea Morrison, an employee in the 'Lowey Winglram flouring mills, had two of his fingers badly smashed on Wednesday. ' The Parkhill Gazeisc, a neat, newsy and well printed local paper is edited and con- ducted by Air. Green, a brother to Mrs. G. Green, of this town, , Dr. MoBeuzie has already got. in fees ti5p,O00 for treating the Crown Prince's throat. Lots of men could have done it more .cheaply and with at least as great sucooss. Hon. S. H. Blake, ex.Mayor Howland, S. J, MoLaren, of Tofouto, and Etev. Messrs, Eeefer and Macy are to take part in the campaign in Halton against the. repeal of terse, Scptt Act. The Toronto school board are moving in the direction of making the sobool hours 'shorter.These who have done theirwork thoroughly are to be relieved. at half past three, according, to the new plan. PaRsoNAr;,--I I . John Oliver, of Palmer- ston, spent rL day in town last week on besinese. A shrewd4 houorab'le and puslx. Ing business man leo is well and favorably Itnewn in the west,—Tina To ms 'had •pc pleasant aaU on Monday last from art est • teemed old school irate, Air.Wm. Bother- ! ford, of the Brio of Rutherford, Bros., hardware iuerohants, of Wroxxter. Clever aud energetic young thele, wQ are pleased to hear ,ef the 'suooesS of rio. deserving a firm. "Miss Lyda Youhill liar. been visit. tug for a..couple of weeks with friends at Blyth. -Miss McQuarrie is again °Dnval ascent; Mrs. Alexander Ross visited friends in Bluevale en Monday last. -Mr. Samuel Fleuty left. for Toronto on Tuesday mora. ing with a , view to inlproying himself finauoially and artistically in the typo- graphical art.—hiss Helen Hanna, of Wawanosh, was visiting here Wingham friends on Saturday,- Tonsorialartist, pysiognomical hair dresser, facial operator, cranium manipulatorand oapilliary ab: ridger, Mr. It. :Palmer has decided to• `dispense with all the above appellations. and go into the livery 'business with' his brother lik.Guelpli. Se has purchased the ;stable of Mr. J. Phillips in • the Boys' oity.Dr. Tanlyn, of this town, attended the nodal meeting of the Ancient Order of United Workmen at Hamilton this week Miss ,Annie Cargill, of Min; neapolis,i home on a; visi r s h t to he parents, at' Wingham.— Mr. X', HolIoray left on Tuesday for• Cinoinnatti, Heia try leis fortunes iii the laud of the free,, ---The Clinton 'rewa. Record of last week. says : Miss Ella Cornyn, of Wi igham, is the guest of Mr. J°; S. Andrews. AS OTHERS SEE 'US. Vila' Tittles Fiavorably Noticed- br E changes, It fs surmised the. interference; with'the ,fire alarm on Saturday night was not the: work of a reckless youth but:the preme: ditated and deliberate scheme et some scoundrelly inclined grown up individual Pity'that such could not be detected. young lad about 12 years of age, named Bob 8iaepberd for some time: in C. E. William's employ, hadhjsface and eyes badly injured by firing a bottle of, gun powder en Tuesday. One eye.:is gone and there is uncertainty about the use of She other. Asad case: indeed. At a liusiness meeting of 'We Methodist church ou the inst., c 14 b t fns ., a resolution was unaniniously passed thatr:an:Jinvitation be extended to Rev. J. Scott, AL .4.., of Walk:' erton, to' become pastor of the church at Wingham' at the expiration of,liev. D. C. kteDowell's term in.June nest,., A'cartridge, from a .22 calibre revolver is now in the posapssion of Dr. Towler. The same was extracted. from the'rear plirtion of the oranium of a young man named W. Hawkins, living out a couple of miles from Wingharn, The accidental .shooter was B. Tipped. The cartridge. artridge: entered the head at the temple and glanced backward. A narrow espape, surely. Some sixty members of the St. Paul's, ohut'chi by request of the pastor, .Rev. J. . Moorhouse, met at the parsonage on Thursday evening last and spent the even - in cheerfully and profitably in converse. tion, sinriug' and 'forming new: as ;well' ns • renewingold aegnaintaneea. Mr. Moodiause is a social, : generous hearted and popular pastor. A. hovel thing its. the. way' of 'entertain, went was given by the;ladies of the Metho: dist church; Bloor'etreet, Toronto. It was called the National Dinner. The tables were spread representing England, Ire: laved, Scotland, United States and Canada; and waiting upon these were ladies cm. tinned nn the dress of their respective nationalities. Dishes native to the several countries were provided,' 1)r, Macdonald leaves on Monday for Ottawa to attend lusparliamentary duties. His practice will bo attended, to in his ab: Renee by Dr. McKenzie Who is well known in Wingbam. and vicinity.' Although a yotnng man, he has had .a brilliantcollege, career, a subsequent .coarse in New York. Medical .sclero] and practised suoeess3fully: for several yeare since. With Dr. Mac: detnald's practice in the hands of so reliable and ekillul a praetioneer he can rest easy and leis patrons may have the fullest con- fidence in his substitute. A meeting of the L. and S. C. was held last Thursday evening in the foresters' hall, when Ave new members were added to the roll. 'Papers were read on &meriean History by Aliases Macdonald, Harrington, Thompson and Mr. ltXoTavislr. A reading was given by Dr. Molfenzie, from Wash: fngton Trying, on '%Vestminister Abbey. Diseussion.followed, thepresident emitter: acing the principal features of the portion of hfstoryroad, by the memllers. Thus a Very pleasant and profitable evening weal aped. The next meeting of the eirele wile be held next Monday avenitrg at MO in the ore eters" %rti1i. M>4•. Turngr'a 4iainign. To JAB. A. Oraaii, Chairman Fire& Water CommIttoe: in answer to your onquiry regtud• lug the wheel house and, pureps, 1 can Say that. I leave Made it a praatiee to visit the wheel 'louse every day except' Sundays for the last two years and asa practical rua:r lean grey positively that the pinups have never beeti out of order .loader than Was neeessaxy to l:e. new the leathers, except at the, time of breakage for which Chief Petty - piece was not resporisib1e. In renew- iug the loathers one Bump has always been' •kept, in working order, so that the protection was'notentirely cut off~ at any time. I think so long as the pumps are';kept in as good order as they have been for the past two years the people of the town Piave nothing to fear frau that satirce: Ian's Truly, , A. X. TURNER.. •BLYTH STANDARD,, - The Wingham TIMES was fasted under a new management last week, and a marked improvement was noticeable in the paper, Gorrie Vidette. The Wingham Times, though not a bad paper under its former management, leas improved considerably under ilie'iinandje= went of Mr. Munro. SEAFOrtTH EXPOSITOR. l' Mr. Robert Elliott, formerly of the Lis- towel Penner, has purchased the Wing. ham Times. lie is a practical newspaper man of long experience and should make a .good paper. TORONTO GLOBE. Mr, R. Elliott, of Listowel, has be- come proprietor and Mr. D. C. Munro, editor and Manager of the Wingham Times. They have begun well and may he expected to make The Times one of the best week. lies of a county noted for the excellence of its loyal journals. wINGHAM ADVAnCE. The Wingham Times has again changed, hands, the new proprietor being ' Mr.El-` iost, formery of the Listowel Banner. Mr. Munro, a gentleman from Waterloo, is Managing the office, and although he isnot a praotical printer he appears to under, stand how to i' run the machine." BRUSSELs BUDGET. We were rather astouished the otlier day to .find an old acquaintance rnanagibg the Wingham TIMES, in the person of Mr. D. C. Munro, of the Waterloo. Chronicle and formerly principal of the Palmerston pub- lic school. • The improvement in the Times is enc wonder to no now, and the Reformers will do well if 'they retain Mr. Munro's services. sTRATFoRD BEAcoN. Mr. Robert Elliott,. formerly of the Listowel Banner, has purchased the Wingham TIMES, and the first number issued tinder his auspices is a neatly print- ed and well arranged newspaper. This is only what night be expected corning from the, hands of a tasty compositor like Mr. Elliott, whose editor is Mr. D. C. Munro, former valued member of the Beacon staff. CLINTON NEw ERA. The Wingham Times has 'been purchased by Mr. R. Elliott, formerly of the Listowel Banner. As he is also High Chief ranger of the Canadian Order of Foresters he will look after the interests of tate order for 6 months, The Times being under the mail. agement of Mr: Munro, of Waterloo, Mr.' Elliott has a good chane to show the kind of stuff he is made of, as there is a splendid field for P. Liberal parer iu Wing - ham. A iater reference : Tinder its new ivanagement the Wingham TIMER is col*. ing right to the front as a local paper; and gives premitee of being a spiey sheet. There is room for such up north, but it Moans tlowgri$ht hard vter4 to get there, Right's Reply to the Advance. To the Editor of Tun Toils: Paan Sia, -1 am sorry to trouble you again on this subject, btit as the Adocc CCC asked me Once mOre to give him slime facts that he Might to have had in the first place, it would 'neve been more in tceeping with his position as conductor of a public journal to have posted the people with facts, in- stead of a lot 1st:. wurthlpss 'trash and nonsense. Poor fellow, be has gist himself into a muddle and I don't like pouring water upon a' drowning mousse. No, far frons it. So •1 will give, lritri the information lie is seek- ing. The new Fire. Company wits or- ganized on October 1st, 1885, for 12 mouths td the yea?, so the, year ends lin Sept. 80th of ' each year: Mr. Chine's terns of office expired on Sept. 30th, 18,87; but by request of the council lie took charge nail -Mr. Pot- typieee Was .appointed• for the balance of the year, that will mid • September 30tli;.18$8. Now, Sir, these tire -facts. Just put that into your' pipe and szirol.^t>,.t. nwhile. By so doiug you may be alife—reowpress it so t you may • get it into ort' lin • edge box. As 'to the nutrilier, o men em- ployed' by the town, in the first place y'ou' have: it 15, and then you have it TQ:` Neither of these statements , is correct. The' number employed ,by the town •is 11 at $20 each' psi' year. I4.e asked mo is it proper 'Unit mem- bers o the coiitpany s'nore'd' use the coats about town, 1 say it is p>'oper far 1 niare'nd doubt that they are' looking after the affairs of the water works when they are wearing them. He says others aro c'u'eing their' legend away' from home altogether. That is not correct nor 'would any sensible parson expect a nian to stay ab Home all day for 5 cents per day, nor do the rules require us to do so. The water in reserve for fire protection is 10 feet. Aiiy school boy ` could have told his that. 1 will now cut'off'. not niy nose but. the subject of the Fire Company. Yours, tough and Ready; 'FRED. W It-onT. TEE FIRE COMPANY IN GOOD SRAM. Mt. 'cline ttonorti Officially. As eliairrnan of the Fire and Water Cornmiote 1 have been directed by the conned to make a thorough .examin- ation into the present' oouditioti o#' our Water Works and Fire Department. This has been x'enderednecessary on at. count of a number of statements have appeared err the town papers can• iodated to lead the 'public to believe that our fire protection was in plorable condition, 'which after ii bloat careful investigations, 1 tri in a posi- tion to #ear'n contradict, A number Of the assertions contained;in'oorrespond• enee and edito'ials are utterly false and some others very misleading. For instance:, Citizen. in his letter to the ' Tz l>;s,' states that out of 1,500 feet of hose bought, there is not 800 feet fit for use. He either knows nothing whatever of the facts 'or else be is wilfully stating what he kuotvlz to be false, as 1 'kava measured and found 130Q feet of hose hi good otderon the retie.. Again in reference to the pumps and alarm lie says they .are seldom in good working order. Now,, they in a position to state positive1 WHOLE NO. 835 and prove my assertion, that the piilnps never have been Dirt of work., In; order except in accidental break: ogee which have always been prompt. ty attended to, and there las never ,been an alarm <given but the water supply was ready. The alarms are at present in perfect oder and the :thief assures'mQ that they Have had no repairs for: several months, not. withstanding C'itizen's " assertion to the contrary, Below will befound fte':. pertinent statement from Mr. 'A. Turner, a disinterested and unpreju. diced party, and ono who has long been familiar with the Workings and condition of the wheel house and pumps., His utterances ought ;to carry ' more weight than the unsub- stantiated statements of irresponitible atiduinn eless correspondents and editors. who publish, and eulogize the,same without trying to ascertain .whether they have foundationin foot. No doubt minor defects have existed' and in all probability will continuo to exist, as they doin the management of: any public concern or institution, butso'' far as 1 can ,learn anytbizig, of `:tl is hind hi connection with our' Fire De- partment has been of a trivial char- acter aid not in 'any way likely to seriously affect its workings. As I in- tend laying before the council at its next meeting a detailed statement of the whdle matter it is unnecessary' here to deal specifically with all the false statement's which leave' been pub into circulation. Suffice it to say that 1 ani satisfied that our ire ,pt.:otection to -day is iu every respect satisfaetory and secoud to none in the province. ' Yours, &e., J. -A. Cline, - Curliana. One of the keenest contented bonspiels of the season C nae off iu Wi'n ly,, = nr ing rink on Friday last witj, unexpected even b horns: the RINE 1. PROPEssroNArs. aRE$k11e12&13. 0. L,. Williams, 'Ieadr- J: Cead, J. Neelauds, J.,Dinsley, skip. Score 16, a result very notorious Green, Rains, leaf Sutherlaufi, - Freid`Angltes, W, Armour, s]t ip. Score 1:8. miss .2. pnor•Essro tAis. GnERvnonvs. John Teghs,itstel., John Hanna, L Andrew Mitchell, Geo. MoKenxfe, Robb. Paulin. James Duffield, Sextus Kent; skip,' Geo, Moltao, skip, Stine 15, Score 22;. The encu professionalsthns won the gal ,e by 9 shots. The Wingll'.am Bonspiel. PYTT17-SE FIRST. When wad ha thocht en. Friday. morn. aha tient an' ,b nslov blek their horn That thcir brew lads wad lose the !afire' An' pay the' forfeit wi' a barrel, r But sae ft was as papers say, The Groonhorns wan In boneplel tray> FYTTF.' YE SECOND.. Noo' skips sang out, " Quit you like niter, 'r' Game tae the heels, an' dinnaheu ; An' weal I wat, the din as' roar, Prae man an' stone was in i afore, Egg•sholls war' brok on, wen aimed shntei. "Conte soup her up" an' sic what nets, i dinna (loot, this war on ice, k ar boat the war 0' Vora and mica lint whan anted Sol bathed in Lake Huron# The victory. Greenhorns were sure ole, rrr1.$ YR 'THIRD. An' Woo on Friday '0' this Duk', An •mair then meet in battle shock ; May hap woill hear o' 'broken stones, 0' stunted cowos, ea' t;rOken banes, ti' honspiei kid!, an' bonapiol won ;; Then atese,0ttl3nn'thesttn, Greenitoraittan Tonles, nham ions. a' win agaroseeat sued loud( guffaw, Yon sitoad •nitbuy a stablelantorin until . "you' see tfie self lighter for style by Jas. A. . Ch115 C $ Be aura' aii