The Wingham Times, 1888-02-03, Page 7DEATH ON A RUNAWAY TRAIN. The Eyar.[ul tilde of a Train. With Locked Wheels Down Murphy MouutaIu. A serious acoident occurred on the South Park division of the Union P,iwoitio the other morning. A train of ore oars was partially wrecked, at St. Fling and two men were killed -lames Connor, en ins r ,a n d Whaley, a fireman. The l000motiveM and four cars were wrecked, The aeoidentoo• curved by the train jumping the track just as it entered St, Elmo, and while it was rum nin_g at lightning speed. The train of twelve oars started from the Mary Murphy mine, known as Romley, loaded with ore. Tho grade is very heavy down to St, Elmo, winding around Murphy Mountain, They had gone half a mite or more when the discovery was made that the speed was too great, and the air brakes were applied. They did not work effeotive. ly nor lessen the velocity, which was be. coming terrific. Every man back of the en- gine was sent out to fix the hand brakes, and they were twisted as tight as muscle could turn them, But even this did not cheek the speed. The wheels were clamp- ed tight and did not whirl, but over the glis- tening and frost -slippery rails the engine and cars slid like the wind, tearing around curves and over the brief straight stretches of the track. The train was beyond human control. Three, miles down the steep grade the train with its five passengers and twelve oars sof ore plunged and leaped at sixty miles an hour, Sparks flew from the track where the almost immoveable wheels struok the junctions of the ra ils. Past boulders and along precipitous heights the now hopeless trainmen were carried at lightning speed. They.were helpless as well as hopeless, for to leap to one side would be but to dash to pieces against the jagged wall of rook that towered above •them, and to jump to the other side would mean instant death from being hurled against trees and rooks 100 fest below. It was miraculous that the twain did not leave the track at a half dozen places in its wild career. But it hung to the rails until the danger seemed almost passed, for around another curve and the straight track through the town of St. Elmo would be reached, where the grade would. lessen and a stop of the ungovernable cars . might be made. But this curve was not to be safely passed. The wild speed was too great. As.the en- ginereaohed the point where the turn was the sharpest the wheels left the track, and with a mad plunge the iron .horse went over, followed by four oars of ore. Togeth• er,the iron and wood and ors crashed down, rolling over and over and piling up together in a broken heap, under which two lifeless forms were buried. The engineer and fire- man, who had stuok to their posts, were crashed to death instantly. It was evident when the bodies were rescued from the wreck that the manner of their death had been like the lightning stroke. The remain- ing oars and caboose of the train, on which were the .conductor and two brakeman, went on a short distance and stopped on a level stretch of grade. Had not the four cars broken entirely clear and left the track the whole train would have been wreoked, and in all probability more of the men killed. SUICIDE WITCH EXPLOSIVES. The Luarekist Lint- was Oltly en Iwlitator After All, The suicide of the Anarchist Lingg by means of a detonator exploded in his mouth. is not the first soli -murder of its kind. The annual' reports of Col. Majcndie and his col. leaalas oontain several inatanoes of suicide by similar use of explosives. Thus in 1876, a native of Alsace put a dyne - mite cartridge in his mouth and fired it, with the result of blowing his head and the upper part of his body to pieces. Yn June the sameyear, at Wickham Market in Suff- olk, a woman named Solomon, the wife of an oil merchant, purchased a quantity of gunpowder,' and having made a oirole of it and placed herself in the midst, she fired the powder. The experiment was mum - easeful ; only nsuu•easeful;only slight injuries, were inflicted upon the woman. Thereupon she went to an outhouse, and putting a quantity of gun- powder into a pail placed herself over the bucket and applied a match. On this cocas. Edon her injuries were more severe, but for her purpose was again afailure, and so she hacked at her throat with a knife. She was found in a most lamentable condition, and died next day. At Nittshill in Scotland, in Ootober of the same year, a miner named Duncan obtained some dynamite and blast- ing fuse and went into the street, where he placed the dynamite on the ground, leaned over it, and lighted the fuse. At this mom- ent some boys, attracted by his unusual attitude, came towards him. "Keep back," shouted Dunoan, "for the love of God, or you will be blown into eternity ?" The boys stood aloof : in a few moments the►° was a loud explosion, and Duncan was blown to atoms. In September, 1881, a miner at Run- corn filled his mouth with gunpowder, ignited it with a match, and succeeded in blowing the top of hie head off. An almost identical instance occurred in 1883 at Canter- bury, when a waiter named Simmons des- troyed himself by exploding guupowder in his mouth. STATISTICS. In spite of a vast increase in the popula- tion of the United Kingdom in the last two decades, the rate per head of the population of imported meat has been multiplied not far short of three and a half ,times. Had the whole of the imports of meat, and living animals reduced to meat, been !divided o equally amongst the population twenty years ago, they would have given eaoh individual Ss lbs in the year; if the,aame distribution were to be made now, each individual would have very nearly 28i lbs.. A more elaborate application of explosives to the purposes of suicide and murder com- bined was recorded the same year. At Dunedin, New Zealand, a olerk named Step- henson, who had been separated from his wife for some time on account of drunken- ness, met her in the street and exploded a dynamite cartridge close to her, head,•his own head being placed at the ,same moment very near to hers. Both were almost com- pletely blown off. - In the year 1884 three suicides of this sort were recorded. One *as committed in Juno at Munioh b y a soldier of the BAvarian field artillery, who had 'misconducted self and wished to avoid. punishment. He loaded a cannon with some.gunpowder and pieces of iron, and placing himself in front of it, fired it. Another case occurred in the Bois de Boulogne the same month; when a man blew himself to pieces by exploding an iron box capable of containing about ten pounds of gunpowder. But the most remark- able case occurred on'theweet.00ast of Africa. The King of Falaha • being attaoked by a Mohammedan force, and finding resistance impossible he assembled his family and principal officers, and afteraddressing them and intimating his •determination never to accept Mohammedanism, and inviting those who did not agree with him to go away, he applied a light to a large quantity of gun- powder collected for the purpose, and blew the Palace and all who were in it to pieces. The value of ribbons manufactured at St. Etienne, near Calais, is about £3,000,- 000. The,rubannerie, or ribbon industry, is carried on by about 250 manufacturers, who are ;engaged in making many different ar- ticles, such as plain, black, colored, and figured ribbons, velvets, elastin goods, trim- mings, braids,cravats, cords, galoons, &c. These manufacturers employ 18,000 looms and 50,000 workmen. The greater part of the looms of St. Etienne are worked by hand, and belong to the workmen them- selves, who own small factories of from two to four looms. There are no fewer than 150 female phy- sicians practising inNew York ; while more than double that number are to bo found --in Brooklyn and the adjacent oities. Their professional earnings are in general equal to those of the average male practitioner ; while not a few of them make an income which even a fashionable London physician would not be ashamed to acknowledge. Quite a number of lady-dooto%s in New York city are known to make their $10,000 a year regularly. Sometwo or three are believed to realize, one year with another, an income of between $15,000 and $20,000 ; white one princess of the science is stated to have cleared a ateddyannual income of $25,000 fgr some years. Whilethe consumption in the British Islande of other dietetio articles used for beverages -tea, coffee, and cnicory-showed a decline in 1886, cocoa was marked by a considerable increase, This is remarkable, since for ,-few years, from 1875 to 1879, it remained pretty stationary at about 10,000,- 000 lb; but after 1880 it began to make steady progress; advancing from 10,500,- 000 ib. in that ,year to over 15,000,000 ib. in 1886. Of powdered cocoa and chocolate 1'332,000 Ib. were 'imported, chiefly from Holland. There were also imported 3,211 owt. .of husks and shells of the coma -bean, which are also used for cheap cocoa. There are about 10 chocolate and cocoa menden. turers in Holland; whose yearly require - menta of cocoa -beans may be estimated at 3,000 tons in round numbers .principally of Guayaquil, Caracas, and Domingo kinds. Like Lightning. The rapid action of the "great pain cure,' Poison's Nerviline, in relieving the most iii• tense pain,is a matter of wonder to all who i have used t. There is nothing surprising in its results, for it is made of the strongest, purest and Most efficient remedied known in medicine. Nerviline cures toothache in atantlyy ; cramps in five minutes ; neuralgia after two applications f rheumatism is at once relieved y its. use ; and the same may be laid of all kinds of pain. Sample bottle", Costing only 10 ate. at any drug store, The largo bottle only .45 cents. Poldon'a Nervi • line acid by •draggluts and country dealers. OANADI&N MUTVAL AID Asa00IATION, ASSESSMENT fiYST$M LIFE IN8BR41i0E, ANNUAL REPORT. The Seventh Annual Meeting of the above Com, pany was held In the Company's oflloe on Thursday, the 19th loot. The Preeldent, Mr. Rennie, In the chair, In opening the meeting the president referred to the large increase of buetness over that of the previous year, The now bueinese (new petioles Issued) being twenty per pent. greater, while the death rate woe 12 per cent. lighter. The lapeo rate was also lighter, the result beteg a large increase in the mom• herebip of the Association... Insurance has been given at a very ascan coat cora• pared with that or Stook Companies, about ono. third, Security under our eyatem of insurance we consider equally good. The benefit thus afforded, of reliable insurance at reasonable poet, Isbeing apprao, elated by the public, hence the large increase in our bualnees last year; and the proepeos of hill greater increase tit, conning year. The following is a condensed report from the re- port submitted by the Directors :- FItiANCIAL STATEMENT. Applioatlons.toe insurance received, 1887 1,174 Polioles issued, 1887, L097 Itepresenting insurance to the amount of Applications not accepted 77 Number of doathe during the year84 Total disability claims paid 4 Present membership,Deo,81et,1687, 8,904 Amount of insurance now in force, (Deo. Wet, 1887) Assets. Amount loaned upon real estate by mortgage, first lien (Reserve Funds) Cash at Clash in banks ad Mike, 8,588 12 Agents' ledger balances 1,442 98 Total Interest due on mortgage$ 8118 21 80 0 Interest accrued , Total Amount due from members on. assessment to be made for claims accepted (estimated) Furniture and fixtures Total meets iiabili'iea, Claims for death losses: - 1.. Due and unpaid None. 2. Adjusted, but not due $14,626 00 8. Unadjuated,but not resisted 6,000 00 4. Bedded in sutt 1,800 00 Total Due on account of general ex- pantos . i... Total liability 8arp,us on policy holders ac- count - Income. Membership fees 511,721 02 Annual dues, expense assess• meats and for changing policies 9,480 86 Reoeived after assessment otos• ed, placed to reserve174 28 Collected on assessments for the year, 71,871 62 • Total paid by members . $92,728 03 Total interest collected 763 65 Total income. , , . ... • 93,492 33 Amount on hand at beginning of year Free 1 Free ! 1 Free 111 A Book of Instruction and Price List on Dyeing and Cleaning, to be had gratis by railing at any of our offices, or by .post by sending your address to R. Parker & Co., Dyers andCleaners, 759 to 763 Yonge St„, Toronto. Branch Offices : 4 John 'St. N., Hamilton ; 100 Colborne St., Brantford. This story is told in the Independent of one of the delegates to the Christian confer- ence which was recently held in Washing- ton : At one of the hotels a colored man takes the hats of the guests as they go into the dining -room, and hands eaoh man his hat without hesitation or mistake as he comes out. " How did you know," asked the wondering delegate, a° that this was my hat ?" " I didn't know it wuz your hat," was the quick response ; " I only knows it wuz de hat you gub me." • CINGALEas HAIR R'taswsa restores grey and faded hair to its natural nolo r and prevents falling out. The Corean never cuts his hair, and he wears it in a braid down his back until he is married, when he has the right to curl ft on the top of his head. A man 1e not :nip - posed ipposed to be a man until he can wear his hair on the top of his head. Hos 1 Conan ivas cures in one minute. Sarah Bernhardt proposes to be the great- est mother-in-law on record. " I shall put into the part all my heart, all my art," says she. Her presents to the daughter-in-law began with a diamond necklace. for 60,000 franca and ran all the way down to a fur boa. Attention id called to the annual report in another column of "The Canadian Mutual Aid Association:" This deservedly prosper- ous home company is doinga large and sat- isfactory business. dEr Tkby want local agents Mall unrepresented districts. ' The Chairman of the Conference of the British National Sooiety of Professional mu- sicians said that musical art had made great advances in England in the past quarter of a century, but' Gilbert and Sullivan's operas had prevented proper appreciation by the public. They turned attention from the merits of serious music. A Orme for Drunkenness. The opium habit, depsomahia, the morphine habit, nervous prostration caused by the nee o! tobacco, Wakefulness, mental depression, softening of the brain, eta., premature old age, Loss of vitality caused by over•exeriion, of the brain, and loss of natural strength, from any cause whatever. Men -young, old or mtddloaged-who are broken down from any of the above causes, or any cause nofntentionedabove, send your address and 10 cents in stamps for Lubon'e Treatise in book form, of Diseases of Man. Books sent sealed and .ochre froth observation. Addrew M. ✓ LIMON 47 Wellineton street East, Toronto Ont. Mr. Gladstone has written to the editor of the Nonformist Musical Journal at fol- lows : " Ever since tho time of St. Augus- tine, I might perhaps say of St. Paul, the power of musks in assisting Christian devo- tion has been upon record, and great achools of Christian musicians have attested and confirmed the union of the art with worship. I sincerely hope your journal may advance this purpose in the churches of the Noncon- formibts, joining you in the further hope that skill and science may always contfntle to be the handmaids of devotion, and may never be need to overshadow it." $ 1,806,210 $ 8,479,625 $ 20,800 00 $ 10,168 49 $ 987 80 517,200 00 250 00 554,009 35 $ 20,825 00 2,642 98 523,867 98 81,638 87 6,097 80 Total: 5 99,69013 Expenditure. Cash paid for death losses 501,124 72 Cash paid for total disability claims.8,050 00 Legal expenses.....,..: 487 88 Total NoTE-Of the above payment of olaimsthelamount of $0,69186 was for olaims for assessment No. 0,1880, not paid at close of the year. Commissions and fees retained byl agents from membership fees 8 9,380 79 Cash paid salaries and other ex• peaces Of officials, including general agents ,168 54 Cash paid for rent and taxes874 98 Total.... $ 16,889 21 Cash paid for postage, printing and stationery and genera office expenses Total expenditure Amount of cash on hand Amount parried to Reserve and Disbursement Funds $ 65,212 05 • 1fORALL, $5Ia weekan4exp, expenses W free. P.O.VICillll Auguste, 104110' aid. Valuable outfit and pattioulerr (`I OUR AlliENi'$ WANTED over the entire P0 - 14,7r minion. Address, GEO, le. FERMIS, 87 Cknrcn Street. Toronto. WESTWWESTWARD HO I ALL IN SEARCH OF ARD HO . 11081198 to the West mould subscribe for the "Mild River 3lountaiaesri Published semi-weekly at Lander, Wyoming, sub- cr! tto 2. et t n G9 annum, P 1 P 8,740 85,842 10 2,278 67 1,469 21 Total expenditure and funds oh w-- hand $ 99.59013 Reams and Disbursement Funds. Amount on hand Deo. 31st, 1887 $ 83.734 70 •Wild• 11eNNiB,' W. PEMBERTON PAGE, President. SecretaryManager. AUDITORS' REPORT. To the President and Directors o,r "The Canadian Mutual did Association." GENTLEMEN, -We have carefully au;lited the books and accounts of your company, also oompated vouch- ers with expenditure for the year ending 31st December, 1887, and have found them correct. We have else examined all bonds, mortgages and securi- ties, and have much pleasure in certifying to their accuracy, as shown in foregoing report. JOHN Perm, Hastings, t Auditors. Joon Warm, Oakville, I Toronto, Jan. 190z,1888. The "1)811159" Patent Jxaglto#dor will ; last a lit. time, and, ooete only 75 els, 8014 by agents. Same territory still open. Sam• h pies (tree by express) on receipt of price. An- drew, 0, W, ALLEN & 00„ 07 Yonge St., Toronto. WQLLEX, ROYCE 4 CO., (enactetoi to) -p V. GRAHAM dl CO., 288 ll Yonge 8t„ Toronto, dealers to al k%de Band and Orchestra Instru. menta. both New and Seoond•Hand. Vocal and instrumental Musio, Music Book., etc, In. struction Books for every In.trument. Agents for Carl Fieeber's BAND Sc OR. CHESTRA Music. Send for Catalogues, Coif No More. 'Watson's cough drops are the best in th world for the throat and,ohest, for the voice unequalled. See that the letters R. & are stumped on each drop. True wisdom is to know what is best worth knowing, and to do what is beet worth doing. People who are subject to bad breath, foul coated tongue, or any disorder of the Stomach, can at once be relieved by using Dr. Carson's Stomach Bitters, Um old and tried remedy. Ask your Druggist. Knowledge is proud that he knows so much ; wisdom is humble that he knows no more. ° Whenever your Stoeloh or Bowels gut ont of or der, causing Biliousness Dyspepsia, or indigestion, and their attendant evils, take at once a dose of Dr. varson a Stomaeb Bitters. Bed family medicine, All Druggists, 60 oeute. A. P. 38'5 EUREKA Doroh ,terSta Mont. TOBOGGAN PATENTS PBUCUR onti nada,tha(1.8.ane ail foreign countries, Engineers, Pa tent Attorneys, and ex arts in Patent Causes. Eetab, lished 1867. Donald C. Ridont.t Co., Toronto. SCIATIC.o.-An effectual remedy invented and prepared by S. J. Lancaster, for Sciatica, Inflammatory Rheum atiem, Neuralgia, Gout and Lum- bago, who was cured himself by it atter being three years on crutches. The remedy will be expreaeed to any part of Canada to any person suffering the above oomplainte who order it. Send for oiroulare. Price of 8 oz.. bottles, Liniment $I.00, Pills 260. S.J. LAN. CASTER, Petrone. Ont. • i1ELPi5 business College, Guelph, Ont. The Faculty has been strengthened, the prem- ises enlarged, and new appliances added. Tho Bust. nees Dopartnient affotde ono of the beat courses.ob• kJ:labia while the Shorthand Department has accomplished results, unequalled in the hitters/ of shorthand. Ladled admitted to all advantages offered by the Inetitutton. Students enter at any time: Cir. aularei mailed free. M, MAoCORMIOK, Principal, W. MODOWALL, Importer of SU Gun,,,Rifles, Amunition and epode. man's goods of every description. Ott receipt of ,$16:00 I will express to any address, an Digital made double barrel btoaoh•loeding shot. gun with cover and tools complete. W: MODOWALL, 61 Ring street East, Toronto. ater"REtango STREAM,. A1GER8bore 20 feet per hour. Abe Rock Drills -Rand, Rorie, or, team10Year. Sefldddr Catalogue, Laidlaw Manulacttrring Co.s Rearms, Or. MERCHANTS .'. BUTCHERS AND TRADERS GENERALLY. We want a coon SAN in your locality to pick up 10.11.3EaM7MIzIzT for us. Cash furnished on eatisfaotory guaranty. Address 0. 8. PAGE, Hyde Park, Vermont, 1',8. --m.` Old . ]Et- Toronto Silver Plate to., 8ANOPAorvRaRe or TIM HIGHEST GRADS OP SILVER PLATED WARES. TRADE MARK. ALL GOODS GIfARANTEED. TORONTO. CANADA PERMANENT LOAN AND SAVINGS COMPANY INCORPORATED A.D. 1855. Subscribed Capital, • . $3,500,000 ll'ald•up Capital, • - • 2,300,000 Reserve Fund, • 1,180,000 Total Assets, 9,301,815 Office :-Coy's Midge, Toronto St., Toronto. STRAIGHT LOANS, OR CREDIT FONCIER PLAN. Tho Company has a large amount of money to lend on Real Estate seeurites at the lowest current rate of interest repayable either in one sumer by instalment° as may be desired by the borrower. Applies tions may be made direct to the undersigned by letter or otherwise, or to the 10011 representatives of the Company throughout Ontario. As the Com• pany always has funds on hand uo delay need be ex. peoted. Expenses reduoen to minimum. Mort apes and Municipal DebenturesPwrchased. J. HERBERT MASON, Managing Direotor. Desiring to obtain a Business Education, or become proficient in Shorthand and Typewriting, should at. tend the BRITISH AMERICAN BUSINESS COLLEGE Arcade, Yonge street Toronto. For Circulars, eto., Address b. O'DEA. Secretary PATENTS roallc;;u.Ir.e1' n, `" ,T I: sp.elalcy,al;ullain tara< vuppllvternaiiat110 iTO7 1lbera ROBBERIES, Burlington. Ont. TREES.. H 11.140RD & SON, Proprletore, TREES. Alp co oder a fewcars Ked the Yellow Globe cejefig LADIES' Dress and mantle cutting by thle now and improved - TAILORS' SQUARE. Satisfaction guaranteed to teach ladies the full art of cutting all garments wore by ladies and children. PROF SMITH, 349i Queen St W., Toronto. Agents wanted. SA.I. S ACE CASINGS, ASINGS. EIMPORTED ENGLIeI saws, ae0S8,310nmosrittpuohinWrSluUtprteoRteA Jas. Park & Son. 1VANIT -BA. Farmers going to Manitoba will find it ie theiradvantage to call upon or write to Til, B. Gillett, 523 gain Street, Winnipeg, who has improved farms for sale. Information cheerfully furnished without charge. Assistance given to bona fide sett. lers who may buy farms from him, Money lent at low rates of interest on personal prop- erty, to assist such settlers to start farming, Allan Line Royal Mail Steamship* Sailing during winter from Portland every Thum day and Halifax every Saturday to Liverpool, and M summer from Quebee every Saturday to Liverpaals calling at Londonderry to land mall° and pawns'', for Scotland and Ireland; also from Baltimore, vis Halifax and St. John's N.F. to Liverpool fortnightly m during sumer months. the eteamera of the 0les gow Innes esti during winter to and from Hali(ys, Portland, Boston and Philadelphia • and during 11005• mar between Glasgow and Montreal weekly' Gtasglnr and Boston weekly, and Gloegow and Philadelphia fortnightly. For freight, passage, or other Information apply ht A. Schumacher & altimore ; S. Cunard k 0s.. Halifax • Shea & Co., Co.,Sb. John's, N.F. ; Wm. Those. eon & bo., St, John, N.B. ; Allan & Co., Chloaga Love & Alden, New York ; H. Bourlter, Toronto 1 Allan°, Rae & Co., Quebec ; Wm. Brookle, Phlla4M phis; H. A. Allen Portland Boston Montreal. HE greatest d re covery of the pts' nt age for Regula/;, ing the bowels ant Curing all Blood LIT or and Kidney Cern plaints. A perfect Blood Purifier. A sw in Hamilton who hay" been boniflted by 1N neo ; Mrs. M. Keenan 192 Robert Sb. cured f Erysipelas of 2 yrs, tending ; Robt. Cot. ell, 24 south street aughter cured of Epileptic fits atter years suffering • Jen. nie Birrel, 65 Walnut Street, cured Of Weakness and Lung Trouble ; John Wood, 95 Calla cart fat, oured of Liver Complaint and Billionenew, used only 8 fiftyeentbottlee • Sirs. J. Beal, 6 Auguste Sb, troubled for years with kervouaProstrat Ion two small bottles gave her great relief. Sold at 500. I 51. F. F. DALLEY & CO., Proprietor,. STANDARD CHOPPING MILLS,. USES BEST FRENCH BURR MILLSTONES FiNESTCRINDER 1NTHE WORLD NO RENEWING F1.ATESAS IN IRON MILLS STONESWILL LAST A r, LIFII'I1MS G m 00 Oro 0.2 oa OUS /' • E.W. C?-BRANTFORD. CANADA.+0 Nervous Debility. DR. GRAY'S Speoiflo has been used for the psat fifteen years, with great success, in the treatment of Nervous Debility, and all diseases arising from ex• ceases, over-worked brain, lose of vitality, ringing In the ears, palpitation, eto. For sale by all druggfete. Price 81 per box, or 6 boxes for $5, or will be Bent by mail on receipt of price. Pamphlet on application, THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., Toronto. BARNLTA WIRE and IRON WORKS, WINDSOR, ONT. We are offering special in- ducements to purchasers of Iron Fence for delivery this fall. We Guarantee the Best and Cheapest Fences made in the IRON FENCES OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. - !Send for Catalogue. 094121)®1,13 IN Go L tp, TO BE GIVEN AWAY. TN order 10 introduce my NURSERY STOCK throughout the i'nited States and Canada, I will give away $6,000 00 in Gold to the parties who correctly ,newer the following question : Where !e the word Mi8T lInd ogCollections of Pthe Is ibor e.? providing r viding they send me One Dollar, s1omr.with answer, for one of the follow• NO. 1-8 EVERBLOOMING ROSES, NO TWO ALIKE. 1 NO. 5-20 RASPBERRY PLANTS, 4 KINGS. r,6-5 HARDY GRAPE VINES,'5 KINDS. • 3-4 CARNATIONS, 4 ROSES, L r -3 CRAPE, 3 CURRANT, 3 RASPBERRY. 4-10 GLADIOLUS BULBS ASSORTED KINDS. I 8-40 STRAWBERRY PLANTS 4 CNOICE KINDS m Atter Apr11 more suitable rt e collet:00ns Will be offered for mailing dining the summer months. L HE PLANTS will be sent by mail, post -;laid, whether question is correctly answered or not. Collections L Nos. 6, 0, 7 and 8 cannot be sant heforo April • Nos 1 2, 3 and, 4 will be sent on receipt of price, if re• quested, otherwise they will be sent in .April aim All plants will be labe1Ia t :ad choice No. 1 stook, grown ,+specially for sending by mail, and nearly as large a4 sent out by otter Nurserytuen,through agents, at loubte these prices. PTAH letters with the question correctly answered will be numbered se they come be nand, and the 6,000.00 in 'Gold will be given to the Benders of the following correct answers received :--- 1st. 25th. 50th and 100tH corks nswers recci'ed... $5 each ill Gold. ItOOth, 300th and 500th correct answers .received. •$10 each in Gold. 1,000TH CORRECT ANSWER RECEIVED $ 40 I0,000TH CORRECT ANSWER RECEIVED. • • •$ 200 2,000TH " "" 2-8 GERANIUMS, u ccIC 60 20,000TH " " ti300 4,000TH `rii,'r 100 40,000TH "--= " " • . • . • 600 8000TH " " " ••• •• 150 60,000TH " " IC1,000 1;00,000TH CORRECT ANSWER RECEIVED $2,500.00 IN COLD. Any person may compete any number cf times. The ratites of parties who have won prices will be ptllb liaised In 1111° paper at different times during competition. As a direct investment this will not pay, but my object is to introduce my stock and build up a trate by mall. I employ no agent., but deal direct with customers, and can deliver stook to Any rad of the United States or Canada, either by mall, omen or freight, sb a'iout half the price charged by other Nurserymen through agents. Send inc a lid of wants, and I will quoto yon prfeeps. I make a specialty of sending plante by -Anil, and guarantee theca to arrive lit good Condition. Addrete all lettere J. LAH M t I , Nurseryman, Torronta, Ont. O' COT T1319 OUT, AS IT MAY NOT ABPItAIt AGAIN, •