HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-02-10, Page 3MISCELLANEOUS iTEUS. The Local Gpvernment bill which will be introduced at the beginning .of the Bowdon, is Raid to be very democratic in its character and will be heartily supported by every member of the Government, inoluding Mr. Gosohen, In the opinion of the commerical journals there aro too many persons in business. Every branch appears to have been occupied and still the number of merchants is on the increase. There can be little doubt that we have reached the " aftor•the.boom" period, during whish everybody ehoulcl move with °anthill until business ie restored to a Round condition. In hie speech in Congress in support of his Commerical Annexation resolutions, Mr. Benjamin Butterworth clearly showed that he is aiming at abutting off our trade with great Britain. He said : " England is not anxious to see " the ports of the United States opened to Canada for trade while they are closed against her, at least to the extent of a tariff which is suggestive of prohibition." Just as there are professional dinners ou in Paris, who at a moment's notice take the place of a guest unable through illness to at- tend a dinner party, there are alae profes- sional seconds for duels. These men may never have fought a duel in their lives, but they contrive to get themselves so puffed for their services that many of the public end by believing them to be past roasters in the art of handling swords and pistols on fields of honour. . The 150 police whowent to evict David Foley, of Ballykerogue, on the estate of Col, Tottenham, County Wexford, took a fire engine with them. After the end of .the house had been battered in, the defenders drove bank the police with garden syringes filled with hot water. The hose from the fire engine was then turned on, and a stream of cold, water sent into the building for an hour, at the end of which time the drenched and shivering defenders surrendered. In an article in the last issue of this journal was a remark on the possibility of Ontario declaring her indepeudenoe and lot- ting up as a distinct and separate republic. That remark has led to considerable com- ment, some of those oomments not being flattering to this journal. We don't mind uncomplimentary comments. We are quite used to them. Those who don't like this journal need not suvseribe, and those who do susoribe we expect to pay up. Them's our sentiments.—Bobcaygeon independent. The Bard was asked to compose a little poemupon his childhood, and this is whathe produced :—" How dear to my heart is the school I attended, and how 1 remember so distant and dim, that red-headed Bill and the pin that I bended, and carefully put on the bench under him. And how I recall the surprise of the master, when Bill gave a yell and sprang up from the pin, so high that his bullet head smashed up the plaster above, and the scholars all set up a din. That active boy, Billy ; that high -leaping Billy ; that loud -shouting Billy, that sat on a pin." • We would like to know what Senator Call, of Florida, who has introduced a bill to prohibit foreigners "from patching fish within three marine leagues (miles?) of the coast or within any of the bays or headlands of the United States," would allow to Can- ada in the way of rights. If he agrees with some ofhis most loud -voiced country- men, Canada may not prevent United States fishermen from fishing anywhere they choose on our Atlantic coast, while Canadians are prevented from fiebing in the open sea 100 miles from the United States Pacific coast. Is it to be a question whether Canadians have even a right to live ou this continent To -day thirty-four missionary societies are at work in Africa, and all its 200,000,- 000 souls are practicolly within the reach of Christian 'missions ; thirty-three societies have begun work in China, and all its 350,- 000,000 souls may be visited with the mes- sage of the Gospel ; more than fifty societies have entered India, and the light is dawn- ing upon its 250,000,000; Turkey and Per- sia and Japan are filling with mission churches and mission schools; practically, the whole world is open, and the grandest day of opportunity for the kingdom of God that the earth has ever seen has fully dawn- ed.—Ex. The World's Fair of this year will be held in Spain. Preparations have been in pro- gress for two yearn; and the exhibition will be opened at Barcelona in April next. Tho city has a population of 350,000, is itself a large consumer, and is at the same time the principal market for the rest of the country. Oddly enough Japan has so far entered more goods ' for the exhibition than any other nation. Perhaps the nations of Europe and America are becoming tired of World's Fairs. Nevertheless, a bill has been introduced in the United States Con- gress providing for the holding of one at Washington in 1892, to commemorate the discovery of America. Mayor Hewitt, of New York, is of the opinion that the city should be the owner of all the lines of local transit in it, and that it should build such roads as may hereafter be required. According to this plan the city would own the underground, surface and elevated railroads, and let oltt there opera- tion to the private corporations bidding highest for the privileges at public auction. The wisdom of such a plan will be apparent to most Terontonians. Mayor Hewitt also thinks that the franchises of all local transit lines should contain a reversionary clause providing that the city should own the roads after a certain tilno. Such franchises aro too valuable to bo given away for nothing. Mr. Mercier, in his secretiveness and du- plioity, seems to be very like Mr. Mowat• His colleague, Mr. McShane, in an inter. view with a Star reporter, said : "Mr- Mercier's voyage to Franco has been deoid- ed for tome tithe, but it was thought that it would be better to keen it secret. Mr. Mercier will bo absent a couple of months. His mission is to ate that the provinee will be represented at the exhibition of 1889." Till the moment of his sailing, Mr. Metoier's organs and his friends gave the lie to all who said that he was going to Europe, and insisted that he was so ill as to be compell- ed to go to the Southern States for the bone-, fit Of hie health. Not till he was on the ocean was it oofgfessed that his errand was tet oonimit tlio province to assist in glorify- ing the memory of the murderers and tithe• fits of the old ,l'i ranch Revolution. No wonder he dared not °Oedesa the truth till he was out of reaoh, The treatment rooeived by the Salvation Army in Quebec has attracted'muoh atten, tion in England, General Booth, speaking of it, soya ;—"The war in French. Canada has bad to be prosoouted against fearful odds, an attack having been made on one oc. caelon upon the officers o; the Army, whigh resulted in serious injury to several of the number. Moreover, in many different parts of Fronoh Canada the barracks of the Arany have been wilfully burned down. In Qaebee the outdoor marches had to be abandoned because of the extremely fieroe ppposition manifeated towards the Salva• tiqufste," TheArmy has ales been attacked in England, its birthplace. In Germanyi t is opposed by the Government and is not allowed to hold meetings after midday, In Italy itsgatherings are disturbed and its membora stabbed. In India it is the anb- jeet of the hostile comments of Christian missionaries. But in Utah it is afforded every facility, except financial help, by the /Omens. This little incident may perhaps illustrate the Chinese state of mud. The Chinese minister lately accredited to a European court was taking leave of a very eminent Eaglishman, and, pitying him that his wife had: gone to England for the education of their children, said : "You must be very lonely. But, of course, you have a number two." "I tried to explain to hien," said the Englishman, "that that was quite out of the question. My wife would be in a great rage if I took a seoond wife, and my government would punish me severely." The Chinese diplomatist was astonished, but after a pause he said ; " You Europeans have so much more intercourse with China now that we may hope you will soon become sufficiently civilized to not as we do." In this spirit the Chinese diplomatist started for Europe, and in thisspirit he will probably return. Little Willie is nine years old. Hie sister Sadie is two years his junior. They are very affectionate with one another, but when- ever Sadie becomes possessed of a penny Willie is sure, by coaxings or promisee, to secure it.. Willie had obtained three cents from Sadie under promise of future pay. ment. Sadie secured another cent, when Willie began to wheedle and coax to obtain poseesion of it. Sadie demurred. He al- ready owed her too much. But Willie per- severed and at last secure .i the cent—this time not as a loan, but as a gift. What did Willie do? Did he spend it ? Oh, no'? He held possession for awhile and then gave it bank to Sadie in part payment of his three - cent indebtednesss saying that he then owed her but, two 1 Before the day was over Willie succeeded in repeating the Operation, until finally he owed Sadie nothing ? Sadie is mystified and can't exactly comprehend the transaction, but as Willie assures her thatit is all right she accepts the situation and is satisfied.—New York World. No, one can say with certainty that the largest living tree has yet been seen by civ- ilized man. Until recently it was supposed that the largest race of trees were the Mam- moth Redwoods, or " Big Trees "—Sequoia gigantea—of California. There are four groups of these—the Calaveras, Mariposa and Fresno groups situated in the countries of the same name, and another group lately discovered on the western flanks of the Sier- ra Nevada. They range in diameter all the up to 313 and 38 feet, and if their enormous buttresses are included, the diameter of the largest is even still greater, while in height they run from 250 to 450 feet. As the cir- cumference is estimated at three' times the diameter, the largest of these must be over 114 feet in girth without including the but- tresses around the bottom of the trunks. Travellers tell us, however, that the Baca- lyptus of Australia is still larger. Eucalyp. tus amygdalina, we are assured, often at. tains a height of 480 feet, with a diameter of 81 feet, indicating a circumference of 243 Leet. It is supposed that still larger speci- mens still exist in the uaexploredinterior of Australia. A Dream of Fair Women. Tennyson in his exquisite poem, dreams of a long procession of lovely women of ages past. This is ail very well, but the laureate would have done the world a greater service if he had only told the women of the present how they could improve their health acid enhance their charms. This he might easily have done by recommending the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. Health is the best friend of beauty, and the innumer- able ills to which women are peculiarly subject, its worst enemies. Long experience has proven that the health of womankind and the " Favorite Prescription" walk hand in hand, and are inseparable. It is the only medicine for women,; sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee from the manu- facturers, that it will give satisfaction in every ease, or money will be refunded. This guarantee has been printed on the bottle - wrapper, and faithfully carried out for many years. The man whose step -ladder collapsed when he was hanging his father's portrait, bringing the picture down on the top of hie head, says it is a striking likeness of the old man. Leave hope behind, All yo who enter here l So ran the dire warning which Dante read on the portals of the Inferno. So runs the cruel verdict of your friends if you are overtaken by the first symptoms of that terrible disease, consumption. "Leave hope behind 1 Your days are numbered " 1 1 And the struggle against death is given up in despair. Bat while there is life, there is hope l Dr, Pierce's Golden Medical Die. oovery has cured hundrode of cases worse than yours ; and it will cure you, if taken in in time. But delay is dangerous. No power can restore a wasted lung; the "Golden Medical Discovery," however, can and will arrest the disease. Justice—Ninety-days. See that the prison- er gets a bath. Prisoner—All right, judge. I don't mind the washing, only so 1 ain't ironed afterward. Offensive breath vanishes with the use tf Dr. Saga's Uatatrh Remedy, Tho Minnesota blizzard appears to have been hailed as a reason for gratitude, not only by Canadian papers, but also by Eng- lish, who are congratulating themselvt e that seventy -two-hour foga as dense as the darkness of night are not after all as bad es the death -dealing blasts of the United States and North-west. Omaha merchant—Seo here, 1 gave you a Waterbury watch for a Christmas pretont, and told you never to bo late at your post again, Tardy cash boy'—Yessir. " Do you wind it every morning when you get up as I told you ?" "Yessir." ' Then what made you so late this morning?" "Winding it,' 0oea4 Steamship Passengera Via New York should take the Erie rall- way, as It is not only the shortest and best line, but lands people close to the tars of the leadingsteamship companies. m allies pp buy. In u ing ticketask for tee Erie. n y One of the western ranohes is owned and managed by a woman. She is probably the cow belle of the west, Hos I Cocou CURE euros In ono minute. Solomon, when he gave his famous judg. meat, was the first man who ever proposed to split the difference. ' CisuALESE HAIR Rummel: restores grey and faded hair to its natural color and prevents falling oat. The difference between Jay Gould and the milkman is that while they both water their stook, the milkman always milks his first. A Cure for fruukeunese. The opium habit, depsomanla, the morphine habit, nervous proutration caused by the use of tobacco, wakefulness, mental depression, softening of the brain, etc., premature old age, loss of vitality caused by over-exertion of the brain, and loss of natural strength, from any cause whatever. Mon—young, old or mlddlo•aged—who aro broken down from any of the abs, o causes, or any cause not mentioned above, Bond your address and 10 oente in stamps for Lubou's Treatise, in book form, of Diseases of &fan. Books sunt coaled and secure from observation. Address M, y LIMON 47 Wellington street East, Toronto Ont. He is a model husband who will p'r'etend to praise his wife's ability as a cook and then use her doughnuts as sinkers for his fishing lines. Coll' No More. Watson's cough drops are the best in th world for the throat and ohest, for the voice unequalled. Seo that the letters R. & T.W. are stamped on eaoh drop. " I knew a man once who never told a lie." "Who was he?" " A Chicago drum- mer." "Nonsense." "He used to tell two at a time." People who are subject so bad breath, foal eoatad tongue, or any disorder of the Stomach, can at once be relieved by tieing Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters, the old and tried remedy. Ask your Druggist. "Mr. Editor, did y ou read that article I handed you yesterday?" "Yes, sir." "What would you think after reading that if I told you that I had but one year's schooling in my life ?" "I would think that you must have wasted your time most abominably." Whenever your Stomach or Bowels get out of or• der, causing Bllloneness, Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, and their attendant evils, take at once a dose of Dr. uerson•e Stomach Bitters. Bost family medicine, Ali Drugglete, 60 Dents, A. P. 384 PATENTS For Sale—Illustrated deeorlptive Ca alogua free. R. Chamberlin, Toroeto EUREKA D rche terSStaa..,aOnt. TOBOGGAN GOOD AGENTS 'WANTED over the entire Do- minion. Address, GEO. 10. FERRIS. 87 Church Street, :Toronto. The "Dandy" Patent Baghoidcr will last a lite time, and costs only 75 cts. Sold by agents. Some torritory still open. Sam- ples (free by express) on receipt of price. Ad- dress U. W. ALLEN & CO., 07 Yonge St., Toronto. oltONTO Cutting School—A grand chance to scour° a thorough knowledge of Garment Ou ting in all its branches. Systeme, Scientific and Reliable. No miss•fits. Cutters having trouble, should visit us at once. Perfect satisfaction assured. S. CORRIGAN, Prop., 122 Yonge St. CIANADIAN BUSINESS UNIVERSITY Publio Library Building, Toronto. Students from British Columbia, California, Kansas, Illinois, and quite a numner of other States and Provinces, now in attendance. Write for Descriptive Circulare, THOS. BENGOUGH, CHAS. H BROOKS, President. Sec'y & Manager. RUBBER STAMPS,n SEALSteS cile,rgttd Burning Brands &o. Send for Catalogue. BARBER'BROS, CO., 37 Scott St., Toronto. m Specialty --PLUMS in larg raizsupply. Dealers billed out on liberal terms at the HALTON NURSERIES, Burlington, Ont., HHTREES._ . HURD & SON, Proprietors. Q(i1 OO Alto oan offer a few oars Red anaYellow Globe Onion,. COMPOSITION GOLD, Antique Bronse , Natural Wood, and other Peoture anal Rouu, Mouldings, etramea, etc. Paiutings, En- gravings, Etchings, Artotypes,Artlete' Aiatorisis fialrrors, eto., wholesale and retail. Trude CO. alogue, M.t[fl14:w6_ 121508, . Co, Toronto HE LONDON G1GUARANTEE' AND ACCIDENT CO. (LO), OF LONDON, ENO, C•epltal, £260,000. Dominion Government Deppeit £65,000. Head Office : 72 Ring St, East, Toronto. Gentlemen of lnfiuenoe wanted in unrepresented dfetrigte. A, T, 1o00RD, Resident Secretary for the Dominion. Roses,Dahlias, And all other Flowering Plants, in great variety, Illustrated Catalogue upon application. Webster Bros., - Florists, a Hamilton. AGENTS AGENTSI OUR AGENTS Magnificent Parallel ylblo9 Withrow'sPopular " Ilistory n Canada," Cough's "Platform Eohoea," Dorchester's "Liquor Problem," Sam P. Jones' "Living Words,' "The Cottage Physician," MAKE MONEY dough's " Sunlight and Shadow," 'Mother, Home and Heaves," etc. Popu lar 13ooka I Liberal Terms 1 Write for olrculars,terms etc„ to Mutat; BRiaos, Publisher, Toronto. SAUSAGE CASINGS, EST IMPORTED ENGLISH SHEEPS, also SWIM American Hoge Casings, Quality guaranteed. In lots to suit purahaeere. Write for prices, Jaffa. Park & Son, MILLER'S TICK DESTROYER. STOCKMEN, give this valuable pre- paration a fair trial. It operates promptlyand effectually in destroying Ticks and other vermin pests, as well was In eradicating all affections of the skin towhiohSheep are subject. Sold In T ns at 85o., 70o, and 31. A 35o. Tin will clean 20 Sheep or 86 Lambs. HUGH MILLER & Co., Toronto DYEING AND CLEANING. R. PARKER & 00 • 'Yorks and Head OlUees : 759 TO 763 YONGE ST. 209 Yonge Street, City Offices:{ 393 Queen St. West, }TORONTO. 1 226 Queen St. East. 11 100 Colborne Street Brantford, Ont. 4 John StreetNorth Hamilton, Ont. Caths' Gem BAKINO PO oR plisgsa Kopai.Val'blaoud8ndpat free. Po.YJC41lsXrA :tah FAE OF klloCRwnDPS Its an tlnexllere fence in Central and Northern Dakota and Mta neseta. Maps and full parliculari5 regarding lands, prices, etc., sent free. Address C. II, WARREN, Gen. Pass. Agt., St.Pau1,Minn., or J. Ali. HUCKINS, Tray. Pass. Agt,. 4 Palmer Mouse Black. Toronto. Allan Gine Itoy ai Nall Steamship' eating during winter from Portland every Tsm day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and 1, summer from Quebec every Saturday to Llverpgi, calling at Londonderry to land mate and paesengu. for Sootland and Ireland' also from Beitlmore, ate Halifax and St. John's, N.*., to Liverpool fortnightly during summer months. The steamers of the Olio gow lines sail during winter to and from $Rufus, i'ortland, Boston and Philadelphia' and during pgant. mer between Glasgow and Montreal weekly' GlaaMe and Boston weekly, and Glasgow and Philadelphia fortnightly. For freight, passage, or other information apply iii A, Schumacher & Oa., Baltimore' I.7'. S Canard k Halifax' Shea 3 Co., S4, John's, '; Wm. Tbampr son f;: 5o., St. John, N.B. ; Allan k Co., Olden e Love & Alden, New York; H. Bourter, Tomtit! Allam, Rao & Co., Quebec • Wm. Brookle, Phtladei pbla ; 11 A, Allen Portland Boston Montreal. 4 We are children who cSieerfully j�orn in the chorus When Breadmakers Yeast rs the subject beforeus-. Mamma tried all the test, So she knows it's the best, [Wiest,'Cause her bread is the whitest, her braes are the And we eat all thetancakes she dare sel before as. BUY THE BREADIIAKER'S YEAI'T. PRICE 5'CENTS. Why do you use those Expensive American and Canadian Baking Powders when you can get as good and wholesome at one half the price? Prove it by try- ing the Cook's Gem. Manufactured by ELLIS & KEIGrHLEY, - Toronto. CANADA PERMANENT Loan and Savings Co. INOOuPORATED 1856. Subscribed Capital faeate0,O8A Paid•np Capital 2,5110,000 Iteserve Fund 1,180,000 Total Assets. 9,01,015 OPPIOR :-00: a BUILDINGS, TORONTO ST., TORONTO. DEPOSITS received at current rates of interest, paid or compounded half -yearly. DEBENTURES issued in Currency or Sterling, with interest coupons attached, payable in Canada or in England. Executors and Trustees are authorized by law to invest in the Debentures of this Company. MONEY ADVANCED on Real estate security at current rates and on favorable conditions as to re- payment. Mortgages and Municipal Debentures purchas'fd. J. HERBERT MASON, Managing Director. THE MARTIN MACHINE, with new improvements, ie away ahead of any and every Machine in .America, Manufactured only by H. MARTIN & CO., 90 Mary St, Hamilton, Onb THE_ BOILER INSPECTION ;and Insnr• ante Company of Canada. Consulting Engineers and Solicitor° of Patents, TORONTO. O. C. ROBB, Chief Engineer. A. FRASER, Secy-Treas. 0 , K •YO i;l,(�, • i7 E"A L E R,:F CJ T�' =.;; COS;; CANCER TIIM211:8 1IS, ULCI:P.S. CWRE6,, without the knife. No .urs, no pay. Send stamp for pamphlet. W. L. SMITE, M.D., 124 Queen E., Toronto. TO TOWN AND VILLAGE NEWSPAPC.R PUBLISHERS, E have unexcelled facilities for the SALE or EXCHANGE of Newspaper cffices. Terme, ono per cont. Satisfaction guaranteed. arWehave now four good establishments for sale at a bargain, and one publisher wanting a partner. Auxiliary Publishing Company. 33 and 36 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, Ont. CHINIQUY'S FIFTY YEARS. In the Church of Rome -10th edition—cheaper in pricy, 832 pages. AgentA,Ladiea or Gentlemen, to soil ihIBVIvie, FABOINATING and TRAGto book. Liberal terms. ADDRESS, A. G. WATSON, TORONTO Watteau Tama DEPOSITORY, TORONTO. TENDERS w1NTED—For the manufacture of Killion Died Building Bricks, in the vicinity of Toronto during the coming season. Pro- prietor supplies plant and wood, (unless otherwise agreed upon with respect to fuel). Payments to be based on quantity of good merchantable brick deliver- ed in kilns, burnt and ready for market. Onlyemart, pushing men, not ntraid of work need apply, Ad- dress, stating price, where last employed, with full particulars to BRICK'S, P. 0. Box 25532, Toronto. To a man with a family capable of working, this ie a grand opportunity. TCIIfuNG I'11.Eet. BYMPTorm—Moisture': intense itohingandetinging ; most at night : worse by scratching. If allowed to continue tumors form, which often bleed and ulcer• ate, becoming very tore. SWAYER'S OINTMENT steps the itching and bleeding, heals ulceration, and in many came removes the tumors. It la equally effica- cious in curing all Skin Diseases. DR. SWAYNE & SON, Proprietore, Philadelphia. SWAYER's OINTMENT can be obtained of druggists. Sent by mail for 60 Dents. SAUSAGE CASINGS In Canada, These Casings TAKE THE LEAD of any English Sheep Casings, as to size, etrongth and length• Price List American Uog Casings t Per keg of 1001be..$80 00 Por keg of 50 ibs..$16 00 Smaller quantities, per lb...850. ENGLISH SHEEP CASINGS Per keg of 50 bundles $80 00 Smaller quantities, per bundle 0 66 Patronize Home Triule. I1 any other dealers are offering Casings et less than the ebeve, we will sell el their figures if shown the pricey, Wo •also manufacture PURE ANIMA'. Meant. P el. M o Eton, composed edFine or coarse Bone Meal, $38 per ton. Ai{ Goode Warranted, or money refunded. Goode F. 0. B. at Hamilton. 1f. ROWLIN2 4 CO.. Seim2Os, Oirry F7 S'AtE BJ Ak L titADl1'1G.Nit ER0HAr'lTS 1GJ.U.5i1?'1attieCA7AL001 0.11: D reetes �Leen o9,F� T:o f Uri,'r;ol art: 1 i THE ALBANY STEAM TRAP' CO'S. SPECIAL BUCKET RETURN TRAP. L 7'The Celebrated Han. cock Inspirator. LirGresham's Automatic Re.starting Injector. it -Morrison's Automatic Sight Feed Lubricator. 4 'Engineers' & Plumb. ors' Supplies of every description. Send for circulars. JADES FMIORRISON, 75 & 77 Adelaide St. W., TORONTO. nnyiE greatest d ,5, cowry of the pis sent age for Rognlat ing the bowels am Curing all Blood Lit or and Kidney Con laints. A perfect lood Purifier. A es in Hamilton whohay. been benifited by fru use ; Mre. M. Kaonar 192 Robert St. curet of Erysipelas of 2 yrl standing; Rob0. Gut nail, 24 south street daughter cured e• Epileptio fits after years metering Jot, ole Barrel, 65 Walnut Street, Cured e' Weakness and Lung Trouble : John Wood 95 Cant cart St., cured of Liver Complaint and Billiouaneet used only 8 fifty -cent bottles' Mrs. J. Beal, 8 Angulo St., troubled for years with Nervous Prostration, test mull bottles gave her great relief. Sold at 500. & 81 F. F. DALLEY & CO., Propri For The Nervous The Debilitated The Aged. UR ES Nervous Prostration,Nervous Head. ache,Neuralgia, NervousWeakness, Stomach and Liver Diseases, and all affections of the Kidneys. A NERVE TONIC: GEORGE W. BOUTON, STAMI'OnD, CONN., says:' "For two years I was a sufferer from nervous de. bility, and I thank God and the discoverer of the valuable remedy that PAINE's CELERY CoMPOUNn cured Inc. n is a valuable remedy. Long may it live. Let any one write to me for advice." AN ALTERATIVE. Atouzo ABBOTT, Marmon, VT., says: ' I believe PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND saved my life. My trouble seemed to be an internal humor. BeforeI used itI wasco rered with an eruption front head to heel." Tho eruption is rapidly^ healiatas and I am aye hundred per cent, better every way." A LAXATIVE. , A. C. BEAN, WHITE RIVER JUNCTION, VT., says: For two years past I have been a great Buffeter from kidney and liver troubles, attended with dys. pepaia and constipation. Before I began to take CELERY COMPOUND it seemed as though everything ailed me. Now I can say nothing ails mo. A DIURETIC. GEORGE ABBOTT. SIOUX CITY, Iowa, Say6: "I have been using PAINE'S CELERY COMPOUND and it has done mo more good for kidneys and lame back than any other medicine I have ever taken. Hundreds of testimonials have been received from persons who have used this remedy with remarkable benefit. Send for circular. Price 31.00. Sold by Druggists. WELLS,RICHARDSON & CO., Proprietors Montreal, Que. STANDARD CHOPPING MILLS., USES REST I' RENCH BURR MILLSTONES FIRM wee WORLD NO RENEWIN3 81ATEBAS IN IRON Ellis STOINESWILL LAST A - LIESTIIIiE D8 UW ow . 141 • m8 tro Nervous Debility. DR. GRAY'S Speci0o has been used for the peat fifteen years, with great success, in the treatment of Nervous Debility, and all diseases arising from ex - (lessee, over-worked brain, lose of vitality, ringing in the ears, palpitation, oto. For sale by all druggist,. Price $1 per box, or oxes for $5, or will be sent by mail on receipt of ,ice. Pamphlet on application. otoxe. 'THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto. BARNUM WIRE and IRON WORKS • WINDSOR, . ONT. I % We are now offering the Best Iron trences ever sold in Candia, at Remarkably Low Prices. ' WE ALSO MAKE Stable fixtures, Sand Screens, Weather 'Vanes, Iron Stairs and Shutters, Fire Esc/Os, Office Railings, Flower Stands, Wire Signs, and all kinds of Wire, Iron and Brass Work. IRON FENCES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Send for Cataioplae