HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-02-10, Page 5-"-,eseisis;sat=4;sateareere---eeme
kRIDAY, FEBRUARY 10th, 18e8,
Rea°lution of Condolence.
The following resolution of condo).
once has been sent to the widow of
the lately deceased John Snell:
Mrs. John Snell:
We, the members of Court Mait-
land, No, 25, Canadian Orden of For.
feel with deep regret the death
or our beloved brother,• John Snell.
Nire feel that we would be remiss in
OUT duty if wo dId not express our
heartfelt sympathy' with you in the
foss of a kind husband and aneindulg-
dret parent. We areaware that, your
loss is great and you deep and heart-
felt anguish too keen to be alleviated
by anything we can say, But we feel
it to he our duty as members of Court
Maitland, of which he was a cousistent
member eince its inception, to tender
you our earnest . sympathy in your
great sorrow, and our prayers are that
the Lord, who death all thing well, may
cbmfort and bless you and your dear
Rev. Dr. Cochrane''. conducted the
Anniversary Services in the Willis St.
Presbyterian Church on Sunday week.
The proceeds of the collections, the' soi-
ree and social amounted to $248.
A frame blacksmith and waggon
shop, owned by Robinson & White,
was totally destroyed by fire on Tues-
. day night, also a frame stable owned
by A. F, Lustig. The shop was insur-
ed in the Mercantile for $500. There
Was no insurance on the contents or
the stable ; loss about $1,000.
Mr, Gavin Wilson, is desirions to
rent his farm, here. We dont want
to Ie him but it seems that he
wishes to handle the glebe no more.,
No more does he wish the grain to
house. Being of a mechanical turn of
mind no doubt •he thinks he . shod&
eilgage'in 'something of that kind.
— .
,Mrs. J. Arinstrong and hor musical
,elass"gave a concert on Tuesday even-
inW,Week, Mr. D. D. Yule presiding.
The village is likely to have tele,
phone advantages in the near future.
A grand leap year party was held
at the residence of Mr. Sidney Irwin
on Tuesday evening, January 24th, at
which the ladies presided, The pro.
gramme consisted of dancing, in which
the lathes took a very active part,
giving their friends of the male per-
suasion no rest until 12 o'clook, when
an intermission of half an hour was
taken for refreshments. After having
partaken of the good things of this
life, dancing was reshmed, and kept
up for a few hours longer; what all
departed, more than pleased with•the
night's enjoyment. Music was fur-
nished by the Aitchon Bros.' string
band. We hope the ladies will favo
us with anotlfer soon. Its being leap
year the pariot's appeal is opportune ;
"Leap till the last armed male expires ;
Leap for your husbands and your sires ;
Leap for a chance to build the fires,
Fair ones throughout the laud!"
• Grey.
Thos. McGregor, of Grey, has se•
cured a patent for his saw set and
gauge combined.
An eightlyear old daughter of Jelin
D. McNeil, 'concession 14. had thr
fingers smashed in a cutting box' last
week. ., •
Robert, soh of Mr. Wm. Woodrew,
of the 2nd con., got his leg broken
while playing' foot ball at S. S.:'
10, Grey, the other day.
The Morris & Grey Cheese Factory
last' year received 1,232,660 lbs. of
milk ; cheese made 309,754 lbs. ; lbs.
of milk to one lb. of cheese, 11.23 ;
average price per lb. for season, 10-62c.
The Molesworth Cheese & Butter
Company had last year 251,229 lbs. of
cheese, realizing $25,109,23. The
number of pounds of milk to make one
pound of cheese was 10.68 pounds.
The average price per pound of cheese
was 10.65 cents.
Whigyis.the.greener, a city man in
''''Vrei6ittttry Or aecountry man in the.
city? This'is the subject the Lucknow
Literary Society discussed at its ladt'
Notwithstanding the complaint of
dull and herd times theefirm of Wal-
ker k Humphrey ,- carriage makers,
hive had au excellent winter trade.,
They have'disposed of 2i rigs, sleighs
and cutters, not Navin;' one left on
hand. Good workmanship and square
dealing always win.
E ast Wawanosh.
Mr. Geo. Tyner, who • has been
for over two years, is recovering.
Mr, R: Coultes has returned from
Toronto where he has been attending
MA. and Mrs Morton have gone to
Cass Gity,Michigan, to see their daugh-
ter, who is dangerously ill.
The last meeting of the LAterary
Society of S. S. No. 3 was',held on
Friday evening 27th ult. The subject
for debate was.: Resolved that "Ititer"
is more destructive than " Fire."' The
ruIt was in favor of the affirmAive.
The Dearnist farm, south of the vill-
age, has been sold for 154,450 to Mess -
0. Turner, from Brampton.
The annual statement of Secretary-
Treasturet Graham, of the Bluevale
Presbyterian ehurehr:' for the year
1867 shows; the tote receipts to be
$722.96, and the expendieure $713,37,
leaving a balance on hid of $9,59,
Mrs. G. Bretz isnot improving any.
Mr. George Tyner is able to sit up
now although not out of danger. ,
Mr. Dan Hope, of Ayr, spent a few
days with his uncle, Thomas Ander-
son, of Morris.
Mr.1Wm. J. Proctor is in declining
health, that dread disease consumption.
aRparent4 doing its work.
es' The C. 0. Foresters purposeerect-
ing a fine large hall this summer
which is badly needed. here for public
.meetings and'entertainmetitS.
Mr E Dawson of Kincardine started
alodge of the Indepen4nt Order of
Good Ternrilars here. 'They meet in
Taylor's Hall every other Friday even-
ing. Therecis a good membership al-
ready and it still keeps increasing.
On Fridaenight last several young
people from Wingham and Morris as-
sembled at the'fiele residence of Mr.
John Bone, 8 con:'EastWawanosh and
amused themselves till near morning,
all wishing to meet agaie and to have
sueli.an enjoyable time.
Wen. Watson, John Hopper and W.
G. Nicholson appealed before J. P.'s
Robt: Armstrong, Jas. McCallum and
David Scott on the 'evening of the 24
th alt. on a charge of assniting Robert
Durition and tracing a pocket book
from, hine. Mr. Dickinson of Wing -
ham appeared for the prisoners. The
prisoners were committed for trial;
A diepute arose as to who should write
out the bonds,
Thomas Tipling !spent Sinaday
in London.
A large party of young people spent
Wednesday evening pleasently at the
ence of Mr. James Hunt.
Miss Ada Porter, the Misses Mitch-
ell, and others, spent a pleasent even-
ing at Mr. P. Soothe, late of the llth
Turnberry, but now of Culross.
r. James Henderson spent Tuesday
and 'Wednesday looking at the thor•
oughbred stook of several dealers with
the view of purehasing. This is a step
in t e right direction.
Mr. J. Crouch, of Cincinnati, was
at Tipling Bros. on Tuesday last to
purchase thoroughbred stock.- Mr.
Crouch is one of the most extensive
stock dealers in the United States.
Tipling Eros. of the boundary lino
have sold one of tneir famous import-
ed stallion (King of quality) for e yei:y
.'handsome figure to Mr. J. Creitch of
Cincinnati Ohio. He was shipped on
Saturday last. Stock raisers in this
section will be sorry to loose so fine
an animal as he a very superior stock
lie day last week Jas. Leaver and
Geo. McCurdy of E. Wawanosh cut
split and piled 4 florae of maple wood
in the space of 4a. hours on the farm of
Jas. Perdue 11 th con. E. Wawanosh,
and can do it again without any trouble.
Come again, "me bhoys".
Mr. Geo, Steen had a wood bee on
Tuesday last and in the evening the
young people " tripped the light fan-
tastic toe " until a late hour. The
ea.= evening there was a surprise
)?arty at Mr. H. Whitemanis, Nothing
like opposition.
,tk,tempekance lodge has been orga-
nised at Westfield with the following
list Of officers: 11. Brichannan, C. T.;
Mary Hoover, V. T.; H. McLinton,
See.; 3,, E. Ellis, F. 5 ; Mrs. M. Bu-
ohaiman, 'Treas. ; A, Rosertson, Oone
R. Henry, Marshall ; Martha Hoo-
ver, G.; A. Auld, Setit. ; B. laylor,
P.'C. ; Mrs. E. MoDonell, A. S. ,
1i. Carr, 1), M, ; IL -Hoover, R Fl. S.;
Lizzie Comitty, L. H. S. ; A. Robert.
Around the Coufity.
Mr., John Jackson, of Millet, died
on Friday week in his 66th year.
Mrs. Wm.Vanstorte, of Howick died
lagesareek in her 68th year.
Brussels beat Listowel in tho first
draw for the district medal, by 9 shots.
An Amberstburg doctor was fined
$2 and. costs for not reporting a diph-
theria ease.
Mrs.: J. C. Detler,of Clinton, organ-
ized an maxillary of the Woin 'n's Miss-
ion Society at Seaforth.
The American Ponaological Society
hae elected Mr. Alei. MoD. Allan, of
Goderich, as chairman of their fruit
Mr. IeD, Smith, of Gerrie, has sold
out his business there and gone into
partnership with his nephew, Mr. W.
FL Smith, Mount Forest, in the un.
dertaking and furniture business.
Seers the Eieetee Time : Wo were
shown an old. relic by Mr. Danl. Davis,
ni the shape 'of a knitting stick nearly
two hundred Van old. Tt was pre.
sented the late Mrs, Wm, Sanders, in
the year 1786,Thy ono Betsy Baily.
Mrs. Sanders some 50 years ago pre.
seated to the late Mrs. R. Davis.
Balance of Proceedings.
Applications and petitions were dis-
posed of as follows: A proposition from
the council of Elgin county in favor
of a fee on high school pupils was as-
sented to. A petition asking for the
granting of pedlar's licenses free of
charge to Wm. Stewart, of Brussels,
and James Johnston, of Wingham,
was granted. South Huron Farmers'
Institute was granted $25. Dr. Mc-
Lean, of Goderich, D. R. Menzies, of
Clinton, and S. J: McCaughey, of
Seaforth, were appointed High School
trustees for . their respective muniCi-
panties. $300 were given -to be
equally' divided- .between the branch
ketitatural and horticultural societies.
Mrs: piolton, -matron of the ,jail, was
ge.aritest en increase of $50 in salary,
Making it $200 per annum. The
cOlinty printing was given the Signal,
it being the lowest.tender. The salary
of the County Road Commissioner was
increased $100, making it $700 per
annum, and that of the High Consta-
ble reduced $50 per annum. 'Messrs.
Halls, of Goderich, and. Turnbull, of
Cliiiton, were appointed on the County
Board of Examiners. The warden
appointed Richard Radcliffe, of Gode-
rich, as the other county auditor.
Moved by 'Er. Rollins, seconded by
Mr. Bisset, that a memorial be pre-
sented to the Ontario Legislature,
•askine that 'legislation be provided
whereby the -liability of any' county or
city in which the Canada TeMperance
Act is in force, fee two-tbircle- ot the
estimated ependiture of the' boards
of License Comthissioners, • Shall be
done away With ; or else to provide
legislation whereby the details of such
expenditure by such boards of CJom-
roissioners be regularly submitted to
the council, of any such county or city
for audit, epproval or criticism. -01d:
.The village of Manchester was granted
permission to build a sidewalk on the
road leading to the iron bridge, under
proper restrictions. The usual grant
of $25 to the West Riding' Farmers'
Institute was granted.
Tho road and. bridge eommittee,
recommended that the following. ten.
dens be accepted for the bridgee nein ea':
Jas. Naegal, masonry work of Wing -
ham and Exeter bridges, $9 per cubic
yard ; Foster & Kincaid, building
bridge at Belgrave, $150 ; John Mc -
°loner', gulley bridge in 'Goderich
township, $119 ; Hunter Bros., Kin-
cardine, iron bridge at Exeter, $1865 ;
W. H. Law, Peterboro, iron bridge at
Wingham, $3330, security to be
required froni the contractors in all
The jail and court house committee
found nineteen prisoners confined du
the jail -13 males and 6 females. Of
the males, one is insane, one for viola -
Lion of the Scott Act, ono for being
drunk and disorderly, one for arson,
one for forgery, and 8 are vagrants.
Of the females, 4 are insane, 'Mitt 2
• se
t '
• -
.4 . 7-11AVE JUST-- •
• 4 •
—I 0—
.4opiTz's OLD
0› -
Look out for their new advertise-
ment next week.
--A frk---1-
Ne w Scotch Teeds New Canadian Tweeds,
New Worsted Coatings and Pantings,
WhierPtViii be made up in First class style, with Superior Triin 111111.c*,
and at Moderate Prices.